REGON 8EHTISEL. JACKSONVILLE Saturday, October 7, 18821 isv 'acjaazsae: land OJllcent i:ocltnrs. Osn.l June ao, 1880. J To nil ITliom It mnr C'oiirrrii: Kollce Is hereby KHcn llial I liac dots nnttd the oitl'.fto.N m:TIMX nstlic paper In uhleh I Khali lirrt'.iDrr iublltli all pre vmptlniu, Iinmotrail nml applications Tor mining pnlciit for Innrtt ijlus "car vlaeluontlllr. JaoJ.-.ou rniitit)', Orrzon. W. F. ItEVMMl.t, ItrsMcr. .Monet to Loak. Six hundred dol lars to loan on good security. For par ticulars enquire at the Sentinel office. For Sale. Several head of horses, Bets of harness and wagons. For furth xjr particulars enquire of Bilger fc Majgly Lost. A. satchel containing some children's apparel was lost on the Sterling road on Sunday Sept, 23d. he finder will confer a favor . by re turning to this office; - ., ' ' -i -1 -2'KEt --. a r j;AiK'osTj'osEu.x're3iueni.DW7inoif the MoaittSliafiI)isrfcTAgn5lturli kte of tboinstT-BBSrhoreSS lEair k posponed utitil$0ctober lltli.S Please give' liotice.'' ' The heavy rains of last week is the cause of the post ponement. Eev. M. A. Williams will preach in the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock, on which oc casion communion services will be held and a collection taken up. Preaching also on Saturday (to-day) afternoon at 2 o'clock MrAVilliams will preach atEngle Point, on the 3d Sabbath (15th) of thib month. Distillery. H. K. Lvtle informs us that he has secured sufficient stock subscriptions for the erection of a dis tillery at this place and work on the buildings will be commenced as soon as preliminary arrangements are com pleted. A meeting of the stockholders will probably be held to-day to decide on who shall actas cashier and to make tuch other arrangements as are necess ary. . MORREUsSrEClALlTY COMBINATION After an extended tour through Cali fornia, Eastsrn Oregon, Idaho, and "Washington Territory, we are now en-route for California and will be at Jacksonville on Saturday the 7th inst. The entertainment consists of first class Minstrelsy Irish, Dutch, aud Hebrew impersonations. Humorous Speeches BeGned Burlesque and so forth. Come everybody. Religious Items. II. C. Fleming preaches at Eagle Point Sunday morn ing at theusual hour.. . .The, lint quar terly meeting pLthQ M.E. Church for: this circuit willbc1i613atshland?toi Tfiorruw lutdy 6aiu1aySBevtjST?SD5i IMWrETSuMlfiS Sharmwi)l!le5' in nttenffance. PT Regular services- nt the Catholic Church in this place next Sunday Bev. B. C. Oglesby will 'preach at Aulioch school house next Sunday. - A Sad Affair. While out hunting one day last week in comp.iHy wiili another boy a fourteen year old son of Judge Baldwin met with an accident that resulted fatally on last Sunday night. The' had bui't a camp fire and while the other boy was out hunting young Baldwin fell in the fire during a fit and was most horribly burnt, and was still lying in the fire when found by the other bo'. The bovs father is at work on the railroad, but onaccount of the interruption on the telegraph line he could not bo reached in time even for the funeral. Brutal Hanging. From Thos. G. 'Beanies who returned from Lake count)' last Sunday, wo learn that Spokane Ike was hung on Fiiday previous by the Indian authorities for the murder of the Indian doctor for the alleged malpractice on the formers child. When swung off the knot twisted round to the back of Ike's head, and his Hands 'aeinguntied, the condemnedman raised his hands and commenced coon ing up the rope, when two of tho In dians present caught him by the legs and held him down until ho was -choked to death. Capital punishment should be abolished with such executors. Accidentally Shot. We arc in formed, Kays tlie Coos Bay Mail, that place ton Wiuchester.bay,,atthejrtoqm .,-? ;-. - in J i i -of the TJm uti iyerMLmw wiiHia'sjaa CeroQT accident somctHinGHiore.t: wejjk ago. He was killing the seals that robbed his gillB nets set for salmon in the bay, and in -moving the gun in the boat the piece was discharged, sen ding a bullet through his hand, shatter ing the shoulder joint and lodging against the shoulderblade. The phy sician summoned pronounced the wound dangerous, but we understand that there are now hopes of his recov ery. Sexatoeial Election. This all ah sorbing question does not seem to bo nearer the end than it was a week ago and no particular changes have taken place since our last report. Mitchell's vote on yesterday's ballot was 38, Shattuck 2S and the rest scattering. Mitchell still holds his 40 votes and the reduction on yestor day's ballot was caused by the pair ing of two Democrats with two .Be publicans. It now looks as if there is to be a dead-1 ock on this question throughout the session. Dr. Plummer of Multnomah and Bepresentativo Eakin of Lane county have quit voting for Mitchell and are now casting their , votes promiscuously among the numerous candidates, while the five Democrats still stick to Hon. Jno H. Mitchell, whose friends still expect to bee him win. LOCAL ITOIS. More rain. Tho city Dads meet on the ICth. Call at John Miller's for a bargain. Try an "Owl" at Crosbys Bed Front. Morrell's Specialty Combination to night. Justice Huffbr paid Yreka a visit this week. - An election will be held in Ohio next Tuesday. Smith & Beale have charge of the Ashland meat market. The late rains have extinguished' the fires in the mountains. . " Uncle George Nurse is reported mis sing from Lake county. Samuel H. Egger is moulding brick for tho new Court House. Spring wool is quoted at 17 cents in the San Francisco market. For cheap farms, go to Cardwell & Johnson real estate agents. County Court, with a full board pres ent wa? in session this, wee.k. r , oau enou. .! WiT For a cough or cold there' is noj!cm,- edy equaU to Ammen's Cough Syrup. Anovj. Vwedding is announced to take place '.tear Bock Point in a few days. Heavy rains fell this week, and some of our miners have already commenced work. Another wedding is announced to take place at Ashland on Wednesday next. If you want to borrow or lend tnon e,v call at the office of Cardwell & Johnson. The Mechanic's Fair at Portland is proving a good success financially and otherwise. Judge Day is acting as County Clerk during the abence of Henry Klippel in California. The Lakeviw Academy, with Prof. S: S. Caldwell as principal will open November 1st. Grit Tolman of Portland passed through town this week on his way to the Yreka Fair. Senawr Prim, and Bepresentative Stanley, w ill nccept our thanks for legis lative documents. Scarlet fever has extended to Jose phine county. There are no cases in this county at present. Plymale is always ready to supply good liv. ry out-fits to customers at the lowest liviug prices. i WiWSWatsohilateTof,thf Lakeview . -i' ,-- TlfJBfc-. 'rTiiil.mJ!incJilwwinwlf'fvIif n flin lrt'i 1 fctafi ex Oiugene,, ana JranKsaaavage, v m. Demi? and Juli"s Schmidt returned from the railroad this week. The Lakeview "Examine! " is growl ing about the wiy mails arrive at that placoover the southern route. A number of new buildings will be erected in Jacksonvill next Spring, and our prospects aro brightening. G. Karewski sent a largo lot of flour, oats, bacon and lard to tho railroad this week and received good prices. Wm. M. Turner returned ftom Salem last Thursday night. Ha re ports the Senatorial situation in statu quo. The Weyman troupe is now playing at Yreka and will likely extend their trip to this placoafterthe Fair. They givoa first-class entertainment. Dolson's surveying party is now camped near the mouth of Bear creek. The line is definitely located as far as Neathamraers place on Bojue Bivcr. H. M. Thatcher of Linkville has secured a position in the Surveyor Gen eral's olfico at Portland and will go down in a few days to take the place. After an absence of several months Geo. S. Howard returned from the north this week, and says that he is content to Slav with us a while longer. Don't let your wives or daughters see those new style skirts at Beanies Bros, or the old man will have to punglo at once. Oh my ain't they nica? . t . T . few days. Por the very best plow in use call on Kubli and get a Morrison. This is ac knowledged to be the best for all pur poses, especially for sticky land. Prices low. Tho telegraph line was broken for several days this week, most of the trouble being between Grave Creek and Canyonville and at some poinP south of xreka. James Lyttle of Josephine county gave us a pleasant call this week. He was the main owner in the Coppermine recently purchased by Henry Villard the railroad king. Tho Board of Equalization met at the Clerk's office this week but as no one felt aggrieved at the figures taken by Assessor Nichols the assessment will remain as it is. M. Colwell has puchascd tho stock and goo'd will of the Union livery stable and took charge this week. Mike is a rustler and we expect him to do a goi husiness. Colonel M. White and bride will ac cept the thanks of the Sentinel corps for compliments received and we hope they will never lave another Bow(e) as long as they live. sAjgood-Jedge ofth raei tejoeal if on giytCgrjwell jgJggffJSJ vui bfivimi viuirvwiui Hi iiklhw ..t -ZZ-.-X T M -7...'w-Jir - .JTI wf P . yaS- r -r gU LU BIV'7UU1 IMTir. lw - fri? or Z.Lh?L'iiti iJirs.'o.o.snowaiusreturnBaiiromiiLaM J. Ul llttSUlU191iBt!lt.3 -IV llllUIUeiUW.tHlPj .- , .,Ktey jrT i:-1- !- w-u.1 rOCEVU gooosiwnicnjtisjexpectea.iojarrivein'a't! '-'--- , , a. 1 The Supreme Court of the State of Oregon met at Salem on Monday last with Chief Justice Watson presiding and a full bench present. The docket is not large this term. We will have tri-weekly mail service I to Crescent City next week Through stages will also be put on in a short time and this will soon be the popular route to San Francisco. Thos. J. Kenney received a fine as sortment of buggy robes from tho Ashland Woolen mills this week and invites those needing such articles to call and take a look at them. The railroad is expected to reach Bedfield's on Cow creek about Decern ber 1st. If such is the case our teams iters can haul freight all the year round on comparatively good roads. 'If you want a sewing Machine call at E. C. Brooks' drug, watch, clock, and jewelery store. His machines are a little finer and his prices a little snugger than any other bugger's. Only one applicant for teacher's cer tificate was present at the quarterly examination by School Superintendent Colviglast Saturday. Our schoalsare nearlvolfisupplied with teachers., lijnireaftfceMMSaBral gagsIL na-p9r-par:ons, cf, Lfat iplacemaidjoar townTOvisiE iyesterdav? Keport says that the lal ter came down to get authority to commit matrimony. Wm. H. Parker's youngest daughter was severely injured this week by falling against a saw in the Butte creek saw mill. She had a narrow escape from being killed, but as it is she will recover. Wm. Col well, who shot Chas. Hanna several weeks ago, has secured bohds and is now at liberty. Dodson is still in jail and will probably remain there till his trial comes offin Novem ber next. Oh 1 give me anything made of beans !" exclaimed a Boston man who was taken sick in the West when asked what he would have to eat. They obeyed his request. They gave hiin castor oil. Dolson's surveying party is again camped near the the Birdsey place on Uogue Biver from which point they re running preliminary lines toward this place. Ilulberts party have gone to the Riskiyous. The "Examiner" of Lakeview says that a young Spanish boy named Snee was drowned in tho slough at Warner valley at, or near the place where John S'ankard was drowned last fall. His body was recovered. Death to rats, mice, roaches and ants; Parsons Exterminator. Barns granaries and households cleared in a Miigle night. No fear of bad smells. Best and cheapest vermin killer in the world. Sold everywhere. Ask for the Brownsville Woolen Mills clothing, blankets etc. J. Nunan, .P. W. Crosby, city, mid J. P. Foun- tain of Ashland, and other leading merchants sell thegoods. Cardwell it Johnson Soliciting agents. Members of the Legislature are still introducing bills but very littlo sub stantial work is being done on account of the Senatorial election which is un decided. A proi er enforcement of the laws we now have is sufficient any how. The wealthiest city of its size in the United States is Portland. A witty writer accounts for it by saying: "It rains for six months there, and the women folks cannot get out to spend the mouoy, aud wealth necessarily ac cumulates' Thomas Critser formerly a saloon keeper at Boseburg had a leg broken this week by being thrown from a wagon near Grave Creek, and he i3 now reported to be lying in a very precarious condition and with but slight chances of recovery. One of John Orth's boys Henry fell on the stone sidewalk in front of Wintjen Jb Helm's saloon last Sunday and cut his nose and lip severely. This makes the seventh accident of this kind that the boy has had and he can fairly be considered a picture of bad luck. Bilger fc Mregly this week received a full assortment of plows. Among them are the celebrated Browne sulky, Garden City clipper, Buford Clipper and Oliver's Chilled. Farmers call and examine their stock, and don't forget the old reliable Garden City JHSmainrMlroadSaOTniat iRiddleburgTritSelJus'lthatlWliK'di? iOTTfaUllt. Urautft latnnnrr-akZ- ?SJr.l:l?lS.-.T.iiiTj? care of O. and C. B. B., Biddle, no" commission will be changed and the goods will be properly stored good warehouse. in a George Engle is the forwarding agent at Biddleburg and as he always attends to all business with promptness and dispatch he will, no doubt, give the best of satisfaction. A number of our merchants aro now shipping to this point, which has also been made thu terminus of tho O. & C. Stage Co. A petition was in circulation this week entering a protest against the taking away of aportion of the territory belonging to Jackson county, and add ing it to Josephine, as asked for in the bill introduced in the Legislature by Bepresentative Thornton of the latter county. The remonstranco was gener ally signed. A. W. Presley and the school di rectors of (his district got into a squable this week as to whether the former was entitled to send his chil dren to our school as a citizen of the town and the matter being brought before Judge Hanna he decided that Mr. Presley was a citizen ot Jack" sonville and fully entitled to all the school privileges. OIK SOLIB HEX. The following is a list of the tax payers in Jackson county who pay on over 2,000: , Ben Haymond 13,031 Wm. Harper 3,133 Michael Hahley 15,955 Wm. Hoffman 5,273 C. A. Inlow i. 2,008 Jacob Ish estate - . r 16,970 G. A. Jackson f. ) . 2,745 N. D.Julian .-.- 3,000 John Johnson ... 2,407 E. Jacobs Wm. Kahler W. B. Kincaid O.K. Klum ttr t rr: :a 4,610 2,335 3,027 4,371 2.S85 M . IV. JV1UIM1U i- Sol. &. Hyruan Abrahams. IT 1.-1 A J 2,000 7,000 IXtVihUl LIUV ', E K. Anderson J 10,158 Henry Anierman '. . . . 14,407 Ashland M'f'g. Co 11.452 W. II. Atkinson 0,223 L. Applegate G. H. Aiken 4,362 5,130 4,512 5,058 5,702 H. B. Brown , B. H. Brown T. F. Beall.. R V TW11 - ,03;937 iBeaU'i.'BroX ?&$ "i - i7t 1 -L il- I ); ' 'lie, FredfcBariy ---- -J "ri ,j 3Q&97$ Buttler, Drako & Co Joseph Crane J. A. Calkins 4,415 James Cluggage 2,510 S. Colin 2,250 Mrs. Anna Dean 3,050 Jeptha Davison 2,243 Pat Dunn 8,316 Ed DePeatt 3.186 M.H.Drake 3,105 Daley fc Co 3,350 Dennis Dugan 2,002 James Drum 2,900 Silas J. Day 3,177 A. Davison & Co 2,520 Patrick Donegan 6,675 L. J. C.Duncan 2,015 G. S. Butler 3,023 Andrew Brown ' 2,000 D. N. Birdsey 2,007 F. G. Birdsey : 4,120 Bial Benedict 2,882 C. C. Be'ekman 29,735 M. Bellinger 4,260 Henry Blecher 2,140 Peter Britt .4. 9,530 E. C. Brooks ? 5,355 Mrs. A Bilger 6,485 Bilger estate 15,725 James Barnes .' 0,000 G W. Cooksey 13,494 A. Cakley r 2,700 Thomas Chavner 14,377. I. Constant 4,964 Eber Emery 2,342 S. B. Evlall 2,200 Frank Ennis 7,500 James Elliot 2,615 Samuel Furrv 3,720 A G. Fordyce 2,327 A. G. Farnham 5.G95 L,D.,Founfainir.,.T.fwr.Tirr.1ji3.050i mFbmm&mvxumiuffi T.-rT?m-rfT-rEaaZZ;LZtmA r n ii'i'ESSjS-SicsS-Mioq :g?idyceNciii&iediBg? my.5m K-Fjsherliuid Bros 2,750 N. Fishe'r 5,050 V. J. Gregory 3 359 Win. Chirk 4 572 Mrs. Chambers 10,931 E. W. Car,ver 2,330 Henry Casey 2,270 Byron Cole 2,287 O. Coolidge. 2,885 David Chapman. . , M. Colwell , John Cardwell . Andrew Cantrell . . Zack Cameron . . . . T. Cameron 2,270 4,575 2,073 2,845 3.1S1 14,544 B. J. Cameron 7,370 David Crffnemiller 2,483 L. C. Coleman 10,970 James A. Cardwell 5,403 J. B. Bodgers 2,002 Wm. Bay 2,957 John E. Boss 8,123 Woodford Beames 0,100 Beanies Bros .'. . 9,300 P. J. Ryan 9,058 Peter Simon 2,144 Jos. Swingle 3,110 Granvil Sears 2,953 Sargent and Towne. .. 4,790 Thos. Smith. 4,045 W. F. Songer 3,840 John Sizmore 2,752 Jos. Satlerfield 3,427 S. II. Stephens 2,218 James Savage 2,229 Ole Severson 2,090 John L. Grubb . ....g, 3.G34 O. Ganiararfj&.sjjR'r 7,107 Ed Graupner??-. "T 4,875 Joe -Garriscri -, . 2.200 i1GenLiaia.,v.i- i-r.-,v?W.'55a,"000 telHerDWttl9G48 0?Plghrt!r!S'3fi?:58II: James' Haliny?gg8;3'0Jq James-Helms. ..... . .-. . , . 7,234 JohnHolton 2,257 John S. Herrin 2,597 ijr. xilCIl .. u.OOO Mrs.M. W. Hargadine 2,066 Hargadine Estate 11,200 Jesse Houck 5,260 Sterling Mining Co 15,300 Squaw Lake Co 2,000 Louis Solomon 5,091 Jos Sage. 2,423 Geo Stephenson 3,290 Veit Schutz 3,555 Solomon it Mensor 2,500 Sachs Bros 3,000 Mrs E Stone 7,263 John Tupper 5,403 S. C. Tavlor 5,140 J. C. Tolman 4.4S9 Wm. Taylor 2,191 Jacob Thompson 3,800 J.P.TufTs 5,410 LW. Thomas 2,378 Klaus Kleinhamraer 2,308 C. W. Kahler 13,075 G. Karewski .' 22,039 K. Kubli 13,385 Kubli&Bolt 9,910 James Laughlin. ........... . 2,000 P. Lyttleton..... 2,040 John Lacy , 2,468 G.W.Lance ...." 4,582 v TSS&Kr-r JK !, " -TJ G.M.Love 7,701 Mary Love 0,931 J.F. Layton 3100 Little & Chase 2,270 David Linn 10,3-"1 D. P. Matthews 3,160 Lewis McDaniel 3,081 Larkin McDaniel 5,100 Magruder Bros 15.316 Wm. M. Matthews 2,502 W. C. Myers 7,335 J. M. McUall 2,131 M. Michelson 4,515 J. M. McCall Jfc Co 2.050 B. F. Myers 9,509 John S. Miller. . J4.992 Daniel Milter." " 4,115 C. C. McClendon 3,503 Max Muller 2,745 C. Mingus 5,430 Mrs. J. M. McCully 2,1 70 Pat McMahon 3,285 John Miller 5,807 M. Mensor 7,600 J. W. Merritt 4,700 McKenzie it Foudrav 3,030 McCall Atkinson i' Co 12,450 Thos. E. Nichols 2,760 G. W. Nichols 2.25S Henry Norton 2,320 Jacob Neathammer GJNaylor'. JHNuan.. IiOlS IDavid-Peningc JM. PruettT. 2,977 2,490 F. M. l'lvmale 4.400 J. . Parker 3.137 C. T, Pavne 5.G00 Mrs. E. Patterson 5,080 Philander Powell 2,: 30 J. A. Pankey 3,204 E. P. Pickens 2.S7C Samuel Phillips 5,128 Wm. Pornell 2,170 Mrs. Bader 4,004 Lewis Beese 3,G9S W. B. Boberts 2.9G3 Mrs. Susan Robinson 2,500 Jos. Bobinson 2,537 Jos. Bapp 5,499 Horace Boot 5,450 E. A. Beed John Vandyke. . John Watson 3,000 5,010 5,095 J. B. Wrisley 2,782 E. F. Walker 5.749 Wagner and Anderson 0,000 Minus Walker'. ." 14,572 Yarluus t'nusri-- Advancing years, care, sickness, tlisar- pointment, and hereditary predisposi tion all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them inclines it to shed prematurely. Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore faded or gray, light or red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It removes and cures d ndruff ind humors. By its use falling hair is checked, and a new growth will bo produced inttll cases ',vh ere the.follicles nrauoMuesiroyemorauinjcianiisiuecaY- icautiftfilylsiiQwn hairs' on FaTipl icati on w ii 1 rpr3d u ce the gloss and freshness of youth. Harmless and sure in its operation, it is incomparable as a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts. It co -tains neither oil nor dye, und will not soil or color white cambric; yet it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous. For Sale by all Dealers. Commissioners Cocrt Tho follow ing are the proceedings of this Court with a full board present: Tho report of the viewers on the road leading from Camp Stewart to Fort Klamath was received and the road established. 'Bids for the foundation of the new Court House were opened and the following bids were found: Steadman, $7,500, A. S. Jacobs, $8000. No decision had yet been reached liy tho Court up to tho time of going to press but an award will probably be made to day. Accidental Shooting. LastMon day, while Ilobart Taylor and his nephew, William Taylor, a grown son of S. C. Taylor, of Eden precinct, were out hunting in the Dead Indian country tho latter shot and killed the former mistaking him for a deer. They were out hunting together at the time and running a duer into a brush thicket they took opposite corners to capture it with the above result. Mr. Taylor was an old resident of Jackson county, about 50 veers of age, and highly respected by all who knew him. , A cood citizen has been.'losE . r? - . xjta .. i. , 1. rPUiA'.i rfjKSplir?nitriphrtlhrvvii'KnfnpTotliop! 'ttzzj, n V - j ...ia;. t;r -&:j& reiuijny is hsjjoou or ocivcr, wueu .you ask for Ammen's Syrup, look him in the face, and you will sec that God has stamped upon his countenance in un mistakable characters the word cupidi ty, and by investigation you will find ho is recommending some decoction of his own that costs him only a few cents to prepare, or some patent remedy up on which he makes a large profit. Ask for Ammen's Cough Syrup. Take no other. Buy a 15 cent or 50 cent bottle. Test it yourself. It stands upon its merits. Chas. Griffith returned from Port land Oris weck after having stood his trial in Judge Deady's court on a charge of giving liquor to Indians. He was fined S10 and costs. Mr. Griffith acknowledged having given a sick In dian a drink of whisky and the court could not help fining him, but the par ty who informed on him is not thought as much of by our community as Mr. G. who committed the alleged crime. Sutler Store. J. B. White is now the owner of the sutler store at Fort Klamath, having purchased the same from Beames, Martin t Co., and will take possession at once. Joe. Beach, so we are. informed, will take the posi tion as chief clerk. 4 812 . .. ..-OITt MHiMwgiaKamw vtms, xivcmuiwbiT.wM.ij mmjVMat xarat. ,.-,,, .. . "-.1. h .-... ,-, ... ....t .. v- mm rv.AirAii behhv 1 a 1 it 1 I vvty -m v 1 v v" waa nrv.sf wai cu. iihi-iii iiil.iii lilt -inr i-rm:i riHiMiiiisuini'ii i mmtm t m- m iiriuiiHi if-i-ii n iiiHniinii miiiiii Ti vii Jiiunrinv ir ,k.ii " i.i . i ; a .... -. r un i . .. tiv i. ra i. M39 John Orth TQl.H uninterehtuig Th fotrahy m.ty I nr , .? A.,.:,.vrx 9.r w, skia List or Letter Bemaining in the Post Office, at Jack sonville, Oregon, October 4, 1S82: Anderson, J A Low, Laura Bonner, Mirir 2 McAllister, Henry Cardwell, David McAllister, L Chidester, Saml Moore, Wm Taylor Cochren, Martha J Myers, Wm Colby, Mellir Pennebakcr, G T Pool, Samuel Provolt, Harriat Sears, John 2 Shepherd, Ella 2 Shoemaker, Joseph Collins, J W Covington, Jaa Croner, Henry Dailey, W Depne, James Douglass, S S aimer, Ben Dunlap, Perrnelia Sparrow, Joseph Gordon, N B 2 Stedham. Thos Grobe, A Hadly, G B Harris, Alia Hill i Wright Johnson, Rosa Jones, Thomas Longug, W J Swickor, Oscar Traharn, Warren C Tubbitt, Nathan Waller, M F Walters, Jas W Webb, Chas Wheeler, E P Wilkenson, Elija Max Muller, P. M. Holloway's Pills Never Despair Something that never fails Fever and Ague To the sick it is of littlo consequence how they are cured, whether from a rational view of the wrangle and discuss their various theor ies, but Dr. Holloway's treatment dis pels doubt ero the disciples of Ecula pius have finished the first stage. Holloway's Pills aro the only remedies which effect a speedy and radical cure without danger of a relapse. Bead the advertisement elsewhere. Important Caution. None are genuine unless the signature of J. Haydock, surrounds each box of Pills and Ointment. Boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents and $1 each. ITThero is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. Holloway & Co., New York. ii. o.a.jR.:d To all who arc suffering from the er rors and indiscretionsof youth, neivous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, itc, I will send a reciepe that will cure you, FREE of CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self ad dressed envelope to the Bev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. BORN. EGGER. Tn Jacksonville, 1882, to the wife of S. S. daughter. Oct. 5, Egger a ,'3j,ji'-uiaui'j' MARltlED. WHITE ROWE At the residence ofGeorgH Cooksev, Oct. 4th 18S2, by Bev. M. A. Williams, Col. M. White and Miss Bo?a N. Bowe. FBEDENBUBG PANKEY. At tho'TJ. S. Hotel in'Jncksonvill, Oct. 4, 18S2, by J. II. Huffer J. P. J. J Fredenburg and Miss. Mary A. M. Pankov. NEWADVEItTISEMENTS. Notice. Land Oftice at, On., ) Octojier ar 1882. f Notice is hereby given that tho following-named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will lie made before the Judge or Clerk of Jackson county, at Jacksonville, on Saturday, No vember 11. 1882, viz: John W. Vhite, Ilomeitcail, No. 2,'Jir for the S W . of S W Vi Sec 28, E K or N B if Sec !!2 and N W H of N W if Sec KJ T 33 S US W. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, vi.: Wm. It-iv, John Uolt, C. IS. Jlattney and James Jeffrey, all of Applegate. Jackson county, Oregon. Wit. F. Benjamin, Kegislcr. Notice. LlND OrFICE AT ItOSEBURO, Olt., I October 3, 1882. f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice ot his intention to mnke final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will lie made before the Judge or Clerk of Jack- .son county, at Jacksonville, on Saturday, iMivcmutT u, is'.', via: Levi u.uison. Homestead No. 2.CSU lor the E K "f S E Sec 3.!, and S Yt ot S y lj Sec" 154 T 3.5 Sit 1 W. lie mimes the lbll.nving wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said hind, viz: W. G. Knighton, C. W. Knighton. Uriah Gordon and Josiah Hannah, all of Eagle Point, Jackson county, Oregon. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. 3KAiDX)mrcvfRosTiTn5 October 3. Notice is hcrebv given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof Will be made before the Clerk of Josephine county, Ore gon, at Kerbyville, on Saturday, Novem ber 11, 1832. viz: J. A. Esliek, Pre-emption D. S. No. 703 for the S E 14 of S W 1-4 and S W 1-4 of S E 1-1 Sec 2 T 40 S R 8 W, W. M. He names the follow ing wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Joseph Fountain, James Spcnce, Bernard UraUy unci 11. 15. lutterman, all ot Alt house, Josephine county, Oregon. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. Notice. Land Oitice at RosEncno, Or., ) October 3, 1882. f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of hi 3 claim, and that said proof will be made beforo the Jndgo or Clerk, of.Iack son county, at Jacksonville, on Saturd.iv, November 11, 182, viz: F. M. Frcden- mirs, Homestead No. 2,839 for the E of K IS l-t anil L.ots 1 and '1 Sec 1j T ;i( s K 3 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: J. W. Burns of Willow Sprinss, and John Satter field, J M. Cook .las. McDougal, of Rock Point, till of Jackson counly Oregon. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. llothrr llrl or Salt Ulieniu. J. W. Adams, Newark, Ohio, says: "Cuticura Bemedies aro tho greatest medicines on earth. Had tho worst case Salt Bheum in this country. My mother had it twenty years, and in fact died from it. I believe Cuticura would have saved her life. My arms, breast and head wore covered for three years, which nothing relieved or cured until I used the Cuticura Bemedies. DIELX COLLINS In Table Bock precinct, Sept. 2Sth, Sarah Colins, aged 81 years, 6 months and 17 days ticiira Geo. W. Urown, 48 Marshall St., Provi dence, H. I., curul by Cuticura Resolvent (blood purifier) and Cuticura ami Cuticura Soap (the jnat skin cures; of a Ringworm Humor got at the barber's, which spread all o'cr hii ears, neck and face, andor six years resisted all kinds of treatment. cures) eVern.illv Scnld XXoncl. II. A. Raymond. Auditor F. W., J. & 3. R. R. , Jackson, Mich., was cured of Scald Head of nine years duration by tho Cuti cura Remedies. Sozom tt. Hon. Wm. Taylor, Hoston, Mass., per manently cured of a humor of the face and scalp ccemn) that had been treated un successfully for twelve yenrs by many of Boston's best physician and most noted specialists, as well as European authori ties. Mills. Omist. Mrs. Bowers, 143 Clinton St., Cincin nati, speaks ofher sister's child, who was cured of milk crust which resisted all remedies for two years. Now a fine health-boyv with a beautiful head of hair. Frank A. Bean, Steam Fire Engine C, Boston, was cured of Alopecia, or tailing ot the hair, by the (Aiticura Resolvent Mood purifier) internally und Cuticura and Cuticura Soap (the great skin cures) externally. Which completely restored hi hair when all said he would lose It. 1,iOrtt232.02X'f. Tho Cuticura treatment consists in tho internal um of tho Cuticura Resolvent, the new blood purifier, and the external use of Cuticura and Cuticura Soap, tho great skin cures. Cixticxix-rv Remedies arc for sale by all druggists. Price of CrncniA, a Medicinal Jelly, snvill locs 50. ; large boes 1 ; Cuticura Rr.sor.vKNT, the new Blood purifier, 1 per bottle. Cnicntv So.i (the queen of meflicinnl and toilet soaps), 2."c. Ctrrt cuit.v Medicinal Shaving Soap. 15o Principal depot, WEEKS & POTTER, Boston, MasSi Sanford's Radical Cure. Clear head and voice, easy breuthiilg', sweet breath, perfect smell, taste and hear ing, no rough, no distress, by using Sas foku's Radical Ccri:. Sneeze until your head is ready 'to fly off, ces and nose running water, throat parchul mid blood feverish or take San ford's Radical Cure for Catarrh and bo e ti red. Witch Hazel, American Pine, Canada Fir, Marigold and Clover Blossoms are what Stinford's Radical Cure is made ot. One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, in one package for 1. Sold everywhere. WEEKS & POTTER, Boston, hhWs ELECTRICITY Gentle, yet effective, united with Healing Balsam, render collins voltaic ixectric plas ters one hundred time superior to all other plasters for every Pain, ASTEfcS Weakness and Inflammation. iricc -rtje. Sold everywhere. Liver REG-UJOA-TOR THE ZMvewaZ Vegetable Rinacea OfconcenffMed extracts selected and co; jioEnaecTwom anion;? thu many Herls !i-MlF ; lanw ol Nature's Great Bolamc Qardcn For the speedy and permanent relief of the most hopeless cases of DYSPRl'SIA, JAUXDICK, CHILLS AND PICVKK, IHSUKCKllBD UIOKSTIOTf, flatulkacy, and acidity, sour rci.c1iino op wind and oas from' THE STOMACH, Sick Headache, Constipated Bowels and General Debility, and all other diseases arrising from a bilious state of the stom ach or an inactive or disordered liver. J3T FOR SALE EVERYWHERE -&i Rcdington & Co., San Francisco, AgcnU for the Pacific Coast. Dated May 27. 1882. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Cnrncr Tront nml .llorrlum, I'ortlauri. (On tho European Plan.) THOS. GUINEAN, PROP. (Late of tho Arcade, Sacramento.) This hotel is thoroughly firc-croof. Con. tains 120 elegantly furnished suits and single rooms, which have been refitted and refurnished in modern style. Free coach to and from all trains and boats. fjl -fifc