Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 23, 1882, Image 3

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fexTUEDAT, September 23, 1882.
land Office n't Roseburg. Ogn.
June 30, 1880. J
To all VTiom It mny Concern!
Kotlee U hereby Riven ihftt I have deals
Bated the OREGON hEVriNEL as the paper
In -which I ihall hereafter publish all pre
Vmptlon, homexfead and nppllenUonn
Tor nilnlnit patent for Inn ill Ijlng ucar
Jacksonville. Jnckson ronnty, Oregon.
W. F. nK.VJAMlN, IlesUler.
Monet to 110x11. The undersigned
das three or four thousand dollars to
loan on first class real estate security
Fred Otten, Foots Creek.
One of the men employed with Finn's
telegraph repairing crowd fell from
"the top of a telegraph pole last Tues
day while at work in town but luckily
bad no bones broken.
Died. James Riley of Little Butte
precinct received injuries by being
thrown from a horse on Monday last
from which ho died on the following
"Wednesday, He was a young man
-nnT.tn JSOtice. AIL nersons in
ilogue River valley, having Btock run
ning on the commons, and being desir
V)U8 of forming a protective society, are
requested to meet atEagle Point Satur
day Sept. 30, 1882.
Many Citizens.
TnE Terminus. Messrs. Bilger &
-Maeclv received the following dis-
ipatch from IS. if. Itogers, general
imreetiErer agent tor the (J. U. II. it.
Co. at Portland yesterday: "We will
run into Riddleburger next Monday.
Pleaso notify your merchants."
Staok Robbery. The south-bound
stage last Saturday night was stopped
again by robbers near Redding but the
"highwaymen gos small recompense for
their work as there was very little bul
lion on at the time. No clue of the
Tobbers has yet been found.
Good Run. From Wallace Bishop,
who has been running the Bf bee Bishop
thresher during tho past season, we
learn the following as to tho season's
'run: Busbe's of wheat threshed, 187,
233 oats, 9538, barley, 8513. This
-was done in 42 days and can well be
considered good work.
Gone From Ouu Gaze. The old
'court house was put up at public auc
tion last Saturday and was purchased
by G. Karewski for HG. Since that
time the building has been torn down
and nearly all the old lumber moved
'away, and everything will be in readi
ness for building the new house as soon
as the contracts are let on October 4th.
Religious. Elder M. Peterson
'preaches at Eagle Point Sunday morii-j
jng next Jililer jM. J'plprgnn will
"preach H. A. Miller's funeral sermon
at Heber ;rovo school house on tho
first Sunday in October, at 11 o'clock
A. M....Rev. B. J. Sharp will preach
'at Phoenix Sunday morning at eleven
'o'clock and at Jacksonville in the even
ing. , WnY?. How is it that our neigh
bor of the'Times" always "pies" cer
tain items at certain times and never
'fails in fitting the certain localities
where the certain papers are sent?
Although never invited we learn that
'our cotemporary has given "pie par
ties" before sweet pie to some and
'sour to others. We feel slighted
"and would ask why are things thusly.
Bound Over, Wm. S. Col well and
vJharles Dodson had their preliminary
'examination before Justice Huffer this
week and were bound 'over to appear
before the grand jury at the November
term of court The justice refused to
accept bail in the case of Dodson, at
least until Hanna could be considered
'out of danger, and Colwell's bail was
'fixed at 51,000, which he has failed to
furnish at this time, and both of the
"prisoners are now in jail.
New Bids. Bids for excavating
and building the foundation for the
hew court house were opened last Satur
day when the following bids were
ound: Geo. W. Holt, 6,500; N. A.
Steadman, $7,700; Geo. H. Young,
$11,503. The contract was awarded
XO Mr. Holt, he being tho lowest
bidder, but for some reason he has
declined to accept it and new bids
are "now asked to be opened October
4th. A bond will be required at this
Why does not the proprietor of
Ammen's Cough Syrup publish testi
monials from those who have been
cured or relieved by this medicine!
Ttte answer is, the greater the humbug
tho more testimonials they publish.
Ammen's Cough Syrup is no humbug,
hat to prove that and let it stand on
ita own merits, a 15-cent sample bottle
is prepared, which is certainly more
x:onvincing than a testimonial from a
Stranger. Large bottles, $1.00. Ask
.your druggists for it
The Red Bluff "People's Cause" says
a railroad employe informs us that a
sufficient number of railroad ties have
already been shipped to Redding to
build fifty miles of road. Several car
loads of rails, spikes, etc., have also
been shipped there and put under cover,
ready to be laid down when grading
shall have been commenced, which will
not be many days hnce. The work of
culvert and bridge building is to be
pushed forward rapidly, and it will
hot be many weeks before sixty to
seventy-five miles of the road will be
completed so far as that part of the
work is concerned. Redding is a live
ly place now, and will continue to be
so while it is the depot for tho Ore
gon extension.
Mos3 meeting at Central Point to
day. For cheap farms call on Cardwell &
Our mining population is preparing
for -winter.
Sheriff Jacobs' hotel has two board
ers at present.
Dr. Aiken has got a girl. Nothing
like advertising.
Defective land titles corrected, by
Cardwell & Johnson.
The Sterling Mining Co. made a
good clean up last week.
All kinds of job work done at this
office at the lowest rates.
Try some NewVanity Fair Smoking
Tobacco at Crosbys Red Front.
Representative Stanley has placed us
under obligations for pub. docs.
Reames Bros, now keep a fine as
sortment of all kinds of jewelry.
Payne the architect has established
his headquarters in Jacksonville.
L. Silberstein now represents the
house of Jacobs' Bros, of Portland.
Jter Sutton started for, her
home in Curry county last Thursday.
Plymale keeps steadily employed in
furnishing livery out-fits for drummers
and others.
The offices of the Circuit Judge and
District attorney can now be found in
Orths brick.
Joe Beach returned from Southern
California yesterday and is now at
Rock Point
Ammen's Cough Syrup never fails
to cure if used in time and according
to directions.
The Joe Taylor show cava an excel
lent performance at Holt's hall last
Friday evening.
Fred P. Cronemiller returned fiom
Southern California this week and pro
poses staying a while.
Mrs. Gustaf Wilson, formerly of Jo
sephine county, died at Portland on
tho 13th, aged 45 years.
Parties desiring to borrow money
can find it by calling at this office and
furnibhing good security.
The firm of Lindley, Torrey, & Co.
in tho lumbering business bos been dis
solved by mutual consent
Chas Griffith was fined $10 and
costB by Judge Deady this week for
giving liquor to an Indian.
Lou. Zigler has again taken charge
of the Metropolitan hotel at Roseburg
and will make an excellent host.
In the trial of "Wm. Webb, at Lake
view, charged with horse stealing, the
jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
Rev. B. J. TSbarp will preach at
Phoenix next Sunday at 11
a. m. mid
in t,liftf,.J2lf3?j)-gfc ip.-iHs-pisss-t-
p. M.
A fine lot of dolmans, cloaks and J
and ulsters, were received at N.
Fisher's tlrs week. Take a look at
Jake Wise came down from Ash
land this week. Their goods have ar
rived and they are now ready for bus
iness. H. F. Phillips, Walter Phillips and
wife and Miss Laura Anderson started
for Washington Territory this week to
Assessor Nichols completed the as
sessment of Jackson county yesterday.
The Board of Equalization meets on
October 2nd.
Mrs. E. Jacobs, preseutsd us with a
fine lot of dried venison this week and
has plenty more which she is offering
for sale cheap.
Wm. M. Turner aud party got
through with their surveying contract
last week. Mr. T. started for Portland
on Tuesday last.
Tally Colin, the genial traveler for
Rosental, Feder &, Co., gave us a pleas
ant call this week. Read his card in
another column.
Wm. Bybee has returned from Cali
fornia considerably improved in health
and is now at Waldo attending to his
mining interests.
A fine lot of peaches, one of them
measuring ten inches in circumference,
were sent to this office this week by
Mrs Geo. W. Crystal.
Thos. G. Reames returned from San
Francisco last Tuesday. He has a
large stock of goods on the way for the
Jacksonville market
Some of Jay Beach's horses are
entered for the Yreka races and Mr.
B. is expected back from Salem in a
few days to be present
Chas. Nickell is having a new two
story frame building erected on the old
Sentinel lot which he will use for an
office when completed.
. Noticethefinancial exhibitof Joseph
ine county as furnished us by County
Clerk Nickerson. A good showing is
made for the past year.
Dr. J. W. Robinson made a short
visit to the Willamette last week, but
he is again on deck ready to attend to
professional calls at any time.
Judge Hanna Districtattorney Kent
and James 11. Neil returned from
Lake county -this week where they have
been attending Circuit Court.
Geo. P. Holman, representing the
wen Known drug house ot Hodge.
Davis & Co. of Portland, is here selling
goods to his numerous patrons.
"Why is there such a demand for
Plymale'8 turnouts!" asked one tourist
of another a few days since. "Be
cause," said the second man, he keeps
the safest and fleetest horses and best
vehicles, and always strives to please.
A portion of the machinery has ar
rived for the dpw quartz mill at Gold
Hill, owned by Messrs. Ross & Mitch
ell, and they will soon have it at work.
Dr. Wm. L. Chapman son of Mayor
of Portland, and Miss. Maggie Floed
were married at the residence of the
bride's parents in Roseburg last week.
Sam Bowden came up from the rail
road this week for a few day's rest and
recreation. Ho is now employed at
Wolf creek and will return next week.
Samuel H. Egger has entered into a
contract with the County Commission
ers whereby the former is to furnish
150,000 brick for the new court house.
John McGregor sent to the peniten
tiary for larceny from Lane county,
Nov. 16, 1881, has escaped and a re
ward of 100 is offered for his return.
Mrs. Jay Beach came in from Lake
county last week and is the guest of
Miss Annie Miller. She will remain
here until Mr. Beach returns from Sa
lem. Wagner creek will be the scene of
a wedding to morrow but as tho main
parties interested have succeeded in
keeping it so quiet we wont tell on
Hon. Thomas H. Brents has been
frimoiilit&ietr Ly llie " Ifepuoticubs as"
their candidate for Congressional dele
gate. He will be elected beyond a
We acknowledge receipt of a com
plimentary ticket to the Yreka Fair
and will either be present or have a
representative there during its contin
uance. Postmaster Muller received a lot of
turnip seed of tho purple top and ruta
baga varieties of M. C. George this
week. Call and get a paper free of
Tho telegraph repairing crowd
passed through town this week in
charge of A. W. Finn. They are put
ting thelines in good condition for the
Hon. E. B. Watson and wife will
start for Salem next Monday to be gone
several months. The former goes to
attend the regular session of the Su
preme Court
The condition of Chas. E. Hanna is
steadily improving and he will be able
to be around in a few days. This es
cape from serious results was a narrow
one, nevertheless.
The Ashland District School will
open with three teachers. L. F.
Willits, Principal; Mrs. L. F. Willits,
teacher of 2tt department: Miss. Althea
Miller 3d department
Lieut Sparrow and several other
officers passed through town this week
on their way to Fort Klamath where
a court martial has been called for the
trial of some deserters.
A full attendance of the members of
Ruth Rebekah Degree Lodge I. O. O. F.
is desired for next- meeting -one wek
from next" Monday, as important busi
ness is to be transacted.
EJ. II. Autenreithand James Wheel
er came over from Yreka this week,
the former on legal business and the
latter on a trip of recreation. They
returned home yesterday.
The Governor of Georgia tendered
the unexpired Senatorial term of the
late B. R. Hill, to his son B. R. Hill,
Jr., who declined, stating the position
was beyond his aspiration.
Rev. Father Blanchet started north
ward this week to y a pastoral visit to
the boys on the railroad. Mrs. P. P.
Prim also went on the same stage on a
visit to Salem and Portland.
Any kind of advertising or job work
will be done at this office cheaper than
at any other place in this section.
Those having work to do will do well
to inquire in regard to prices.
To day is Yom Kipper a day most
generally observed by our Jewish citi
zens. Their business houses will bo
closed to-day and tervices will bo held
at Masonic hall this afternoon,
If you want a sewing Machine call
at E. C. Brooks' drug, watch, clock,
and jeweiery store. His machines are
a little finer and his prices a little
snugger than any other bugger's.
The next House of Representatives
will consist of 325 voting members, of
whom a majority will be 163. There
will be in that House 121 Representa
tives from the solid Southern States.
M. Hanley and son received their
pay for the cattle sold toTodhunter of
Sacramento this week. John Reynolds,
W. F. it Co's. agent, came along to see
that the money reached its destina
tion. Gov. Moody has appointed Mr, Chas.
B. Moores, of Salem, eldest son of the
late J. H. Moores, his privato secretary.
The appointment is a most excellent
one and will give the best of satisfac
tion. That Web foot delegate in tho Sis
kiyou county convention paid us a
short visit this week on business out
side of politics. He says he is going
back immediately to "hit 'em another
Capt S. L Dolson and several mem
bers of his surveying corns came to
town last Friday evening to attend the
Pioneer ball. They are now camped
near Woodville and returned next
The Hnlburt and Dolson surveying
parties are expected to meet near
Chavner's bridge to-day. The former
is only running preliminary lines at
present but the latter is locating as he
goes along.
The Republicans of New York have
nominated Secretary Folger for Gov
ernor and tho same party heads their
ticket with General Bulkeler as their
candidate for tho Governorship of
Jay Beach's trotting toclx && been
dointr we 11 at the ocave xni. -muggm
Arnold and Yenita won &
which they were entered at!
O " . 1
th races in
d Zilophone
took second money in nis
mont did not go. .
ace. Alta-
Death to rats, mice, r.
aches and
ants: Parsons Exterminate
R. Barns
trranaries and households c
eared in a
single night No fear of
iad smells.
Best and cheapest vermin
filler in the
world. Sold every wtfero. u
The marriage of Seri&tinella Forbilder
and Big Butilla Bildi"er was broke
off last week at Little ipusan's pie party
and the wedding has! been indefinitely
postponed. No cardt because Little
Susan don't want to nfake it public.
Capt H. Kelly ca.e up irom his
Cayote creek mines thf s "ek to make
arrangements for seiifKn2 m'3 daughter
to our district scholol. Mr. Kelly
has started for Salem 4mc0 to attend to
legal business in the Supreme Court
Miller k Kretzer lwi' have their
ditch and giant in readiness for the
winter rains and wjfljdd ome g0d
work this season. Tijiey have put a
large sum of money j the mine, m
fitting un. and we bopkiio see them do
. Ixmdon.-SepL lSiJg
egrapus V ar.;0t5rrartsp$3f tha.t. Gerl.
jjewe occupies virusiVjaM .rasha
and Tonlba Pasha hyi've,' surreidered
unconditionally, and fare bothVheld
prisoners. 10,000 trops havelaid
down their arms.
John Doe got it in tie neck in Like
county last week, t lie grand jury
having round indictm jnts against him
lor muruer ana mrcei y, mt. JLloe is
a hard case and we w. juld be glad to
hear of his being hunt ; or at least sent
to the penitentiary for
Two holes were du
in the
House square same
une since to see
what kind of Boil th
ere was beloto.
One of our citizens ir 1
answer to in-
quires as to their u;
es. propounded
.during the Pioneer's "
le-union stated
that they were graves fo r Day and Cook.
We learn that a met ting of citizens
opposed to building a n iw Court House
will be held at Centra Point to-dav.
They surely cannot dou lit the necessity
of one now as we Lavs none at all at
present and depend on the city authori
ties for the use Of tl a city hall for
court purposes.
In bidding for the )li court house
last Saturday the two lushest bids were
found to bo exactly . alike between G.
Karcwski and Fred Grlib $100 each.
In order to settle thibTmatter it was
afterwards put up at public auction
when it was bid in by G. Karewski
for the sum of SI 16. '
In answer to our Butte Creek cores'
nondent we will say that" we publish
only one edition each week and that it 1
is neither senn-weekly,itri-weekly nor
weakly on the Court HoVse or any
other public questioii 'lafanects iho
interests of our 'Py-'ttfrV-rev:er
have bu.t one opinioB"Jd .Jiatjs ex
presaed afike tb alb " p-"-v'
. Send your birth and mArriage notices.
We often hear acciden:ally of niar
riages, births and sometimes of deaths,
but are unable to find out dates and
particulars sufficient t warrant the
publication of the ;ame. Those
notices should be published, and we
are anxious to insert the m if interested
parties will send in the uiotices.
From Arthur Lang ill of Lake
county we learn that bl ick leg is kill
ing cattle by tho wholesal in Inspection.
He has already lost about twenty head,
mostly calves and year ings and the
disease seems to be spreading still.
Mr. Langell -passed thrc ugh town this
week on his way to the State Fair at
Salem. Mrs. J. S. Ho' fard and Miss
Bertha Moore accompan icd him.
Engineer John A. Hu' hurt intended
to go to Portland this cek with the
maps of the preliminary surveys made
by his party from the s animifc of the
Siskiyous to the valley. . Tt is expected
that the general route v ill be decided
upon by the company af er considera
tion of his reports, and it is likely the
location of the Siskiyou unnel will be
determined within a short time and
the contract let for e (cava ting it.
Mr. Hulburt will in all probability
be continued here as engineer of the
locating survey of the line from the
summit northward. "Ti lings."
The Roseburg "Plain lealer" says:
"Two ladies of Looking ( llass precinct
circulated a remonstratl ce against a
certain petition tq obtai 1 license at
the present term of court to" sell liquor,
and beat it two to oneJf3nrald be
well for other women offlHRmuni
ties to make note ofthisKHTlollow
this example, for their eflbrls. will be
crowned with successalmoit invariably.
If the class who are continually howl
ing and making so much fuss about
saloons, would put in a little of their
time in working as those women did,
they might prove a blessing instead of
a curse. If you don't work keep your
everlasting racket to yourself."
The postal department ha3 issued
blanks to the various postmasters to be
used by them in informing letter writ
ers or addressers that mattpr dropped
in the mail has been insufficiently
stamped. The effect of the new regu
lation is to make local postoffices per
form part of the labor heretofore de
volvmg on the dead Ietter.office. Form
erly an insufficiently stamped letter
was sent direct to the dead! letter office;
now a card is sent to the a'ddressee, in
forming him that a letter tbhim is held
for postage, or, if the name of the send
er appears in print or otherwise on the
envelope, a card is mailedlto him, and
on receipt of tho postage the letter is
sent to its destination. On this coast
the regulation will save thtee weeks in
tho delivery of unstamped letters, and
no one, unless he handles them, can
imagine how manv imororcrlv sUmnerl
letters aro mailed in tbef course of a
The following, from the Ashland
"Tidings" of yesterday, we believe, will
express the feelings of large numbeia of
the "immense circulation" of our co
temporary, and wo reproduce it in
Courage always commands respect.
Even a bold audacity in lying often
wins a kind of admiration. Cowardice
is sometimes pitiable, but when
coupled with knavish deceit it is utter
ly contemptible and universally con
demned. The editor of the Jackson
ville "Times" will appreciate the force
of these truisms more keenly than ever
before when the complete record of his
remarkable course in tho court house
controversy becomes generally known.
At first people were rather inclined to
pity him in his "hard row." Ho was
between two hot fire?; and it "hurt him
so" to lose a subscriber. He was pretty
well scorched on both sides before he
was forced to move. Then he attempt
ed the difficult feat of keeping his face
in two opposite directions. In fact, he
was found to have editorially two faces
one turned toward the new court
house, the other turned away from it,
and the pity he had provoked turned
to disgust. In his edition of ScptSth.
the Jockhonvlne people reau an editori
al endorsement of the course of Day
and Cook; but the country people who
oppose the court house ring did not
find it in the paper as it came to them.
The matter in question (about a third
of a column) was left out and replaced
by something else in the country mail.
This is the shallowest trick he has been
guilty of to date. Ordinary sagacity
would have warned him that on its ex
posure it would cost him twice'as much
as a "square deal" all around.
Hollirr Died or Salt Ulieimi.
J. W. Adams, Newark, Ohio, says:
"Cuticura Remedies aro the greatest
medicines on earth. Had tho worst
case Salt Rheum in this country. My
mother had it twenty years, artd in
fact died from it. I believe Cuticura
would have saved her life. . My arms,
breast and head were covered for three
years, which nothing relieved or cured
until I used the Cuticura Remedies.
To all who are suffering from the er
rors and indiscretionsof youth, neivous
weakness, early decay, loss of manhood,
itc, I will send a reciepe that will
cure you, free of charge. This great
remedy was discovered by a missionary
in South America. Send a self ad
dressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T.
Inman, Station D, New York City.
PATTERSON On Bear creek, Au
gust 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sylves
ter Patterson, a son.
HASKINS At Sterlingville, Septem
ber 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Newt.
Haskins, a son.
'Jl-MB .l.MJ.ltlJLJi
sonville, at the residence of L.
G. Hubert, by J. H. Huffer, J. P.,
Sept. 16th, S. L. Fielder and Miss
Susan L. Brittain.
At tho residence of the officiating
minister. Sept. 20th, by Elder M.
Peterson, P. L. Fountain and Miss
R. E. Hockersmith.
KENT WISE At the same place,
Sept. 14th, by,the same minister, J.
Kent and Hiss Mary J. Wise.
2?or Sftlo.
The undersigned offers for sale his house
and lot, situated on main street. Building
new and made of the best sugar pine lum
ber; suitable for a store business; best lo
cation in town. This is a rare chance for
a business man and as I intend to leave the
State will sell cheap for cash.
.Pfcpcnix, Oregon. September 21, 1882,
This space is reserved for
33 and 35 Battery Street,
Represented by N. KOHN:
CARLTON In Little Butte precinct,
Sept 19th, of scarlet fever, Merer
P., daughter of S. A. and Alameda
Carlton; aged Syears and 29 days.
Silas Draper, Plaintiff,") In the Circuit
vs. I Court of the State
Abraham Dennis and J of Oregon for the
S. Colin, Defendants. J Co. of Jackson.
Suit in Equity to foreclose mortgages.
To the Defendant, Abraham Dennis.
L Oregon you are required to appear in
said Court and answer the complaint ot
Plaintiff filed therein against yo by the
first fl.iv nf thpriMTt tiT-Y, tf o-iXtt ..... -
wit the 13th day of November 18S2.
And you are notified that il you fail to
answer said complaint as above required
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the
against you for the sum oflhree hundred
dollars with legal interest thereon trom
the 11th day of September 1S31, and the
further sum two hundred and fifty nine
and 75-100 with interest theren at 10 per
cent per anum from the 2oth day of May
1831 and for ten per cent additional on
both said amounts for attorneys fees and
the costs and disbursement of this suit
and fnr tllA fllrlhnr ilfm fi-i- Mia f.AM
closenre of Hie mortgages desiribed injhe
complaint and the sals oltne mortgaged
premises to satisfy the amounts.
Published liv nnWnf TTnn TT TT TTnnita
Judge of said Court made on the 19th day
01 ocpicmocr 1032. j. iv.ivAllLii.lt,
Jt'lainulrs Attorney.
In accordance with an order of the
County Court for Jackson county, Oregon,
made at the September term, 1882, scaled
proposals will be received at thr County
Clerk's office in said county, until
Wednesday, October J, 1883,
at 12 o'clock noon, for excavating and
building the foundation for the new cniijj
House to be built in Jacksonville. The
contractor to furnish all the materials
necessary and to construct said foundation
according to the time and plans and spec
ifications in said Clerk's otllcc. The par
ty to whom the contract will be award d
is to have tic privilege of using all the
stone under the foundation of the old court
house, and also all the stone in the walls
of the old jail that is suitable to be used in
accordance with the plans and specitica
tions of the supervising architect.
All the material used in and the work
done on said foundation must be done un
der the inspection and supervision of said
architect, who can be consulted at his of.
fice in Jacksonville.with reference to all the
plans and specifications.
No bid will be considered unless accom
panied by a bond executed bv cood and
sufficient sureties in the sum of one thou
sand dollars, to be void upon the condition
tnatthe bidder, 11 the contract is awarded
to him, will forthwith enter into an agree
ment and give a bond to be approved by
the court to the amount of two-thirds of the
bid for the faithful performance of the con
The sealed bids will be nubliclv onencd
at said Clerk's ollice atone o'clock r. Mon
October 4th, 1882, and if deemed expedi
ent the contract will be awarded to the
lowest responsible bidder.
1 he court reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
Exhibit of the receipts and expenditures
of Josephine county, Oregon, for the year
ending June 80th, A. D., 1882.
Bal. in Trcas. Iune30, 1881 $ 413.03
Tax for year 1831 7101.72
" " 1880 012.28
" " 1870 11.51
1878 90.15
China poll tax 1882 IWOO
1881 1C8.00
1830 3000
Liquor licenses 300.00
Ferry " 7.50
Peddlers " 7.50
Trial fees 21.00
By cancelled county orders $ 5588.C9
By interest on same 411.04
ly Amt. school fund paid 833.C8
DyAmt. State fund paid 1770.14
By expressage on same 19.15
Bal. in Treasury July 1, 1882... 176.41
.$ 807.25
. 114.40
,. 1095.75
. man
. 73.40
.. 50.00
. 39:5.00
. 20.00
. 407.50
. 205.85
. 000.50
. 728.01
. 310.00
. 400.00
,. 125.00
. 400.00
. 174.00
. 838.08-
. 1770.14
, 19.15
. 411.04
Courts and criminals
Roads ami bridges
Wood, lights, height, stationery,
Kent of court house ; . .
.Paupers ".
Buildhlgyault ."..
Coroners inrtucsts
Fees of Sheriff ..
" " County Clcrfc
'i. "County Judge
" ' County Treasurer :
" " School Superintendent '.
" " Assessor.
" " County Commissioners. .
School fund.
State fund
Expressage on same
Interest on county warrants
County warrants outstanding June
30,1881 -. S3SGG.70
Amt. audited prior to June 30,
18S0 issued 8.50
Amt. audited trom July 1, 18S0 to
July 1. 1881 issued 592.09
Amt. audited from July 1, 1881 to
July 1, 1882 issued 5100.12
Total amount warrants issued. . . .$9574.01
Amt. audited from July 1, 1880 to
July 1, 1881 not issued 73.75
Amt. audited from July 1, 1881 to
July 1, 1882 not issued 901.00
Amt. interest on county warrants. 411.04
By cancelled county warrants. . . .f 5588.C9
By amount paid for interest 411 04
By amount in Treas. July 1, 1882. 170.41
Total amount of Indebtedness Julyl,
1882, exclusive of interest on outstandng
county warrants, and amounts audited and
not issued prior to June 30 1880, and Crcs
ent City Wagon Road tax, indebtedness
State of Oregon, 1 -County
of Josephine. ) H
I, F. M. Nickerson, County Clerk
in and for said county do certify the fore
going to be -a correct statement of the fi
nances of Josephine county for the vcar
ending June 30, A. D., 1882.
Witness my hand and official seal this
22d day of July, A. D . 1882.
County ClerK.
Geo. W. Brown, 43 irnrshall St., Provi
dence, R. I., cured by Cuticura Resolvent .
(blood purifier) and Cuticura and Cuticura
boap (the great skin cures) of a Ringworm
Humor got at the barber's, which spread
all over his ears, neck and face, and for
six years resisted all kinds of treatment.
gn1-n. DECxraxxor-, '
F. IL Drake, Esq., agent for Harper fc
Bros., Dctioit, Mich., gives an astonishing ,
r.ccounl ofhis case (ecjtcina rodent),' vhicfi
h..d beea treated bv a consultation -of
physicians without "benefit, and .which .
sptxiily yielded to the Cuticura R-s6lv. "
tnt(Uood purifier) internally and CutU'
cura a.id Cuticura Soap (the great skiu .
cures) internally.
Scnlt X jEEod.
II. A. I. vmond. Auditor F. W., J. & S. "
R. R. , Jac! -on, Mich., was cured of Scald '
nadofninr years duration by tho Cuti; .
cura Remedies. '
Hon. Wm. Taylor, Boston, Mass. per-' "
manently cured of ahumorof the face and
scalp eczema) that had been treated un
successfully tor twelve years by many of
Boston's best physicians and most noted
spe ialists, as well as European authori- ,
tlTiJ '
. "- -:-- .'...- dfj
JVCjlXlK. OnvLmi'MtmM
Mrs. B.weT3r431CTinton'S
natt, spenk-t of her. sister's' child, xttidixiU
cured 01 nnlli crust which resisted all
remedies for two years. Now a fino
healthy boy, with a beautiful head of hair.
Frank A. Bean, Steam Fire Engine G,
Boston, was cured of Alopecia, or-talling )u
ot the hair, by the Cuticura Resolvent
(blnotl purifier) internally and Cuticura
and Cuticura Soap (the great skin cures)
externally. Which completely restored his
hair when all said he would lose it.
The Cuticura treatment consists in the
internal use of the Cuticura Resolvent,
iiic new blood purifier, and the external
use of Cuticura and Cuticura Soap, the
great skin cures.
Remedies are for salo by all drugeists.
Price of Ccticcr.v, a Medicinal Jelly,
small boxes, 50. ; large boxes $1 ; Ccticura
Resolvent, the new Blood purifier, jl
per bottle. Crncra.v Soap (the queen of
medicinal and toilet soaps), 25c. Coti
cun.v Medicinal Sn.wiNO Soap. 15c.
Principal depot, WEEKS & POTTER,
Boston, Mass.
Sanford's Radical Cure.
Clear head and voice, easy breathing;
sweet breath, perfect smell, taste and hear
ing, no rough, no distress, by using Sas
fokd's Radical Core.
Sneeze until your head is ready to fly
off, ejes and nose running water, throat
pnre'in) trnCL tl d fcvciiaU or lakUVSAX.
ford's Radical Core for Catarrh and. bo
cured .
Witch Hazel, American Pine, Canada
Fir, Marigold and Clover Blossoms are
what Sanford's Radical Cure is made ol.
One; bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal
solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, in one
package for $1. Sold everywhere..
uenue, jet eiicviivc,
united with Healing
Balsam, render collins
voltaic electric pla
ters one Jmndred time
, ba - superior to an otuer
"L A.o.TEtv' nlastcrs for every Pain.
Weakness and Infhuiniutiou. Price 25c.
Sold everywhere.
Universal Vegetable Rtnaced
Of concentrated extracts selected and com
pounded from among the many Herbs'
and Plant3 of
Nature's Great Botanic Gardenr
For the speedy and permanent relief or
the most hopeless cases of
Sick Headache, Constipated Bowels and
General Debility, and all other diseases
arrising from a bilious state ofthestom-
ach or an inactive or disordered liver.
Redington & Co., San Francisco, Agents,
fo tho Pacific Coast. .. .".-. ".
Sated MaytfLlSaa. ' -L.
Jacksonville Crescent City
Klail HontOi -
P. McMahon, Proprietor.
Stages leave Jacksonville every Monday
ami Thursday mornings at 3 a. m. arriving
at Waldo in the evening, where close con
nection is made next morning for Crescent
City. When the new wagon road is fin
ished about Sept. 15th through tickets
to San Francisco will be sold for $18 by
this route.
Express and order business done at re
dnceu rates.
P. McMAHON, Proprietor.
All persons indebted to the
undersigned, either by Note or
Book Account, are notified to
pay the same by November 1st,
1882. This is business.
T1? A ATT?C3 DOflC!
iHllU-UkJ UiWO. ,,
Mlnlus Claim and Illlch Fur Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale the min-
ing claim and ditch known as llie Cady is
Emerson claim, in the Black well district.
For further particulars enquire at this
office, or S. COHN.
Jacksonville, Oregon, Juno 10J 1882.