- - iSlpM' ' -I , - B OREGON SENTINEL. - ADVERTISING RATES. Oneiqnai'e lQllnesorlets firat Insertion. T I 3 00 ' " each subsequent Iniertton. ...... 1 ' ' 3 months T 00 a 10 00 One-fonrthColnnn 3 months 7& 60 30 O One-hiU 3 " SO 00 " ' 8 41 CO One Clnmn 3 monthi SO 00 " 0 " t 00 A DUeonnt to V early AdTcrtU.ra. $3 PER YEAR ; - '$ Fees Allowed C S. Snn Jor$. OREGON SENTINEL. PUBLISHED SATURDAYS AT JACKSONVILLE. JACKSON COUNTY OREGON BT FRANK KRAUSE. TERMSs tne copy. Per Year, In advance, S3 SO VOL. XXVII--NO. 37 JACKSONVILLE, OREGSEPIEMBER 16, 18S2. " PROFESSIONAL CARDS. e. p. geary, m. d., Physician and surgeon, Jacksonville, Oregon. C5T0fllce in Rynns brick building. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Jacksonville, Ogn., 11 practiccln nil the Courts of the Stale Office in Mrs. McCuIly's build, inc. corner of California and Fifth streets. Q. II. AIKEN, M. D., DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREOON. J-OBIco opponlto P. J. Rjrun'j itore. J. W. ROBINSON, M. D-, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Jacksonville, Ogn. OFFICE At Dr. Vrooman's Dispensary. Residence on Fourth St., opposite M. E. Church. , , . , . Calls promptly attended to, day and night MARTIN VRQOMAN, M. D. DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Ofllce up-stairs In Orth's brick, idence on California street. Rcsi B. F. DOWELL, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Jacksonville, oregon. .Al Ibmlntoi plicoit In mv liamls will receive prompt uttnntion. J-iiocIal attention given to collec tions. WILL. JACKSON, E NTIST, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. D - rnsEtn EXIUCTED AT ALL hnnt. IrtnchlEK em " 333 K. L rolnl.lr1.1MIrwl,for which extra '-!rr3ril' pe nwi OSlee and realJem? c CAlifornla nl Vinii trtet. -i u " Z J .a. c. mnus. L. n. STRABNF, GIBBS & STEARNS, A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, Rooms 2 and 4 Strowbridge's Building, rOKTLAND, OREGON. TI11 practice In all Otnrti r Tteconl In the Stale ol Orejon and Walnhlnctnn Territory; andpaypar hcnlar attention to bulnes In Federal Conrti. 'C" B. EOSTEL, Steam Bath Practical Shaving, Haircutting AND AKTIFICIALIIAIR WORKER. FOR Ladies and Gentlemen. BLEEDING, Cupp Leecliingj ins, IN NEUBER'S BUILDING, OPPOSITE THE '. POST-OFFICE. Jacksonville Dec. 11, 1877. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Front anil Morrison, Portland. (On the European Plan.) THQS. GUINEAN, PROP. (Late of the Arcade, Sacramento.) This hotel is thoroughly firo-nroof. Con tains 120 elegantly turnished suits and single rooms, which have been refitted and refurnished in modern stvlc. Free coach to and from all trains and boats. Criterion Billiard Saloon! CALIFORNIA ST., CATON GARRETT, Proprietors. THIS popular resort, under new man agement, is furnishing the best brands ot liquors, wines and cigars. The reading table is supplied with Eastern periodicals and leading papers of the Coast. Give me H call. J. NUNAN, California Street, Adjoining HOLT'S NEW HOTEL, Jacksonville, Oregon, DEALER IN CLOTHING MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' 1 Latest Pattern and made from OREGON C1TI CASS1MERE DUCK & DEMIN OVERALLS AND JUMPERS. SHOES, ETC., LADIES', MISSES', CHILDREN'S KID & CALF SHOES, MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS; ALEXIS TIES AND BROGANS, All California Blake. A full Assortment of 1 ad.es' Dress & Fancy Goods, Also a large line of Men's and Boys' Hats. Gentlemen's Undcnvare, Suspenders &c, I also keep a full line ot GROCERIES, ETC., Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Spices, Canned goods of every description, a full assort ment of TOBACCO & CIGARS. A large quantity of Crockery and Glassware, All of which I will sell FOR O-Al-JSIOL" AT Extraordinary Low Prices. My motto will be "QUICK SAL"E3linTSinxTri;R0FlTrwi!iTli Country Produce taken in exchange for goods'. I am also agent for the following Stan dard Insurance Companies: Foicign Imperial, London, Northcn and Queen. Foreign London and Lancashire, Home Fireman's Fund. Home State Investment Ins. Co. Home Commercial Ins. Co. Home "Western Ins. Co. Tnweler's Life and Accident of Hartford Conn. Risks taken at lower rates than any Agent in Oregon, and will guarantee in case of loss, prompt payment. JERRY NUNAN. ASHLAND Livery, Sale & Feed Stable main St., Ashland. THE UNDERSIGNED TAKES pleas JL ure in announcing that he has pur chased these stables and will keep con stantly on hand the very best SADDLE HOUSE. 15UGGIES AXD CAKIUIGES, And can furnish my customers with a tip top turnout at any time. no its us iiOAi:ii:n On reasonable terms, and given the best attention. Horses bought and sold and satisfaction guaranteed in all my trans actions. HENRY NORTON. THE ASHLAND Woolen Manufacturing Co, Take pleasure in announcingthat they now have on hand, a full and select stock of ILAWlK(ETr"j, PtAKSKlliLp A0R5E!1P IE!K0K!1 -AKJ KillEKYy Made of the very best NATIVE WOOL , And of which they will dispose at very reasonable rates. Orders from a prompt attention. distance will receive Send than in and give our goods a trial. ASULAND WOOI.KN M'f'O Co. F. RITSGHAED, practical "Watchmaker and Jeweler, California Srcet, MAKES a specialty of cleaning and re pairing watches and clocks. My charges are reasonable. Give me a call. week. SV2 a any at Home case- JXdyi made. Cosily Outfit free. Ad dress Thoe & Co., Augusta, Maine. SPECIAL, GOLD MEDAL Awarded in 1S77, at Philadelphia. For Excellence, Purity $ Eveness of Quality. . DAVENPORT "WHISKY! SUPERIOR TO ANY BRAND IMPORTED. DAVENPORT "WHISKY IS UNRIVALLED! This is a Whisky of Super ior Quality, as has never been on the market in any country. This article SHOULD not be classed -with the so-called Compound of this Coast, but is is ufa rich, rare flavor and full bodied, and NO BLENDJiD or COMPOUNDS can compare Distillation of 1875 and 187G is excellent. SSIIDffl & VON BIRflEK, SOLE OWNERS DAVENPORT. For sale by Caton & Garrett Jacksonville, and White Bros., Rock Point, Thos. Chavner, of Rogue River and N. Cook of Willow Springs, Jackson Co., Oregon. California Street, In Ryan's Building. HAYING fitted up this establishment and supplied it with a full and fresh assortment of pure Drugs, Chemicals, Etc., I am prepared to compound all prescrip tions in a prompt and careful manner at LOW Xt-ATIES Those desiring my professional services will find me ready to attend to all calls. M.VROOMAN.M.D. Jacksonville, July 29, 1882. DAVID LINN, AJtt) DEALER IN coffin TiinvnvirKTGS. COFFINS FURNISHED ON THE shortest notice and cheaper than atanv other establishment in Southern Oregon. i urniture ol an Kinus Kept on nana or made to order. Stock Farm for Sale. The undersigned oflers 400 acers of lana for sale. 150 acres are under fence, and a good d veiling and two barns will be found on the farm. The place is also well wood ed and supplied with plenty living water For particulars enquire at this office or at Phoenix of P. W. Olwell. J. Callaguax. Jacksonville. June 24lh, 1882. Hides, Skins And Furs. I will pay the highest cash price for beef hides, deer skins and all kinds of furs. Will pay 45 cents, cash, for good deer skins. Come and sec me. N.FICKE. Jacksonville, Nov. 10, 1SS1. 1 WIR Rememlicr that every rcal'Siager" Sew in?; Machine has this Trademark cast in to the iron stand and embedded in the arm of the machine. Any machine now beingoffcrcdTor sale, ana represented to uo binge; nger .Machines, Mark above rc- but not bavins the Trade tcircuio, are not machines of our manu facture, and we hereby caution tlic public against purchasing, except from our only authorized agent. E. E. GORE, as he is the only person who has the I GENUINE SINGER MACHINES for salo in Jackson County. ' THE SINGER MFG. CO., W. B. Fry, Manager, Portland. EIGHTEENTH (YEAR ST.rEAHY'S ACADEMY, 4 I CONDUCTED : TIIE SISTERS OP THE BOLT NAjIE, t THESHOLASTIC YEAR) OF TniS school will commence about tliee id ol August, and is divided in four scs ions, of eleven weeks each. Board and tuition, per term,, .f. 10.00 Music ; 15.00 Drawing and painting 8.00 Bed and Bedding v.., 3.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Primary, per term,. . ...-. 5 5.00 Junior, " COO Prcparatoy " ,; 8.00 Senior, " ,. 7...... 10.00 Pupils received at any time, anil special attention is paid to pniticulaX 'studies in behalf of children who hswlMmf limited time. Por further nartici at tiSrAfiHiOinj "nSir&-s: - .miutjiais ui'Vij CROSBY'S RED BQHT, JACKSONVILLE, FOR THE - Finest Brands Of , CIGARS, TOBACCOS, ' NOTIONS, CANDY ,5: NUTS, FURNISHING GOODS, ETC., ETC. I naving pust opened a fresh and complete line of articles usually found in a variety store, I solicit a fair share ot public pat ronage, assuring satisfaction. CS" Give me a call. D. YT. CROSBY. Toll Half Price OVER THE Centennial , Bridge ACPvOSS ROGUE EJTVER. Pest and Most Direct Road. The Centennial Bridge across Rogue River, two miles south of Rock Point, will be found to be on the safest and most di rect route to and from Roseburg; Bedding and Lake county via. Jacksonville, '"being alw on the valley roild rremjjPhn'nlx and Ashland. Theovcrlan(lrU5gt$j cross here. Teamsters will find plenty of grain and baled hay at the Bridge, andjreo stibling will be furnished to all who Tnayvptop. THOMAS CHAVNER. C. H. REED. t. L. SAVAGE. REED & SAVAGE, PRACTICAL House, Sign, Carriage and Fancy Painters,. jrriolijsoxx-rillof Or. ALL KINDS of graining -done. Satis faction guaranteed. Orders left at the New State Saloon Will receive prompt attention. Farm for Sale. The undersigned hereby offer? for sale two desirable farms situated at the Mead ows, about 24 miles north of Jacksonville, one containing 320 acres and the other 200 Both arc well watered by springs and also by Evans creek- Good residences, barns and outhouses on each, place, be sides orchard etc. The lan'd Js rich and good for timothy or alfalfa. jTor further particulars enquire of the. undersigned at the farm or at this office. - JOSEPH SATTTTRFJELD. i. , n n-nol- in vrtllr ntttt fftWTl n,v,n JUand $5 outfit free. Address H. UaluEtt & Co., Portland, Main Oct-uutioxi. ! &'& s lfr IMfefXi-hHSfif THE U. S. HOTEL, Cor. 3d and California Sts., Jacksonville - - Ogn, JANE HOLT, Proprietress. O. & C. Stage House. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS- - flraTAJLS AT ALL HOURS. 500MS TO LET BY THE DAY, WEEK OR MONTH. Prices Very Moderate. OUR NEW HOTEL BUILDING BE ing completed lor occupancy, the un dcrsigncd takes pleasure in announcing that we arc prepared to entertain the trav eling public. No pains will be spared to provide for the comfort of our guests and to make them feel at home with us. The most modern improvements have been in troduced, and the accommodations of the United States will not lag behind the best appointed inland hotel on this coast. Our tables wilj always bo supplied with the best the market affords and served in the best style by a corps ol obliging waiters. The beds and bedding are all new and fitted up in the most comfortable style, suited to the accommodation of single oc cupants or families. JANE HOLT. Jacksonville, March 5, 1881. Free to Everybody! A Beautiful Book for the Asking! By applying personally at the nearest office of TunsixoEK MANCFACTunrNO 'co. (or by postal card if at a distance) any adult person will bo presented with a beautifully illustrated copy of a New Book entitled GENIUS REWARDED, on THE Story of the Sewing Machine, containing a handsome and costly steel engraving frontispiece: also, 28 finely en graved -wood cuts, and bound in an elab orate blue and gold lithographed cover. No charge whatever is made for this hand dime book, which can he obtained only by Hinlfratiftn nt llin limnrli .mil slllvtrrllnntn oflfces ofThe B'.nger Manufacturing Co. The Singer Manuftatnrin; Co. Principal Office, 31 Union Square, New York. READY FOR BUSINESS. THE JACKSONVILLE STEAM FLOURING MILL Commenced Manufacturing the bestot Hour on MOMIAY, SEPT. 20, ISSO. "We arc prepared to do all kinds of Cus tom Work, in the way of exchange of flour for wheat, chopping feed and grinding com. We have superior machinery for manufacturing Hour and we feel safe in saying that we can do better work than any mill in Rogue River Valley. In exchange, we "will give for good, clean wheat, 3(5 lbs. of Hour and 9 lbs. ot mixed feed for each bushel. McKENZIE & FOUDRAY, Proprietors. Piles! Piles! Piles! A SURE CURE FOUND AT LAST! NO ONE NEED SUFFER! A sure Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. William, (an Indian Remedy, called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or 30 years standing. No one need suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful soothingmodicine. Lotions in struments and electuaries do more harm than good. William's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allavs the intense itching, (particularly at night after getting warm in bed,) acts as a poultice, gives instant relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itch ing of the private parts, and for nothing else. Read what the non. J. M. Cofilnbcrry ot uieveianu t ys about iJr. Williams in. dian Pile Ointment: I have used scores of Pile Cutcs, and it nfTords nie pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such immediate and perma nent relief as Dr. William's Indian Oint ment. T"or sale by all druggists or mailed on receipt of price, $1.00. HENRY & CO., Proprietors, Cleveland, O. noDOE, Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Portland, Oregon. EAGLEBREWERY. JOSEPH WETTERER, Proprietor Oregon St., Jacksonville. The best of lager beer' always kept on hand and ready for sale by the keg or glass. Liquor House. The undersigned offers Whiskey for salo 'in quantities to suit customers at $3 per gallon or $1 per. quart, at me .r-aeie iircw cry. Lager 3cer for sale and delivered at the usual price. , Mrs. J. Wetterer- INDllX VTAU OF'M. Why has the soldier of '55 been for gotten! Is it possible that both the great political parties now in power have forgotten the Indian war of 1855 in Oregon and "Washington territory? and hare they also forgotten that hun dreds of our brave men were butchered many of them in cold blood, and many of them crippled for life) And Congress, this session, passed a bill to give one man a pension! If one man has a right to have a pension why is it that other men who served with this man have no right to a pension? It lookd as if one man fought the battle. I sec the Modoc war claims have been paid and all the war claims before or sinco have been paid. Many men left their mining claims when common wages was four dollars per day and upward, and the general government paid them eight dollars per month for what they did and some of them have never been paid for theirserrice. Cali fornia was to pay, but she has forgot ten as well as Uncle Sam, I would be glad to hear from somo of the office seekers of Oregon. Or will some of of them that are fighting for office: at the present time give some reason for this neglect? General "Wool has taken a very active part against the soldiers, because they would not muster into his service, when they thought if they mustared in under him they would have to soldier for fivo years. Tho General was very bitter against the Oregon soldiers, a gentlemen by the name of Benson, as he said fled for his life. Mr. Benson wrote a pamphlet on the war, and after tho war was ovor and all was quiet, he returned toOre gon and acknoweldged he had said a great many hard things against Oregon and her soldiers, and wanted the own ers of the Oregon script and the sol diers to employ him to lobby at Washington for them. I was told by one soldier that he was sent to Washington' for his money and -was informed that he had taken up all of his pay in clothing and provisions. Now most of the soldiers fared very hard in tho campaign somo living on liorsli flesh, and glad to get that. Gen eral Wool lef them east of tho moun tains, to starve or be butchered by the Indians. The Government sent them commissioners to examine the fraud or swindle, as Wool and Benson said, and they were paid $12,000 to adjust the claims. They reported thatthe claims were just and should be paid, and when they presented for payment the first, second and third auditors took a shave at tho bills. After tho soldier had waited mora than ten years half of the claim was paid in greenbacks, worth only forty cents on the dollar. I would be glad to hear from some others on this subjret. I hope the ITon. M. C. George and the United States Senators will look after the sol (Hers wants. Respectful!, G. T. Ledford. Farmers' Homes. "There is no place like home." Much has been said and written up on what should bo dono to mako a model home for tho farmer. Mado up as this country is largely of farmers and farms, its pride should be in the nttractiveness of farmers' homes. We do not speak now of the interior, but of tho exterior, of tho homo. The re sult which might be attained if a united effort should be made by tho farmers of tho country to improva their homes by the cultivation of trees, shrubs and flowers, would be marvelous indeed. Often very often a farm house is re membered by tho passer by chiefly by its attractiveness, owing to an entire absence of ornamention not a flower, shrnb, or tree, to be seen, and, perhaps, not even a fence inclosing tho rusty grass-plot. No place is so retired that the ornamental and tho beautiful can be dispensed with. The surroundings of homo has much to do with the re spect which the children have for it; and long years after, its appearance will go toward making up the pleasant or unpleasant memories connecting them selves with it. The farmer cannot ne glect beautifying hi3 home. It will add greatly to the contentment of the children and awaken a just pride in the hearts of the wife and the farmer him self, to surround his home with those attractions which nature is ready to contribute. Let every farmer whose home may as yet be wanting in this re spect, give the matter his careful Vaought "N.Y. Observer." At (he last session of Congresg.n ma terial reduction was made in tho fees of surveyors of government lands. Following aro tho rates under the now law now in operation: Minimum rates' per mile: standard parallel linos per mile, $9; exteriors, $7, section lines, 5. Augmented rates, standards per mile, $13, exteriors, $11, and section lines, $7. Surveyor General Tolman says it will bo impossiblo to seenro competent persons to mako the surveys at the rales now authorized. The old rates only afforded a fair day's wages in tho lands of Oregon, inaccessible, irregular and uneven as they aro. Tho rates were: Standards, $16 and $12; exteriors, $14 and $10; section lines $10 and $8. The interior department has just issued a circular addressed registers and receiovers calling their attention to an act of the last congress which says no certificates of deposits issued after Au gust 7, 1882, on account of surveys shall bo received by them in payment for lands elsewhere than at the office whero tho land is situated and for tho survey of which tho deposit was made but certificates issued prior to August 7, 1882, on account of deposits for sur veys, aro not affected by tho now act. An Ancient Map. J. J. Earlo is tho owner of a map published af Hartford in 1826 by E. Huntington and A. Willard, which is something of interest to those who de light in looking over such things and noting the geographical changes wrought between that time and this. Oregon cut but a small figuro when this map was made. On it less than n dozen places are noted between the bay of San Francisco and Puget sound, and they aro Cape Flattery, Whitby's bay, Capo Disappointment, Columbia river, Astoria (an American settlement), Cape Foulweather, Capo Orford, Port St George, Point do TrinJud and Capo Mendocino. At tha( timo Coos bay had not been heard from; Louisiana and Missouri wcro tho only states west of the Mississippi river, and no rail' roads were crushing anybody, monop- ically or otherwise; but tho bullwhack er's paradise in those times, the Great Spanish road between Red river and Santa Fe, is given a prominent place. But the story is too long; the map is in our sanctum, for the inspection of the curious. "Coast Mail." Mliat U tliel'se. What is the uso to bo a member of Congress or anything else in this world? All is vanity here below, and flesh is grass or something of that na ture. Now here is John Hailey, who represented the Democrats of Idaho in Congress a few years ago. Ho went to Portland a few days ago, or some body went there who was mistaken for him, and the "Standard," the organ of tho Democracy of this State, announced that "John D. Hailey, tho well known stage coach king of the upper country, is in tho city, a guest at tho Esmond," and the other papers spell it with a "D." John is from tho "upper coun try," but what excuse is that for orna menting his name with a "D," after forty-seven years of an active and woll spent life, so he will not know himself when ho looks for his naiiw in the rec ords of Congress? It would not bo sur prising if the "well known stage coach, king" should throw two D's at tho in dividual who takes such, liberty with a well established name, and then polite ly invito him to go to tho "lower coun try." Mucilaqe for Labels. Macarato fivo parts of good glue in 18 to 20 parts of water for a day, and to tho liquid add nine parts of rock candy and throe parts of gum arabic. The mixture can be brushed upon paper while luka warm; it keeps well does not stick to gether, and when moistened adheres firmly to bottles. For the Iables of soda or seltzer-water bottles it is well to prepare a pasto of good rye flour and gluo to which linseed oil, varnish, tur pentine havo been added in the propor tion of half an ounce of each to tho pound. Labels prepared in tho latter way do not fall off in damp cellars. An Illinois couplo eloped so hurried ly that tho girl went bare-footed. Tho fellow's prido defeated their object, for he insisted on buying her a pair of shoes, and thus her father was enabled to catch them before they reached a minisUr,