Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 09, 1882, Image 3

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Saturday, September 9, 1882.
Land Ofllrent Kooclmrs. Ogn.1
June .10, 18SU. J
To nil Whom It mny Conrcrn:
Xollcc 1 Iirrcliy kIcu lh.it I hac arsis
nnteil tlirOUECO.N or..TI.M:L as the paper
In tthlrh I Khali licrcancr puMMi nil pre
eruption, liimievlr.iil anil nppllralloiin
Tor uilnlns pntruK Tor lal Ijlns ncjir
lackuimlllr. .InrMnn ramify, Orrsiin.
IV. F. IlllV.l.tUIV. ItrsUtcr.
Wanted. A girl to do general
housework. For particulars enquire
of Mrs. G. H. Aiken.
Money to Loan. The undersigned
has three or four thousand dollars to
loan on first class real estate security
Feed Otten, Foots Creek.
New Maksiial. At the last meet
ing of the Board of Trustees Charles
Schultz tendered his resignation as
City Marshal when J. M. Payne was
elected in his stead. Mr. Payne, we
think, will make a good official, and
we hope our merchants will consider
thchyigHi interest by paying their as-
Tents willingly and liberally.
-r m
Mite Society. A large number
were present at the meeting' of this
society at the residence of Squire
Hoffman last Thursday evening and a
very pleasant time spent. The occa
sion was also celebrated as the 81st
birthday of the host, and his many
friends all joined in wishing him many
more years of health and happiness.
-Although unavoidably absent we join
Hn all the good wishes expressed.
Nbtice. Litigants will remember
legal advertisements can be publish
'ed in any paper they may care to have
them printed in, and that there is no
such a thing as an official paper for
this or any other county in the State
-as regards such kinds of work. Our
prices are the lowest by far and we
stand ready to prove it to any who
doubt. Ask for our prices before
making contracts and you will be
Stage Terminus. Division Super
intendent Curll of tho 0. it C. Stage
Co., informs us that it is not probable
that any more changes will be made in
the terminus of the staga lino from
Myrtk Creek this winter. They could
xhangc to lliddleburg soon, but as
there is not much difference in distance
"between Canyonville and the other
points they can mako closer connection
on the old road than on tho one
just established between Canyonville
and Kiddie.
An TJoly Accident. S. B. Grubb,
says the "Tiding," li;et with a painful
nd serious accident last Thursday.
He w.i coining downtlie nirntituin
-from Dl?aJ InilLa-ffTfrrif-OT-tinF
liers drawn b' a span of high-qihited
horses, and by somo accident to the
brake the horses were started on the
run. Mr. Grubb kept his place on
the wagon for sometime, lint was final
ly thrown olF in front, and two wheels
ran over him, just across the pit of tho
stomach. His internal injuries an? of
a serious character, and have kept him
in great pain, but at last reports from
tho doctor he was resting much better,
with prospects favorable for improve
ment. New Court House Dunne the
session of the county court this week we
had the pleasure of viewing the design
for tho Court House as submitted by
the architect, G. E. Payne, of Ashland.
The structure is to be brick, two sto
ries high, 62 feet in length and 90 feet
wide and is to cost $30,000. It is to
be located in the court houso square
on the site where the old building now
stands and work will be commenced on
the foundation immediately after tlio
contracts are let next Saturday. The
court room will be 08x40 feet and will
bo located in the second story of the
buildinsr. The lower story will be used
ns offices by our county officia's, tho
Clerk and Sheriff taking the two front
rooms. Next Saturday's bids will only
be for the excavation and construction
of the foundation and the sale and the
removal of the old building and con
tracts for tho remainder of the build
ing will bo let at the November term.
The drawing shows that it will make
a fine appearance.
Insurance. T. J. Kcnnev has ac
cepted the agency of the Oakland
Jlomo Insurance Company of Oakland
California for Jacksonville and vicinityT
We find among the stockholders of
this company Alex Martin. J.T. Glenn.
L. L. Bradbury and E. C. Sessions, alf
lormer resiuents 01 Jacksonville. The
Oakland Homo lias recently deposited
S50.000 in U. S. bonds with the State
treasurer at Salem for the hpecial secu
rity of its Oregon policy holders and
established a northwestern department
wun neauquartera at Portland Oregon
under the management of Messrs. Fer
rey, White & Co. Policies will be is
sued and losses paid by this depart
ment, the same as if the head office of
the company was located at Portland,
thus making Oakland Homo for nil
practical purposes an Oregon company.
From official nublicatinns fmm fi,o :TTt
torn official publications from the in?
surance department of California we
extract the following information:
"The Oakland Home" was tho only
company that had all of its losses paid
up when the annual statement was filed
January 1, 1832. The losses of the
company m proportion to the premiums
receiveu wero less tlian
company, whilst in assets in proportion
to amount at risK it stood number 5
on tho list." These facts show that
tho company pays all of its losses
promptly, manages its business care
fully, and that it is a safe and respon
sible company in which to insure.
Head the advertisements.
Pioneer's reunion next Friday.
Lock your doors. Burglars around.
The railroad has reached Eiddleburg.
District school commences Septem
ber 18tb.
Head the proposals for building the
new Court House.
Lots of new goods received this
week at K. Kubli's.
Thos. G. Reatnes started for San
Francisco last Thursday.
Ashland College opens Oct. 2d with
Prof. M. G. Royal in charge.
Good meals & beds cheap at the New
State Hotel by J. A. Slover.
N. Langell haa returned from Port
land and looks improved in health.
County Commissioner Alford did
not attend the last term of county court.
Mrs. Win. Piatt of Grants Pass
died last Sunday aged about 65 years.
Rev. M. Peterson will preach at the
Methodist church Sunday at 11 o'clock.
Rev. M. A. Williams is recovering
from his late illness, we are glad to
Representative Furry, James Brown
and Chas. Griffith started northward
this week.
Representative A. C. Stanley started
for Salem last Wednesday to attend
the Legislature.
The Mechanics Fair for 1882 will
open at Portland on September 21st
and close October 7th.
Infant children of W. S. King of
Foots creek and Wm. Steadman of
Phoenix died this week. .
Wo acknowledge receipt of compli
mentary ticket to the Sate Fair, from
the secretary E. M. Waite.
About 28,000 pounds of flour is
wanted at Fort, .Klamath for which
scaled proposals are asked.
Thos. Chavner sold several head of
work horses at auction last Saturday.
Prices were not very high.
The new saloon in tho hotel, with
Jack Montgomery as proprietor, opens
out for business this evening.
John Griffin yesterday killed a huge
cinnamon bear weighing 400 pounds
near his place on Griffin creek.
Miss Maggie Crosbv has
gone to
Portland on a visit to her mother who
is a patient at St. Vincents hospital.
J. Callachan's limiment is tlm best
extant for bruises, sprains, etc. We
have tried it and know whereof we
Attend the ball at the TJ. S. Hotel
on the evening of the Pioneer's re uni
on on the 15th fnst.
A good time is
Robt. H. Moore was elected JJEcaril.
ing Secretaryof Jacksonville
-No. 10, JL O. O. F., at the last regular
By reailinsassessor Nichols' notice it
will 1m; found that the Board of Equal
ization meets on the first Monday in
P. Stengar of Canvonville has pur
chased the George Nurse farm near
Linkvilleand has stocked it with hors
es and mules.
Mrs. Wm. Piatt of Grants Pass is
reported quito low with cancer of the
stomach with very slight chances of
her recovery.
At a meeting of Banner Lodge A.
O. TJ. W. held last evening Jas. A.
Wilson was elected Recorder and John
Noland Overseer.
John Miller has received most of
his new goods and they make the best
display in Southern Oregon. No
shoddy goods kept.
Wo are under obligations to C.
Scliieflelin for samples of oranges and
lemons raised on his place. J. L.
Wilder brought them up.
Rosh Hashanah, or Jewish new year,
falls on tho 14th and 15th of this month,
during which time the store of E. Ja
cobs of this place will remain closed.
M. Corder's residence und contents,
at Grave Creek, was burned to the
ground last week and proves a serious
loss. The causeof thefiro is not known.
Tho M. E. conference lately in session
adopted a resolution petitioning the
legislature of Oregon to incorporate
the principles of prohibition in tho
- Tho Chicago Screw Pulverizer is tho
"boss of the road," and is so pro
nounced by those who have eiven it a
I trial. W. C. Mver. of Ashland is tho
Robt. A. Cook has been employed
on Applegate for some time past in
building a new house for his brother
S. H. Cook who is erecting n, firm
Messrs. Cook and Payne visited
Jackson creek this week and found
some excellent rock that will be used
in building the foundation for the new
Court House.
The annual meeting of the Rogue
River Baptist Association will be held
-at-Antioch school-house, commencing
at 1 1 o clock A. si. on Friday Sept. 15th.
All are invited.
"Tho railroad bed is about completed to
the first tunnel, forty-two miles south
of Roseburg, and the terminus ap
proaches that point at tho rato of
about one-half mile per day.
any othejrlTJiree attempts were recently made to
burn Nevada City all of which proved
unsuccessful. A little of the Seattle
Jaw, in such cases made and provided,
might bo profitably distributed to tho
robbers and bummers who infest that
city, and who are responsible for these
incendiary efforts.
James R, Little started for Port
land this week to purchase goods for
the store of Little & Chase of this
place. John Schlotzhauer has charge
of the store while he is absent.
If you want a sewing Machine call
at E. C. Brooks drug, watch, clock,
and jewelery store. His machin es are
a little finer and his prices a little
snugger than any other bugger's.
What is known as the Huber & Al
corn ditch on Jackson creek will be
sold at Sheriff's sale on Sept. 30th to
satisfy a judgment obtained by G.
Karewski against J. M. Kendricks.
Mrs. Louis Herling, one of the old
time residents of this place, died at her
home on Poorman's creek on Tuesday
last after an illness of several weeks.
Her ago was 63 years and 6 months.
Mr. A. S. Johnson purchased a team
this week and is now fully equipped
for peddling fruit trees. He made a
successful trip to Lake county a short
time since and will go again next
Ben Beekman, Wm. Cardwell, Geo.
Dunn and Miss Maud Tuffs have gone
to Eugene City to attend the State
University. Frank Hufler will also
go there as soon as he gets through
Lieut. Fred Schwatka was married
recently to Miss Brackett of Rock
Island, Illinois,nieceof Major Brackett
at the residence of the bride's parents.
They started for Salem on the lGth
of August.
The Redding "Independent" says
that place now presents a busy appear
ance, since the new commencement of
the railroad work, and times will be
livelier still as soon as the grading
force arrives.
Hop picking began in Lane county
last Tuesday the estimated yield is
290,000 pounds greater than the
yield of any other county in Oregon.
Several weeks will be required to pick
and care for tho crop.
Tho Railroad warehouse at Riddle
burg will be finished in about ten days
when our merchants can ship to that
point. A forwarding agency will also
be established there when things will
work smootherthannow.
Death to rats, mice, roaches and
ants; Parsons Exterminator. Barns
granaries and households cleared in a
single night. No fear of bad smells.
Best and cheapest vermin killer in the
world. Sold everywhere.
For variety of employment, J. E.
Eldrcdge of the "Crescent City Rec
ord" is ahead; being editor, publisher,
foreman, compositor, "Devil," photog
rapher, Deputy Sheriff, telegraph op
erator, cabinet maker and undertaker.
M. Mensor of the New York store
returned from a trip to the northern
country this week and reports himself
well pleased with the towns of Seattle
and Tacoma. He may return nciiin
soon to establish abjjsmessJocaiiojiiQr..
Tils boys.
The Sister's school commences next
Monday and appearances indicate a
lariro attendance. A number of the
latest improved seats were received
this week and they now have a school
room equal if not superior to any others
in the State.
The Jackson comity papers are labor
ing much with the question of buildir."
a court house. It is about time for the
peoplu of that county to put up such a
building, and the county can then rent
the present shebang for a wagon shed.
General Stonnman, the Democratic
candidate for governor of California,
began a speech at San Rafael the other
day by remarking: "Fellow citizens: It
is a well known fact in history that
great generals are poor talkers, and 1
am one of them."
Attention! Land owners. A close
examination of the record shows a
large number of titles to lands are, in
some particulars, defective. Cardwell
it Johnson, aro now prepared tq cor
rect all defects, and furnish plats of
lands and abstracts of titles.
The Supremn Lodge of the World
for the Knights of Pythias convened at
Detroit Michigan, Aug. 22d. There
was a grand gathering of members of
the order from all parts of tho country.
Fifteen hundred Knights had arrived
and as many more were expected.
The Albany "Democrat" of last week-
gives an account of the meeting of
Burt J. Forbts with one of his wives
that had just come from the east, while
he was living there with wifo No. 2.
mfe no 1 had. the best of it at last ac
counts but Forbes will probably get
the worst of it in the end. Mr. Forbes
was formerly a resident of Linkville.
About 70,000 acres in Great Britian
are under hops, and the difference be
tween a good and indifferent crop
means millions sterling. A good-sized
crop realizes half a ton to the acre, and
this, at 825 per cwt, nmounts on 70,
000 acres to 17,500,000. A blighted
crop (there is much blight this year)
may bo estimated on the same basis
at but $700,000.
Jeptha Hampton, commonly known
as "Pony," was taken ill with fever
while out with Turner's surveying
party died at Doc Miller's place on
Salt creek on Thursday last. A. T.
Johnson went there to" bring him to
the hospital on Thursday but did not
arrive till half an hour after "Pony"
had breathed his last. He will be
buried this morning.
Rev. Bf J. Sharp returned from the
conference this week and informs us
that tho Jacksonville And Ashland cir
cuits have been consolidated for a time
and that he will remain in charge until
such time when Rev Ladru Royal re
turns from the east or a new appoint
ments made for the latter place. Mr.
Sharp will preach atAshland next Sun
day, both morning and evenin".
Hon. George Colvig, State Senator
from Douglas county, gavo us a pleas
ant call this week., -His family wi'l
remain with Dr. Colvig at Rock Point
during the session of the Legislature.
This will make lhe fourth session of
the Legislature tbav Mr. Colvig has
represented Douglas county, and he has
always proved himself one of the most
active and able members of that body.
The following figures of the popula
tion of Egypt shows" 'what England
has to contend with ia the matter of
numbers, and what she will acquire if
annexation is the endnimed at provid
ed her arms are victorious in the pend
mg struggle: Uairo, Jii,ib2, Alexan
dna, 105,752: Damtetta, 32,730;
Kosetta, 10,243; Suez,- 11,327; Port
Said, 3,845; other towns, 11,747; prov
inces, 4,948,5 1 2. Totl o,o 17.C27.
The "Times" says it issued an extra
edition this week, hut did not intend
it for general circulation. It's a cirl
-and can't vote nohow,, so why not pass
"We aro neverthelessone ahead of
the gentleman that penned the above."
"Times." v
And so you have triplets, Charles.
Well that's something new und we
beg leave to increas'ewyr'congratula
tions accordingly.. vtcl-
Dr. C. H. Raffety.'.Rtata visiting
physican oEha hospital forvthe insauo
at East Portland reports as follows:
Number on hand June 1, 1882,217
males 62 females. . Total, , 309. Ad
mitted during the quarter finding Au
gust 31st, 22 males, 5 females. Re
turned on old commitment, 1 male, 4
females. Discharged during quarter,
12 males and 6 females. Escaped 1
mala. Died 6 males and 1 female.
Patients remaining at tho end of the
quarter, 221 males and 94 females.
The following is the full ticket nomi
nated by the Republicans of California
last week: For Governor, Morris M.
Estee, ofJNapa; Lieut. Gov. A. R.
Conklin, of Inyo; Sec. of State, F. A.
Pedlar, of Yolo; Att. Sen.,' A. L.Hart,
of Colusa; Areas., John Weil, of Plu
mas; Surveyor Gen. Win', Minto, of
Contra Costra; Supt. Pub. Instruction,
E. D. Waterman, of San Joquin; Jus
ticcs of Supreme Court, John Hunt, of
San F., and S. Derisen, of Sacrrnento;
Congressmen at large, Henry Edger
ton. W. W. Morrow; Congressman 1st
Dist., PaulNeuman; 2d Dik, H. F.
Page 3d, J. J. Dellave'n, ofjllumbolt;
4th, Geo. L. Woods, ex Gavcrpor of
Oregon. j
It is expected that tho roid will be
in operation above Rcdding'as far as
the Sacramento bridge, by this time
next year. The tics, rails Aud qlher
apparatus are being piled ujr at Red
ding in great quantities, ancS Strow
bridge with his immense TexaA force is
expected shortly, to coinmeneeWading.
Engineers left Redding last Kcrk to
surveyand commence work onn tunnel
through the devil's backbonn bi-lftw tun
Sacramento bridge, which is.tdbepbout
TCTrbr auo teet tons:, and-.a Jiid the
graders can work all winter in grading,
as there is no adole soil like iu.Orrgon,
to prevent operations. The tunneling
will be the slowest and most 'difficult
work, as tne railroad builders go
around rocky side hills without much
trouble. By sinking holes into rocks,
and using giant powder, the whole side
of a mountain isloosoned tomakecrev
ices, into which black powder is dump
cd,towardsstr,ashingitfine for removal.
County Cojimissiokers Court.
This body met on Wednesday 'ast,
present, Judge Day and Comminsioner
Cook. The following is the business
It was ordered by the Court that the
bill of J. B. Blake, Constable of Modoc
county, Cal., for 174.60 be disallowed.
S. C. Stockton was appointed Con
stable fcr Leland precinct.
An order was made inviting sealed
proposals to be received at the office of
tho County Clerk of Jackson county,
until Saturday, September 1C, 1SS2 at
12 o'clock 31., for excavatins aud build
ing the foundation of the iww Court
House, in accordance with the specifi
cations uow on file at said Qlerk's cfiicn.
The successful bidder or-bidders will
be required to give good and sufficient
bonds for tho faithful performance of
the contract.
Bids are also invited and will be re
ceived up to tho same time for the
sale and removal of tho old Court
House, the purchaser to remove tho
said building within ten dayslaftcr the
salo. All bids aro subiect to tho jid-
provai ot tne county uourt;
;ounty Court.- fa t
. for.kVoinnsilthe indt-
lhe contract
f,cut and.mdigent - sidrfywk?OR - -
county was given to Madajrae" Jane
Holt for tho term of ono year at the
rate of 4.50 per week for each patient
in the hospital. This contract in
cludes State as well as county! patients.
Her bond of 2,000 was filed and ap
proved with Theo. Cameron, P. N.
Ficke, John A. Rule and K. Kubli as
Religious. Rev. B. J. Sharp will
preach at Ashland next Sunday morn
ing and evening Rev. J. A." Slover
holds services at Heber Grovo Sunday
morning and nt the M. E. Church in
this place in the evening.. J. Regular
services at tho Catholic church, Rev.
F. X. Blamhet officiating. ;..H. C.
Fleming will preach at Bail" Point
Sunday morning The foifrth quar
terly meeting of tho M. EjChurch,
South, will be held at the cairp ground
on Rogue River, near Collin' ford to
day and Sunday Elder M. Peter
son will preach at the M. S. Church
in this place next Sunday mlprning, at
llo'clock ,Rev. J. C. Bakfer, D. D.,
of Salem, will preach in Manzanita on
Wednesday, evening Sept. ISJfcb, at half
past seven o'clock, and at laniard's
school-house in Sam's valley tlie follow
ing evening. . . . Rogue, River Baptist
Association will hold its annual meet
ing at Antioch. school-house, Icommen
cingimday SepUSth.
I'lONEEi: rit0CK.43I.HE.
The following is the programim for
the Pioneer Society, Sept. 15, 1SS2:
The procession will be formed at tho
City Hall at half past 9 o'clock, under
the direction of William Kahler, E:-q.,
the Marshal of the day, and march to
the Court House yard, where the fol
lowing exercises will be had, the Presi
dent of the society presiding:
1. Music by tho band; 2. Song by
the Gleo Club; 3. Prayer, by Rev. B.
J. Sharp: 4. Pioneer song, written by
Mrs. J. M. McCulIy; 5. Oration ty
Judge E. B. Watson; 6. Instrumental
music, by Miss Carrie Beekman; 7.
Resolutions on deceased members; 8.
Dirge by the band; 9. Song by the
Glee Club; 10. Intermission for dinner;
11. Music by the band; 12. Voluntary
addresses; 13. Instrumental music by
Misses Kelly and Christie; 14. Tribute
to the memory of Gen. Joeph Lane
and others by a member; 15. Instru
mental music by Miss Annie Miller.
In the evening, tho camp-fire will bo
kindled near the court house where
there will be a grand social re union of
members and friends.
Xotliliiz MiorC of rmiilslaauhlc Rrncilts
Conferred upon tens of thousands of
sufftres cquld originate And "iiiniutaiii
the reputation which Ayers Sarsapa
rilla enjoys. It is acompound of the
best vegetable alteratives, with the
-Iodies of Potassium and iron, and is
the most effectual of all remedies for
scrofulous,mercurial or blood disorders.
Uniformly successful and certain in
its remedial effects, it produces rapid
and complete cures of Scrofula, Sores,
Boils, Humors, Pimples; Eruptions,
Skin Diseases and all disorders arising
from impurity of the blood. By its
invigorating effects it always relieves
and often cures Liver Complaints,
Female Weaknesses and Irregular
ities and is a potent renewer of vital
ity. For purifying the blood it has
no equal. It tones up the system,
restores and preserves tho health, and
imparts vigor and energy. For forty
years it has been in extensive use, and
is to day the most available medicine
for the suffering sick, anywhere.
For Sale by all Dealers.
Arrested. ChasGriffith, familiarly
known as "Long Charley" was arrest
ed this week by Deputy U. S. Marshal,
James Brown, on the charge of giving
liquor to Indians, and was taken to
Portland for trial on Tuesday last.
Mr. Griffith acknowledges to having
given a drink of whisky to an Indian
when the latter claimed tjiut he wanted
it for a sick child and so reported it
when he reached the agency several
months ago. The whole arrangement
looks as if there was more spite work
than any thing else and we hopo to see
Charley get cleared.
Mail Service. H. F. Phillips sold
a'l his stock on the Linkville mail line,
including 20 head of horses, two wag
ons, harness, etc., etc., to V. II. Pease,
tnr fr-ynu, JJ-r-isg- h ill - continue
the services, with Charley Slade, one
ot the preccnt drivers, as manager and
business atent. Charley is thoroughly
familiar with the business now, and
will manage it satisfactorily to his em
ployes and tho public we have no
doubt. "Tidiii'i."
FDMOXrfON On Big Butte, August
31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Edmon
son, a son.
SIMPSON In Little Butte precinct,
Sept. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. I. "W.
Simpson, a daughter.
HERLING. At Poorman's creek
Sept. 5, 18S2, Mrs. Catherine Her
ling, aged C3 years, C months and 8
HOWLETT At Sam's valley, Sept.
3J, Bcsmo Ish, daughter of A. C.
and S. F. Howlott; aged 1 year, C
' months and 21 days.
JENNINGS On Applegate, Sept.
15th, Chas. "W. Jennings, infant son
of Mr. nntl Mrs. Wm. Jennings; agod
I months.
HAMPTON. At Butte Creek, Sept.
7, 1881; Jeptha Hampton, aged
about 50 years.
MATNEY. In Little Butte precinct,
Sept. 4, 1882, Mrs. Janies Mntnoy,
aged about 43 years.
Land Office at RosEmmrs, On., )
Scntember 7. 1832. f
Xoticc ia, hereby given that the follow-
uig - nrtindFettlfcr lm filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of
''is claim, and that said proof will be
nude before the Judge or Clerk of Jack
son county, at Jacksonville, on Saturday,
October 14, 1882, viz: Leroy Nail, Home-
sH'.iiiio. s,yu.i ior me i,otsu and 4 Sec.
10 and "W of N E if tec. 13 T 31 .S R 1
"WWill. Mer. He names tho following
vt itnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation ot, said land, viz:
Jerry Nail, J. N. Black, "William Nail,
Jacob Johnson, all of Eagle Point, Jack
son county, Oregon.
"Wm. F. Benjamin, Register.
Union India Rubber Co's
Tare Para Gum
Re nra tiitr Hont ore tampoil CUACK PROOF
on the lieels, n.l hare the I'DKK OUM SPRINGS
on the foot and iiittrp, which prerents Iheir cracking
or breaking. We are now making them with KUU-
nEK and Asbestos sin whuii win nnk them
last more than twice aa long as any Rubber Bouts
Goodyear Slubber Co.
R. II. PEASE, Jr. ) ,
S.3I. ItUNYON. rAS1'
ItUNYON. pvS"s.
Sau Ft-jucico.
jvitjaLJju.'.'M ; ,ajt
Land Office atRosebchg, Ogn., )
September 4. 1882. f
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settlor lias filed notice of her in
tention to make final proof in support of
her claim, and that said proof will be made
iK'foro tho Judco or Clerk of .laclc-on
county, at Jacksonville, on Tuesday, Oc
tober 10, 1882, viz: Delinda Ilenrr, 'Home
stead No. 2,7 .a for the S Y if Sec. 34 T
30 S It 2 i:, "Will. :.Ier. She names the
following witnesses to prove her continu
ous residenrcupon, and cultivation of,said
land, viz: George 31. Henry of Drowns
borough, Jamcu Turpin, James Pease,
Miss Emma Hutchings.ol Chimney Rock,
Jackson county, Oregon.
"Wm. F. Benjamin, Register.
Land Office at Ro3eeukg, On., )
September 4, 18S2. f
Notice is hereby given that tho following-named
sctlcr has fi'cil notice of her in
tention to make final proof in support of
ncr claim, and mat said proot will be
made Iicforc the Judge or Clerk, of Jack
son county, at Jacksonville, on Tuesday,
October 10, lh82, viz: Lillie 11. Brake,
Homestead No. :t,481 for the S J3 l( of Sec.
21 T 34 S It 2 AV. She names the follow.
injjrVfitaasscs to prbvo hor continuous res
idence uiwi, and cultivation or, said land.
viz: Geo. H. Lynch of Ashland, I). Itey-
noiiix oi iiionn-. jiiii, j. jj. Jioutgomcry
and Frank Bybce of Jacksonville, Jackson
county, Oregon.
"Wit. F. Benjamin, Register.
Assessor's KTotico,
ATOTICK is hereby civen that the Ro.irrt
1 of Equalization for the Omniv of
JacKson, Slate ot Oregon, wid convene at
tne omce oi tuc county clerk m Jackson
vi.lc, on
Monday, Ortolier S, 18S-J,
for the purpose of publicly examining the
.-issessmeni iion.nnu correcting all errors.
in valuation, description, qualities of
lands, lots, or other property. S.ud Board
will continue in session from day to day
until said roll has been duly examined.
All parties interested will take due notice,
and govern themselves nccordinsly.
County Assessor.
September 8, 1SS2.
Sealed Proposals.
NOTICE is hereby given that sca'ed
proposals will be received at the of.
fice of the County Olerk of Jackson county,
Oregon, until
Salunlay, Srjilemlier 10, J8-W,
at 12 o'clock m., for excavating and build
ing the foundation of the new Court House,
in accordance with the spicitications now
on tile at said CIcik's office
The successful bidder or bidders will be
required to give good and sufficient bonds
for the faithful performance of thecontract.
Bids are a'so invited and ill be received
up to the same time for the sale and re
moval of the old court hoiuc. the nur.
chaser to remove the said building within
ten days alter the sale.
All bids are subject to the approval of
uie oouniy court.
By order of tlu County Court, made at
Jacksom il e, September 7. 18S2.
5 I
ss r, o h
-j CO
5 L
ei '
I &
Proposals for Flour.
Subsistence Office, Department or the Co
lumbia, Vaxcouvek Uakkacks, AV. T.
August 10, 1882.
OEALED proposnls in duplicate, subject
O to the usual conditions, will ! rp.
ceived at this offica and at the olllnes of
the Acting lssintant Conftnigriis iifSul-!
sistence at the lot'owing mimed posts, (for
the quantities needed at thee pots only.)
until 12 o'clock, noon, on TUESDAY,
September 2Gth, 18bL, al which time and
place they will lu opened in the nrni nee.
of bidders for the deliver)- on or before
uctoocr urn, ie&--, ot tlie lollovtiiig
Boise. Barracks, I. T., 2:1,123 pounds;
Fort Cinby, "W T., 2,.V,0 pounds; 1'ort
Creur d'.Mene, I. T., 40,000 pounds; Fort
Cohille, "W. T., 7,310 pounds; Fort Khun,
atli. Oregon, 27.S20 pounds; Fort Lapwai,
pounds; Vancouver Barracks. W. T 20
000 pounds: Fort "Walla "Wa'.la, "W. T.,
40,000 pounds.
fcamples or the F'our (not less than two
pounds) proposed to be furnished must he
submitted with the proposals. The Hour
to be tested by baking before acceptance.
Proposals for quantities less than the
whole required will bo received. Tlie
Government reserves the right to reject
any or all proposals.
Blank proposals and printed circulars
stating the kind of flour required, and giv
ing lull instructions as to the manner of
biddinjr. conditions to be observed hi- bid
ders and terms of contract and payment,
will be furnished on application to this
office, or to the Acting Assistant Commis
saries of Subsistence at the various posts
Envclopcs-containing proposals should
be marked : "Proposals for Flour at ,"
and addressed to the undersigned, or to
the rcspective Acting Assistant Commis
sarics of Subsistence.
Captain and C. S., V. S. A.
i. i .. i-',io- pouncts; lort Spokane, . T.,
23,72" pounds; Fort Stevens, Oregon. C.027
pounds; Fort Townsend. W. T 7.r.n.1
Geo. Y. Brown, 4S 31 arshall St., Provi
dence, Ii. I., cured bv luticura Resolvent
(blood purifier) and CuticuraandCuticura
Soap (lhe great skin cures) of a Ringworm
Humor got at the barber's, which spread
all over his ears, neck and face, andtfor
six years resisted all kinds of treatment.
F. II. Drake, Esq., agent for Harper &
Bros., Detroit, Mich., gives an astonishing
Account of his case (eczema rodent), which
bid beca treated by a consultation or
physicians without benefit, and which
spudily yielded to the Cuticura Resolv
vntiMood purifier) internally and Cuti
cura and Cuticura Soap (the great skin
cures) .-xtcrnally.
Sonlcl Hoad.
H. A. 1' ij-mond. Auditor F. "W., J. & 8.
R. II., Jac ' -on. 3Iich., was cured of Scald
Ilc-ad of nil, years duration by the Cuti
cura'Rcmedict. Ucaozaa.
Hon. Wm. Taylor, Hoston, JIass. per
mancntly cured ofalu-morofthc facu and
scalp eczema) that bad been treated un
successfully tor twelve years by many of
Boston's bcsV physicians and most noted
specialists, as well as European uthori
tics. "
IVXills. Orunt.
Mrs. Bowers, 143 Clinton St., Cincin
nati, speaks of her sister's child, who was
cured of milk crust which resisted all
remedies for two years. Now a fine
healthy boy, with a beautiful head of hair.
Frank A. Bean. Steam Fire Engine C,
Boston, was cured of Alopecia, or tailing
ot the hair, by the Cuticura Resolvent
(blood purifier) internally and Cuticura
and Cuticura Soap (the great skin cures)
externally. Which completely restored hi
hair when all said he would lose it.
Tho Cuticura treatment consists In tho
internal use of the Cuticura Resolvent,
the new blood purifier, anil the external
use of Cuticura and Cuticura Soap, tho
great skin cures.
Remedies are for sale by all druggists.
Price of Cuticura, a Medicinal Jelly,
sipallboxes, o0.; large boxes $1 ; Cuticura
Resolvent, tho new Blood purifier, $1
per bottle. Cuticura So.vv (the queen of
medicinal and toilet soaps), 2."c. Cuti
cura Medicinal Siiwino So.vr. 15c.
Principal depot, "WEEKS & POTTER,
Boston, Mass.
Sanford's Radical Cure.
Clear head and voice, easy hrcathing,
sweet breath, perfect smell, taste and hear
ing, ho rough, no distress, by using Sas
fokd's Radical Cuke.
Sneeze until your head is ready to fly
JT, epf6v Hint- xoso running water, throat
parchtd and blood feverish or take Sax
ford's Radical Cuke for Catarrh and bo
cured .
"Witch Hazel, American Pine, Canada
Fir, Jlarijjo d and Clover Hhfesoms arc
what Sanford's Radical Cure is made ot.
Ono bottle Uadical Cure, ono box Catarrhal
fcolvont and Sanford's Inhaler, in one
package for !?t. Sold everywhere.
Gentle, yet eflecttvc,
united with Healing
ISalsam, render collins
voi.taio Ei.Kcrnic plas
ters one hundred timed
MS7" plasters for every Pain,
Weakness and Infl unmation. Price 25c.
Sold everywhere.
. r"ej - superior 10 un oiuer
Universal Vegetable Panacea
Of concentrated extracts selected and com-
pounded from among the many Herbs
and Plants of
Natures Great Botanic Garden
For the speedy and permanent relief of
the most hopeless cases of
KUVKit, iMMmr.rciiKu duskstio.v,
Sick Headache, Constipated Bowels and
General Debility, and all other diseases
arrising from a bilious state of the stom
ach or an inactive or disordered liver.
Iledington fc Co., San Francisco, Agents
for tho Pacific Coast.
Dated Slay 27. 1882.
Jacksonville Crescent City
Xftail Hon to,
P. McMahon, Proprietor.
Stages leave Jacksonville every Jlondsy
and Thursday mornings at 3 a. m. arriving
at "Waldo in the evening, where close con
nection is made next morning for Crescent
City. "When the new wagon road is fin
ished about Sept. l.'itli 'through tickets
to San Francisco will be sold for $18 by
this route.
Express and order business done at re
duced rates.
P. 3Ic3L.VII02f, Proprietor.
All persons indebted to the
undersigned, either by Note or
Book Account, arc notified to
pay the same by November 1st,
1882. 1 his is business.
Junius Claim nml Iiltrli l'r Sale.
Tlie undersigned oilers for sale the mil
ing claim and ditch known as the Cady &
Emerson claim, in the Blackwcll district.
For further particulars enquire at this
office, or S. COIIN.
Jacksonville, Oregon, June 10, 1882.
fell ill M 11
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