r.. OREGON SEKTIHEL. PUBLISHED SATURDAYS AT JACKSONVILLE. JACKSOX COU.NTV OREGON DT FRANK KRAUSE. TERMS: "One copy. Per Year, In adtnncv, $!S 50 VOfi. XXVEI--IVO. 35 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. P. GEARY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Jacksonville, Oregon. C3"0nice In Ryans brick building. P. P. PRIM, v ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Jacksonville, Ogn., Will practice in nil the Courts of the State. Officii in Mrs. McCully's build ins, corner ofOalifiirnia and Fifth streets. - t&& - o. If. AIKEN, M. D., - ppxsiciAK akd svaasoir, JACKSONVILLE, OUKflOM. .4, 'B-OTlcft opiKjH 1 J.Jlyan' store. J. W. ROBINSON, M. D , 111YSICIAN AND SURGEON Jacksonville, Ogn. 'OFFICE At Dr. Vrooman's Dispensary. Residence on Fuuith St., opposite M. E. Church. "Calls promptly attended to, il.iy and night. MARTI X VROLMAN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JAOKiON'VII.I.i:, OIIEG0N. Office up-stiirsin Orth's brick. Resi. dence on California street. II. F. LOWELL, ' ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Tacicsonmu.e, o initios. Alll.ttli'' tlncHii?m Imil. will rrn-ir" prompt Kttnntiuti. c"iijcUl atteiitiu.i kItvii it. cll-c tllll. WILL. JACKSON, f E X T I S T, JACKSONVILLE, OIMJIJON. rrintTii i:imctko 1 1 ..ill I. itin-litiiir AT AM SSiniliat)r.un.-sirul,rrvlili-Ii iMra p. ml lift- rItar M will lit, nt If O.0-.I Til T?i li.nr. 9il or.itjr uf Cal!furU and Ftf tit .trurl .. A. c. mum. I.. II. STKAKM. owns & STEA'INS. 4 TTORNEY i AND COUNSELLORS Rooms 2 and A Slrowbridga's Ruildine, JOUTLNI, OltKCON. Will irirtr In nil f!i rt f P.efs.r.1 In Mm Ftntr ul Oo-junnnl MTitnlilnct.iiTi-rrltiry; nwt iiy i ir licnliratUtitli.M tn Ihi.iih-. In l-Mena CmuU. C" B. HOSTEL. Stsam Bath Tracical Shaving, llaircuttiug AND ARTIFICIAL HAIR WOIlKKIt. FOR Ladies and Gentlemen. BLEEDING. Gu 1-S Leeching:. IN NEUBER'S BUILDING, OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE. Jacksonville, Dec. 11, 1377. :ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Fronl ami II rrlvu, riirlljiul. (On tlio European Plan.) TH03. GUINEAN, PROP. (Lato of the Arcade, Sacramento.) This bolel is thoroughly tire-Proof. Con tains 1'20 elegantly furnished suits and single rooms, which h.ie been refitted and refurnished in modem style. Free coach to and from all trains and boats. Criterion Billiard Saloon! CALIFORNIA ST., CATON &. GARRETT, Proprietors. 'PHIS populai resort, under new man L agcmenl, is furnishing the best brands lit liquors, wines and cigars. The muling table is supplied with Eistcrii periodicals and leading papers of the Coast. G i e ine n call. J. NUNAN, California Mrrrt, Adjoining HOLT'S NEW HOTEL, Jacksonville, Oregon, DEALER IX CLOTHING MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' ! Latest Pattern and made from OREGON CITY CASSIMERE -iA -BlKJEfc-Iiti M I-KTKtr iLLS AND JUMPERS. SHOES, ETC., LADIES'. MISSES', CHILDREN'S KID & CALF SHOES, MEN'S AND ROYS ROOTS; ALEXIS TIES AND BROGANS. All California ESakc A full Assortment of adics' Dress & Fancy Goods, Also a large line of Men's and Boys' Hats. Gentlemen's Undcrware, Suspenders &c, I also keep a full linuot GROCER.ES, ETC., Colfc, Tea, Sugar, Spices, Canned goods or every description, a lull assort ment of TOBACCO & CIGARS. A large quantity of Crockery and Glassware, AllorwhichIwillM.il AT Extraordinary Low Prices. My motto w ill be "QUICK SALRaaml SMALL PROFIT." Country l'r.xlucc Lilcn in exchange for gH)ds I am also agent To.- the following Slan dml Insuin'icu Companies: Foieign Impiial, L'indon, Noithen and (Jueen. Kotxign London and Lancashire, Home Fircni m's Fund. llomeSl.ite Inicstnient Ins. Co. Home Commercial Ins. Co. lloiiic AWslfin Ins. Co. TnwtluiV Life anil Accident of Hartfoul Conn. Risks taken at lower rates than an Agent in Oiegon, and will guarantee in ease of loss, prompt p.n nirnt. JERRY NUNAN. ASHLAND Livery, SaSe & Feed Stable Main St., Ashl.iml. Plin UNDERSIGNED TAKES pleas L lire in announcing that he has pnr- based these stables and will keep con stantly on hand the cry best SADDLi: IIKIthl':-. 1IU0UIES AND CAIIKIIO'ICS, And cm fuiuih my customers with a tip top turnout at any lime. uoiisi, noiKii:.i On reasonable terms, and givtn the best altention. Horses bought'and told and sitislactiou guai-antiLil in all my trans actions. HENRY NORTON. THE ASHLAND Woolen ffianufacturjng Co, Take pleasure in announcing that they now li.nu on band, a full aud'selett stock of Ai5GS!!iBEp E5SfljS AK1 M0E8Vp Made of lite Teiy best NATIVE WOOL And or which they will dispose at very lcasouablc rates. Orders Irom a distance will receive prompt attention. Scud thcin in and give our goods a trial. Akiii.aKd AYooi.kn M'p'n Co. F.RITSGHAED, PRACTICAL "WATCHMAKER ASD JeWELER,- Cnlifornia Sret-f, MAKES a specially of cleaning and re pairing watches and clocks. My charges are reasonable. Gi c me n call. tfryO v wkkk. $12 a day at home ease. i?lymade. Costly Outfit free. Ad'-j uress Iiiue ii Co., Augusta, Maine. csw" . 'im&&zii J Tr:?vVSsk . CgsZt&& SPECIAL GOLD MEDAL Awarded in 1S77, al Philadelphia. For E.vcellejice, Purity $ Eveness of Quality. i PORE & UHADULTEBATEB! SUPERIOR TO ANY BRAND IMPORTED. davenport Vi-iisk:y IS UNHIVALLED! This is a "Whiskj- of Super ior Quality, as has never been on the market in any country. This article SHOULD not be classed with the eo-called Compound of this Coast, but is is of a rich, rare Ilavorand full bodied, and NO 1JLEXDKD or COMPOUNDS can compare with it. Distillation of 1S75 and 1870 is excellent. SCHDLTZ & M B1RGBA1, SOLE OWNERS DA YEN PORT. For sale by Caton & Garrett Jacksonville, and White Bro3., Eock Point, Thos. Chavner, of Rogue River and N. Cook of Willow Springs, Jackson Co., Orecon. California Street, In Ryan's Building. HAVING fitted up this establishment and supplied it with a full and fresh assortment of pure Drugs, Chemicals, Etc., I am prepared to compound all prescrip tions in a prompt aud eaieful manner at Those desiring my professional services willllndmc ready to attend to all calls. M. VROOMAJOI. D. Jacksonville, July 29, 1882. DAVID LINN, AND DEALER IN COFFIN TRUSSMIKGS. COFFINS FURNISHED ON THE shortest notice and cheaner tlin nt !inv other establishment in Southern Oregon. i-urnilurc or all kinds kept on hand or made to order. Stock Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers 400 accrs of land for sale. ISO acres are under fence, and a good l- clling and two barns w ill be found on the farm. The place is also w ell wood cd and supplied with plenty living water. For particulars enquire at this office or at PhomivofP. W. Olwell. J. Callaghan. Jacksonville. Tunc 24th, 1882. Hides, Skins And Furs. I -will pnytlic highest cash price for beef hides, deer skins and all kinds of furs. Will piy 45 cents, cash, for rood deer skins. Come and sco me. N. FICKE. Jacksonville, Nov. 1U, 18S1. fc?nftr?4if -y - -.L-VXj-, y xu ..rsiv iszssfim JBh ' . HK - m, - 1 , , JACKSONVILLE. OREGON, SEPTEMBER 2, ISS2. 0;i3iio3rL 2 -y Remember that evervrcal "Singer" Sew ing Machine has thttfl'rade Mark cast in. to the iron stand-"iind embedded in the arm of the machine. SwM Any machinnoVunFonV.-reu for sale, and represented to lw Singer Machines, but not h.u ing Uic Trade Atark above re feircdlo, are not machines of our manu facture, and we hereby caution the public against purchasing, cupt from ouronly authoriztd agent, E. E. GORE, as he is the only person who has the GENUINE SINGER MACHINES for rale in Jackson County. TDK SINGER MFG. CO., AY. B. 1'uv, Manager, Portland. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. CONDUCTED RY. THE SISTERS OF TUB HOLY S1JIE. THE SHOLASTIC TEAR OF THIS school willcotninenccaboutthccnd ot August, and is lh ided in four sessions, of eleven weeks ca h. Hoard and tuition, pen-term, ?1000 Music 13.0-j Drawing and p-iinting ti.oo Red and Redding.... you SELE0T DAY SCHOOL. Primary, per term,. . -Timinr ' 5 -"5.W) noo 1'iepiratoy " ... MO Senior, " ..J lOOO Pupils received at liny lime, and special attention is paid to Wiiticuhir studies in ljehalfof children wlio bare but limited lime. For furtlieriurticulars aimlv m - ----"., .1.1 r -rf" tiiu vcaui my UfiUSDID BftiU JLliUBl, JACKSONVILLE, FOU THE Finest Brands Of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, NOTIONS, CANDY &NUTS, FURNISHING OOODS, ETC., ETC. llaiing jnsiopencil a fn-sh and complete line of articles usually found, in a -variety store, I solicit a fair slime it public pat ronage, assuring s itisfactmn. E2T" Givemeacall. D. W. CROSRY. ToU Half OYER THE Price Centennial Bridge ACROSS ROGUE RIVER. Best and Most Direct Road. The Centennial Bridge across Rogue River, two mijes south oiJJoek Point, will be fruntl to be on thesafestMnd most di rcct route to and from Roscb'urg, Rwlding and Lake county via. Jacksonville, being also on the valley road from Plnenix and Ashland. The overland sfages cross here. Teamsters will find plenty of grain and baled hay at the Rridge, ami free stibling will be furnished to all who may stop. THOMAS CHAVNER. C. II. KEED. L. L. SAVAGE. REED&SAYAGE, PRACTICAL House, Sign, Carriage and Fancy Painters, tTaoIusozivino, Or. ALL KINDS of graining done. Satis faction cuaranti ed. Orders left nl the New StaleSaloon will receive iiromnl attention. Farm for Sale. The undersigned hereby offers for sale two desirable firms situated at the Mead ows, about 24 miles north of Jacksonville. one containing 320 acres and Use othen 200. Both arc well watered by springs and also by Evans ci eck. Gj,od residences, lnnis and outhduVt on each pi ice, be sides orchard etc. The PinS is rich nnd good for timothy or, alfalfa Eor further particulars enquire. of tin uraLrsigncd at the farm or at this ofiicc. . JOSEPH SAT I'lELD. tt??a week in your owii ti Tertns tunw.inu $s outtit Jree Hallett & Co., Portland, M: Iddress II llill ' V 'I'V 4LXrt 111 triaf?KiJ AX . tmrf r trTTff THE U. S. HOTEL, Cor. 3d and California St3., Jaclzsonville - - Ogn, JANE HOLT, Proprietress. o. & O. Stage House. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. ROOSTS TO LET BY THE DAY, f 'm !' - - fd ' t vfc.3 Prices Very SScderat' OUR NEW HOTEL RUILDING BE mgcompletedJnr occupancy, the tin. dcrsigncd takes pleasure in announcing that we are prepared to entertain the trav eling public. No pains w ill "be sp ired to prmidc for the comfort of our guests :ml to in ike them feel at home w ith us. The mo-t modern improvements haebecn in trodueul, and the accommodations of the United States will not lag In hind the best appointed inland hotel on thiscoast. Our tables will always ba siippliul with the le-st the market affords and sened in the htst Mj le by a corps ot obliging waiters. The bids and betiding are all new and lilted up in the most comfortable style, suited to tho accommodation of .single oc cup nils or families. JANE HOLT. Jacksonville, March 5, 1881. Free to Everybody! A Seant.ful Book for the Asking! Ry applying persomlly at the nearest olliieotTi:siMiKK mam-kctl-i:imi co. (or bv D0sl.1l i.ird if at a ilist.nieM :ith- adult person will be presented with a bcaulilully illustrated copy of a New Rook entitled GENIUS REWARDED, on tiii: Story of the Sewing Machine, containing a haniLomc and costly steel engraving fronli'-piece; nisi, 2S finely en graved wood cuts, and bound in an elali orato blue and gold lithographid cover. Noch irge whatever it made Tor ihishand someliook. which cm bo nhiahxri onlr br ,Uipj)lic,itie'i nt the branoh undKiilmnlin-ite I olhets ofTIie'b nger Manufacturing Co. Tlir SiriTrr lli'nufrnliirins To. Principil Olliee,31 Union Square, New York. READY FOR GUSINES. THE JACKSONVILLE STMM FLOURING MILL "lommcnccl Manufacturing the best ot v Hour on iioMiir. s:-fT.3.i, isso. We arc papaicl to do all kinds of Cus tom Work, in the way of exchange ofllour for wheit, chopping ficd and grinding corn. We have superior machinery for manufacturing tlour and we feel sife in saying that we can d.i better work than anv mill in Rogue River Valley. In exchange, we will give for good, clean w heat, HO lbs. of Hour and 0 lbs. ot mixed feed for each buslu 1. McKENZIE & FOUDRAY, Proprietors. Piles! Piles! Piles! A SURE CUKE FOUND AT LAST! NO OXi: NEED SUrtTUl! A sure Cure for Rlind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr William, (an Indian Remedy, called Dr William's Indian Ointment. A single bojyis cured lbs worst chronic cases of tSJTir ,iu j ears standing. No one need suffer live minutes after applying this wonderful soothingmedicine. Lotions in struments Hiid electuaries do more harm than good. William's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching, (particularly at night after getting warm in bed,) acts as a poultice, gives instant relii f. and is prepared on'y for Piles, itch ing of the private parts, and for nothing else. Read wh.1t tho Hon. J. M. Coffinberrv of Cleveland iys about Dr. William's In. di.in Pile Ointment: I hive used scores of PileCuies, and it nfl'oiils me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which give such immediate and perma nent relief as Dr. William's Indian Oint ment. For sale by all druggists or mailed on receipt of price. $1.00. HENRY &; CO., Proprietors, Cm:vki.ani, O. Hodc.e, Davis & To .Wholesale Agents, Portland, Oregon. EAGLEBREWERY. JOSEPH WETTERER, I'roprletor Oregon St., Jacksonville. The best ot lager beer always kept on hand and ready for sale by the keg or gl iss. Liquor House. The undersigned offers Whiskey for sale 'n quantities to suit customers at $:! per gallon or$! per. quart, at the Eagle Brew ery. Liger Beer for sale and delivered at the usual pi ice. Ml'.S.J WinUKKK. S1.M1I; .1 TELLURtJI. AN INEXPERIENCED TK..Vr.LEU's UKORI OU3 KlTOUTS. r.. i , , vuu man rcacneu a long nun over tho little crowd clustered at the op erator's window nnd asked for a "blank telegraphic form," explaining that lip "wished to send a telegraphic dispatch to his family." Now, when a man speaks of a "telegraphic dispatch" I always wake up anil look at him, be causo the cumbersome title is at utter variance witli tho spirit of tho telegraph. Itfs too lone. Tho use of it betravs- N.Es , Tfc-.sKtCfS. tf-A, A twrn3jiasjjItueuat?foritbeleTomniirthen scn.tchl out "Ikl! C.n.r. 7n' ,. "1i"6'V'Mfe;rothoilowa;s,astnnsliPrTborlrniwvI, m shorter Ins terms. The more nearly he he liv'od. l lAeTraw JHwHy" a: It can conio to saying "msg" tiio moro content he is. Ami he dosen't call it a "telegraphic form;" he asks for a "blank," black or red, as the cise may be. And he never "telegraphs" any body. Ho "wires" them. And he dosen't cxp'nin to the operator what he wants to do with the blank. Presum ably he wants" to write a message. And as to the matters referred to that "msg" and the p-vrty for whom it is in tended, the operator will kuo" a'l that he wishes to know and sometimes much more than you want him to know soon enough. So I watched tho passenger write his "telegraphic dispatch." First he asked the operator: "What day of tho month is this!" Thero was nothiii" unusual in that. AH men ask that. It is the opening line in tho regular for mula of .sending a "msg." You may know what date it is before entering the office, j ou may even have it impress ed upon your mind by hav ing a note fall due on that day, but the moment you poise your pencil over the blank, that date Hies from your mind like tho tooth acho from a dentist's stairway. So when the man asked: "What day of tli: mouth is this' I was not surprised. I courteously answered him, as a cover to npproaching his position, but he did not believe me. He repeated his nues lion and made the operator answer. Then I knew he was very new at it. He .spoiled thiee blanks before he got a "telegraphic dispatch" written to suit him. Rufovcrvbody uses stationery inoreextiavngantly in another man's office than he does at home. Tlru Iip w rote every vv ord in the body of the dispatch v cry distinetiv ely, but scramb led hurriedly over the address as though everybody knew as well as he did and dashed otriiisownsignatureinablindlet terstyle, as though his namowasas famil iar to the operator as it was to his own family. Rut even this is not uncom mon. A man will write "Cuiiingliani" so that no expert under the skies will tell whether it was Covington or Car rington, or Cummagen, or Carrcnton, and when the operator points to it and asks "What is this?" tho writer will stare at him in blank amazeiuct for a moment, and then answer: "Why, that's my name!" "Well, yes, I know that," the operator will say, "but what is your naint t" Then the man will grasp for breath and catch hold of the desk to keep himself from falling, "and finally shout: "Why, Cunningham of course, ! ! !"and look pityinglyupon the opera tor and then glance about the room with a pained, shocked exprtssion, m ono who would say, "Gentlemen you may not believe it, and I do not blame you, but heaven is my witness here is a uianwhodocs notknow that my name is Cunningham I' This is not unusual. Any operator will tell you that he has met Cunningham scores of times and lias mort ally-offended him every time by asking him his name. Well, my tall man with the thin neck got along a little better than that when he handed the operator tho fol low ing explicit message: Mrs. IT. Follinsbce, Dalles Centre, Iowa: My Dear Win:: I left the city early this morning after eating break fast with Prof. Morton, a live man in tho temperance cause. I expected to eat dinner with you at home, but wo were delayed by a terrible railroad accident and I nanovvly escaped bein" killed; one passenger wa3 terribly mangled and has since died, but I am alive. The conductor says I cannot make connection so as to come to Dalles Centro this morning, but I can get there by 8 o clcck this ev ening. 1 hat to dissappoint you, but cannot help it. With love to mother and tho children 'I am your loving husband. IJOGEll K. FoLLixsnKE. Tht operator read it, smiled and stiia: "You can save eonsidcrablo ex OREGON SENTINEL. ADVERTISING RATES. One finai IClInr.orIf.il fir.t Insertion T f 3 Od " " eacliiul)sKjurntlDertIon 100 " " 3 monthfl T 0 " " 6 " 10 00, One-ronrtliCdlnRinl months 7S Cb ." " I ' 30 0 One-half " 3 jn -0 OneC.lnmnamonth. go OQ 0 " SO CO A ni.rnunt tl Vrnrlv Irlr $S PER YEAR IM I.IJII.I 1 ! ajjM' peine and tell nil that is really necess ary, I presume, by shortening this mea sago bwn to 10 words. Wo have no wiredjirctly to Dalles, and will havo to semi this message part of tho wav over another line, which adds largely to tho cost of transmission. Shall I shorten this fur you?-' "No. Oh no' the man with the shawl replied, "I'll fix it myself." Ten words you say!" "Yes sir." It was a stunner, for a fact, and tho man heaved a despairing sigh as he prepared to boil his letter down to 10 worik He sighed again after reading it through once or twice drew his ptnslowh through "broakfast with ' and "in the temperance." Then he scratched over "dinuer vvith'and went on to erase "and narrowly es caped." And so ho went on through tho dispatch. Occasionally he would" hold it from him at arm's length after making an erasure, to get at the general effect. And at last, after much scratch ing and ciasing, and with many signs, ho came to the window and said, "Hero is the telegraphic dispatch to my Wifd. I havo not been able to condense it int to 10 words, and do not see how it can be done w ithout garbling tho senso of tho dispatch, but if you can do it, you would oblige mo greatly, as I do not vv.sh to incur any really necessary ex pense." And with that he handed tho operator tho following expunged edi tion of his original message: MyDbaii Win:: I left the city this morning after eating Prof. Mor- ton alive cause I expected to eat you at home. Rut we were delayed by ateuihlo railroad accident on the rail road. I bein? killed -terribly mnn. gled and since died; but I am the con ductor. I cannot come to Dalles Cenue but I can. I hate mother and tho children. Your loving bus band. Ron Kit K. FoixiNsifEB Tho operator smiled once more, and' in his quick, nervous way that growsT out of his familiar association with tha lightning, made a few quick dashes" with his pencil, and without adding or changing a letter in the original mes--sige, shriveled it do.vn to its Very sin ews, like this: Sarali H. Follinsbee, Dallas Centre, Iowa; Left city 'smorning; delayed by aoci dent; all light; home 'sevening. Roonn K. Folmnsiieic. "There, that is all right." Ho said, in the cheery, magnetic way these op erators have. "Fifty cents, iir; only 25 cents if we had our own wire into Da1Ia, sir; we'll havo ono next spring, too; saves your several dollars, sir. That's right, thank you." And tlio man went and sat down on a chair by thestovo and stared at that operator until t'ie rescuing train came along, as though he wcro a worker of miracles. And when ho got off the train at the junction for tho Dalles, 1 henrd him whispering softly to himsolf: "Stifollns bec clishn smorning; nothin smatter; home saftnoon." And I knew that he was practicing his lesson and had "caught on." The w ires bi ing the news of the death' of Senator Renjamin II. Hill, of Geor gia. Senator Hill has been ono of the" most prominent men in Southern and National politics for many years hav ing been piomiiiently before the public in positions of great importance. Ho was not an advocate of sessions, but wont with the State nnd was after wards a member-of the Confederate Senate. In 18G3 G he was confined in Fortress Lafayette; in 1873 ho sup ported tho ftrcely movement strongly and has been United States Senator from Georgia since 187S. Senat6rHill'i death has been expected for some time, as ho lias been a great sufferer from cancer. Governor Roberts of Texas bar telegraphed tho Treasury Depart ment asking Government assistanco for yellow fever sufferers. At Rrowns villo the fever is increasing at the rate of about thirty cases daily. There arc" now about 200 cases reported, and in consequence of the fever about 2000' people are out of employment, and there is much suffering because of the inability of the people to caro for the sick. Government aid will ba extended nt once. AtMataraoras and other points tin fever is reported as increasing. s.