OREGON SENTINEL. - JACKSONVILLE . Saturday, July 22, 1882. IKi tai)d om.cc at Koseburg. Osn.l June 30, I8SU. ) To all Whom It may Conccrni Notice I hereby siicti that I have dcsls anted tlteonixoN i:mim:i. as Hie paper lu which I hall hrreaflcr publish all pre emptions, houicMcad nuil applications for tnlnlns. jintrjiH Tor lauiln lying ucar Jacksonville. Juckiun cnnnly, Oregon. Y. r. IM'AJtlll'V, liclitcr. Lime Fon Sale. The undersigned lias just finished burning 500 bushels tf hunerior lime at. his kiln on Jackson creek, one and a half miles from Jack sonville, which he offers for sale at 50 cents per bushpl'at the kiln. C. Decker. A CiiaSgY- The new 6tiigo com pany has made arrangements by which through-tickets are hold from here to the following points at tho prices men tioned: To Portland, $20; Salem. S18; -Albany, $17; Eugene City, 514.50. All the aVove includes railroad faro as well as the fare charged by the company. The rate since reductions were, made are as follons on the Southern route: "To Ashland, ?2; Yreka, 58; Kedding, 22.50. Good Investment. Mark Conger xi Eden precinct will start for Slarion county in a few days to purchase a lot of full-blooded bucks of the different breeds of sheep with which to improve his ow-n and other flocks of sheep in this valley. Mr. Conger argues that it costs no more to keep a blooded sheep than one of the scrub kind, which is undoubted y so, and he de serves credit for his enterprise in tho matter. The difference in the yield oF wool will tell. Narrow Escape Last Monday morning while Nort Eddings was dur ing the stagn across the Siskiyou mountains on his way North, and I-., while crossing a bridge just tins bide "3 of the summit, the bridge broke through ffjl Jetting the stage down about live feet. Luckily the horses had got across the bridge when the accident occurred and they were thus enabled to pull the stage out without doing any damage. A number of passengers were on board at the time and it can be called a luck escape. A Correction. In regard to the nffray between O. C. Pet kins and a man named Leonard at Roseburg on uuiy urn, in -milieu tno lormer was atabbed, wo dono Mr. P. an uninten tional injury by stating that he was the aggressor. The trouble was caused by he latter receiving a dun for an old hotel bill and calling Perkins aerofis the otreet on the next day with tjm promise thit UtJSflnpujiJiiujiJd nny further provocation. . Mr. lYjkinx Was not seriously iiijarJ.h,j"everl and no arrest was made. New PosMASTnu 'Quite a sii,- wis created in AhMand ItiM&iturd-iy wlien the announcement was made that n change had been made in the Post uiustership pf Ashland A. P.. Hum inond having succeeded A. D. lleliiian to than oflke. A petition was in circu latinn to letnin the old Postmaster at lest account, and as "no official infor mation has ret been received the matter is probably not yet fully settled. Mr. ITeluian is one of tho oldest Postmasters tu the State, having served continuously nt Ashland for the last 30 year., and the residents there.say that he has never failed in giving satisfaction as and offi cial which ought to be a good reconun datinn. School Aitlicants. We learn thata number of applications have been presented to our Directors for the posi tion of Principal of our public school bat a decision had not been made at lust accounts. Among those who n--e mentioned for the jilace are Prof. L. J. Powell, J. H. Skidmore, Trof. Met der of California and J. D. Robb. Prof. Meritt, fo we are informed, is willing to teach another year at $1,500 j.er year, the same salary that he has been receiving, providingall the Direct -ors dewre him tc remain. Mr. Merritt is by far the best Piincipal this school lias ever had and we hope arrangements can be mado by which he will ba ;on tinued in that position. Tor tho sec ond department Charles Prjm is meu lioned, for the third Mrs. L. It. Web ster and for the fourth tho Misses Carr and Newhury are applicant's". - -O . Vaxts an Investigation We re cf ived a letter this week from H. E. Bedford, .who was in company with Chas. Hendricks when the latter was reported drowned in Roguo river, in 'which he states he wants a thorough Qnvestigation into the whole affair and that he will remain at Itoseburg until "its conclusion if attended to at once. He says that "1 and Hendricks went an -bathing on the evening when the Salter -vas drowned, and no one was present only myself when he disap peared, and I seen Inn: going over the riffle below the bridge. I then report ed it to tho toll keeper at tho bridge and we searched as long as he would help me, and then I searched alone for his body until morning, -and then re ported the accident to citizens of Rock Point and also sent a dispatch to his brother, Hiram Hendricks, of Colusa, Cal. I then started off and what property Charley had wiil remain in my possession until called for by the proper persons. I propose to remain in Roseburg until parties who suspect foul piny convince themselves of their error, and also convince mo that I used no effort to recover his body, and .also .prove to me that I did not stay as Jong as I could having only S3 in mon ey. H. E. Bedfokp. LOt'AL ITEMS. Call and settle. More hot weather. Cucumbers are ripe. Fires in the mountains. Harvesting has commenced. Carter Bros, are painting the Sister's new building. Geo. W. Lance of Foot's creek was in town last week. The Workmen will not install officers till next Friday evening. The well known hide dealer, N. A. Handy, anived this week. the reported shooting affray at Foot's creek was all a hoax. ' Farmers on Applegate say they will have more than an average crop. Read the exhibit of Jackson county's finances among the new advertisements. A number of the wells in town have dried up and rain, is anxiously looked for. Fred Otten has gone to Foot's creek where he will probably engage in busi ness. Wells, Fargo i Co. reduced., rates 20 per cent.on the overland route "tnts"". week. Chris. Wintjen . has gone to Soda Springs for a season of rest from hard labor. Wm. Hunter does the best black smiching at Ashland and at the lowest prices Henry Pape, Jr., keeps the public suj plied with ice-cream at Feathers old stand. L. L. Sivage has accepted a position as clerk in Henry Smith's tore on Wolf creek. Thos. J. Kcnney has received another lot of saddlery goods and sells goods cheaper than ever. The fine stallion Gray Dick, owned by James Drum, will take part in the races at Yreka next I'uir. Joe. Iuisignont returned to the rail road this week where he is employed on the Grave creek tunnel. Prof. A. L. Johnson can swear you now having been appointed a Notary Public by Governor Thayer. Jay Bvach has his horses Maggie Arnold and Honest John entered for the Portland races this week. J. F. Niles started northward jes tcrday in company with Jesso Apple gate in a private conveyance. Rev. F. X. Blanchet wi'l hold serv ices in the Catholic Church at Eagle Point on Sunday, August 5th. John S. Drum arrived from the North this week and is paying his many fiiends here a .short visit. The Eistern Stars h.id an ice ci earn festival last i-v ning after the regular meeting their fiift aunivei-aary. A. T. Johnson has secured a goodjnb on the railroad on rock work and will Je.ivo in a few days to commence. J no. Bolt of Applegate, and Nick Wiiidit and Wm. I)orn ot Elliott creek ere in on a short visit this week. . The Hopkins saw mill property was not-sold hst S.iturd-iy as advertised but will be offered for sale today. Silihburr Haily & Co. who have the mail contract between Roseburg and Redding have 22G5 miles of stage lines. Sol Wi-it has gone to Ashland on a visit. Ilis brother officiates temporar ily at Fisher's store during his absence. Chas. S. Moore, chief clerk for Reaines, Martin & Co. at Linkville, has gone to the Willamette on a visit. Del Norte county will build a briilge across the south fork of Smith river and bids will be received until August 7th A large delegation of voung folks camo down from Ashland last evening to attend the meeting of the Eartern Star. Tho sutler More at Fort Klamath ciught fin: last week but being discover ed in time no particular damage was done. Ex-Governer Chadwick has been in Josephine county for a week past look ing after his mining interests in that section. At the end of the try it took $150,- y7,oJ , a1 year to pay the interest on the national debt, but now 57,360,110, will do it , . A full meeting of the HaymaWs so ciety is de.ii red for next Thursday even ing as business of importance will be transacted. Mrs. Leach, sister of Dr. J. W. Robinson, arrived here from Salem this week and will probably make this her home. N. Langell and party started for Lake count)' last Saturday to reclaim some swamp land and will be absent about six weeks. Phillip Klippel and H. Weydeman left for the eastern states last Sunday. The latter will also pay a visit to Ger many while absent. Look 'out for fires during the hot spell. If one should start now it would provj disastrous on account of the scarcity of water. White laborers on the railroad re ceive 30 per month and board while Chinamen receive the same wages but j have to board themselves. J. B. Rodgers and sons Frank and George arrived from Silver creek yes terday. They intend soing to Alaska on a prospecting expedition. In May, 141,035 immigrants landed on cur shores, as against 11,7,269 in May, IBS1, being an increase of 23, 766, a little over 10 per cent. g- Mf!'T"-ff.T The new white blankets now being manufactured by the Ashland tVoolen mills cannot be excelled anywhere and arc tho finest wo have ever seen. Mrs. B. J. Sharp will leave for Link ville next Monday on a short visit. The new organ for the M. E. Church will art ive hero today in her charge. G. Karewski, K. Kubli and Bilger & Mregly keep all the different kinds of farming machinery 'and arc also well supplied with extras usually required. Mrs. M. Colver of Phoenix started for Goshen Station .this week to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Farlow, who is reported to be in a critical condition. Dr. R. G. Scroggs and family left here last Sunday for Illinois;, where they go to locate permanently. Wo wish him success in his new home. Warren Fate, well-known as an agent of the Singer S. M. Co., died near Canyonville on the 7th inst. of inflammation of the bowels, aged 28 years. E.. V. Smallev, one of tho Northern Pacific railroad officials, passed through last Sunday in a private conveyance. PI. H. Wolters will take him as far as Redding. tlelirv Ivilbh-have gone to Cinnabar on a rusticating trip. Capt. Caton and James Stewart returned from there this week. J. Trumble offers his farm on Sucker creek Josephine county for sale at a bargain. Those wishing to invest will do well to examine before purchasing any other. Rev. B. J. Sharp will preach next Sunday morning at Phoenix. At 4 P. M., in South Piairie school house, and in the evening in the M. E. Church in Jacksonville. Wire for the new government tele graph line between Fort Klamath and Camp Harney is beginning to an ire and work will be commenced on con struction in a short time. "And what shall I say more?" risked the clergman after an hour's holdnig forih. And it was noticed that every mouth in the congregation instinctively formed itself into the word ''Amen."' Messrs. Reamesand Martin returned from Like county last Saturday where they had gone on a business trip. They report times good and a number of cattle sales going on at good prices. The new flouring mill being built on Rogue River by Trumble it Sons is ap proaching completion and will be ready to do some grinding this season. Work has been commenced on the mill race The roll of tho Oregon Legislature is now complete. The Senate contains 16 Republicans an. I 14 Democrats; the Houso 37 Republicans and 23 Demo ciats. Republican majority on joint b.ilIot, 16. A load "fChinampn; trrivedJ.erej'jf trLnn y re,;a this week to work nn the I aiirojJ. A number of Portugese from Siskiyou county have also pased through town to work on the tunnels at Uraxe deck. Mrs. John A. Hulburtand ynungost son joined her husband at Ashland last Satuiday to enjoy a rusticating trip for a short time while Mr.' Hullmrt is en gaged in running the railroad survey over the Siskiyous. Work is progressing on the C. C. Wagon Road, over fifty men being now employed. About thirty whites aro working on the road, and it is prob able that it will be ready for travel some time this Fall. Death to rats, mice, roaches and ants; Parsons Exterminator. B.u-ns granaiies and households cleared in a single r.ight. No fear of bad smells. Befct and cheapest vermin killer in the world. Sold everywhere. We aro informed on the best author ity that our item saying that Miss Eugpnia Kelly would be in charge of the Sister's school here as music teach er was an error. Miss Kelly will teach music but not in connection with the school. N. K. Lytle has been here fevrral days this week looking for a location for a distillery. He is jus't from Ohio, has been in tho business for a number of years and from what he has seen it is likely that he will locate here and go into business. W. J. Plymaleand Geo. F. Billings returned from Olympia this week where they had beon in attendance at the Grand Lodge, A O. U. W. They report having had a lively session and the clam-bake after its close was some thing long to bo remembered. The census report gnes the av erage yearly wases of farm hands in Oregon at 24 75 a month, with board. In Ohio the aveiage is S1G 30, in 111. S17 14, and in Iowa S17 75. In South Carolina it falls as low as 8 10; in North Carolina it is 8 SO, and in Ten tiesee 89 50. A. McKinnie, General Manager of the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company for Oregon and Washington Territory, is hero on business fortliat .company. Ueo. W. bill accompanied hi in and the latter will probably re main in this section for a time as gen eral solicitor. An ice-cream festival, -under the management of the lady members of the Presbyterian Church, will be held next Wednesday eve. in the basement of the Church building., This will take the place of the regular mite society meeting and everybody is cordially in vited to attend. The Metropolitan Hotel at Rose burg has changed hands, H. C. Slocum beingthenew proprietor with O. C. Per kins as manager. Under the new management the old stand, always pat ronized by the traveling nublic. do. serves continued patronage and we Jhopo to sec them do well. -. It is learned on goodfRuthority that President Authur and several members of his cabinet expect to visit tho Col orado mining exposition, which will open at Denver on August 1st From Denver it is stated the -presidential party will proceed to Sari Francisco by way of the southern route. Having heard that his riian was dead Charles Prim did not start for Adin, Uai., until yestentay; - wnen news reached here that the reported death of the surviving horse thief was untrue. Mr. Prim was supplied . with the nercssary requisition papers and will bring the prisoner back for trial. S. L. Dolson, the genial chief of the railroad surveying party between Grants Pass and Jump-Off Joe, was in town one day last week on a business visit. Latest information received states that his line betwe'en those points has been adopted and that lie has been instructed to locate the road on that route. -$' Tho Yreka "JoumaVWof the 18th says: Gen. Chas. Cdwwsdr, Fred. Crockerand SupcrtuMidcnfeWnght, of the C. P. It. Co.. aruvctuimtin yes terdav bv jirivatn 'oonvficaitci!; -travel- u ran next t with Oregon men. ; fj". hasf ptireliased Walter Sullon the Port Orfoid Post of Messrs ATdftcrt? TTi.tnM j: Son and il remove tie paper from Port Orford to Ellensburg in- a short time. We in common with his. many friends here, wish him success in his new busines, and hope that he will get rich soon as all publishers never fail in doing. - ; - George Morris, who had his arm tik'en off.it Chandler & Murm'saw mi'l last summer, met n ith another accident last Monday. Ho was engnged in hauling hav, and was thrown from the J liiuu lop of a load to the ground, breaking his collar bone. Dr. Chitwood went up and. gave such surgical attention as w as required. "Tidings." Mr. John L. Burns, the celebrated agent for the Di'venport whwky, left on the 13ih for Cos Bay, Oregon, from whence he will extend his travels all over the north eastern part of the Pacific coast. The sale of Davenport whisky under the charge of this clov er agent is extending through all the Pacific States, and is becoming a house hold woid. Another stage accident occured near Slate creek last Sunday night causing injuries to three stage passengers, but none are considered serous. The cause as usual was on account of the stage being so heavily loaded with mail and passengers, making it top-heavy and upsetting, and it docs seem that arrangements could be made by which mails for points north pf Port land cuuld be carried by stamrr in stead of stagp. Drivers nre iiot to blame for these accidents iislnev dolhe bet possiU with- thirtitild tJfevSnrei -l V., I..,.! ' ' iit - r - Halis VKnin-ABLK Sicir.iAs Hair Re.vi.wer i.s a scientific comliin.atiuirof some of the most powerful restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom. It restores giay hair to its ouginal ol.r It makes tlio scalp white mi.I clean. It cuies dandruff and humors-, and fair lug-out of the hair. It furnishes the nutritive principle by which the hair is nouri. lied and su; potted. Tt make.s the hair moist, soft and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a hair diessing. It is tho most economical preparation ever offered to the public, as its effevU re main a long time, making only an oc oasional application necessary. It is recommended ami used by eminent medical men, and officially endorsed by tho State Assayer of Massachusetts. The popularity of Hall's Hair Renewer has increased with the test of many years, both in th:s country and in foreign lands, and it is now known and used in all the civilized countries of the world. ' For Sale ey am. Dealers. House Burned. News reached us hat the fine residenco in Sam's valley, owned by John Sizemore, was burned, to the ground last Sunday afternoon about three o'clock. The fire i.s sup pused to have been caused by. the sun igniting some matches ling on a win ilovv sill in the upper story ami the building, together with the woodshed, niilkhou.se and smokehouse anil most of the furniture were burned causing a loss near 86,000 without any insurance. Some of the furnituie was .saved,, but the loss will fall heavily on Mr. Size more, vho had started fSjf Wasco mnnt.v tlmf. mnrnirw linf 'rniMtpnn'.! when informed of the'factbv-4-i,lei1?ti.'4 ger sent out to catch him. Someigood. lively work was done ljy Ifolt. West rop and otheisiluriug the fire, and only for that evervthing would have been a total loss. We nre informed that Mr. Sizemoie will rebuild soon. Religious Items Rev. M.A. Will iams will preach m this place on Sun day, both morning and evening Regular services at tho Catholic church, Rev. F X. Blanchet officiating Rev. J. W. Stahl will hold services at the Drake" school house on Sunday iiext, at 11 o'clock A. M.; and at John's school-house, on Williams creek, on the fifth Sunday in this month at the same hour. Eider M. Peterson preaches at Eagle Point next Sunday, at the usual morning hour Elder A.M. Russell will hold services at the Man--zantia Baptist church this even ing; alio at the same jdace the follov ing Sunday morning and evening. Eintraciit Election. The follow ing officers were elected at tho meeting of the society last Sunday: President, A. Schmidt; Vice President, Dr. Yeit Schutz; Secretary, John Cimbors.key; Treasurer Fred Luy; Trustees, Cbrfs-. Wintjen, Frank Kasshafer and F.red. Grob; Committee on Sickness. John Herberger, Yeit Schutz und Joseph Blatt. 1 in" ult wie ri.iuuiu umjjniiiiosc road extension. ThetiS Icf'lra Hv morning for the iiorUTtoirDusul SET it ItAILUOAM lTOltK. Our regular correspondent at Roseburg sends us the follow ing items under date of the 20th in-t: Since writing you my last letter not much change has taken placo in the aspect of the work apparently, yet it is steadfastly progressing. The influx of Chinamen for this road has ceafed the contract in that line being tilled. More bolts and straps have arrived, but the further extension of the track will be deferred for some time to obvi- ! ate the necessity of moving twice over the tame ground. Billastlng will be continued from the Roseburg end anil gravel all taken from ths pit at this place nearly as far out as Myrtle Creek in which viciuity another will' be opened in due time. About six miles of extension requir ed to biing construction trains to Myr tle Creek. Superintondant Harris has his Head' quarters car two miles above Burnetts, where also is the distributing camp. Supply trains run out about every other day and all kinds of material is constantly being pushed, to tho front. The paymaster camo up on Monday and has gonu forward. Payments are made on or abnut the-middle of each month up to the last of the one previous, which leaves two weeks continually in arrears. A per capita tax of 1 per month is retained fiom the pay of each white person employed on the construction of the road to be applied for salary of a physical), ami any employee become ing sick or meeting with accident will be supported free of charge during such disability; but during such in capacity wages .eeiso. A man named Harry Seeber attempt ed to crosi the Uivpqua on a horse opposite Roseburg and would have drowned but for the timely assistance of pai ties neir at hand. Ho was about full of water when rescued. Theiowasa tide in the affairs of men immediately after the visit of the pay master, some of whom tried a resi dence in the cooler, while many have ominous dark spots over the disc3 of their visages which in this cafe portends a calm. J. H. H. Above Re.lding about 75 men are at work on masonry for culverts, and it is reported that the entire Southern Paci fic forces of 2,000 men will be put at work from Redding northward before the close of this month, and that agents have alieady arrived at Redding to make necessary arrangements. The Central Pacific must commence work soon if they expect to Gnish their por tion of the Oregon line ns quick as the Vil ird company. The C. P. have over 140 miles to build, and the Villard com pany have not as much to rench tho Oregon line, but the latter company have inoie tunnels; besides crossing tho SiskivoU3. The Oregon company expect to have nenrlv half their road enm- I ..!. .1 1 - t i . .. ... ' "i"? J "w, " mo n.auerol u. rTaWaml,;R iitybe'3tuii)ed br reach mjr tha Cow etttek tunnel, where work can be prosecuted all winter, and also in theother tunnels. The Villaid com pany now have over 4,000 men at wrrk, aud are takingallof the men they can hire. Several Porlugueso have left, this county lately to work on the Oregon road, and letters have been re ceived by the Portugiip.se, formerly em ployed at Diggett's Klamath Mill, on Salmon river, to go there, and wo un derstand that they have gone or intend going. "Yreka Journal." 1 he 1. O. I'. W. The most important business trans acted Sy the grand lodge of A. 0. TJ. W. nt their session just closed at Olym pia, except, of course, tho clam bake, was the adoption of the following sec tion in thu'new constitution: xiny beneficiary certificate suspend ed by reason of non-payment of assess ments thereon, may be renewed, if the member be living at any time within a period of "three months: from thod.ato of suspension, upon the following con ditions, ami none other; that is to say: 1st. All assessments that have been made during that time shall be paid. 21. This hcl shall be reported to the lodge at a stated meeting. 3d. Tho lodge shall by a majority voto declare said certificate renewed. Yhen all these conditions shall have been com plied with, the beneficiary certificate shall be held as renewed and in full force, and not before. Heietoforo the constitution has not been elearon this subject Some lodges held that the piyment of dues alone was sufficient to restore a member to the benefits, without formal action of fhe'IodI-e' a,nJ. h.ave ,1,us tec courts in several cases ided. Under the action above quoted beneficiary certificates can only be renewed by a majority vote of the lode. John Blight, the venerable English statesman, has resigned as a member of the British Ministry. He is a consistent quaker, and, true to his reli gious convictions, has always been op posed to the employment of military force in the governing of England. In consequence of the Egyptian war, he found it impossible to agree with his associates as to the policy of the government and his resignation is the result. By the retirement of Mr. Bright England loses one of her wisest and safest counselors and she may yet see tho day when the policy and teach ing of this pure and simple quaker will be more honored than all her Egyptian conquest. Mother DIetl or Salt Klicmii. J. W. Adams, Newark, Ohio, says: "Cuticura Remedies are the greatest medicines on earth. Hail the worst case Salt Rheum in this country. Sly motiier nau it twenty year, and in fact died from it. I believe Cuticura ' would have saved her life. Mv arm-, ' breast and head were covered for threw i years, which nothing relieved or cure I until I used the Cuticura Remedies. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Parra for JScvlo. The undersigned offers a farm of 240 acres on Sucker creek, Josephine county, for sale. The place consists of residence. bam9, good orchard, and an excellent water power-that can also be used for irrigating purposes. One of the most desirable places in thc"country for the money. For tnrther particulars enquire of the under signed at Jvock i'omt or at the place. J. TR U M BI.E. METROPOLITAN HOTEL, 2F5.ofsoT3nx2.-s;, - - Oi-oson. H. C. Slocum, Propr., O. C. PERKINS, MNGR. First-class accomodations can alwavs be had ut this o'd established houe aud sat isfaction guaranteed. Free coach to the house. EXHIBIT F THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDI. tares of Jacksan comity. Oregon, dur ing the fiscal year ending July 3, 1S82. IMsIjiirscineiits. Jurors fees in Circuit Court S 1.4DG 10 Witness fees in State cases 1,025 00 District Attorney's fees, Circuit Court 10."i 00 Bailiffs feos. Circuit Court 112 00 Expenses (if Circuit and County Courts 129 01 Stationery, light and fuel 47 40 Printing and telegraphing 167 42 Expenses justice of peace courts. . l,XV) 20 " county hospital 2,035 93 Temporary aid to indigent poor.. 533 44 Expenses state patients 191 IS Roads, bridges and supervisors.. 4,572 73 Coroner's inquests 105 93 J.nlor's fees and board of prisoners 433 72 Expenses of iusane 233 49 Aaiessinent of county 70S 00 Collection of taxes 1,335 22 Expenses of election 557 21 Rcp.iir.-i on county lmildings 50 75 Paid for transcript from Lake Co. 9 10 " opinion on assessment laws 10 00 Money refunded ou license 12 50 K.urd nf Circuit Court juries. . . 03 00 Salaries and fees of Co. officers.. 4,254 79 Total amount of warrants drawn since July 1, 18S1 19,950 72 Interest paid on county warrants, redeemed ami c.tuce'leil 2.2GS SO Paid state treasurer, state tax. . . . 8.9SG 17 " tchool fund from taxe3 5.20S 59 " " nntsiu state cases 40 00 " " sales of cstraya.. WOO " Building fund 2,47117 Tofcil 39,021 51 GENERAL FUND, Da. Tocash in county treas ury July 1, 1SS1....S 2.1G3 95 Received from taxes up to July 3, 1SS2 3S.191 51 Received from licenses 108 00 Fines in state cases... 40 00 Sales of estrays 90 00 Trial feei 37 5.0 Forfeiture of hail hood 50 00 Mon'y efuuded tramps 104 Go Usceipts Co. purposes, $-10,788 61 UBXEUAL FUND, Ca, Co. warrant rcdecmetl320.()9i 23 Interest paid on cams. 2,2l3 SO Paid school fund, tax, fines and estrays... 5,338 59 Tax pd. state treasurer 8.9SG 17 Building fund 2.471 17 Cash in Co. treasury.. 1.C2G 19 Total . 10,789 21 I hereliy certify the foregoing exhibit to be correct. HENRY KLIPPEL. Comity Clerk. Cotuity Treasurer's Report Bal. in general fund July I, 18sl . .$ 21G3 95 " school fund " " . . 721 43 " bnildiujifund " ".. 33.3.3 48 Amount received during year end ing July 5, 1SS2....'. 41251 4G Total.. $17473 32 TEU CONTRA. State taxes paid S9SG 17 Canceled Co. warrants returned 20093 23 Interest on same 22G8 80 School orders paid.. . 7417 53 I.tlauce tut hand ill school fund 1271 69 Balance on hand in general fund 1G2G 19 Amount on hand in bmldiug fnnd 5801 057-173 32 .soiioiix, riiMi. Balance on hand July 1. 1881 .? 721 43 Amount received from State Board 202!) 20 Received from county tax 520S 59 " " tines iiwSlito cases.. 40 00 " " cstray animals 90 00 Total.. S3GS9 22 IT.R CONTRA. School orders paid 7417 55 Balaucaon hand 1271 07 SSGS9 22 msi.Dixu n xi). Amount on hand July 1, 1881 3333 4S " received from county tax.. 24J1 17 Total S5S0 J G5 HENRY PAPE, Co. Treasurer. TrtrtTrj-n....:!!., "i I..I.. K loon .jv.icwuuuv.-j VI uuiy ft IOC , Notice. Lasu Office at Rosnnunn, Or , ) July 11, 1882. f Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his I intention to make final piool in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before the Judge or C'erk of Jose phine county at Kcrbyville. on Saturday, .viiguat 19, 1882. viz: Orr Brown, Home stead No. 27b for the S W if ot Sec. 10 T 37 S R (i W, W. M. Ho wmes the fol lowing witnesses to prove his contiuous residence upon, and cu tivation of. said bind, viz: William Stringer, George C.arv, of Wildcrvillc, Oregon, and Clark Nick-er.-on, Samuel Daniel, of Murphy, Oregon. Wm. F. Bkxjamix, Register. Notice. Land Office at Roseburg Or., ) July II, 1882. f ?Otinft IS linrnlitr iitrin flint tlo fVl!rtTi jng.namcd settler lias filed notice of his .u.v..,.u.. w .Muni, jiii.ii iiiwui in aujijiuri ofhis c'aim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or Clerk of Jose phine county, at Kerbyvillc, on Saturday, August 19, 1832, viz: James Spence, Homestead No. 2801, for the W i of N E if and N 4 of S E if Sec. 2 T 40 "S R 8 W, W. M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of, snid land, viz: J. W. Payne, D. W Gilmoie, Win. Newman, of Allhoue. Oregon, and E. B. Ilogue, ot Waldo, Josephine county. Oregon. Wm F B.-.iamis, Register iiticnra Ceo. W. Brown, 43 Marshall St. Provi dence. R. I., cured by tuticura Resolvent (hlood purifier) and Ciiticuni and Cnticttr . Soap (the great skin cures) rif a Ringworm Humor got at the harbor's, which; spread . all ov-er his ears, neck and face, and for six years resisted all kinds of treatm nt Slr-I-ra ZEEiaxxxox, - F. H. Drake, Esq., agent for Harper & Bros., Detroit, Mich., gives an astonishine; -account ofhis cae (eczema rodent), hich had bee.; treated by a cotiSultation of '' phy.-lciiins without benefit, and which . spccd:ly yielded to tho Cuticura RksoIv. ent(b!-od purifier) internally and Cutl- ' cura an I Cuticura Soap (the great skin cures) c.Vcinaily. II. A. Ra. mond. Auditor F. W., J. & S. R. R. , Jackc-in, Mich., was cured of Scald Hrfid of nine j -are duration hy the Cuti. " cura Remrdics. 33csoi2a.,. r Hon. Wm. Taylor, Toston. Mass. per manently cured of ahuir.-irofthe face and scalp eczema) that had ben treated un successfully tor twelve years by many of Boston's best physicmns and raoM noted specialists, as well as European author!, ties. , OVrillx. Crurat. Mrs. Bowers, 113 Clinton St., Cincin nati, speaks of her sister's child, who was cured of milk crust which resisted all remedies for two years. Now a fine healthy boy, with a beautifijjjieadof hair, Frank X. Bean. Pteam Fire Engine 0, Boston was cured of Alopecia, or tailing ot the hair, hy the Cuticura Resolvent (Mood purifier) internally and Cuticura and Cuticura Soap (ihe great skin cures) . externally. Which completely restored his hair when all said he would lose it. Troataioat. Tho Cuticura treatment consists In tho internal use of the Cuticura Resolvent, the new blood purifier, and the external use of Cuticura and Cuticura Soap, the great skin cures. Cixt icurn, Remedies are for sale bv all drugsists. Trice of Citictra, a Medicinal 'Jelly, small boxes, 50.: large bows SI; CVriCURA , Resolvent, the new Blood purifier, $1 pcrboiile. CiTicrttA So.w (the queen of medicinal and toilet snaps), 25c. Cuti rcitA Medicinal Silwiso) Sovr. ICc Principal depot, WEEKS & POTTER, Boston, Mast. Sanford's Radical Cure. Clear head and voice, easy breathing, sweel tireath, perfect smell, taste and hear ing, no rough, no distress, by using San fukd's Radical Cur.n. Sneeze until ywtr head it ready to flv foffpye and aose running -water throar-f prtretial anU Mood ieersli or take Sax. -" runn's Kadical tuns lor Catarrh and ho eured . Witch Flaztl, American Pine, Canada Fir, M:irigo d and Clover Blossoms are what Sanford's Radical Cure is untile ot. One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and S.inford's Inhaler, In ouo package for t. Sold everywhere. WEEKS . PO 'ITER, Uoston, KLECTKItilTY Gentle, yet effective, unit d with Healing Hal-am, render coi.li.is voirAV ui.r.rnuc plas ters one hundred times fciiperior t all other ASTS planters for every Pain, Weakness and Inllanimation. Sold even where. Price 25c. Liver KEGTJLATOR the Universal Vegetable I-iinacea Of concentrated extracts selected and com- poundid from among the many Herbs ami Plants of Natures Great Botanic Garden For the speedy and permanent reliof of the rao'st hopeless cases of DYSPF.l"I., .lAU.XHIOK, CHILLS A.SD KKVKIt. HIMIIICKUKD IJICJK.STIO.V, KLATULKCY, AMI ACIDITY, SOCR 11EI.CHINO OP WIND AND OAS FROM TIIB8TOMACU, Sick lIuIm:he,Corstipalcd Bowels and General Debility, and all other diseases arrising from a bilious state or the stom ach or an inactive or disordered liver. Z3T FOR SALE EVERYWHERE -a Redington & Co., Sju Francisco, Agcnta for tho Pacific Coast. Dated May 27. 1882. " - dissolution ZSToiice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the partnership heretofore existing lietwecnJ. P. McDaniel and M. Caton In tho saloon business is this day dissolved by mutual consent, the lormer retiring. ' All bills owing by the firm will be settled , hy the new firm of Caton & Garrett to whom all tho outstanding indebtedness due the firm will also be paid. Thankful for past patronage, a continu ance of the same isusked. The public may rest assured that full satistaction will be given. J. I. Sic Daniel, SI. Caton. Dated July 7, 1882. Dissolution Notice. iJ rl E 1S hereby given that the part 11 nenJiip heretofore existing between Louis Solomon and Slax Slullcr is this t day dissolved by mutual consent , Alt those indebted to the firm are re-, quested to settle their note and book ac count forthwith to save cost. ' Louis Solomox, SI.vx SIuller. . Dated Ju'v 7, 18S2. NOTICE, Notice Is hereby given that from and af. tcr this date I give my son Tronk At his timoand give him full powrto transact nny business that he may engage in. O F TOPPING. wi'lwms Josephine Co, July 1st, 1882. at'