OREGON SENTINEL. PUBLISHED SATURDAYS AT JACKSONVILLE. JACKSOX COUNTY ORECOX Br KRAUSE &. TURNER. TERMS: ADVERTISING RATES. OnsiquM lOllnes orlem first Insertion.! f 8 CO ' " each subsequent Imertlon. ..... 1 fO ii 3 mouths.......... .- T Go ' 6 " 10W One-fonrtli Column Z months. ... 7& Co " i " ....". MO On-blf " 3 " SO CO " 6 " 4&10 One Celumn 3 months 60 (0 6 ' go lO A Discount to Yearly Advertisers. One copy, PcrYtnr, Inatlvnnct, 88 50 1 VOL. XXVDI-NO. 2? JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, JULY 8, ISS2. $3 PER YEAR OREGON SENTINEL. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY & COUNSELORAT-LAW JacKsonville, Ogn., Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Office in Mrs. McCully's build Ins, corner of California and Fifth streets. G. H. AIKEN, M. D., pttYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ji.CKSONVIM.lt, OREGON. SrsT-OTc opposite V. J. Rjnmi's store. j. "w. robinson, m. d-, Physician and surgeon Jacksonville, Ogn. OFFICE At Dr. Vrooman's Dispensary. Residence on Fourth St., opposite 51. E. Church. . Calls promptly attended to, day and night. MARTIN- VRLOMAN, M. D. DEYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. OIllcc up-stairs in Orth's brick. Resi "dencc on California street. R. G-. SC HOGGS, M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office up stairs in Orth's brick building, Jacksonville, Oregon. Residence, opposite the Court House. Specialty, operative, surgery and treat ment of chronic dincascs. Olllce hours afternoons, from 4 till C. B. F. DOWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Jacksonville, oregox. AllbaelnMs plsecl In mr linU will rceflre prompt ttsutlou. tf3jpectiil attention glvon to cllec tlons. WILL. JACKSON, AEN TIS-T, , JACKSONVILLE, OBEaQ.V., s rTrTH EXIUCTED AT AM. mi-ZfL i !i"ur. Lmcliliig Ca, sil (rTISSlSAmluUttrwI.ir.lMlrcil.fur lilcu extra VJJi.Cil Jcliarg l m'e- oaoonml rilJCJ ciruer of California ami Flfib street,. J O. GIH1H. - L. B. fcTKARSf. (illUiS & STEAHNS, A TTURNEY3 AND COUNSELLORS, A Rooms 2 and 4 Strowbridgc's Building, TORTLAND, OREGON. Vflll pra'tlco lnallCrnrtf Rwordlntlie Statoof tlrecon nna niiiiin;un kuh'im. ..v. i-.j , tlcularattontlnii to limitless in Fe Inral Courts. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Front auJ JIaTrlon. I'orlland. (On the European Plan.) THOS. GUINEAN, PROP. (Late of the A rcade, Sacramento.) This hotel is thorou:h'y fire-proof. Con tains 120 e'cginty furnished suits and sins e rooms, which have been refitted and refurnished in imd?rn sty e. Free coach to and from all trains and "boats METROPOLITAN HOTEL, M. A. CANAN - Prop. tSTTho Metropolitan is the only Ceu trally Located House in the City of Rose burg. Staircs arrive at and leave the Hotel every day. Good accommodations, and civility to all. Extra p tins taken to sec that fain ilies are mads comtortable. ST" A parlor for Xadies and Ladies to wait upon them. HEW SADDLES SHOP, Jacksonville, Ogn. Thomas J. Kenney, Prop. HAVING OPENED OUT A NEW saddler shop in Langell's building, opposite Masonic Hall, I 'am fully pre pared to do auv work in my line with promptness nnd dispatch. Will keep on hand u good assortment of saddles, bridles, harness, bits, spurs etc None but the best California leather used. Job worK a spcchlty and prices to suit the times. fS?Givc me a trial. T J. KENNKY. Jacksonville, July 1G,, 18S1. ACTA (tr)riPer day at home. 2J 1 J tJCUSamp'es worth $5 free Address Stia'sox & Coa Portland, Me. J. NUNA California Street, Adjoining HOLT'S NEW HOTEL, Jacksonville, Oregon, DEALER IN CLOTHING MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' ! Latest Pattern and made from OREGON CUT CffliffiRE DUCK & DHMIN OVERALLS AND JUMPERS. 'shoes, etc., LADIES', MISSES', CHILDREN'S KID & CALF SHOES, MEN'S AND HOYS' BOOTS; ALEXIS TIES AND BROGANS. All California BSake. A full Assortment of ladies' Dress & Fancy Goods, Also a large line of Men's and Boys' Hats. Gentlemen's Umtowarc, Suspenders &c, I also keep a full line oi groger.es, etc., Coffee, Tea, Suiar, Spices, Canned goods of every description, a full assort ment of TOBACCO & CIGARS. A large quantity of CrorRrry and Glassware, All or which I will sell FOR CJj.33ES AT Extraordinary Low Prices. My motto will be mcicsi,iBd-S3iArar-rtOFrT.j Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. I am also agent for the following Stan tUrd Insurance Companies: Foreign Impciial, London, Northcn and Queen. Foitign London and Lancashire, Home Firemsu's Fund. Home State Investment Ins. Co. Home Commercial Ins. Co. llome Western Ins. Co. Traveler's Life and Accident of Hartford "onn. Risks taken at lower rates than any Agent in Oregon, and will guarantee in case of loss, prompt payment. JERRY NUNAN. ASHLAND Livery, Sale & Feed Stable Mnfn St., Ashland. rHE UNDERSIGNKD TAKES picas tire in announcing that he has pur chased these stables and will keep con stantly on hand the very best ssAOUlc nimbi;', iiuggies akd caiu;ig:cs. And can furnish my customers with a tip top turnout at any lime. . ii (!:.!:! ::oiki3: On reasonable terms, and given the best .mention. Horses bought and sold and .- itisfaction guaranteed in all mv trans actious. HENRY NORTON. THE ASHLAND Woolen manufacturing Co, Take pleasure in announcing thnt they now have on hand, a full and select stock of E3S0K1 AMD M583E58Vp Made of the very best NATIVE WOOL And of which they will dispose at very reasonable rates. Orders Irom a distance will receive prompt attention. Send them in and give our goods a trial. Ashland Wrmi.FN M'f'o Yi. Criterion Billiard Saloon! CALIFORNIA ST., James P. T&cSaniel, Frop. 'PHIS populai resort, under new man- agement, is furnislnng the best brands ot liquors, wines nnd cigars. The reading table is supplied with Eastern periodicals and leading papers of the Coast. Give me a call. JJryQA.-WEEK. $12 a day at home ease. Jj -olvniade. Costly Outfit free. Ad dress True & Co., Augusta, Maine. T. O. REAMES E. R. REAMES. RBAMESBROS., California st., Jacksonville, - - - Oregon, I! BY ADOPTING A CASH BASIS !! THE GREATEST REDUCTION IN PRICES AND THE LAR&SST STOCK OF- GENERAL HEBCIIASBISE ! THE GREATEST VARIETY TO SELECT FROM IN Any On Store in Southern Oregon or Northern California. ALL FOR CASHIl FALL &, WINTER DP.Y-GQGDS, FANCY GOODS, LAI1?" HUE? GOODS. RASIlMr.Rra. AND IHVGONALS. SILKS. AND S 41 INS, BOOTS & BilOKS, CLOTUING. ETC,, LADIES' CAL., 51 ADE CLOAKS Wn CALL T1IC ATTENTION OF THE laill-i. to the fact tint we hive now hi hand tli" l.iri-t ati'l lKitM'lcctnl nort 'iirnt . r L DItb' DRESS GOODS and FAN !Y 0(H)DS ot every di-'Ciiption In South--rti Oregon, ami e will !ncpfurth make this line ot good1 onr speciality aud sell tSim at Cheaper than, the Cheapest. To the cntlcmen we will fay, if vou want V No. I SUIT OF CLOTHES von "must Ko .to Renin' s Bros, to buy them a we claim to have the bet .-TOCK OF CLOTHING in lucksnii county aud will ullow none to un- lilTScil 11H. These go..ds were all purchased by a mnn her ot our Erin from FJU.VT CLASS House ir Saa Franci'Cn and NeviT York, and we will Aitiraiit weiy article and cell thim as cheap for ca-h a any hou in th coanty. We also keep on baud a lull slock of GROGSREES, Hardware, Cutlery, Glassware, CROCKERY, -A FULL LINE OF ASHLAND GOODS FA15I AND FREIGHT "WAGONS Plows, Gang Plows & Sulky Plows- In fact everything from the CiK needle to a threshing-machine. Give us a call and judge for yourselves as to our capacity of fiirnitliing good as above. The way to make money is to save it. To save it buy cheap. To bny cliMp pay CASH for your goodi nnd buy u' RKAMES BROS. DAVID LUm, AJJD DEALER IN COFFINS FURNISHED ON THE shortest notice and cheaper than at any other establishment in Southern Oregon. Furniture of all kinds kept on hand or made to ortlck Hidss, .Skins And Furs. I will pay the highest cash pricq for sit pricq beet bides, deer-skins and all kinds of Airs. Will pay 45 cents, cash, for uood deer skins. Come and sec me. N. FICKEA Jacksonville, Nov. 10, 1831 0,TJL"tiO13. 5 Remember that every real "Singer" Sew ing Machine has this Trade Mark cast in to the 'iron stand and embedded in the arm of the machine. Any machine now bcingoflered for sale, and represented to be Singer Machines, but not having the Trade Mark above re let red to, arc not machines of our manu facture, and we hereby caution the public against purchasing, except from our only authorized agent, E. E. GORE, as he is the only person who has the GENUINE SINGER MACHINES for sale in Jackson County. THE SINGER MFG. CO., "W. B. FitY, Manager, Portland. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. CONDUCTED BY. TIIE SISTERS OP THE HOLY XA3IE. THE SHOLASTIC YEAR OF THIS school will commence about the end ol August, and is divided in four sessions, of eleven weeks each. Board and tuition, per term $-10.00 Bedand Bedding 4.00 Drawing and p-unting S.00 Piano 15.00 Entrance fee only once, 5.00 SELE'JT DAYr SCHOOL. Primary, per term, ... ? COO Junior, " ' 8.00 Senior. " 10.00 Pupils received at any time, and special attention is paid to pat licular studits in Delimit ot children wno have but limited time- For further particnlapjily at iiii! .ifclulcmr " ""-'iiBi CallAt CROSBY'S RED FfiOfff, JACKSONVILLE, FOR TIIE Finest Brands Of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, NOTIONS, CANDY & NUTS, FURNISHING GOODS, ETC., ETC. Having just opened a fresh and complete line of articles usually found in a variety store, I solicit a fair share ot public pat ronage, assuring satisfaction. E2T Give me a call. D. W. CROSBY. foil Half Price OVER THE Centennial Bridge ACROSS ROGUE RIVER. Best and Most Direct Road. Tho Centennial Bridge across Rogue River, two m'nes south ol Rock Point, will be found to be on the safest nnd most di tcct route to and from Roseburg.Mtedding nnd Luke county via. .Tacksonvil'e. Bein;r also on the valley road from Phrenix and Ashland. The overland stages cross here. Teamster? will find plenty of grain and baled hay at the Bridge, and free sttbling will be furnished to all who may stop. THOMAS CHAVNER. C. II. REED. L. L. SAVAC1E. REED&SAYAGE, PRACTICAL Houss, Sign, Carriage and Fancy Painters, iTaclr.soxLvlllo, Ojr. ALL KINDS of graining done. Satis faction guaranteed. Orders left at the New State Saloon will receive prompt attention. ' Farm for Sale. The undersigned hereby offers for sale two desirable farms situated at the Meatl. ows, about 21 miles north of Jacksonville, one containing 320 acres and the other 200. Both arewell watered by springs and also by Evans creek. Good residences, barns and nuthouses on each place, be sides orchard etc. The land is rich and good for timothy or alfalfa. For "further particulars enquire of the undersigned at the farm or nt this office. JOSEPH SATTERFIELD. Cfi Ca week in your own town. Terms )UUand $3 outfit irce. Address H. Iallett & Co., Portland, Maine mm iipoh Solomon $ Mensor HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARG-3 STOCK OF GENERAL .MERCHANDISE, -sjCr- " - :-" .S CONSISTING OF Fancy Goods, Laces, Ribbons, Mats, Caps, line Dress Goods, and Flannels. LADIES AND GENT'S LINEN DUSTERS, Ladies Hats, Kid Shoes, Calf Sioes, Febble Goat Shoes, Cloth lM.ce Shoes. AND A LARGE STOCK OF ZVIisses and Children Shoes. GENTS LOW SHOES of all description. CLOTHING, UNDERWEAR, OVERALLS, JUMPERS, HARDWARE, jS.ia.cl J- Largo Stools. OF Groceries, and Tobaccos. AH to be sold at the lowest cash figures, or county produce. 'We ask the public to call and examine our slock before pur chasing clsewheie. DR. SPINNEY No. 11 Kearny Street, Treats nil Chronic mill Special Diseases. . Who ma be sutfering from the effects of nmliri.f.i;ip nr inricrr-Uon w;il do well to avail themselves oftliis, the crcat est boon ever laid at the altar of slifl'erintr humanity. DR. SPINNEY will t;uaran lee to forfeit 50OO for every enso of Semin al Weakness or private disease of tiny kind of character which he undertakes and fails to cure. MIDDLE AGED ME.V. There arc many at the age ot thiity to sixty who uro troubled with too frequent evacuations of the bladder, often accom panied by a slight smarting or burning sensation and a weakening of the system in a manner ihe patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found, and sometimes small particle of albumen wil appear, or thecolor will be ofa thin milk isb huca-rain chantrinj to a dark and tor pid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Dr. S. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and a hc-i'thy res toration of Hie genitu urinary organs. Office. Hours 10 to 4 nnd 0 to 8. Sun days, from 10 to II A. ji. Consultation free. Thorough wxnmination and advice, ?3. Call or Address DR. SPINNEY & CO., No. 11 Kearney St., San Francisco. June 3, 1882. tf P10 BONO PUBLICO! LINDLEY, TORRY & CO. WILL FURNISH SUPERIOR L OF ALL .t Ijoxvoat jE?Z.v?ojs. HAVING purchased Jas. Herd's steam saw-mill in Willow Springs pre cinct, we arc now prepared to furnish iumbcr of every description, Cloar' txty.cX Rousli, promptly, and at the very lowest rates. Bills s-iwed to order. All kinds of merchantable produce tak en in exchange. CSTGivc us a trial and judse for your self LINDLEY, TORRY & CO. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of .1. B. Coats, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned lias been appointed by the County Court of Jackson county, Oregon, sitting in Probate, Administrator of ihs estate of J. B. Coats, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate arc requested to sett e the same immediately, and those having cltims against the estate wil' present them with the proper vouchers at the residence of the undersigned in Jacksonville, Oregon, within six months after the first publication of this notice. JAMES R.NEIL. Administrator of said Estate. Dated May 13, 18S2. CITY BREWERY. YEIT SCIIUTZ, - ProDrietor. -Tr-TTftm.n fftp nwcnpfrrrtTT.T.v TV. I fnrm tVis rltlvinii ftf Tactr ttnnsr 1 1st and tlie rld at large, that tley can find, at atir time. t mr Brewery, the tet nztr beer. In any quantity the pnrchaei tnsj desire My house is coarenlentlysttnated and-ray rootua nr? alvayeln order. A tlilt villplea yn. TIIE U. S. HOTElLi, Cor. 3d and California Sts., Jacksonville - - Ogn, JANE HOLT, Proprietress. O. & C. Stage House. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS- MEALS AT ALL HOURS. ROOMS TO LET BYT THE BAY, WEEK OR MONTH. Prices Very Moderate. OUR NEW HOTEL BUILDING BE ing completed lor occupancy, the un dersigned takes pleasure in announcing that we are prepared to entertain the trav eling public. No pains will be spared to provide for the comfort of our guests and to make them feel at home with us. The most modern improvements have been in tioduced, and the accommodations of the United States will not lag behind the best appointed inland hotel on this coast. Our tables will always bo supplied with the best the market alTords and served in the best style by a corps ol obliging waiters. The beds and bedding are all new and fitted up in the mo-,t comfortable style, suited to the accommodation of single oc cupants or families. . JANE HOLT. Jacksonville, March 5, 18S1. Free to Everybody! A Beautiful Book for the Asking! By applying personally at the nearest office Of TIIE SINGER MXUFACTUWXO CO. for by postal card if at a distance) any adult person will be presented with a beautifully illustrated copy of n New Book entitled GENIUS REWARDED, OR THE Story of the Suwiiig Machine, containing n handsome and costly steel engravin;; frontispiece; also, 28 finely en graved - ood cuts, and bound in an elab orate blue and gold lithographed cover. No charge whatever is made for this hand- some book, which can be oliL-iinVtl onlwht' 4-ftPW6aUoi-at4nc.irancbuina subordlcatei , -" . , "I? -- -J ;n -..-T.i. i5- -r I...-..S5SS. ?.." The Singer ilnnnftrttnrins Co. Principal Offlre, 34, Union Square, New York. CEADYQFOR BUSINES; THE JACKSONVILLE STEAM FLOURING PyiSLL Commenced Manufacturing the best ot llour on JIOMMV. SEIT.20, ISSO. We arc prepared to do all kinds of Cus tom Work, in the way of exchange of Hour for wheat, chopping feed and grinding corn. We have superior machinery for manufacturing tlour and we feel afe in saying that we can do better work than any mill in Rogue River Valley In exchange, we will give" for good, clean w heat, ISO lbs. of tlour and 1) lbs. ol mixed feed for each bushel. McKENZIE & FOUDRAY, Proprietors. Piles! Piles! Piles! A SURE CURE FOUND AT LAST! KO (hE NEED SUFFER! A sure Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itchin" and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Wil iam, (an Indian Remedy,, called Dr. William's, Indian Ointment. A single box lias cured tho worst chronic cases of 2o or 30 years standing. No one need suficr five infinites after applying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions in struments and electuaries do more harm than good. William's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itchintr. (particularly at night after getting warm in bed,) nets as a poultice, gives instant relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itch inirofthe puvate parts, aud for nothing else. Head what the Hon. J. M. Coffinbcm of leveland ry3 about Dr. William's In dian Pile Ointment: I have used scores of Pile ' lues, a"nd it aflbids me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which eave such immediate and perma nent relief us Dr. William's Indian Oint ment. Tor sale by al' druggists or mailed on receipt of price. $1.00. HENRY & CO., Proprietors, Cleveland, O. Hodoe, Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Port 'and, Oregon. EAGLEBRE W.ER Y. JOSEPH WE'ITERER. Proprietor Oregon St., Jacksonville. The best ot lager beer always kept on hand and ready for sale by the keg or glass. Liquor House. The undersigned offers Whiskey for sale in quantities to suit customers at 3 per gallon or per. quart, at jhc Eagle Brew cry. Laser Beer ibr sale and delivered at the usual prire. Mkk. J. WirrrEnrni. vi it::ai'. Scenes at Ills Excrntlon. Charles J. Guiteau was hung in the jiil yard in Washington on the 30th of June fir the murder of President Garfield. Wp copy the following des cription of the last scenes from the telegraphic reports: Guiteau showed great nervousness and appeared greatly startled when ho heard the rattle of the muskets of the guard on the stone floor of the rotunda. From that moment Guiteau appeared to be thoroughly overcome with emo tion. He wept freely and seemed to bo in great anguish. MORE CALM AXD COMPOSED. After the death-warrant na-s read by the Warden the prisoner became more composed and turning away began to brush his clothing. At 12:25 a loud steam whistle was blown at the work house, which is near the jail. The whistle usually blows at 12 o'clock and by it Guiteau was in the habit of gaug ing the time. The delay to day was by special arrangement, so its startling .summons might not como before tho oflicers wero ready. About two min utes later the iron gates at tho end of the corridor were opened and Warden Crocker made his appearance. A mo ment later tho familiar figure of Gui teau was seen; his face was pallid and the muscles about the mouth moved nervously. Other than this there were no iigns of faltering. THE MARCH TO TIIE SCAFFOLD. The procession moved quickly to tho scaffold, and Guiteau ascended the somewhat steep steps with as much steadiness as could bo expected from n man whose arms were tightly pin ioned. At tho last step he faltered for a moment, but wns assisted by officers who walked upon either side. Upon reaching the platform, Guiteau was placed immediately over tiie drop, facing to the front of tho scaffold. Guiteuu, when ho came out into the lotunda, looked calm and collected, but very pale. His arms were pin ioned behind him and he held his head erect. He gazed upon the crowd with out flinching. He wore a black suit, and instead of a collar had a handker rhief thrown loosely about his neck. Those who expected "sickening" or distressing scenes -were disappointed. Guiteau walked firmly through'the tnitafflfflaJSSiffU Hb1lllrS-; one of-'tho steps leading-"up to'thV scaffold, but recovered himself immedi ately. When he began to read his voico was loud and clear. Ho gave the words now and then a sort of in flection. Captain Coleman stood upon his right, Robert Strong on his left and Woodward directly behind him. Jones took n position on the north sido near the uptight of the beams. War den Crocker stood at tho southeast corner of the scaffold. Thero was a slight delay while the spectators were pushing nnd jostling through tho door leading from tho rotunda to tho corri dor, at the lower end of which tho gallows were placed. Guiteau, mean while, gazed upon the crowd, looked up at the beam over his head and qtiickly made a survey of all the dread paraphernalia. So soon as tho crowd had gained access, Warden Crocker waved to them to uncover, and all heads were bared. THE SUPREME MOMENT. The attendants then pinioned his legs and carefully adjusted the noose about his neck. Mr. Strong placed thq black cap over his head, and as he did so, Guiteau called out in loud tones, "Glory! Glory! Glorv!" Instantly tho trap was sprung. Tho body fell and turned partly round, hut there was not the slightest perceptible motion of the limbs. When the drop fell a yell was st-nt up by some persons inside the jail. This was re echoed outside by tho thousands or more people, who hurrah pd lustily. For at least forty seconds after Mie drop fell the body hung mo tionless, thpii there was a slight motion of tho shoulders and legs duo to mus cular contraction. Three minutes after the drop fell the body was lowered to be examined b- the physicians. Thero was a decided action of tho heart for fully fourteen minutes, and the pulse flattered two minutes longer. When the body had hung with the feet just touching the ground for over half an hour, it was lowered into a coffin which was in readiness under the scaf fold. The physicians decided that tha neck had been broken. When the black cap was removed and the face exposed, the features wero found to be pallid and composed. About the mouth thero was considerable mois ture. THE LAST HOUR. Guiteau was very restless during tha most of tho latter part of the night, not sleeping moro than twenty minutes at a time. Toward morning he fell in to sudden sleep from shper exhaustion. He rose a few miuutes after 5, and breakfasted heartily at G:30. Whn the t-ervant served his breakfast Guit- eau told him to bring dinner at 11 oclo:k promptly. Dr. Hicks, who re mained at the jail all night, was called inio the prisoner's cell as soon as ha rose, and he'd a consultation on relig ious subjects with him. At 8 o'clock Dr Hicks saw the prisoner again, when he made a request to have a bath, and asked Hicks to go out and see the scaffold. Guiteau desired him to ar continud on fourth page.