Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 24, 1882, Image 3

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Saturday, June 2-i, 1882.
Land Office at Roseltnrs. Osn.l
Jane 30, 1880.
to Bll TOiom 'It mnr Concern!
Notice U hereby slicn Hint I Lave deals
trateU the OKIXON M'.TI.m:l ms the pnper
In -h hlch I slinll hercaner publish nil pre
emption, liomcMc-iri and applications
Tor lulnlns patrnt Tor land IjJns uear
JacluonrlUr. Jackson coantj-, Orrson.
W. r. Itl.VJtMIV. Urclsler.
Office Closed. Phoenix is no
longer a telegraph station, Miss Sar
gent having resigned, and the com
pany's property used there has been
transferred to the now office t,oon to be
opened at Redfield's, a station on
the railroad.
Postponed Again. Anothc post
ponement nas taken place in the order
for the sale of the Griswold property
on the judgment in favor of the Uni
ted States and B. F. Dowell. Sixty
idays from lost Tuesday is the day set
for the sale as it now stands.
Ckystamzed Swkets. C. C. Mc
Clendoii of Sam's valley has sent us a
can of well crystalized sugar taken
from the bottom of a package of Sor
ghum syrup. It Ir good evidence that,
with proper appliances, no trouble will
be found in making sugar' from cane
raised in this climate and at no dis
tant day it will bean important article
tof commerce here.
Cmcus Comixo The Great East
fern Equescurriculum and Equine Para
ilox will exhibit here on Tuesday next.
Reports from below state that this is
one of the best circus troupes that has
ver visited the Pacific Gftast and we
bespeak them a full house. Admission
one dollar, children half price. A free
tight-rope exhibition will be given on
the grounds before the performance
Card of Thanks. On behalf of the
Methodist Episcopal Sunday School, I
takd this opportunity to return my
thanks to the- children who so cheer
fully assisted in the concert; to Mis
MattieSisley for her services at the
orgin and to the citizens of Jackson
ville for their generous liberality and
appreciative attendance at our concert
and festival.
Mns. B. J. Siiakp, Supt
Religious. R. C. Oule&by will
preach the funeral sermon on the
death of Father Reanies on the fir.-t
Sunday in July. Services will ako be
held in the evening .... Elder M. Peter
son will preach at the Eacle Point
school house to morrow at 11 A. M. . . .
Rev. M. A. Williams will hold services
here to morrow, both morning and
evening. ..Rev. B. J. Sharp will
pnmcIrdUiiissioiwnvsejinon nt Phcunix
)ioxirfcniraa.y,uinrninj:1 and m the eve-ing-.a-'teinpefince-ern!on
in the M. E.
-church in thty place.
'Sunday School Concert. The con
cert given at Holt's Hall last Tuesday
evening under the supervision of Rrv.
B. J. Sharp and wife, for the benefit
of the JI. E. Sunday school proved a
success in every particular All the
little children who participated did ex
ceedingly well and the large audience
seeniel well pleased with the enter
tainment. After the concert ice cream
and Rtrawberries were served and the
total receipts amounted to S97.25
which will be expended in purchasing
new library for the Sunday school.
The HAPrY Camp Style. Tuesday
night a Chinaman was discoveied
Tobbing the sluices of J. K. Re.ve, at
Happy Camp and was shot at by one
of the watchmen and slightly wounded
in the head. After a desperate resist
anc he was captured and placed in the
custody of the deputy sheriff who
locked him up for the nfoht. On
Wtdnesday morning the official went
to give the prisoner his breakfast and
"found him dead in his blankets, some
person hating broken into the jail dur
ing the night and shot him through
the head, evidently while asleep. It is
not known who did the cowirdly deed
and there seems to be little effort to
find the perpetrator.
Homicide at Grave Creek. From
our correspondent at Grave creek we
"have the particulars of the murder
that was committed at that plate on
Sunday night. .It appears that sever
al men aniong whom were two named
Xane and Fox went to Na?le.'n sal no n
to take some liquor anil w hile there en
-gaged in a game of cards for monev.
A dispute soon arose and Fcx ahuel
"Lane shamefully and offered to n"ht
3iim which was declined. Finally Fox
became so abusive that Lane went into
anothr room procured a gun cocked
sind levelled it on Fnx made him take
'back all ho had said and agree to quit
quarrelling. Fox then went off Lane
staying behind to do some trading and
then started for Grave creek about 7
o'clock in the evening. When about
"three hundred, yards north of Nnsle's
lie met Fox and two men named Brown
and Linville and the quarrel was re
newed. Linville took the gun
away from Lane when Fox rushed ut
Turn and both men fell. Linville pulled
Lano off jeparsting them and Fox cot
up saying he was cuf. Brown nnd Lin
ville then started to assist Fox to
Uagle's home and he asked to be laid
lown which was done. One of the
men then went for water and the other
-started for Grave creek to telegraph
for a doctor and "when thev returned
they found.Fox lyine dead in the road.
He was stabbed three times either
"wound being sufficient to cause death.
Lane made his escipe but has been
seen in the neighborhood and will be
caught. Bad whisky was at the bot
tom of -the affair and scores another
ME3f I
Guiteau swings next Friday.
Settle up we need and must have
Auction sa'e at Cardwell fc Johnson's
Georce's majority in the State foots
up 3,568.
David Cronemiller is disabled with
Everybody is going to the cireus
next Tuesday.
Dr. Cusick of Gerrais is here look
ing for a location.
New candies received at Crosby's
Red Front this wetk.
Mrs. Max Muller and family are rus
ticating at Soda Springs.
S. L. Dolson of the railroad survey
was in town last Monday.
Several communications are crowded
out this week for want of space.
Sheriff Lash of Yreka was a passen
ger on yesterday's stage going north.
Champions will remember the Grand
Council to be held here next Friday.
T. B. Kent received 245 majority in
the three counties for District Attor
ney. Mrs. T.T. McKenzie and family are
paving Mr. Hopwood a visit on Evans
Nearly every precinct in Jackson
county will celebrate the 4th of July.
Patiioth people.
Madame Holt is on the sick list
having been confined to her bed for
several days past.
E. Donaghy of Cottonwood left that
place this week to pay a yisit to his
old home iti Ireland.
J. M. Smith of Wilderville paid us
a visit this week. He reports business
quite good in that locality.
A portion of the new goods ordered
by E. Jacobs at San Francisco arrived
this week. Cull for bargains.
Ashland" has 167,164 worth of
taxable property, according to the as
sessment of recorder Gillette.
The Fourth of July committee tie
sires several gallons of gcod pickles if
they can he brought in, in time.
Another Sunday pic nic to Rosue
river is in contemplation by our Ger
man citizens, to take place soon.
Report says that another circus is on
the way noi th from S.m Francisco to
arrive hero about the 4th of July.
Another installment of new goods
were received by T. J, Kenney this
week and he says they must be sold.
The Linkville-Lakeview route has
been sub let to parties in Lake county
for something less than 4,000 per
The Sitters new academy is nearing
completion and will be one of the fin
est institutions of the kind in this eu.li
of the State.
Two stone pillars fourteen feet in
length, suitable for posts on heavy
farm gates, can bo secured at this of
fice at a bargain.
. Dr. Will Jackson and family re
turned from Ashland this week, and
the Dr. will be found at his office ready
to attend to business.
Now that the season of summer re
creation in the mountains is at hand
fall at John Miller's for fiahng tackle,
guns, ammunition, etc.
P. W. OUell of Phoenix offers a
very desirable piece of farming proper
ty for sale on good terms. Call at
this office for particulars.
The N. P. R. R. Co. will sell land
to actual settlers only and not more
than 160 acres to one p-rson. This is
to head off land speculators.
Dr. Aiken performed a difficult sur
gical operation on Mrs. W. T. Lover
this week for strangulated hernia and
the patient is now doing well.
J. A. Slover has purchased A. D
Manion's interest in the Manion
House and took possession last Thurs
day. No Chinamen employed.
The average small boy is now busily
engaged in gathetingand selling bottles
with which to raise a fund to attend
the circus and celebrate the Fourth.
Mountain parties are now organizing
for a season of recreation during the
hot summer months. Most of them
contemplate going to the coast this year.
Win. M. Turner returned from
Portland last Saturday. He has se
cured another surveying contract and
will be absent several months this sum
mer. A change will be made in the man
agement of the Sentinel on the first
of July and all those owing us will
call and settle at once as we need
The river and harbor appropriation
bill has passed 'the house, as it came
from the committee, by a very large
mnji.rityr It gives Oregon over a half
Genl. Thomas G. Reames and W
A. Wright returned from Portland
last Saturday, where they had been in
attendance on the Grand Lodge of
E. H. Autenreith is now at Treka
and will arrive here en a visit in a
few days. He was suffering with a
severe attack of rheumatism af last
Albert Smith, one of the well known
firm of Smith Bros of Portland, and
brother to the would-be Governor, has
been in Jackson county several days
this week looking for a site on which
to build a saw mill on the line of the
railroad. They are all men of large
means and we are glad to welcome
D. P. Thompson played the Conk
ling dodge by resigning the office of
Mayor of Portland to receive" an en
dorsement at the polls and got left just
the same.
Grand Master John A. Boyer grant
ed a warrant this week for the or
ganization of a new lodge of the J.
O. O. F. at Portland. Its number
will be 72.
J. F. Cooper, of Independence, Or
egon";' mail contractor on the Linkville
Lxkeview route, passed through town
this week to take charge of the same
or sub-let it.
We were in error last week in slat
ing that J. L Knight proposed open
ing a hotel in Jacksonville. We are
now informed that he never thought of
such a change.
Lee Yan Yan, the Chinaman con
victed of larceny at this term of Court,
was taken brio" by Deputy Sheriff
Hyzer on Sunday -last to serve out a
two year's sentence.
Plymale contemplates making a
number of additions to his stable in
the way of horses and buggies, his bus
iness having increased so of late that
he must have them.
A. D. Manion, formerly proprietor
of the Manion House in Jacksonville,
started for southern California awl
Mexico on Thursday last. His health
was the cause of his leaving.
The National Police "Gazette" of
New York gives portraits of the prin
cipal characters in the Bradley-Brown
murder case in Portland. We are
under obligations for a copy.
Walter Sutton made a tie race with
his opponent in the run for the Clerk
ship of Curry county at the last elec
tion and the County Court will proba
bly have to tell "who is who."
E. K. Campbell, representing the
large liquor house of A. P. Hotaling
ifc Co., is interviewing Jacksonville
customers and meeting with good suc
cess. He seems to be a live ageitt.
McDaniel & Co., keep the celebrated
"Davenport" whisky. John L. Burns,
the agent, is now on his way here,
overland, and will soon arrive via
Crescent City. Ask for Davenport.
Both the saloon ahd livery stable at
Phoenix are now in charge of Ed.
Morgan and travelers passing that
way will do well to give him a call
whn passing that way. He will
treat you well.
V. R. Derickson, a mining expert
from the East arrived in town about a
week ago and is now engaged in ex
amining the different quartz mines
around Jacksonville with a view of
making investments.
Squire Hoffman's dog and several
other canines have suffered the extreme
penalty of the law this week by re
ceiving cold pizen. If the collector
don't come around soon the dog tax
will be light this ear.
Ru-di of advertisements for several
weeks past -prevents us furnishing the
usual amount of reading matter -but
arrangements will soon be made where
by the reader and advertisers will all
get their money's worth.
Death to rats, mice, roaches and
ants; Parsons Exterminator. Barns
granaiie.s and households cleared in a
single night. No fear of bad smells.
Best and cheapest vermin killer in the
world. Sold everywhere.
Frank Huffer and W. W. Cardwell
returned from Eugene City this week,
where they have been attending the
State University. B. B. Beekman
will return in a few days, having gone
to Portland on a short visit.
Upon careful estimate George's ma
jority appears to bo just about 3,560.
Moody's is 1,586, Eirhart's 2,524, and
Hirsch's 2,605. The official returns
will change these figures somewhat but
will not materially rajuce them.
Mr. P. W. Olwell of Phoenix in
forms us that he has received a new
tuibine wheel and iron penstock with
other improved machinery and thu he
will be ready to commence grinding in
about ten dajs with three set of burrs.
Our old friend E. C. Brooks went
and got married this week to Mrs. A.
Houck. The ceremony was performed
in a rerv quiet manner, Rev. B. J.
Sharp officiating, on Monday eveninc
of this week. We wish them mucli
If you want to save your monev buv
your Harvesting Machines of, K. Kubli.
He lias the boss machines The Buck
eye Harvester, and Mower, and al
so the Taylor Rake, Haines Header,
and Morrison plow. A word to the
wise is sufficient.
Residents of Applegate and vicinity
will celebiat the Fourth of July at the
App!egate schuol house." A dancing"
floor and good music will be found on
the grounds, and a "rand hall will be
given at Sam Taylor's in the evening.
Everybody is invited.
It is useless to deny that the bright
est and fairest fall easy victims to con
sumption, and equally fruitless to ig
uore the fact that decline has its origin
in many cases in neglected catarrh.
San ford's Radical Cure is a oure.
sweet, balsamic specific.
J. Frank Niles, agent for the Pacif
ic Mutual Life Insurance Company of
California, is in town looking up busi
iiess for his company. The company
is a substantial one and these wishing
to insure cannot do bettw than taking
out policies with Mr. Nile?.
In the city election int Portland on
Monday last, Dr. J. A. Chapman was
elected Mayor over Hon. D. P. Thomp
son, the present Mayor, by 542 major
ity. Both ran as Republicans; the
Democrats made no nominations for
Mayor. For Councilmen, there were
Republican and Democratic candidates
in the field, and the Republicans elect
ed two out of three.
A-9peciaKd6jftHpt-the w'Oreon
Ian" from 'WuutoBten,- June1 15th,
states that Senlfauhders, McDill
and Garrison, senatorial territorial com
mitteemen, will socnreport a bill for
the admission of -wjjbington Territory
as a State, wittf Idaho attachment.
John Orth's newJouse is now in
the hands of the amters Messrs.
Reed & Savage and'will be ready for
occupancy in a short' time. When
completed it will be the finest residence
in Jacksonville. Johnny feels proud
over it, and we don't blame him, either.
Lieut. Edwards and Mrs. Lieut.
Backus passed through town yesterday
on their way to Fort. Walla Walla,
W. T. Lieut. Edwards goes to meet
his wife and will return soon to take
his station at FortKlaraath, while
Mrs Backus goes to join her husband
at the first mentioned post.
The number of electors in Great
Britain and Ireland -w only 3,134,721,
distributed as follows: In England
2.591,402, Ireland. 228,278, and Scot
land 115,121. Birmingham is the
largest constituency ,?! having 64.051
electors; Liverpool is" next, with 62,039
and Manchester third, with 43,042.
The New Champion Front Cut
Mower is without .a rival.' Has new
mechanical movem:$$tifxuntiing ab,
mostnoiseleisIy ahdwhhness than one"
half the gearing, bearings and friction
points of any other successful Mower
ever constructed. Cifw "i eet 3 in
ches. For sale-at Bilger& Majgly's
Last Saturday evening was the oc
casion of a 'very pleasant gathering" at
the Kubli mansionbeing the 22d
birthday for Mr. and Mrs. Kubli' eld
est son Henry. Quiteja large number
of young folks assembled and spent
the eiening discussing the nice colla
tion spread by the hostess and every
thing was most pleasant and enjoyable.
At tho commencement of the State
University at Eugene, the following
degrees were conferred by the Presi
dent, J. W. Johnson: Bachelor of Arts
on Eva Rogers, George M. Hoyt, Ar
thur L. Frazer, C. F. Miller and George
Noland, and of Bachelor" of'ScIeace on
Ed wary Bailey, S. W. Condon, Alice
Dorris, Ida Dunn, Maggie E. Sargent,
Ruble P. Spiller and E. McCornack.
The National Republican contains
the eloquent oration delivered by Ore
gon's young representative, M. C.
George, at Ball's Bluff on Decoration
day. It is a beautiful tribute to Sena
tor Baker of Oregon who gave his life
for his country on that fatal field and
has given our distinguished citizen a
national reputation as a "scholarly ora
tor. We regret that we cannot pub
lish it on account of its length.
Mrs. Nordhein and Mrs. Huseman,
of Yreka, have been paying their Jack
sonville friends a visiffor-several
days this week. They were the guests
of H. v. Helms of this .city, and on
Wednesday evening of this week they
were tendered a-ssrwsd -jrthe-Jfick-
sonville Brass Band where a social"re
union of former residents of Turling
ton, Iowa, was held at'Mr. Helms' res
idence. They started for home again
on yesterday's stage.
It seems that the Crescent City
wagon road will Jio ttuilt at once un
der the management of Messrs. Wimer
it son of Waldo. Tho subscriptions
asked from the citizens of Del Norte
and Josephine counties have all ben
secured and the list is very near full
in this county. " Frank Gay of Smith
river, Cal., is now among us circulating
the subscription lisl and he expected to
have thoamount 31000 made up last
evening. When completed it will prove
to be one of the greatest, 'Clessings to
Rogue River valley and we hope for
its early completion.
The raid on mutilated coin, and re
fusal of merchants to pitch it into their
tills, as an cquivalent-.for fine tooth
combs or paregoric, says the Walla
Walla Statesman, has resulted in an
unusual rattling in the" contribution
box at the churches. The man who
gets left with half dollars with holes
punched in them, first .supplies the
children with necklets, and after the
children run out, he bethinks of the
Lord, and drops the balance into the
collection hat The' heathen cannot
use our coin good or bad,-so the dea
cons sell the holey stuff at a discount,
and apply the genuine they get in re
turn. No choice had been made for the
Democratic nomination for the Gov.
emorship of California up to the time
of going to press lastp evening. A
number of"ballots had-bcpnJLfcken ith
Stotjeman and Hearst in ' the lea-'.
The'Iast ballot stood 1S8 for Stoneman
and 177 for Hearst with the balance
scattering. Later. Late last evening
we learned by telegraplrHhat Stone
man received the nomination for the
Governorship on the 14th ballot and
he ill be their standard bearer in the
coming campaign. Stoneman repre
sents the anti-railroad sentiment in
California and will be handsomelv de
feated next September if tho Republi
cans make a good nomination for that
office, which thev are sure to do.
Horse Thieves Around Another
successful attempt was made last Sun
day night the Singer Sewing Machine
Co. losing two horses and David Payne
one. The horses were taken from the
barns owned by E. E Gore, agent for
the Singer, and J. G Van Dyke, living
just this side of Phoenix. A saddle
was also stolen from Samuel -Hutton's
place in the same vicinity on the same
night. No trace has yet beenioun'd
of the thieves, but officnrs;;are on
their track. A reward is also offered
for their capture. .-
Fresh Vegetables. The under
signed will run a delivery tagon to
Jacksonville on Mondays and Ashland
on Tuesdays and Fridays.- .A full line
of vegetables, fresh and first-class, fur
nished ,at very low rates. Look out
when Ihc horn blowj. 8. Sherman.
Another Pioneer Gone. On the
17th inst. J. P. Parker, - familiarly
known as "Doc." Parker," died from
the effect of injuries received at his
saw-mill last week, having been struck
in the stomach by a piece of edging
thrown from a circular caw. Mf. Par
ker was an old resident of this valley
and a native of Massachusetts, being
nearly 67 years of age. He was a
stirring, active business man, had
studied medicine, theology, astronomy
and his reading had been most exten
sive. He was a man of kindly dispo
sition a good neighhor but very pecu
liar in his ideas and habits and leaves
a fami!y, grown up, and a widow to
mourn him. His remains were buried
in the Jacksonville cemetery on Mon
day last followed by a largo number
of frirnds. So the old settlers are pass
ing away and tho last will soon be
gone from among us.
Mother Died of Salt'KIienm.
J. W. Adams, Newark, Ohio, says:
"Cuticura Remedies are the greatest
medicines on earth. Had the worst
case Salt Rheum in this country. My
mother had it twenty years, aijd in
fact died from it. I believe Cuticura
would have saved her life. My arms,
breast and head were covered for three
years, which nothing relieved or cured
until I used the Cuticura Remedies.
Untrue A report has been in cir
culation this week that Win. Linvillr
had been nrrested on the charge of be
ing an accessory to the murder of Fox
at Grave creek but we are glad to sav
that it is without foundation. "Bill"
was with them when they had their
death struggle, but done nothing more
than to separate Fox and Lane during
the fight.
Notice There will be a meeting
of the -arious committees at the town
hall this evening for the purposo of
perfecting arrangements for the cele
bration of the Fourth of July. A full
attendance is requested.
D. LINN, Chairman.
J. H. Huffer, Secretary.
Champions Attention. A meetine
of the Grand Council of C. of H. will
he held at Victory Council Hall No. 4
in Jacksonville, June 30th, 1882, to
which all delegates are cordially in
vited to attend, as important business
is to be transacted. By order of
Roirr. Leaddetter, G. C.
Haying has commenced and is sell
lug at S8 per ton.
The undersigned offers 400 accrs of land
for sale. 150 acres are under fence, and a
good d "el ing and two barns wi I be found
on the farm. The place is also well wood
ed and suppiied with plenty living water.
For particulars enquire at this ofllce or at
PhocaixofP.W. Olwell.
.j. MltS. J. flALLAOUAJf.
Jacksonville. Tune 21th, 1882.
In the matter of the estate of Eli Judd,
VTOTICE is hereby given that the un-
County Court of Jackson county, Oregon,
sitting in Probate. Administrator of tlie
estate of Eli Judd. deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate 'e
rPfl!lpOirl tn RMtl" 111, aimn immnflialnlir
mil those having claims against the estate
will nrpsfn! tlinm wifli llmnmnnrrmptifira
it the office of the undersigned in Jack
sonville, Oregon.within six months after
me nrst publication ot mis notice.
U. '. LtUMttLib,
Administrator of said Estate.
Dated Juno 20, 1862.
Land Office at Rosebuho, Oox., )
June 211832. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the Judge or Clerk of Jncjtson coun
ty at Jacksonville, on Saturday July 29,
loaz, viz: o. v. iioucrtson frc-rmption
D. S. No. 3.844 for the N E i ofNEW
Sec. 17 T 39 S R 1 E Wil'. Jlcr. He names
tho fo'lowintr witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon, and cu'tivatien of,
said lantl, viz: Ed. Wimer, J. C. Craw
ford, J. B.R.Hutcliings and Jacob Wag
ncr, all of Ashland, Jackson county, Ore
gon. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register.
AT "
extend an invitation to their fellow-citi-
zens throuchout the countv to ioin in the
celebration of the 106th anniversary of
iuuencun mucpcnacnce at me court
House Square in Jacksonville Oregon.
The following programme has been pre
pared for the occasion :
Firing of salute and raising the Nation
al flag at sunrise.
After jlhc usual preliminaries, the assem
blage will come to order at the appointed
place at 10 o'clock a. jr.
1. Music by the Jacksonville Brass
Band; 2 National Anthem by little girls
representing the States and Territories; 3.
Prayer by the t haplain. Rev. B. J. Sharp;
4. Song by the Glee Club; 5. Reading
Declaration of Independence by Miss
Emily Brown; 6. Music by the Band; 7.
ration by Hon H.E: Hanna; 8. Song by
the GHee Club: 9. Music by the Band.
Marshal of the Day; Henry Klippci, Esq.
"Will be one of the features. Everybody is
invited to bring a well-filled basket
After dinner there will be foot-races,
iumping matches and sports for prizes.
No pains will be spared to ntake the
day glorious.
" Precisct Potcer's: At the. elec
tion on the 5tb, the following precinct
officers were elected: -
Jacksonville Justice, J.H. Huffer;
constable, J as. G. Birdsey.
Ashland Justice, H. Root; consta
ble,. D. Taylor.
Eden Justice, Dr. J. A. Chastain;
constable, T. Barr. .
Evans Creek Justice, P. A. Ken
nedy; constablp, Thos. Haymond.
Mauzanita Justice, Geo. S. Walton;
constable, John M. Fountain.
Little Butte Justice, M. Purdin;
constable, John Ash pole.
Foots Creek Justice, Nelson Hos
mer; constable, J. A. Harvey.
Leland Justice, E. G. Browning;
constable, S". C. Stockton.
Pleasant Creek Justice, Jacob
Evans; constable, F. Cirter.
Grant's Pass Justice, B. Mench;
constable, S. Ieham.
Applegate Justice, J H. Knutzen;
constable, Jasper Darneille.
Uniontown Justice J. A. Reinbart;
constab'e, O. B. Dews.
Big Butt Constable, G. F. Gray.
Chimney Rock Justice, W. P. Fal
low; constable, John Terrill.
Flounce Rock Justice, Chas. Stid
ham; constable, A. H. Boothby.
Rock Point Justice, Jacob Neat
hammer; constable, F. Howland,
Table Rock Justice, C. O. Gall;
constable, W. J. Rodgers.
Willow Springs Justice, J. W. In
gram; constable, R. H. Dean.
Sterlingville failed to elect precinct
officers, while there was a tie vote be
tween D. Dunlap and H. H. Pope for
Justice of Big Butte precinct.
Holloway's Pills Never Despair
Something that never fails Fever
and Ague To the sick it is of little
consequence how they are cured,
whether from a rational view of the
disease or by the rules defined for the
guidance of the profession, so long as
the cure is certain and expeditious.
To a suffering man the question on the
relative merits of quinine or calomel ir
uninteresting. The faculty may
wrangle and discuss their various theor
ies, but Dr. Holloway'8 treatment dis
pels doubt ere tho disciples of Escula
pius have finished the first stage.
Holloway's Pills are the only remedies
which effect a speedy and radical cure
without danger of a relapse. Read
the advertisement elsewhere.
Important Caution. Nono are
genuine unless the signature of J.
Hatdock, surrounds each box of Pills
and Ointment. Boxes at 25 cents, 62
cents and 1 each.
EF There is considerable saving by
taking the larger sizes.
Hollowat & Co., New York.
ville, Ju..; 19, 1882, by Rev. B. J.
Sharp, E. C. Brooks an.! Mrx A.
Houck, both of Jacksonville.
PARKER At the Big Butte saw
mill, June 17, 1882, Dr. J. P. Par
ker, aged 66 years, 7 months and
22 days.
Jacksonville, Oregon.
JOHN SIILLE2, - Proprietor.
cnltuial implements, tools of all
kinds nnd a general assortment of shell
He also keeps the largest stock of, and
all the latest improvements iu
Fishing Tackle,
powder, Shot, etc.
Givo him a call and examine his stock
before making your purchases.
with the choicest
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
Fishing Tackle, &c.
And everything usually found in a first
class variety store.
Our goods are the best and gummteed
to bo as represented; -Prirca low, as we do
not proprose to lie undersold.
U"Give us a call
Geo. "W. Brown, 48 Marshall St., Provi
dence, R. L, cured by Cuticura Resolvent
(blood purifier) and Cuticura and Cuticur
Soap (the great skin cures; of a Ringworm
Humor got at the barber's, which spread
all oircrhis cars, neck and face, and for
six years resisted all kinds of treatment.
SliJtn ECuzaor,
F. H. Drake, Esq., agent for llarper &
Bro?., Detioit, Mich., gives an astonishing
account of his case (eczema todent), which
had been treated by a consultation of
physicians without benefit, and which
speedily yielded to tho Cuticura Rfsolv.
ent (blood purifier) internally and Cuti
cura and Cuticura Soap (the great skin
cures) externally.
SojvIcI OEtoo-cl.
II. A. Raymond, Auditor F. W., J. & S.
R. R., JacksonMich., was cured of Scald
II.ad of nine years duration by the Cuti
cura Remedies.
Hon. Wm- Taylor, Boston, Mass. per
manently cured of a humor of the face and
scalp eczema) that had been tratcd un
successfully tor twelve years by many of
Boston's best physicians and most noted
specialists, as well as European authori
ties. 3vrills. OruBt. "
"Mrs. Bowers, 143 Clinton St.,Cincin
nati, speaks of her sister's child, who wss
cured of milk crust which resisted all
remedies for two years. Now a fino
healthy boy, with a beautiful head of hair.
aPaOlixx?; 3t3Tn,ix-T '
Frank A. Bean. Steam Flro Engine 0,
Boston, was cured of Alopecia, or tailing
ot the hair, by the Cuticura Insolvent
(blood purifier) internally and Cuticura
and Cuticura Soap (the grcsU""skin cures)
externally, W liich completely restored his
hair when all said he would lose it.
1" r o ntm oaa.-t .
The Cuticura treatment consists in the
internal use of the Cuticura R solvent,
the new blood purifier, and the external
use of Cuticura and Cuticura Soap, tho
great skin cures.
Cut ioura
Remedies are for sale bv all drugeists.
Price of CtmcrmA, a Medicinal Jelly,
small boxes, 50. ; large boxes $ 1 ; Cuticura
Resolvent, the new Bfeod purifier,
per bottle. CirncmA So.xr (the queen of
medicinal and toilet soaps), 2.'5c. Ccti
cura MEmciNAi. Shavino Soap. 15c.
Principal depot, WEEKS & POTTER.
Boston, Mass.,
Sanford's Radical Cure.
Clear head and voice, easy breathing,
sweet breath, perfect smell, taste and hear
ing, no cough, no distress, by using San
ttitD's Radical Cure.
Sneeze until your head is ready to fly
off, eyes and nose running water, throat
parchtd and blood feverish or lake San
fokd's Radical Cure for Catarrh and bo
eurcd .
"Witch Hazel, American Pine, Canada
Fir, SlarigoUl and Clover Blossoms are
what Sanford's Radical Cure is made of.
une bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal
solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, in one
package for $1. Sold everywhere.
WEEKS .fc POTTER, Boston,
Uenlle, yet ellective,
united with Healing
Balsam, render collins
voltaic electmc plas
ters ono hundred times
superior to all other
plasters for every Pain,
iiuukui'ss unu lnu'imaiauou. riicu o.
Sold everywhere.
Universal Vegetable Bxnacea
Of concentrated extracts selected and com
pounded from among the many Herbs
and Plants of
Natures Great Botanic Garden
For the speedy and permanent relief of
the most hopeless cases of
Sick Headache, Constipated Bowels and
General Debility, and all other diseases
arrislng from a bilious state of the .stom
ach or an inactive or disordered liver.
Rcdington & Co., San Francisco, Agents
for tho Pucific Coast.
Dated May 27. 1883.
ttri i t, .i Ti 1 nfr
J.-n ti 1 vorsnry Ball
4th of July, 1882.
Madame Holt takes pleasure in an
nouncing that she will give a grand ball
on Independence Day, to which everybody
is invited. The best of music and supper
will bo provided. Tickets, $2.30
6 Milts Sooth of JacksonTille,
X and i3 prepared to furnish tho market
with every description of lumber of a supe
rior quality at the lowest rates. Bills
sawed to order and satisfaction guaranteed.
All orders addressed to us at Jacksoa
ville will receive prompt attention.