Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 27, 1882, Image 3

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Saturday, Mat 27, 1882.
Eaa4 Beest Koictmrg. en,
J ' 'June 3,- .ISM.
T all Whom It mux Conccrnt
XvUeaU.fcerctar.I'lvra.ttiat I 1iaTeeslK
featnl' thVeRU5l'&f I VttaT the pap?r
l wklch Iihali brrealter "publlth all pre-fcjUv-''liometnl
and applfxattni
Car attains pntrnt fbr'laniUftlrlns vear
Jaclunrlllc, JarJuon eoniitr, Orrson.
r-if r -. WT F- BajAMLV,f Beslttr,t ;
Brpibllean Gonnfjr Canventloa.
A.' Republican County Convention is
kereby called to meet in Jacksonville, on
Monday, May 30, 1882, at lLo.'dock a. ir.
Cor Uie purpose of nominating a county
ticket and attending to such other busi-
1 aess as may 'come before the Convention.
It l recommended that primary meet
ings be held in tfic several precincts at
he usual places of voting on Saturday,
-May 27, 1832, at 2 o'clock r. m. The sev.
cral -precincts of the'eonnty will be entitled
"to one delegate and one for every 18 votes
sand , traction of nine. or oyer 'based upon
the votes cast for II. C. George, member
of Congress it the June election, 18S0,
"which gives' the following representation'.,
Ashltnd.... .7
-Applcgate 1
Big Butte?.,... 1
ucn........ ...G
Flounce Rock... A
Tools Creek 1
-Slerlingvillc. .-. ..1,
"Willow, Springs.. . 1
Grants Pass..
. .V...1
Jacksonville.... ...8
Little Butte 2
Leland, ...;,..... 1
Manzanitc 2
Pleasant Creek. . ..1
Rock Point 1
Table, Rock 1
"Total' ..t39
i . Chairman.
TV. II. Atkinson, Secretary
Challesoe. The undersigned here
by invite .the Fort Klamath nine
'play tv match game of base-ball
Jacksonville on tlio Fourth of July;
. Jackson County Nine
, TAT T" -''". " .' -'-." '.H
Cattlb Dkivk. Mat Obencham
"will start to morrow with a band of
over two hundred cattld for his ranch
-on Spraue river; These cattle have
mostly been gathered on the Butte
creek .range and will bo about the last
large ' band that "will be" driven out of
thin county, a large number having
preceded thcniy: -,nV
CnANGE IN DKIVER8.--Ab. Gid.dings
'has resigned his position as stage dri
ver 'and Nort Eddingn will 'take ' his
place on the drive httween Rock'Point
-and .Ba'rrooH. The former will' leave
for California soon' to take chargo of
Ihis steam thresher. Thn swing drive
'between ;RqckA Point;and Grants jPa'sa
lias been abolished.
We clip tins pretty tittle notice from
the Lakecountyr''Examiner," a JDenio
crtic paper,'' which says with' equal jioint
-and force: "The. Republicans of Ore
gon may have more accomplished liars
-in their party than the Democrats, but
'wo defy them, to produce a man who in
iuqr willing to lie than tho editor of
the Democratic Times.1'
Mitk Society. Tli mesting of the
Ladies' PrehbyeriauMite'.Society, hfld
iu the basement of thc.church on Tups
day evening was a very pleawant anl
jiriifitablQ- affjir tho,proctTedn being
-$34.00. There trrniB to be no abate
ttnent'of liu(erext in thrse Kociables and
thn ladiihUpon vlioni all thp Luidcn
'falls are .well. maid by the success of
'their "efforts.
Vandausu. Some thoughtless per
sons have been in the lialut of cutting
benches and carving their names anil
othorwise defacing trcesnn the iublic
cemetery. . They :havojprobably,-ibeetr
'hhaware 'ttiat there' us a'severe penalty
for so doing but'wili. 'now observe that
"Sexton Dunlttpha's posted' warning no
'ticcs and those who know him will de-aist'-f
rom-f urtlir, dt;)rPilations; " '
j'RmtfiOUs. Hey. M.-.A. Williams
will preach in the Presbyterian church,
here, tomorrow at Tl A. Jt. and at the
4ual hour in the evening... ,4th
guarlrrly meeting of the M. "E. church
to-day and to morrow at Grauts Pass.
. ... . Rev. M. A. Russell will preach
tomorrow at Manzanitaat 11 Cm. . . .
"Usual services in the Catholic church
by Rev. Father Blanchet to-morrow
and at Eagle Point on the first Sunday
dn June.
Jackson County Oranges. Mr.
IPeter Britt, the enthusiastic florist
.-and botanist of this place, sent us
three fine oranges from a tree in his 1
conservatory this week. They were
Teally exquisite in"flavor, very thin
-.skinned and sweeter tha'nj,, those im
ported. It is. only fairi .'to state that
-oranges cannot bo cultivated hero out
-of doors and. theseUsamples were
plucked from h '.small jtree bearing
-about forty and well protected. from
Sudden Death pf Mr. Seybert.
Horace B. Seybert- well known as an
tattacho- pf the Sheriff's 'office in this
counCy- during various' administrations,
diedjn theUi"S. h'otet'he'ren Tlmrs--daj
Jiighl-'froiri -ihe' 'effects hi a con--gestivo
chill. He had been complain
.ingjqf"alight indisposition' 'for several
days but his illuessj was hardly consid
ered serious until. on-Thursday ho, was
struct wiih a ehflVfroui whicirhecoulii
not be rallied, dying at 11 p. H. Mr.
-Seybert was, a single man 48 years,of
.ogelanasejol Wilkespare, Pa'.Jari'd
Uad bee a resident of this county for
over twenty -five years, coming hero
tfrom "Dade county Mo., where he
.hasrolatives no.w residing"lin- 1857:
Horace was a man of strong, deter
cjainecl . character but had. a kindly
.-genial disposition and was always
ready to do his duty as .he saw it anil
liad gathered about him many friends.
.He Will beburietl to-day bythrtllmp'd.
Order, of Red Men, of which lig was a"
imera.b"Ri ftp-30. Poon Horacelhe
lhas solved as far.As mortals can solve,
(the great question' of the fiitu'rej 'that
to him was the absorbing and perplex
dng -riddle of his whole life and it is
to be hoped tho soluticn is satisfying.
5 rjv rrT3i"rjE?T
, w vn .
nv M f Htt t
! Who is Jacobs?
The political pot boils. ,t?.oH
Election one week from next Mon
6'cfen5enecdiapplHt Maniotlfs4Wse,Pos.,6lonBfKlv:an."U8for-
hotel. Look at his new sign.
Prof. L. L. Rogers and;
ited Jacksonville lost JLuesday,
Reuublicana .primaries. will beheld,
to-day and the convention on Alonday
next. 'm!"
Join "Cowan has g6rierto Althouse
to .take charge of L. Leonard's fine
Thos. J. Kenney, Little ri? Chose,"
Reames Bros.rand-.N. Fisher received
newgSohisweMavr .iot;
Where was Moses when the .light
went out? Buying goods at Crosby-Is.
Red Front, of course.
V , , -ITT
The price of tickets to' the Fourth of
July Ball here js.onlyjS2.5Q'instead of
$3 as published last week.
W. J. Plymale was elected 'rep risen
tatiye to the.Grand Lodge, A. O. TJ. W.
at "the Iait meeting -of Banner" lodge
. Turn out everybody and hear Hon.
!Buigerriprman speak on the pbliticnl
issues of the day at 'Holt's hall next
Thursday evening. rK
Henry' Judne'teeps a large 'stock of
saddlery goods and will take grain in
payment ' for the satne. Farmers will
do well to make a note of this.
J. Solomon t Co. hare their store
.crammed full of new gootir and room
'must .be" made, for? thCbalarice. jpn.Hi;
road. Call 'and secure bargains.
Guitenu has been permitted to pub
lisli another blasphemous communica
tiqn to theprcw'.Jflle will1 ig effectu
ally "choked off' soon, it is hoped.
Another stage robbery is reported
to.have. lakrnilacovtwe lye ' miles lhi$,
side of Redding" last Tuesday night
but no; particulars have, jet beeifje?
Jonn.A. iioyer, urana 'Jiiaster 'oi
the I. O. O. F. in this State, returned
lowing day
. E. Jacobs started for San Francisco-
this week, ,.aecomJ'miell?Y'IisiyJai
Fisher. They were on thestage that
got robbed,near Reddinglast luesttay
"but.iost nothinff. i " 1 "
1. a
"McDan'iel &. Co. lei
IcDaniel i Co.; keep tho celebrated
- .
"Davenport" whisky. J.ohn.L. Bums,
the agent, is now on his way here,
overland, audwijl -soon ,arrivepria'
Crescent City Ask for Davenport.
The "Times," in accordance with its
high sense of honor, hid a paid com
munication in fine print, in last weeks
issue, that he might cry, "bogus tick
ets." It appreciates life 'ways of dark
ness. Death to rats, mice, roaches and
ants; Parsons Exterminator. Barns
granaries and households cleared' in a
bingle night. No fear of bad nmells.
Bet and cheapest vermin killer in the
world. Sold everywhere.
SU S: Itiurilafj,! Sextono'ffers'atTe .
ward ot 90 tor tne conviction ,ot. any
ptirson found guilty of injuring trees or
plants in the cemqtcry, and also for
marking or defacing any -of tfie'benclies
or other property-there -to be.found.
If yoii want to save your money buy
your Harvesting Machines of K. Kubli.
He has the bosx niachiues. The Buck
oye.Harvester, and. Mower, and.al-.
solheTaylbrSRake; Haines Tlealler!
and Morrison plow. A word to the
-wise is sufficient. r j-,
Frank vM. Nickerson and Lewis Ma
KelvjTj candidates forJJIerk and Sheriff
orijthe vPeople's ticketinjlj.osfph'ino
county, gavetus'a'calP this' weeicji-and
they report chances more than fav
orable for the election ottheentirej
Prt1!i1'n t.liriltllit.llDVi!nnnl.ir ' ' H
The New Champion Front Cut
Mower is, without a rival. rTos'jiew
liieclianical niovenients, running aU
most noiselessly andtwith less tfian onu.
half the gearing, bearings and friction
p'bihlsid'fjanyother'i successful' Mowec
ever constructed. .Juts. ,4, feet 3 in
clies.y For?saIe at,Birger,& MieglyV '
We are glad to hear of the jioipinaj
tion of Frank M. Nickerson for the
office 'of County "pery of J.osepIiiheT
county for the second termT Mr. Nict-"
ers6n,t has. held ithe office or tliej?pa.st.
two years, and has proved himself to
be an efficient, capable and jpainstak-i
ing.otb.cec and wo.uredict his triumph
ant-reJelection on lHe-5th of June) A
It . is jiot .necessary foij.a, man( to ..re
side 30 daJjrs in a'; precinct to entitle
liim "to -cast his vote, in. that precinct
for couhtyiofficers, as is'gen'erally'sup
posed. If a man has resided six
months in the State and 90 days in the
whejeiheTresides, Whether his residence,
in 8;id nreeinet be of fiv or thirtv dnvR
, . w. 'j ?zi&
It is most likely that the rnaiL con
tract on the route between this place
and LiilkViJlelhasTeen secured jby" Pat
McMahdiV-of Jactson villa. Hi?tinf
was 7,550, some $1,400 lower than
any other bid we know -of, and 8900
less than Phillips has been receiving.
On tlresroute' between, -Linkville and
Lakeview Phillips has' thejiowestfbid,
so far learned, 4;997 -Ti'diiigsV
Matters in Ireland are rapidly ap
proaching a: crisis. .Eviction and-cru
elly. repressive measures are now .tfier
order and it; is only a question of time,
when splendid desperation will follow
the sullen, actbpleM.'discontent'qfithat
oppressed people. Our warmest syni.
pathy is with them bat their victories,
if any, must, be- won bravely- and not
witli the. dagger-r-else the world will
turn loafhinjjly from their cause. If
true Jto. their traditional heroism and
national honor God speed them.
MV Hf itrritt . mint . . rarrl to ffe
cisely similiar to one in to-day a Sex-
LTiSKL.rti to the crooked instincts
or mairpaper wining 10 stoop 10 any
thin?, the language has been deliber-
communication in to-day's Sentinel.
Read the two cards, and judge of the
The Odd Fellows of this State have
pHtche4'fi;fanu, cqmpjisjngoiie Un-1
dred acres of land admirably located
nearthemonth of the Sandy in the
eastern f)6VlIon oFMultnomih" county,
on 'tKe line1 f JtHe-'O.'R. &.K Co'
railroad, and about' twelve iuiles from
JJortlautErsJThis farm is to be used as
ahdmo for' the aged and indigent of
tbe&Fder, that are tnotpthiV wise fprdv
f The!followinc contracts for furnish
ing Fori Klamath with supplies have J
been awarded: Oats 150,000- lbs.,
E. K Reames; 100,000 ft.vLv'.Soh
mon; 76,000 lbs., Newman-Fisher; 64,
000 lbs., Beall BrdsVVood.Sikes
Worderf. Bran, 30,000 lbs., N. Fish-
er. Hay, "Sikes Wordrn and M-,
liouges. jn ewnian; i isuer, 'pt J acK
sonville secured t the transportation
contracts forbothsumuierandtwinter.fi
2lr. Fenton isajlnsedpeacjieri
tne unnstian cnurcn as wen as a iaw-.
yer." He does nS't.de'ny.t Jarid is sure
ly none theworse, fpr.it.- fljemocmtiff
t-Ditors aretfrariticallj"3enyingMf; how-
ever, and thei logical inference is;-that
they consider it disgraceful in Mr.
Fenton; to;prear.h tjio gospej $r else".
tney ieei uncomioriauie iu aecenc cora
panylandl wantfto drag theifJco'ngresi
sional icandidato down to a level with
Secretary TelleHs-credited -with"the'
forev'flie'si)olicv' has heen W supply them
with arms with which to kill gime but
they are not discriminating and consid
er thalJwTute'ftln.anH wdme'nJare'jusU
as legitimate, game as elk and-ufFalo
and easieri -to iiapture. iTelle'r has
struck tboJJiey to the final solution of
the Indian tjuestio n for without arms
they must work or starve.
fThirtcehundredJsheep in jlfmatjlla
county recently dropped 1,415 Iambs
and also sheared 10,000 pounds of
twool. Sheep are wertli2. and wool
25?'cents per pound.How.does it payj
Tne aUove enquiry is from the "Wasco
about twice as much now as it will
when the Democratic "free trade" 'thef
ory- prevails'lind-MrsiFenton goes to
Congress. Can "Democratic sheen grow
ers perceive' the. point!
Following is the ticket nominatsil
by the Jackson. touutyl Democracy on'
Thursday: StateSsnator, P. P. Prim;
'Reps. Dr. Sianley-an'd S. Furry; Comrs.
R. A- Cook and A- A 1 ford; Sheriff,, A,
S. Jncobs: Clerk. TLKIiimel: -Assessor.
T. R Nichols;.Scliool Supt.,. Win. M.
Cj)lvrg;lSur.i?yor. Ji Jeffery. Coroner,
Vvit Schutz. The couvention was
peculiarly harmonious, Hie '"viva
voce" system being substituted for
ihe ballqtr .and .delegates who. had been)
traiifea't hu's TnatlV fbtick.'Trfo'ficf
et ii in'tiieast a respectable ou, but
whether it suits the Democracy is
something, to.bo. decided yat.
t r.(
On Sunday cvenmg at 11:20 Wood
ford Reames, one of the early pioneers
pf lliiStatr, laid down his eartlijy bur3
den at tiif g&fpHi i6ng"iJifefuljof
honor and usefulness. For several
months Mr. lteanieshad benn suQering
from dropsy of the heart and although
turn) ofth "pJiUlBlitihoili&JpasseS
peacetully away nurrounueil by nearly
all hs family. Mr. Reames was one
of th'e.old KentuckTstocKi :lii8 father
Jiaving accompanied Daniel Boone to
that state when it was yet a wilder
ness., Woodford emigrated; fronfXen
tuck v lo Illinois in 1848 wliere h"e re.
Jm'aineu'jritJr'JiKfaaiily' nttil I852,'an(J
I then pushed westward with iliemr land
hg iWanSro M m M,V falP of If.at
yearijFpr ashorlimethe was in the
eraufoV of the" Hudson Bav ComnanV:
fthen went? to St Helen's ontlie.Colum'.
uia uuu ludous iouo urriveu wmi us
fdmilyjif Rgue riv,ef..talley;where he
lias 'resided continuously until the day
oyiiaeath Mr. ReaBieYathetj?wgs;
for over sixty years, a minister in the
M. iiucljnrch and he himself has been
during his wholeifo a consistent ancj
faithful jJembct of that organization.
living in strict obedience to, all the pre
fccpts of Ins' -church; 'dying'.in tlife full
faith ithat all tlie promises- of ,Chnsti-
anity would ie fulfilled tandy laying
down his burden cheerfully and, lull of
hope. Mr. Reames was Tn the 7'2d
year of his age and" leaves a widow.
""Vana ana fathergenlle asVchild
yetrstrong- enough to have fought the
battle, -of life, hravely and to have left
behindthini the name of a worthy, up
right citizen. On Tuesday the remains
citizens who paid the last sad tribute to
airiend:and-neighbor who, with the
silent majority, now awaits the resur
rection-, and-the life,
fef'him whfIioa.Innfl
lyandso'welf "always be8 green."1
.. , Xot ? 8BJ? , , T
Thatture, aweet,safe and, 'effective
American distillation fof. with bazel,
American pine, Canada fir, marigold
aplj;clovfiftessdni$tdHed Sanford's
Radical Curo" for Catarrh. A few
doses instantljr relieve, themost.yiolent
sneezing or Kead cold, stop, all watery,
discharges from tEe nose and eyes, .cure
iieadaclio and ,ner i;pusness, and' oanish
all danger of fever. Complete treat
ment for oaa tlollar.
Sutt'Kand the nnseris thats! the
'duty? Jon wool! is lifcents pen nioundf,
Miefep farming in Umatilla pays just
May-the memory
his rlnf.vrenrhnt-L.
u t .
' , In IffiieKrlesll !r,
a card over the signature of Messrs.
Neil and Jackson relative to the action
of Mr.-,J.TW.2iernttat JUe time-of
the deathAf iny'anfortunata son,
Alexander Berry. The card is evident
ly inserte-'for electic-neewig purpose
and' literal! v truin some particulars,-
yet it is soadroitly, worded fthat while
avoidinelthe fact8,onheicise7.it,seem.
ingly directly controverts statements
ieretofore made by myself and friends
rolativn tn what I can only regard as
most uncharitablaconducPon thepart
of one.who. stood in the relationship. of.
Preceptor to my poor boyfW'Hehcei,I'
am compelledrrfsjBUcbas4rwsret the
necessity :.to give to he uu)io , the .
facts of .the case. - ,'.
The ternbie accident ;'that,deprived.
my roungest born of life was met on
Sunday. Otirthe samerday he died.
Therefore when these 'two" directors
say that no order was made requiring
Mr. Merritt tojilosetlie.schpol on the.
day of Alexander Berry 's.dt-ath tlier
speak the trutli, for ,no -school was held
on that day.. Ontho eilnewlay fol
lowing we laid the poor lad in'-his 'last
resting place. On tJve day of his b'urr'
iul, learning that M. Merrill, con
trary to the-usual-cunloni, had refused
to adjourn the school in order to give I
the school-mates an opportunity to at
tend thn tuneral. oue ot Uiesa same
directors, at the request of Mr. T. B.
Kent, another director, went to Mr.
Merritt and requested him to ad
journ. But he (Merritt) declined .do
ing so, and only adjourned when the
third director west and demanded that
ho should do so: and then after ad burn
ing refused to form tys pupils jn line
(as had been his custom) and lead them
in thaprocession that followed tho
corpse to the grave. But to their cred
it and my warmest gratitude be it. said.
'the girls, under their, own leadership,
and the boys marshaled by T. B. Kent
one of the directors, filed in with the
long" procession of friends and acquaint,
ances that paid their last though sad
respects to the dead on that occasion.
These'art flielfacts as they ttrafc'ipii;.
,ed, and neither Mr. Merritt nor his,
iiencnmen can or nareueny inem. v mi
no excuse otbeMhata'alreaW given for
referring to the card of the gentleman,
Ileaye the matter with the public. '
A. M. Berry.
Jacksonville, May 27th; 1882
., Mnrilerjln JopIilnr,Connty. , r
Josephine county- comes again tb.tlic
front with a first class murder, the vit
itim this timebmng V.Aken formerly
of Sam's valley in this county and the
Mayer David Gilmore. It. appears that
last, fall Gilmore charged Akers, who
war a married man, with the seduction
of his daughter about sixteen years of
age .and warned him to leave the coun
ty which lie "did.. Xast week Akers re
turned, ostensibly- for the purpose "of
taking his Mfe away from. Josephine
coun'y. Gilmore hearing o.f his arri
val took his" Winchester-rifle and "de
claring his intention of killing Akers
on ight proceeded to hunt himup.
Meeting him on the road he. Gilmore.
ooirjmenced.hooung without'effect.ariii
Akers ;ran 'for.Tbe HirUBlt .and took
refuge behind a stump. -Gilmore con
tinued '.firiijgj and thet deceased, Jxiiiig
armed vithar small live shooter, fired a
shet which inflicted a serious'wounil.ou
Gilmore and otTiHca'utiuusIy Ion king
from behind'-liis'sbelter received a shot
from Gilmore's Winchester-right be
tween the eyes and causing instant
death. "Information wasJiuimediately
i li i -i.j...;ii: -i - .
urougnd.to 'iveroyvuie and an inquest
was held by Justice Forbes, the jury
rendering tHe following yerdict:
"We yotflf jury- empannelled toex
nmine .the .bodyof W.f Akers found
dead in thSfielJ 'of Mr.-Thos. Read,
situated, on Sucker ,crerk; after
making a thorough examination of "the
body, find'.thaUAY. Ake'rs came to. his
death from'twognnshot;wounds, from
a gun in the hands of David Gilmore."
We-tlio undersigned jurors find David
Gilmore guilty of tho murder of W.
Ake'rs. Alex White, If. Kelly, Ira
Dunham, John McDougal, James E.
Hollandjind James E. Tycer. S. W.
Uorbes, Uoronerrj-int v.t
hiayinjuryis probably23 exaggerated.
. V r T .
Thefacts retarding the shooting are
principally gleanfd from-jUilmore's
own statement' there iavingibeen no
witnesses- excep'thimselfand the de-r
7i" :--." L v . t
The;. Oregon Itailway,. and :Naviga
tion Compauy's 'ocean steamers have
brought tbvPortlabd since "-March 1st
2, 880 passengers anil-taken away 2,
,95." ". "" 1- ' ' ...V'-s
Boston JMay 19 A cable special
from Dublin of.iIay 18th to the "Her-
aldsays-Evfcliorisof te
tenants for the
non-payment 6L rent has" been resumed
in umuy iiuruj ui, xrciauu. 'fc'V? "W'css
and aslonislmienkiollowing the assassi
nations of the Irish -secretaries had, the
effect of .stopping for a time-the work
of agifation'. Taking- advantage' of- the
situation, 'the 'process servers again' pro
glared to puRt tenants who o.re iti ar
rears, in, .County, .Galway(alne 30Q
tenant farmers hayebeen evicted insidd
6Pa weekatid the- work-goes oii; while
thej national organizations .are yet in
dread of making any overt opposition.
The.neasures of-repression proposed iu.
ParHament are creating a jeyulsion of
was adesjro; and hopethat'tho' niiir
deismigh'tiberoughtjtojusycebut nohegrowiiigTIiisjthftParlia-mentas'-detefnirned
ibelffve, wlaat
eer hanpes,Jth"at there are-rid g&d
trjiifetfrltender '.feeliBgaB&IrisSBjfin,
andailonttneaSuros to n'Usli ODpresMon
aSbV eeaonr.tp extrewiljes iThJpe-
to.sm6fte.r,.haa oeejv"". upfby, tlie
action 'of'the Commons,-arid the 'Re-
pressio)jsbin, recently" fhrust upon tb(
peojkJjtts .rekindled the fire.
Tixo unternfied met alerbyvilJe
last Monday in soliiLphalapx, and ere
tliis reaches you'r'nian' readers it will
U.. Un .IJArl thAnhAnr hrt ,
TJfelunanim?us choiQeForJBq'Jsfemow
liM.,.u-ju.i.t . i-ii: 1 lv Pi
racy, we win view uie proceeaings oi
tlie ring and will, endeavor to glean
from tho same who is Boss
i Representative lastrnballott tGnB-.
CaldVlllr&efved ovolll'j.
Chapman 7 rotes. Caldwell unanim
OuJIchSicp of "JhfilDeraocracP IX O L
County Judge last ballot, M. F.
BallwfnilD Vofef?(S SfatlieWat
13 votes, J.as.4Suence5vi'otes.,.M.
Baldwinufaaniitf(Jus dbDicoor tlie De
mocracy. Sh?HR-lSflftgoJm?aiBrTl,
M. Ryder 19, A. Hervey 11, T. G.
Patterson 6. Ryder "unanimous choico
of the, Democracy. -;;. - ' !
County Clerk 1st) ballot, - Chas.
Hughes 18,- -N. A. -Jacobs '8, John
Howard 11. 2nd' -ballot TTughes 17,,
Jacobs. ,71 Howard .13." 3d ballpt
Hughes 20, Howard . ,17. Hughes
unanimous 'choice of the Democracy
oud applause. ''"
Treasurci" Geo." Grotz, unanimous
cnoicoiyieijeinpcrcvj.-! TOEC'XE?!
County Commissioners, John Iin,Jl
and John Goings, unaminous. choice bf
the Democracy,
Assessor, last ballot F.- Dessinger
521, J. P. Lewis 14. Dessingdr
unanimous choice cf the Democracy.' '
Surveyor, 3Ym. .Saunders, unani
mous choice' of the' Democracy.
Add that up and .see who is "boss,"
and then smoke it iu your pipe.
.K'erby ville, -Mayi'22,US82; ' j ': "". j
' U J i FA t5n'lra. . ' O J "?
During ' the eight years the Demo-)
cratic party had control of the state
government the fotal amount-paid for
salaries in the -offices of .governor, the
land "department, secretary of state
and state librarian, was$109;G31i67, or
ail average of 13,702.95 per annum.
The work in each department has
largely increased during thq past foUr
years, as every "one knows.- Notwith
standing this fact these offices haVe
been conducted Tn a .much nicic syste
matic , and ctecient -manner at a total
expenditure in the war of salaries-of
$39,521.10. an average of 9880 per
annum, or at the ratio of c3823.9a less
per!Vear, thanlit jbost urtder Deniocrat
ic control. The"' Republican stato'ofii
cials have drawn only the salaries al
lowed them by law and have protected
rather 'than .Siiuandered'the trustiundS'
under their cpntrol. Extravagance
should bo and will be condemned at the
polls! Uiider the DemScra'tic construc
tion of the law for the two years end
ing September 1878 it cost tho,state"au
average of 92.91 for each convict con
veyed to the penitentiary. Under the
same. law. as construed by Secretary
tEarharJ, -the avcrage..ex)Qnse Jor the
same class bfAerviceAluringtb'esuc
Veeding seventeen, months was but
$.r7.83, a saving of $37.88 on each
convictr. Do oii r readers .iTesiro 'to re
place' in power, a party that'; for eight'
years was thus lavishwith the1 public
'funds? .-:-. .
- - ; ' .-- H -,
. C ; -v- ". ii.T, ; 1 " t i- -
People' Ticket In, JofjSiIue. , ,
People's Coifnty Convention momiria
.ted the following officers for Jospphine
countv oiilhursdav last: J. W. Mer
ty Judge, Garret Crockett; Commission
ers, Jnmes 'R. White" arid John Hall,
Deiupcratic nominee endorsed.ascpunty.
'commissioner; CleTk"", F. "M.Nickrrs6ii;
iSheriff, L. McKeJvy; Treasurer, J. M.
Smjth; Assessor, D. Fiester; School
Supt,- C.i N Hathaway: Surveyor F.
,G. Day r: Coroner,, Dj Sheehan. kt k
The, ticket is one'of -thtfstrongesr
l-..j.-'J-.-;j !LTii.l'.1.! . ...
ever nurnuicueu iu uusepniiiu cuuubr.
and besides receiving the entire Inde
pendent; rn4 lieifublican fooof-,that
couhly a "largo number of voters "who
have heretofore voted nothing but.the
istraignt veinocraiic ucKer, win stand
-.... TV . . 1 . -,, . 1
in and helD.elect -iLJjYtf shajl refer
lo the 'candidates5 more fully in our
next issue.
"sHolioway's Pills Never 'Despair
Something that never failsFever
and Ague To the sick it is of little.
consequence how they are - cured,
whethsrf rora a rationaU. viewoL the,
disease or by'the' rales' defined -for the
guidance of tho profossion, so long as
the curefxi certain--and ;expeditious.
To a suffering man thqucstion on the
relative merits of quinino or calomel ir
uninteresting. - J TJia , .tfaeuliy- -j imay
wrangle and discuss their various theor
ies, but Dr. Holloway's traatmeht dis
pels doubt' erewtbe disciples 'of Escula-
hpius have mushed the nrst jstage.
Holloway srillsare the on)y renvqdieq
wfi(ch eftect.ajspeedy and; jradical :cq.re
witlioufdangetbf a-'elaple? Read
. tho, adver.tisement elsewhere. , -r
important OAUTiox.r iNono are
; genuine '-upless; ithe signqture of J.
Haydock, .surrounds each box of(dfiHs
and Oiritnisnt. Boxes at 25' cents,-. G2
cents, and '$liach " '
"There is considerable saving by
taking; the' larger" sizes; -
Hollowat E Co., Now York.
STErADMAN-an-Plioeniic1, Mav 24th,
1882, to,MraiidM'rsJ:,Wni... S'lekd
min.a.son. '! :- ;
llLLER-rln Ashland,' "Mdy't7th,
i8'82rto-Mrrand MrsDaniel-ililler,
a son,.
XTflCTDfc. n,.
Milnfprdville; I!enrdcky aged.. 71
lyears,!"! mjo'iifcl) and i3idays A , .
SEfelMLT fu Jackson viUe "ifav
'25th,.882, rToracc,B..SeyheVt' aged
.about-48. j'ears. ' -
; I-hereby'announfcoHrrsclfta9?an ,iadMl
pcuuani,cai(iiuaiu kuvo usiicu ui uhzjl eacir
lint. To.lref,wiITrt Tri.5nf
I ' -T T TT IffTI.'WL'lF
- .. -j. ."pyrsis-
I Jacksonville,- May 3 7Ui,-18S2;. -;
1 ' the 'parlne'fthip heretofore ejeistifig,
between 'Frptf. Grolahd Williaih Ulffch
in1 li3'bakcry.'and saloon 'business s this'
day dfssoTVeilby nfutuarcrtnscnt, ihcidttSr
rntlMfifr , 'All ltilla nwih'liv ihm tl tvtll
be.Sctlled by.Frcd. Gn)IT lb whbm allllie
W.....;-. .... .(..1 ...(... HJ .Ml. ...... .1 III
wiirlii8:bfpafi1.' .liti.trf Tt.
J liankful ror"past patronage, a continn.
ance'of ' the snine is nsked; Jhu public
may rest assured that full satisfaction-will
be:given. . FRED. QROB,
- Dated May 20, 1882.
LAKD.OrrlCE AT Rosbhuko, Onl
-,f- - ,-. ..i May 23,-1982., . )
-Notice is.hcrebv Riven that the follow-'
ng-namcdrsettler. has- filed, notice-"of h'
Intention to made: 'nnal proot in support
of his r.hiim, and that said prooC will bo
pade before the Judge or Clerk .of Jose
phine county, at Kerbyville, .on Tuesday
June 37, 1862, viz: John Miltenbcrger,
Homestead No. 2GGG fur the S "W 1-4 of
pec. 27 T 38 a RJ5HV Will Mcr. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
ration bf,'sai(Iland, vizi Matthias Chap
man, David Johns. Henry Johns, O. Big-
tun, oil ut ii iiiiniuo, j Lvg,yu
Wji. F- Besjamim, Register.
' " Mky.23,1882.
"Nnlfrpi liprpliT" frivpn lli-lt lltp Tnllnu-.
ing-amed settler has, filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his clajm, and ihat said pniofwiil.be
made btorc.thc Judge, .of Clerk of Jack
son county, at Jacksonville, Oregon, on
Tuesday,, Juno 27, 1882, -vizt Bamuel T.
Jones. Homestead No.-2877, for the "W
nt VI M and K ot ii JV 14 oec. 10
,T 38 S R 2 "VV IVilliftrt ;lle names the
following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon, and cultivation of,
Said' land, viz: Johnr Kimc, John ' M.
Beard, D: R Lncy, J. W. Davis, all of
Jackonvine.'Otegfln.-' '"
Wm. F. Benjamin, Register:
Laxd Office at Robkbuko, On., )
. ' May 231 1882. )
Notice is hereby given that tie':follQw..
ing-named settler hasfiled notice'.)! his in
tention to make final'proof in support of
I113 claim, and that said nroof will be made,
before Uie Judge or Clerk of Josephine
county, at Kerliyville, on luesday, June
27, 1882, viz: D.ivid 3liltenbcrgcr, Home-
stead No. 2870 for the S E 1-4 of S W 14
SeclS r. 'i of JS W .1-4 and N E l-l of
in v i-j &ecj-Z4 i s a u o w win: iicr.
Jle names the following witnesses tn prove
pii.l continuous TcSidencc upon. and. culti
vation ot, said land, Yi7.j JlatUiias L liap
nian. David Johns, nenrv SnarlinB":- OT
uliglow, all ot ,YV iHrnms, Oregon.- -. r
' ' .ttii. t: UKXJAMi.N-;, Kegistcr;
; - ! -, JLiver
, --.j. - , t -iTIIE
Universal Veaetdble Rinacca
: v . ur . ,i
Of. concentrated cxtroctssclcctcd an dlcom--:
pounded, froin-mnong the many Ilerbs
Natures Great Botanic Garden
tFor the speedyiand permaiiQiit rcliof of
j tne most Hopeless cases oi
( FEVKU.'UIsimCF.ltKD DIQK'sTib.V,
j Sick Headache, Constipated Bowels and
uciicnu weuimv, umi,'au inner uist-uM-s
arrising from u bilious state, of the stoin
iich or an inactive or disordered liver.
j Itedington & Co., San Francisco, Agents
,ior mo i aciiic iouii- . - t .
UV.J J," -' . j; '
Solomon ftMensor
-mmXiw: l
.,,,iVi Vb mm
FancTjr.fGood8i Laces,,' RiLhons,
Hats, Capsjilim Dress Goods',
'' "i '"an'Fldntlela." '
Cloth Lace Shoes.
,;l;U.i .7.1 1, c-fA ZZVLVi'- -.. r
Missos and Children Shoes.
k . . h. of all description; '.- lt
SaLxf3. aLJl,3jnjcisfo'-'Stiibls.
10 VHi T.'JrJF' 1' 1- ..
Groceries, and Tobaccos.
All'to-bosoM rtt'the lUwesVcashfienfeS1.
.rr.v -i,iV.v uuot . t
Lor county pfodiui 'We,a.sk the public to
.uii elm c..iiiiuu uii aiui;j uviurv pur-
chasins elsewhere.
s Eats, Jud fSihqcs,,
xsme&JiWc Goqt mm,
W Bi lli, tv K' ; 'KViafl
M 'ii mftt&Bvth
I VWr;
i.inanAi.- Aiir&
V HcfcTff KnrioBnen thai fam'arcaBHllal
date for JcrilT of Jackson; county,! inde-
pendent of aJJ parties or '''rings,' Subject
oniytb- the decision ortbervotersla'Juntri
and accountable only to the people for my
official conduct if elected. My.platfonl'l3,I
my record as' a ciffzcit of Jackson county.
Jacksonville, ilayr'6tl, 1682.'
IWJI1 - M.. UAHUIl J..
'Fox1 Co. Commis5ioner.;Mi
The Undersigned announces hjpiaelfas,
an independent candidate rBrCoimty :o'n
mtssaoncHat the-'ensuing election, t subject.
in tli. rnlM rt' lln. .fitiTona rtP Ane
county. My b1atfdrnl,lk1wdn"fayannwif
j acKsun
irmchient; !
'For District-Attorneyj
'; a ;j fc-t:
--. I ..s
x.reapyviiuuj .iiuiuuuuu fiiBi-ii u nu in
dependent 'candfdafe for the ofllee bfvDis-
trict-Attorney for tho. First Judicial( Dis
trict of Oregon, subject to the decision of
the ivotCHOt'&iid District at the election
in June, ' ' J.'.MERRItT.1
.-Jacksonvilte?May Gth, 1882j ,.r-.l no
, Totheivbtcrsot'jacksoa.'counjy. At jho
folicitationot nany friends df all parties'.
I li-rcuy announce inyse!f as artindepen
derit enrididate'for-County .Treasurer, -at
Iho-nextj Juno.clectjon; and I would thank
the majority to"shlti(lln. ' "
Jacksonville, May Oth, 1832. ,
f llAVfi'bech aflltctett for twenty5 years
"1 withWobstinato' sKin disease, called
by some M. ,0.,'s Psoriasis, anil others
Leprosy, commencing on my Scalp, arid.4
;n spite or all 1 could 'do, with the help of ,
the most t-kililul doctors, it s'o'vly but
surely eitendcd'untU yearago4thla win
ter it covered my entire perpii in form of,
dry scales. For the 1.1st three years I havo'
been unable to do any Inbor,:anct suffering
intensely nil the time. Every mornlnr
there could bo nearly a dustpanfulpt
scales iiiKun.irom, me sne;i on my neu,
some of them half as large as the cuvclopb
cortfaiiling this letter: In the- latterpart,
,of thfe Winter my skinconlmenccdcratkingi
open. I tried,' cvcrvUiing, almost, that,
cotid lo thoughti ot-without any roliefi
1 11C llll Ul IUUC 1 SliiriL-ii n cai, iu uui
I cquliL reach the H(Springs. I reached'
Detroit; and was So low I thoughtil should
have to go to tho hospital, hut 'finally goti
as far as Lansfai. Mich., .where I .had a
pislcrjiving. ,Onc I5r. treat i-d mn
aboiit two weeks, but did me ho good. ' Alb
thought I had but a short ttm&to live. -ii.
earnestly prayed' to die. Cracked through'
the skin.aU .over my back, across my ribs,,
amifyhands.iliiub's. fqct badly swoolcn, too
nails came .off, finger na'lls'dead aml.hard
as hone, hatr'deailrfYtriind Tifeless'n's'ord'
straw. OhK my God ! How I did suffer! .
"My .sister. Mrs. .Br II. Davis, .had a.
small paitof.alKJX ot Cutlclim in the,
house. She wouldn't give bi; said 'We"
will try Ciiticura.' Some was applied ort
one hand and arm. Eureka! there was re."
lTcf; stopped Hie terrible burning sensation
from tho word go. They immediatc,ly got
the 'Cuticum Resolvent (block! pitrlfler),
Cuticura and CutictiraSoaphegrcatskin.
.cure?). . I commenced by taking one table,
spoon fill of Rrsolvciit" three tiiiicf a day,
after mVa's"; had n'Tjath oneea day,iratar'
dout blood heat: used Cuticura Soap,
frcclv applied Cuticura morning-; rfnd'
cvenmg. Result, re ttirned to'ihy;home,.in
just ,six.-weeks, from.the timeI left, and my
skin as.smoqtli as'tlirs.sTiecrorWaiieh "s '
,po, f -aniRA.M firOARKENTiJIbia
Jlijcron-JufTcrsojj Co., N..Yw .i.jaT
Sworn to before-me thirtSUl AwM
Uanuary, 1880. . Is-
-- T....r-A.rf.'B.Wr
tiilt. '.
" r . J -'
Cuticnr1' Reni'dies nrc for sale Ijyall1
druggists". Trice" Of CtTlCTOA, a Medicinal
RissqjxjiT, the new Blood, purifier
($1 per bottle." Ccticura' 5IedicijjAIt
Toilet Soap, 25c:f CtTTicaitA MEntcrfrAt:
SirAVHia. S()AR, 13c, jjn l)ar3,,for berj
and large roDuiiicrs. ."Ic. Principal
.cfcpof, ' - '-WT3EKB & POTTER, -I
. ; ..j-iSostonMags. .
I Sanford's Radical.Cure; :
! A slnjjledoscinstintly're'ievesthemost
vlplent Sneezing or Head Colds; clears the
head as by magic,-sto'psiwatery discharges
jfroni thc.nou and eyes,, .prevents ringme
inolse. in (he liead, cures" NervousHead.
nUllt7UIlll 9ULK1UC9 VfUlllO U1U AZKMVIV IA14
6'hronic Catarrh it cleanses the nasal pas
asespffoul mucils, "restores the sencsor
smell, taste and hearhftr when afil-cted.
frees-llie head, thro-.it and bronchhil. tubes.
oY offensive mufter, sweetens and'puriuc
llic orcallr. Slops mo congu anu uriraia ,un
progress oi cutarrn -uwiiru coasumiiuon.
OhcTxJttlo Rhifical :Cure. one1 bor Ca-
itarrhulSdvcnt andihnford's Inhaler, all
i- oile..package, of all drupgists for Sls
' ' . VEEKS..VPOTTER,Bostorf;
TiitKS sroRb ur-.
U" rffi ' S FECTUA I. I
zcnV: . battery f
than.any4 olb
asteroim electric-
battery for paiti aUd
j weakness of the Lungs,
Alxiiiiiryoripins, Partial
fi, Kmo - i-araiysis, luieuinatism
.'r2M5TEw, .-.Neuralgia Hysterij
Female Weakness. Nervous Pains' and
'Wcakncss.cs.ilalaria andjFavcr. and Ague.
Price 25c. Sold SvefywIieM;
jA rrnlvoi;isiary;
J . n i- .
AT i
IB All
.ti-k.j 'ON''' i"
w i, .--'i
MadaraJ JIoU' takes .plensurp, In h
hu'nricing tluit she wifl givaa gxiuid ball
on'Ihdefwndence Day, to which everybody
is fnvifed. The best bY musfc and supper,
will be provided. Tickets, 7-50
j i-1. ma jj.--u,-j.iAj..-w-.j
j C4.fJtA.fijR.
iul. :