OREGOH SEWTIWEL. JACKUOff Yl.LK I SatoudXy, Ma 27, 1882. SEPIBLICAIV STATE TICKET. 0 Supreme Judge, (V j i - .W. J&XUJOJ.of Alaric r .-" 'Representative-,. 2CGEORGef Hnltnonian. "Governor, ZJ-K MOODY, of Wasce. teol j.' Secretary of State, rR. P. EARHART, of Multnomah. State Treasurer, ' :ED. HIRSCH, of Marion. State Printer, . W. EL BYARS oS Braglu. Supt. Fuollc Instruction, . E. B; HcELROY of Benton.. "50 IBISH KEEB APPlt. Tho "Democratic Times."" the organ of Jackson county Dembcracy, recently discovered that the Irish' citizens of this county had considerable "intelligence andmanhood." The compliment if as at doubtfnl one, coming from the source it did, and the SuxTiNELsuggested that a place on the Democratic ticket, ac corded occasionally to an Irish born citizen, would be a more substantial recognition than a little "mouth taffy" from a source not .noted for sincerity or correct judgment. The Democracy fiaro just given tho "intelligent" Irish voters of their party another slap in the face and tho Gods truth, is; they are considered just "intelligent" en ough to vote tho Democratic ticket, But hardly enough so to hold the small est office in the county. Prof. John B. Parley, one of the foremost teachers in Southern Oregon, who has spent near ly twenty-one years in educating the youth : of Jackson county,, and may more .in voting the Democratic ticket, offered himself to the Democratic con vention, held here on Thursday, as a candidate for - Pounty School Superin tendent, and was spurned with con tempt.' Vhy? He was in everyway qualified by education and traiuint;, ruoro so than the present incumbent a man of, good moral character and whose lifo long service as an educator entitled himrto reward. "Why then was he -thrust asidel Because just as the' Sektikel said last wek the rule of the Democracy has been "No Irish need apply." Another Irish born citi zen, James A. Wilson, than whom Jackson county has no better man, went before the Democratic convention last Thursday asking for the small boon of the nomination for Justice of tho. Peace in Jacksonville precinct. Who dares to say jthat he, was not worthy and qualified? The convention again spit in the face of tho .nationality that have been a solid pillar of Demo cracy by giving hira one solitary vote. Why! Because: like Mr. Farley lie was an Irishman and a Catholic! The Irisb. born citizens must draw their own conclusions, we have none to make no advice to offer and only re-state facts, that are- of record and can not be denied; The Irish have been- credited by tho -"Times" with "manhood' and intelligence," not beeaust the "Times" thought they had tbosa qualities, but because1 they were a solid support to tho.Democratic ticket and could always be relied on. "Will they take the "Times" at its word and show that they have manhood enough to resent continued insult, and intelligence en ough to vote like freemen) It now re mains to be seen. If they continue to bo servile tools in the hands of politi cians then they. will convict the "Times of lying. 1 ,!-T"" Tf lint George Dm not done. After ' tho long and creditable list of what Mr. George' "has"' done in Congress, how is a good time to note Ebmo things he has not done. It is notorious that a California land com pany' have' been trying for years to steal about 150,000' acres of land claimed to be granted to the military road-company in Lake county. A bill was presented to Mr. George early last winter 'which was a cold steal of that much land and Mr. George promptly refusedMto introduce it in Congress. Subsequently it was "introduced by Representative Rosecrans and Mr. George declares that if it passes it will bo because bo can not prevent it Democratic papers have been trying to tell what Mr. fleorgo has not done but havo inadvertently overlooked this item. Will they kindly mention it nowj Bead Th'. """"" . -To -whnm it may coneern: Having been informed of the circulation of a report that Mr. Merritt was compelled b order of the Directors to close his school on the day of the "burial of Alex ander Berry, wo, Directors, then and now, declare that no such order was made, and that the report is utterly false.. r W.htm Jackson, . . j, , . .f. . ; Directors. Jacksonville,' May -iM,' 1$82. ' i HE. reiTKUIBrCECH. The speech delivered here on Toes day by Hon. L. J. PowelL was a marked departure from the usual style of political speeches, being notably free from partisan Bias, scholarly and gen tlemanly. The speaker dwelt' long: o the duty of the state to- provide a free education for every ono of its children and. then showed the wrecking of the school fund by the last Democratic ad ministration and its utter disregard for the sacred character.ofTitsA.tnist. His conclusions: were drawn from the (report of a committee of investigation appointed By a Democratic legislature, that in scathing- terms denounced the rapacity of the Graver administration and its criminal recklessness in handle ing the school fund. He showed that in overy state, witst an assured and steady Republican majority, the school laws were the most liberal, and educa tional matters in a higher and more perfect state of efficiency than those not Republican, and proved that h. Republican party had over been the' friend of free education. , He drew a vivid comparison between the. present administration and the coemption of the Grover-Chadwick dy nasty. Tho unblushing corruption of tho Grover-Chadwick officials prevented- their nomination direct, yet every mam nominated on the Democratic ticket belonged to the Grover-Chadwick wing of the party. That admin istration hai left to the present one a legacy in tho- shape 'of a Stats debt, contracted in open violation of the con stitution, of $737,713.34, exclusive of interest. The present administration had paid of this 550,481 and the in terest, which the retiring officers were careful not to report, amounting to $118,459, aggregating in all $668,940, in four years. This single act should have been enough to re-elect every offi cer connected with it. But with these facts all before them, the Democratic party tare- ignored Gov, Thayer, and why! Because the Grover-Chadwick wing was-! in power, and Thayer was not of them, and they had for him not one word of commendation.. Ho had known Mr. George from boyhood, known him in school, watched his career in Congress and was proud of oar young and able Representative. Mr. George, he said, xhad reached a position on the Committee of Com merce, never before reached by a mem bor from this state, and he thought it' would be folly to replace "him just at the moment of his usefulness by a new and untried man. Nothing could be brought against the character of Mr. George. He was absolutely unimpeach able, intellectually and morally he was no of the grandest Representatives Oregon ever had and one we mijjht justly be proud of. The speaker had known Mr. Smith for thirty-five years, he was a perfect qentleman, and in past years has been a man of much ability; but nothing less than the hope of raakinc political capital out of the Chinese question could have galvanized him into tempo rary political life again. Mr. Z. F. Moodv he lenew to be ... every way fitted to be Governor sf this State. He is no speaker, but a man of 'business acumen and integrity, and of strong practical common sense. "Mr, Moody cam? to this State a poor man; he has Become wealthy by managing his business correctly; has some ex perience in legislative work, being "elected from a Democratic county, anil two years ago was elected chairman of that body. "Rocky" Eirbart he thought too well known to need extensive notice. Should Mr. Smith by any chance be elected Governor of Oregon, he would probably not live his term out, and Earhart would undoubtedly become Governor. The speaker warmly alluded to the manner in which. Mr. Hirsch had dis charged his. duties, and pointed to his name as the synonym of integrity .and capability, and who will render a strict account of every cent paid into tho treasury Mr. Powell'referred briefly to the tariff question, showing that it was not a political one all parties differ ing on it; none agreeing among them selves and that from its, very nature it never could be 'opposed solidly or be supported solidly by either party. The Chinese question was virtually out of politics, never Bad been in politics on this coast all parties being united on it and to show Mr. George's position quoted from his powerful speech in Congress as follows; '!Give us of your people. Give us the people of our race. Give us the English, the Irish, the Scotch, the Ger man, or the Scandinavian. ' Give us those who will come with their, fami lies; who will assimilate with us; help diversify our industries and build up our, Institutions; but do not forco upon us the Tery opposite 'this cheap, ser vile, ignorant and idolatrous laBor." Mr. Powell urqed voters to be citi zens rather than partisans, to canvass every candidate with unimpassiohed judgment and vote n&t according to mere habit but with reference to. the best interests of the country in which ( wo are all iBtereeted and tor select for office those Best calcalated to carry but the- ideas of ' efficiency sad economy. The speech, was well received by Men of Both parties for it was a cool and dignified appeal to tho Better judg ment of men and not to their prejudi ces. There was a large attendanci of ladies and the speaker was .listened to throughout with close and respect-J fuIlttehtionT-"'-- - -- - - - -5T- 1J, XukThonlB. The Democratic organ in this county, (he "Times" gives the puBlic tho fol lowing Bit of wisdom: "a man must Be either a Democrat or a Republican." This will be sad, sad news to American citizens wbo, Heretofore, have had an idea that they were free moral agents invested with tho right to stay out of any party if they saw fit, and the next we hear' will be the enunciation; that a man must be a Presbyterian or a Cath olicwith not atrinch of middle ground to stand on. This is, to be sure, the merest stuff and balderdash for no one is obliged to join any. party except as a matter of choico but it is the old ring of the party whip that has been used in Jackson county to drive Democratic voters to the polls like a lot of coolies and which has not always been effectu al. Several times in this county it failed and, if memory serves us right, the Sheriff of Jackson county was elected two years ago by a party that was neither Democratic nor Republi can. Urack the partv whin neiehbor. mako it hiss and tingle and make your men understand that to be Democrats they must stifle all independence a'l right of private judgment and follow tho Bell wetber to the polls like a" flock of sheep. Keep the lash singing till tho last ballot is cast on election day and tell Democrats if they dare to "scratch" or fail to vote the straight (ticket they will bo read out of the party and classed with the hated Re publicans. This is the way to train American citizens so that they, can be of the very greatest. service to office; seekers, because they can be more easi ly handled swing the whip again neighbor it sounds so familiar and has such a sweet sound. Kallrosd .Yew. Everything is booming now on the line of the railroad extension south of Roseburg. There are now between 1200 and 1400 Chinese at work drill ing rock, . trading, eta, and the number is being added to daily. A large number of whites over, 200 aro at work at bridge timbers, teaming, and other kinds of workwhere Chinese cannot be trusted, and the whole line is a, scene of busy activity. There are over a hundred scrapers being used in" grading, and about 60 dump carts. These are the property of tho company who also own a number of teams, and the-wages of whites who driv them are 2 per day without board. Where teamsters are employed who furnish their own team and wagon the allow ance is 4.'25 per day. Boring has commen:ed on tho tunnels but it is not expected that tho longest will be fin ished before February andit will prob ably be a year from this date before the road is fiuisned to Grave Creek- or the outlet of the south tunnel, and it is not anticipated that trains will corae further south than Riddleberger (30 miles from Roseburg) By next'Novem Ber. The month of SeptemBer will make Myrtle creek a railroad town for a shori time But it wi'l not enjoy its glory many months as it is now cer tain that work will Be pushed right along till connection is made with Redding. Prices of hay and grain are gooil along the line, and when the work gets nearer to this valley our farmers will have a good harvest; pro vided they havo anything to sell If they don't they will he out of luck. ' Bead the Becord. Take, tho word of no man for it. Help yourselves to the information. The legal success of the present Dis trict Attorney is recorded in black and white upon the books, of our county. We refer you to the records of the court, not.to the "Times." Count the convictions registered there; it will not take you long.. Compute the costs; that will take you somewhat longer. "Practical economy 1" What say the figures, what say the tax-payers!, "Con scientious discharge of duty " He had better deny it than, admit it. Better to claim that ho can and will do better than, under the circumstances, toassert that he has done, bis best. Better to ask from the people a cbaritablo sufferr f anco of his dereliction of duty than to insult tl eir intelligence with swagger ing Braggadocio. Wby, to argue thus is to convict him either of an ntterjxb sence of conscience ;or an unusual degree of incapacity. Most" illogical "Times." tlNlMEK1 Slwom Coras aad neves disap points. Tko world's great PjUq KellovBr for' SXaa and Beast. Cheap, quick and reliable. PITCHER'S CASTORIA. is not Narcotic- Children grow fat upon, Mothers like, and Physician .recommend CASTORI&. Itrcgulatcstho Bowels, -cures "Wind Colic, allays Fcverlshncss, and de stroys "Worms. WEI S. METER'S CA TARRH Cure, a Constitutional Antldoto for tUs'torriblo mala dy, by- Absorption. Tho-xiost Important Discovery sinco Vac cination. Other remedies may' relievo Catarrh, this cures at any stage before Consumption seisin. PIONEER HARDWARE STORE Jacksonville, Oregon, BILGEK &, MMGlJv Dealers and Workers IN TIli, BRASS & COPPERWARE. WE ALSO KEEP .constantly on hand' a first claa aimorlment of STOVES, ..',',-,-GLASS, TOOLS, .iuvn?'-l?.. OILS, PUMPS,,. r-.-;t .'.: PAINTS, "RraiHS," -P .- - MACHINES, .AMMUNITION, TIN WARE, SHELEHARDWKE. Job Work a Specialty. Prompt attention given to ' all orders from abroad. . '' toUrf MO'TTo'lS" """ "Livo and Let Live." Cnll nml examine before n'irclini'n" clscYlicrc. WLCJEK&M.tfGLY. PRO BONO PUBLICO ! LINDLEY, TOREY & CO. WILL PURSI3II SUPERIOR LUMBER OF ALL KINDS .-1 IlOTWOOt ITLrifOCJ. ' . 5 ;TTA.V1NG purchased Jas. Herd's steam IX, saw-mil I r. in Willow spring- pre cinct, wc arc now prepared to 1'nrni.sh .'lumber of every description, Cloor axicX Rougb, promptly, and at Hie very lowest talcs. Hills tvcd to order. , All kinds of mtrchimlable produce tak en in exchange. t2f"Give us a trial and jutlc for your self LINDLEY, TORUY & CO. MANI0N HOUSE, FORMERLY ' '. "' Neiy State Hotel, aaol.soxivlllo. CLEAN BEDS, NO BEDBUGS, FLEAS OR CHINA COOKS: Meals 25cts. An olesant par'or for guests, rooms-especially for commercial travelers and gat 'sfaction assured. ' - A.-D.MANION. Jacksonville', May uV 1882. LUMBER FOR EVERYBODY! STEKLINGr 6 Miles Sonlh of Jacksonville, TS NOW UNDER-EUM, HEADWAY X and is prepared to furnish the market with every description of lumber of a supe rior quality at the lowest rates. Bilk sawed to order nnd satisfaction guaranteed. All orders addressed to us at Jackson ville will receive prompt attention. PARKa &.8.0N.. WALDO EXPRESS, .LeavM JnckRODvilio Mondays and Thursdays, fpr Waldo. Leaves Waldo x uesuays and Fridays. First-class accommodations for passen gers. , , -. -.. Kxnrisi'hiioinoe nromntlv nltcnded to by K. 31. GARRETT. ; GREAT SLAUGHTER IN PRICES . ."? K E. JACOBS' STOKE Oregon Street,; Jacksonville WHERE A COMPLETE AND magneflcicut aMortment of new goodi has just beeti received, consisting a part of CLOTHING, , DRX-GQQbS, GROCERIES,"''' PA-NCY GOODS-, BOOTS Jc SHOES,,,- , . -snrmnr. -rinrvrrsf- ' HATS AND CAPS, TOBACCOS 1-CIGARS, HARDWARE AND CARPETS, TINWARE, - ' " ALL KINDS FAINTS: -ALSOl- l"C33SfX0"7W- GKi.A.SJB GROCERIES. EA FINE ASSORTMENT OF LATIESr HATS'v -AND FLOWERS, dec, &c. 'In fact eTerjlMng to bo found In a flm cl&n tlock of General 'Merchandise, which will be told at prices That Defy Competition. The hlghtt price allowed for coanlry pro. duce. 2SGIve me a call at ray ettabllchmenf in tb Masonic bnlMing and be convinced that there is no humbug about tbir E. JACOBS HMTBM EMPORIUM! Jacksonville, Oregon. J0HX MILTLE3, .'Proprietor. rEALER IN ALL KINDS OP AGRT--Ly cultural implements, tools of all kiDds and a general assortment of shell hardware. A He "alio keeps the largest slock ol, and nli the lalc-bt improvements in GUNS A"ND PISTOLS,' AJ.D A rm.li ASSOBTif ext or Fishing Tackle, powder, Shot, etc. ALSO LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, AND ALL KINDS OF OIL. GivoihlmacaU jriil examine Iris, stock! before making "your purchases. TESS.P. VARIETY STORE, CXDrit TUKMANAaEMEST;Or',i hlTtLE & CHASi JACKSONVILLE, "9 WILL BE KEPT WELL STOCKED , -with, the choicest CIGARS, , ' . JEWELRY, GROCERIES, CANDIES, NUTS, PIPES, CARDS,. NOTIONS, CUTLERY, STATIONERY, ALBUMS, TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, Gont'is Famishing Goods, Fishing Tackle, &c. And everything usually fonnd in a first class variety store. Our goods are the best and gurrantccd to be as represented. Prices low, as we do not proprosc to, bjj undersold, 3T"Givo lis a call . . LITTLE & OHASE. Notice. Land Office at Rosebuiuj, Oos, ) 3Iay4, 1882. f Noiicc Is hereby given that the follow, inir-namcd settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of 111s Claim, aim iii.il sail! pruui will uc made before, the Register, or Receiver, at Roseburg. Land lOfilce, -on Thursday June 15, 1882, viz; "William O. Molony, Home stead No. 2831 for tho S E f of N E X, NEifofSEJf Sec.& andf JofN W ifScc,9TS4JJitO"V. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Ed. Molony, Sam'l Alderson, James Molony, of Leland,- and Thomas CrlMerof Roseburg- Oregon. TVst. P. Benjamin, Register. S, P. HANNA, WAGON-MAKER, Jacksonville, Oregon, In CVoncmillcr's building- is in receipt of a full assortment of material and pre pared td da all work in his line onr short notice and id li workmanlike manner. Vehicles of every descrintion made to order. . :. ! Terms reasonable and satisfaction cuar- antecd. .- S. P. HANNA. July u, mo. to IMPORTANT AHHO U HCEMTENT! J$ L. SOLOMON TO THE- People of Jackson County. -- .a.Wr 'TyrY ENTIRE STOCKf CONSIST. g JGROCERIES, . . I. . tU:VJ. T V BOOTS Jb SHOES, FURNISHING GOODS, DRY & FANCY GOODS, lLf Z'i "' i ? ' TOBACCO k CIGARS, . " CROCKERY, ETC, MUST BE SOLD IN Sixty Days For Cash Tho tinlc. being sh rt in which to dis pose of such a large stock, I guarantee to' the people that at no former time have such sweeping and ' ' ' .- . , , j 1 Marker! ' Reductions been made as I nronose to ma-Jo fn nrfW k to close out my entire tock within the 1 time snecificd. " -,-.. I " SETTLE UPJ All those indebted to me by note or book account " aru 'requested to call and settle immediately. ' - ' L. SOLOMON1.' , Jacksonville, 3IawU 11,' 1882. ASHLAND HARMSSS -SHOP ;:; . C K, KU'M, MANUFACTURER OT, AND DEALnK.sJX .- - - - -. s. ' i t . J5f Saddlery and. Harness1,' ASHLAND, OREGON. KEEPS A GENBRAV.lSSOIjrilENJ.fo: good in his lint ot trade. tallies',. Hens anil ny .Saddles. n t . : -?BperJj-. . . i ' "A. TEAM, BUGGY AjYD .FLOW; HAWESS,, , wm?s, ' ' ' -' ..RODES, . . DUSTERS, -i-ANU-i- HORSE BLANKETS. ' ' ' ALSO- Winchester RF.rE.lTixo "Riru: i(commonly cilletl Honrj Rifles)- of iinoaw oi teto, L8i3, and 1H7U. Pistols, Cartridges, "Etc. Wheat taken attije Highest Market Rates in Exchange for goods. ! ; . n t ;-? mum BJRfilS!! Cleai'tince Saile OF Dry Goods, Taney Goods. CLOTHING, HATS, El C. . -.l . i . ., . ..f(,. . It! f .-) tV'T'-l ' COST F DM CASE For the Next Sixty Days jl- ... . L a. x .. Eeame s Bros Vl -,, - s ' ttAJ f 4 Nervous Debility. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. DR. E. c. wests nerve ami farainJ treatment,. a specific for Ilystcria, Dizziness. Convulsions. Nervous Heail- nchc, 3Iental Depression, Loss of Jlcmory, Spemiatdrhoca, . Iinptftcncy, Involuntary emissions, premature old age, caused by over-excrtion, sclt-abusc . or over-Indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure- recent cases. Each bos contains one month's treatment; ono do liar a-box, or six boxes for five dol lars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. Wc cuarantee six boxes to .cure any case. .W ith each order received by us for sir boxes, accompanied with fivfrdol. lars, we will send the purchaser-our writ ten guarmtce to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guaran tees issuel.onK?byV .T ) Woodard, CunKK & Co., Wholcsalo andrRctail Droggists,.Port land, Oregon. Orders by mail at regular prices. . , NOTICE. . ! As my wife Mary J. Seward has left my bed antl board without cause or provoca tion, I will pay no debts contracted by her. JOHN D. SEWARdV Table Rock, April 29, 18S2. ' Odd Fellow's BBildSs Julimillc, flrtgwr f- '. iW . . j- i DEALER AND WORKER 15 TIN.SHEET IRON,; COPPER, LEAH ;. .. ......Eixrnps,',., I RLTUR'ALJIHPLEMENT, "llll.a,,WtiW) MliM'M rlUJt- J NAILS, JA FIRST-OLASS STOCK OP STOTM . 2 ' 7 ' - i HARDWARE, TINWARE. j ....... POWDER OF EVERT DESCRIPTION i Fuse and Caps, WOO0EN&, WILLOW WARE, . ROPE, KAILS, Paints Oils, Varnish, GIwi j .iCUTLERT, WIREX Shot, Brashs, Chains, Bi9 ETC., ETC: p I have wenrf il the ertieei of a flrt-eUw Mecbanlc', and am prepared to Jo all r pair ing promptly and In mperlor iljlo. . i :fN-CONNECTION WITH T0B A0r x. i ara receirme na tie centutlj hand a full and flrst-elaii slo'ci-n( ' a I GROCERIES, DRr-GOODS, ODVI H00t, iOBiCCO- nEAor siadk ctoTinscr, W . ' T i ; ! 2 A o ! Ci LA SS W A IJ E. CROCKERt, e. Sff-F.viTj Ihlsg sold at retfrnW rtttt. K. KUEI.r JacknonvJJU. March. 3. '878. SPECIAJL GOLD JUEDjIL -yiwardftl-ia"!87ratPIiiIadc!pHr J3'rOH&3AHO T& For 'Excellence, Purity Enc nes&.of Quality. DAVENPORT "WHISKY I K PURE & UNADULTERAT EDF SUPERIOR TO ANY BRAND IMPORTED. DAVENPORT IS UJJRTy:frT.t,EDr : This is a. TOuskjc.of jSypgri ior Quality, as. has never been on the market in anv countrv. ' T, .. . RrrnTTrrv X be classed with the ao-calle'd Compound ofthis Coast, but i . Pr . :. , A -,-. is u a ricn,i rare uavor ana lull bodied, and NO BLENDED or COMPOUNDS can. compare with.it. . s- . ' - - j Distiilatiofi1 oM8T5 nd 18TS is ekefeiretit; fflBIK-CJBBf'BIBBBF,. SOLE 'OWNERS:' D AyESfJPOET- For sale by J.. P.-.McDahriei & Co., Jacksonville, and. Whit& Bros., Rq,cfc Point, , Jackeon County, Oregon. y-