rib OREGON SENTINEL I i 1 JACKSONVILLE Satdudati May 20, 1882. - - . lu A Bee at Koiebarc. Osa. 1 i June 30, 1SSO. J T all WkoM It mir Conrrrni i XaUte U kerebr alven Chat I have deals sated tkeeltr.uax aEYmCL ai the paper lawjriefc I shall hereafter publish all pre MipUaut, hamexlcad and applications Gr miming patent for lands 1x1ns near Jaeksaavllle, Jackson county, wresan. 1 w. r. 'BMumiv. Kcsutcr Kepubllcau Coast? Convention. A Republican Oounly Convention Is ereoy cancel 10 meet in Jncksonvll c, on Monday. Mar 29. 13S2. at 11 o'clock a. it. for the purpose of nominating a county UCO.CV UUU KlUJUUlUg IU sutu riner UUM- nesi as may come before Ike Convention. It is recommended that primary meet ings be held in llie several precincts at the usual places or voting on Saturday May 27, .188 J, at 2 o'clock y, it. The sev. era! precincts of the connty will be entitled .to one delegate and one lor every 18 volvs sad traction of nine or oyer based upon the votes cast for 31. C. George, member tf CoDgress at the June election, 1880, trkich gives the following representation 'Aihltnd .7 , Grants Pass 1 Applcgate 1 i Jacksonville 8 "Chimney Jlockw . 1 Little Butte, t 2 Lcland 1 Manzanitr 2 Pleasant Creek... .1 Rock Point 1 Table Kock 1 Uniontouu 2 Total ...39 Eden 0 Flounce Rock....l PoU Creek 1 Sterlingville". 1 WllOTv Springs... 1 MERRITT BELLINGER, Chairman. W. H. Atkinson, Secretary. Fouxd. On the California roid a iack of blankets. The owner can Hud them at this ollice by proving proprty and paying for this ldvertiseiueut. JIitk Society. -The next reception of tho ladies of the Presbyterian "Mite Society" will be held in the basement ot thr Presb tei tan Church on Tubs day evening 23d lint. A cordial invi tation M extended to all and a pleasant time ispromixed. Thanks. Misses Katie -Miller and Belle Jones came to:o ttie SENTINEL office yesterday with a basket of cake mud a bottle of wine and the compli ments, of the. newly wanied couple Thanks little Indies we hope to attend tot!h jour weddings in lime. Lout. In the street in Jacksonville on Thursday a small hand satolt1con taining'ladies wearing apparel and a mall amount of money. The finder will be rewanh-d on returning it to 'this office and give great pleasure tn t'hn ownertbesideh please tiring it in. JtKruBMCAX Cal. It will be noticed that the Republican Central Committee have made a cu'l for the holding of primaries cu the 27th inst,, mid the -County Convention on the 2Dth. This will gnu fliy opposite par. ty-si ery slurt time to sling mud ami a large. amount 'of that at tide will be lcf t a er. Public SrKAMso Prufessnr L. J. tPowrll, Superintendent of Public In atruction, -will ddr-s the citkr-us of Jackson county on the -political ii-nue.s of the day, at Ashland, on May 2.'nd, at -3 r. k, and Jacksonville, on' the J3d, at 1 r. M-. An invitation -is extended t men of all political opinions -to be j) resent, and especially to the ladies. Agaix Yostpoxed. The -ale of the "Oriswoldjiniperty at Salem lias lieen "again postponed for a month by order of tho Attorney General. Tim suit was-commenced against Grisuold by 3Ir. B. F. Don ell ten years ago, and 'last "October an order for the sale of 'the property w as made. It lms been (postponed eight times, and the end is 'not yet. Mr Dowel) is hopeful yet, 'but a thought of tlm celebrated cast )f Jarndyce vs. Jarndyce occasionally obtrudes itself on 'him. TThb "Gaccku's Wonic Oscar Kil "hourne U. si. pauger, his been paying the valley an official xist during the week and retumeil home to Portland 'if-kljkr'fcB- B au5ec anJ tnni)ed about one thousand gallons of spirit (most of which was gra;w biandy dis- tilled by Raphail Morat. The rest was apple biandy manufactured b MrsMVderer and by'the Phoenix dis tillery. Mr. Kilbournn expresses the -opinion that this ral!eywi! rooii pro -lucejarge quantities of wine and spiiits of the best quality. Rkligious Rev. M. A. Williams 'will i preach at Egle Point to morrow atlll A.'K. and here, in the Prpsbvter ixa cburch, at 7.30 p. v.. .Rev." A. 31. Russell wiil preach at the He'er Kirove school house on the eieniug, of rthe 56th, at 7.30 o'clock, and on Sun- day at'lKe iamo hour, AUoat Mau jcani(aon the tl) at 2-f. M. and onSunday JMay, 2Stb. at 1 a. m. .... Rev. B. J. Sharp will preach here 'tcmerrowin thnJd.. Khurch, morn- lng -nB evening Services in the. 'Catholic church at-tho usual hour by !Rer. Eather-Banch?t:. , ..j Severe Frost. Last week it was a matter of cpngratulation that the fruit "crop appeared quite wifa'but the heavy frosts of Saturday and Sunday nights have done serious damage all over the YHeJrC?nJ tte present prospect is that HWpeach, Idum and cherry crop will be exceedingly light. In totue locali ties strawberries art. bad I v injured a so, and xtatoes and earl' vegotableR wen rt:ut to the ground. The appU- aod pear rop is little damaged and of. those fruits there will be an abundance. Thn "Yreka Journal" announces about the same condition of affairs across tlm mountain and, indeed, the frost tseems to have fallen heavily all over tho state, It it no use crying "about this a it is something that can't 1ms helped and we vriJiare to make tLo lest of it. MH'AL ITEMS. i . The Red Men are improving their cemetery.. . . T A lady's duster can bo h'eard of at this office, ' i , - Try a Professor cigar. Crosby keejis 'em. The Chinese restriction law goes in to effect August 6th A new sign has been placed in front of the Manion House." Fourth of July celebration will be the next on the docket. ' Guiteau will hang June 30th, a new trial having been refused. Ed. Autenrieth and family' will soon return to Yreka to locate. A cyclone in Arkansas has made on hundred families homeless. Mrs. S. R. Taylor is in town, the guest of Mrs. Dr. Jackson. Another case of crim con is reported this lime fwui Cayote creek. Mud am e Holi promises to give an- other"Iittle folks party soon. G. F. Billings of the Eagle Mills made us a pleasant visit this week. Tho "Pilgrim" printerstayed with us a couple of days this a cek on his way north. RejKirt says that Henry Hortou of Lmkville died at that place on Sunday last after u tshort illnet. One thousand five hundred and eight) five Chinese arrived in Portland ou TuetJa from J long Kong. Rev. Chapman, Presiding Elder of tlm M. E. Ciiurch is in the county and will bti at thequaiierly meeting. Try the Clock Baking Powders. A tine nickel-plated clock is giteti awsj with euch mx cans of powders sold. We are under obligations to G. M. Bankn, formei ly Marshal Jiere, now of Ogdeii, U-T., tor 6alt Luke papers. Spring races will be run on the Yre ka track under the management of E. Ftituer on ttie 16th ami 17th of June. Newman Fisher receiv ed lots of new goods this week. Ladies will do well to call and examine his stock of goods. Albert Elliott who has one -of the finest uuttita in the county took a lu-ui of 6,000 Hi, of .Hour to Waldo this week. Manning's fine trotting stallion Ophir was ahot last Friday when it was found impossible to cum hi bro ken leg. Dr. Wm. Jacktou returned on Thurs day f i oui a professional visit to Jose phine couutv and can again be found at his office. The quextion'of jurisdiction has ueeu raised lu the Guiteau case. It will be limn enough to settle the point after he is hanged. Dr. Coon, the organizer of the sever al Champion of Honor lodges, in this section, died viu the county hospital at U) uipia, lately. The fourth uarterlv meeting of the M. E. Chuuh will be held at GrauU Pass on Saturday May 27th and Sun day, May i'b'ih. Dr. I). S. Hulton, the only physiiiau residing in Josephine county, paid us a visit this week. He leports health good iu that section. The genial face of Mr. Sol Wise is again been among us 'he hav iug return ed from Sail Eraucisvo this week look ing as' huiidsomo as ver. Eighty two tick tits were sold at the Red Men's Ball on the l"Jih iust, and it watt generally voted to be the gland est success of the season. Hon. Geo. II. Williams Ex Attorney General of the United Stiues has re turned to Portland after, an aWuce of several mouths in Washington. Wm. Uliiuh has sold his interest in the baUeiy and saloon UuKiness.here to Ins partner, Fred Grob, who will con duct the busiuess alone hereaftar. Large quantities of suckers are now ruuulilir uii Bear creek. Thev are quite tat and easily taken -but liavn too tuuny bones to be ojuiloriablu diet. We are glad to hear that Geo. How- aid is at present steadily employed in a punting office, at liie Dalles. Ueoie in a rustler and will uiaku his mark yet. Mr. John Ustrnire will appear here soon lit his "dtamatio sketches and olio of oddities" aud all those who were present on his former visit will attend again. The surveying outfit of T. C.Jjud kins of ftugeue City passed through here i esterday. It was bound for the Owyhee country on the borders of Idaho. Jl small bit of a row occurred ou our streets last Thursday betweeu a couple of cur Democratic citizens ou account of a difference of opinion ou political candidates. ' Charles K. Klum, of Ashland, has gone into the cattle business guite ex tensively, -but he still keeps a full stock of saddjery goods for bale at the lowest living prices Wa regret to say that Mrs. W. S. Stone is iu such poor health that she has been obliged to visit San Francisco tor the purKse of obtaining the best medical skill available. Clias. Litchman, the Great Incohone of the order of Red Men in the United States, is expected in Oregon soon and will proVablv pav Oregoniau-Pocahou tab Tribe a visit while on his trip. McDaniel k Co.. keen the celebrated "Davenport," whiafcr. John L. Burns. the agent, is now on his wav here. overland, and will soon arrive via Crescont City. Auk for Danport. Hon. L. J, Powell will adrfresshe citizens 'of Ashland on Monday May. 2lM and will speak in Jacksonville on Tuesday May 23d. Mr. Powell has the reputation of being a fine "speaker. L Samuel of the "West Shore" has issued an edition of that periodical in, German, for circulation iu Europe price 25 cents per copy sent to friends in Germany it will attract immigra- tion- - x 'i . Democratic primaries will be held orer- the, counft tOHlay.-JThe fight aeems tO'waxwafnifbetweVn.-the rival candidates forth Sheriff's office. ,but. " the rest of the litket 'seems -already; ' ... ' t t . hxed up. "- - Mrs. Louisa Boddy, of Tule Lake, has been allowed her claim against the Government, amounting to 5,500, for losses sustained by the Indians during the Modoc war, at the present session of Congress. Madame Holt will give a ball at her hall on theevening of the Fourth of July and invites a'l of her friends and the public generally to lie present. Her advertisement will be found Tn another coli'iun. ' " Death to rats, mice, roaches and ant; Parsons Exterminator. Barns granaries and households cleared in a singUj;isht.r No fear of bad smells. Best and cheapest vermin killer in the. world. Sold everywhere. Hon. Binger Herman will address 6 citizen, of Jackson county on! the behalf of the Republican ticket at Jacksonville, ThurMlay, June l&t, at 7.30 o'clock r. ., and at Ashland, Fri day, June 2d, at 7:30 p. VI. It is probable that a picked nine' from the Jacksonville and Ashland base ball club will challenge the bovs at Fort Klamath for a game to 4te pi:)ed her on the 4th of July. A rattling game may bo expected. Some fine work iu the way of pi as teriug, by George W. Holt, aud psitlt ing by Reed & Savage, is now being done on John Orth's new brick resi dence, and when finished Johnny will hav e one of the finest homes iu South ern Oregon. H. F. Phillips of Ashland, the present contractor, is said to 4ie the successful bidder for the the Ashland Lakeview route. Mr. Phillips has given general satisfaction and we are glad to hear of his contract having been renewal. If you want to save your money buv your Harvesting Machines of K. Kubli. He his the boss machines The Buck eye Harvester, and Mower, and al so the Taylor Ruke, Haines Header, aud Morrison plow. A word to the wise is sufficient. M. W. Parsons, who camn here in the interest of the Singer Sewing Ma chine Co., to straighten out the affairx of J. A. Crosby, the former agent, rr ( turned to Ins home in rc-lk county last veek after having appointed E. E Goio as the rcsidcut agent. Col. S. G. Whipple was registered at the "Grand" iu Sin Fraucitcu last week and will probabl soon reach his. post at Fort Klamath from which he has been absent for several months. The Colonrl's f i lends will all be g'ad to See his pleasant face again. The Redding "Independent" of May 10th. says a man passed through town Vbsterduv, bound for Oregon, with hi worldly goods packed on a wht-elhar: row. He had come from Lincoln, Cat, and said hn preferred bis wheelbarrow to a mule for a traveling companion. Henry Thornton, of Josephine, will probably be selected by the KcpubMfc cans of that county as a candfdate for the legislature. Henry wflultl makn a most refipeitahle aud effieient repre seutative something that county has long needed, and would be a strong candidate. 1 he Red Men's celebration at Yreka on St Tammany's day is described by the Journal and Tribune as a grand success. ToiMk were responded to by Messrs. Vance, Burrows, Peck and others and that of Al. 'Burrows on the ladies is said'to have lnsen particularly happy and appropriate. The New ,Champion Front Cut Mower is without a rival. Has new mechanical movements, running al most noiselessly and'w ith less than one half the gearing, Wrings and friction K)ints of anyother successful Mower ever constructed. Cuts 4 feet 3 in ches. For sale.aCBilger & Mscgly's The3an,FrancTsco "Chronic!e".iKav8: "The Democrats of this Stale indulged in so much rejoicing --when Arthur vetoed tlw.sirstrestrtciive, billtlmt they have none of tho sentimeHt left to expend-ovejr the signature of an act which will mitisate the Chinese vil in this State to micU an extent that U-svill ot he used as a political football hereafter." Tlie'Champion's pic nic at Phoenix last Wednesday is pronounced a grand success by the large crowd of youti" folks that attended from this placet Festivities dosed with a ball in Cul ve'r's hall ifi1 the-evrning; and all'pres ent say it was a-fine affair throughout. Mrs. Lavenburg furnished the supper and as it is acknowledged thnt she al. ways gives the best to be had in this locality, no further mention is necea sarr. The Lake county "Examiner" is sarcastic In its last issue we found this: "Jackson county ha two Re. publican pattern and gives 325 Demo cratic majority. If it was afflicted a ith another Democratic paper like thf "Times," this order of things wou d most likely, be reversed." The "Ex aminer" should credit Mr. Nickell with being thft savior of his party, inasmuch as he refused to sell a spare press for the purpose of starting another Demo cratic pajier ( Ashland, prompted solely by the ileaire to spare tho peo pi such an affliction. Mews Cleanings-. , ( I . t WAsinxcToX, May 14. Tfia "Post" of Monday will have the following L positive statement : Chief Justice Car ter and --Justice JlcArmur, .riagner and Jaroesdieitra consultation- ousat unlay for summing op the arguments of counsel ,in the application of. Gui teau for a rehearing, ane consultation lasted four hours and ws marked by the most searching xanrnation of authorities andthe'most rigorous analy- a of every jioint made mtiiearguments Tbo Judges were in thorough harmony all through, alM in' reaching their lecisio'n not'forone minute differing ia the general-step by which the decision was reached, although, ot course, each Judge had individual opinions on point of law and their application. Their decision will be announced on Mav 22d. It affirms the sentence of the court below, of course overruling the exceptions. This disposes of Guiteau's last chance. He will be hanged on June 30th, I8S2. Victoria (B. C), May U Advices just received from New. Westminster state that the run of salmon hi Frazer River has commenced, but they do not run iu sufficient numbers to make' them profitable iu the canning business. The cannery proprietors are making greater preparation than ever for the sockeyea run this summer, and judging from the number of canneries now in !I,j,,1rte orkinB order, the amount nsh mt ?P l,,w s!ason w'11 far exceeu mat oi any prev ious year. Victoria, May 14. A large force of railway men heretofore employed on the Canadian Pacific, this side of Maple Ridge, have been transferred kto the section between Emery City and Hope in order to complete that piece of the linn and avoid the difficult nav igation f Frazer River. That being accomplished, rvvrv effort will b made to pus'i forward the construction to Pitt River, near Port Moody. The owners of property at that locality are effecting rapid .and remunerative sales, and Port Moody is now place of importance. becoming a Hollowat's Pills Never Despair Something that never fails Fever and Ague To the sick it is of little consequence how they are cured, whetlmr from a rational v iew of the disease or by the rules defined for th guidance of the profession, so long as the cure is certain and expeditious. To a suffering man the question ou the relatirc merits of quinine or calomel ir uninteresting. The faculty may wrangle and discuss their various theor ies, but Dr. Holloway't. treatment dis jiels doubt ere the disciples of Escula pius have finished tint Gist stage. Hollow ay 'sPills'are the only remedies which effect a speedy and radical cure without danger of a l elapse. Read tho advertisement elsewhere. Important Cautiox. Noun are e;iujn unless the signature of J. Hatdock, surrounds each" lux of" Pills and Ointment.. Boxes, at 25 cants, 62 cents and $1 lach. iSgTTJiTn is considerable saving by tnking'lhe Urgefstzes, Uollowav i Co., Now York. Valuable Publication. "Our Fam ily Record" is the' title" of ait exceHenj work copyrighted by W. II. Parker, of this county, and published by J. K. Gill and Co. of Portland. Lit will sup ply a want long felt, being convenient Iv arranged for the entry of all family matters proper and necessary to be recorded and from its very nature will prompt the record of events .too often neglected until forgotten and in after years tlie"RecordV wi'.l boa val uable treasure in-every family jiosses sing itv TJie wgfkjis neatly boondand in all res.eeth neat and creditable to the printers art and it should be in every JioUshold. The prices vary with tho style of binding, being S3 75, ?3.25" and S2..i0 and all three stvles within tl e leach of any family. We have no hesitation in calling the attention of the public to this work as a very nieri torious one and an examination will prove the correctness of thisjudgHment. W. J. Stanley is the agent for Jackson county, with the exception of Apph gate precinct and he will soon give the public an opportunity to examine and subscribe for the work. Grass "Lodge Officer? , I. .). O. F. This body rnet atvSalem on the T5th insts and elected4 the following grand lodge officers, for the combg jear: Grand Master 'John A'.sJSoyerlof Jacksonville; Deputy Grand Master, Cliai. Sitton of Portland; G. W,, J J. Waltrn of Eugemj Citv; Grand Sec retary, J. M. Bicon of Oregon City; G. T., I. R. Moores of Salem. I. 6. B irker of Salem and W. J. Snodgras.s of La Grande were tlected RepresenAa lives to the Sovereign Grand Lod"e, tho former for two years and the latter for one. We are glad to hear of Mr. Bover, our ft-lluw townsman, reaching the high position of Grand Master of thi order, and we predict that no one will doubt his having filled it accepta bly at the close of his term. DIED. SCHU.MPF In Jacksonville, May 16ih, 1882, Maria, wife of George Schumpf, of consumption of the bowels, in the 45th vear of her age, a native of the county Clare, Ireland, and formerly of Philadelphia. Let her sleep the eternal rest J The just mav never fear; Her past and future will bo blessed, Her friends -"ill weep a tear. But God has greatest mercy shown To call her to the Redeemer's thmne. MATtRIED. ROBINSON MILLER At the Masonic Temple iu Jacksonville, May 17th, 1882, by Rev. M.'A. Williams, Dr. J. W. Robinson and Mias Tiltie MHler, second dauphur of John Miller Esq., al of Jack. noavHIe! - I'AULR 1IIK "lH-LL." ' " r ' J " -' n v Wednesday evening the On Wednesday evening the 17th instant, the nuptvtls of Dr. J. W. Robinson and Miss Tillie, second daughterfof John Miller, Eq.'wcre celebrated in the Masonic Hall at 9 P. it , aud the occasion will be remem bered as the most brilliant and pleas ant o the.kind .that ever occurred in Jacksonville. J. he spacious hall was ta-sieful)yTdecratet! and Jat,idi early hour. the invited cuc.stsber.an to assem ble, one hundred and fifty carlUliav'inJ; been issued.. Extending across frou the summits of the pillars in front of the ".Masters turone was an ever green arch, from the center of which was susjion-led a beautiful floral liell, and at precisely 9 o'clock, while Miss Carrie Beekman performed the wedding tvsrcli, the bridal couple advanced and took, their positions under the; bell. The bride was exquisitely attired in cream colored satin delaine made I "princess" ana elegantly trimmed with banis.li lace. On her head was a veil of white tullo with the conventional wreath of orange blossoms, and she looked, as she was, the sweetest and daintiest bride that was ever won from among the daughters of Jacksonville. The groom; looking his best, stood the trying ordeal of inoiuenUry expectancy bravely until the venerable Mr. Wil liams, in his most impressive and tombing ceremonial pronounced the twain oue flesh. The hearty congrat ulations of friends were warm and sincere, for there are none here who do not feet the deepest interest in the future of this joung couple, who have promised to love and cherish each other forever and foiever ; to be parted alone by the hand of Him who joined them together. And may we be per mitted to extend congratulations; and hopR that every tuomeiit of their future may be as bright and cloudless ns that Fpent under the "marriage bell," and that their whole life may be musical with the sweet chimes that angels mingle with the mutual lovo und trust of .those who live for each other. After the ceremony and congratulations the guests adjourned to the club room adjoining, where the supper tables weie laden most bountifully with every delicacy that could be thought of and where ample room had been pro vided. There was not the slightest confusion and the large number of guests seemed to enjoy the marriage feast vvi'h real zest and pleasure, lin gering until a late hour and seeming loth to disperse. The presents from relatives and intimate friends were numerous and very elegant, many of them costly and such as will be tteas ured always in kind remembrance of the giver recalling the sweet moment when, under tho "maeriHge bell," the plighted faith and love of two souls was cemented into a tie that only the lfand of God may uiito&t. Following. !s a list of tho presents: Pair pL'. bracelets set with pearls pre .n,ed by tho groom; Walnut 'hedtomn set and China tea service, Iry Mrs. N. Robinson; Two large chromos elegant ly framed by Air. ant Mrs. Weather fold, of Salem; Set silver tablespoons by Mrs. Leuch; Lurgn silver waiter by Mr. and Mrs. C. C Beekmsn; Red sat initoilet set by Mr. aud Mrs. Nickell; Silver card receiver and boquet holder by Mr. and Mrs. Newman Fisher; Sil ver sugar bowl by Miss Annie Miller; Silvtr cake basket by Mis Kate Hoff man; Silver cake basket by Mr. and Mrs. John Tupper; Set silver teaspoons in case by Mr. and Mrs. H. Pape; Sil ver tickle castor by Miss Cora Linn, Silver cake ItastTet b) Mr? nrid'Mrs. H! v. Helms; Silver sugar spoon in case by Mr. mid Mrs. Chas. Pi im; Silver salt and pepper stand and napkin ring by Mr. and Mn. T. B. Kent; Silver svrup pitcher by llr. nndMrs. F. Luy; Silver napkin ring with salt and pepper stand by Sol Wise; Silver teaspoons in case by J. Boyerj Pair silver unpkin rings' by Mrs. Qlwnchain; Pair large vases by Misses Ish; Rocking chair by Tod Cameron; Pink satin toilet set by Dr. and Mrs.Aikcn; Largo stand lamp by Mr. and Mrs. Kr.iuse; Clock and soup tureeu by Mr. and Mrst Jacolts; -Pink toiletet by Mr. and Miss Smith; Ster eoscope and views by Miss Britt, Lace bed spread aud shams by T. G. Realm s; Damask table, cloth aud nnpkins by Mrs Judge Hnnna; Gilt cigar stand by Willie Leech; Set china cups and saucers by Mr. aud Mrs, Howard; Set glass sauce dishes by Miss Nrttisi How ard; Parlor chandelier by TV Furrv and sister; Large s.t-.nd lamp by Mr." and Mrs. Minpus; Wood saw, ax and saw buck by "Red Front"; Oil painting, representing bride and groom, mar riaj; bell etc. by Misr Anna Benner her own work; China bread dish by Mr. aud Mrs. WatsonjTabJe linen and nankins by Mr. and Mrs. Prim; Bed pread by Miss Aba Ross and Mrs. Evan Ti'eames; Large chrochet tidy by Jlrs. Ivreutzer; Bed spread by Veit Shulz; Sot vases by Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ulrich; Set carvers by Mr, and Mrs. Max Muller; Sat knives and forks by Annie liilger; Set glass dishes by Mrs. Judge 'Day: Fancy tattd cover ami glass pitcher by F. Heber; White celluloid comb, btush and glass by A. Bameburg; Lace tidy by Mrs. Furry; Bonk by Prof. A. . Johnson; Stew pan and coffee pot A. H. Ma:gtey; Ta lile linen and napkins by Mr. und Mrs. Grobe; Threo sacks flour and ham by T. T. McKenzie; Mam by Mr. Furry; Kitchen outfit from Chan. Hanna, J. R. Little and H Pape. Loxa Service Prof. John B. Far ley one of the best educators of this county reached twenty years and eight raon'ths rervice as a public school leach pr last Friday. Mr. Farley thinks that in four months more he will be entitled to vote as twenty one years'devoted to public instruction ought to invest any one even an Irishman -t-with citizen ship. You are right John aud entitle a roan to public rtpoctif not to u pension. PtTKNTS.- ' rL-VlSDEALER-X, Following is a list of patents in the Land Office at Roseburg, waiting to be called for. Before sending for your patents read what W. i. Benjamin .Register, has to say about surrender ing duplicate receipts : Jackson county H. Itice, Samuel Bozell, Rosa Rcillr, Ttagsdale, I. Rees, I. Q. Smith, G. W. Stowell, J. Sturbrick, Jacob Smith, C. Slagle, f William Sorensen, W. F. Wilkinson, O. Weare, A. I. .Vutts. Josephine County H. Simpkin'1, M. J). Tolin, B- M. Thompson, O. W. Wimer, W. York, G.W. Yokum. JacksonCounty G. W. Apger, T. J. Allen, Ed. Brooks, Henry Boat, Thomas Bickmore, J. W. Barckdull, Mark Conger, A. J. Cook, M. Chap man, Joseph Clift, J. M. Childers, William Coutner, A. D. Carlton, W. Croxton, Heurv Davis, A. Darueille, J. D. Fountain," B F. OotcheUe, Ed. Graupner, John H. Haufc.'m, W. II. Hamlin, T. J. Howard, F. L. Xob'ison Knighten, A. IL Kincaid, J Looruis, C. W. Leake, J. J. Lucy, L B. Low. T. Miller, M. A. Ml ler, Thomas Mw, S. E. Morrison, J. K. Moore. F. M. Miller, E. B. McKnee, McDoldt, William Oliver, P. N. Olviat, O. Olster, A. Owen, O. E. Rose, A Rumnell, J. H. Knutzen, J. B. Rodcers, John Roten, Chas. Agpe, T. A Fountain, L. B. G. Hall, T. G. Harmon, J. A. Ilawke. D. L. Hopkins, Jacob Lueinger, J. Q. Lanterman, R. Murry, McDanie, H. Miller, Delia Noland, W. H. Ober, J M. Pavne, P. R. Pratt, W. A. Rumlev, T. W. Reed, J. W. Stockbarger, G. W Sturgeon, D. Sheehan. Persons claiming patents must sur render duplicate receipts, if in their possession or can be obtained of tho-e in possession of them ; but if th duplicate receipt is lot, destroyed or beyond the cluimnnt's control, an alfi davit accounting for its absence, that the claimant is the present owner of the land patented, and that the ntj'uln vit is made for the purpose of inuring patent for the same. By obsei ving the above instructions, parties desiring patents will save themselves much trouble and delay in getting them. W. F. Benjamin, Register. ti9nc Home On Tuesday, Mr. Maria SchumpF, wife of George Schumpf, of this pluce, was called away after a painful and lingering illness of over two months and on Wednesday her remains w ere followed to the grave by a large iium ber of friends. Mrs. Schumpf was a native of the county Clan-, Ireland, long a resident of Philadelphia and a siiter of the late Mathew. Dillon well re membered here. She was a firm and de voted belieyer in tho Catholic faith, a worthy and devoted wife and lay down to rest in the beautiful faith that smooths the pillow- of the dviin: mid lemnves the stones from the daily path trodden by poor mortality. A moat touching ami im pressive sermon was preached by F.uh er Blanchet, her , pntor, and all that was mortal of a beloved wife was laid away in the beautiful ground belong ing to the Catholic Church to wait for the coming and for the peaco eternal dial after all is the tlm greatest boon vouchsafed humanity May the rest be peaceful!"' Mrs. Schumpf leaves no children but a husband aud many friends to mourn for her. Homicide In Uaaslas County. Friday morning L. C. Hill shot and instantly killed'his brother in law, Ca leb Young, in front of the postollice There had been a family feud existing between them for some time. It up p-ars that Hill, in a lit of anger, pun ished his stejt-daughter for refusing to obey him. This so incensed her r-la tives that they sent him n written no tice to settle up and leave the country in twelve hours. Hill, not wishing tn be forced to leave-, remained in t;n until tho next morning. WhiJ;. stand ing on the porcb itj front of the post office Young drove up and jumped off his wagon ami approached Hill in threatening manner, ufciiuj insulting language, when Hill shot with an X. L- revolver, forty calibre, instantly killing him. Hill was immediately ar rested and taken to Rosoburg. while the Qrand Jury was in session and in dicted for murder iu the first degree. He wi 1 bo tried at a special term of Court to bo held iu July. tly I'n I renal Arronl Ayer's Cathartic Pills ure tho best of all purgative fur family use. They are the product of long, laborious, nnd successful chemical investigation, and tlitdr extensive ue, by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized na tions, prove them the bet and most effectual purgative Pill that medical science can devise. Being purelj veg etable no harm can arise from their use. Iu intrinsic value and curative powers no other Pills can be compared with them, and every person, knowing their virtues, will einplcy them, when needed. They keep the system in per feci order, anil maintain in heulihy ac tion the whele machinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are esjieciiilly adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, if tiimlv taken. They are the best nnd safest plijrsis to employ for children and weakened constitutions, where a mild but effectual cathartic is required. For Sale by all Dealers. ot to le Suezed at. That ure, sweet, safe and effective American distillation of with huzel, American pine, Canada fir, marigold and clover blossom, called Smiford'a Radical Cuio for Catarrh. A few doses instantly relieve the most violent meeting or head cold, top all watery discharges from the nose aud eye, cure headache and nervousness, and banish , ill danger wf fever. Completo treat . ... John Ilailcr, one of tho new con tractors mi tint Redding Roseburg route, went north, on Thursday to Roseburg. The new company is get ting eveiythitig in readiness to begin service ou July 1st, the stock, stages and nil other property of tha present company having been purchased, bjr Mr. Ilailey in San, Fraucisco. Hajler has aNo full control of all important stage lines east of the mountains and in Southern Idaho, Sanderson having transferred a controlling interest to him which had been previously pur chased from "U joiner." There will be no increase iu the service over the Redding Roseburg routp, the report that a doub'c daily was to be put on being untrue nnd made out of whole cloth. The formal transfer of the property ou this line will not be made until late in June. For Sheriff. I hereby nnnounc" Hint I nro a candi date for Sheriff of Jackson county, inde pendent of all p irtics or "rings, subject only lo IheiUcision of the voters in June anu ai'COtmtaUo only to I lie people for my official conduct if elected, jlv p atform is my rccoid as a citizen of Jackson county. liOBT.M.OvltUETT. Jackson vil c, May 0th, 1SS2. For Co. Commissioner". The Undersigned announces himself as an Independent candidate forCounty 'Vmi missuiei at the ensuing e ection, subject to the votes of the citizens of Jackson county. My platform 1 j economy and re trenchment P. N. FICSE, For District Attorney. I respectfully announce myself as an In. dependent candidate for the office of Dis Ir'ut Attorney tor the First Jitdiclil Dis trict cf Oregon, subject to the decision of the voters of slid District at the (lection in June. , J.W. MERRIlT. Jacksonville, May Gilt. 1882. 3Tojc" Tronsuror. r To tho voters of .Tackwn county. At the solicitation ot many friends of a'll parties. Ih rcby nnnouftce mye f a3 an indepen dent eandidatc for Countv 'treasurer, at the next June e tction. and I would think the majority to stand in. JAMKSS. HOWARD. Jacksonville, Vy Cth, ItsSJ. STATEMENT UNDER OATH. " J" HAVE hern -ifllfcted for twenty years I with an obstinate skin disease, called by some 31. D.'s Psoriasis, and others Li pny, commencing on mysraln, and, in spite of all I could ilo, with the help of the most skil tul iloctcrs. It sowly but surely extended until ajrear ago this win ter it covend my entire person in form of, dry scales. For the last three years I have been unable to do nnj labor, nnd suffering intensely til 1 the time. Every morning there could bo nearly a dustpantul n fi-alcs tnlvXM lrom the sheet on my bed, some of them half ns large its tho envelope containing this letter. J;i thu latter part of the v Intc r my skin commenced cracking open, I tiicd" cvcrvlhlng, almost, that coil d bethought ol,- vv ihout any relief. i-t. in. . e i t .. .1 iv-. . : i.-- IIJ KU IU J IUIU 1 Mill III' It CSV, 111 HOlJr I could reieli the Hot Springs. I reached Detroit, and was mj low I thought I should have to go to the hospital, but finally got as far ns Lansing, Jlicli. where I had a sister living. One Dr. treatrd mn about two w et ks. but did me no good. AH thought I h id but a short time to live. I earnestly prayed to die. Cracked through the skin nil over my back, across my ribs, arms, hands, limbs." feet badly swoolen. toe nails came off. Anger nails dead snd hsrd as hone, hair dead, dry and lifeless as old straw. Oh, my God ! how I did suffer! "My sister, Mrs. E. II. Davis, had s smill put of a box of Cuticura in tha house. She wou dn't giye up; said 'Vf will Iry Cutinira. Somo was applied on one hand and trm. Eureka! there was r lief, stopped thetcrrilile bnrnins sensation fiom llie "vvoid go. They immediately trot the Oitieuri li solvent ihlood purifier). Cuticura and CutictiriPoip (the great skin ritre-.) I commenced by taking one table spoonfu' of Resolvent three times a day, nftermea s; Ind a bath encc a day, waUr about blood heat: used Cuticura Soap frrclv: implied Cuticura morninsr anH evening. Result, ret in net! to mv homo la jiM six week" from the time I left, nnd my skin ns smooth n this sliect or piper. Illimi K. CARPENTER, Tlcndercon. Jefferson ( o , N. Y. Sworn tn before trie thi 10th day of January, 1SS0. A. Jl. J-cr rinuivjiiiij, Justice of the Pc&ct. Cn'tcnr' pf m d'" nrc for sile by all dni!:s;i;ts. Trice orCcrirrnv, n Medicinal Jelly, smill boxes, -in.: lanre Ikixcs $1 ; Oct- trait Rf.soi.vest, tin new Blood purine', 1 p-r bottle. Crnrrnv Mfpicinai. Tott.FT Snxr. 25e.: Ct-nrvnA MF.mciSAi. Siiwino Soai 1!W. in lvtrs for barbers end larje ronnm"rs IV. Principal depot, "WEEKS & POTTTn. lioston, Nasi. Sanford's Radical Cura. A c!nrl ltncotntt.nfltr rn'ti.Teo the mnt violent sneezing or Head Colds, clears tha head as by in igic, stops watery discharge from the nose nnd eyes, prevents ringing noise in the head, cures Nervous Head achu and subdues Chills and Fever. Iu chronic Calunh it cleanses the nasal pas, ages of foul juurns, restores the senesof smell, taste and hearLns when affected, frees the he.ul, throjt unit bronchial tubes of offensive matter, sweetens and punfli the breath, stops the rough and arrests th progress of cainrih towards consumption. One bottle Radical Cure, one box Ca. tarrhal Solvent and Sinford's Inhaler, all la one package, of all druggists for f 1. Ask for SA.ono's Radical Cure. WEEKS & POTTER, Boston, GMMte 100 Timfs ypnc IT kectuai. than any oili. or plaster or electric lattery for pain and weakness of the Lungs, Liver. Uidneys ami Urinary organs. Partial fi, TZ!zl.aCt i'ara'ysis, KheuinatUta -iijivi" iscuroiKis, uysiens, Fcmilo Yeaknes3. Nervous Paiui and AVeaknetwes. Malaria and Fever and An. vyli til Jja2JS22Ju , meat icr ju dollar. i Price "35c. Sold overywhexo.