Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 06, 1882, Image 3

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M 1 JACKSON villi:
Satubday, May G, 1882.
.Land OBeeat Coicbnrs. Osn.l
Jane 30, 1880.
T all TTkom It mar Concern: k
Ifvtteet hereby given tliat I liare denlc
Baled the 0KKCOM SENTINEL ai the paper
iawhlch I (hall hrrenrter pnbllth all pre
taipUaai, fearaexlcad and application
frr mining pnlrnU for lands Ijlnc near
daekMBTlUe, Jaelon county, Orrson.
r . w r. bf.yjimix. iteaimcr.
! I "
(Successful TRArriNa.-Aniaunamed
feargess, whospent the winter in the
"Siskiyou" mountains, lately sold his
"peltry" here to a San Francisco' deal
rfor $1,350 the proceeds of his win
ten work. Among the furs were a
bumber of valuahle silver gray fox
Summer Fallowing Andy Davidson
ha set his three six-horse gangs at work
Breaking ground on Mr. P. Donegaus
ranch across Rogue river. Mr. D. has
about 3000 acre and will have 'as
much. as possible- broken so as to be
ready for fall seeding, being satisfied
the auramsr fallowing is the most sure
nd preferable mode.
American Fences. There are six
million miles of fencing in the United
States, the total cost of which has brer,
taora than two thousand million dol
lars. The census reports show thut
during the census year, there were ex
pended S78.G29.000 alone. Of thi
amount the largest contribution was
from Illinois; the second from Pennsyl
vania. Lively Place. We hear that anoth
er, shooting .scrape took placd at Link-Tille'this-week
in which a half-breed
received a flesh wound and another
person had his skull fractured with the
breech of a gun. Tho litt'o burg is
acquiring a reputation for liveliness
that is said to be owing entirely to the
water being so bad that they cant lone
"down tho whiskey with it.
"frEw Wagon Road. The Klamath
River Wago'h Road Co., has filed artj
cles of Incorporation in the office of the
Secretary of State. 'Object, to build a
vagon road from Linkville to a point
on the southern boundary of (he Stain
of Oregon, where the Klamath river
-crosses tho boundary line. The in
corporators are J. I). Hamakcr, J. .
Fairchild and M. II. Beach Capital
stock, $50,000.
Matrimonial. Geo. L. Chaso and
Misi Annie Little were married at the
"residence 'of Hon. E. G. Hursh at
.Roseburg last Wednesday evciriiA
a large number of the friends of both
parties being present to witness the
ceremony. Miss Lucy Burnett acted ns
'bridesmaid and EH B. Birron of Ash
laud as groomsman. We wiidi the
newly wedded couple a peaceful and
happy voyage through life.
Independent Candidates. Else
'where will be found the announcements
of candidates for the offices of ShcriflT,
Treasurer and District Attorney. The
persons offering themselves for these
positions are. eminently fit for the
places and appear to think that the of
fices should not go u begging. Step
forward, all who have aspirations, there
'is a wide field and anything worth hav
ing is -.certainly worth asking for.
Don't be backward in coming forward.
f Etciru. Victory Council No. 4, C.
of II., will give a picnic at Phoenix on
May 18, 1882. The following pro
gramme will be observed: 1. Music by
Jacksonvjlje String Band; 2. Song by
Ashland Glue Club; 3. Address by L.
I. Rogers; 4. Song by Phoenix Glee
Club; 5. Address byS. Colver; 6.
Song by Jacksonville Glee Club; 7.
-Address by E. K. Anderson; 8. Song
liy Avhland Glee Club; 9. Address by
"W. J. Stanley; 10. Music by Jackxou
villa String Band; 11. Dinner. After
ward all Champions in good standing
-will meet at Colver 's hall for the pur
poso of holding a district council. In
the evening there will be a grand ball.
All' are invited to attend.
" 'Laws DiscnAitoED. II. C. Laws
'Tns been discharged from custody by
thq authorities of Modoc county, Oil.
where b'e "was taken ou a. requisition
from Governor Peikins. The District
Attorney of that county was opposed
to the whole proceeding on account of
the expense of trial and the Grand
Jury refused to find a bill. It looks
liard that a man has to go round the
world with the brand of "Cain" on his
trow, for want of a sympathetic jury
o wipe it off, and it is a pity that the
cost of killing a human being and
the expense of trying a murderer is so
disproportionate. It leaves the mur
derer no opportunity to be whitewashed
and 'denies I'Justice" even the poor sat
isfaction offered by the hollow forms
of law which look 'well even if amount
ing to.nothing.
To Be Decided in July. The case
ofBj F. Dowell vs. J esse App'egato rt
al. has been submitted to Judue Saw
yer by Judge Deady. A decisioi will
it-is. said, be made in July, Judge Saw
yer having ao much to attend to that
lie will not be able to consider this
matter sooner. It will be remembered
tbat.jApplegate and Dowell were joint
ly bondsmen for Sam Mav, when he
held the position of Secretary of State,
jruid'that they became resKnsible for
-some $U,TjOO which the festive Samuel
'expedited." This sum Mr. Dowell
was obliged to pay on account of Mr.
Applegate having no property. Dow
ell brought suit against Applegate to
set "aside t,u? deeds by which he dis
pp'sed.of hie, property, on the ground
that- Jthey. ore fraudulent, as he .was
jointly responsible with Dowell at the
iim'6' he mads them for the 14.000.
Candidates to the front.
Potatoes for salo at this office.
Little & Chase have formed a becond
Call on M. Mensorat the New York
store for bargains.
The reduction of the National debt
in April was; 14,415,823.
James Kilgore and wife returned
from an Eastern trip this week.
The telephone has developed an en
tirely new school of "hello" cution.
T. A. Newman and Miss Louisa E.
James were married at Butte creek this
Both breweries took out town license
this week to sell malt and vinous li
quors. 70,030 European immigrants ar
rived in New York during the menth
of April.
The infant child of the lato Mat
Diilon died at Philadelphia several
days ago.
Fifty four numbers were sold at. the
dance at Mart Hurst's place last Mon
day night.
Crops in Josephine county look fell
advanced Irtit the acreage is smaller
than usual.
A fine monument, was placed over
the grave of Mrs. A. Bish this week
by J. 11. Russell.
Fanners save your money by pur
chasing the New Champion Mower at
B.lger &. Maegly's.
M. II. Drake has commenced gath
ering hi cattle and will diivc to Lake
county m a tew days.
Marshal Shuhz' salary as lamplight
er has been inci eased to S0 per year
by the Board of Trustees.
John Egan and wife have removed
to Pool man's creek and now have
charge of the Ilerling place.
The Fort Klamath flour contract,
20,000 lbs., was awarded to G. F. Bil
lings at 30.30 per thousand.
One of the latest and most popular
songs in Eng'und is "Doti"t Kick
Mother When Shu's Down."
Obsrrve M anion's new advertisa
mhnl and toll your friend in the coun
try to try the Manion House.
Joseph Beggs will start to Redding
to-day with two six horse teams tu load
freight for Klamath Indian Agency.
A dastardly attempt to bloiv up
Gou d and Vunderbili in New York
with dymanite this week was a failure.
The Democrats of Josephine county
have called a convention fur noiitiua
ting a county ticket ou Moudav, May
Read Karewski's new advertisement
and if ou need farming machinery
give him a call and he will treat yuu
A pleasaut party was held at the
residence of 11. v. Helms last Friday
mening to celebrate Miss' Lizzie's 19 ih
Dr. Will Jackson, the best dentist
in Southern Oiegun wjll lurt on Mull
day for a short professional tour in
JosephiiiH county.
Ed. Barron returned from Roseburg
yesterday here hu had gone to attend
the nuptials of Geo. L. Chase and
Miss Annie Little.
' Tho town of Ashland has levied a
three mill tax to pay oil' the indebted
ness incurred in building the bridge
across Aidiiand creek.
Call on James Hughes 3vben you vis
it Kerby ville it you want to he treated
well. He a;so keens tho finest brands
of liquors and cigars.
, A '"pinto" mule colt was foaled at
Bybee'a Ferry this week. It is spotted,
black and white and is quite a curioii
ty in the mule species.
Read Karewski's proposal to furn
ish wagons and agricultural implements
direct from the fuctory
does just what he says.
Ho geneiallv
Win. Pullhum an old piooeer who
crosed the plains in 1844 died at
Samuel llugue's near Kerbyville on
Thursday aged G5 tars.
Pease, the successful bidder on the
from Sam's valley to
Mi I has sublet the contract
to O.
Gauiaid of Sam's valley.
What kind of Indians are most cast
ly evangalizettt asked a Quaker of u
Wstei n man the other duy. 'Dead
ones" was the prompt reply.
Mrs. Emma Gassman returned to
San Francisco last Wednesday after a
short visit here. Mrs. L. Ilerling Wil
also go there soon to remain.
B. G. Caldwell, of Williams creek,
has built up quite a traite in making
rawhide bottom chairs. He does good
work and bells very reasonable.
The Portland Standard has a dirty
trick of copying from this paper ami
crediting it to another the ptacticc is
neither right nor professional..
The Oregon Pacific R R. Co. have
advertised for hi is to build a telegraph
line from Corvalhs to Yaquina, the
west tin terminus of thvir road.
The Sentinel is the best advertising
medium in Southern Oregon. It is
read by Everybody ami eagerly sought
after because it is worth reading.
Little 5i Chase keep the largest as
sortment of cigars and gent's furnish
iug goods to be found in town. Call
and examino before buying elsewhere.
Jas. A Cardwell has temoved with
his family to the old homestead near
town and proposes opening a billiard
saloon in the building just vacated.
GroVi tJIrich have added a fine
ptqck of liquors to their bakery busi
ncss and are now. prepared to supply
the thirsty with the best in the land.
Mrs. Prim has instr received anoth
er new lot of hats, ribbons, flowers, etc,
of the latest styles, and the fair sex
should lose no .time to call and see
A.very pleasant party and pjc-nic
down Rocuh' HveV this weekJwas! for
the benefit of a new sJiool district just
set off in that part of Josephine
The happiest disposition on record is.
the Philadelphia woman Vfho smiled
when told of her husband's death'and
who flirted with the undertaker at, his
J. H. Huffer this' week received a
patent for his new hydraulic apparatus
for removing bars in rivers. Those
who have seen- it pronounce it a good
Bayard Tavlor says: "It is a wither
ing commentary upon our modern cos
tume that no sculptor has dared, or
ever dared to model a statue wearing a
stovepipe hat."
Mrs. Thurman, formerly Mrs. Ran
dall, living across Bear creek, found
twin daughters on May 4, 1882.
What a splendid climate we have in
Jackson county.
Ashland College closed last Thurs
day for the year. This is two weeks
before tho end of the calendar year a.nd
was C4Ued by tho ill health of Prof.
and Mrs. Rogers.
J. Solomon & Co. aro constantly re
ceiving new goods and they say that
no house in Jackson county shall un
dersell them. Look out fur their ad
vertisement next week.
Geo. Grotz of Kei by ville will soon
open a general variety store at that
place. He is aNo spoken of as a can
didate for the otlice of county Treas
uier at the Juno election
McDaniel & Co., keep the celebrated
"Davenport" whisky. John L. Burns,
the agent, is now on his way Jiere,
overland, and will soon anive via
Crescent City. Ask for Davenport.
The sleeve button advertised in the
ShNTlNKIi last week wan brought to
this office within half an hour after the
issue of the paper. That shows the
value of advertising in the Sentinel.
Over one hundred people have al
ready been massacred by Indians in
the present oullreak in Arizona. This
is good practice for the Apaches who
seem anxious to keep their hands in.
T J. Kenney received such a large
stock ot goods tins week that lie was
compelled to enlarge, his saddler shop
liy taking out the pirtitiou in the rear.
Tom is a rustler and will do business.
Wheh the good little boy reads that
Jesse James was buried in a 500 cof
tin the ell'ect upon his moral' growth
may not be alutary. He may feel as
if he would like something of the kind
A. D. Mnnion this week removed
from Ryan's brick to Savage's building
foimerly known as the New State Ho
tel, where he f ut nishes meals and beds
at tweutj-fivH cents, and no China
cooks employed.
The pleastnt and familiar face of
Milo Mathews has been seen in town
every day tm week, he having taken
i he ribbons for Gro. Chase whila the
latter was ni-".l;ing a matrimonial con
tract at Uoieburg.
Death to rats, mice, roaches and
ants; Paes ns Exterminator, Barns
granaries uud households cleared in a
.single I'.ight. No feaf of bad smells.
Be-st and cheapest vermin killer in the
world. Sold everywhere.
The Fort Klamath beef and mut
ton conlrart, for which bids v-ere re
ceived hist month, was not let, for
some icasoti, iiid .is again advertised.
Bids will be received up tp May 24h;
conditions same as adtertistd before.
Otho N. Hall, special agent for the
New Zealand Insurance Co., is in this
section now attending to business for
tho company. The company is ono of
the most- Knbhtauti.il doing business in
this State and has a capital of 5,000,
The House has concurred in the Sen
atn's slight amendments to Puge's
(Jhiuese b.U and it wut sent to the
President for tigimtureuu Thursday.
It is safe to predict that it will he
passed over a vvo if he again objects
to it. -
The Sentinel failed to reach Big
Butte again this week. V have rea
son to believe that it is detained in
Brownsboro office. If any delays oc
cur again we intend to know where
and . why and report' to the Depart
ment. Work has been commenced on the
i ace for the new flouring mill -ou
Rogue river. The mill will be built
about a half mile abovo the Dardan
elles and it is intended to have two
ruu of buhrsand hi ready for the next
Terrible itching and scaly humors,
ulcers, MnK and Kcrofulous"swellings
cured by the Cuticura and Cuticuia
Soap (the great skin cure's) exte'rnally.
and Cuticura Resolvent (Mood puri
tier) internally. Ask. about them at
druggists. . " '
A large crowd from Jacksonville
visited Ashland last Monday on a pic
nic excursion and tuwitness tho match
gaum of base ball. A dancing party
was also held in the evening, and was
attended by most all the Jacksonvil
lians pres-ent.
The "West Shore" for April is an4
excellent number beautifully embel
lished with engravings of the Dry dock
to be constructed at Altiina and the.
Union Depot of Ihe O. R. fc N. Co
and tho West and East side railroad.
Among other goodv things it contains
the graphic description of Southern
Oregon that originated in the Sen
tinel a few weeks ago. The, "West
Shore" should be widely circulated
pubMshed by .!-. Samuel, Portland." , !
your Harvesting Alaclunes oi t. luiblL
He Has (he boss' maehines The JJuck,
eye Harvester, and Mower, and al
so the Taylor Rake, Haines Header,
and'Morrison pldwT- A word ta.the
wise is sufficient. - . -J
The Standard and other Democratic
papers clamor for economy and, as
they are eternally tibwing about Gov.
ern'or Thayer's extremely economical
administration we would like to know
why 'in thunder did. the Democratic'
party nos-re-nominaw: mm. .- vj-.
If the democracy oLOregon aro ex-
pecteil to rally round Joseph Smith I
and' the faint odor of economy floating1
round a Governor, they.dared not again
nominate, ; they may as well have the
band practicing the dirge; for the-per-iod
of mourning is nigh at. hand.
John Cimborsky and T. B. Ke.nt
went over the mountain to "Cinnaljar
this week to fchow-the mine to agenllo
man from San Francisco. They had to.
abandon their horses von Elliott creek
and taku it over 'the Sisliiyou on foot
on account of the depth of ths snow.
A gentleman somewhat advanced in
life, and who was never remarkable for
his good looks, asked his grandchild
uhat he thought pf him.' The boy's
parents were present. The youngster
made no reply. "Well, why won't you
tell me?" "'Cause I don't want to get
licked," was the answer.
John" Cardwell, or.e of tho old-time
residents of Sam's valley, died rt his
homo last Thursday morning after a
lingering illness, aged aSout 60 years.
Mr. Cardwell was a man generally"
loved as a friend and neighbor and he
leaves a family and a large circle of
friends to mourn his loss.
A circular has been issued by tho
secretary of the trensury calling atten
tion of collectors of customs to article
It. of the treaty with Chins, proclaimed
October 5, 1881, which prohibits im
portation of opium into the- United
Slates by Chinese subjects or into Chi
na by citizens of the United States.
The New Champion Front- Cut
Mower is without a rival." nas new
mechanical "movements, running al
most noiselessly and-wi:h less than one
half the gearing, bearings and- friction
points of anyother successful Mower
ever constructed. Cut 4 feet 3 in"
dies. For sale at Bilger & 5I:egIy's
Moody and Smith, 'Republican and
Democratic candidates for Governor
have agreed not to make any .speeches,
during the campaign. This is a new
departure and a sensible one as a mail's
"lip is no evidence of his real ability
and very often those who Aair" them
selves the most are only sound after all.
A Califcrnia paper says that a squir
rel which was killed the other day
while carrying away wheat from a
warehouse on the San Joaquin river,
"was found to have 1,803 grains of
wheat stowed away in his mouth."
That squirrel had a wel -developed
cheek. So did the .paper that told the
Tho Democrats 'of this county, with
about three hundred majority, have at
last mustered up cournge enough to
call a count' convention for May 'Joth.
Is it possible I hat they are afraid of the
minoiitv or are the boises "oing to
slip the "noup" into the Deniocratie
voters so lato that they can't get up a
The Base Ball match batwoen a nine
from thi.s place and one from Ashland
played at the latter place on May 1st,
resulted in a victory for the Ashland
boys by two runs the score standing
15 to 17. Tht second game will be
played here next Friday and our boys
ate confident of being able to come out
Professor Phelps thus raps the cry
ing clergyman: Tears arc "sometimes
nothing but a nervous luxury. ' In a
puliliu speaker tears arci'm Lifirmfty to
be got rid of, never a gift to be vain
of." His advico to weeping clergymen
is excellent; "Use tonics; ytudy mathe
matics; lake the fresh air; take to the
Our townsman, Sol Wise has been
interviewed ir. Su Francisco by a
"Chronicle" reporter regarding the re
purees of and prospects of Southern
Oregon and the information given by
him is not more flattering than truth-
ful. In fact Mr. Wis- has given a
splendid account of this section just
what it deserves.
The proprietor of the "Times" kind
ly otTurs his spare press on which to
start a Republican paper. He was
not so lilieral when'he refused to sell it
to JV- W. Fiddler for the purpose of
starting a- Democratic ."ono except on
condition that it was taken out of the
county. , Afraid tho, people -would get
too much "Democracy" wasn't you'
Charles! '
Col. Jas. P. Goodall is an Independ
ent candidate for State Senator for
Jackson county at the ensuing June
election, and will speak in the grove
at Ashland, May 6th, at Phoenix-, May
8th, at Central Point, May 9th, a"t
Eagle Point, May 40th, at Rock Point,
May 11th, at Grants Pass, May 12th,
at Evans Creek, :May, 14th, at Union
town, May '16.h, at Sterling;-MaySlYih,
and at Jacksonville, May 18th, aiid
will discuss tint political subjecls'-of the
day from a Independent standpoint,
especially on matters pertaining to the
Pacific coast.
Bishop Williams (Roman Catholic)
has iiistructed the clergy in his diocese
Lto refuse Christian burial to incorrigi
ble drunkards. lie" defines those as
persons who habitually drink, to.excess
:ind..conttuue to lead such Jives into
their last sickness.after having been re-
iatedly admonished by their instorsi
BishopWjggins nas instructed Father
Flynn, oF Mbrrislo'wn, "New Jersey,
that persons who sell liquor indiscrim
inately to drunkards aiid others, con
trary to the laws of the Church and
State, are to be treated "the same as
incorrigible drunkards and their bedies
. . - - -
nre not to go into consecrated ground.
Mrs.- Geo.Shumpf-is still dangerous
ly ill, with little hope of recovery.
Hon. J. M.lfcCail-of'Ashland has
returned from a visit to Portland.
, ,Mrl CBerHivmo J;oRo'cl?JPofn
paid Jacksonville a visit on Saturday
Ben Xatz, ,tho genial traveler for
Sch weitzer-Sachs ut Co., did ''the town
this week.
' 'Sam Lackland, r now rarveyingopj
Applegate, was, in. town pj busineps
durih'g' tile week ; ' - ,J v iix
Mr. WooUiordiReames isiifill in a
critical condition and his recovery is
scarcely hoped forj j , ., . , ;--.-?-
Mrs. Affie W, Cawley spent several
days in town this week, the guest of
Mrs. Wm. M. Turner.
Georgfl L. Chose and"nride have re
turned from Rosnburg and will reside
at Rock Point for the present.
L. C. Coleman returned from ,San'
Francisco on Sunday accompanied by a
cinnabar expert Mr. Housemeister.
Capt. Caton starte'd across the Si's
kiyou;thisweekr'ia Squaw- Lake but
was taken sick and obliged to return
John W. Chapman and bride left
for Bozeman, M. T., on Monday. The
best wishes of many friends go with
Dr. Hinkle, one of the surgeons of
the National Surgical Institute was here
Monday and Tuesday and treated sever
al cases.
Geo. Howard is nbw sticking type
in Wallitig's job office in Portland and
has had'steady work since he ! went
there. Glad to hear of his success.
Col. Stone has gone below to nego
tiate the Bale of stock and stages to the
new company who are to begin service
on the Redding Roseburg roufe in
Mrs. Emma Gassman, daughter of
the late Louis Ilerling, who was sum
moned to her father's death bed re
turned to her homo in San Francisco
this week.
Eff Schieffelin passed through on
Saturday en routo to Lo3 Angeles.
It 13 stated that he and his brother
Edward are having a steamer built with
which to prospect in Alaska.
, Itobt. 3L Garrett announces .himself
as an independent candidate for Sheriff
Mr. Garrett is well and "favorably
known in Jackson county and, as he
says, his'record as a citizen is d good
enough recommendation.
Silas Draper of Foot's creek was in
town Monday. lie predicts a larger
clean up in that camp than there has
been for many years. . . . Mr. Benner
of the "Centennial mine" made a very
satisfactory clean up last week, "therti
is still a fair supply of water in the
Willow Springs camp. Work at tho
Sterling hydraulic is being crowded day
and night with a full head and no in
terruptions. . . . Mr. Housemiester of
Sun Francisco is across tho Siski
you examining the ''Emeline Quicksil
ver mine" for San Francisco capitalists
withaviewtobondingoruurchasing., . .
Good work is being done at the Squaw
Lake mine and a considerable amount
of d'rt is being .washed. ..Tht Green
Tiros are still stopirig splendid rock from
the Sugar Pine ledge in Josephine
county and have a large amount of it
in sight, the mine is now well opened
and a handsome -stake is , assured to
these patient miners. . . .Tho big strike
in the Walt Simmons mine lately
opened on Galics creel: is much talked
of Josephine county. It is said to be
tho richest ground in that county and
the clean up will bo immense.
tint ofS.ttters.
Uncalled for in the post office at Jack-
sonviiie, Uregon, May 4th,. lobs.
Alcorn, Miles
Ball, C,
Clark, Alipia. '.
Coverdafe, Celia
Flliott, Charles
Coverdale, Wm.
Ford, Mrs. I. N.
Hall, Rowlen
Linville, Elizabeth
Sherman, Geo.
Standley, Olliver
Franklin, James
Higgins, Stephtn
Oliver, E. L.
Sfover, J. M.
Ward. Sarah L.
. .. Max Mcller, P. M.
Singer Aoenct. Mr. M. W. Par
sons, collector for the Singer Mfg. Co.,
arrived in this city on Sunday last.
He will visit several towns in tho
county, and not slighting those who
are owing1' the company. The new
office, opposite the U. S. Hotelis a
grand improvement qn the old ono
lately occupied by the resident agent.
All who are interested can find Mr. P.
at the new office for several days.-
Last Sunday night, a severe shock
of earthquake was felt in the nprtherr.
part of tho state and in Washington
Territory. At Olympia it was so se
vere as to produce nausea and many
ladies fainted from fright. It was
perceptibly felt In the- Willamette val
ley but not the 'slightest tremor was
felt in Southern Oregon.
Josephine County has twelve candi
dates for County Judge four for Sheriff
and tho Lord only knows how many
for the-various other offices. An In
dependent ticket is likely to be put up
in thatcounty selected trom tho best
men of both parties, as both ' of the'
party whips are about worn, out . and
..are no longer servicable
. .
1 r
"RMVRTTTn Ablnn,l AT..1 1RR1
7 it -e c"ii '-r J "'-:
to-the wife of'Henry'Eiiiory,r-a:son.
CALDWELTe Nrar Ashland: April":
m. . j j tf
ff.29, , 1882, to tho Wife;df'TRevS. S.
"" r.t. --o---r-'
The"Tidings" -says: "Our corres
pondent at. Roseburg writes as.follows:
ForJthe benefit of .those .who- wan,t to
know something about the railroad, I
send you the folloiyuig.-wbich is relia
ble, as I received it from Mr. J. B.
Harris, Gerf. Supt. i pf cpntruction.
He says: "Wo want all the men we
can emp'oy, and will -pay 2.00 per
day." All hands must boarc at the
Co.'s . Awarding house; np opposition
boarding houses will be allowed on the'
road. JBoard twill be furnished for
4.50 per week. Hands must furnish
their own bedding. "Two horse teams
arain demand at 4.00 per dayr and
all teams will be employed that will ilo
to work on scrapers. There is not
hiuch demand for four-hor.se teams but
those employed receivo 6.00 per day.
Oats will bo furnished on the works at
54 cts. per bushel, and hay fine cent
per pound or 20 per ton. Both oats
and hay are quite scarce. Hogs are
called for every day, but cannot be had
to supply half the demand. A large
drove of hogs would find ready sale
among the Chinamen at from 7c to 9c
per lb. on foot. The weather has been
very bad since my arrival hero and
work has been progressing very -slowly,
but from now on things will be lively,
and.ayeryavailable means will be used
to push the work ahead. I have not
ascertained the exact number of men
employed at present but there are more
than 1,000 Chinamen, and probably
200 white men, exclusive of the bridge
builders, who are numerous."
Tho following is from the Yroka
"Journal:" "We learn from good au
thority, 'endorsed by statements of
persons lately from San Francisco, that
work will be commenced on the rail
road extension at Redding by tho 1st
of July. Tustin Sz Knox, the great
Central Pacific contractors, have re
ceived the contract to commence on
that date, and other contracts for work
in bridge building and tunneling have
also been let. It is 'expected to hai e
the road completed to tho Oregon line
in 18 months or two years, and as soon
as the work is begun, will be prosecut
ed with vigor, employing all the men
that can be obtained. Tho force now
employed on the branch road from Wil
lows to Tehama, will be placed on the
road above Redding, and also other
gangs at work on branch roads and
along the Soulhero Pacific.
Circuit Court in Josephine. This
Court convened at Kerbyville on the
24th u't., Judge Hanna presiding and
all the officers present. No true bills
were found by the grand jury and no
petit jury was empanelled during the
term. The following is the business
State of Oregon vs. Peter and Chas.
Johnson; writ of review. Decisiou of
Justice Brown reversed and defendants
given judgment for their costs.
C. W. Kahler, administrator of the
estate of. John Bilger, deensrd, vs. J.
F. Kellogs; action to recover money.
Judgment by default for 323 23 aiid
J. Wimer Jc Sons vs. Wm. Darkas;
to recover money. Dissmissed on mo
tion of p'aintitFs attorney.
Beach &. Platter vs. W. Q. Brown et
ai; to recover money. Judgment by
default for 522 68 and costs.
F. Levy vs. G. W. Lewis, Sr.; to re
cover money. Judgment by default
for 253 45.
Beach &. Platter vs. W. Q. .Brown ot
al; to foreclose mortgage. .Decree
Ij. Leonard vs John Taylor, Sheriff
of Jos.ephin'o county; torecovermoney.
Judgment for 57 25 and costs.
. -J. Wimer &. Sous vs. Jas. Lyttle and
Jas. Quinn.to recover money. Juu'g
mrnt for plaintiff in the sum of 1,
125,64 and costs.
John McDougnil was admitted to
The Grand Jury reported no indict
ments and the county records uud
buildings kept in good condition'
State of Oregon vs. D. S. Holton; ap
peal, from Justice's Court. Cass dis
missed upon motion of District Attor
ney." O '
Another War at Linkville. Tom
McKay, a half-breed Indian who lives
on Upper Klamath lake, "cleaned out
tho town" of Linkville last Monday
night. Ho was drawn into a quarrel
with one or mnre'meh, and some scuf
fling ensued, MoKay coming out ahead.
Ht had handled Jim Barclay pretty
roughly and laid him aside," and Iheu
w'anted to whip any or every man in
Lake county. At this "Frenchy' who
was involved in the quarrel, stepped
out-and -ibo two iic)ieJi Koine
oneolSo drewjxjnsto! and shot McKay
twice, once in tils' tfngh and nee in
khe chest, the latter a very slight wound
raerelygraztng his breast. McKay took
to his heels ami ran across the bridge
ami- up the river to his camp. Soon
he returned on horseback, with a. Henry-
rifle. He found-Frencby at..- the
corner of the hotel and struck him
twice on the head with the' stock of hfs
rifle, moking ugly'-gashes and fractur
ing the skulK Leawnv 'his victim ho
'roiloup and down the street and'shnt
.his gun once or twice. Coming back
rto ho hotel he went into the barroom,
wuiv ouuit; UL Jl'lt;iiuu n ll iKllus.were
dressing . the wounds in his 'head ,'and,
with rifle cocked, ordered the men to
cleor out and leave him aloie.,vilh the
wounded man. After- brutally slap
ping' hTs helpless vicim in the face
several times and abusing him to his
cofttent, ho went out and rode home.
'.Next morning McKay came into town
aiyl.was arrested, but, ho one appear
ing against him, was discharged. ' Mc
Kay's wounds are not seriousbur, Fi en
chy was in a precarious condition at
lo-st account. Tidings. J . ' ,'
Ruts TVfwv'a Rut XT..-. L' "1 ..
. . " ? "".TTi1 V"W '
'tthtetiay set- for- tho . Hed Men' ball.
'Chebeto"jnu'ie-ha8-befn lecuml and
-M'adaine-'Holt'will fnrnish" one-' of her
finest suppers. Everybody who can
"e'lijov1 a good time should be present.
Hollo way's- Pills Never Despair',
Something- that never., fails Fefer"1
and Ague To'tlfo sick it is of little
consequence how tliey ar.q cured,
whether from a rational tiew of tho
diseaso or by the rules defined for the
guidance of the "profession, so long as
the cure is certain and expeditious.
To a suffering man the question orrtlufe
relative mvrils of quiniue or calomel-irg
uninteresting. The faculty may
wrangle and discuss their various thebr-"
ies, but Dr. Holloway's treatment dis-,
pels doubt ere the disciples of Escula
pius have finished thu first staged
Holloway'-s Pilfs aro the only remedies
which effect a speedy and radical euro
without danger of a relapse. Read"
tho advertisement, elsewhere. 1
Important Caution. None aro.
genuino unless tho signature of J.
Haydock, surrounds each box of Pills'
and Ointment. Boxes at 25 cents, 62
cents and 1 each. ,
tSJjTThere' is considerable saving by
taking tho larger sizes.
Holl6vav k Co., New York.
STRAinnT Whisky. Wo clip from'
the Nevada Daily Transcript of Janu-
ary 26lh as follows: " '
As a great deal has been saidnbput
Joh" L. Bums' and Davenport whisky
in the Transcript, it will not" be nut of
place to mention the fact lint Mr. Burns
has made'bno of the most- important
sales of lino liquors yet effected in tho
county, to Mr. Miko Haniey of Neva
da City.
We understand that Mr. Haniey
has made a purchase of some of tho:
most expensive straight whisky that
has ever come into the county. John
L. Bums, agent for tho celebrated
"Davenport," has been most fortunate
in making such a fine aie to such a
responsible gentleman ns Mr. Haniey,
who ha the reputation of keeping tho
finest liquor in tho county. When
this invoice of straight whisky arrives
Mr. Haniey can look for an increase of
Religious There will be no ser
vices in tho Presbyterian Church hero
to-morrow, tho pastor being absent at
Ashland assisting Mr. Clyde.
rcsgmi iiin n..i ,ii .trr, rx1"" '' , -1
" j" HAVE been nfllictcd for twenty years
L with an obstinate skin disease, called
by some M. D.'s -Psoriasis, and others
Leprosy, commencing on my scalp, and,
in spite of all I could do, with the he'p of
the most skil ful doctors. It sowly hut
surely estended until a year ago this win
ter it covered my entire person in form of
dry scales. For the last three years I havo
been unable to do an lahor,amt slinerinff
intensely all the time. Every morning
there cuuld lj ncaily a dnstpanful ot
scales taken lrom the sheet on my lied,
some of litem half as largo as the envelope
containing this letter. In the latter part
of the winter my skin commenced cricking
open. I tried everything, almost, that
cou d bethought of, w.lhotit any relief.
The 12th of Juno I started West, in hopes
I could reach the Hot Springs. I reached
Detroit, and was so low I thouulit I should
have to go to the hospital, but finally got
as far as-Lansing, Mich., where I had a
sister living. One Dr. treated mo
about two weeks, but did me no good. All
thought I had but a short time to live. I
earnestly prayed to die. Cracked through
the skin all o'ver my back, across my riiu,
arms, hands, limbs." feet badly swoolrn. toe
nails came off. finger nails dead and hard
ns hone, hair dead, dry and lifeless ns old
straw. Oh, my God! how I did suffer!
"My si.ster.'Mrs.i;. II. David, had a
.small pait of a box of Cuticura in tho
house. Nic wou dn't give up; said "we
will try Cuticura.' Some was applied on
one hand and arm. Unreka! there was re
lief; stopped the terrible burninc sensation
from tho word go. They immediately ot
the Cuticura Ueso'vent i blood purifier),
Cuticura and Cuticuri Soap (the great skia
cures). I commenced by taking one table
spoonful of Insolvent three times a day,
after men's: had a bath onee a day, watsr
about blood heat: used Cuticura Soap
frcclv; applied Cutirura morning and
evening. KesuK, vcturncd to my home in
jti't six week from the time I lell.andniy
skin as smooth n tiiis sheet of paper.
Henderson. Jefferson ( o . N. Y.
Sworn to before mc this 10th day of
January, 18S0.
Justice of the Peace.
Gn.Hc.un Prm'dioR arc for sale by all
druggi:ts. Price of Clticuha, a Medicinal
Jelly, small boxes. o0. ; larse boxes $ t ; CrjT
imtA Resolvent, the new Blond purific",
SI prr bottle. Ccticcra Medicinal
Toilet So vr, 2c.: Ccticuba Medicinal
Siiavino Soap, 15c, in Ivirs for barbers
and large consumers. !". Principal
depot, WEEKS & POTTER.
Boton, .Mass.
s I
Sanford's Radical Cure.
A single dose instantly re'ievcs the most
violent bnc$.zing or Head Colds, clesre thu
head as by magic, slops watery discMrgcs
from the nose and eyes, prevents ringing
noise in the head, aires Nervous Head
ache and subdues Chills and Fever. In
Chronic Catarrh it clearses the nasal pass
ages of foul mucus, restores the senses of
smell, taste and hearing when affected,
frees the head, throat and bronchial tubes
of offensive matter, sweetens and purifies
the breath, stops the cough and arrests tho
progress of catarrh towards consumption.
One bottle Radical Cure, one box Ca
tarrhal Solvent and S nford's Inhaler, all
in one package, of all druggists for 1.
Ask for Sasfouu's Radical Clt.k.
WEEKS .fc POTTER, Boston,
100 Times more ef
fectual than any otli
cr plaster or e'ectric
battery for pain and
5? IVL weakness oi ine tilings,
ZZM$TS- Uver, Kidneys and
J5"l- Urinary organs, Partial
r. 6a & i-ara'yai. iwieumaiism
: ASTE3 Neuralgia, . Hysteria,
Female Weakness, Ncrrors Pains and
Wcaknesi.es, Malaria and Fever and Ague,
Price 2oc. Sold everywhere.
v5"EWp'32l&a. s.
-iSSKeSJMft-' i