OREGON SEWT1MEL. PUBLISHED SATURDAYS AT HClttimilF'.lACHB.I CflDSTT" 8REGM BT KRAUSE & TURNER. OREGON SENTINEL. icAdiT as 2V - v- feg0tt ADVERTISING RATES. Oadqnut lOllnn orli flntlairtIcn.T S CO " " McbtnbuqnentlnMrtlcm 1 CO "3 month T CO One-IbnrllCoInun Jmonttn..... IS. Co " " t " SO 0 .. ........a.... a. v " Oae-hilf " 3 u so CO " ' S It CO On Cttamii S tnoatLi 80 00 " " 0 " SO CO A Dltcount to Yearly Aftvertliera. TERMS: Vm copjr. Per Tear, In advance, S3 3U - a - 1 ' 1 " Br p1 I ' - t i ' VOL; XXVII--NO. 18. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY & COUN3ELOR-AT-LAW Jacksoavllle, Ogn., Will practice in nil the Courts of the Bute. Oluca in Mrs. McCully's build log, corner of California and Fifth streets. G. H. AIKEN, M. D., pEYSICIAH AND SURGEON, SACKSONTILLB, OREOON. arOfllc oppo.lt P. J. Kj-n'i itort. J. W. BOBINSON, M. D-, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON Jacksonville, Ogn. Office in Mrs. Ganung's building, Califor nla street All calls promptly attended to day or night. MARTIN V ROOM AN, M. D. DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, ORKdON.- Offlce up-stairs In Orth's brick, denoe on California street Resi- "R. G. SCROGGS, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office up stairs in Orth's brick building, Jacksonville, Oregon. Residence, opposite the Court House. Specially, operative, surgery and treat- ment of chronic diseases. Office hours afternoons, from 4. till 0. B. F. DOWKLL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jacksonville,-onKooN.. Atlfcailni" taeil mThanoiwlll rteelTt prompt att.ntl.il. JJicll att.ntlon (lr.u to cllec tU.. WILL. JACKSON, E N T I S T, 0 - JACCRONV1I.LK, nnsonH. , rriKTn exivactrd at am. L !' Itglil pi flTSBHBintnlitcrl.lrJ.liel,rur wlilcli axtra U1IJ Uthtft will ' "" Offlc. an" ra.U.ue. cirnr of CtllfurnU na rink itt..ti. a. a. uiius. L. n. STKAtlNf. GIBBS & STEARNS, 4 TT0RNEY3 AND COUNSELLORS. Rooms 2 and 4 Strbwbritlgc Buildine,, PORTLAND, ORKGON. STItt arutlc li all Ccnrti f Record In thj Stale of Onttn and Wah.hlnKton TTorj: nil rT Vf IteaUr attntln to butnei la Fwloral CnnrU. aaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMDaBaal uu ST. CHARLES HOTEL, termer Fraat and Morrison, Portland. (On Uie European Plan.) THOS: GU1NEAN, PROP. (Lftte of the Arcade, Sacramento.) This hotel is thoroughly fire-proof. Con-talm-120 elegantly furnished suits and lingle rooms, which have been refitted and refurnished in modern style. Free coach to and from all trains and boats. METROPOLITAN HOTEL, MA. CAN AN, -Prop. '3ST1 Metropolitan is the only Ccn trally Locatcd.House in the City of Rose burg. Stages arrive at and leave the Hotel everyday. Good accommodations, and civility to all. Extra pains taken to see that fam ilies are tnsdo comtortable. GF" A parlor Tor Ladies ana Ladies to "wait upon them'. umwm noTKL, LAKE COUNTY, OGN., 'XW. Gz Qreenman, Proprietor. THE -undersigned takeS pleasure in an nonncing that he has taken charge or trUa Oiousfe and that the management Tvni'be first-class in every particular. The table will always be supplied with the tiMt the market affords. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guar ntetl.No pains "pared to meet the -SiwaaUAT the- traveling puuiiu .. . . , W.C.GREENMAN. 'ti , ' 1 0 i- v-J !?&Usamp'es worth ,$5 free. Address STishox & CarPortIand,!Me. J. NUNAN, California Street, Adjolnlnz rHOLT'S NEW HOTEL, Jacksonville, Oregon, DEALER IK CLOTHING MEN'S, YOUTHS'-AND BOYS' I Latest Pattern and made from OREGON CITY CISSI1RE DUCK & Dt'MIN OVERALLS AND JUMPERS. SHOES, ETC., LADIES. MISSES', CHILDREN'S KID & CALF SHOES. MEN'S AND HOYS' HOOTS; LEXIS TIES AND UROUANS. All California Make. A full Assortment of . adies' Dress & Fancy Goods, Also a large lino of Men's and Boys' Hats. Gentlemen's Underwarc, Suspenders &c, I :tUo keep a full line ot dROCERIES, ETC., Coffee. Tea, Sugar, Spices, Canned goods of every description, a full assort ment of TOBACCO & CIGARS. A large quantity of Crockery and Glassware, All or which I will sell IF'OiFL CASS v AT Extraordinary law Prices. My motto will be "QUICK SALES and SMALL PROFIT." Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. I am also agent for the following Stan dard Insurance Companies: Foreign Imperial, London, Northcn and Queen. Foreign London and Lancashire. Home Fireman's Fund. Home State Investment Ins. Co. Home Commercial Ins. Co. Home Western Ins. Co. Traveler's Lifeand Accident of Hartford '"onsi. Risks taken at lower rates than any Agent in Oregon, and will guarantee in case of loss, prompt payment. JERRY NUNAN. ASHLAND Livery, Sale & Feed Stable Main St., Ashland. 'PilE UNDERSIGNED TAKES pleas JL ure in annouaclng that he has pur chased these blables uuJ will keep cou stantly on hand the very best ADULE IIHUSK. UCGG1E! AND CAUlUVGKS, And can furnhh my customers with a tip top turnout at any time. HOUSES noAKDKD On reasonable terms, and given the besi attention. Horses bought and sold and satisfaction guaranteed in all my trans actions. HENRY NORTON. THE ASHLAND Woolen Manufacturing Co, Take pleasure in announcing that tlrey now havconJiand, a full and select xiock ot JIade of the very best NATIVE WOOL And of which they will dispose at very reasonable rates. Orders trom a distance will receive prompt attention. Send them in and give our goods a trial. Asm.ANP Wo n.m M'r'n f,' Criterion Hilliard Saloon! CALIFORNIA ST., Tamns P. McDaniel, Frop. I 'HIS populai resort, under new min. ntrement. is furnislnnsr the hest brands ot liquors, wines and clears. Therendincj laoic IS suppuca wiiu risiurn penouic&is and leading papers of the Coast. Give me ry ) a -wxek. f 12 a day at home ease; j) ly made 'Costly Outfit free. Ad. dress Trde & Co,-Augjist8;MaJno. T. O. UEAMES. . .E. R. UEAilEE. KEAMESB ItOS., California st., Jacksonville, Oregon, AHEAD AS DSDAL ! ! BY ADOPTING A CASH BASIS !! THE GREATEST REDUCTION IN PRICES AND THE LARGEST STOCK OF GEXEfUI, HEMUASMSE ! -THE GREATEST VARIETY TO SELECT FRU IN Auv On Store in Southern Orgcm cr 3 cittern -' California. ALL FOR CASH!! -OUtt SToqk cnaiaTvsor FALL&WltnERDRY-GQGDS, FANCY GOODS. LADIC' PPF.S GOODS. OAPI1MERES. AND HI GONLS. SILKS. AND is VI INS. Rf)()T3 & sHOES, CLOTHING. ET0 LADIES' CAL-, MADE CLOAKS VTE GALL "lin ATTENTION OF TI1K t f 1h.1i? In thr fHCl thxt wis tiave nn ii ha' d t!i liryi mill WstcMtct-d F(irl-:m-nlrrLI)U:-M)Ui:S.SGOI)lSaiidFN-5T GOODS o! cvory tlf.ciiivtion In Soi'lli rn Orecim, and we will henciTnrlli make Ihls line of goodn onr jprchlitj and cll tSrin at Cheaper than tho Cheapest. To Ibe c'titli.mi'n w will t-nj. If jon want V No. 1 SUIT OF CLOTHES yu mnn g to Iteainr Urns. In bu? them a W4 cluiin In liave the beM nTODK OF CLOTHINQ in I ncksnn county and will allow none to nn liTrll n. Thee go.nls were all purcliaed by a mi m ber ol our firm from FJRoT CLASS Houm; r San FraneUen and New Vnrk and w will .vairant ever; article and n-ll tin m an clieup fur rah a? a.y tiuni; in the county. We almi keep ou hand a lull sinek of GROCERBES, Hardware, Cotleuy, Glasswaue, CROCKERY. I FOUL LINE OF ASHI.ANO UOi'li- PA'tM AND PtlKIGIIT WACIiINo Plonks Dan Plow Sulky Plows In fuel everything from llie Gin-M it-tl -i a lliriliiiiu-niuclnlie (ive nn im t).i jmlgH Inr vnurilvei n to our raini'' ' fiirnhinL' uoikU uIhivi-. I'hi' a ay In niukf itiuiiey i I" iti i I'o HVe It hut cliciili Til I.UJ clie.li pa I'A"-!! lor joar gnml. jiml Inn uf REAMED HUOS. DAVID LINN. AXD DEALER IK COSTIXV TRIBIJSUZffGS. COFFINS FURNISHED ON THE shortest notice and cheaper than atany other establishment in Southern Oregon. Furniture of all kinds kepCjH hand or made io order. HicUs, Skins And Furs. I will pay the highest cash price for beef hides, deer skins and all kinds of furs. Will pay 45 cents, cash, for "good deer skins. Crtne and see me. NwFICKE. Jacksonville Nor. If, 1881. JACKSONVILLE. OBKGQNM-Y,6. 18S2: - -1" . r, i , .- - o. BUCKINGHAM D & HECJM'S BOOTS & SHOES f SK& .tra&S5S2 AH.E 1 lia 2333S1" ; And tost .no more limn otlier lrjnifl; and if the Merchant with whom vmi tr.idu lu nut koeji otir Uimils, it is hei-ansR it pay he ter .-.ell a pair of Unnt ir Shoe.s every iivu rni.ths lijaii fvi.rv l.,nr . fi e. WE GUAR antee every pair ave make; All .Merchant" in jjnni! credit :ui "iiicii.-f the.-o" Uu'mI.-i at our Waifliiiiist'H in I'oill.-ttid or San Fiiiiii-Lsvo. Try unr 'UKRCLLCV P,iieat .Boots. H&CHT BRO .&CO. mil 3m TiiE IJ; HLOTd'.L, Cor. 3JandCiif rnia St:. Jacksonvills .- - Ognv JANE HOLT, Proprietress. O. & C. Stage House. FIUST-CL.ASS ACCOMMODATIONS. SIEA1.S AT ALL HOURS. ROOMS TO LET BY THE DAY, ' WEEK OR MONTH. -. ". OUR NEAV HOTEL BUILDING BE ing completed lor occupancy, the Un dersigned takes pleasure in announcing Hint wc are prepared to entertain the trav eling liublie. No pains will be spared to pro viae for the comfort of our guests and to m-iki- them feel nt home with us. The most modern improvements have been in. traduced, and the accommodations of the United States will not lag behind the heat appointed inland hotel on thiscoi.t. Our tables will always li supplied with the lest the m-rket affonls and served in the best style by a corps rt obligin;: waiters. The bedand bedding tire all new and fitted up fn the most comfortable fetylr, snited to the accommodation of sinsrlc. oc cupants or f.imilii-s. JANE HOLT. Jacksonville. March .1, 18S1. Free to Everybody! AEBsautiful Book for the Asking! By applying personally at the nearest nfllceofTiinsixoEit manufacturing co. (or by poolal'oard if at a distance) any adult person will be presented with a beautifully illustrated copy of a New Book entitled GENIUS REWARDED, OR THE Story nfthc Sewing MnrWi", containing a handsome and coMly steel rngnivint: frontpicce: also, 23 llneiytn graved wood cuts, end bound in an elab orate blue and sold lilhojrnphal cover. No charge whatever is made for ihNlmid some book, which ran he oliduni d onlv by application at the brin'eh and Milmrdinnti offlccs'of The S nger 3Iant:faciuring Co. Thf Xiniir Jlannfrattir'ti? To. Principal Office, ii Union ctiuare. New York. Piles! Piles! PUbs! SUI'.K C'UIH 1'L'UM) AT r.AT! .M XJ; iM'.ri) "UKKKt. ! A suns Cure for Blind, Ulctdinltching sn.l lilei-niKil Piles his been di-covcretl !v Hr. Wil iam, fan Indian Rimedv.. jTillfd Dr. WilliaroV Indian Ointment. "A ria;le l.ox- ha-, curtd the worst 'chronic. caes of 2. or 30 vears standing. No one need sumr live mfnutesaficrapplying this wonderful soothingliudicine. Lotions in struments and electuaries do more harm lhan good. William's Ointment absorbs lie tumors, allays the intense itching, (pr-rtirularly at night after gelting warm In bed.) acts as a poultice, gives instant relief, and is prepircd on y for Piles, nch p" of the private parts, and for nothing else. ueil wlint the non. J. 31. Cofllnbcm of levelnnd iJys about Dr. WilHi:m In. (linn rile Ulntmcnt: J nave tisea scores of Pile tncs. and it affords me pleasure to say lint I have never found anything which eave such immrdiate and prima nent relief as Dr. William's Indian Oint-m"nt- For cale bv al druggists or mailed on receipt of prici. $1.00.' HENRY & CO.. Proprietors, Cleveland, 1 . Hodoe. Davis & o., Wholesale Agents, Port and. Oregon. .1 '-t, ,l?fi week in your own town. Terms tivsvsaJlu ao uiui iicg.v Auuivas a. BAixrrr & Co., Portland, Maine sr. rzJ2 BjiXaNtft 'i 'aTM.i?-ir OF-3.1C fclUXCSE BI1L. " t. i- I l J i 'I j 1' - A rautdibjr.Ute-Seaalo. v, 1 I. 1 . v - f BT THE DaXLSIYE TOTE OF 32 YEAS TO ; ?t r r i5Cf-T. ' ' A. -a ' Wasbinglon, Ajiril 28. Following is the full text of the Chinese bill a. amended and pissed by the, Senate, and as it will "je sent to the President for bis.iignaturp, tbere. being no doubt thac tho1 libuse"T will" concur-- in-tho amendments: An net to execute certain treaty ntipulations relating to Chinese. Whereas, In (he opinion of the gov ernment of the- United States, the coming of Chinese laborers to this country endangers the good order of ceitaiu localities within the territory thereof: therefore, Bb it enacted, etc., etc., That from and after the expiration of 90 days nrxt afier the parage of this net and until the fXiiratiou of 10 years next after Jthe parage, of !ii3" act, tho com in:; of Chiuesi; laborers to the United States ami ilm same is hereby sus pi'tuled, and during .such suspension it Ii II not be lawful for any Chinese lal.oier tij 1-01111?, or having so come, after the expiration of 90 days, to re main within the United States. Sec. 2. Th.it the master of any vessel who shall knowingly bring with in the United States on such vessel, and land or permit to be landed any Chinese lalorer from any foreign port or place, shall bu deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction there of Khali be punished by a fine of not more than ?500 for each and every audi Chinese laborer so brought, and may also be imprisoned for a term not exceeding one year. Sec. 3. That tho two foregoing sec tions shall not apply to Chinese labor ers who were in the United States on the 17th of November, 1S80, or who shaUproducevtO such master bnfore go-. mg on board such vessel' ami shall' produce to the collector of the port in he United States at which such vessels shall arrive, the. evidence hereinafter in thin act required, of hi? being one of th n laborers in this section mention ed, nor sdiall tho two foregoing sections apply to the cae of any master whose 1 exse! being bound to a port not within the United States shall come within the jurisdiction of the United States by reason of being in distress or in sti ess of weather, or touching at any pirtofthu United States on its' voy age to any fom'211 port or place; pro vided that all these laborers brought on such vessels shall -depart with the vesi-ei on leaving port. Sec. 4. That for tho purpose of properly identifying Chinese laborers who were in tho United States on tho 17th of November, 1S80, or who shall have come into the same before the, ex piration of 90 ilny next after passage of this act, nod in order to furnish them with proper evidence of their riuht to go from anil coivo to the United States of their free will and ac cord, as provided by the treaty between the United States nnd China dated Ntiembe;r 17, 1880, the collector of customs of the district fiom which any -uili ChiiiPM laborers? shall depart, from (In- United States, shall in person or by deputy 0 on "board t-cach vessel hiivini.' 011 board anv uch Chinese lab oieis, and cleared. or-about to sail from tits district for a foreign port, nnd on -U' li vessel nihkti a list of all such Cliinem btboi ers, .which shal) be entered in n registry book 10 be kept for that tiuriiiise, in which' shall be stated the mum, nge, occupation, last, place of re-idfik-e. physical murks of. peculiari ties, ami ull facts necessary for identifi cation of each of such Chinese laborers, which books thall be safe'y kept in the custom Jiiiuse, and every such Chinese laborer shall, on departing from thn United States be entitled to and shall' receive, free of any charge or cost, upon application therefor from the collector or his deputy at the time such entry is taken a certificate signed by the collector or his deputy and at tested by his seal of office in such a form as the secretary of the treasury shall prescribe, which certificate shall contain a statement of the name, age, occupation, last place -of residence per uana! 'description and marks of identifi cation of the Chinese laborer to whom the certificate is issued,'; corresponding with said list, and register in all partic uar8. n casi any Chinese laborer, aiterhaving received such certificate, shall leave such vessel before her de parture, he shalj deliver his certificate to the master of.the vessel, anil if such Chinese laborer shall fail to return to such vessel beforoher departure from port, the certificate shall be delivered by- the master to the collector of cus. toms for cancellation! ,Tue certificate' herein provided for shall entitle ,tho Chineso laborer to whom the same is issued to return to and reenter the United States on producing and de livering.the.sajnotp4b,?Jjllectpr,fof the district at which such Chinese lab orer shall return. Tho collector of custom, at the time of ro entry into the United States, shall cause the same to be filed in the custom houo and duly cancelled. Sec. 5. That nny Chinese laborer mentioned in section 4 of this act be ing.in the United States and desiring to depart from the United States by land shall have the right to druinnil and receive free of clmrge or cost a certificate of identification similar to that provided for in section 4 ofvthis net, to be issued to such Chinese lab orers as may desire to leave the United States by water, nnd it is hereby made the duty of the collector" of customs of tho district next adjoining the foreign country to which said Chinese laborer desires to go, to issue n passport upon application by such Chinese laborer, and to enter the same upon the regis try books to be kept by him for the purpose, as provided for in section 4 of this act. Sec: 6. That in order to the faith ful execution of article one and two of the treaty in this act before mentioned every Chinese person other than a la borer who may be entitled by said treaty and this act to como within and who shall be about to como to the Uni ted States, shall be identified as so en titled by the Chineso governtnent in each a e, such identity to bo evidenced by a certificate issued under authority of said government, which certificate sliairbc in the" iihglisli language, or "if" not in the English language, accom panied by a translation to English stating such right to come, and which certificate shall state tho name, date, or official rank, if any, the age, height, and all physical peculiarities, former or present occupation or profession and place of residenco in China of tho per son to whom the certificate is issued, and that if such person is entitled con formably to tho treaty in this act men tioned to come within the United States, such certificate shall bo prima facie evidencoof tlm facts set forth therein and shall bo .produced to the collector of customs or his deputy of the port in the United States at which the person named therein shall arrive. Sec 7. That any person wjio know ingly and fabely shall al(er or substi tute any name for tho name written in such certificate, or forge such certi ficate, or knowingly utter any forged or fraudu'etitcertificatc, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor; and upon con viction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding 51,000 and be impri soned in the peniteutiary.for.a term -of not more than 5 years. Sec 8. That the master of any vessel 'arriving in the Uliited States from any foreign port or place shall, at the same time he delivers the manifest of -tho cargo, and if there be no cargo, then at the time of making "Sir report of entry of the vessel pursuant-to law, in addition to otlier matter required to be1 reported and before landing br permit ting to land. any Chinese passengers, de iver and report to the collector of customs of the district in which such vessel shall have arrived a separate list of alf Chinese passengers taken on board his vessel at a'ny foreign port or place and all such passengers on board the vessel at that time.' Such l'st shall show the names of euch passen gers, and if accredited officers of the Chinese government, travelling on bus iness of that government, or their ser vants, with a note of such fact and their names and other particulars as shown by their respective certificates, and such lists shall be sworn to by the master in the manner required by Iaw4 in relation to a manifest of cargo. Anv willful refusal or neglect of any 6uch master to comply with the provision of this section shall incur the same penalties and forfeiture as are" provided for a refusal or' neglect to- report and deliver a mariifgst of the caro: Sec 9' That before jChinese passen cers are laniJed from any such vessel the collector or bis deputy shall proceed $3 PER YEAR ten llgoaaaaaaanaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaa to examimo such passengsrs, compar ing certificates with the list and with the passengers, and no passenger shall be allowed to land in the United States from such vessel in violation of the law. Sec. 10. -That every vessel whose master shall knowingly violate any provisions of this act shall be deemed forfeited to the United States and shall e liable to seizure and condemnation in any district of the United States into which such vessel may enter, or in which she may be found.'" Sec. 11. That any person who shall knowingly bring into or cause to be brought into tho United States by land, or who shall knowingly aid or abet tho landing in the United States from dny vessel of a Chinese person not lawfully entitled to enter the United States, shall be deemed guilty of misdeamean or, and sdiall on conviction thereof be fined a sum not exceeding $1000 and imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year. Sec. 12. That no Chineso person shall bo permitted to enter the United States by land without producing to the proper officer of customs tho cer tificate in this act required of Chinese persons seeking to land from a vessel, nnd any Chinese person found unlaw fully within the United States shall be caused to he removed therefrom to the country from which ho come, by direc tion of tho President of the United States, at the cost of tho United States, after being brought bofore some jus tico, judge or somo commissioner of a court of the United Scales and found to be unlawfully entitled to be or re main in the United States. Sec. 13. That this act shall not ap ply to diplcmates and other officers of the Chinese government, whose creden tials shall bo taken as equivalent to a certificato in this act mentioned, and shall exempt them and their bodies and their household servants from the pro visions of this act as to other Chineso persons. - --' Sec. 14. That hereafter no state court or court of tho United States shall admit Chinese citizenship, and all laws in conflict with tlits act are hereby repealed. Sec, 15. That the words "Chinese laborers," wherever used in this act, shall 1)3 constructed to mean both skilled and unskilled laborers and Chinese employed in mining. THE VOTE. The voto on the bill was as follows: Yeas Beck, Butler, Call, Cameron of Wis., Chilcott, Coke, Davis of III., Fair, Farley, Garland, Geor o, Grover, Hale, Hampton, Harris, Hill of Colo rado, Johnston, Jones, Jones of Ne vada, Maxey, Miller of Cil., Miller of N. Y., Morgan, Pendleton, Pugh, Saunders, Slater, Vance, VanwycV, Vest, Walker and Williams 32. Nays Allison, Blair, Conger, Dawes, Edmunds, Frye, Harrison, Hawley, Hoar, Ingalls, Lapham, Mc Millan, Morrill, Phtt and Sherman 13. Aldrich, Anthony, Ferry, McDill, Scwell, Logan, Windom, Rollins, and Kellogg opposed the bill and were paitcd with Gorman, Bayard, Sauh bury Jackson, McPherson, Ranson, Davis of W. Va., Jones of Florida and Lamar in tho affirmative. ny Universal Accord Ayer's Catiiaktic Pill3 sre tho host of nil purgative for family use. They are the product of long, laborious, and successful "chemical investigation, and their extensive use, by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized na tions, prove tham the best and most effectual purgative Pill that medical science can devise. Being purel) veg etable no harm can arise from their use. In intrinsic value and curative powers 110 other Pills can be compared with them, and every person, knowing their virtues, will employ them, when needed. They keep the system in per feot order, and maintain in healthy ac tion tho whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are especially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, if timely taken. They are the best and safest I physij to employ for children and weakened constitutions, where a mild but effectual cathartic is required. Fob Sale bt all Dealers. To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretionsof youth, neivous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a reciepe that will cure yon, rsEK of charge. This great remedy waS discovered by a missionary fin South A'dcrica. Send a self ad dressed' envetope'to'the'REV. Joseph T. Ij-iusr, Station- D, NWToTk City.