r&sw " . -- '' OREGON SENTINEL. JACKIl'NVILLE' Saturday, December 17, 1881. mTi Land O (lice at Itoicbar. Ocn.l June 30, 18S0. j T all IThom It tuar Concern: Notice In lirrrbT given Hint I hare tlcsls Bated lueOlti:; m:.TIM:l ai Hie paper la which 1 hall hereafter publish nil pre emptions liomcste.-ul nml nppllcitionii for mining patent fur land lylns near lacknanWUCt JncJivon count, Oregon. XT. F. Itr.VItlllV. Itcslstcr. Lost. An enameled, gold car-rins, oral shape. The Under' will lie reward ed by leaving it at tills office. . m Ektkrtainment at Rock Point. There will be a Christmas tree and dramatic entertainment to be followed by a grand ball at the Rock Point hull on Friday, Dec. 23. Come one, come all. Admission free. Those wishins to cive presents to their friends can leave them in care of Mrs. II. L. White or Mrs. Cawley. Fios. Atn reju ek VL: Went NoriO,T?, O. ., held' at tlirir hall on Dec: 15th, the following office trere elected for the ensuing term: C. P., H. v. Helms; H. P.. S J. Day; K. W., Fred Otten; Scribe, John A. B .vcr; Treas., John Miller; J. V., Fred Lny; Trustee, H. v. Helms, K. Kubli and T. B. Kent. Installation ceremonies will take jilace on Tuesday, Jim. 10th. "Well Axsweued The n adv wit of the Hibernian i p'l.teihialjhut we tie ver heard u better answer than was 'i Yen the other tUv, by o'jr friend Mur jihy, the .blacksmith, who sometimes- inn over suit iiccomes annoying. fishing to ctt lid of him, we request d him to fro and lind out what ineta- phys-ics'' was "The divil a need to o" replied lie instantly, "sure metaphys ics is the ghost of an idaa" Murphy didnt' go. Tnu CATnoi.ic Sunday School. The Rer. Father Blanchet distributed over eighty prizes to the Catholic Sals bath school children on Sunday last. The prizes were given both for profici ency and good behavior end the Rev. Father i8 doing a noble work, in train in; up the youth of his flock in th rijht way. We hope, when they reach manhoad and womanhood, they may look back from lives of nobriety and virtue; acknowledging the value of the worthy efforts that shaped their lives alight, too frequently, without the aid of parental discipline. Death or Jons Cosly. This old pioneer, whose ucntli was puiiliheii last week, was one of the first residents of. Jacksonville, coming her with the family of Judge. Reed. Mr. Conlv was a native of Drogheda, County Louth Ireland. The deceased had been fast failing, for tome time, and on the even in; of his death fell from his chsir with out tl.o slightest warning. Mr. Colv was about 75, nlwjtvs had a pleasant salutation for" everyone and earth had many worse men than he. He wax buried in the Catholic cemetry, Rev. F. X. Blanchet officiating. ' DISCREDITABLE. For sometime past Rev. Mr. Sharp has been holding pi av er meetings at the M. E. Church and. quite often, thev have been disturbed by the bad conduct of bovs. both inside nnd outside the Church. This is neither gentlrinanly nor smart and if children do not go to Church for moral or intel lectual improvement they 'ought to have decency enough to keep awav. It is the duty of parents to teach their children common politeness, at least. It costs little, but boys. In after years, and girls too will find ii very valua ble. Let us fee if parents, themeselves. have decency enough to make iheir childrn behave at religious meetings, er sense enough to keep them awav, if they are too rude to respect the feel ings of ethers. Well Thought Of. A resolution was offered in the city council, Mon day evening, tendeiing the use of the Town Hall to the counlv for the pur pass of holding courts and transacting other county business. It. is really generous on the part of the trustees lut, unfortuna'ely. the juries would have no place but the cell for delibera tion which, although quid' as comfor table and fit as th lottos over the county barn, would hapllvlift suitable.. No juror would like to return hme and say that he had lieen in the c.ila boose, at the county seat, for a tlnv or two and this unpleasant stigma is about tho only difference between the lock up and present quarters. The resolu tion was l.id over and a committee appointed to wait on Judge Hanna to ascertain if he would accept the hospi talities of the citv and select one of the cells for an office. Concert. A concert, by our local talent, will be given r-n Wednesday evening, 21st inst. at Holt's Hall, for the benefit of , the new Church. The admission is nominal and everybody can afford to go. Following is the programme: Muuc, String Band. Opening Song. Reading, Issie McCully. Song bv little girls. Recitation, Annie Bilger. Duett, Katie and Johnnie Miller. Solo, Daisv Bilger. Quartette. Kate Hoffman, Tillie Miller. J. Bover and J. Hyzer. Tableaux. Song by little girls. Declamation. Chas. Bilger. Duett, Misses Lillie TJIrich and Annie Bilger. Recitation, Ada Plvmale, Solo, Mrs. D. K. Feathers. Tableaux. Duett, Clara N"uber and Chas. Bilger. Music, hyStringBand. Ml-Quartettc. Recitation, Rosa Cardwell. Tableaux. Song, Susie Turner. Solo, Cora Linn. Closing Song. Music, hv String Band. Admission. 25ctp, children, 12J cents, Babies free. LOCAL ITT.HS. Call at Plyniales for your buggy teams. Singer sewing machines at $45. by D. H. Feathers. Small-pox is now raging dreadfully in Union county. Deputy Sheriff Prim returned from Portland yesterday by stage. A Barneburg has opened a black smith shop ut Willow Springs. W. C. Greenuian will give a Christ mas ball at Liukville on the 2Glh. Ghss. J. Howard tarted north this week to engage in railroad surveying. The skating rink at Goose Lake has been dampened by h heavy mil: storm. Several coinmiihiea'inns are. crowded out thin week, but will appear in cur next. The "Times' has enlarged o a 32 column paper and presents a good ap jiearance. The Oregonian announces, that there i, now, not. a single case of small pox in Piirtland. The ''State Line Herald" bus just V'.fMi-nm ttT-ni -hAohiiii-. uotig may it wave. The Yreka "Journal" savs that beaver are verv numerous tin Slitsta river this season. There will be imnieinus I ulb 'and entertainments thmughout the county during the holidays. Mr. Chailes M-nre,of Linkville, a'ld his sister, Miss Frank ie Moon-, me ex pected here to spend the holidays. Call at Fred I.uv'a and select your ma-k fur the Eiutrucht IS ill. Quite a number luve already lieen engaged. Rev. 51. A. Williams wi'.l hold serv ices Ivre to mnreiiw evening, at 7 o'cl ck, in the PieshttcrMii Church. John Ashmead, of Rock Point, was in town vest ei tiny and lepnrts exlen sive farming operations in his icinity. John Cowan and Knncli Gale have rented J. G. Bird,-e'.s mines at Jim town and will work there this winter. Greene Bro. are taking out better rock than ever at the Sugar Pine ledge and the ledge is wider and better de lined. Our city dads deserve credit for their efTort in improving our sidewalks and abs for furnishing tho additional street lumps. Adarel Chatter, 0. E. S. elects offi cers next Friday afternoon at two o'clock P. M. A full 'attendance is desired. Little A Chase, E. Jacobs, F. Ritsch- aril, J. S. Howard and Mahler Bros, are all well supplied with holiday presents. Billv Paterson got struck a number of times last Tuesday night, but who it was that struck him still remain. a mvsterv. The experts at the Guitau trial have had a conference and decided that he was sane enough to tie responsible for his crime. The Sf.xtixkl is under many obli gations to Ummi Kilbuurn. U. S (Jang r, of Portland, for tiles of late Wash ing'on p.ipers. Sterling is washing now wilh a full head of water, th" late rains haing Hushed tho stieums erv much during i he past week. A. F. Wheeler Asst. Stn'e Treasurer is quarantined at Somh R-iid, Tnd , by small pox. The disease is spreading rapidly over the west. Simmons Sz McE'vev ate just about reailt lo open a hydraulic, mine on Rnguo liver, a little distance below the mouth of Galicr creek. A correspnnil-nl of the "Oregnni.in" savs the Salem League should be called the "Anti .Monopo lie" league Anti I mill would be lietter. Rev. B J. Sharp will preach in Un church next Siiudnv, morning ami evening. Also. at the lle'.er Grow school house at 3. P. M. Ordinance No. 71 licensing skating rinks, so as to pay $."0 a vear an 1 85 per day or night was pa.-ed In the Board of Trustees last Monday night. T. L. Beck, in the Willow Springs district, has ei;r thing in ieidiiieN mid is wailing for a full head of water. Beck's claim never goes liack on him. From all parts of Josephine county, we hear that miners are busy washing gravel and the nut Ii ok for a rich gold harvest, in the spring, is verv favora ble. Dr.NN L. Conu has just recieved some pure bovine vims. He asks all to come and get vaccinated "and those not able to pay can get a. scab free of charge. J. M. Smith, of Wilderville, was in town this week laying in a stock of holiday goods for his store at that place. He reports times good in his locality. " S. W. Lackland arrived on yester days stage from Portland and was warmly greeted by his many friends. He will only sojourn a week or so with us. The bkating rink in Jackson rille is busted on account of the ordinance passed by Hie Trustees requiring thVin to take out a liceuse at 50 per year or 5 per night. Frank Eunis informs us that the English hydraulic at "Galice" has started washing -ith 1000 inches of water. ''Blue gravel, washing with about 1000 inches. Rer. R. W. Hill reached Lakeview on the 9th, and was to give the people of that distant region the benebt of a whole week of his ministration. So -says the "Examiner." Frank A. Huffer, of Jacksonville is editor of the U:iiveisity column in iIih "Stale Journal." Frunk is u promis ing boy mul his first efTon would do era lit to an older head. IT. F. Philips, of Ashland, has gone to Portland on mail business. We hope to see Mr. Phillips secure ihe Liiikville route again as the service has been verv faithful ami satisfactory. Ha Dr. Scroggs, formerly of Roselmrg, has dete-n'iined on Inciting in Jackson-" ville, and will ma'ke his announce nt next week. The Dr. conies well rec ommended and we expect to see him do well. Rev. Wm. Clyde, the new Minister for f lie Presbi terinii Chu'rh at A-h land, passed thioiigh town on Thurs day's stage to take charge. II- ex peeled to till the pulpit ihe first time to-morrow. TIip Government t"legr.i.i line be tween Ashland and Fort Klamath is now in w oi king oide- and reidv for business The t (trill from Ashland to tl.e Fort is repurtrd to be only one cent per word. Til- Chief of Poltep, in Portland, savs there nre entirely too niniiv sa l.cw. in .thnt citv. L-ippeus knmv.l what he is I alking nliout nml bis remark would apply to many other places ii O'egon The-e have been 53 patents to min eral land issued Tor i.)ieg"ii 11 of which nre for Jackson, and 7 for Jo seiliiue coillltv. The largest nuinls-r. 23. issued for any one county, is for Biker. Thirteen miles of trark is laid on the Nevada ,t Oregon railroad. Trark lt ilia progresses at the rate of half a mile daily. We hope to hear of it leaching -ur flielids in Lakeview be foie long. Tho Second Qunrrei lv Meeting for Jacksonville Circuit, M. E Church, will be held at Phoenix on both Stnr il'iv and Sund-iy, Dec. 24ili ami 25 h. Services on both days ut 11 A. M. anil in the evening. " The heater of the new Church, hav ing been found insiiflirient, a Isrger one wis put in by Kubli this week. Should that not wanii the building sufficiently Mr. Holl'mati will put up a stove for the present. Three hundred Presidential post offices are. vncant and fifteen hundred applicants are waiting for them. T'vr hundred people aie to be disappointed but thev can find plenty of work on the railroad in Oregon. Wagner creek school District has been agitated over the dismissal of a scholar, for chewing tobacco in school in vfolaiinn of the rules. AH is happy now and the urchin ke. is his quid be hind his ear during school hours. The wif of J. Oawfonl, of Ash. land hal a close call on Monday. Sler host and was handling a Winches ter rifle when it was accident v dis charged, the ball passing through her thigh making a severe D-sh wound. Clear bead and voicf, eaiv breath ing, sweet biealh. perfect smell, tavte and hearing, no cough, no distress. 'Ihesp nre conditions brought "buit. in catanh by the use of S.mfoid's R oli c.tl cure. Complete treatment for SI. The Board of Trustees have erected three additional lamps in Jacksonville, on" on the souih siile of Cdifonii.i fctieet opposite the Pre-diyteiianChlllch, one opjMisiti Coleman's Msideuc" mill one oppo-i'le Wetierer's B.wvery. Nothing like light. John Bolt, the genial merrlnnl of Applegate, was in town last Weilties day. He savs that as suon n preiimi naiies can be arranged woik will l-e commenced at the S'emi.l-ont mines, and the owners are confident tlmt thev have s'ruck a bounnzi. Oh Ciiow, a prominent Cliiiinman of Jacksonville, left veslerdav for I'ose burg to take a con' act on the railroad extension in connection wMi "Yiing Sam" of the latter pi ice. Chow ex pecs to begin work within two weeks wiili two hundred Imuils. The Town Council intend putting down a substantial cross walk between i ho Sister's Acadamy and the new Church. It will supply a wain long iieeiled and the City Fathers will be thanked by those crossing lh street a: that point during the wi: ter. John Bi-son and S. Sherman want a meeting at the Wagner cieek school house on Sunday to di-cliss ihesiil j Q!s of Teuije-rmice, vnccina'ion. use of to baco and ihe ineveiitii-n and cure of disease. The field i quite broad and there is plenty of room to plow in. Rend w hat E C. Brooks has to say in another column, lie has a general assortment of drugs nnd medicines, nnd his stock of j-'ivelrv. watches etc. is the largest ever brought to Jacksonville Before selecting your holiilav presents call on him and see what he has to sell. The "Independent" goes for an anonymous correspondent for berating the railroad company! That piper. justly, has a kind word for the com pany. Notice, Bro. Kelly that 111" ad dress of the "League" is without fath er or mother or at least they are ashamed to own -it. Savs the L.tko countv "Examiner:" "The postmaster at Lakeview has re ceived not'ee from the department thet all that portion of mail route No. 44-. 1 SI from Prinevillfi to Su turner hike has been discontinued, the order to take effect December 11. 1881. All interested will take notice." The "Sunday Welcome" says: "there should be a stringent law enacted, pro hibiting the sale of liquor to children." The "Welcome" will Hud tfiat just such a law is now in full force nnd it even prohibits bovs under 18 from loungins: about saloons and billiard halls. All that is needed is some one with stamina enough to enforce it STSmSSTC Senator G rover ssks for,th estab- lisliment of a signal servicMltelegraph I r-Kf station, nt Tillamook rock,-ito le con- necte.1 nv a iiiiit v iifinn-irf i ne inn ... .. , . ' j m, , -i. r should pass nnd it is backed by Gen An effort is to be madeiu Congress, this winter to bring hIioui thj-forfeit ure of hinds granted to railways-, . wheie the conditions have no' lieeji emptied with. Leading Government officials think that discrimination jlinuM be used as theie nroensos wheie it would be unjust .t lo absolutely fotfelt .grani-. The taxable property f.f, Jai:kft.!i count v as shown by ilieas,s"js-lnM1t r,, for 1881. is.?l.G33 Ml. The increase over 1S80 is ?18-t 228 'Uie increase in Jacksonville, for 18S1, "5(573 392 ill Ashland, for ihe saiiieVi'nr. 15, 012 Total tax ib' pro eric of Ash 'am' S359.9S1. Total of JTcks-mville $489,516 The I liter pla haj- ueirly one third .f the whole txaljle property of the count-. 5, On ThiirMl.it nfteriioon;"Uti ladies of the Presbt teVlali (,liinchneU at the residence of Jkrs. Win. Ilb'l'iiuin an.l jirg'inizeil a Mite Saet'yfjJrs. K. Kubli was niitde Pr-!ideiit.l1ss.Kii;e I l..tri,Miti Js,,l-Mt..1., ,.,t T,-nLAV - M Tuffer-fTTsureT. Tlie'fmTies'wiif meet next, nn Monday evi-nuavatMrs. K. Kubli's. A gener.il inviiiit iiiii is ex lei did to all who hail n mile to rjili tiioute, no matter what their cieed is. Why is there no imitation Wheeler ifc Wilson sewing ni'ichineJ, The im-swei-is simple enough; thi-yMiave pat ents worth protect ing mid tliev ) so (Joiup.illies li.ive ntteinifei to uiautl faclureali iliiilyliou Wheeler & W ison sewing machine but were compelled to abaiulijiu I lie scheme although it cfwt ihe company thousands of "dollar'-. Whvt . Two vnung bloods of Jacksonville passil thiough Phoi'iiix last Friday nighl. with. "Ashland or burst"' for lie ir wat" hwnrd; ihev looked a leetle fl itieiied out nml mellow, and Ii id n rail ti-d on the buggy, in place of the doublet in", which was bioken out, nml the rope used in tying it on being worn out. they iveie obliged o proem e an other coil to last them through The Sunday law was strictly ol served by our merchants last Sunday, but the snlenn men kept open a's usual. One of the saloons had a sign of tav ern, which the 1-iw exempts with other public places named, and Webster and oilier dictionary authorities define tav ern as a licensed place where liquors are sold in small quantities, as well as lefreshmi'iits and meals. Ynjfca Jour ual. The saloon keepers of Californii seein to be the only peisons determine id to resist the Sunday law. nnd ihev aie generally defvir.g it. The fact is significant nml may well a' tract the attention of legislators and J ro'mpt them to enquire; how notch- that esr ticnlar business rant"iI5ii37lrVC"je general lawle-ness and' how little i. contribuies to the m t"iitialweallh'. We hear that a ti-iv large ,aiea is be ing iilowed in -lackson counlv this win ter and. with a half fivorable se.a'on. there will bean ahiindmce next tear. There will be tin danger of an unin.-.r ketaheiirpln-; as there is- ee'V ii.d'ca linn, that the ratlrnaii will lie qnre c!oe to us bv h irvest. V dont want o hear farmers growl and c ill it a 'ilunied uionnplv" ecmse they have nothing to sell, or ship on it. Let the plows run for a couji'e of tears and farmers mav I; 11 h "and r "s er. The 47'h CongiesH fntiifued at the National Ciiiiol on the iit'h inst. and Gen. Jan es feiii."-. of Ohio, was elect ed siie.iki-r. The President's message has elicited various comnients, favora ble itnl unfavorable, but the weiht of the eas'eitl pies, siistniiis it us an utile loiMiir.i'iit. It is certainlv issued nil dee verv delicate ircutustiiiices ami the Prescient appears to rely more on the wisdom of Congiess than on him self. hi I his inspect, l.p must, receive ertslit for deference to the power of ihe Legisl.it i e bruieli and his modesty, under tin- peculiar cireiuistilie of hi ai cession iiltgnr well for h cnilseivulive and wi-eailuiiuistrJtion. The "'"statesman" suggests that want of confidence is shown in Representa tive George, bv the Portland B 'aid of Tia'e; in ending f). P. Thompson to assist him in obtaining river and liar leir approptialinns. The 'Jvandard ' echoes, forgetting that the suggestion night iuelil'le Senators" Grov er and Slater, who. it is presumi-d are al-o Represeiialives of )r'gijti' JlTie tin tiutaiion-is uiiwonlf in.imiirh'as the B sird of Tiade acledmi' M wlf -urge's earnest solicitation and elec!Ymie"tif its most, energetic, and iM-stLqualified. members 10 go to Wnshingt'li- nnd as sist in so important a work. An njxi'ogv seems due fmnt ihe "S'nndaid" to the Democra'ic Senators.- Another P10xcr.1t Gonk.'- On Mon lav inouiitig. about -) o'clock Jerome B. Coats was again taken with bleed ing from the lungs and expired in a few minutes from excessive hemnrrage A port-nioriem, made on Jfondav, dis. closed the fact that a rupture of one of the large arteries lending fiotu tii heart had occurred nil event which had not been unexpected. The deceas ed tvs a native of Pennsylvania, bom in 1828, and, consequently, about S3 vents of age. To sav: that he was nn upright and true man, measuring all things with the square nnd corhpass of truth is to sav enough and. when he is weighul in the Eternal series, te be lieve his viitues will outweigh his faultR. During his sickness )R wnv carefully nursed by the Masonic frater nity and, on Tuesday, his remains were laid away with the imptessive ceiemo n'es of that order, of which he had long been a member. The. hearse was also followed to the grave In the C. of H. to which order he also lclnngel and by citizens who held him in respect. Good bye old friend may you be judged lightly I. a imiocusi. ! " nail of Warren I.ielgiJT 10 F .V A. M .Jacksonville. Dec 13. 1SJ-1. f Whereas, It has pleased the Silpieme Grand Master of the Universe to re move from among us our late brother, Jerome B. Coils-; and Whereas, our late brother had long been a lesident of Jacksonville and had endeared himself to all by ids many acts cf kindness and uprightness of character, therfore be it Resolved. That in the dpath of Brn. Coats of Warren Lodge N-. 10. P. k A. M., the Fraternity has lose a faith ft;l nnd zealous brother, ami ihe com munity an honorable and good citizen Resolved, That as a token of respect to his ineuioi v we, the members of this .odg'e. will wear the usual badge of mourning for 30 davs, nnd that the charter and the Lodge be draped in mourning for the same length of time. Resolved. That a copy of these reso !ul ions, under .the seal of this Lodge, be pie.-ented to the relatives of our deceased brother, that, thev I e entered upon the records of the Lodge, and be published in the count v papers. Max Mgl nn, ) J.S. HitvAiin.'-Com., . Jk-ifiEC--7j- Notable Dkatii. Jacob Tesch, who wis found dittil at the Blecher r-mch m Sund.iv last, unlike many oilier men. hid a bistort. He was n natite of ("i-ini n,, ami emigtaiisl from tint of the Rhine prov:iice, to the United Sliues in I8IG at the age of JC alnl was, consequently. ;it the liuo-nf his death, 91 tears of age. Settling on the pieseut sin-of Cincinnati, TV-ch at one lime, ow ned ne.nly half of the eiMUinl on whiih the lit v is built and was the founder of ihe fiist ciudlefac tint in tha city. It is inteies'iiig 10 refli ct on the possibilities of his cirier: had he ret.-iim-d his lirsr l-iieliil inter est. Instead, nt an oosctiie ami 1111 1; linn il life, he cellld have emin'ed his ireasuies by ihe million. 15 ecks nml itteit in I he gi eat tn-'IroiHilis would hate been nami'd for him and a fouu tain, grander eihaps. i.n-i the oie given to Ciucii nati by ' Votinf-co. ' might hate peipeluatnl his tneiuory. We ale uneble. now. to'follow I lie old mall through his whole ciieeranil onlt know that; for the last 21 teai-, he has" made his home at the house of Henry Blecher. living admit tun miles south of Jacks' nville. On Sunday af teitioou the old man vvas misctl and John Clirisiotler a man living on the ralnh proceeded loseaich Tor him. He was fiitii d near ihe gate of tin sheep in r.il, sitting in the fence corner, quite dead The nld 111 ill had eaten .1 hearty breakfast and his iVith pts.hihlv re. villus! ft inn a suiideti giving vviv of a system luarlv tvoiu "lit by age. T'bi.s is another proof lint "Uuil disposes" forins'e.id of a cti.'lv inalble toiu'. ami the j iisiluiii ens .- is j f wenlih. old Jacob T'esih h-isoiilv a loneiv grave inii'iig the" uioiiiiteins of '('egiin, uud who knows thai his sle,-( will be any less sweet tin I be .tl-5. 1 Serg.ant and Town propose rarrving a full line of merch imli-e. Their stock is now nn the way, to make 1 in m for which, thev aie enlarging iheir slore.. P. W. Olwell has fattened ,ind sold ")00 head of hois, this season, jiml Inclined 00 he-id. he has tet several thousand iti-heUofwhe.it in the mill and granary, and enough available to run thinugh the winter lie does all his grinding in ,the old mill. Mrs. Lavenburg thr! kind and genial hostess of the Phoenix House n.aitl tains the old unsui passed reputation of her hotel up to the usual high standard for comfort .and hospitality. The guests mi- fieqiieutlv eiilei tained by choice instrumental mu-ic from 1111 inchest ra composed of Dr. Detener and vvife and others; which adds 111111-I1 pe.asuieto the entertainment oftisi- toiN. We chronie'e ihe advent- of three bran new Lots on Appleg.ile during ihe last week at the homes of Matliey, Gregg, and Henri Jones, in conjunc tion with which, to billanre the bilsj ness. Sum Tat lor Mits he has 11 girl that, deserve mentioning twice, and will stand them all ( If in impoi t-mce. Sam sats he is gie.itlf encoiiragul now and w ill theiefoie give a huge dance on Monday night, 20th inst , in his new hall. ('u:a:ino ad Bi:rAti:iNO Ladies nnd geiits silks and weuhu clo'hing cleaned and repaired on leisomibh terms as T hve given general satisfnc lion Huts clealie'd for 2-" cenis. by Btcti VRD Hotel. MlIE, at the Jacksonville On the 13th, white at the ' emeterv, we lioti"eil several grassle'ppers kip ping alnut as livelv ns if ihev mti Ie s sing ill the su m mt rsiihi.f Kel ra k. Orasshoppeis in a state of etn il v ami not tet in winter quarters, in the mid die of Decem'-er, speaks well for the climatp of southern Oregon. sa-a-rnsj.-Aj. 3o iv DoLLtnmnK Near Jiuksnnville. Dec. 14, 18S1. to the wife of John Do' lurhide, a son. Step Right Up And .ettb w'th iiio. T am o '"c cr vino tu ( -uiti-iT.ia nliout Jan. t.sfc and muft l;ac mo-ey. I hose Icowiiip; thcmst-lvi-.s in debted will be .c iihle in : t waititi": fur a second call. I mean business as my customers have hid my hard eaiVings lung! enough D. CROVEM1LLER. Jacksonville, Dec. 9, 1SS1. NEW ADVERTISEMENT'S. Taken up by the unJ-rsignsd living on Williams creek, .I05 pliine county, one il irk biy horse. t 11 ycais old. sixteen hands tjigli, star in fori head and two white hind led. Cnm' to my place about the 2ilh of last November. Tlisown.T will take horse away and piy charges. Dasl. Sueeha.v. D.itcd Dicrmbcr 17, 1S3'. TtfClFFM HUH AT E. C. BROOKS' New Drui; Store, Jacksonville, Or. Cloo!i3. A fine nssorimsnt of 8-day clocks, with and without alarm. Vv'ntolaos. OcnUVlatlies' and tyyst- cltl. nnd, dlsi - liiinling-c:ise. opt-n-fseo and skylight watches, trom . to i"0. 3racolote, A tine lot of ladies' gold band and bangle bracelets. "Pingor 'Erlixis'ij. Diamond and ruby ring, oamro stone cam! o set with diamonds, cameos set with pearls, garnel anil p-arls. turquoise nil n-iirRnntl ontx rings with Iiiddni mm o?s. solid old band and bangle rings, plain and solid ul.fnrni.t rings. tTo w cl"T7". Dismnnds in every shape. L dies' sets of ji tvel y. from the .10 crnl lilsckset to 'he C00 bud setsolMiHm-nid. f.nis' anil kdits gold chains, lo.-kcls and charms. """"i-nss cizjlI 'S-LX't'torjia. Gents' goUl seaif-pin3, scarf-slides, studs and collar-bu'.toiii. Silar i "CiTri-ro. Silver and siltrr-plntitl knivw, forks. poolIs. napkin lings, silver sugnr-spouns and tongs in cases IVSI I a c c-TJ nt 12. o o -vie . Gold ano silver thimbles; gold, silver and sled sp chicles; and 11 full slO'jk of cvtry thing in the j.-welry lino A full !isso,-.im.ni of psifmniTj. toilet soap, etc. lot of steel ingrat ings ami pictures for ehiidnn. . In short, a cnuipktc and tlril!-cIasslinco, TCrri I A 1 'ly at- 1 v nrtmc 1 to he so d at the LOW SI PRICE! llo :ircnrf'c"n". vio Ins. benlos nnd the best in efvio In. euiiarrrdJisnjii strings Tlr best sp am oi- tor sawing midlines. 1 tu hue of Drngs and Medicines. K-a,Prcscript:ons ca:cfu'"T wmpoundtil E. ;. BUUOKS. RICH MIMES. FREE FARMS. HOW TO GET THEM. Send for Copp's Mining Code oO cts. in pip r; ftl.-o in c nth. Stnd for t'opp's Sett er's Guide 23 cts. in p iper; 7.) cents in c oth. Latest, cheapest, find on'y re'iab'c Manua's . 011 the U.S. Land and" Mining Laws. 1 litre' by Henry . i, of Ylaslilnstoa, ii. . United States .and Territoria' JliuingLaws and Land Ofllce Uegu ations. Digest of Land Ofllce and Court D cisions. Lists of Patented Mines. Dr. Raymond's Miuing-G ossary. Foinis for Mechanics' Liens, Location Notiecs. ie. .-1 1 this iujCopp's Jlining Code. Public Land Sysifm explained. How to till Township and Section Corners. How to Homestead and Preempt land. How to enter land under the Timber Cul ture, Djscit,Toivn-sitc, and other laws. All this in Copp's Stttler'a Uuide. For copies of these books, or for cirri), l.trs fully deseiihing ' opp's Land and ining publication j, auply at the Senti-Mxoi-ilce. JTs ir!S ttVi v 1 t'JWl .-r.iS"? "." fs?s-'. DEscK-PaFct?. Cir N'ifi d JtiVi aai-n JeLJW US' Jr:-r-L-trrTI. 5, .-.. u --mw- -rj-s if tx ,-r .-.- " VT M3y7":r7y fi S.V ISJiir. W&F& -82 -jl rderlit It. U ewtti-i-w tc mtwl Ui. fprTlBcS UtuljnOijrf.an.irulMvTtT.tVn iHiiiHwi-twi tr T!aMJtiC I lTMirt,CiVrKIIaJ J' -wf iytvd. Flint. Frail Trr.Hf. Inlral.i. t tL Jc-'i-M" rrwn m4 kIiI t fwril n-r rrliV-l f-r Uiuo .0 '- Tru" Ihtn U-T".nf-r''-;- ' Wwiktaia(iM.u.iyt(twr1ljlr D. H;VS2,ZY C: CO., Detroit, SIIci. SBTLE UP. 'aviptrq :it business I must liave a set'.lemert with all tho e owit g lf.e eilher Ir. nu'es oi buuk acruunt. nst.s will be sitvd by si'tili-jr at ui'.ce as m irtace will be !rivcii- .1 1! x M1IJ, 1!. CBBISTH&S T OK" Friday Evr. Hoc. -23. 1881. VICTOR.Y council No. 4. C of IL, wil give a grand b.i'1 on the 23d of De ieinber. 18SL Ko jiainswi ' lie spared to makert a comp'cte success. Tickets, SliJo. Muiic by Brown's String Band. ntieira iiiii ibeu skin mae. FALL BLY CU1ES llcliii'fr ar.tl Fcaly riacasei, roniiu ous lium mid rs. Ulcers, Mcrcunnl l ltl Sores Affections when nil oth- cr Human Agencies an A Fail. T-HE CUTirUIIA TnEA-'MENT. for 1 the cure ol Skin. Scalp and Blood1, Diseases, ron'isis in the internal use of CLTict'r.A Rfcsoi.vE.sT. the new Blood Pur. itlrr. and the external use of CcTictm v sad. CcricTit.t-Sotr. the dent Skin Cures. ForSunliurn, Tan and Greasy Skin usa CVricrnA Boai', and exquisite toilet, batlt and nursery sanative, fragrant with dc. licious tlowcr odors and healing balsams t-jfvlt gj.to.ox-iTra. Will JlcDonald, 2W1 Dearborn ttreet, t'hirago, grati fully ucknoAlcd-cs a cure of bait Uhcuui on head, Ack, lace, aims anil legs lor sevi-nimijmrs; not alue to year, not able to help himself forej;lit years; turn uunurcusui runeuics; uociors pronouncid his case hopeless; permanent ly cured by the Cuticura Remedies. Eoc-xi.Esis;. II. E. Carpenter, Esq., Ilendeison, N.Y., curid of Psotiasis or Leprosy, of twenty years' stand. njr, by the C'ciicuka Uksolv- u.t internally and Cuticuua and Cuti ccka Son tMcrnallv. '1 he most wonder- I'ul case on record. (Aire certified o be-' fore a justice of ihe peace ami prominent citizens All aillicttd with Itching and Scaly Diseases should send to us for this testimonial in full. lx.T23L Eiwo-aso. V. II. Drake. Esq., Detroit, "llich. suf feud hejond all description from a skiu disease which appsMrcd o:i Ms hands html and face, ni.d nearly desliotid liis cyts. Tho-mosi caicful (U:ctor ng tailid lo help him, and after all had failrd he used tho imrur.t KrsoivhjiT internally, Ct-Tt-ccii.t ar.d Crrici'UA sotr exurnally, and was curul, and has rem lined perfectly well to this d it. lion. Wm Taylor, Eoston, says: "Jftcr three ni-nths' u'm of the CcriccitA Reme piks, and 12 years of :n constant sullerin-j: frnni Uuiiinr'of ihe face, ntck and scalp as was 1 vcr ir.durul, I can say that I ain cured, anil pionounce my c-ise the mo3t rcmansable on record. I have been so el-.Iid wilh lns'iceess that I have stopped m noii tin- strut who tverc arTictetl and told t!i m to eit the- (,'uiicura I'enudioJ ami llii't would ciiiethtin. T-Jin. lTxi-rxiorRi. -Mr. S. E. Whipple, Decatur, Mich., writes ilial her fi.ee, licatl and some parts ot her I oily wire almost raw. Head cot. end with sc..bs and sores. SulTirid fear fully nml tiiid itcruhing. l'crmuneully curul by Culicuru it. undies. Cn'icsira Ucnudics arc fur sale bvall druggists. Price of CiTirf::.t, 11 .Alidicical Jell, small b )."s. .r)t)c , Urge boxes, $t; l.'irn runt RnsnvrT, the new niood purille", Si pjr b-'ttle. (.'tTicrnt Medicinal TOILET SOU'. "IC; CpTIClMlA MEniOINAI. Jjll.wi.NO Goai lflcTTnlili-trs for barbcri anil Iar: conum"rs. 50c. Princini depet, WELK3 & POTTER, rioston,.itRss. 2fAll mailed tree on receipt of pneo. Ol--"VS-, 0nt or.MN's Voltaic v-itj" (SSriroTTiO "-1CT15IC P'-aste. -";- ISEBlul':,-',-vs)siinS ".j cents, is far FLA'i'c3 siip-'rior to cvry oihir eL-ci..c... .. nuance bfforo the puh'io They iiistnniiy relieve Dyspi-psia, Liver 'oniplaint, Jliihiria, Pcvef nnd Ague, and Kidney and Uiinary Dilliculiics, and may be worn over the pit of the stomach, titer the Uidueys, or any affected part. Price 23 cents. "Sold cvervwheie. WEEKS -t POTTER, Boston, Jlsts. SECOND GRAND Masquerade Ball ! -GIVEN' nv IVIYTT1 JL JULJl j JDJLiY XJUlixliAJLJL , AT- 1-1 OLT'S HALL, JACKSONVILLE. - Monday Eve. January 2, 1882. OPEXIXG of the ball by a Grand March at 8 o'clock i jr. sharp. rinur i:.inascrs: Frsnk Ivr.sshsfcr. Chas. Xlckcll, F. Grob Ilriri'.tliiii I'ciuniltlcr: Dr. Vcit aehtitz, August Trunk, Josv Watt. (iiitcilllrc T lirnuifintc!". Frank Kashafer. F Luy. F Grob, Chsfe YVinijcu and John Ciinboitky. " The mnsi' will be furnished by tha Jarksonville bntMand string bands. An excsllmt supper will also l,c provided. TICKET.!,?! '.- for each PERSON", To be obtained at F. Luy's, Little & Oha.-e's and Giob & Llrich's. C"The remmittec have sp ired no pains to mike ihii liiegrmil si -.ftairol the ses--111, mid hen by esund a general invita tion to tht, nubiic. GKAXE)PAKADE. A C.r.ird M.:i.tt.- Psisdc will appear in llu- piu:cip-.l s!i i t.s of . Jacksonville at 3 .."clock i. :.:.. lid by Prince tvirnival, m which i vcrti.odj iotntitedlo tnrtlcipatc. 'Ihe pmciis-iuu will be heuiUd by tho Ur.s-s Htiiitl. 'E3T3IasI.se in be obtained at F. Luy's and Little & CIusc's slore. U. L. "MURION Poivardingand Commis sion Merchant, 'Roso'burs -- Oregon. All business entrusted to my care will receive prompt attin'ion The shipment of wool, hides. Hour etc made a spec.atly, and satisfaction guaranteed. ra'Ji !3&j-83-liSE$ Jnlin..ftJ'i cj ,