Li" T Wx OREGON SENTINEL. Jacksonville: i Saturday, November 19, 1881. TlMBKIt L1.MM. Views of the-OommlMloner of the General Land (lfflce WAsmsGTOS, November 10. The Commissioner ofnhe General Land Office, in his annual report, makes the following interesting comments on tho subject of the Government timber lands: The existing provisions of- law permitting citiiens to fell and remove -timber on the public lands for mining and domestic purposes, as found in the Act of June 3, 1878, are, in my opinion, very defective.. The only lands from which such cutting is au thorized are the mineral lands, and thesrareto a great extent undefined, and necessarily must so remain. Large quantities of timbers are absolutely necessary for the develop ment of the mines, while the said Act authorizes the cutting thereon of timber for other purposes. Tho pur chaser of a. mining claim has as much if not greater need for the timber thereon as the agriculturist, and. the transportation of timber to the mines from a distance is very expensive. The law furnishes no relief to such as reside at a distance from such lands. The situation is practically this: The settlers on land devoid of timber need timber for fuel, building, etc. Very frequently they cannot get it except from public lands, if they get it legally. Still they will take it, and when taken it is solely for the said purposes and under circumstances which largely mitigate the technical legal offense. While parties who steal the public timber for speculation and profit de eerve severe punishment, those who use it solely for home purposes under the imperative necessities above mentioned, should have their privileges accurately and reasonably defined. I deem the enactment of some law which will accomplish this end to be Tery desirable and in tho public inter est. Enforced Vaccination. It would, probably, be a hopeless task to enforce upon individuals any proper rules of hygeine, but just now, when a loathsome and contagious dis ease is spreading over the north west coast,the question of compulsory vaccina tion is a proper one for discussion. Ordinarily where intelligent people disregard the rule of health the penalty is paid by themselves, but in -- c "xrful contagion like the small pox, that may ivir a wnoie community, people should be made to do that which common sense ought to suggest without enforcement, but which it does not. We were visited by the dreadful scourge many years since, but time will not efface its hor rors and while it was fearfully fata), death did not result in a single case where the patient had been vaccinated at any period of life. This important fact should prompt people to guard their children and themselves by vaccination but it is rarely heard of except during the excitement of a small-pox scare. In view of the almost criminal indif ference of people as to their own safety and.the- safety of others, vaccination should be enforced by statute through out the state and in cities by the municipal authorities under their general sanitary powers. There can be no question that the state has the same power to prevent or mitigate disease by precautionary moasures as to prevent its spread by quarantine regulations, and it does seem as if our legislators ought, some time, to learn the value of the old adage, that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." People have no right, through indifference or carelessness, to jeopardize the health of whols communi ties, and if they will not protect thrui selyes of their own volition they should be made to do it. , An Improper Courte. Opposition to the Sunday law has been carried to the Supreme Court of California and, although that tribunal has sustained the law as constitutional, powerful combinations are organizing to resist it. This is all wrong for it u simply defiance of law. No matter what a statute may be, no matter how distasteful it is, it must bo obeyed by the people and should be enforced by the proper authorities whether its en forcement is palatable to them or not. Defiance of law brings it into contempt and if the public, instead of a Court is to select from tho statutes that only which they choose to obey, then there will be an end to social or ganization! If the Suuday law is un just or oppressive let it be repealed but, until it is repealed, lei it be obeyed and enforced to tho very letter for, if people are permitted to treat it con temptuously they have the same right to defy or disobey any other statutory injunction. It will be vary difficult, however, to show that a law, found ih the civil code of all enlightened nations is a bad law, and it should be hustamed by public opinion erary where. JLDGb KCLSAVS rtrtsT Judge Kelsay, of Corvallis, gels off the following good thing on himself, and its moral may be pondered by all legal fledglings wjth profit. Asking the status of a case in Southern Ore gon, in which he had been engaged, he was informed that two local attornies were now conducting it. ''Ah, ah" remarked the judge, with a twinkle in his eye, "that reminds me, if you please, of my first retainer." How so jndge? we ventured to enquire. "Well," replied the old jurist, "I had just graduated from a Kentucky law school with fine honors head of my class, sir, crammed and boiling over with legal lore, spoiling, sir, for a g'adiatorial struggle, so to speak if you please, in tho forensic arena." "Just then" Kelsay continued, "a murder was committed in my county a most atrocious crime; tho murderer was prominent and wealthy and ut once employed two of the ablest lawyers in Kentucky to defend him." "Think of my surprise, sir, when I was called on and my services retained for the de fence by the deposit of fifty dollars." I was proud sir, justly proud, but unable to satisfy myself 'whether the retainer was to secure my valuable as sistance for the accused or to prevent it being obtained by the prosecution. "Time went on, blows were given and parried by the senior counsel without consulting me and I kept wondering what very important part I was to perform and the more I thought of it the more mysterious my position be came. At last a change of venue was obtained and the leading counsel Col came to me and asked me to take a walk. That, sir, was the proudest moment of ray life; we walked on without a word, but my heart was swollen up like a big water melon, if you please, and I had a vision of a grand scene where I had just finished a brilliant peroration that extinguished the state's attorney and melted the jury to tears. I had just imagined myself carried in triumph out of the court house by the friends of the dis charged prisoner when we approached an old out house. Taking me behind it, the able .counsel looked stealthily around to see that no one could hear our important secrets. 'Mr. Kelsay,' he said, in a grave voice, 'wo have a very bad case, a desperate case, on al most homeless case, and tho time has an-ivfJ. when you are expected to jier- which you have been retained.' "How my heart fluttered, sir, as the great secret was to oe reveaieu to me. ine secret, if you please, that was to rank me with Marshall and Corwin and Clay and other distinguished advocates. "Looking round again the counsel drew me closer and continued in a stago whisper, 'a bad, very bad case, Mr. Kelsay; but if the worst conies to tho worst you are retained to watch your opportunity and steal the indictment!' "Great God" contin ued the judge flushing up with the memory of his estimated value and ex pected service. "You can imagine, sir, the effect of tho shock on an hon orable young man." Did you steal it? we meekly enquired. "No sir," replied the judge. "I spurned the proposition indignantly and withdrew from the case, but I adhered to the very highest and most important legal principle known to tho profession I kept the retainerl" Deer hlaujlilcr. Tho "Douglas Independent" has a vigorous protest against the slaughter of deer for their hides and demands an effective game law. It is a shame that the slaughter can not bo stopped but every effort in that direction has been derided by members of tho Legis lature from Willamette counties. There is but one way to accomplish it. The people of those counties aro de sirous of having tho Willamette stock ed with salmon by means of a fish' lad der ut the falls. Let all members in favor of the preservation of deer fight the salmon question and if we are to have no game let them have no fish. Members from the mountain counties can force the enactment of a game law if they join together and oppose all legislation asked for by the "cow counties" until their own reasonable demands are granted. To ask deer slayers to qui is just as effective as to ask a sneaking coyote to abstain from mutton, or a newly discharged convict to quit stealing; for the worth less wretch who follows a deer all day for its hide has neither shame nor conscience. The Corvallis "Gazette" warns tho people of Oregon against the "iron grasp" of the Villard monopoly. Per haps it had better look nearer home lest the people of Benton may be "Hogged" by the manager of the Yaquina Bay road. Female barbers aro increasing in numbers. No wonder the sex al ways did delight in taking a man by the nose. lliy, JJ !- kJJJIWBT Which is Best? Tim so called "cheap" sowing machine which soon doubles its original cost in repairs, con tinually disappoints expectations, as to its performances and is always a source of vexation whilo it pretends to work and in a short time refuses to act at all or the genuine well made reliable and durable machine whose first cost is its last. The sewing machine like the watch to be any permanent- value must be made, of the best materials hi"hly wrought, beautifully finished carefully adjusted. It is idh to ex pect these conditions to be fulfilled by companies who are making "cheap machines," and are liable to abandon the business at any time leaving their customers to their own resources. To buy cheap is to pay d-ar in the end. The new improved No. 8 Wheeler Si Wilson machine is the simplest in con struction of any in the market, is the easiest to manage and is never out of order. Why therefore waste yotj'r money upon a (so called) cheap nia chinn when for a slight advance in price you can purchase a first class ma chine from a reliable company who will always remain in tne business and carefully watch the interests of their customers. Whereas these low priced machines aro fobbed out tO" country dealers and when the stock on hand is sold, tho companies manufacturing them drop out of the market. Con sult your own interests and call or ad dress to, W. H. Shaver, Agt. Wheeler i Wilson Mfg Co. Jacksonville, Oiegon. ItY rMVUItS.VL ACCOIill, Ater's Cathartic Pills are the best of all purgatives for family use. They are the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, and their extensive use, by physicians in their practice, and bv all civilized na tions proves them the best and most effectual purgative Pill that medical science can devise. Bring purely v-eg-etablo no harm can arise from their use. In intrinsic value and curative powers no other Pills can be compared with them, and every person, knowing their virtues, will employ them, when needed. They keep the system in per fect order, and maintain in healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and eUVctual, they are especially adaDtcd to the needs of the digestive apparatus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, if timely taken. They are the best and safest physic to employ for children and L weakened constitutions, where a mild but effectual cathartic is required. For Sale dy all Dealers. Holloway's Pills Never Despair Something that neer faik Finer and Ague To .the sick it i.-. of little consequence how they are cured, whether from a rational view of the disease or by the rules defined for th- guidance of the profession, so long us the cure is certain and expeditious. Tomd'"'"." "inn tin question on the relative merits ui ijulnilie i u.iOi.o u- uninteresting. The faculty may wrangle and discuss their various theor ies, but Dr. Holloway's treatment dis pels doubt ere the disciples of Ecul.i pius have finished the first stage. Holloway's Pills are the only remedies which effect a speedy and radical cine without danger of a relapse. Head the advertisement elsewhere. Important Caution. None are genuine unless the signature of J. ITaydock, surrounds each box of Pills and Ointment. Boxes ut 25 cents, 62 cents and SI each. rSsTThere is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. Holloway Si Co., New York. TnE Boss Machine. It is fair to presume that the company elling the most sewing machines has the best ar tide offered for sale. The Singer Sewing Machine Co. sold in 1880 538,G09 machines, an increase of 107,442, oyer any previous years sales three fourths of all that were sold in that year. All of these" wer the genuine Singer Machine with tin trade mark branded on the carting and on the arm. None others gen uiue. Address all communications to Lock Box, No. GS, Jacksonville, Singer Mfg'. Co. No human agency can so speedilv clean so the blood, clear the complexion and skin, restore the hair ami ctue every species of itching, scaly and scrofulous humors of the skin, scalp and blood as the Cuticura remedies. Clear head and voice, easy breath ing, sweet breath, perfect smell, taste and hearing, no cough, no distress. These are conditions brought about in catarrh by the uso of Sanford's Radi cal cure. Complete treatment for SI. NOTICH OK KSNAI. KTT!.EIK.T In the County ourt of Jackson ounty, State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of John Bilger, deceased. ATOTICE is hereby given Unit the ad- J. i mmisirator oi sam estate mis nieu in the County Court for Jackson connly, Oregon, his final account us such admin istrator, and by onlcr ot said Court Tues day, thefith day of December, I8S1, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., is set for hear ing objections to said final account; and all persons interested in said estate are hereby notified lo appear and file his or her objections to said account on or he fore said day. Published in the Oreoon Sentinel by order of lion. 6'. J. Day, Judge of said Court. C. W. KAULER, Administrator. BLACKSMITH ING AND GENERAL HORSE - SHOEING, BY L. C. WINDOWS. Bock Point, Oregon. HAVING LEASED THE SHOP For merly occupied by 'Willis Hey I ask a share of the public patronage. Staple produce or Cash taken lor woik Children astosia. Ira Iiio and Phytlcinm rooccuncnu it. IT 13 NOT HARCOTi:. CENTATJK LINIMENTS; tlio "World's great Pain-ltc-IW'ving-Tcmcilics. Tlicylical, sjootlio and euro Burns, Wounds, TVcalc Back and libcuraatifem upon Ulan, and Sprains, Gall3 and Lanicncs3 xpen Beasts. Clicap, quick arxilrelta'blc. EPTXS.T.'J cf Cisj7HitIn;incri!, SnuGen, Craeiitns I:aln3 iu tio Head, Xotid trioti, Eoiiio3, cad any CatarrLsl Complaint, can bo exterminated fcy Wei Do Heyers Catarrh Cuo, a Consti tutional Antidoto, ly Absorp tion. Tb most Important Eis covery sinco Vaccination, mt&M.UJi.K.' 'V'.-ni PIONEER HARDWARE STORE Jacksonville, Oregon, BULGER & MJSGLY Daalorsaad "Workers IN TO, BRASS & COITERWARF. XTiTE ALSO KEEP constantly on hand V a first class assortment of STOYES, GLASS, " TOOLS, OTLS, UUPS, PAINTS, ' PIPES, . BRUSHES, y. MACHINES, t AMMUNITION, TIN WARE, ' SHELFIIARDWRE. JobJETork a Spocialty. PrompMFetUwiiiveyh to all orders from abroad. , CUR MOTTO 13 "Live and Let Live." VVE ARK nlso agents fur She "World re ? noivnofl H"oodj H-irTPM'ng ma chinery. The "Walter A "Woods' ni-iv on closed Oair JIocr. one ofthc most per fect nwrs -ver hi'il:. T.ishtwt, complete yirin'r n'l !ro:irist fenilr. Pit ent lock ritiK :md all latest improvements. 23,030 OF TIIES" MOWERS ?OLI) T.V I8SO. Cull and examine before purchasing elscu here. BILGRR & M J2GLY. Notice of Settling Up. All those knowing them selves itrlebted by book ac count or note must come for ward and settle at once. I will take grain at the highest mark et price in payment. ( G. KAREWSKI. TOmiE PUBLIC. i 1 tak'a pleasure in inlbrminz buyers that I have on hand a cum pi etc and FIPSTS ASSORTMENT L OF vgriju!iijral Implements, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, r For which I will lako PRODUCE IN EXCHANGE. G. KAREWSKI. mm hush Clearance Sale OF CryAGoos, Fancy Goods. CLOTHING, HATS, E 1 C. AT COST FOR CASH '--.. For the .Next Sixty Days AT :eamcs Eros. roH. Pitches j TZoVS GREAT SLAUGHTER IN PRICES AT E. JACOBS? STORE Oregon Street, Jacksonville WHEKE A COMPLETE AND inHiziirticieiit aaurliui-tit of new good Imsju-t Imvii received, consist lag la part of CLOTHING, DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, FANCY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, C - SCHOOL BOOKS, HATS AND CAPS, TOBACCOS & CIGARS, HARDWARE AND CARPETS, TINWARE, ALL KINDS PAINTS. -ALSO. vox3jrxo"ucr glass GROCERIES. A PINE ASSOK T ill E N T LADIES' HATS AND FLOWERS, &c.,&c. In fact everything to be found in a fir CU-J flock nl Rentral MercliamlUc, wbict will lie colli ut price That Defy Competition. The higti-t pne .1Im1 fur country pro dues. s-nive Hi" a a ll at my ivwMNhmeiii in Ihr MiMimlc ImiMiiir ami '- cniiviuced Hut there i no liirnhii lhut thir k j, -cms inmn emporium! Jacksonville, Oregon. FREDttTTEX, - rronrictor. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF AORI cnltnral implements, tools of nil kinds and a general assortment of slielt hardware. w-r-l-Tis. &TsSi- Ko also keep-, tim inrp-ci utu.nt. and all the latest improvements in GUNS AiND PISTOLS, AXD A FIJIX AMOKTSIEtT Of Wishing tackle, povj&er, Shot, etc. A I JO LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, AND ALL KINDS OF OIL. Give liim a call anil ex:innnc his stock before in-iking your purchases. TH2 S. P. VARIETY STORE, nXDUK THE MAXAOEHEXT OP LITTLE & CEIASE, JACKSONVILLE, rUILL BE KEPT WELL STOCKED win tne citoieest CIGARS, JEWELRY, GROCERIES, CANDIES, NUTS, PIPES, CARDS, NOTIONS, CUTLERY. STATIONERY, ALBUMS, TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, Gent's Garnishing Goods, Pishing Tackle, &c. And everything usually found in a first- ci.tss variety store. Our qoods are the best and gurrantccd to be as represi nled. Prices low, as we do not propnjse to lie undersold. g?Givc us a call. LITTLE & CHASE. LUMBER FOP, EVERYBODY! STERLING 6 31 i Its Noulli of Jacksonville, IS NOW. UNDE': FU L HEADWAY i. and is prcpired to furnUh the market with even description of lumber of a supe rior quality at the lowest rates. Bills sawed to orderandsatitfaction guaranteed. AH order? addressed to us nt Jackson ville will receive prompt attention. PARK &SON. ADMIMSTIM OK'S IVOTICK. In the matter of the estate of James N. Vannoy. deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the un dcrsigncd h:t lieen appointed by the County Cburt of Josephincconnty, Oregon, sitting in Probite, Administratrix of the estate of J.N. Vannoy, deceased. AH persons indebted to said estate are requested lo settle the samo immediately, and those bavins claims aiminst the cs'tate will present them with the proper vouch ers at my residence on Rogue River with in six months fter the first publication of this notice -MK5. ELLEN VANNOY. Administratrix of said Estate. Dated Oct. 2U, 1831. j&W&m&B -Hr -- Sheriff's Sale ! Sheriff's Sale IS CALLED THAT 111 1 IN TnE lew York Store, ARE NOW OFFERED P AND MUST BE SOLD EEGAEDLESS vv: '5 By order of the Creditors. ASHLAND HARNESS SHOP s&w. & 1JSHS C JC. KLUMj , MANUFACTURER OF, AM) DEALER . IN' Saddlery and Harness, ASnLAND, OREGON. J'KKP.S A GKS'EItAL ASSORTMENT OF IV goods in bis lint of trade. L.icl!rs Menu' nnil ISojV Sartillr. a Specialty. TEAM, BUGGY AjYL PLOW BAIijYESS, WHIPS, ROBES, DUSTERS -XAXD-j- HORSE BLANKETS. -t--AL30-t- Winchester Repeating Rifles (commonly cilleil Henry Rifles) of model of 18C6, 1873, and 1876. Pistols, Cartridges, Etc. Wheat taken at the Highest Market Rates in Exchange for goods. METROPOLITAN HOTEL, M. A. OANAN, - Prop. CSTIic Metropolitan is the only Cen trally Located House in the City ot Rosc burg. Stages arrive at and leave 'the Ilotcl every day. Good accommodations, and civility to all. Extra pains taken to see that'fam ilies are made comtortable. CSTA parlor for Ladies and Ladies to wait upon them. CITY BREWERY VF.IT SCHUTZ, - Proprietor. T WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY IN furm tbe cltizennof Jacksonville and the wrM at UrKe. that tber cad find, at any time, at my Urewery. tbe best lacer brrr. In any quantity tbe pnrcbwei miy desire My bonse IsceovenlrntlTsltnated and my rooms are always In order. A visit will please yen. Mm K.KUBJLI, Odd Fellow's Building Jacksonville, Oregon DEALER AND WORKER IN TIN, SnEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD Pumps, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS,. NAILS, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVBSf HARDVARE, TINWARE, POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Fuse and Capsj WOODEN & VILLOW WARE "" ROPE, NAILST Paints Oils, Varnish, Glm CUTLERY, WIRE, Shot, Brushs, Chains, Hose ETC., ETC; I have secured tbe ervicea of a flrt-clBr Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair-' Ing promptly and in cuperior style. N CONNKCTION VITH THE AHOVK l I am rt'Ceivincnnd bare coiiMantlj hand a full and first-class stock of GROCERIES, DUY-000DS, CUM ROOTS, TOBACCO RRAUV 3IADB CLOTIIINU, G I, A SS'iV A U E. CROCK BUY, &r. JKJ-Everyiulsfr sold at rearnil' ratea. - KamwM Tackfonvlllo. Mirob. 9 t87K. G.,. KASEWSJU,, - DEALER IN .. STOVES, TINWARE, .HARDWARE, DRY GOODS, Agricultural Implements' MACHINERY, GROCERIES, ETC. Also Local Agent for the justly Cele brated Fish Bro's Wagon, The best Wagon on Wheels for the following reasons?. 1. More care is taken in tho selection ot stock ; 1'iily good, Mlid bull-cut timber being used. 2. The Wheel, arc all soaked ia Boil ing Linseed Oil. !S. Every part is strongly braced; and. instead of being liolted, is clipped, so that the full stnngth pflhc wood is secured. 4. The Tires arc wxitrcly bolted, alter being thoroughly and carefully set. 5. The Skeins are heated before driven, on, and set in White Lead; consequently,, when cooled, contract, making a perfect fit and impossible to work loose. It is the only Wagon on which "Holmes' Patent Self-Oiling .-keins" are used, the whole right and title having been pur chased. The principil points of superior ity overall other Skeins, are: 1st. Hear ings are perfectly etrnigh,"isl-4. :iw;iy wuu MU"-ur.uigiu. u. lias a per- I feet titling .vand Hand. 3d. Unnecessary to remove the wheel to oil. 4th. Will re lain oil longer, having an oil-chamber, and; so constructed that oil cannot run out at the point. 5th. Hound Brace is clipped on, bringing the purchase nearer tho wheels. And many others, too numerous to mention, but which can lie readily seer' upon examination; and we cordially in viteour many customers and all others; who contemplate purchasing a first-clas Wagon, to call and get pricea before go ing elsewhere. Office of Scuultz & Vox Barges, ), 123 California street, cor. Front, U San Francisco. J Joitx L. Buitxs, Agent. To the Thade: Prtctical experience has demonstrated tons that the trade re quires a choice old Bourbon for immedi ate use. or it 18 well known that straight, whisky that is absolutely pure requires, age, great care and attention, and our old Davenport whisky possesses all the above qualities. The grain used in the distilla tion of our J-. II. Davenport whisky is. carefully selected from the finest, richest and very lst crown in the state ot Ken tucky. The water is drawn from one oC the finest limestone springs in the state,, the peculiar properties of which have sained lor Kentucky whiskies such worlds wide celebrity. Tins process makes- our i J. tl. Davenport a pure, hand made, soun mash niiisky, and wo claim that for dellJ cacy of flavor, purity and medicinal quail nies, iv biuiius uucAceueu. Yours truly. SciiULrz &Vox Bahoex. From and after this date J. P. McDanicl & Co. Jacksonville, will keep the justH ccieDraieu iMvenpon, pure straigiu wntl Ky oxciusivciy. v