.It-wrT-,. 3SKEXT .''. 3BssaeuczsE:s rsK?: 1 OREGON SENTINEL. JACKSONVILLE Saturday, October 15, 1881. :m? osejccriBs:. Laid OfUeeat Rntebnrs, Osa.l I8SO. J Jane 30. 18S0, To 11 YTLom It mny Conrcrnt Xotlc In licrebr siren (bat I bare dls bated, the OltLUO bK.VTIMX a (be paper la which I ifcall hereafter pobllth all pre mptleni, homcMcad and application far mlntns pntenU Tar land Ijiiij near JacluanvlUe, Jacltton county, Oreson. Vf. V. It TAJ IMIV, KcsUter. Onio Election-. Latest rpturn from the Ohio election give the Repub licans the State by about 15,000 ma jority. That party has also secured majority of the Legislature. Thh Tax Lew. The County Court tit its last session made the following tax levy for the ensuing year: State tax, 4 mills; common school, 3 mills; Modoc war bond, i mill; insane asy lum, 1 mill; building fund; 1 mills; county tax, 10 mills; total levy, 20 toills. Horses axu Mulks Wanted. A oard of offirera will bo in Jackson ville Oct. 29th to purchase 25 cavalry horses and 43 draught mules for gov- iruent service. It is specified that the animals must bo well broken and Sot less than four nor more than nine .years of age. Out or Daxcek. -Chris Kretzer, on whom a serious surgical operation was performed by Drs. Robinson, Aiken und-Vrooman a short time ago is now reported out of danger and is able to sit up. This is a big feather in the caps of the attending surgeons as very few ever recover after the operation hich was required. w Struck It Rich. We are glad to li'ear that our old friends Jacob Klip pel and Thomas Keaton have struck a bonanza in the mines of Idaho Terri tory. Their last clean up after a twenty-four hours' run yielded 2,000, and they have lots of the same kind of ground left. When they return to Jacksonville we suppose they will be bloated millionaires. Their claim is lo cated on Salmon river. West to the Fair. The following Jacksonvillians are at present at Yre ka attending the Pair: .Miss Minnie Pape, Mist Lizzie Helms, J. A. Caid well, C. D. Card well, D. W. Crosbj, H. H. Moore, James Crone miller, Nort .Eddings, George Chase, James Ale Donough, S. Booth, U. D. Kubli, Ed. Jiooth, N. Laugoll, Wm. Rybee, W. "Kahler, A. Barneburg. Ad. Helms, Ed. Helms, H. Mensor and Geo. W. Stephenson. Good Work. The Jacksonville steam flouring mill has been running day and night for about a mouth past, "rinding 480 bushels of v heat each twenty-four houis and turning out aTTout 16,'GOO'rv;.2n of flour tlsiefor. Wheat has been coming in so fast vl late that the mill could not keep up even with its large capacity, and at no time have they had oyer 13,000 pounds of flour on hand this season. The flour manufactured is of the very best grade aud Messrs. McKenzie & Eoudray de serve credit for Etartingsuch an indus try in our midst. Josepiiike County Jurors. The following named persons were duly drawn from the jury list to serve as juiorsatthe October term, 1881, of ths Circuit Court for Josephine countj-: Thos. Farris, Horace Woodcock, Geo. Cary, Samuel Hogue, Daniel Sheehan, Alex. Watts, Alonzo Bryant, F. G. Burns, W. F. Hogoe, David Vinvard, T. P. Lee, Chas. Fiester, Win. Crow, Chas. Duncan, Samuel Harkness, Dav id Clossner, R. Biglow, J. II. Goodwin, Jacob McDaniel, Thos. Bybee, John Howell, John Goings, George Green, J. B. Desselles, John Hall, G. A. Gillson. Chas. Anderson, A. M. Jess, Walter Simmons, T. G. Patterson, Daniel Hunt. Tns Vanxoy Investigation. The. rumor mentioned in last week's Sen tinel in regard to some suspicious circumstances connected with the death of J. N. Vannoy was investigated this week by the proper officers but nothing lias yet been found to support the statements that hae been in circula tion. District Attorney Kent, Judge Prim ond Dr. Aiken visited the scene of tho grave last Monday, when the body was taken up aud an inquest held by Orr Brown, J. P. who acted as Coroner. Dr. Aiken made an ex- -aiarftotion of the stomach of the de ceased but failed to find any trace of poison therein as has been alleged. One of the main witnesses absented himself during the investigation but it is not probable that any thing further will now be done. Our Resources. We take the fbl lowing statistics from the books of the Assessor as taken by him in this year's assassment: Acres of land, 229,678; total value, 5816,449; average value 3.55; improved land, 113,000, value, 670,002; average value, 5.93; un improved land, 116,678; value S145, 847; average value, 1.25; town lots, total value 55,911; improvements, 8273,530; merchandise and implements, 385,564; money, notes, accounts, shares of stock, ic, 550,550; house hold furniture, carriages, watches, &c, 75,206; No. of horses and mules, 4, 841; total value, 163,486; average value, 33.77; No. of cattle, 9,039; total value, 86,820; average value, 9.00; No. of sheep, 31,332; total val ue 36,125; average value, 1.15; No. of swino, 9,525; total value, 17,721; average value 1.65. Gross value of properts, 2,463,302; indebtedness, 594,892; exemptions, 232,619. Total taxable property 1, 633,851. Number of polls, 1,050. LOCAL ITEMS. Flour sells at 21.25 per M. at Lakeview. Frank Folk started for California this week. Goods selling at cost at tho York Store. New Miss Delia P. Baker is teaching music at Rock Point Ladies Calf shoes 1.50 per pair at the New York Store. Cabot W. sheeting 11 yds for 1. at the New York Store. Lonsdale muslin 121 cents per yard at tho New York Store. Diagonal Gents suits for 9 worth 15 at the New York Store. . G. W. Holt is building a large brick addition to the U. S. Hotel. Little & Chase have added a large line of dry goods to their stock. John Orth's new brick residence will soon be ready for occupancy. Dr. D. A. Covert is now located at Ellcnsburg, Yakima county, W. T. Ladies half cloth red foxed shoes. 1.50 per pair at the New York Store. A seven foot bulkhead has just been completed at the Squaw Lake mines. Constable Caton will sell a lot of cattle at public sale on Saturday, Oct. 22d. . ' Jos. Solomon t Co. sell at Red House prices. If you don't believe it give them a trial. Wm. Barrett mixes cocktails at the Criterion during the absence of D. W. Crosby. Dr. W. Jackson showed us a curi ositv this week in the shape of a double egg. The Champions of Honor have changed their night of meeting to Sat urday night. Fred Heber is quite ill at the resi dence of A. M. Berry with slight hopes of his rerovery. Elder Peterson holds services in the new school house in Sam's valley to morrow morning. Rev. B. J. Sharp will preach in the M. E. Church on next Sunday at 11 a. M. and 7 P. M. J. F. Richardson has editorial charge of the Times during the absence of Chas. Nickell. We acknowledge receipt of a com plimentary ticket to the YiekaFair which close to-day. C. K. Klum of Ashland keeps ali the latest improvements in bieech-loading rifles aud shot guns. The Star service on the route fiom Linkville to Yreka has been discontin ued since Sept. 30th. S. Eggers brick kiln was fired sever al days ago and he will soon be leady to supply the market. Prof. Scott and family left here last Sunday for Butte county, Cal., where they propose locating. Tho reason why T. T. McKenzie steps so high of late can be found un der (he head of births. Lieuls. Bonnesteel and Reynolds passed through town this week on their way to Fort. Klamath. It is reported that Jay Beach has purchased the steamer "Ueul. Howaid" of Thatcher it Worden. E. SchieQelin has just completed 3,150 feet of cement pipe for use at his farm on Rouge River. Jacksonville Lodge No. 10, I. O. O. F., lias placed a new fence aiouud their property on Oregon stieet. Thos. Carr, of Foots creek, is having a lot of hydraulic pipe made for his mines at Bilger fc Maegly's. Thanksgiving night has been selected by the A. O. U. W. for their first Bill. Everybody is invited. John Egan had his hand badly blood-poisoned last week whilo attend ing on Patrick McCavuaugh. Mat Obenchain and family retnrned from Lake county last evening. They will remain here for the winter. During the absence of Marshal Helms at Yreka J. C. MtCully has been officiating as City Marshal. A pair of spectacles were found on the streets this week which the owner, can have by calling at this office New York City had a 2,000,000 fire on the 10th inst. in which W. H. Vanderbilt lost a 50,000 painting Milo Mathews has taken George Chase's place on the box temporarily while the latter is attending the Yreka Fair. W. L. Record has erected a large, fine monument to the graves of the Father and Mother of tho Cameron Brothers. Fred. Wickwire was badly bpaten in a footrace at Albany last week by an Oregon boy. Rend the account on the outside. The Eintracht, German social. club, contemplate giving a grand masquradc ball at veic bchutz snail on t lie second of next January. A. C. Jones has taken up his resi dence at Seattle, W. T. He reports his familv's health greatly improved and business thriving. Reames Bros., Newman Fisher, G. Karewski, Jas. Drum, Joe Solomon, Jerry Nunan and Bilger fc Maegly re ceived new goods this week. The houses offered for rent in last week's Sentinel haveboth been spoken for, which goes to show that advertis ing will acomplish anything. Mrs. J. N. T. Miller has the thanks of the Sentinel office for a largo bask etful of the finest and largest grapes we have seen this season. Call again. The Tidings says that the Ashland Woolen mills will buy all the wool of fered for sale in this valley this Fall. Their new machinery will arrive soon. A Walla Walla man recently said to a chum. "Lend me a dollar; my wife has left me, and I want to advertise that I won't be responsible for her debts." Several articles have been stolen fiom different clothes lines, around town lately and it would be wise for housewives to bring their washing in after dark. Reports from Upton Wrisley who has been sick at Walla Walla for some time past states that he is improving. J. B. Wrisley and wife will return in a few days. Thos. J. Kenny received a large as sortment of whips of all kinds this week, direct from Boston, which he offer for sale cheaper than ever sold here before. At tho recent session of the Sover eign grand lodge, I. O. O. F., a law was passed requiring all work in the subordinate lodge to be done in the third degree. Robt A. Miller started northward last Saturday on his way to Poi tland. Ho is canvassing and corresponding for the Portland Standard and meets with good success. Kasper Kubli is agent for the eel ebrated Bain wagons and Morrison plows of which he has a large stock on hand. Take a look at them before purchasing others. E. H. Autenrieth and family will soon remove to San Francisco to lo cate. Mr. A. is there now receiving medical treatment for his eyes and his family will soon join him. Ex-Governor Irwin of California has taken editorial charge of the Yreku Tiibune, and G. R. Remme, the old publisher, has gone to Portland. We wish the new proprietor success. ' W. C. Leake died at the county hospital last Monday morning having been brought there only the day pre vious. He was from Willow Springs precinct and leaves a large family. Gould P. Birdsey, grand father of James G. Birdsey of this place died at Norwalk, Ohio, on tho 26ih ult. after a short illness aged about 80 years. He had been blind for several gears'. A young lady travelling with a party of emigtants fiom Missouri, died near Judge Tolman's place this went: and was buried m the Ashland cemetery. The party was bound for Josephine county. Chas Nickell and wife started on their wedding tour to Portland last Tuesday. From there they will take the steamer to San Frauci-co, icturu ing home overland. They expect to I e oie about one month. Lt. J. F. R. Landis will leave Port land in a day or two for Southern Ore gen, to survey a route for a miltaiv telegraph line from Fort Klamath tt Foit Bidwell, pursuant to instructions from the divison commander. W. L. Record will complete his woik in Jacksonville this week when he will return to his home in San Fiancisco. Some of his woik has not yet arrived but when it does come R. S. Duulap will attend to setting it up. D.inl. Cronemiller and wife returned to Klamath agency this week after a short visit to friends here. Mr. C. has been continued in his positon at the agency notwithstanding the rcent Ol der dispensing with some of the officer-, employed there. ' If a man steals a curry comb out at Linkville the citizens want to hang biin, but if a drunken desperado shoots and kills a boy, these same citizens want to aid him to escape This state of things is both refreshing and de lightful Examiner Mr. J. M. Baltimore, city editor of the Oregonian, has accepted the position of assistant general manager of the Associated Press for the. Paciric coast, with headquarters at San Francisco. Mr. N. J. Levinson is appointed to fill the vacancy caused by this change. Among the prominent gentlemen wlio.are accompanying Mr. Villard on his present tour are Wm. Lloyd Garrison, son of the Abolitionist, and Commander Henry H. Gorringe, U. S. N., under whose direction tlie Egyptian obelisk was transferred to New York City. The Champions of Honor of this plaeo will give a sheet and pillow case party in Holt's Hall on the 21st, inst. Fir-t class music will be furnished. Tickeis for Gentlemen, 1,00; Ladies, 50cts An excellent supper will be provided by Madame Holt, and thtss wishing to partake of the same can do so for the sum of 1 per couple. Everybody in vited to attend. The assessments of the following named persons was raised the amounts set op osite their names by the Board of Equilization: Estate of R. B. Har gadine, 5,070; Henry Norton 3,000; Dollarhide & Sons, '2,000; estate of Cyrus H. Pickens, 3,500; Bvron Cole, ,U0U; Ashland WoclenMiIb, 82,213; Geo. A. Jackson, S1.424; II. P. Desk ins, 3,000; E. C. Biooks, 400. A very pleasant social dance was given at the Club Roon last Saturday evening by R. S. Duulap on the occa sion of his 54th birthday, and the young folks of the town were out in full force. During the dance those present surprised Sargent by presenting him nvith a line overcoat. All the young folks join in wishing Mr. Dun lap a. long life of health and prosperity and hope that they may meet at each recurring birthday Funeral Sermon. Elder Brown will preach the funeral sermon of Mrs. Sarah J. Mace, daughter of Jacob Mills, at the Heber Grove school house on the fourth Sunday in this month. I We are under obligations to V. J'. Wallts, Manager of the telegraph office at Yreka, for tho. following report of the races at the Yreka fair. FIRST DAY. - , Race No. 1. Trotting race, free for all, mile heats 3 in 5 ; purse, 200, en trance, 15. Entries, b in Nellie, b ni Maggie Arnold, s in Lady Clyde and b in Siskiyou Girl ; won by if. W. Kah lers, Nellie in three Straight heats, Lady Clyde second, Maggie Aruold third, Siskiyou Girl distanced.'4 Time, 2:41, 2:40, 236 j. This is tho best trotting record ever made on the track. Race No. 2. Running race, free for all 2 year olds, single dash of a mile ; purse 75,entrance, 5. Entiles, b ni Lilly of the West, b g Flving Gehlintr, s in Sleepv Ann. Won by Flying Gelding, time, 2:08. Race No. 3. Foot race, 75 vards, 2 in 3, purse 50 ; entrance, 5. Entries, H. Mensor of Jacksonvilb, Myron Carrick of Yreka and Ed Matthewson of Scott valley. Won by Mensor in two' straight heats, Carrick second. Time, 7. SECOND day. Race No. 4. Tiotting racefor two year olde, mile heats, 2 in 3; purse 50, entrance, 5. Entries, b s Zilo phone, b in Sleepy Kate. Use first heat was won by Kate in (Aland the second and third heats weie taken by Zilophouc; time, Wa, orsf'-- - Race No. 5 Running rjice, freo for all; half mile and repeat; purse, 75; entrance, 5. Entries, b g Up and Up, b m Minnie Riile, s g Little Jim. and b m Kittie Wells. Up a'"l Up took the Gist and third heats and Little Jim won the second. Time, 52, 33, 51. third day. Race No. 6 Running race, free for all, mile heals, 3 in 5; purse, 175; en trance, 10. Entries, Dae Kerby, Judge T., Up and Up and Nell Flaherty. The first heat was won by Up and Up with Kerby a good second, Flaherty distanc ed. In the second heat Kerby flew the track and Judge T. was distanced giv ing the race to Up and Up. Time 1:51 J. A sweepstake foot-race for 10 each, 40 yards,- between Geo. Chae, Crit. Tolman and Henry Wright was won by the latter. Cha'-H won the first heat and Wright the second and third. The five mile foot race, go as you please, was won by LewN Fall!, beat ing Geo. Johnson and Sim Fail child. Time, 35 minutes. foulilia; and Cat field at CLIcn;i. Among the hte President Garfield's papers will probably tie found a little memoranda from Iloscoe Conkling to him, in pencil, written in tlw hall of the National Convention at Chicago, in about these words: My Dear Garfield: If there is to l.e a daik hors in this Convention theie is no man whom I vvpuld prefer before vout,e!f. CoNKUNO. The icply was: My Dear CoNXLtxo: There will be no dark .horsi intIiiaJ2omentio!i. 1 am for Sherman. J. A GARriRLD. This was pending the great struggle and just before the mighty popular tornado which vniried Gai field into the Presidency and the grave. Day ton, O., Journal. InrloUH t'.KUcs Advancing years, care, sickness, disap pointment, and hereditary piedisposti lion all operate to turn the hair gray, and cither of them inclines it to shed prematurely. Ayer's Hair YlCOR will restore faded or gray, light or red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy iclitm. It removes and cures dandruff and humors. By its use falling hair is checked, and a new growth will be produced in all cases wheie the follicles are not destroy ed or the glands de cayed. Its effects are beautifully shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair, on winch a few applications will produce the gloss and freshness of vouth. Harmless and sure in its operation, it is incomparable as a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye, and wili not soil or color white cambric; yet it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it frsh and vigorous. For Sale by all Dealers. Itallroad I'rospcets. Our railroad prospects are bright ening every day and in less than an other year the iron horse will be in our valley. A telegram from Portland last evening states that 12,000 tons of iron for the extension of theO. t C. R. R, will be aflcat Dto. lstrOruding will soon commence at Rosebur" and the intention is to have twenty miles of road ready by May 1st. Surveyor John A. Hulbu't witha party of men is now engaged in locating the lotd from Roseburg this- way. Central Pa cific folks aiealso at work having sui vevors in the field and J. E. Beggs informs us that four car loads of con struction tools arrived at Redding last week. Choice I'.xtracts from Ilru;slsts. ''We know the value of malt, hops, calisava and iion composing "Malt Bitters." "Our lady customers highly praise them." "Physicians prescribe tliein in this town." "The largest bottle and best medi cine." "Best blood purifier on our shelves." "Our best people tako Malt Bitters." "Sure cure for chills and liver dis eases." Passed Through. Ex-Senator J. II. Mitchell, accompanied by his son, passed through this place last Wednes day on his way to Portland.' Mr. Mitch ejl is the attorney for the O.R, &. N.Co. and his present visit is in connection with the business of that corporation. TltLKA KICKS. Instructions to Sctllen. J. H. Evans, Register of the U. S. Laud office at Lakeview, publishes thu following instructions to settlers in the Lakeview "Herald." In view of the constant troubln and disappoint ment to which settlers ore often sub jected in consequence of ignorance of the law and the requiiements of the general land office, I deem it of inter est to make known a few points which must be strictly complied with. First, in making final proof, it is neccesary the claimant name such of his neighbors as are capable of testi fying as to the dale of his settlement and the first act thereof. Second, that he shall name four of his neighbors as such witnesses. The department presumes that, out of the four, two at least may be obtained to testify on I he day iiumcd for making final oroof. Third, that no relative of the claim ant will be permitted to testify unless he is unable to make proof of residence settlement, itc, by other parties, of which fact an affidavit will be ex icted. The foregoing aro instructions of the general land office, and the Register and Receiver have no authority to set aside. Settlers are therefore requested to take due notice thereof. C. C. W. R. The Del Norte, Cal., Supervisors made the following order at their te.ssion Oct. 3d: Now being the time to which the generul liieeting of this Board was adjourned to receive theieportof commissioners nppninted by this Board and Hoi ace Gasquet to lay out a toll road fur said Gasquet, from Gasquet's to tin State line be tween California and Oregon; and said commissioiieis having tiled their re port, map and survev-, ami it brim: shown that it would be advisable and beneficial to have saiil road, now, it is ordered by the Board ilnt said report and survoy is received and approved, and that such approval be entered on the minutes of the B ard, and the said Horace Gasquet isautiiorized to use all public lands over which said survey runs, and if any such highways theie be, he must at his own expense so change and open tho highway so taken and used as to make the same as good as it was before the appropriation thereof; and he must so construct all crosings of public highways over and by his toad, and his toll gate as not to hinder or obsti uct the use of the same. IIolliv;ay's Pills Never Despair Something that never fails Fever and Ague To tho sick it is of little consequence how they ate cured, whether from a rational view of the disease or by the rules defined for th guidance of the piofession, so long as the cure is certain and expeditious. To a sullering man the question on the lelative merits of quinine or calomel- is uninteiesting. Tho faculty may wrangle and discuss their various theor ies, but Dr. Holloway's treatment dis pels doubt ere the disciples of E-cuhi pius have finished the first stage. Ilo'.Iowav's Pills are the only remedies which effect a speedy and radical cure without danger of a l elapse. Read the advertisement eKewhere. Important Caution. None are genuine unless the signature of J. JIaydock, surrounds eicli box of Pills and Ointment. Boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents and 1 each. g7p"Thpre is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. Holloway fc Co., New York. V.tiiat They Wore. We copy tha following description of tho toilets woin by the biulc and groom at our last wedding from thn Portland Stan dard: The bride was dressed in plain and brocaded cream colored satin. It was made sash barque, trimmed skirt, chirred square train, fringed with crepe luchings. The whole attire was elegantly trimund in cascadesof cream colored Spanish lace, silk tassels and orange blossoms, magnificent embroid ered veil looped with orange blossoms, ten I ulton cream colored kid gloves and white kid sandals completed the bride's co-ituine. The bridegroom's was an elegant suit of black broad cloth, Prince Albert style, cream col ored sttin tie, kid gloves and button hoie bouquet of orange blossoms. Stage Robbery. The south bound stage on Sacramento river road, from this place to Redding, was stopped bv a liighwavinan on Biss Hill, last Sat urday about midnight, just this side of Bass station, 11 miles north of Red ding. Tin highwayman oideied the two pissengers on boaid to gel off, and walk some distance ahead, and then he took off the mail sacks and express box, but he failed to realize-much if any thing. Tho driver proceded on his way as directed, and the driver comiuir noi th, secured the sacks and delivered them at the nearest post office coining up. The offic- s started in pursuit, but had gained no trace of the robber at latest reports. Journal. The Boss Machine It is fair to presume that the company selling the most sewing machines has the best ar ticle offered for sale. The Singer Sewni2 Machine Co. sold in 1S80 538,609 machines, nn increase of 107,442, over anv previous years sales three fourths of all that were sold in that -ear. All of these weie the genuine Singer Machine with tin trade mark branded on the casting aud on the arm. None others t;en uine. Address all communications to Lock Box, No. 6S, Jacksonville, Singer Mfg. Co. ' No human agency can so speedilv cleanse the blood, clear the complexion and sk'ti, restore die hair and cuie every species of itching, scily and scrofulous humors of the skin, scalp and blood as the Cuticura remedies. Clear head and voice, eiiv breath inp, sweet bre.at h. pprfect smell, taste and hearing, no couh, no distress. These are conditions brought j.limt in catarrh by the um- of Smford's Radi cal cure. Complete treatment for SI. Aevr Columbia. Some time ngo Captain Hooper was sent up to the North pole or there abouts to look for tho ill fated Jean nette which went in search of the much mooted open Polar sea. Captain Hoop er has not found the Jeannctte or any traces of her, but he has found a block of ice a few doors south of the North pole, which ha, since its discovery about fifty years ago, been called Wrangel Land. This land, for there is supposed to bo some land under the ice, he has taken possession of in the name of the United States and re christened New Columbia, and now the American flag it it is not frozen stiff floats triumphantly over this new possession. It is a pretty big stretch for "the American eagle to plant one foot proudly on the frozen shores of New Columbia while he gracefully dabbles the other in the middle of the Rio Grande and to wash his face in the placid waters of the Pacific while he rests, his tail on the Atlantic beach; but then he is a big bird and there Js no telling wh it he can do on a stretch. Already some painfully practical peo ple are trying to find out what good this new possession is going to do u. There are a great many ways in which it might be profitably, and pleasantly utilized. For instance it might be mndo a colony for the settlement of those' en terprising individuals who are opposed to railroad?. It would be a nice cool place where they could spend their days in sliding down hill and their evenings in meditating upon the de structive influences of cheap and rapid transportation and all undisturbed bv the faintest whisper of a locomotive. And then us there would havo to be a Governor appointed some one of thu fiery southern brigadiers might bo ac comodated with an office and change of climate nt the same time; this too without expense to the government as he might be allowed, for the first few years at least, all the taxc3 he could levy and collect. nosrui::; tft.ii. The one event of the week was the race ran over the course on Saturday last. Pools w ere sold on Friday even ing to the air.ouut of several dollars, and as them were six horses entered, there were three or four first choice, as was also the case when pool selling commenced on the day of the race. A large crowd was in attendance and ex citement for favorites run high. About two o'clock tho horses were called to the stand, where the riders received their instructions and the horses given their jositions for the start. After seveial efforts a good start was given tho contesting studs and they were led by Hard Bargain for about two think the distance of the heat, (which was a half mil", best 2 in 3) when the Parrott horse passed him and maintained his position until lie came under the wire ni oli. The second heat was a repoti ti m of the first, except that Parrott tuok the lead at the start and kept it during the entire heat, winning the heat in 55. As is generally the case, a number of the sports weie loser and a second race made which was won by Joie Young. These races were considered by ufl the fairest that has been run over the course during the entire season; but there is always .some one to take exceptions to the ruling of the judges, and such was the case this time by a certain individual who had been imbibing too much "hilarity;" but he withdrew his objections after the ruling of Judge Keams, which was mat'.e in tho whereabouts of the voung man's eyes, to the satisfaction of all present. A race was also run on Sunday which terminated in the withdrawal of stakes, a too fiee use of whisky nud a tistcutl'by the backers. This lace was followed by what is known as a "chuck" race gotten up by some of the boys who wanted to play even on the races of tho previous dav; but the rider of the "chuck" horse being un able to hold her, the sports were again loser. This ends the turf sports for the week. sen BORN MACK Near Jacksonville Oct 2, 1SS1, to the wife of Wm. Mace a son. REAMES At Phcenix, October 2d. to Mr. and Mis. Jas. Reames, a son. McKENZfE In Jacksonville, Oct 12, 1881, to thu wife of T. T. Mc Kenzie, a son. JUSTUS Tn Eden precinct, Septem ber 29,1881, to the wife of Tip Jus tus, a son. AUTEN'RIETEI In this citv. Oct. 2, 1SS1, to Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Au tenrieth, a daughter. JgJCTlllil !! '.U "'fB "IIIHUM nij&D. MACE Near Jacksonville, Oct. 11, 1S31, Mrs. Sarah Jane Mace, nged 23 years, 6 months and 20 davs. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. Land Office at Roseucuo, Oosr., ) October 13, 1S81. f Notice is hereby given that the follow, ing-nanisd settler 1ms filed notice of his intention to nuke final proot in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before the Judge -or ( Icrk of Jose phine county at Kerbyville, Oregon, on Thursday, December 1st, ItSl.viz: Tobias McXew, D.S. No. 3.900 foi the N W if of S W A( -ec. 3 T 3!J S R o W. II names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Henry Boat, John C. Shoe make, John Johns and William McNcw, all of Williams Creek, Josephine county, Oregon. Wji. F. Bexjamn, Register. iitieura THIS CREif SKIS CDiiE. INFALLIBLY CURES Itching and Scaly Diseases, Scrofulous Humors, Ulcers, Old Sores and Mercurial ' Affections when all oth er Human Agencies Fail. THE CUTICURA TREATMENT, for the cure of Skin. Scalp and Blood Disuses, cotisit3 in the internal uc of CuTicritA RtsoLVEVr, the new Blood Pur ifier, and the external use of Ctmcun v. and Cu-iicint.v Soir, the Gieat Skin Cure3. For Sunburn, Tan and Greasy Skin uss Clticura So.vi", and exquisite toilet, bath and nurery sanative, fragrant with de licious flower odors and healing balsam3. &nl jR.ll01.T332.. Will McDonald, 212 Dearborn street, Chicago, gratefully acknowledges a euro of Salt Itlicum on head, neck, face, arms and legs for scvcntcin years; not able to walk cxcipt on hand and knees for ono year; not aide to help himself for eight ears; tried hundrids ofTem-dics; doctors pronounced his case hopeless; permaaeat ly cured by the.Cuticura Remedies. Psoriasis. II. K. Carpenter, Lsq . Hendsrsou, N. Y., cund of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty years' standing, by the C'trricoitA Resolv EiT internally and Cuticuk v and Cirri cuiia Soap externally. The most vvoatlcr luf case on record. C'ure certillcd o b foie a justice of the peace and prominent citizens All aulictcd witfi Itching anil Scaly Diseases should send to us for this testimonial in I 'till. Slx.ixL Dinonso. F. II. Drake, Msq., Detroit, Mich, suf fcicd beyond all description froat a skin disease winch appeared on his Ira ids head and face, and nearly destroyed his eyes. The most caieful doctoring lailul to help him, and after all had failrd lie Used the UTicritv Kesolvust internally. Cert cuia and Cuticcka Sor externally, and was cund, mid has rcuuia.d purfcctly well to this day. Soroftiln. Hon. Win. Taylor, Boston, says: "After three months' use of tho Cuticcka Reue uira, and 12 years of :u constant suffering from humor of the face, neck and scalp as was ever endured, I can say that I am cured, and pronounce my case tho mait rcuniritablc on record. I have been so elated with my success that I have stopped mm on the street who were aOIctcd aud told them to get thu C'uticura Rcnudics and they would cure thm. Sldia. Humors. Mrs. S. E. Whipple, Decatur, Mich., writes that her face, head and some parts of her body were .almost raw. Head cov ered witfi scabs and sores. Sufored faar fully and tried cverythins Permanently cund by Culicura Ktmtdies. Remedies arc for sale by all drtt;ists. Pries of Cuticuha, a Medicinal Jefiy, small boxes, 50e. ; large boxes, 'l ; Ctrft cuiiv Rcsoi.ve.nt, the new Blojd puritiV, St per bottle. Cuticur.v Medicinal Toii.F.r Sovr, Soc ; Cirricunv JInnirisvr. Sua vino Soap, inc., in bars for barbers and larjre consumers, 50c. Principal depet, WEEKS & POTTER. Boston, Mas3. 5T"A11 mailed tree on receipt of price. QOt-LliVS' One f'or,LiN's Voltaic VOLTAIC ilST? suiierior to evtrv other decimal appliance b-foro tho public 'I hey instantly relieve Dyspepsia, Idvcr 1 omplamt, .Malaria, Fever and Ague, anil Kidney and Urinary Difficulties, find mty be worn over the pit of the stomach, over the kidneys, or any afTectcd part. Price 23 ccuts. Sold everywhere. WEEKS & POTTER, Boston, Mm. A. 0. U. W. GRAND BALL!! -to be- given nv- BANNER LODGE NO. 23. IM'IEM OltDER OF L'.MT.D WiiaSMX, AT noi:rs hall. ON THANKSGIVING NIGHT. Committee of Au it ano em ents. Frank Kraue, Henry Klippcl, K. Kubli, Sol. Wise, Frttl. Gfob. Ueceptiox CoMMtTTEE. Hon. E. B. Watson, Hon. H.K.lIaona.Dr.G. H. Aiken, Wm. Bybec, Johu W. Baker, F, M. Piy malc. Fi.ooit Committee. Chas. Kickel!, T. T. McKenic, D. II. Feathers, Dr. Will. Jackson, New man Fisher. The bost of music and supper will bo furnished aud everybody 13 invited to at tend. T'iolx.ota $2.00. Tickets can Ik- procured of Sol. Wise at X. Fisher's Store. New State Saloon, Cor. California & 3d Sts., John Noiand - - Prop. This favorite resort has latclv been tht roughly renovated and stocked with a complete assortment of the finest win:s, liquors and cipirs in the market. The celebrated Thistle Dew whiskv Is kept constantly on hand here. A first-class billiard table is also con nected w ith tho house, and the reading table will always be suppliul with tho latest and choicest periodicals, newspap ers, etc CGivc me a call. JOHN NOLANP. Jacksonville, Sept. 21, 1831. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The Ann of J. P. McDaniel & Co. It dissolved by mutual consent. All p.TsOns knowing themselves indebted will ple:so pay Jerry Nunan, nil tlio5c having ciinis against the firm will present them at onco for payment. J. P. MCDANIEL, J NUNAN. Jacksonville, October 4, 1681.