Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 17, 1881, Image 3

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Saturday, September 17, 1881.
Land oniceat ISowbnrz. Ozn 1
Jane 30, 180.
To nil TTliom It may Concern:
Notice l lirrrJiy slrrn (hat I bare lclz
tinted UicOKKGUN FTIMX its llir paper
Id lvblcu I klull licrraHpr p-.ililloli nil pre
cmnllnm, homestcaJ anil application
Tor mlnlns patrnH Tor lands ljlns near
Jacksonville, J.nrVton connljr, Oregon.
xr. r. nr.jnii, itcsMcr.
For Sale Cheap. Five head of
"work horses, two het of double har
ness and one wagon, all nearly new.
lEaquire at Howard's store.
Left TJs. Lat Thursday Evan R.
.Reames started for Linkville where lie
goes to manage the business of
lleames, Martin fe "Worden. Hi
family will also leave us as soon as a
Residence can be secured at that place.
New Wagons. J. A. Cardwell has
just added to his livery stock two
handsome spring wagons, double beated,
arid a most convenient light running
buck board jubt suited for mountain
"travel. Try them and tee how easy
thoy" I'illi. r
Odd Fellow's Attention. Satur
day, Oct. 1st, has been set apart forth.!
adoption of a new set of by-laws for
Jacksonville Lodge No. 10, and
all the members are requested to be
present at that time. District Deputy
Helman will also be present at that
time to give instructions in tho degree
Pioneer Re-union. The fifth an
nual re-union of the Pioneers of South
ern Oregon was celebrated at Ashland
on Thursday last with an immense
crowd from all parts of the valley
present. Mrs. A. S. Dunniway deliver
ed tho main address and everything
went o(T nicely. We will give a full
report next week.
Severe Accident. On Wednesday
mornin, Albert, an eight-year old son
of Morris Mensor, attemptrd to climb
into a wagon but the team started anil
the child was cuight in the spokes of
one of the wheels. His collar bone
was broken and his arm was badly cut,
besides receiving some internal injur
ies. PaciticSuroicvl Institute. Some
doubt as to tho standing of this concern
having been created by circulars issued
by a rival institution, parlies here tele
graphed to San Francisco and w ere an
swered that it was in "good lepute and
standing." One of the doctors arrived
here on Monday as advertised m the
Sentinel and at once took charge of
several cases when it was ascertained
that he was not a fraud.
Change or Location. On Wed
nesday, A. C. Jones Esq , accompanied
by bis lumilv Ifit nv htage en route
,-fox Seattle W. T., where he intends lo
eating for the practice of his proie.-smn.
Mr. Jones was one of the ablest law
vers of Southern Oregon and" a high
minded, worthy citizen that the com
munitv is bcth to p irt with, and the
loss of his family will be felt here in
local circles. We hope to hear of "hi
success in his new home.
Another Victim nFC-iN.suMrrioN.
Miss Mullie Fe.it hers, daughter of D.
H. Feathers of this place, died at the
family residence in Jackxonville last
Friday morning of consumption at four
o'clock A. M. after a lingering illness.
Miss Malie had become a general fav
orite among the voung folks of this
place, who will all be pained to hear of
her death. Tho funeral will take
place from the family residence tc
day at 3 o'clock p. n. and all her
friends aie invited to attend.
Another Accident. Being called
to attend Chris Kretzer on Applegato
last Monday Dr. J. W. Robinson on
his return home from that place upset
his buggy near the Sturgis phco and
was thrown out. His head and should
ers were badly bruised but, luckily, no
bones were broken. Fied. Otten, who
was with him at the lime, escaped
without injury, beside? a few scratches,
but the team got away during the acci
dent and the buggy was badly demor
alized. The Dr. was brought to town
and will be around again in a few days.
Lodge Instituted. Last Tuesdav
Messrs. V. J. Plymale, Henry Klip,
pel, K. Kubli, Frank Krause, So'.
Wise, Dr. W. Jackbon and J. M.
Smith visited Ashland for the purpose
nt uaii!j;tinr--a -Jo.k'e -nf-iiie; A -! TT
lub lodge starts out with twenty
.charter members and the following are
ihe officers: P. M. W., J. M. Taylor;
M. W., W. II. Leeds; F., T. 0. Au
tre ws; 0., C. II. Hill; Rec, B. R.
" lllits; Guide, I. W. Ikr is; Fin.,
G F. Butler; Receiver, V. 11. Atkin
son; I. W., J. W. Alnutt; 0. W., W.
A. Wilshire. The new lodge has
bright prospects for doubling its mem
bership soon and has been named Ash
land Lodge No. C5.
"Will m. Located. Mr. ChasJ. F.
Morris of Now York, chief engineer of
the O.'it C. R. R., was with us last
week, says the Roseburg "Plaindealer,"
remaining over night. Mr. Morris is
a gentleman in every sense of the
word, and does not belong to that
class who allow positions to run awav
with their brains. He says that on
account of sicklies Mr. Villard will nnt
be in Oregon until about tho 20th
inst., and -says aKo the route the rail
road will take will be definitely located
when Mr. Villard arrives. He u him
self not fullv satisfle(rwith any of the
routes so far surveyed, but thinks that
a more desirable route from hero to
the coast can be had, and he is rather
of the opinion that an entirely new
m survey will be made before the' matter
is definitely settled.
The Fall fights commenced this week.
Mountain parties have all returned.
ReaSnes Bros, received some of their
new goods this week.
District school commences nest
Thomas Chavner is reported quite
ill at Lakeview.
The Public debt was reduced in this
month of July 824,259,244,55.
Rev. M. A. Williams holds services
at Eale Point to-morrow morning.
J. S. Licy has again removed to his
former residence on the Linkville road.
T. L. Beck of Willow Springs is ex
pected back from his Eastern trip soon.
Any one having lost a door key can
recover the same by calling on John A.
Jerry Nunan, K. Kubli, G. Knrevvs
ki and S. Cohn received new goods
this week.
Several cases of diphtheria have ap
peared at Ashland but without serious
consequence so far.
Dr. C. B. Rostel proposes opening
u cigar stand in connection with his
barber shop boon. , . ,
Messrs. Mose Hopwood. and Moody
sold their claim on Galice creek this
week for 5600.
Alex. Martin has arrived in Lake
county where he is now interested in
mercantile pursuits.
A large number from Jacksonville
attended the Pioneer's re-union at
Ashland last Thursday.
J. S. Howard offers fivo horses and
two set of harness and ono wagon for
sale cheap for cash.
Matt. Shannon and family returned
from Soda Spiings this week and will
again locate hero permanently.
Last Wednesday a company of cav
alry passed through town en route to
meet the Apaches in Arizona.
R. F. High keeps a neat barber shop
and bath looms at Ashland and never
fails in pleasing his customers.
Rev. B. J. Sharpe, will hold divine
services at the M. E. Church next
Sunday morning at the usual hour.
The two Benedictine Monks, Revs.
Odermatt andFiei, started for Portland
this week on their tour of observation
A. Mr. Lee, lately from Nevad.i,
bought the TiuUiam place, last Satui
day at administrator's sale for Sl.'JOl).
The St. Lnlger stakes at the D n
caster September meeting weie won by
Iroquois, Geologist 2d, Lucv Glutei s
James T. Glenn slai ted for Oakland,
Gil., on last Tuesday's stage, after
quite a lengthy visit to old fiieuds in
this place.
Another Sister of the Holv Name is
exprcted tit St. Mary's Academy from
Portland soon to assist in the musicol
All of the legal lights who are now
in attendance on the Ciicuit Court in
Like county aie expected back home
next v'eek.
Genl. John F. Miller's celebrated
running horse, Ryestraw, is expected
to take part in the races at the Yrekn
Fair this Fall.
Send to Montgomerv Ward & Co.,
No. 227 and 229 Wabash Avenue,
Chicago, Ills, for one of their circulars
and price lists.
Sheriff Bybee returned from a tiip
to Happy Camp this week "but reports
his health as having been quite pool
since his absence.
There is a very heavy mast all over
the valley shovel nosed hogs are re
joicing with approving grunts, and aie
msy inusticatiug.
General A. E. Burnside, U. S. Sen
ator fiotn Rliode Island, died suddenly
at Bristol in that State Sept. 15th, of
spasms of the heart.
The improved Wheeler & Wilson
sewing machines make the lock-stitch
without using a shuttle and ne- er
breaks ) our under thread
A. P. Hotaling, the head of the li
quor house of Hotaling it Co., of San
Francisco and Portland, visited Jack
sonville last Thursday
Win Lee, veterinary surgeon, oper
ated on a number of horses at G. W.
Stephenson's farm last Monday and
gave good satisfaction.
Elliott creek is making a good shelv
ing this Kuison, -ilr. Walker of tluil
idace having taken out an eleven ounce
nugget a short time since.
Phil. Gleavo, Sam. Phillips and A.
Cantrell sold a band of 8G beef cattle
to California parties this week, the
price averaging 20 per head.
Mis. II. L. Murton, wife of the
gentlemanly forwai ding agent at that
lilacn died, at her re.side lien last Mull
day, congestion of the bruin.
The ball to be given at Holt's Hall
on the 28th inst. by Banner Lodge, A.
O. U. W., premises to be-the event of
the season, as everybody is going.
Parties desiring a Singer sewing ma
chine can leave their ordeis at lliii
ollice or at the U. S. Ho'el whenevei
Mr. Goby, the agent, is out of town.
Van Duulnp of Phoenix, who has
been at Portland for smim time past,
returned to Jacksonville this week
perfectly content to remain awhile.
The linn of El wood Smith & On
has been dissolved by mutuul a mem
J. B. McCool leliiing and E. Schieffr;
liu of Rock Point taking his place.
Chas. A. F. Monis, Chief Engineer
of the 0. & C. R. It., and John A.
Hurlburt, their Chief Surveyor, are
expected here to-day on a tour of ex-ploration.
Lieut. E. Brooks, of Fort Klamath,
passed through Ashland last Tuesday
on his return to that post. He con
veyed a deserter to Sail Francisco for
Joe Solomon's new goods will arrive
in about ten days when he will open
out at Breckenfeld's old stand. He
says ho is going to sell cheaper than
the cheapest.
Frank Krause this week sold tho
old "Sentinel" lot to Chas. Nickell for
the sum of 425 and we learn that
the purchaser will soon build a resi
dence thereon.
Jsasc Skeeters of Josephine county
gave us a friendly call this week and
repoi ts everything quiet in his locality
everybody waiting tor the U. C.
Wagon Road.
Thos. G. Kcnney has received so
much work lately that he has been
crowded for room and in a few days he
will enlarge his stbre by taking out the
partition in the rear.
Mrs. A. S. Dunniway, editress of
the New Northwest, arrived here last
Tupsday from Portland and is the guest
of W. J. Plymale. She is looking af
ter the interests of her paper.
Howard's railroad surveying part)
is still in statu quo, awaiting orders
.from headquarters. It is more than
likely that work will again be com
menced soon after the 20th inst.
Wo had the pleasure of a call this
week from Alfred Holman, travelling
correspondent for the "Oregonian." He
only tarried with us a couple of days
and started homeward last Thursday.
T. G. Reames of Reanies Bros, re
turned from San Francisco on Tues
day last. Mr. Reames has purchased
an exceedingly large stock of .new
goods for the fall and winter trade.
The newspiper war between Px-Sen-ator
Nesmith and W. H. Watkins
is still going on. We aro willing to pit
them both on the back and let them
tell all they know of the history of
D. H. Feathers has received a num
ber of the New York Singer machines
and asks those in need ot sowing ma
chines to take a look at them before
purchasing any others. They are
Miss Aba Ross will have full charge
of tin; Bazar after the departure of
Mrs. E R. Reames for Lake county.
Lmlies can find a large assortment of
eveiything required by the fair sex at
this sluie.
David Linn says that tho next man
that calls on him for his fishing pole
iiiiht as well leave his measure for a
coliin. He keeps both articles on
hand, and DiM'siib he is over average
on making collin..
Win. Mensor, who has been sojourn
ing in Sm Fianeis-co returned home on
Sunilay last. It is reported that he is
jjoiug 'into business here with Joe.
Solomon and, no doubt, will get his
share yf public p-ttromige-
Geo. E. Barnes, travelling corres
pondent for tho San Francisco Gal!,
passed through town this week on his
way to Portland. He didn't commit
matrimony, however, as the last agent
lor that paper did while here.
James A. Smith, for two terms
County Clerk of .Multnomah ccuuty,
was murdered in Portland last Tues
day afternoon bv. a man named Frank
How aid. Deceased was quite well
mil fav orably known thioughout the
Rev. B J. Sharp, the new pastor of
the M. E. Chuich preached his first
sermon on Sunday evening last und it
was leceived with marked uppiobation.
He is evidently earnest as eloquent in
the cau'-e I e has espoused. He should
bo made welcome.
The President's recovery is now as
sured providing the surgeons in charge
take the advice of P. J. Ryan. We
learn that Mr. Rv an has by letter in
vited the President to Jacksonville
where the famous sun baths can be
had free of charge.
Wrisley it Walker aro making ex
tensive preparations for the iimnufae.
turer of Sorghum. More cane, and of
belter quality has been raised this
year than any previous season, and
the mill bo kept running night and
day for two mouths. .
Work is progressing on the telegraph
lino between Fort Klamath aud Ash
land, and the poles and wire are being
distributed along the line and a section
of wiie already up. The line will go
via Linkville and the Southern Or
fgon y-agianFoa4r-th&.-diMHu- baing
about ninety- miles.
F. Breckenfeld has disposed of all his
goods and will start for tho Sound
country in a few days w here he propos
es locating. We aie sony to see Mr.
B. leave, 'as he is one of our lest ciu
zens, and hope that he will prosper
wheiever he may locate.
Mrs. Dr. G. II. Aiken sprained her
ankle one day last week vvlnle stepping
riiim upoich at Oakland, Cal, aud her
.stay in that city, 1111 that account, has
lieen extended lunger than was in
tended. The Dr. will start for Red
ding soon to bring her home in a
private convey tnco
The miwiest newspiper man we
have heanl of for a long time is one
I!. L. G ey, one of the editors of the
State fiightt- Democrat of Albany, this
Stale. He has absconded, taking vviili
him abput 3,400 of other people's
money, and leaving a wife and several
childien in destitute circumstances.
N. A. Starr, of tho M. E.
died at Spiingfield Tuesday of
last week, after an illness of about
six.weeks. His remainswere taken to
the Belknap settlement in Benton
countv for interment. He was one of
the oldest and most widely known
ministers of tha Orecon Conference.
atson of
confined I
the second Judicial district
to her bed -ith a severe
attack of 1
tvnhoiil fever and Juu"0-Ki -r- tSoie,
o'f Salemt, will hold JudaJ Watson's
Court in Coos county, wJIjiPi convenes
on Monday, Sept. 20th,-JIfs. Watson
being too ill to allow hinfoJeave.
The low land that ooiiter on the
river south of Portlandfiilonfcing to
the O. R. N. Co., is be-Ti filled up.
It consists of a strip one mreIng aud
200 feet wide, and is to beVaised to a
point three feet above 'the'gh water
mark of 1876. This proplfry will be
very valuable when thus raP,e(l up.
From the photographs 'oftthe comet
which has recently diMil',l,(areJ "
space Dr. Henry Dmpeti!.ifers the
hvpothesis of the presencfafoarbon in
the constitution of such bo-JJes receives
cortoboration, and he addsjt&l" appar
ent caution, that a partoW'I'Pctrum
may be due to other elements. Lovers
will take notice.
Mik Ryder, of KerbjHle, spent
several days in town thiswtee': for the
purpose of consulting wlthi"0 physi
cians of the Pacific Surgnf Institute
in regard to the case of 1 daughter
who was slut in the leg 'accidentally
some time since. Mr. Rj$r ,was wel1
pleased with tlietheitr?aCnSn.tcce'lved
and started for komojmVWY-
We had tnfnlea'surl UcalT tins
week from F. M. Nicter on, County
Clerk of Josephine'county who reports
business rather quiet tiff 're now, on
account of the close of the .mining sea
son, but prospects .good fo " the coming
vear. Mr. Nickerson ci me over on
official business and retu med after a
two day's stay. Colneag)aiii Nick.
On Friday last tho bilking in one
of the mill-stones in McKenzie i
Foudray's steam mill became loosened
on account of the worthlejsev of the
plaster Paris used and fof a e the
employes of tho mill wer engaged in
dodging the pieces flyin ,' from the
burrs. As it wa-, no be jous damage
was done, and still it wt s lucky that
all hands escaped injury.
Mr. E. II. Autenrieth returned from
San Franc-Uco on Tuesday having been
there s-everal weeks undr the treat
ment of Dis. Powers & Wilder, the
eminent oculists of that, city for a
serious allectiuii of his e)'e3- Mr. A.
was threatened with tot' blindness
but, we aro glad to say, jus si,;ht has
been restored and he is l(?od in praise
of the skill that saved it.,1
The soldier who shot at Guitteau
throi'gh the bars of his c?l was .prompt
ly incaicerated in the igo'd house.
1'lie act was probahly j.ioJ"pted by hu
inanity and the assassin n'a.v feel foi lu
nate if he dies by a bullet- for if any
Guiit, dates discharge hii" popular fury
will tear him to pieces. Instead of
punishing the, Scargent he should re
ceive a Captains Commission from the
Secretary of War. ,
Tho Wheeler it Wilsori new sewing
machines are adapted to every
grath! i - Ui-.Uiu(acrufSrs?&t'i';1",d
goods and eveiy kiT of. do"
mestic sewing. TJiey. ax' superior to
ul I others in poir.t of cw durability,
precision and ease of.ojRriVt-10I1 eg
ularitv, strength, beauty ' stitch,
raugeof work, faculty of management,
peifection of construction am elegance
n! (imJi TIipi? Mr il.irr J by the
aro lecr'-',v "
highest authorities the beat sevvingSft!
para' us in the world.
John S. Isaacs son
of George W.
Isaacs of Butte creek, age J four jeais,
seven months and twei
died at the parental re-sidi
.t-one days,
nee. of diph
short illness.
therm on Sept. 8th after 6
Dr. Parker, of Lagle Poi:
tendance on the case, and
it, was in at
as some par-
ties have been circulating rrpoits de
rogatory to the treatment bf the case
by the physician in chargei Mr Isaacs
viants it known that himself and fami
lj aro perfectly satisfied wiJtlfliis treat
ment, audare satisfied tha ; Dr. Parker
done as much as any oth
could have done.
physician I
The United States mus ; bon take
rank as tho wealthiest nation in tho
world. It falls behind onSy E lgland
and France in its present, Valuatio
and its average annual 'increase.
wealth is greater than that of botli
these nations combined. It n esti
mated at SS50,000,000,000. This is
an enormous gain, more than the en
tire productive industry of Spain, or
Italy, or Russia. The resources of our
country, tioth agricultural and luiueial,;
surpass ot those anv other countrv
the inventive genius of our people is
tnoie constant and universal
Tho Apache Indian war in Arizona
graphed raff, expressing sonv
to whether the Indians will
tioops now advancing on
every direction Secretary
lia-i requested Geo. bhfiiutflVthrou
the war department, tlmt if movement-
of tioo s become necessary to relieve
troops now guarding the Ute Indian
until th lust are tent away, Th" In
iian bureau legards the outbreak at
Fort Apache us temporary ahd thinks
trouble is now nil over.
Tiie Wagon BoAd. ChaS-- Hughes
wiiles Us us follows
fiom tverbyville
under date of tho ICh inst:
is going ahead with (he road
L'oitiL' to be -one of the. lies
and it is
roads in
n ittCe.S
the countrv. He has rnslnl
to let coutiacts of fiora onejn.i and
upwauls. The Smith riv-J'r people
havo wiit'eu him to come oviir sn-l take
the contract to build their p irt of the
road. Gaquet showed me t he letter.
Flow!, Kelly aud myself weiit out to
see the road lust week antl e were
highly pleased with tie ijiai-n-r in
w Inch the w ork has been di""e so far.
Hope some of your Jacksonville peo
pie will make it convenient to come
, over nnd examine it. and sat'Stv them
, selves that it is no '.rail, but veritable
vntron road, and a coruLKt that.
The wife of Hon. J. i
The Dalles Military Reserve.
Yesterday Judge L. A. Luce, from the
office of the Secretary of the Interior,
and Maj. Wm. II. Walker of the Gen
eral Land office at Washington passed
through town on their way to The
Dalles. These gentlemen are two of a
commission, Hon. L. W. Davenport of
Salem being the third, to uppraiso the
military reserve at, Tho Dalles which
has been abandoned by the War De
partment The reserve is contiguous
to the city and must be quite valuable.
When appraised" it will probably be
offered for sale by the Secretary of the
Interior. Messrs. Luce it Walker have
just returned from Montana having
lieen part of a commission to make a
land treaty with the Crow Indians to
secure a cession cf the right of wav for
the N. P. It. R. through their reserva
tion, and in this mission thpy were
quite successful. Both the gentlemen
express themselves delighted with the
beauty and fertility of Rogue river
valley and, this far, have taken in Ore
gon a.s a great surprise.
New Patents. Dewey & Co.'s
Scientific Press Patent Agency has
received official notice of the issue of
the following patents to Pacific Coast
inventors, for the week ending Aug.
23, 18S1:
245,901, furnace, Bell & Griffith,
rGraiilviller ' T."94, projectile
H Carr, S. F.; 244,946. damper place
and reflector, A. Good, S. F.; 24o12S,
mechanism for converting motion, Wm.
Ha'nna, Gilrov, Cal; 246.157, header.
JI. N. Laufenberg, S. E ; 245,003, HI'
ter, Benno Goldman. S. F.; 245,962,
fire basket for stoves, W. H. Loomi,
Alameda, Cal.; 246,030, spring attach
ment for saws. E. Mioberg, Callahan's
ranch, Cal; 246,032, mud conveyor,
W. A. Phillips S. F.; 246.210, depress
ion puliv in cible railroad, H. Root.
S. F.; 246 OjI, galvanic belt, H. C
Warnpr, Gilroy, Cal; 246.271, stove
mat for colfee pot, etc., Elizabeth C.
Zumvvalt, Port Oiford, Or.
Good Day For Bear. On Tuesday
morning, D. W. Anderson, accompan
ied by Wm. Wright, started out to
kill a deer taking Coleman creek, west
of Phneuiv, for their hunting ground.
Wiight was hi advance hunting
through some heavy brush and jumped
up an o'd brown bear und two large
cubs that broke in tho direction of
Anderson. One of tho cubs made its
appearance first and was received with
a fatal shot. Hearing the bawling the
(Od bear made for Anderson, bui
chaflged her course, and as she turned,
lie gave her a bad wound. Turning
again with open mouth he broke one
of her fore legs, and in getting in anoth
er shot broke both the hind one, com
pletely disabling her. Wright now rim
down and bagged the other cub which
mide a very fair score for the morning
hunt. The old bear would weigh
ibout 600 lbs and had eight holes in
her hide before she was finished.
Order for More Troops. A spe
cial courier fiom Fort Bidwell arrived
at this place early Wednesday morning
bearing orders forOapt. Wagner's com
pany to depart immediately for Gimp
Apache, Arizona, to reinforce the
tioo,s near tint point now engagen
in 11 bloody conflict with the Mascaleio
Apaches Indians. Quite a number of
this company were out scouting in the
mountains east of this point, about
twenty eight miles distant, which dis
as cut in the arm just above tin
w. ISesiues the loss ot moon
-a bad wound no serious dan
e) is anticipated and the patient
is d ling well. Mr. Miller conveyed
him to town on Tuesday for medica
reatineiit and he is under the cam ot
Dr. Robinson.
To Sheep Growers. A farmer ii
Minnesota, who is engaged exleusivelv
in sheep laising, ami who has been
greatly annoyed by wolve , has finally
hit upon a plan of keeping a burning
1 intern at night in his sheep pen, nnd
since then his sheep have not beei
mulled. We would advise our local
mutton growers who are troubled wih
the misehievousiiess of coyotes, wild
cats, and other such wild varmints, to
trv this experiment as tho cost is but h
tiifle eviu if it don't prove u success.
Troops tor Arizona. The comp.anv
of cavalry mention' d in last week's
Sentinel as being on their way to
the seat of war in Arizona, passed
through town last Wednesday morn
ing. They were n fine looking body of
men and were fully equipped for active
service. Captain Harns and Lieut.
Taite were in command.
Our "Surplus '. While Dept. Engi
neer Howard was running the tho rail
road lino through tha valley a week or
two since he obtained an idea of tho
great uecemty of a railroad through
this section from a very trifling circum
stance. Tie line passing near a house
where there were five or six hungry
looking dogs, the canines objected and
showed signs of disapprobation not to
be mistaken. Mr. H. proceeded to
the house and calling out the lady, the
husband being absent, requested her to
call the dogs off until he could run the
line past the house,. The hungry Rni
mals were taken care of and the wo
man enquired "be you a runnin a rail
road through here?" "Not yet said
Howard", "but ono may be built in
time" "ain't that good," said the wo
man, "we do need a railroad awful bad
to carry away our surplus" Mr. How
ard bowed assent and said mentally
that a few car loads less of dogs in the
valley m'ght leave a little more "sur
plus" for the children.
Holloway's Pills Never Despair
Something that never fails Fever
and Ague To the sick it is of little
consequence how they are cured,
whether from a rational view of the
disease or by the rules defined for the
guidance of the profession, so long as
the cure is certain and expeditious.
To a sullering mn the question on the
lelativo morito of quiuine or calomel is
cninteresting. Tho faculty may
wrangle and discuss their various theor
ies, but Dr. Holloway's treatment dis
pels doubt ere the disciples of Escula
pius have finished the first stage.
Holloway's Pills are the only remedies
which effect a speedy and radical cure
without danger of a relapse. Read
the advertisement elsewhere.
Important Caution. None are
genuine unless tho signature of J.
Haydock, surrounds each box of Pills
and Ointment. Boxes at 25 cents, 62
cents and $1 each.
f?3"There is considerable saving by
taking the larger sizes.
Holloway it Co., New York.
Grist Mill at Linkville. Nurse,
Mooih ifc Co., of Linkville are getting
ready to put up a grist mill at that
place and intend to have it finished
and in running order this fall. The
'till will be located on Link river, a
shqrt distance below the sawmill This
is an enterprise which will receive the
hearty support of a largo community
who havo been dependent for their
supply of breadstuff's upon tho mills of
Rogue liver valley, tho longdistance
to which point and the rough road to
be traveled put a heavy tax upon this
necessary article of food. Lakeview
(Iiolrc l'.trac( front Ilriisxttti.
"We know the value of malt, hops,
calisava and iron composing "Malt
"Our lady customers highly praise
"Physicians prescribe them in this
"Tho largest bottlo and best medi
"Best blood purifier on our shelves."
"Our best people tako Malt Bitters."
"Sure cure for chills and liver dis
eases." j..-i- uaAtfr
PicfKENS In Table Rock precinct,
Sept. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. II.
Pick-en", a daughter.
RonivsoN On Evons creek, Sept.
9 h, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robii.-
son, a sen.
ICrydlk Greemvood. At tho resi
dence of the groom's father in Phoe
nix, Sept. 1 1th, by Rev. M. A. Wil
Hams, Henry Cryder and Miss Myra
IMoobe Closner At Wildervillo,
Sept. 5th, Edward Moore and Miss
Anna Closner; all of Josephino coun
ty. DIED.
shlatid, August 30th, Ira
IvarTWnt son of Heaton Fox;
aged 8 months and 16 days.
Crump On Poorman's creek, Septem
ber 11th, Josiah Crump, a native of
Kentucky; aged 54 j ears, 9 months
nnd 6 days.
Railey On Bear creek, September
3d, Rebecca, daughter of Joshua
and Mary E. Bailey; aged 16 years,
6 months and 2 weeks.
Feathers At the family residence in
Jacksonville, bept. loth, ot con
tion. Miss Malie FWthprSj jyi
6 months and 28 days.
tU Roseburg, Sept. 1st 1881,
D. L. Kent, aged 30 years, 6
months and 18 days.
Send for out
New Illustra
ted Price-List
No. 30, for
terofl8Sl. Free to any address. Con
tains full description of all kinds ot goods
for personal and family use. We deal
directly with tho consumer, and sell all
goods in any quantity at wholesale prices.
You can buy better and cheaper than at
22" and 229 Wabash Avenue.Chicago.Ill.
NOTI E is hereby given that the firm
of Elwood Smith & Co., ensaged in
the manufacture ot" water pipe, is dissolved
hy mutu il cons-ent, 3Ir. McCool retiring.
"I 'lie business will be continued by E. S.
Schicir.-lin and Elwood Smith, under the
Kim name of Schieirclin & Co.
Thankful lor past patronage, a contin
uance of the same is asked. The public
may rest assured that full satisfaction will
be given. ELWOOD SMITH.
Dated Sept. 10, 1881.
otb!n: short of I'nuitUakable RearflU
Conferred upon tens of thousands of
sufferers could originate and maintain
the reputation which Ayeu's Sarsa
parilla enjoys. It is a compound f
the best vegetable alteratives, with the-
Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is
the most effectual of all remedies for
scrofulous, mercurial, or blood dis
orders. Uniformly successful and car-
taiii in its remedial effects, it produces
rapid and complete cures of Scrofula,
Sores, Boils, Humors, Pimples, Erup
tions, bmn Diseases and all disorders
rising from impurity of the blood. By
its invigorating effects it alway relieves
and often cures Liver Complaints, Fe
male eakness and Irregularities, and
is a potent renewer of vitality. For
purifying the blood it has no equal. It
tones up the system, restores and prs
serees tho health, and imparts vigor
and energy. For forty years it his
been in extensive use, and to-d.ay tho
most available medicino for the suffer
ing sick, anywhere.
For Sale dy all Dealers.
A Card. Everyone knows that
sewing machines are sold for twice
what they should be, and the reason
the purchaser pays two prices is be
cause he pays: 1st, for the machine;
2d, the traveling 'expenses of and a
good round commission to tho a"ent
vyhosells to him; 3d, tho .cost of col
PffWJH.c , when he buys on tiros
The way to remedy this is to buy your
machines for cash, at fair living prices.
I will have in a few days a lot of tho
celebrated New York Singer Machines,
got up after the best and latest styles,
with elegant furniiure, containing all
the latest improvements, and all tho
attachment? complete, which I can
sell at 845 Eich machine is accom
panied bv the manufacturers' guarantee
for five years. Call and see those ma
chines, and save fifty per cent, in buy
ing. D. II. Feathers, Agent.
No human agency can so speedily
cleanse the blood, clear tho complexion
and skin, restore tho hair and cure
every species of itching, scaly and
scrofulous humors of the skin, scalp
and blood as the Cuticura remedies.
Clear head and voice, easy breath
ing, sweot breath, perfect smell, taste
and neanng, no cough, no distress,
'llieso aro conditions brought about in
catarrh by tho uso of Sanford's Radi
cal cure. Complete treatment for 51.
Fifteen yards print for S1.00 at tho
New York Store.
and Scaly Diseases,
Scrofulous Ilumors, Ulcers,
Old Sores aTi'l Mercurial
Affections when all oth
er Human Agencies
the cure ot Skin. Scalp and Wood
Diseases, consists in the internalusc of
Cuticuiia Rl.soi.vent, the new Blood Pur
ifier, and the external use of Cuticura and
Cuticcra Soap, the Great Skin Cures.
ForSunlmrn, Tan and Greasy Skin uso
Cirncuitt Soap, and exquisite toilet, bath
and nursery sanative, fragrant with de
licious llowcr odors and healing balsams.
iSn.lt Khoum.
Will McDonald, 251 J Dearborn street,
Chicago, gratelullj acknovv ledges a euro
of Salt Ithcum on head, neck, Ucc, arms
and legs for seventeen years; not able to
walk except on hand and knees for one
year; not able to help himself for eight
ears; tried hundreds of remedies; doctors
pronouncid his case hopeless; permanent
ly cured by the Cuticura Remedies.
II. E. Cirpenter, Esq., Henderson, N.Y.,
cured of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty
years' standing, by the Cuticura Resolv
ent internally and Cuticuiia and Cuti
cura Soap e.tern:illy. 1 he most wonder
lul case on record. Cure certified to be
iiue a justice of the peace nnd prominent
ilizens All aillictul with Itching and
.Scaly Diseases should send to us for this
testimonial in lull.
F. II. Drake, Esq., Detroit, Mich.
lerctl ueyonil all description from
disease which appeared on his haniU
mil t.iei, and nearly uctroyiu 'A
ine most careiui (toe tor n lailetj
him, and after all had billed liei
iTtcxnA KrsoivLNT luternri
ix ii.v. and C ' i ic i it v So r extej
was cured, and has remain!
well to this tiny
4 orolula.
. ur m l IVlOX.-i.jiVn1. ....,. 'lILtfr
three month' iiso of the Ccticuua Reme
dies, and 12 years of a3 constant suffering
ironi humor ot the face, neck and scalp
is was ever endured, I cm say that I inn
i ured, and pronoum e my case the most
rcnuirKiible on record I have been so
elated vv illi my success that I have stopped
mtrron the street who were ufilcted and
told them to get the Cuticura Remedies
and they would cure them.
S2KJ.33. 33l3 TtT.OX'ai .
Mrs. S. E. Whipple, Decatur, Mich.,
writes that her face, head and some parts
of her body were almost raw. Head cov
ered with scabs and sores. Suffered fear
fully nnd tried everything. Permanently
cured by Cuticura Remedies.
Remedies are for sale by all tlragg'sti.
I'rico of Cuticura, a Medicinal Jelly,
small botes, nOc; large bows, Curi
cuitA Resolvent, the new Blood purifier,
1 per bottle. Cuticuiia Medicinal
Toilet Sou, 2.1c; Cuticuiia Medicinal.
Siiavin'o Soxr, llic, in bars Tor bnrWiiQ
and large consumers, ,-0c Prinei
,t V"PPir A- pottph A
Boston, Ma4
A11 mailed tree on receipt of price.
cOLLIrVS One Collin's Voltaic
,- -S5SlrirrT!!nE"'"xTRlC PLASTER,
VCLTAic,-ucraocos.n . ccntsi9far
lASTE superior to every ofhr
cleciticui appliance before the public
'I hey instantly relieve Dyspepsia, Liver
omplaint, Malaria, Fever and Ague, and
Kiducy and Urinary Difficulties, and may
bo worn over the pit of the stomach, over
the kidneys, or any affected part. Prico .
23 cents. Sold everywhere.
i Bo
0 . 0 ., o