Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 03, 1881, Image 3

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JACirSO.-VVtt.LK i
Satdrday, September 3, 1881.
Lnnil Onicent Itoclinrs. Osn.l
.in nc ::o, lssa.
To all AVIioin It mny t'onrrrn:
Notice In lirrehj- slvrn Hint I have ilcils
nnted ttic OKEGOX M'.XTIM'.L ni Jlie paper
In which I ulinll licrraflcr iuiMIhIi nil pre
emptlont, homestead nml appllrallous
for mining paicnls Tor InniM Ijius near
Jrackoinillc, .IneKton nullify, Oregon.
W. r. BSYJiUIV, Keslsler.
New Store. Joe. Solomon will
open a general variety store at Breck
enfeld's old stand in a few days. Wm.
Mensor will also return from San
Francisco soon and take tlie position
of chief clerk.
Gexebous Action. Last Monday
1Lr. Joseph Sago paid off all the mort--gages
against the property owned by
the Wetterrer estate and made Mrs.
"Wetterrer his daughter a present of
the whole amount, giving her a clear
title to the property, brewery, residence
and all. Such a deed can be appreciat
ed. Mauried. Sept. 1, 1881, at the
residence of the bride's parents, by
Prof. L. L. Rogers llev. D. Allen
Oowell and Miss Merica L. Wertz, all
Jackson county. After tliecere-
niony the bridal party started for
Brownsville, Linn county, where Mr.
J. takes w his abode as pastor of the
hurch. Wo wish them joy and hap
piness. Patent Gates. Messrs. Croneinil
ler k Birdsey have purchased the right
to manufacture and sell the patent
farm gate for which J. H. lloss is now
canvassing the State of Oregon. They
liavo one in operation back of their
blacksmith shop and request farmers
to come and take a look at it. It is
the best invention of the kind we have
ever seen.
At McCalmsteii's Sraisas. Last
week a number of tourists, consisting
of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hoffman, Mrs.
David Linn and her sons Will and
George, and Henry Mensor, visited
McCallister's soda springs, on north
fork of Little Butte. Thay report the
soda water as most excellent, but the
road up from Hauley's ranch was
found very bad.
Robbery. An emigrant named Ste
phen Jones was robbed of $100 in
money at Logtown one night last week
while camped there over night, .bind
ing himself broke ho sold soino of his
horses to George Stephenson, who
bought eight head, and on the .follow
ing day he again started on his way re
joicing, bound for Oregon. The thief
is suspected but no arrests liavo yet
been made.
An Incident. On his last trip to
Waldo, Robert M. Garrett met two
men near Herling's before daylight
who stopped liipi and asked whether a
certain person was on tho stage. The
only passenger on the stage at the time
being a Chinaman he was allowed to
go on. After this he passed two sad
dled horses tied near the road and a
short distance further on he camo near
running over two men asleep in the
rnad. Bob says he felt a little tick
lish at the time, but thinks stage rob
bers would be poorly rewarded on his
Mar route.
For Portland. Edgar Klippnl,
who has been employed as one of the
typos of this office for the last two
years, will start for Portland next
week where he goes to help his father
in the typographical work of the Pa
sific Christian Advocate, of which Mr.
Adam Klippel is Manager. Edgar
is a good, reliable young man, that can
be trusted in any position, and we ex
pect to hear of his doing well. He is
also a good telegraph operator, a busi
ness he learned in this ofilce, and when
that company wants a good trusty
manager we would advise them to give
Ed. a chance.
Serious Stage Accident. -A very
serious accident occurred Inst Wednes
day night while the north bound stage
was crossing Scott river, about nine
miles this fide of Callahan's. On some
nccount tho stn;? went off tho grade
just above the river, upsetting into
about 10 feet of water, and Jerry Woods,
the driver, and all the horses were
drowned. In falling Jerry fell under
the wagon and horses and his remains
could not be taken out until several
hours' work with block and tackle.
Therewe several passengers on the
, time but all escaped unm-
QYaods-is-oiie-of the old
est drivers employed on this route and
his numerous friend3 will be pained to
liear of his sudden death. His remains
will be brought to Yreka for burial
where his family resides. '
Another Stage Robbery. Last
Tuesday night the stage going south
was stopped on the Anderson grade,
just the other side of the ferry by one
masked man who demanded "W. F. it
Co's. treasure box and tho TJ. S. mail.
Sulliway, the driver, informed the rob
ber that the box was chained to the
stage, when he was ordered down to
hold the leaders -while tho highway
man cut it loose with an axe. Seven
sacks of mail were also taken, but the
through sack of register mail was not
on board at the time. Tho express
box contained only 13, but what the
mail contained cannot be estimated,
but it surely could not have been much
when the register mail was not aboard.
Dr. D. Ream and several other parties
from Yreka went out to the scene of
the robbery on the following day and
found the seven sacks of mail " with
some of tho contents," but all had been
cut open and rifled. It .was a small
hiul to say tho most and another
robbery can be looked for soon.
Commissioner's Court meets next
Remember tho Workmen's ball on
the 28th inst.
The patent coffee pot rrian was in
town this week.
A good shower of rain fell last
Thursday night.
Our M. D's. report those on the
sick list convalescing.
Rev Geo. Nutley has taken charge
of the hotel at Port Klamath.
Read what G. Karewski has to sav
and call at his store and settle up.
Gwin Butler and wife of Ashland
paid Jacksonville a visit this wtek.
C. J. Howard and party are expect
ed back" from Lake county in a few
Wm. M. Turner's surveying party is
expected back home some tiino next
K. Kubli received a new Webber
piano this week per George Freeman's
Rev. Noah Starr, at one time locat
ed at this place, died in Marion county
last week.
Rer M. A Williams will pi each at
Rock Paint, at 11 A. m. to-morrow,
Sept. 4 th.
HenryJun1yrtaires wheat" arid bar
ley in exchange for goods in the sad
dlery line.
Ashland College commenced its
third year last Thursday with a good
N. A. Jacobs, of Ashland, will take
charge of the school at Willow Springs
Sept. 18th.
The brick-work on the second story of
John Orth's new residence is nearly
It is expected that tho now insane
asylum at Salem will be under roof by
January 1st.
Chris. Wintjen is rusticating at
Soda Springs and Ed. Helms fills his
place temporarily.
Our Sunday School is without a
Superintendent since the departure of
Mr. Adam Klippel.
Several wagon loads of emigrants
from Nebraska have located in this
valley the past wee!:.
Si Reynolds of Sterling proposes re
moving to Linn county soon where he
has purchased a farm.
A salmon cannery has been inaugu
rated at the mouth of Klamath river
by the Hume Brothers.
Samuel H. Egger will soon burn an
other kiln of 300,000 brick. He has
over 125,000 already made.
Geo. S. Howard is expected back
from Lake county in a few days to
take a case ou tho "Times."
Mr. S. F. Flood has retired from the
editorial management of the Wasco
Sun on account of ill health.
The bridge crossing Daisy creek on
California street has been completed
and is a substantial structure.
Wm. Shook arrived from Lake
county yesterday. There must be
some attraction here for Billy.
Any one- wishing a set of black
smith tools can get the same at a bar
gain by applying to John Orth.
.Jacob Walz will accept the thanks
of this office for a large supply of line
Bartlett pears. They were nice.
Rev. M. C. Miller of this circuit,
was married at Albany Inst week to
Miss Viola Patterson of that city.
The harvest ball advertised for last
Wednesday evening was not a success
on account of tho slim attendance.
Col. W. S. Stone and Wm. Carll of
the O. A C. Stage Co. passed through
town Wednesday on their way north.
Reamcs Bros., Karewski, Bilger k
Maegly, K. Kubli, Jas. Drum and N.
Fisher received new goods this week.
F. Ritscbanf hasTeHi6ve'tHiii"'aJtcl
maker establishment to Orth's brick
tho room formerly occupied by Rostel.
A. C. Jones has sold his residence in
Jacksonville to John Tuipper. The
former expects to go to Seattle to lo
cate. Miss Clara Neuber remembered the
Sentinel office this week with a sup
ply of pears from the home place.
The Benedictine Fathers will offici
ate and preach in the Catholic Church
next Sunday, both in the morning and
4 cvenms.
Miss Ella Scott, the accomplished
music teaoher who has a class here, is
at present in Scott valley, Cal., visiting
her old home.
H. B. Black drove his band of cattle
to Lake county this week where he
proposes fattening them for tho Cali
fornia market.
Zach Cameron started for San Fran
cisco this week to purchase a stock of
goods for tho store of Cameron Bros,
of Uniontown.
Dr. Wm. Miller of Salt creek killed
two huge bear one day last weir.
Bear are still very plenty in the Butte
creek mountains.
Judge Hanna, Judge Prim, Dist.
Atty. Kent and Thos. Chavnor left
for Lakeview last Sunday to attend
Court at that place.
Extensive preparations are in pro
gress for the Pioneer's re-union at
Ashland on tho 15th inst. and a large
attendance is looked for.
The improved Wheeler it Wilson
sewing machines make the lock-stitch
without- using a shuttle and never
breaks your under thread
F. Breckenfeld will -sell the remain
der of his stock of goods at auction
next Saturday. Call and getbargains.
Everything must be sold.
J. C. Birkhead and family returned
from Roseburg last Monday. Mr. B.
sold several county rights for his new
patent churn while absent.
Asa G. Fordyce, of Ashland precinct,
is reported quite low and hardly ex
pected to recover. He is one of the
pioneers of Southern Oregon.
Eiler Band of Applegato reports
mining operations at a stand still in
that locality, but all hands are engaged
in fitting up for next season.
The pay of privates in the regular
army runs from 6156 (13 a month
ctnd rations, for first two years to 21
a month after twenty years' service.
Joseph C. Geer, tho oldest member
of the Oregon pioneers, died at his
residence in Clackamas county last
Saturday night at the age of 80 years.
The Sister's school commenced last
Monday with a good attendance.
Scholars from different parts of this
end of the State are in attendance
Thirty-five relatives sat down to din
ner at the residence, of J. E. Harvev
at Central Point last Saturday. This
might be called a family gathering.
We didn't think that Junitcr and
"pale Luna" could be kept apart by
one -fence rail and last nisht " thev
kisse.d and made up,- so wc are inform
Robt. A. Miller has been appointed
travelling agent for tho Portland
"Standard." He arrived V here last
Wednesday and will remain several
While watering his horses last Wed
nesday Peter Bouschey was knocked
over and received a scalp wound on
the forehead. Nothing serious, how
ever. Ad. Baclnnan, lato candidate for tho
office of City Treasurer of Portland,
has been here for several days past in
the interest of the firm of Bachraan
Mrs. Clinton Scheiffelin, accompani
ed by her son, C. L., returned to their
home at Los Angeles last Thursday,
after a short visit to the old home
stead. George Brown laid on our table this
week two Bartlett pears, the two
weighing three pounds. Tliey were
from Sobt. Brown's orchard at Eigle
At last accounts J. S. Howard's
railroad surveying party was near
Dodge's place, between Willow Springs
and Rock Point, working toward the
John Noland will open tho New
Srate corner as a saloon soon. The
finest liquors and cigars will be kept
and everybody is invited to call and
sec him.
Rev. Father Odormatt held services
at tho Catholic Church at Eagle Point
last Sund.iy and his sermon is highly
spoken of by the large congregation
John Orth wants a settlement with
all thoso having accounts with him and
will take grain at the highest market
price in payment. Call and ask for
your bill.
Fred. Heber, who has been ailing
for some time past, removed to town
this week to receive medical treat
ment. Ho is stopping at Wm. M.
Some one recently remarked that
there was less lying in the newspapers
in the summer than in winter. That,
of course, is caused by the absence of
the editors.
A learned doctor has given his opin
ion that tight lacing is a benefit, inas
much as it kills off all tho foolish girls
and leaves tho wise only to grow into
woman hood.
Our Government has 1,430,000,
000 of money in circulation, of which
520,000,000 is gold, 12,000,000 is
silver, and over 700,000,000 is paper,
convertible into gold.
Gov. Thayer has appointed Mr.
EmaiffieV'Mayef.-oi Satanv-SS-Brira-dier
Gen'l of second brigade, O. S. M.,
to fill thp vacancv caused by tho death
of Gen. M. "V. Brown.
Robt Wilkinson, formerly of this
place, has had quite a siege with fever
at Albany, but we are pleased to state
that he has again recovered and is able
to be about once more.
Willis Hays, horse shoer for the. O.
it C. Stage Co., cut his hand badly last
week and has been compelled to hire
an asista?1 in the person of Peter
Windom f CJ a few days. ,
uRoseburg papers say that one of" Che
horse races at that place last week was
a "chuck," tho winners placing their
money where it would do the most
good." Twas ever thus.
Ben Beekman, Frank HufiVr and
Wm. Cardwell will start for Eugene
City in a few days to resume their
studies at the State University. The
next term begins Sept. 12th.
Attend the races at Cardwell's new
track on tiro two last davs in this
month and the first da' of Dctober. A
good time is promised and a square
turn will be given to every one.
Mark A. Mayer, representing the
house of Fleischner, Mayer k Co., of
Portland, and C. G. Hickok, agent for
Thompson, DeHart k Co., paid Jack
sonville customers a visit this week.
The cellar of Wintjen it Helms is
stocked with the finest liquors and
cigars ever brought to Jacksonville.
Thoy have liquors and wines that have
been in their possession for over twenty
-An exchance remarks that it is easy
to tell the difference between the man
who advertises and the one who
dosen't. One wears out the soles of
his shoes and the other the seat of his
The agency feiB Singer sewing
machine has beeaBe-moved to the
corner room of tho cB Franco Ameri
can hotel, where J. :.M Crosby will con
vince" vou of the superiority of these
L. Silberstein - representing W.
Cohen it Co., importers and manufac
turers of gents' furnishing goods, of
San Francisco, is in 'town on his an
nual visit Silberateiu does well wher
ever he goes. ' .
Miss Lola LaytonUliughter of John
Layton of Applegate,as reported on the
sick list. She has been attending on
the Cougle family forjpme time past
and it is supposed slfte" contracted her
sickness there.
A minister preaches ton tho question
"What is the Sabbath)'' Around here
the Sabbath is the day jihea you lie in
bed longer in the mo'rhfng, and wrestle
with your collar-button until it is too
late to go to church. '.
Prof. LaDru Royal passed through
hero on Saturday to resume his duties
at Ashland College,- as professor of
higher mathematics aiid natural science.
The fall term of the institution began
last Thursday Sept.J188l.
Prof. Farley, who.i?eaching school
at Apnlecate, was in "tftn lost Satur-
day and reports
ol in a floar
'arley is one of
ishing condition,
the best teach
o county and
never fails in
w-r?'- -- -.
The Directors ofJlhis'sfchoo'l 'uistrfcl
have not yet made a itelection for a
fcacher in our public sc iiool. A num
ber of applications havi been made and
a selection will .be roide after Prof.
Merritt's return from the mountains.
Messrs. Adam Kl ppel, Richard
Klippel and D. W. Crc sby started for
Portland on last Tuesd: iy's stage. The
two former go to remai ti while the lat
ter only goes on a visit to his mother,
who is at St. Vincent's hospital, Port
land. .W. A. Owen and fa nily will leave
for Lane county in a ; ew days where
they will locate permr nently and en
gage in farming and stock raising.
Mr. Owen is one of th j'old set." srs of
this valley and wo are iprry to see him
Robt. Nixon, edito of the Yreka
semi-weekly Journal, gets up one of
newsiest country papers on tho coast.
The special dispatches published in
each issue, several days ahead of tho
city dailies, are worth the subscription
price alone.
The Jacksonville Souring mill is
crowded with orders for flour notwith
standing the rush of wheat that is com
ing in at present. Messrs. McKenzie
it Foudray say they Will keep custom
ers supplied, haweveq if they must
run nijht and day.
Tho pottal authorities have made ar
rangements whereby persons receiving
annoying and .abusive postal cards
through the mails, may direct the post
master at the J tints rjomed to destroy
all cards addressed jo him or cards
from any person named.
Ren George, an' old' lime resident of
Jacksonville, returned from Waldo
this week, where he litis been employed
for some time past in tho mines of
Wimcr it Simmons. He reports their
clean up finished amounting to about
23,000 for the season's work.
On the night before their departure
for Portland Adam and Richard Klip
pel were the recipienti of a splendid
serenade on the part of the Jackson
ville String Band. Nothing has such
a mellowing effect upen the mind as
the sweet strains of mid-night music.
The permanent R. li. grade stakes
have all been driven between Roseburg
and Uow creek, anu everyt'.ing is in
readiness for the graders. The route
from Cow creek has not been determin
ed. The impression pnrails that tho
road will be built around the big bend
of that creek.
An egg measuring six and three
quarter inches ono way and eight, the
other was laid on our table this week
by Peter Bouschey. This is the first
effort of a young pullet owned by Pe
ter, and with natural improvement she
wiinay good sized. eggsSifterva while.
PeterlsSso improrihg
- 1
The Conference of-UtiM:. E.--Ghurch
South has made the "iotiiww? istri
bution of pastors for this 'district.
Rev. R. C. Oglesby, Piesiding Elder
and pastor in charge of Jacksonville
Circuit; Roseburg, Rev. M. C. Miller;
Corvallis, Rer. J. R. N. Bell; Link-
ville. Rev. H. Stafford.
Messrs. Elwood Smith & Co. return
ed from Applegate Lire Thursday,
where they have just finij-ed a lot of
cement-pipo for-Joha"-Ba
and iuiiile -
diately started" for Schirffelin's place,
on Rogue rive? where tiny-have taken
a large contract, lnepneon Applo
gato gives the best of satsfaction.
Capt. J. B. Moor, afont for the
New York life insurance -ompany, and
J. H.Ross, owner of tht patent gate,
started North last Mcsjay in their
own conveyances, and exrjct to remain
at Roseburg for a timet The latter
sold his gate right for fackson and
Josephine county to .Messrs. Orone-
jtessrs. Urone
tej' Stinger of
miller it Birdsey.
Tho residenco of Pet
Harnev vallev says the. Lakeriew
Herald, was destroyed byffiro on the
10th instant, together with all the
household effects and ouiiouses. In
addition to this severe Iosel there was
also the sum of 800 icgreenbacks
stored away in the house, which was
burned with the other gools.
Al Burrows started ou.i on the An
derson grade for an rhoou's hunt
after dinner last FiHy, says the
Yreka Journal, and sH'eded in cap
turing a buck, the onlyje left in that
section, as none have Sn seen there
lately. The stago drivWgoing South
last Tuesday night sa-Bhe met one
that ordered him to thi out W. F.
t Co. s box. Better frcBL, again. Al.
Not called for in the Postoffico at
Jacksonville, Ogn. Sept, 2nd 1881:
Allison Wm H
Jordan Mich
King David
Knox J
Leslie James
Mullen V
Nobby George
Ruble Wm
Sanders Joseph
Simpson F G
Smith Georgo
Smith John A
Smith John T
Bautou Eddir L
Breeding Sarah
Cook James 2
Coons G W
Crowley Jphn W
Duncan M P
Fraylor James N
Greenman W C
Ham rick Anna N
Hardraan T J
Hendrickson K
IIi;gins Stophens3
Johnson John
Swingle Anna
Witt John D 2
Johnson T M C Rev
Max Muller P. M.
Rev. F. X. Blanciiet. This zealous
priest, who for eighteen years has been
stationed at Jacksonville, and is a
nephew of the Most Rev. F. N. Blan
chet and Right Rev. A. M. A. Blan
ciiet, preached an eloquent sermon at
the half-past ten o'clock. Mass last Sun
day in tho Cathedral, on the honor and
devotion Catholics should tender to the
Blessed Virgin, and the confidence
thoy should have in her powerful in
tercession before her Divine Son, our
Savior and God. Rev. Father Blan
chet has perhaps the largest mission in
the archdiocese to attend, being all of
Jackson, Josephine and. Lake counties,
ejrttfiiosing the whole of southeasltiu
Ciregon; and with what, injerest.ho ;-
-.daH(tt .mxTensiVe secuonis kriowi?
from the fact that everywhere ho i3 be
loved and received with joy aud honor.
Catholic Sentinel.
A Jacksonville Invention. W;
J. Croft, of the firm of Birkhead it
Croft, of Jacksonville, proprietors of
the new patent churn, is now in Linn
county selling shop rights of this ex
cellent churner. They have given
their invention tho name of Tyeo
Churn. Wherever they haye intro
duced their churn they have met with
the most encouraging success. Its su
periority over all former chums as a
rapid butter maker is being ncknowl
edged by all dairy men who have in
trodyced it. Being run on the "rocker"
p!an the old tiresome dasher is entirely
dono away with, and parties will find
that by. rocking they can turn their
cream much faster into butter than by
tho old-fashioned dasher.
Villaijd and the Hume Brothers.
Tho Eureka correspondent of the
San Francisco Chronicle, under date of
tho 24th inst, telegraphs: A large
forco of men are now engaged or. the
work of extension of the Areata and
Mad River Railroad. A corps of Vil
lards engineers is also at work in the
Western part of tho county. Hume
Brothers have inaugurated a saw mill
and salmon cannery at the mouth of
Klamath river. The products of both
will be taken to Crescent City by a
steam propeller for reshipment to Saa
Francisco. The Wheeler k Wilson new sewing
machines are adapted to every
grade of manufacture of stitched
goods and every kind of do
mestic sewing. They are superior to
all others in point of speed, durability,
precision and ease of operation, reg
ularity, strength, beauty of stitch,
range of work, faculty of management,
perfection of construction and elegance
of finish. They are declared by the
highest authorities the best sewing ap
paratus in the world.
Runaway. Last Saturday after
noon while John Ashmead and Miss
Emma TJlrich were on tho way to their
homo at Rock Point in the former's
buggy, the team became unmanageable
opposite J. N. T. Miller's residence and
upset throwing both occupants out. Mr.
Ashmead was considerably bruised, but
not seriously, and after a short delay
was able to start for home. Miss TJl
rich escaped without injury, and the
accident may be called a lucky one.
The Successful Applicant. Last
night the board by whom examinations
for the cadetship were held, concluded
their labors and selected Edward C.
Brooks, of Linkville, as best fitted for
the placo. Harvey S. Jordan, of Mol
alia, Clackamas county, was selected
as alternate. All the young men
passed very creditable examinations
says the "Oregonian." Tho success
ful applicant is a son of Mr. Quincy
Hcooks of Lake county.
Testimonial. The
winjr little
girls presented Miss Tillie
.-' i
their Sunday school teacher, with a
copy of Bvron's posms this week as a
token of remembrance from her class
Kate Miller, Anna Shipley, Lollie
Cardwell, Belle Jones, Ida Prim, Etta
Coleman. Bolle Caton. Addic Plvjnali
VAlam?'isieyr - Ma"rtha Howard, Ma
mie Cronemiller, Lottie Reed, Hattio
Reames and Clara Neuber.
The North Western Marriage In
surance Co. of Portland is establishing
agencies throughout the State. The
objects of this company are to insure
unmarried persons, making the policy
payable at marriage, at any time after
six months from the timo of Insurance.
We know an editor in this place who
ought to insure for 50,000 immedi
ately. Fire. Last Wednesday evening bo
tween the hours of ten and eleven
o'clock, the residence otJames Loomis,
living about a mile below Rock Point,
was burned to tho ground together
with all its contents. The fire origi
nated from a defective Hue aud tho
loss will fall .heavily on Mr. Loomis as
there was no insurance.
.Rich Strike. Mr. Hadley, who
has been prospecting at the old Steam
boat mines on Applegate forsomo time
past, discovered a rich quartz ledge
that assays as rich as any yet discov
ered in Jackson county. John Bolt
of Applegate is a full partner in the
mine and all hands think they havo
struck a bonanza. Wo hope so.
Arrival at the V. S. Hotel.
The fpllowing is a list of tho arrivals
at the TJ. S. Hotel, since our lost re
port: Saturday.
L. Silbcretein. . . .' San Francisco
B. F. Georse Waldo
C. G. Hickok Portland
H. Smith .' Foot's Creek
M.. A. Mayer Portland
A. Levy San Francisco
J. P. Walker Ashland
A. S. Woodruff St Louis
E. D. Kenfield San Francisco
A. Bachman Portland
E. E. Miner San Francisco
G. W. Wimer Waldo
O. W. Wilson Woodland
Mrs. McDonald k 2 chid . .". "
II. Guudlefinger San Francisco
Wm. Carll Grave Creek
W. S. Stono : Yreka
A. L. Johnson Portland
P. Lj ttleton Ashland
H. F. Phillips "
Nothing Short or I'ninlitakablo UeneflM
Conferred upon tens of thousands of
sufferers could originate and maintain
the reputation which Ayer's SarsAj.
parilla eujoys. It is a compound- of
the best vegetable alteratives, wUn the
Iodides of Potassium and Lfon.'and is
ho iBT 'k LiiLriWl--rf-w't-wraeaH!s-fi
scrofulous, mercurial, or blood dis
orders. Uniformly successful and cer
tain in its remedial effects, it produces
rapid and complete cures of Scrofula,
Sores, Boils, Humors, Pimples, Erup
tions, Skin Diseases and all disorders
rising from impurity of the blood. By
its invigorating effects it alway rolieTcs
and often cures Liver Complaints, Fe
malo Weakness and Irregularities, and
is a potent renewer of vitality. For
purifying tho blood it has no equal. It
tones up the system, restores and pre
serves the health, and imparts vigor
and energy. or forty years it Ins
been in extensive use, and to-day the
most available medicine .for the suffer
ing sick, anywhere.
For Sale by all Dealers.
A Card. Everyone knows that
sewing machines are sold for twice
what they should be, and the reason
the purchaser pays two prices is be
cause ho pays: 1st, for the machine;
2d, the traveling expenses of and a
good round commission to the agent
who sells to him; 3d, the cost of col
lection, etc., when ho buys on time.
The way to remedy this is to buy your
machines for cash, at fair living prices.
I will hav6 in a few days a lot of tho
celebrated New York Singer Machines,
gat up after the best and latest styles,
with elegant furniture, containing all
the latest improvements, and all the
attachments complete, which I can
sell at 15. Each machine is. accom
panied by the manufacturers' guaranteo
for five years. Call and see thoso ma
chines, nnd save fifty per cent, in buy
ing. D. II. Feathers, Agent.
C. C. W. R. From R. M. Garrett,
tho Crescent City mail contractor, we
learn that work on the C. C. wagon
road is progressing finely and that six
ty men are now employed. "About one
rod of road to the man is daily being
constructed at present, but the heavy
work has not yet been reached. Mr.
Gasquet, the contractor, says that ho
will take wheat oats and barley in pay
ment for Jackson county subscriptions
at markot prices, the wheat to bo de
livered to P. W. Olwell at Phoenix.
Subscribers will do well to settle up at
onco and thereby help an enterprise
that will do Jackson county more good
than a dozen railroads.
Choice Extract from Driizzlitt.
"Wo know the value of malt, hops,
calisaya and iron composing "Malt
"Our lady customers highly praise
"Physicians prescribe them in this
"Tho largest bottle and best medi
- it
"Best blood purifier on our shelves."
"Our best people tako Malt Bitters."
"Sure cure for chills and liver dis
eases." Real Estate Transactions. The
following deeds have been recorded
since our last issue:
L. B. Applegato to B. Beach i aero
d in Ashland. Consideration, 150.
AoIcnes to John Toepper house
and IotinJaT'iisouville' Consideration,
D. W-Cryder to
dwin Morgan,
lot in Phoenix.' .'Consider:
Edwin Morgari to D. WFCryder,
160 acres land in Sams valley precinct
Consideration 1,500.
No human agency can so speedily
cleanse the blood, clear tho complexion
and skin, restoro tho hair and cure
every species of itching, scaly and
scrofulous humors of the skin, scalp
and blood as tho Cuticura remedies.
Clear head and voice, easy breath
ing, sweet breath, perfect smell, taste
and hearing, no cough, no distress.
Theso are conditions brought about in
catarrh by the use of Sanford's Radi
cal cure. Complete treatment for 1.
Payne In Jacksonville, August
28, 1881, to the wife of J. M. Payne,
a son.
Dunlap Sissley At tho residence
of Mrs. Maria Colver, at Phoenix,
Aug. 27, 1881, by Rev. C. H.Hoxie
Geo. A. Dunlap and. Miss Donna D.
Allred Roach In Uniontown pre
cinct, August 31st, by E. B. McKee,
J. P., Wm. Allred and Miss Susan
Ann Roach,
Of the Pacific Surgical Institute, 3C
Kearney street, San Francisco, will hi
at tho Metropolitan Hotel, RoseburgJ
September 8, 9 and 10; at the U. 8 J
Hotel, Jacksonville, Sept 12, 13 anil
14; at Houck s Hotel, Ashland, iseptj
15 and 1G, and at the Franco Ameri
can Hotel, Yreka, Cal., Sept. 19 anl
20, fully prepared treat all cases
Spinal Disease: Knee and Hip Disease
Club Fcot, Crooked Limbs, Paralysis
and all Chronic and Surgical Diseases
As this Institution is uncqualed
facilities for the treatment of th
affections all who are interested
not fail to see theso Surgeons.
Office op Schui.tz fc Von BaboJ
120 California street, cor. Front!
San Francis!
John L. Burns. Acent.
To the Trade: Prtctical exncrld
has demonstrated to us that the tnulfl
quires a choice old Bourbon for imnrl
ato use. For it is well known that strail
whisky that is absolutely pure requil
ugc, rt-ai care nnu uiicnuun, mm uur
Davenport whisky possesses all the
qualities. The pniin used in the di
tion of our J. II. Davenport whif
careiuny selected iroin tho llnest, r
and very best crown in the state ot
tucky. The water is drawn from '
the nnest limestone springs in the r
me peculiar properties or whlcll
Kained lorKcntucKy whiskicaiuchl
wide celebrity. This process makJ
.1 .ii. jiuvenport a pure, hand mnuj
masn wiuskj-, ami e -.lavai tni
cacy ot llavor, purity and rncdJ
ities, it st'inds uiv x-ellcd. 1
lours truiy.acucx.rz & vonti.uij
rom and alter this (isle J i Aica
' .l.onyinif., wi)1 fcppp th j
celebrated Davenport, pure straight pvU
Ky exclusively.
Call Turn In Si reef, Ailjotalug
Jacksonville, Oregojil
dealer in
Latest Pattern and made from
All California Make
A full Assortment of
Ladies' Dress & Fancy GI
Also a large line of
Men's and Boys' Ha$s.
Gentlemen's Undcrware, SusiKindcrs !. i
1 also keep a lull Iiuoot
Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Spices, Cannodl
goous oi every description, a lull assort
incut ot
A large rpiantity of
Crockery and Glassware,
All of which I will sell
:fo:fl cash
Extraordinary Low Prieci.
My motto will bo
Country Produce taken in exchange for
I am also agent for the following Stan
dard Insurance Companies:
Foreign Imperial, London, Northen and
Foreign London and Lancashire.
Home Fireman's Fund.
Home State Investment Ins. Co.
Home Commercial Ins. Co.
Home Western Ins. Co.
Traveler's Life and Accident of Hartforri
Conn. (
Risks taken at lower rates, than anyv
Agent in Oregon, and will guarantee in
case vi luss, pruuipi lajmtui.
. -J
SEPTEMBER 28, 1881.
CoMMITTr.F. OV A imiVninipVTa Prnnlr
Krau.se, Henry Klippel, K. Kubli, Sol.
ii isu, r reu. uroD.
Rkceition Committee. Hon. E. B.
Vats-ui, Hon. II. K.Hanna.Dr.O. II. Aiken,
Wm. Bybcc, John W. Baker, F, M. Ply.
Floor Committee. Chas. Nickcll, T.
TV McKenzie, D. II. Feathers, Dr. "Will.
Jackson, Newman Fisher.
The best of music and supper will bo
furnished and everybody is invited to at
tend. Tioltota $3.00.
Tickets can lc procured of Sol. "Wise at
N. Fisher's Store.