Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 27, 1881, Image 3

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SKtdrdat, August 27, 1881.
Land O Slice at lloaflmrs. Osnt.1
June SO, ISSO. J
To all Iflioni It inn)' t'oiirrrn:
Xollce In lirrclij- sltcn flint I linvc Urals
nntrd theOIti:t:o .::1IW:l at the paper
la iUlrb I nliall lirrcaDrr iulillIi all pre
cmplloiit, hoinritrad and iittpllralloiiii
for imlulns palrntu for lands Ijlns near
JaclMomlllr. .l.irkson ranuty, Hrecon.
, W. V. IU:.IU1IV KrsUlcr.
WASTED. A competent teacher to
take charge of the second department
of the Jacksonville District School.
For particulars appl) to the Board of
Farewell Party. The friends of
Richard H. Klippel will tender him a
farewell party at the Club Room this
(Saturday) evening. Everybody is in
vited to attend.
St. Mary's Academy. The fall
term of St. Mary's Academy will com
mence on Monda) of next week. The
teachers, some of whom spent vacation
in the Willamette Valley, havereturn
ed to their several posts of duty, ready
tor the work. See advertisement.-
Wno is HnJ As cur new heavenly
risitor approaches our earth, his head
knd tail are plainly visible in the
Northwestern heavens. Astronomers
I.re still at sea as to the true identity
of this comet. In his rapid flight
through the realms of immense space,
these thousands of years, this seems to
lie the first time he has made an ex
hibition of himself.
Cement Pipe. Tho cement pipe-
Inakers have just finished 1,300 feet of
feline for John Bolt of Applegate. They
Jso have the contract of making .5,500
feet for Mr. bchiellelm on lioguo
her, 2,400 for C. C. Beekman, and
liome for St. Mary's Academy. The
material the pipe is manufactured from
Is imperishable, nnd is bound to take
lis soon as its merits Elian nccome
Lakeview Herald. J. IT. Evans
Ihas sold his interesL in the State Line
lerald to B. P. Watson, the change
taking effect the 20th of this month.
IV. W. Watson, formerly of As-hland,
fill be editor and flnancial manager of
the paper. Mr. Watson has, of late
years, had considerable journalistic ex
ineriencp, and we nave no uouut win
make the Herald a choice medium of
Eocal intelligence. Here is our SjT
pr your success.
Changes. L. Tt. Webster, who was
appointed first assistant to Prof. Mer-
ritt in our public school, has accepted
the position as clerk in Reames Bros'.
Bstote, in place ot Jivan Iteanies, nlio
goes to Linkville to take charge of the
store formerly ownpd by Thatcher t
IWorden. It has not transpired who
rill succeed Mr. Webster at tho school.
applicants for the po'itionc&n nddress
-rcbccl director-of. Jacksonville. A4
iiaie teacner is wanted.
C or II. The following officers of
'To-t lie-Front Council No. 13, C. of H.,
of Williams creek, w ere recently in
stalled: J. N. -Goochcr, W. C; P. V.
Rhoeniake, M. C; Miss Lizzie Kincaid,
Lt C; Jay Davidson, II.; Miss Dora
Godfrey, S.; C. T. Davidson, F. S.; M.
M. Davidson, T.; Ira Sparlin, W.;
David John, U.; Miss Josie Gibson,
M.; Miss Lola Lavton, P.; A. Watt--,
P. W. C; Miss Hannah McGee, Asst.
S.; Mrs. Goocher and Miss Emma
Nail, Aids to W. C.
Will Leave us. Mr. Adam Klip-
pel, for a long time employed on the
Sentinel editorial staff, will leave for
Portland next Tuesday where he goes
to reside permanently. He has accep
ted the position of Business Manager
for the Pacific Christian Advocate and
will take charge at once. During his
rehidence here Mr. K. has made many
friends, who are sorry to see him leave,
and all join in wishing him success in
his new home. Mr. Klippel's family
will also leaTe about the 3d of next
Crater Lake Tourists. -So far the
season for visiting Cr.iter or Sunken
Lake, Oregon's greatest curiosity, has
been remarkably favorable". Quite a
number of mountain parties have been
there, others are there now, and still
others are on the eve of going to that
wonder-land. Crater Lake is about 80
miles from Jacksonville in a northeast
erly direction. Most of the parties
who have gone to the lake this season
hare taken in Fort Klamath, and the
falls of Rogue River, and the route
aosen is that by way of Ashland,
Linkville, the Klamath Indian reserva
tion and the military road down Rogue
river to Jacksonville. A party of 14
tourists left here yesterday consisting
of Messrs. McDonougb, Cooksey and
Wright, and their respective families,
to be gone several weeks. They took
the Rogue river route via Bybee's
Tun It. R Survey. The several
"surveying parties are still running their
lines in search for tho best route into
this valley. Hurlburt's party com
pleted tho survey through the Grave
creek country and they met the
Howard party at Chavner's bridge.
Howard ran two lines from this vallpy
to Chavner's bridge, ono across the low
pass between Willow Springs and
Gold Hill distance three miles
necessitating a hundred foot grade to
the mile; the other was run around
by way of the windings of Rogue
river to Chavner's bridge. The line
down around the bend of the river.
was run just above high water mark
on a grade of 15 feet to the mile. The
road around the bend is aboufsix
miles longer than by way of Gold Hill
pass. Tho surveyors are waiting for
instructions, and will probably examine
tho South Umjqua and Trail creek
route next.
II II 1l IHF1I I '..ifi 411 ' NM. frUIl
LOCAL items.
Mensor sells flour at
S15 per thou-
Several more weddings are an
nounced. Remember the races on the last of
next month.
Henry Kubli,
is reported as
Call at the Criterion for your toddies
or lemonades.
Mrs. John E. Ross, we regret to saV,
is on the sick list.
D. H. Feathers returned from Can
yonville this week.
J. Q. Willits will teach the Wagner
creek school next term.
Scholars from Lake county have ar
rived to attend the Sister's school.
Attend the Pioneer's reunion at
Ashland on the 15th of September..
Flour is quoted at SI G.50 per thou
sand at the Ashland and Eagle mills.
Hon. B. F. Dowell and daughter
Fannie left here last Tuesday for Port
land. Clay Dollarhide of the Toll House
on the Siskiyous was in town this
Oscar Kilbourne, TT. S. Gauger, will
accept our thanks for late Virginia
City papers.
D. W. Anderson will accept the
thanks of the Sentinel force for a
nice watermelon.
Mrs. Conductor Stroud and daugh
ter ot Portland are visiting friends in
Southern Oregon.
Bev. Father Blanchet returned from
the North last Tuesday. He reports
an enjoyable trip.
Henry Villard, the vigorous young
railroad king, was expected at Port
land on the 25th.
Rev. M. A. Williams will preach at
the M. E. Church in this city at 11
o'clock to morrow.
Henry Empry of Ashland paid Jack
sonville a visit last Sunday, and looks
younger than ever.
Farmers will do well to take a look
at the new style farm gates offered for
sale by J. H. Ross.
Miss Minnie DeWitt of Yreka ar
rived yesterday and is paying Jackson
ville friends a visit.
The Red Men of this place have had
a neat sign placed over their hall the
work of J. A. Carter.
Mr. Hurlburt says that Ashland
Butte is 9,000 feet in height and 5,500
feet higher than Ashland.
Wm, Blcckert of Galls creek has
lost his two horses and will pay a lib
eral reward for their return.
Read the article entitled "a needless
expense to tax-rnyers" in another col
unin. lt nts Jackson county. .
- Richard T. Blackwood has taken up
an estray at his place near town anil
wants the owner to call for him.
Lake county furnishes thirty-three
cases for the consideration of Judge
llauna at the next term of Court.
The Fall term of the Public School
at Cential Point, Mrs. Tharp teacher,
will begin next Monday, Aug. 29th.
J. V. Strange has withdrawn as
editor of the Roseburg Plaindcalcrand
W. H. Byars has again taken charge
The frame-work of Haskell Amy's
barn in Manzanita prpcinct is up,
waiting for lumber to complete it with.
Don't fail to attend the Harvest
Ball to be given by Madame Holt next
Wednesday evening. Tickets, 2.50.
The steamer "Andrew Snider" is re
ported to be doing a rushing business
on Goose Lake, supplying a want long
A son of Henry Ward Beech er is
captain of the "Annie Stewart," a
steamer running on the Columbia
An excellont slight-of-hand perfor
mance was given here last Tuesday
evening by Prof. Black to a good sized
James Loomis and Edmund Brooks,
together with their witnesses, were in
town last Saturday proving up on their
Under tho head of conundrums we
would like to know how George Brown
the stage hostler at Oak Grove, lost
his moustache?
Afttr a visit of about six weeks Miss
Sallie and W. J. Clarke returned to
their home at Portland, well pleased
with their trip.
Kaspar Kubli on Wednesday sold
20,000 lbs. of flour at 515 per thousand.
Messrs. Zack Cameron and Wm. Nagle
were the purchasers.
John J. Lathrop had an exciting
runaway down the Crescent City hill
last Thursday, but escaped without
any serious damages.
Several members of General Ross'
family are reported sick but we are
pleased to say that none are in a
dangerous condition.
The improved Wheeler it Wilson
sewing machines make the lock-stitch
without using a shuttle and never
breaks your under thread
Thos. G. Reames started for San
Francisco last Wednesday to purchase
goods for his stores at Fort Klamath,
L'nkville and Jacksonville.
Messrs. R. Koehler and John A.
Hurlburt passed through town last
week on their way to Trail creek on a
general tour of observation,
Jos. Rapp, the vegetable man, rapp
ed at our office door yesterday with a
fine watermelon. We never fail to res
pond promptly to such raps.
A surprise party was held at Mrs. 1
A. Bilger's residence last Thursday
evening in honor of the 18th birthday
of her daughter, Miss Annie.
Miss Horton's school at Rock Point
closed for tho term yesterday. We
have not been informed whether it will
be continued at present or not.
Senator John E. Ross returned from
Roseburg this week, where he has been
taking his sister, Mrs. Arabella Pow
ell, of Brownsville, Linn county.
Fred Otten keeps a good supply of
everything to be found in a first-class
hardware store and has the neatest ar
ranged store in Southern Oregon.
Ruth Rebekah Degree Lodge, L O.
O. F., will celebrate its coming anni
versary with a grand ball on Dec. 30th.
Engage your partners in time, boys.
There will be contests for fifteen
seats in the next House of Representa
tives. Of these thirteen will be from
the South, Alabama alone furnishing
It is said that thirty persons in a
small town in Michigan were poisoned
recently by eating sausages. This
comes from leaving brass collars on
G Karewski has been confined to
his roqni for several days with an at
tack of cholera morbus, but has again
recovered and attends to business as
Wm. Mackey, who was sentenced to
sixty days imprisonment by Judge
Deady for sending obscene literature
through the mails, was discharged last
John J. Dickinson, formerly a mer
chant of Crescent City, passed through
town last Sunday on his way to -that
place. He is now a resident of St.
Helena, Cal.
W are pleased to say that Mrs. Dr.
Colvig of Rock Point is making good
progress toward recovery from injuries
received a short time ago" und will be
around again soon.
Rev. S. S. Caldwell of Ashland is
now permanently located at Lakeview,
where he has recently commenced a
Sunday school, and proposes to organ
ize soon an academy.
Ben. Davis, one of the pioneer resi
dents of.Jacksonville, is expected back
irom Idaho soon, aud expects to locate
here permanently. His son ariived
here several days ago.
Street Commissioner McDaniel re
ceived severe bruises on one of his legs
last Thursday while working on thp
Daisy creek bridge. Dr. Vrooman
made him comfortable.
J. B. Wrisley is fixing up his evop
orator, preparatory to making sorghum.
The season has been very favorable to
the grow th of cane, and a good yield of
sorghum is anticipated.
Last year 301,370,000 one cent
postal cards were issued in the United
States. It seems a vast number, yet
it is only six, for every man,- woman
and-chiid-in-tae country, a-
Matt Ruckles and daughter of Oak
Grove station, near Roeburg, arrived
in town on yesterday's stage. Miss
Ruckles, wo learn will remain here to
attend the Sister's school.
That "handsome" notice was taken
verbatim for our cotemporary's benrfil
so tiiat he could copy it ngain when
the next near relative got married. It's
handy to have about the house.
On next Sunday, the 2Sth inst., the
the Benedictine Fathers will hold ser
vices at St. Francis Church at Eagle
Point. First mass at 7 A. M. High
mass and sermon at 10:30 A. M.
Rev. D. A. Crowd, as will be seen
in the list of conference appointments,
is stationed at Biownsville, Linn coun
ty, and Rov. B. J. Sharp, formerly of
Oregon City, is stationed at Jackson
ville. Next Monday John Hockenjos will
commence tearing down the Southern
Methodist Church building at Phoenix.
The lumber will be used in the con
struction of a duelling houso on Butte
John Schlofzhauer who is now with
P. Dunn of Ashland precinct came
down on Saturday and returned on
Sunday. He speaks in the highest
terms of praise of the upper end of the
James Garfield Krause is the latest
addition to the firm of Krause it Turn
er; it is not definitely known whether
he will take charge of the books or
run the household affairs of Frank
Our Lakeview exchanges are very
hopeful of being speedily placed in
railroad- communication with the out
side world. The rails are steadily
growing toward tho Oregon line from
Reno up.
Henry Judge will take barley at the
highest market price in exchange for
anything in his line. He keeps a
large assortment of saddles, bridles,
harness, whips, etc., and sells at bed
rock prices.
The walls of the new insane asylum,
says the Statesman, are rapidly assum
ing shape and proportion. The entire
structure will be under roof by the
first of January if no untold circum
stances intervene.
A petition has also been sent in
from Ashland for the organization of
a lodge of A. O. U. W. with thirty-one
charter members, and the authorities
from here will go up in about ten days
to institute the same.
Nick Ficke's new barn was com
pleted on Thursday. It is 44 by 75
feet, with a hay loft the entire length
of the structure, with a capacity of
storing GO tons of hay and sheltering
from 60 to 70 head of cattle.
Robert D. Hume, owner of the line
of steamers running from San Francis
co to Smith River and Ellensburg, is
expected here soon to make arrange
ments with our merchants for shipping
their goods via Smith River.
Surveyors HowSreFaru Hurlburt's
parties, who were wotfcjig jn opposite
directions, met betwRi Rock Point
and Chamer s bndjji. , It is expected
that from here 'thqtfwill examine the
South Umpqua amVTrail creek routes.
Lieut. Schwatk?,of Artie explora
tion fame, is lecWng on that subject
in different townsjiffthe State at pres
ent, but we are noadvised of his com
ing this farsouthlBLient. Schwatka is
an Uregon noy, nu. parents residing at
A number ofipirtie3 ot Linkville
have made1 appHcuion. to the Grand
Lodge for a chartfflto organize a lodge
of A. O. U. W. Sflh'at, place. W. J.
Plymale, T. D. GjMjlW., will institute
the same after thejnecessary prelimin
aries are arranged..
Jas. G. Birdsey, wk was one of the
first white children, Pi
in our moun
tain-locked valley and was never far
beyond it, took aljn to Roseburg last
week to take a loolTat the cars. He
was highly pleased?ith everything he
saw and returnedjjgsafety.
Abe Bowman ; ffSterling lost his
horse ono nighU last week and came
to the Sentinel offiie to advertise for
his recovery. Imnwdiately after leav
ing the office theliorse was found,
which goes to prove;tliat the pen is
mightier than thejgprdAdvertise.
An error has-been found in the
boundary line between Wasco and
Umatilla counties it is claimed, by a
Portland firm w'rei are getting up a
map of Oregon for .their own use. The
error if corrected will give about thirty
miles more territory to Wasco county.
In passing down Ashland Butte the
other day President'Koehler lost a sur
veyor's pocket level which he carried
in his side pocket, yln going through
the brush the instrument must have
dropped out. Its value is about 25.
Some straggling,,inountaineer may find
it. if
Geo. McCorniacY. who came over
last week from Crescent City via the
Howard road survey informs us that
a large force of men are at work con
structing the wagonTroad. The road
will be built; let thtfeitizens of Jackson
county get ready with their subscrip
tions. The Massachusetts National Green
back party met in State Convention on
the 24th instant anj nominated a full
State ticket. The platform of princi
ples ndopted contains this plank: "Re
solved, That suffrage is the right of all
citizens without regard to race, color,
sex or taxes." - - r-,
John Smith, a man employed as
sheep herder by John Sizemore for
some time past, was arrested this wepk
for selling a horse not his own, and
after an examination before Justice
HufiVr was bound over with bail fixed
at 50. The security was given and
he is again at liberty.
Richard H. Klippel will start for
Portland next Tneytay where ho ex
peels to takejuppj
jutj ollices of toat.c!
on in one, ot tlic
Welaarn that
D. W. CrosbjjTahiiiis sister Maggie
will accompany, him at the same time,
on a visit to thfir'tnother, who is now
at St. Vincent's hospital.
A lively ruuaw"ay occurred to a
teamstercoiningdown the Green Spring
mountain day before yesterday. Thr
wajron was loaded with lumber at the
time and the runaway was caused by
the driver losing control of the brake.
The wagon, horsesjrdriver and cargo
all went over the grade, but with w hat
reult we are not'.informed.
Capt. J. B. Moor and wife and J. H.
Ross, the, former, engaged in the lire in
surance business -and the latter the
agent for a new style patent farm gate,
arrived in town thjs week from Cres
cent City via the old wagon road.
They report a -rough trip over this
route but reache'dhere right side up.
They expect to remain hero a short
- i
ino w Heeler ifckWilson new sewing
machines are adapted to- every
grade of manufacture of stitched
goods and every kind of do
mestic sewing. "" They are superior to
all others in pointiqf, speed, durability,
precision and easeof operation, reg
ularity, strength, !beauty of stitch,
range of work, faculty of management,
perfection of construction and elegance
of finish. They are declared by the
highest authorities the best sewing ap
paratus in the world!
Gen. Irwin McDowell, of the U. S.
Army of the Depirtinent of tho Pacific,
parsed through Jaikson county this
week on his return
to San Francisco,
where he has beer
called by special j
messenger fronft'iftar'Department.
The General earned over from Fort
Klamath where ho$had been inspect
ing the Government military works,
combining duty with pleasure. The
President's precarious condition is sup
posed to have something to do with
the General's hastyjrecall.
Mr. W. I. Nichols returned from
Ashland last Sujiday evening. He
says he talked with Mr. Koehler,
President of the Of & C. road, and the
boss surveyor, whojitold him that no
surveying parties bad been over the
coast route as stated in some of the
papers. Some' gentlemen had made
the trip over the coast route to look at,
on their own account. Mr. N. met
Mr. Koehler this side of Colo's, on his
tour of inspection as far as Klamath
river, accompanied iby Mr. Hurlburt,
the surveyor. Yfeka Journal.
Sewing Machines. I will have in
a few days a lot'of the celebrated N.
Y. Singer Sewing Machines, which for
elegance of style and perfection of
workmanship, cannot be excelled, and
what is of more importance I can sell
them at 45. Call .and see them be
fore purchasing elsewhere, and judge
of their mentyourselL
D. Heathf.es, Agent.
The Oregon Conference, M. E.
Church. This 'body of ministers
which met at East Portland on the
18th and closed its labors on the 22d,
was presided over by Bishop W.- H.
Harris, of New York. The daily
se.-ssious attracted largo numbers of
visitors from the city and surrounding
country. The rpport from the different
presiding elder's districts showed a
healthy stato of progress in every
branch of church work. The work of
education came in for a considerable
share of attention, and the several in
stitutions of learning under church
patronage received the endorsement of
the conference. Among the appoint
ments read by the Bishop are the fol
lowing for Southern Oregon: Eugene
City district, W. T. Chapman, Piesid
ing Elder; Albany,- Issao Dillon; Ash
land, to be supplied; Brownsville, D.
A. Crowell; Corvallis, to be supplied;
Drain, T. B. Goodpasture; Eugene. I.
D. Driver; Jacksonville, B. J. Sharp;
Klamath, L. M. Nickerson; Lebanon,
to be supplied; Mary's River Circuit,
to bo supplied; Monroe, P. M. Starr;
Roseburg, J. W. Miller; Shedds, W.
H. Hurlburt; Liberty, S. A. Starr;
Springfield, J. II. Wood.
Ashland College, L. L. Rogers,
President, LaDru Royil, Professor.
L. J. Powell, Superintendent of pub
lic instruction for State of Oregon.
The Perils of Cow Creek Hill.
The wagon road leading over the di
vide between Cow creek and Wolf
creek runs up and down the steepest
grade on ihe stage route from Rose
burg to Jacksonville, and is the terror
of the freighting community. On tho
11th of August a "team and wagon
loaded with 4,000 pounds of freight, in
charge of Charles Logan son-in-law of
B. F. Reeser of Ashland, came down
this mountain in a hurry. Logan had
fairly started down the grade when
the breaks slid off the wheels, and
the wagon horses and driver came down
at lightning speed. In the awful de
scent one of the horses stumbled and
fell, the wagon passing over him, and
he was dragged along for quite a dis
tance before tin impetuosity of ihe
wagon and remaining horses were
checked by a resisting fir-tree. The
way wagon and freight, harness and
horses were staEtored was a caution;
and the only wonder is that the driver
and horses were not killed outright.
Tho track where the horse had been
dragged was pointed out to tho writer
of these lines, who passed over this
portion of the road a few days after
the accident happened.
The Railroad Officials. Mr.
Koehler, General Manager of the O.
it C. R. R., made the ascent of Ash
land Butte last Friday, for the purpose
of obtaining a birdseye view of South
em Oregon and Northern California.
Mr. Hurlburt was with him, and with
the niJ of a map of the country made
by himself for the company nine years
ago, gave the railroad magnate a com
plete understanding of the topography
of the whole section in sight, from the
,Umpqua to Shasta, and from tho east
ern ranges of the Cascades to the Coast
mountains. From the summit of the
Bulto it could bo clearly seen that the
toll road is through the lowest pass in
the Siskiyous. On Saturday morning
Messrs. Koehler and Hurlburt startod
for Trail creek, intending to return to
Douglas county by way of that stream,
to view the route thit would have to
be followed in case it were decided to
avoid Cow creek canyon. Both gen
tlemen intended to reach Portland this
week. Should tho Trail creek route
be chosen, (which is not likeK-, how
ever) the railroad would strike Rogue
river above Eagle Point. Tidings.
Accident. Last Sunday as Ed ward
Graupner was driving from Jackson
ville to his home on Sterling creek and
when near Henry Blecher's farm his
team got frightened at the approach of
a wagon coming from the opposite di
rection. Tho frightened horses ran nt
a break-neck speed, and not being able
to manage them Mr. Graupner was
hurled out of his wagon and violently
fell to the ground, dislocating his left
shoulder. The sufferer was brought
to Jacksonville, where Dr. Aiken put
tho dislocated member "to rights."
The horses were caught by the neigh
bors and taken to their home.
Ladies dress goods at the New York
Store for 12r cts. a yard.
Of tho Pacific Surgical Institute, 305
Kearney street, San Francisco, will be
at the Metropolitan Hotel, Roseburg,
September 8, 9 and 10; at the U. S.
Hotel, Jacksonville, Sept. 12, 13 and
14; at Houck's Hotel, Ashland, Sept.
15 and 16, and at the Frauco Ameri
can Hotel, Yreka, Cal.. Sept. 19 and
20, fully prepared treat all cases of
Spinal Disease, Knee and Hip Disease,
Club Fcot, Crooked.Limbs, Paralysis,
and all Chronic and Surgical Diseases.
As this Institution is unequaled in
facilities for the treatment of these
affections all who are interested should
not fail to see these Surgeons.
LUY In Jacksonville, August 20,
1881, to the wife of Fred Luy, a son.
KRAUSE At Jacksonville, August
25, 1881, to the wife of Frank
Krause, a son.
MURPHY At Jacksonville, August
24, 1881, to the wife of Mich. Mur
phy, deceased, a daughter.
G1ANNINI At Lake City, Cal.,
August 10, 1881, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Giannini, a son..
CRENSHAW Near Jacksonville,
August 18, 1881, to Mr. and Mrs.
Jasper Crenshaw, a son.
PENINGER At the family residence
near Willow Springs, August 24,
1881, George Poninger, aged 8 years
4 months aod 14 days.
VHIdtrUllr Items.
We hope soon to see Southern Ore
gon connected by rail with tho outside
Orr Brown, has sent east for another
fine sorghum mill with an entire full
outfit for manufacturing syrup on the
most improved process.
J."Q. Knight started this week to
take charge of a sung of hands on the
C. C. W. R, This looks some like
they meant business after so much talk.
Zouave Council, No. 14, C. of II.
now holds its regular meeting in June's
Hall, in this place. Dr. D. S. Holton,
P. W. C. of Defenso Council, No. 15,
legallyinstalled the officers of Zouave
Council, at a regular meeting of the
Council, not long since.
Harvesting is progressing finely in
Josephine county. Messrs. Thompson
& Dimick, have been running their
thresher for sometime now. Grain
crops are yielding moderately fair.
There will bo more grain threshed in
this section, this season, than ever be
fore. Some careless persons are again
starting fires in the mountains and else
where, destroying the forests and fill
ing tho atmosphere with smoke. A
bre on the arm or Airs. JNolands near
Wilderville, destroyed some 1500 or
2000 rails, around a field of growing
grain. When will people learn to be
more careful with fire?
There is said to be a buxom lass on
Applegate, a minister's daughter, with
the help of a younger brother, that has
mowed all of the hay on her father's
place this season. Also turning a help
ing hand to various other things on the
farm. It is said this minister has nev
er been known to beg for money. Yet
he attends regularly to his flocks.
Ihe railroad survey, througli this
section, created considerable excite
ment at the lime, but wo believe every
thing is silent now. I Icam that the
railroad surveyors from the North have
found a passable route over the Grave
creek hills, and are now at work on
Dutcher creek, Rogue river, on tho
old survey, as surveyed some vears ago.
The President.
Our latest information from the sick
room leaves the President in a very
unsatisfactory condition. Throughout
tho week just ending the hope of his
recovery grew fainter from day today,
and as we go to press his condition is
gradually growing more hopeless. Tho
convictiou forces itself upon the public
mind that the President lies very low
and that he cannot last many days
Navy tobacco at the New York
Store for G5 cts. per pound.
im 'm-nratiLwwiv..
Taken up by the undersigned on the
ucorgc isincK ranch, near Jacksonville,
one red roan bull, about eighteen months
old, with the point of right horn broken
oil. No other marks or brands. The
owner can recover the same by paying
costs and applying to
-Qxis. 33L, 1883,
Prof. Scott's String B.:nd will be in at
tendance. A general invitation is ex
tended to all.
Floor Managers.
Chns. Nickell, J. A. Card well,
t ranK Krause, sol. Wise.
Tickets, including supper, $2 fiO.
F. WERTZ, - Agent.
The undersigned bavin? taken the Ajrcn-
cy from tlie Universal Copying Oo., of
oan rancisco lor tneir ccieumtcu India
Ink, lierlin Finish, Crayon, Pastil and Oil
portraits is now prepared to have pictures
copied and enlarged on short notice and at
reasonable prices in the finest, and most
durable styles known to the art. Pictures
will he enlarged in India Ink and water
colors any size from 8x10 to life size, and
in Crayon, Pastil or. Oil from 20x34 to
2.)30 iaches. All pictures eiua'vd, ifn
less otherwise ordered, will be furnished
with elegant hlnck walnut frames and line
goUHievclcd mats, and glass. Having liad
considerable experience in taking "orders
for copying and enlarging I flatter myself
that I can give satisfaction in every case
where orders are entrusted to my care,
and good originals to copy from arc fur
nished. F. WEKTZ.
Free to Everybody!
A Beautiful Book for the Asking!
By applying personally at the nearest
Office Of TlIKcilXOEU manufacturing CO.
(or by postal card if at a distance) any
adult person will bo presented with a
beautifully illustrated copy of a Kew
Book entitled
on THE
Story of the Sewing Machine,
containing a handsome and costly steel
engraving frontispiece: also, 28 finely en
graved wood cuts, and bound in an elab
orate blue and gold lithographed cover.
No charge whatever is made for thishand
some book, which can be obtained only by
application at the branch and subordinate
offices of The Singer Manufacturing Co.
The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Principal Office, 34 Union Square,
New York.
ETothors Hire mzd T'hyilolan
rococunond it.
tho World's great Pain-Xlc-licvlng-remedies.
sootlio nud euro Burnt),
Wounds, AVcalc iJaek and
Ulicumatlhni upon Man, and
Sprains, Galls nnd Lameness
xpon Beasts. Cheap, quick,
and reliable.
SPURTS ef dliGustlnEMncnn,
Snuffles, CracUlng P&ina In tlio
Hoad, Fetid Breath, Eoafi
and any Catarrhal Com-nL
enn to exterminated ljywolEo
Meyer's Catarrh Core, a Consti
tutional Antidote, by Abaorji
tion. Tho moot Important Eii
oovexy sinoo Vaccination.
''- mfi&ZeLZ-Lir V--Tilffl1
Cnllftirnla Street, Itljululuz
Jacksonville, Oregon,
Latest Pattern and made from
All California Ittakc
A full Assortment of
Ladies' Dress & Fancy Goods,
Also a large line of
Men's and Boys' Hats.
Gentlemen's Undcrware, Suspenders &.,
I also keep a full line ot
Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Spices, Canned
goods of every description, a full assort
ment of
A large quantity of
Crockery and Glassware,
AllorwhicliI villsell
Extraordinary Low Priced.
3ry motto will be
Country Produce taken in exchango for
I am also agent for the following Stan
dard Insurance Companies:
Foreign Imperial, Loudon, Northon and
Foreign London and Lancashire.
Home Fireman's Fund.
Home State Investment Ins. Co.
Homo Commercial Ins. Co.
Home 'Western Ins. Co.
Traveler's Life and Accident of Hartford
Risks taken at lower rates than any
"Agent in Oregon, and will guarantee in
case of loss, prompt payment.
. A. 0. TI. W.
SEPTEMBER 28, 1881.
CojntrrTEn ok Aruanoements. Frank
Krause, Henry Klippel, K. Kubli, Sol.
Wise, Fred. G rob.
Receptiok Cosimittee. lion. E. B.
"Watson, Hon. H.K.IIanna,Dr.a. II. Aiken,
Wm. Bybee, John W. Baker, T, M. Ply
male. Fi.oon Committee. Chas. Nickell, T.
T. McKcnzie, D. II. Feathers, Dr. "Will.
Jackson, Newman Fisher.
The best of music and supper will be
furnished and everybody is invited to at
tend. Tioltots $3.00.
Tickets can be procured of Sol. "Wise at
N. Fisher's Store.