. OREGON SENTINEL. JALKodA'V ll.!iK Saturday, Acqust 13, 1881. Land OSleeat nosclinrs. Ozn. Jane 30, 1SS. J To All Tfhoni It may Concern! Xotlce li hereby siren that I have denl: nted theOKCGOV I'..TI.Vr.L at the paper In which I ahull hereartrr publlh all pre eaptlon, homctfead and appllrallons tor mining patent for lanrti l)ins uear JatksonTlUe, Jacluon conaty, Orrson. XT. K. n i:J.l MIX, Rrslster. Lost an Eye. Michael Parker, one of Surveyor Wra. M. Turner's assist ant, in "chaining" through the brush, the other day, had an eye put out. He was trying to dodge a dry limb, and in doing so ran into another with his ye, entirely destroying that member The unfortunate man bad to go to his home, and Mr. Turner is minus one man. A Floral Prodigy Mrs. D. N. Sirdseye on Rogue River below Book iPoiut is very fond of flowers. Among the many floral beauties at her resi dence, is a pot plant fuschia of the Mack prince species, aged about 14 Months, and 2i feet in height, on which a few 'days ago Mrs. Birdseyo . counted 80 blossoms in full bloom and MIT BIS BO, JLHU iUA.lt lililUI. 1UO kr If -KT T1.- Portland correspondent of the San 3?rancisco Chronicle, under dato of August Gth, has this item about our railroad prospects: "The surveying jiarty in the interest of Villard leaves jiere on Monday morning to locate a "route from Roseburg to Cloverdale, 'Cal. This will leave Jacksonville out in tho cold by this new plan of the ex tension of the Oregon and California Bailroad The Grain Crop Notwithstanding the fact that in early spring the pros pect for an average yield of grain was very far from flattering, tho weather during the summer has been such as to bless our farmers with what we are told is the best crop that Southern Oregon has had for years, and as the protpect for better prices are good, our people are looking forward to a let-up of the stringency of money with no little satisfaction. Judgment Rendered. Tho two cases of the United States against W. C Griswold and others, in the U. S. Circuit Court at Portland, were both deemed yeslerdav in favor of the plain- "tinjcixcept as to Alberts, Hill, Dur ham aitd. Thompson. This decision Sives the United States and B. F. .Powell about twenty-seven thousand dollars worth of property to pay their judgment of $35,2:28 in the District Court for Griswold's frauds. Freight San Francisco to Smith River. Tho following letter from R. D. Hume, dated at San Francisco, Aug. Cth, and addressed to Clias. Hughes, .. Krhyville,fixii!ains itself i "You ask tne if I would contract td'deliver 3000 tons of freight yearly at the mouth of Smith river. 1 suppose that means inside the river. In answer will eay, I will contract that amount yearly nt $5 per ton. Hoping these figures will meet your views, I am," ic Chaupions Election. At a recent meeting of "To Tho Front" Council No. 13, C. of H., the following pincers were installed for the ensuing term: J. N. Gotcher, Y. C; P. V. Shoemak er, M. C; Lizzie Kiucaid, Lt. C; Jay Davidson, Herald; Dora Godfrey, Scribe; C. T. Davidson, F. S.; M. M. Davidson, Treas.; Ira Sparlin, Warden; David John, Usher;. Josie Gibson, Messenger; Lola Lavton, Prelate; A. Watts, P. W. C; " Hannah McGee, Asst. Scribe; Mrs. Gotcher and Emma Nail, Aids to W. 0. Mr. Howlst's Affliction. Since our last another of Mr. Howlctt's children died of diphtheria making four out of that family within one week. The stricken family, thinking that perhaps the location of the house the) lived in might have something to do with their sickness, have removed to Mr. Linkswiler's residence on An telope creek. A fifth child was quite low and not expected to recover when the messenger left. The deceased children were aged respectively: the boys, one fourteen and the other seven years; the girls respectively C.V and four years. The Road Located. J.S.Howard, "who is surveying a railroad line through the vallev. passed through festerdav. He says that distanco from town he ra. telescopic view ot our Uourt LHouse and decided on running aline "through the center of it,as it could tin n be used for a depot also. Upon closer ex amination, however, ho found that the line run through Col. Ross' barn in stead of the Court House, and Howard now excuses himself by saying that he thought some improvements might have been made to our Court House since his absence, sufficient to cause the mistake. TnE R. R. Survey. Howard's sur veying party reached Conrad Mingus' farm on the stage road 3J miles south oast of Jacksonville. From hero they took a northern course, which led them through Heber Grove, Mrs. Chambers' and Lever's farms, on toward Willow Springs. From the main line of sur vey at Mingus' field a line was run to Jacksonville. This line was brought through by Bellinger's and Ficke's land and Airs. Bilger's orchard to the Court House. The distance from the main lino at Mingus' field to the Court House is three miles and 6G0 feet, with a fall of 50 feet to the mile. This sur vey established the altitude of Jackson ville in front of the U. S. Hotel at 1640 feet. As we go to press the main line of survey is running via Willow Springs toward the Chavener brid; . LOCAL ITEMS. Pay your dog tax. Ask for yoi'r bill at this office. More weddings are announced. E. Jacobs says he will not be under sold. You can get bargains at Brecken feld's. Plymale is having his buggies newly painted. John Bolt and Jack Layton paid us a visit this week. The town hall has been supplied with flew benches. Ed. Simons is hauling new wheat to the steam grist mill of this place. Preaching to-morrow at the M. E. church, by Rev. M. A. Williams. Henry York will not go East as he intended on account of poor health. The Jacksonville flouring mill re ceives large amounts of wheat daily. Bishop Haven was buried August 4lh in lee Mission cemetery, Salem. We regret to learn that the little son of David Peninger is still quite sick. Rev. M. C. Miller left here last Monday for Roseburg and conference. Hoop-playing affords the lesser Jack sonville youth unbounded sport just now. George Frey of North Fork of Little Butte was in town a few day this week. A. S. Moon has been appoined Post master at Sam's Valley vice Mr. Paine, resigned. Joseph Satterfield and Ben Hay mond were among our visitors last Thursday. ' Henry Kubli is still quite low with fever at the residence of his brother, K. Kubli. Win. M. Turner's surveying party is expected back about the middle of September. The atmosphere is getting very hazy. A great deal of brush is burning in the mountains. A family from Nevada arrived on Butte creek last Monday, intending to buy a farm. Rev. J. S. McCain and wife passed through here on Mouday on their way to conference. The reader is referred to our first outside page for interesting vagon road matter. Read. Tho Statesman says Dr. A. M. Belt is lying dangerously ill at his residence in Independence. R. Koehler, manager of theO. & C. R. R., is expected hero any day on a tour of inspection. During Tom Kenney's sickness Mr. Langell has been tending to the for mer's saddler shop. Read the fee bill agreed on by tho physicians of Jacksonville as published in another column. E. H. Autenrieth has gone to San Francisco for the purpose of having one of his eyes doctored. Peter Boschy who has been confined to his room by sickness is about again. Tom Kenney is also better. . Robt. Farrell, traveling agent for the San Jose Mercury and S. F. Chron icle, gave us a call this week. Geo. Chrystal, Jr., is entitled to the thanks of the Sentinel office for some very nice pears and apples. Another excursion j.ei steamer Gen. Howard is announced to leave Link ville for Pelican Bay August 21st. Dr. Will Jackson has just finished moving into his new residence, former ly the parsonage property on Piety Row. The Squaw Lake Mining Company has a force of men employed putting in the dam washed out by last winter's freshet. Dr. J. S. McFadden attends to tho sick in Applegato precinct, Wo learn that he has a number of patients under his care. E. C. Galer of Williams creek was in town and favored us with a call He reports considerable sickness in that locality. Mrs. Wm. M. Turner returned on Tuesday from Big Applegate where she has been visiting at the family of S. R. Taylor. We would like to know of what ma terial a "castle in the air" is built? Also, would like to see the foundation of said castle. E. Manville left here Thursday on the stage going north. He thinks he will probably not return until Feb rffary of next year. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of a pair of saddle bags taken from the fence one night this week and no questions asked. Our acknowledgments are due to Geo. W. Carr of Griffin creek for a basketful of Siberian crab apples. They were very nice. C. B. Chapman has sold his interest in tho Linkville planing mills to Fair child fc Goodin, and removed to Jack sonville with his family. Important closing out sale of my en tire stock of Summer goods in every department. Call and get bargains. ' .Newman Fisher. The improved Wheeler fc Wilson sewing machines make the lock-stitch without using a shuttle and never breaks your under thread C. B. Roslel is fitting up the Neu ber property on California street in good style, and will soon bo ready for business at the new stand. Gen. R. V. Ankpny, who sometime ago had a leg broken at Lakeview, is improving rapidly and expects soon to be able to attend to business. The Tidings says that Charles Wol ters is the butcher at Nick Ficke's shop. Mistake. Oharlpy is clerking for the Madame at the U. S. Hotel. From Superindent J. Brandt, Jr., we learn that work on the extension of the O. & C. R. R, south of Roseburg will begin some time in September next A son of Judge Bellinger, says the Oregonian, joined Major Stahlbers company of Engineers who are to lo cate the railroad from Roseburg to Cloverdale. Invitations are out for tho marriage of Miss Effie, daughter of Sheriff Bybee, and Clias. Prim, the ceremony to take place next Thursday evening at nine o'clock. Jerry Nunan left here on Tuesday for Waldo to see about the estate of Hyacinth Carron, deceased, of which estate he is executor. He will be back in a few days. Messrs. Dan Cronemiller and John Cimborsky returned on Sunday from Portland, where they have been at tending the grand lodge of the Imp'd. Order of Red Men. Judge Silas J. Day and family left 1 hereon Wednesday for McCadisters sodn springs on North Fork of Little Butte. The family exppct to remain at the springs three weeks. Horace Sejbert informs us that work is still progressing at his quartz ledge with the most favorable indica tions. He has about seventy-five tons of ore on the dump at present. Our Canyonvillo and Roseburg friends are not "overly" delighted with the performances of the Kentucky Colored Jubilee Singers. They con sider themselves "muchly" bilked. Justice J. H. Hutfer, of this p'ace, proposes opening a real estate office in this place soon, where everything per taining to the transfer of land will 'be attended to with promptness and dis patch. The papers sav tho new comet is visible to the naked eye, but you have to get up at two in tho morning to get a squint at it. The star-gazer will find it in nearly the same position that the late, comet was seen. The Portland Business College is new under the management of A. P. Armstrong as Principal and J. A. Wesco as Penman and Secretary. Mr. Armstrong is a Jacksonville boy and e are glad to hear of his success. In making up our list of tourists that have tjone to Crater Lake and other points of interest, we inadver tently omitted B. B. Beekman's name. B'.-n is determined to get as much good out of his vacation as possible. Two or more surgeons from the Pa cific Surgical Institute of San -Francis co, -.wiU bo"iu- Jackson vilioitlio"T12lh,; n3tbjand,14th.oLnext. mont!ireadyto aUcVd?oanycasesjtlmtthly TmaVe i caueti on to treat. irau their card. Dr. Aiken, who came up from Jose phine county on Tuesday, says there is still a great deal ct sickness in that part of thn county. In Mrs. Kuglw's family there were still six of the chil dren sick with several quite seriously. Judge H.K. Ilannaond County Clerk Henry Klippel tcok a flung trip to the mountains between here and the coast one day last week. They were to take in the Cinnabar and Squaw Lake re gions, but went no farther than the lakes. An emigrant wagon, well loaded with children and household goods, passed through here on Weduesday bound south. So far this season most of the emigrant wa:;ons which passed through here headed in the other di rection. A. C. Jones, Eq., and his son Homer returned last Saturday after an absence of some six weeks in thePuget Sound, Willamette and Unipqua coun tries. The trip has been very bene- licial to them & regards health and in formation. It is reported that the Sehieffelinsof Arizona have purchased their father's farm on Rogue River for 59,000 and presented it to their brother, E. S. Schieflelin, who has had charge of the dace for some time past. An accep table present. On Tuesday Justice Huffer's court was wrestling with an assault and bit tery case from Johnnie Mule creek. The case terminated by the jury bring ing in a verdict or not guilty, and a general discharge of the parties impli- caiea. .Let us nave peace. The party given to the little folks by Madamo Holt nnd Miss Celita DeRo boam At Holt's hall last Wednesday evening was surely a success as-nearly every youngster in town, both malfl and female was there, and all seemed to enjoy themselves hugely. J. P. McDaniel, Henry Kubli, Philip Miller, John Donegan and Ed. Booth returned from the Cinnabar country last Tuesday, having been out nine days. Plenty of soda water and a good time generally was the re sult of the nine d-iys'' campaign. Bishop Kavanaugh of the M. E. Church, South, preached at Albany last Sunday to the largest audience ever assembled in that town. He is in his 80th year, and preaches with much of his youthful ferver. Bishop Kavanaugh wi 1 visit the other confer ence nt East Portland on the 18th. L. Samuel, Esq., was in our m-dst three or four days, working up the in terests of that superb illustrated monthly, the West Shore. He, is gath ering material to be used in his forth coming issue on Southern Oregon and its resouries, and we are pleased to learn that he has mec with very fair aeo88. Considerable hay baling is going on in the county. There seems to be a disposition on the part of the farmers to provide an abundance of hay for next winter's use whether for home or outside consumption. There is noth ing like having a good supply of every thing on hand, whether tho winter months shall prove mild" or otherwise. Frank and Eugene Savage returned on Tuesday from Boise City, Idaho, where they have been since the 4th of June taking a look at the country. Idaho, they think, is not as good a country as it is cracked up to be, and besides there is no place like home. Ladd Savage and Geo. Howard are in Linkville, working their way toward the Rogue River country. Mrs. C. Schieflelin and her son Richard from Los Angelos - reached here last week. They are visiting the o'd homo on Rogue River, and are re ceiving the congratulations of their old neighbors. Old Mr. Schieflelin, we learn, was not enjoying the best of health in his new home at Los Ange los. The latest ailment on- the cat alogue with which the old gentleman was afflicted were the mumps I By far the largest timothy tops we have ever seen were shown to us this week. They were grown on the Lan gell stock ranch in Lako couhty and in length they measued,Q."ifcht5U.tj seems to us it would'nt take so very many of these heads to makeji bushel of timothy seed; and judging from its marketable value, this s;ed is the most profitable article of agriculture that can be raised by the farmer. Uur State University at Jiujene City is now on a sound financial foot ing, all the outstanding indebtedness having been paid off with a donation of 7,000 from Henry Villard. The management is now in good hands ami the corps of teachers cannot be excelled anywhere. Jackson county has four scholars in attendance when in session and several more contemplate com mencing soon. Read their terms in another column. J. E. Eldredgo the editor of the Dffl Norte Record is n ubiquitous business man. Besides being printer and editor he runs the Crescent City photograph gallery, is the city undertaker, furnish rs the music at the public dances, is society lamp-'ighter, has an interest in a meat market and is a member of the boiraof alderman of Crescent City. Mr Eldredge. is a tetotal disbeliever in the nonsensical adage: "too many irons in the fire." Tho Wheeler it Wilson new sowing machines are adapted to every grade of manufacture of stitched goods and every kind of do mestic sewing. , They are superior to all others in point of speed, durability, precision anil ease 'of operation, reg ularity, strength, beauty of stitch, range of work, faculty of management, perfection of construction and cleg.ince of finish. They are declared by the highest authorities the best sewing ap paratus in tho world. " " T. J- - , t- - 'rSIrfm S of the vegetables in .7' OH. Hoxies garden near I'hoenix are as . .- . suming very large proportions. The beets and rutabagoes are already very heavy. One beet and one rutabago by no means the heaviest in the gar dctr patch attracted our attention. In circumferenco the beet measured 23 inches one way and 25 inches the other way. The rutabago was 23 by 28 inches. Neither of the vegetables had their growth. Mr. Hoxie does not ir gate. Obituary. Gen. Martin V. Brown, for mere than ten years publisher and editor of the Bedrock Deuiocrat, Al bany, died of consumption on Wednes day afternoon, August 3d, 1881, after a lingering illness at Lower Soda Springs in Linn county, aged 38 years. At the time of his death and for a number of years past, he held the com mission from tl.o Governor as B'iga dier General of tho Oregon State Militia. He also held the office of State Printer for the period of four years. Deceased had come here from the State of Iown, and was a Democrat of the most pronounced tvpe. He was in tho full possession of his faculties to the last and passed away expressing a hopeful fuith and strong belief in Chris tianity. A bereaved wife and many friends survive to mourn his loss. Having been a master Mason his funer al obsequies were conducted by mem bers of that order. Oregon Alkali Desert. George Schumpf returned Wednesday from Camp Harney, where he has been bringing in seyeral passengers. He says - traveling -'JtrouhUMgrwa aiKuu ueserb is any tiling nut ptcasant. The want of water fit to dfinkj is the great desideratum of that country. One or more artesian wells sunk at inter vals along the line of travel, would prove an incalculable blessing to both man and beast who have to traverse that thirst' country. Congressman M C. George could endear himself greatly to hit constituents by advo cating the construction by the general government of some artesian wells in that section, and Mr. S. hopes it may be done. And so say we. ASHLASD A3 AN EDUCATIONAL CEN TER. The College Ceroma fojr tho month of August is before us. It is published quarterly by the faculty of Ashland College. All friends of edu cation and especially of Ashland Col lege will find in it a publication of great value. We see by this number that an effort is making to place the institution on a sound financial basis, by raising an endowment fund of 520, 000. We hive a gentleman in our mind's eye, wh'pse heart is in the work of education who' if properly approach ed by the right man will, we believe give $10,000, proved the Trustees of the institution fcfltiienAt)ier ten thousand. Concerning the Wagon Road to the Coast. The following proceed ings of the Board of Supervisors of Del Norte county, Cal., wo extract from the Crescent City Record of Aug. 6th. These proceedings speak for themselves: Horace Gasquet presents and files a petition and statement that he is about to construct a wagon road leading from the forks of Smith rivor up the Middle fork of said river, on the left hand bank thereof about four miles; thence across the same; thenco to the mouth of Patrick creek; thence up Pat rick creek to Shelley creek; thence to a point on the state line between Cali fornia and Oregon, about three miles east of the Robins' Nest, being twenty miles in length, and intended to be a toll road; and prays this Board for an order appointing two commissioners to act in conjunction with a commissioner appointed by said petitioner, to lay out the proposed road and report their pro ceedings, together with a map of said road, to this Board. Wherefore, in consideration oE the premises and the facts stated, it is ordered by this Board that N. McNamara and J. F. Frantz be, and they are hereby appointed com missioners tc. Audit isfurtherordered that said commissioners be, and they are hereby required to report their proceedings, together with a map of said road, to this Board on Monday, Gct:"37TB8i:Aird itTsfurttoroTderT ed, and it is hereby declared that the pay for the services of said commissio ners appointed, and all other expenses incurred bv reason of the laying out of tho said road, and all expenses incident thereto, shall be paid by the petitioner, and in no event shall become a county charge. Playing with Fire and not Get ting Burnkd. A ridiculous sham wedding took place at the office of the U. S. Hotel on Sunday night last, which came near resulting in an as tounding catastrophe. The bride groom was a double witted San Fran cuco runner, and agent of the Morn ning "Call," in 'the full Bloom of life, and the biide a slender Jacksonville youth of the male persuasion, dressed in female clothing. The so-called brother of the bride threatened to shoot the young man if he refused to marry tho girl, whom it was charged he had seduced. A minister was called in, (also a sham petsonage), to solem nize the marriage, and the culmmatiis point of the faice was reached. The fun was a trifle too much for the "per force" bridegroom and half-crazed he strenuously protested against the whole proceeding. The farce, after it h.id gone its length, was brought abruptly to a close by the Madame diiving out the hilarious wedding guests and the would-be brother of the bride. And when the true gender of tho bride was discoveied, he too was fired out of the hotel. Two newspaper men, one rep resenting the S. F. Chronicle, and the J other a Portland paper were present, who will write up tho disreputable af fair for the benefit of the public with 'the names of the parties imniiciui ill .l.wilt ua I leu ina.uiii'', uiiu some had better stand from under A DirncuLT Journey. George Schumpf who went to Camp Harney after some passengers which he did not get, had quite an experience, both going and coming. As he had never been at Harney before, he found the distance very long, especially the stretch of rond over tho "desert." The distance from Jacksonville to Camp Harney via Lakeview is 48i miles, which he ac complished in eight days, but losing his way the distance traveled was con siderably increased. Both of Mr. Schumpt's horses took sick from drink ing alkali water, and he w&s compelled to hire a span of fresh horses to drive home with. Recro'sitig the desert from Camp Harney he was accompan ied by Ladd Savage and Geo. Howard, and between the threw the grub supply grew so light that they had to travel several days on homeopathic rations. When they got into tho station they were as hungry as wolves. Mr. Schumpf sayi some of tho valleys trav ersed weie very beautiful; at one place he saw a herd of cattlo 50,000 strong, at another a herd of 12,000, with the grass knee high. Eastern Oregon is a great country 1 A Broad Hint. Straws tell which way tho wind blows. G. Karewski of this city is ono of tho heaviest mer chants of Southern Oregon. Since the opening of spring he has had hau'ed to him from tho two points named tho following amounts of freight: From Roseburg 15,000 lbs.; from Redding (S. F. freight) 04,000 lbs.; from Red ding (Eastern freight, agricultural ma chinery, etc.,) 100,000 11)3., or 149,000 ljcund more freight from Redding than from Roseburg. J lie above is the showing of only one house. How many other houses in Southern Oregon could show a corresponding prepon derance of their freight received from Redding to Roeburg? Let Portland take the hint, and push tho railroad into this valley. On Thursday Rev. D. A. Crowell and Prof. Rogers nnd Mrs. Rogers left here for East Portland, the seat of the Oregon Conference M. E. Church, whiclrconvenes nextThursday, the 18th instant. two or jkiiei: M'i:r.::os Of the Pacific Surgical Institute, 305 Kearney street, San Francisco, will be nt the Metropolitan Hotel, Roseburg-, September 8, 9 and 10; at the U. S. Hotel, Jacksonville, Sept. 12, 13 and 14; at Houck's Hotel, Ashland, Sept. 15 and 16, and at the Franco Ameri can Hotel, Yreka, Cal., Sept. 19 and 20, fully prepared treat all cases of Spinal Discasp, Knee and Hip Disease, Club Fcot, Crooked Limbs, Paralysis, and all Chronic and Surgical Diseases. As this Institution is unequalrd in facilities for the treatment of these affections all who are interested should not fail to see these Surgeons. COMJ.tDKL'JlS. WHAT WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE: Fewer flies. A long-sighted Democrat. Jim Birdsey in bad humor. The C. C. wagon road completed. A R. R. depot on Nick Ficko's land. More water to sprinkle the streets with. The '49 prices abolished in Kogue River valley. Ministers preach shorter sermons this hot weather. The City Hall of Jacksonville fur nished with seats. A photograph of the North Pol this warm weather. A foot raco between Jas. A. Card- well and Joe. E. B?ggs. An electric lamp on the liberty pol at the Court House yard. A less number of attempts by young men to grow chin whiskers. The man who has never said he would not go to another show. Riders of horses show more mercy to dumb brutes this warm weather. More married men contented, and others not so frisky while wives are absent. The widow who despises matrimony jsufnciently-to-be unwilling to try it over again. WHAT WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW. A new way to pay old debtsl Wherein the "blessedness" exists of a bachelor lifel What objection Sargent Dunlap has to married lifel The origin of "Smart-Aleck," and whether we have one in Jacksonville! How many seconds it took a certain gentleman to make his escape through the U. S. Hotel window Who is going to inherit Samuel J. Tilden? Poor fellow, his income is only 51000 per day. Who told the Portland Standard that all the O. it C. R. R. surveying parties south had been called in? Who the officiating clergyman was who solemnized tho sham wedding at the U. S. Hotel last Sunday night? IIow John Bull would like it, if the people of British Columbia w.ould an nex themselves to tha American Union? LUt of Letter Not called for in the Post Office at Jacksonville, Ogn., August 10th, 1881: Max Muller, P. M. Anderson Mis? M Baird Chas S Cleary Mrs Emily Currey Jauius L Eddiugton Lulie Edwards Philip McMahou Joseph Manville Geo W Miller John F Mortimer Thomas Munkms William Pierce Florid Rot en Sadie Sanders Martha Sherwood Ed winE Smith Mrs L Swiiiay J AV ; Vest M J Williams HC . I Ford Wilbur I Garrett Wm 2 Geary Miss Mary jIhomas JjalLailgUvJIiVOl' Hurdmun J T Holt Jas Johnson B S The Benedictines. Fathers Adel del in Odermatt and Nicholas Frei, formerly of Switzerland, moro recently of Conception, Npdaway county, Mis souri, are now in our midst on a tour of inspection. They came to this coast for the purpose of finding a suit able location for the establishment of a monastery of the Ancient Or der of Saint Benedict, of which society they are members. We understand thev are very favorably impressed with our beautiful' valley and nowhere do they find the outlook better for build ing up the Catholic religion among the people. We also learn that a gentle man has been found in this county who is willing to pay 2,000 toward the establishment of a monastery for Benedictine monks. WM,'i.fcm! DIED. ROBERTS At Vancouver, W. T. August 3, 1881, of malignant ton silitis, Jennie Alice, daughter of George and Fannie Roberts, aged 8 years, C months and 22 days. PREFONTAINE On Foot's creek, August 7, 1881, of cholera infan tum, Maggie, infant duughter of Wilford and Nancy Prefontainc, aged 4 months and 5 days. KUGLE- C-' .WiH'onis creek, Au-j.7, 1881, of typhoid fever, after an ill ness of two weeks, Jennie Kugle, aged about 20 years. HOWLETF On Big Butte, July 30th, 18S1, Alford Willis Howlett; nged 14 years and 7 days. August 1st, Bertie Prescott Howlett, aged 4 years and 11 days. August 2d, Martha Ellen Howlett, aged 5 years, G mouths and 17 days. August 5th, Wilber Herbert Howlett, aged 7 vears, 9 months and 4 days. Chil dren of A. C. and S. E. Howlett, all of whom died of diphtheria. Office of SciiciVrz & Vox 15 vkokx, 129 California street, cor. Front, San Francisco. ) John L. Bukxs, Agent. To the Trade: Practical experience has demonstrated tons that the trade re quires a choice old Bourbon for immedi ate use. For it is well known that straight whisky tlint is absolutely pure requires age, great care anil attention, and our old Davenport whisky possesses all the above qualities. The grain used in the distilla tion of our J. II. Davenpott whisky is carefully selected from the finest, richest and very best grown in the state of Ken tucky. The water is drawn from one of the tinest limestone springs in the state, the peculiar properties of which have gained lor KentucKy whiskies such world wide celebrity. This process makes our J. II. D:.vcnport a pure, hand mado, sour mash vhisky, and we claim that for deli, cacy of flavor, purity and medicinal qual ities, it stands unexcelled. Yours truly Scnm.rz fc Vox Bakgex. From and after this date J. P. McDaniel & Co. Jacksonville, will keep the justly celebrated DavenporU pure.straight whis ky 'exclusively. aVE--HJTtXIirD MITCHELL-NICHOLS -August8, 1881, by Elder Martin Peterson, at his residence, Mr. Henry H. Mitcl ell and Mrs. Mary E. Nichols. 3ESOSXT0". McCLENDON In Sam's Valley, Aug. 7th, 1871, to tho wife of C C. McClendon, a daugter. NEIL In Ashland, Aug. 7th, 1881, to the wife of L. A. Neil, a son. YORK On Applegate, July 1, 1881,to the wife of Henry York, a son. vjww-visrzrir7w Children recommend it IT IS K0T NARCOTIC. CENTAUR UXOIENTS; tho "World's great Pain-lic-lievinjy remedies. They heal, soothe and euro Burns, Wounds, AVcalc Back and Rheumatism upon Man, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness rpoa Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. EPTTHT3 o! dlscnstlns Mnom, SnuHos, Cracliliag Pains In tho Head, Fetid Breath, TJoafnoss, and any Catarrhal Complaint, can bo exterminated by "Wei So Keycr's Catarrh Care, a Consti tutional Antldoto, uy Absorp tion. Tto most Important DU oo very sinco Vaocination. srsw-ycryf-gT-. l-.: l:-- .."-ts; J. NUNAN, Calirurnla Street. Adjoining HOLT'S NEW HOTEL, Jacksonville, Oregon, DEALER IX CLOTHING MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' I Latest Pattern and; made from mr runnr t DUCK & DbMIX OVERALLS AND JITMPKRS. SHOES, ETC., LADIES', MISSES', CHILDREN'; KID & CALF SHOES. MEN'S AND BOYS HOOTS: ALEXIS TIES AND BROUANS. illl California Rlako. A full Assortment of Ladies' Dress & Fancy Goods, AUo a large line of Men's and Boys' Hats. Gentlemen's Undrwarc, Suspenders &e., I also keep a full lino ot GROGER2SS, ETC., Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Spices, Canned goods or every description, a lull assort ment of TOBACCO & CIGAKS. A large quantity of Crockery anil Glassware, All of which I will sell AT Extraordinary Low Prices. My motto will be "QUICK SALE; and SMALL PROFIT." Country Produce taken in exi&ango for goous. I am also agent for tho following Stan dard Insurance Companies: Foreign Imperial, London, Northen and Queen. Fortign London and Lancashire. Home Fireman's Fund. Home State Investment Ins. Co. Home Commercial Ins. Co. Home Western Ins. Co. Traveler's Life and Accident of Hartford Conn. Risks taken at lower rates than any Agent in Oregon, and will guarantee in case of loss, prompt payment. JERRY NUNAN. The Hopkins Saw-mill SITUATED OX JACKASS CREEK, Tony and Lindley Proprietors, Has been fitted up in first-lass ordor and the lessees are prepare'! to turn I an all kinds of lumber on tne shortest notfc All kinds, of lumber sold as cheap as cheapest and all orders filicci urouint! All kinds of country produce taieiT exchange for inmner. ron Oastozla.