5 v.,BW?5r;r.3Sr.f, ,,. - . Imw of N'o'wapapors. - Subscribers who da not glT txprto notice ta b eostnrjr, art considered u wishing t continue kJr.,sbscrlptions. J? If aiy subscribers order the dlsconthrasnee o Skttr newspapers, the pnbllsher may continue t them until all arrearages are paid. 2. If subscribers neglector refuse to take their nevtpapere from the offices to which thej are di oted, tbeltw holdi them responsible until the; sure settled the bills, and ordered them dlscontf nned. 4'. If subscribers remore to other places without ttfarmlng the publisher, and the newspapers are sent o the farmer direction, they are held responsible. S. The Courts hare decided that refilling to take newspapers from this office, or remorlng and tear Ins them uncalled for, Is prima fade eridence of In tentional fraud. 61 The postmaster who neglects to give legal no tce'of the neglect of a person to take from the office js newspaper addressed to him, Is liable to the pub ahsr for the subscription price. TTEKE JKFFERSOX AND FBi..lKLI. IFI Dcur Dr. J. P. Newman recently before a large Brooklyn audience asks the above question, and quotes the follow ing autograph letter in proof of Jeffer son's religions sentiments. It was ad dressed to a lad who had been named after the immortal sage of Mouticello, and therein is advice worthy of a prophet: Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Jeffer son Grotjan: Your affectionate moth er requests that 1 would address to you as a namesake something which might have a favorable influence on the course of Jife you have to run. Few words are necessary, with good dispo sitions on your part. Adore God, rev erence and cherish your parents, love your neighbor as yourself, and your country more than life. Be just, be true, murmur not at the ways of Prov idence; and the life into which you have entered will be the passage to one of eternal and ineffable bliss. And if to the dead it is permitted to care for the things of this world, every action of your life will be under my re gard. Farewell. Monticello, Jan -10, 1824. It was in the Constitutional Conven tion of 1787 that Franklin introduced a motion for daily prayers, and in fa vor of his motion thus eloquently spoke: In the beginning of the contest with Britain, when we were sensible of dan ger, we had daily prayers in this rcom for the Divine protection. Our pray ers, sir, were heard; and they were gra ciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have ob served frequent instances of a superin tending providence in our favor. To that kind Providence wo owe this hap py opportunity in peace of the means of establishing our future National felicity. And have we now forgotten that 'powerful Friend, or do we imagine we no longer need his assistance? I have lived, sir, a long time, and the longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs the affairs of man. And if a sparrowcannotfall to theground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, sir, in the sacred writings, that "except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it" I firmly believe that without his concur ring aid we shall succeed in this politi cal building no better than the builders of Babel. We shall be divided by our little, partial, local interests; our pro jects will be confounded, and we our selves shall become a reproach and a by-word down to future ages. And, what is more, mankind may hereafter, from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing government of human wisdom, and leave it to chance, war, end conquest. I, therefore, beg leave to move that hereafter prayers, implor ing the assistance of Heaven and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and one or more of the clergy of this city be re quested to officiate in that service. Sf. r. R. It. Lnml Sales. The Tacoma Ledger says: Mr. J. H. Bfougton, Land Agent of the N. P. Pu R, Co. for the Pen d'Oreille, Cas cade and Pacific divisions, states the amount of sales for the month of May, 1881, on the first named division, at $59,998.06 against $12,034.05 for the corresponding period of last year. These figures show the rapid increase of settlement in Eastern Washington. Sales on the Pen d'Oreille division be gan November 16th, 1879, and up to the 20th of May had reached an ag gregate of 5731,323.95. The means for building this division were provid ed independently of and long prior to the syndicate loan of forty millions. A mortgage was created providing for the issuance of construction bonds to th amount of $4,500,000. receivable at par in payment for the lands. About $500,000 of these bonds have been received in payment for lands and retired, and the residue of this por tion of the grant amounts to about 5;000,000 acres. It is estimated that fully one-half of the remainder can readily be sold within the next five years for 2.60 per acre, and that the en tire grant of this division will realize about $9,000,000. Of the lands on the Pacific division more have been sold during May of this year than in any month for three years past chiefly to settlcis along the Cowlitz river in Lewis and Cowlitz counties. The recent fires on Dr. Glenn's ranch in Colusa county, California, burned over four miles and destroyed 3,000 acres of grain, four miles of fence, six head of mules, one header and eighteen Tragons. It was started by some small boys who kindled a fire in an old stove that stood outside of an unoccupied cabin. Tht Arizona Floods. A Tucson, (A.. T.) dispatch of July 28th says: This is the fifth day since we had a mail from the east, and three days since we had a mail from Califor nia. Two hundred miles of the Atch ison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad along the Bio Grande is more or less washed out, while the Southern Pacific has washouts from 1 Paso to Yuma, covering about 500 miles of the road bed. The roadbed of the Southern Pacific was substantially built, but they made the mistake of setting surface trestle-work in many places where it should have been substantial ly piled. This they are now doing as rapidly as possible, so that in another season they will be better prepared to withstand Arizona floods, which aro more powerful and destructive than the floods in almost any other country. The soil is peculiar. Water will only penetrate it to a slight depth, conse quently nearly all the rain that falls at once finds its way into the ravines and gulches and soon gathers an im mense volume of water which carries everything before it. It is diffiult to determine whether the advantages from rain will equal the damage done. . - It now transpires that Guiteau, the would-be-assassin, was, about twelve years ago, a member of the Bible class of Plymouth church, and his photo graph was hanging on the wall with those of his former class-mates. The teacher of the class says Guiteau once borrowed seven dollars of him by tell ing him a lie. When it was learned that he had shot the President, the pict ure was at once removed from the group. Mr. Beecher in his sermons on the assassination the last two Sun days, did'nt say anything about this. Perhaps he didn't know it; and perhaps be thinks Plymouth church has enough to answer for, without letting it be known that the greatest criminal of the century imbibed a portion of his relig ious teachings at that shrine. A St. Louis telegram of July 26th says, that Gov. Crittenden in coversa tion with a reporter regarding the death of Judge Clifford of the supreme bench, stated that sometime ago when he (Crittenden) was in Washington, Judge Clifford told him that he had prepared a complete and de tailed history of the proceedings of the electoral commission of which he was a member, and that it would be published after his death, unless his wife (who was custodian of the manu script) should otherwise decide, and that its publication would create a sen sation. Let us have itl A party of soldiers from Fort Klam ath who made an effort to go up to Crater Lake late in June, we learn, turned back without accomplishing their object, the snow in the approaches of the lake being too deep and soft. Tourists desiring to visit Crater Lake now need have no fears. They can reach the mke.YJthpcrfect Safety, as the snow is now nearly all melted. Secretary Kirkwood has decided that pensioners who have been inmates of soldiers' homes, and who leave these institutions without the consent of the managers, are entitled to their pensions directly. He holds that if the care of soldiers' homes is not given to or is repudiated by the soldier, the soldier, and not the institution, is entited to the pension. SELLING OUT -M"t C?0!5"t;9 a. BRECKENFELD'S ! AND NO HUMBUG. The undersigned is now selling off, at cost, to close out business, his complete anu urswujiss assortment ot Uent's Furn ishing Goods, such as Hats, Shirts, Under wear, ttc; best hrnnil of niiriira nnil TVi bacco, Pipes, Notions, Fancy Goods, Glass ware. Croe.kerr. Mnsim! Tnstntmpnts nird Cage, Stationery, Pocket and Table Cut- lnr A llintnii fPrti.n -.,.I V..i- a Give ine a call and see for yourselves. F. BREC'KENFELD. JACKSONVILLE HOTEL ryan's building cal., st., A. D. MANION, Prop. Hiving purchased this house of Mr. Birkhead we intend to try to run it on the same plan, furnishing the table with the best the market affords. Ho China cook, but white labor exclusively. MEALS ONLY 33 CTS. All arc invited cordially to come and try our fare. A. 1). MANION. SETTLE UP. A.11 persons knowing themselves in- acutea to tuc unaersignea in any manner are hereby notified to call and settle at once. This is positively the last call, for I mean business. An immediate reponse will save costs. JOS. SOLOMON. , Jacksonville, June SO, 1881. Miss Ella 31. Scott, Teacher of Music. INSTRUCTION GIVEN ON THE FIAWO FORTE, ORGAN AND MELODEON. In Notation, Formation and Cultivation of the Voice; Solo Singing. English and Italian; Singing at Siht; Part Singing; Dramatic Action in Singing; Ensemble Playing; Harmony, Counterpoint, and Fugue; Musical Theory; Normal In struction; Church Music; Orotario and Chorus Practice In the study of the Piano, pupils are re quired to pursue the most modern system ol technical training. Great care is taken to train pupils in correctness of manual position and movement; the different kinds of touch, rapidity and clearness in the execution of all the scales, the ar peggios of the common chords, the chords of the seventh, etc. Lcbert & Stark's "Piano School," four books, will be used principally in the 1st and 2nd grades, to- rrllinr witli Kplwlinnft from (?lpmpnti Kxause. Schumann and Mendelssohn, which with selections from Kohler,Bertini, Heller. Loeschhom. Flaiuv. LzcrE' Havdn.Moscheles, Eschmann, Mozart, and others are made the basis of instruction in the third grade. Organ pvpils will be required to use Kink's "Organ School," first five books, Buck's "Studies in Pedal Phrasing," "The Organist," by Southard & Whiting. Par ticular attention is given: 1. To a systematic study of obligato playing. 2. To a knowledge of harmony and counterpoint. 3. To the art or accompanying. 4. To the art of improvising. 5. To concert music with special refer ence to the works of Sebastian Bach and Mendelssohn. Harmony and Composition. Classes will be formed for those who wish to give special attention to their study, and also for the higher branches of musical theory, counterpoint, fugue, form and in strumentation. Course or Study in Theory. This embraces Accoustics. the Tone System, Rhythm and Tempo, Melody, The matic treatment, Musical Form, together with the principles unacrlying the mean ing and interpretation of Music. Thb Voice. Instruction in this department includes the study of the union of the registers; study of the physiology of the vowels and consonants; btudy of solfeggio and the ap plication ot woras to music; exercises lor obtaining agility and flexibility of the voice. Thorough cxcicises in the scales, study of the movements and embellish ments suitable to the different styles of singing. Study of dramatic expression and development of the voire; study of English, German and Italian songs. NEW SADDLEE SHOP, Jacksonville, Ogn. Thomas J. Kenney, Prop. HAVING OPENED OUT A NEW saddler shop in Langcll's building, opposite Masonic Hall, I am fully pre pared to do any work in my line with promptness and dispatch. Will keep on hand a good assortment of saddles, bridles, harness, bus, spurs, etc. None but the best California leather used. Job woru u specialty and prices to suit the times. CSTGivc mc a trial. T. J. KENNEY. Jacksonville, July 16, 1881. Notice. Land Of icn at Roseburo, Oas., ) July 8, 1881. f Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make nnal proot in suppoil ol his claim, and secure tinal entry thereof on Saturday, Aug. 20. 1881. before the County Judge or Clerk of Jackson county, Ore gon, viz: James Lioomis, Homestead Ap plication, No. 2,752 for the S ol'NW if, and Lots No. 0 and 7, Sec. 24, T 30 S R 4 W, and names the following as his wit nisses, viz: C. E. Miller, B F. Miiler, Ben Haymond of Rock Point, and Thomas iiaymonu 01 wooavilie, all ot Jackson county, Oregon. wii, F. BuxjAMiJf, Register. Notice. Land Office at Roseburo, Ogn., ) June 27, 1881. f Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settle has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of 111s claim, ana secure nnal entry thereof on Saturday, August 0. 1881, before the Judge or Clerk of Josephine county, at Kerby villc, viz: Joseph W.York, Homestead Ap plication, No. 2,442 for the W of N W Jf , lot and 3 Sec. 1 and N E if , ot N E , cic , 1 00 o jv o , wiuunieuc men dian, and names the following as his wit nesses, viz: H. York, II. Jones, K. Henks and J. w. Uilmore, all of Applegate,Jose- puinc county, urcgon. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the co-partnership heretofore existing between A. Fisher and S. Cohn, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, A. Fisher re tiring. All accounts against the late firm will be settled by S. Cohn to whom all ac counts due the firm must also be paid. The business will be continued by the un dersigned, who thankful for past patron age, solicits a continuance ot tlie same. 8. COHN. Jacksonville, June 18, 1881. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The copartnership heretofore existing between John Noland and Jas. P. Mc Danicl, under the firm name of Noland & McDaniel, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, the former retiring. Tho busi will be continued by McDaniel & Co., to whom all accounts with the rld firm must be paid at once, and who will also settle all indebtedness against the same. JOHN NOLAND, J. P. JIcDANIEL, Jacksonville, June 22, 1881. NOTICE. The undersigned hereby gives notice that he will at the proper time petition His Excellency, W. W. Thay r, Governor ot Oregon, for the pardon 0fJ.1s.Hart sent 10 iue jrenuenuary rrom Si.Ker county sometime since. E . MAN VILLE. Dated June 10th, 1881. IMMENSE QUANTITIES OF NliW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY AT N". FISHERS, Comprising a tull line of General Merchandise, The Finest Assortment ot LADIES DRESS GOODS FANCY GOODS, HATS, ETC., ETC; Ever Brought to this City; SL- LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS AND VILL BE SOLD AT PRICES NEVER TTEARD OF. NEWMAN5, FISHER, J.icksonville, Oregon. TRAVELERS, no FOR THE CENTENNIAL BRIDGE ! The public is hereby notified that a good supply of the best baled hay, barley, oats ana country produce, as aiso superior io bacco, cigars, liquors, etc, arc always kept at the well-known CENTENNIAL BRIDGE, two miles cast of Rock Point, on the O. & C. Stage Raul, at reasonable prices. Free stabling furnUhed. Mr. P. Emise will wait on customers and span no pains for their accommodations. S.-iti faction guaranteed. CLook out for cappers at (he loner bridge. THUS. CH AVNER. Dardanelles, April 9, 1881. Mining .Application. TT 1 Tnitfrrrrr Vrrrrrnr "rt M May 2G. 1881. f Notice issrcrcby Riven that George Yaudcs, Ytlmsc pot ofllce address is Sltrl ingville. Jackson county, Oregon, has this day applied for n pitent for placer mining p-romid situatud in Stt-rlinmllo minim; district, County of Jackson, State of Ore gon, and designated as the S E 1-4 of N E 1-lofNWl-i of Sec. 4 in Township 3'J S, of R 2 wesl of W llametlc Meridian of the United Slates survey, and containing ten acres. The location of this mine is recorded in volume 9pagu2S0 of died recouls in Jackson county. Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming adversely any portion of Ktiu ucaru iiiuutrs, mine ur aunatc ground, are required to file their adverse claims with the Register of the United lates Lind Ollice. at l.'oscburg, Douglas county, Oregon, during the sixty days publication hereof or they will Iks barred by virtue ot tlie provisions ol the statute. Wm. F. Bknjamin, Register. S, P. HAMA, WAGON-MAKER, Jacksonville, Oiegon, TN CRONEMILLER'S BUILDING IS IN X receipt of a full ncortmeiii of material ind prepared to do all work iu hU line on Fhnrt notice and in a workmanlike rrinnner. Vehicles ol every description made to or d(r. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaran teed. 3E0"Repairlng a specialty. S. P. BANNA. July 14, 1880. ANAKESIS DR. S,. SILSBEE'S EXTEK5AL PILE UEMEDI Gives IntUat Relief, end is an Infallible CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF PILES. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price, $1.00 per box, prepaid, by mail. Samples sent free to Physicians and all sufierers, by Neustaedter & Co., Box 304C, New York City. Sole manufacturers bfANAKESia CITY BARBER SHOP California St., Jacksonville, - - - Orrgun TMIE ttN'DERSIUNED IS FU1.I Y A prrpnred to do all work in lii line in the best manner una ul risisnrmh't prire? (JEOUGKSCIH'MI'F BLACKSMITHING . -AND HORSE - SHOEING. A. BARNEBURG, Prop. TTAVING, LEASED THE SHOP FOR- jl meny occupied dv Mat. bliannon 1 ask a share of the public patronage. Staple produce or Cash taken lor work. r 1 sjw v t -" AND TEE 1 3Ea.3rjMJLK5 JKome aCM.I-w.s:?y- HENRY MANUFACTURERS AND -kvery descmttiok or- SADDLERY, H&RHESSJHDJADDLERY H&RDW&RE. HAVING THE FACILITIES AND SUPERIOR KNOWLEDGE OF THE manufacturing of everything in our line, We are prepared to furnish on short notice, the very best of custom made work, which wc make a specialty, and at tho VERY LOWEST LIVING PRICES. "Repairing executed promptly and with Qm-itltni-n Hnimin lt nr.iminA nur single li.fim ESHenry Judge will take wheat in payment for all bills duo him, for which he will pay the highest market price. HENRY JUDGE. Jacksonville, Oregon, May 3d, 1830. a o CO o H CO o O h n G Ms o D W I el Q CO GO c C o bo a si o to 0. o a .5 55 CO 55 O 1 1 CO 25 W -i S3 H K 3 c c CQ P H W tt rH CO fe o n CO CO 3 a e s & o X s5 1! CO CO o I I CO Q o fe to S3 " o u i-5 o CM Feeble null McMy rrrsom Recover their vitality by pursuinga course of Hosteller's Stom.ieh Bitters, the most popular invigorant and alterative medicine in iue. General debility rever and ague, dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, and other maladies are completely lemoved by it. Atk those who have used it what it lias done for them. For sale by nil Drug gists and Dealers generally. F.RITSCHARD, practical "Watchmakek and Jeweler, Cnlifornia Sreet, MAKES A SPECIALTY OF CLEAN ing and repairing watches and clucks. Charges rcaon-ible. Give him a call. WALDO EXPRESS, CarrylrisTJ. SI.3VXn.ilai Leaves Jacksonville Mondays and Thursdays, for Waldo. Leaves Waldo Tuesday and Fridays. First-class accommodations for passer gets. Express business promptly attended to by R. M. GARRETT. EAGLE BREWERY. JOSEPH WETTERER. Proprietor Oregon St., Jacksonville 1HE BESTOF LAGER BEER ALWAYS KEPT on hand and redj for ale fay the keg or cUan SETTLE UP. Taving quit business 1 must have a settlement with all those owing me either by notes or-book account. Costs will be saved by settling at once as no grace will be given. J H MILLRR. NOTICE. Oar Descriptive Illustrated Price Llst.No.20, or Urj Goods, etc.. will be Issued about March 1st. 1881. Prices quoted In No. 28 will remain good until that date. Send us Tour name e.irlr foi copy of No. 29. Free toanj-Rldre. JtONIOOMEIlV WAKI) :o., X27& 220 Wabash Ave.. Villi Hirn Itl Fine white lace 3 cts. a yard at he New York Store. nn STETTIN H' CELEBRATED M ?5Sk STOMACH & JUDGE, GENERAL DEALERS IN satisfaction. We invite the people of spnflimr thnir mnnntr nwiir SIXTEENTH YEAR. ST.MAHY'S ACADEMY, CONDUCTED BY. TIIE SISTERS OP THE HOLY X.IME. rpiIE SHOLAST1C YEAR OF THIS JL school will commence about the end of August, and is divided in four sessions, of eleven weeks each. Board and tuition, per term $40.00 Bedand Bedding 4 00 Drawing and painting 8.00 Piano v ... 13.00 Entrance fee only ontc, . . . . 5.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Primary, per term, $ 6.00 Junior, " 8.00 Senior, " 10.00 Pupils received at any time, and special attention is paid to pmtlcular studies in behalf of children who have but limited time. For further particulars apply al the Academy CITY BAKE BY AND SALOON", In Masonic Building, Oregon St. jacicsonvii.l, ogn. rPHK UNDERSIGNED HEREBY DE 1 firti to announce to the public that hry are now prepared to fill all orders for rulers of every description, such it1 wedding rake?, cnlres In parties, wine c.ike.; also limwii and rje bread, ginger saaps nxd rmckrr.e. A lur.cli houe will also be kept at tbi plure. whrrr oysters in all Mvlt-s, Limburger unJ Schweilz r chree, can be bad at all hmra of the dijr nr nieht. 5Fre?h bread every day. I'r crj reasonable and satisfaction gaar untced. GROB k Ur.RICH. California St. N, Ficke, - Proprietor, PHIS WELL KNOWN MARKCT. orPO l file KahliT & Bro.V drugstore is bet trr prepared than ever Io furnifcli the pub lic with the choicmt quality of FIIESII BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, HAM, SALT MEATS, BACON, fupeKor, SAUSAGE, LAUD, ETC., The tnot favorable indiicmtnti offered to patrntH.and no rffurt will be ppared to ward giving general fat'tjfuctinn. N. FICKE. CAKL BROWN, Carpenter, Joiner& Uiitlcrfukcr, Jacksonville, Ogn. HAVING RENTED Ed. Smith's old stand, and procured 11 good supply of lumber of all kinds, I am now prepared to execute every description of work in my line, plain and ornamental, with dis patch and at very reasonable rates. Satis faction guarantcea in every instance. C2?ljni!ertakinj: a specialty. I will keep on hand a supply of ready-made coinns. Give mc a trial and judge for yourself. CARL BROWN. Jacksonville, June 29, 1881. P. DONEG JST GENERAL BLACKSMITHING 4-AND- HORSE SHOEING, "or., or Second and California St. LL KINDS OF MARKETABLE l produce taken iorxchanue lor work P. DONEGAN. RE-OPENED ! JACOBRIEYEIt, PIONEKIl IVAGO.Y.MAKEIt, HAS RESUMED BUSINESS AT the stand of the late J. L. Badger and i9 prepared to execute all work in bis line with promptness and dispatch and at very reasonable rates. All kinds of vein, cles constructed. Repairing a specialty. Good work and low prices ennranteed. Give me a call. J.MEYER. Fifteen yards print for $1.00 'at tho New York Store. EXCELSIOR LIVER ! M) FEED Corner of OkKOOS JlXD Ci.LI70R.XU 8T8., JlCXSONTILU. OT. J. PLYMALE, prop'r. r 0ULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM TTIH PUB W Ucthstko has a Has stock of Horses, Buggies niitl Carlngea And ho Is prspsrsd to famish bis patrons nd the pub lic generall? with Fine Turnonts As can bo had on tho Pacific coast. SaiMIo horsea hlrsd to go to an; part ot lha country. Animals Bought and Sol if. Horsrs broke to work single or donble. Itore boarded and the beat of care bestowed npon tlien while In my charge. A lilieral share of the pnMI" patronage Is solicited on reasouable terms. DR. SPINNEY No. 11 KEAB.NE-SI ST., Trent all Chronic unit Special Disease -3roTT2sro ovriaajar WHO MAY BE SDFFEKING FROM1 the effects of ycuthlul follies or Indis cretion, will do well to avail tbemelves of tht?, the greatcrt boon ev.r laid at the altar or euflerinR humanity. DR. SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit $500 for every cae of Seminal weakness or privato disease of any kind or character which he undertakes anil fails to cure. MIDDLE-AGKI) MKN. There ate many at the age of thirty to fixty who aie troubled with too friquent ev acuation of try! bladder, often accompanied by a alight nuartinc or lmrninj; eenxntloii, and a weakening ot the rylem in a mnnnrr thepatient cannot account for. On exam n tag the urinary depoMt! h rnpy redimrnt will often lie found and eometimc small particle" of aUmmen-will appear, or tbtr color will lie of a thin milki'h hue, again changing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of thi diffi culty ignorant of the cauc which is the fC ond pt.igeof re.-ninal weaklier tK. S. will gUHtantee a perfect cure in all such caren, and a healthy restoration of the genito-uri-nary organs. Ofkicb llocns 10 to 4 and B to 8 Sun day from 10 to 12 a. m Consultation free Thorough examinations aud advice, $5. Call or addrrs, UK. SPINHEY & CO. No 11 Kearnev St.. Sail Francisco. TABLE ROCK SALOON, OREGON STREET, TV7MTJEW and HELMS, PltOPRIETOrtS. rUY. PROPRIETORS OF JL well known and popular rrnrt inform their friend mid the public zml 1 luu a complete and first rla'S slock ml beat brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale porter, etc., are constantly kept on ha7 They will be. pit-used to have their friend 'call aud smile." CABINET. A Cabinet of Curiosities may alao bo found here. We would Ix plrad to have persons possessing curiosities and sperimens bring thrni in, and we will place them in ibe Cabinet for inspection. WINTJEN & HELMS. BIGBUTTE STEAMSAW MILT, J. P. PAHJ2ER, BIG BUTTE ) : 1 OGN, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON II VI pi ined and uuplancd Sugur pin 1.- tun - her of the best quality. EDGING, MOULDING, 11UST1.1 SIDING, FLOORING, SHINGLES, ETC. Lnmbcr dns'rd to order oil hnrt nolil and rrh'mble terms lor those convemrl to the Mill. CSy-Oounty Orders on Greenbacks tu4 rn at pnr. r:r &X&&Q$t CltoriKtjat,San Portland , oaoa And Jacksonville. Orel GIBBS & STEARNS will all all business la Portland. BENEDICT HOUSl Arn.EOATE, Oreoos. S. K. TAYLOF, FXtOJ Ilnving leased this Popular StnrJ term ot years, informs tlie 1'ubiui be kept up to its former high stanj t irst-class 1 able and clean tx-tll travelling public. Ilay, Grain ting as usual. UNION HOrI Kcrbyville M. Ryder, Proj CMRST CLASS ACCOMMODJ JL always be had at this hoasl reasonaoln rates, jar-At. excellent stable col th hotel. W