Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 06, 1881, Image 3

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Satdrdat, August G-, 1881.
Land ODItrcnl Rotcbarz.
June SO, 1883,
To All IVliom It may Concern:
Xotlce 1 litrrliy git en Hint I bate tlcslz
Weil IheOICtxm m;.TILL as the paper
In which I tliall hereafter iinblltli all pre
emption,, liometrait auil nppllcalloui
Tor mlnlns pafeulK for lauds Ijlus ucar
Jactuonrllle, Jackson county, Orcson.
W. F. IIKYJ U1IV, Itrslstcr.
i i i a
Gone to His Rest. Ernest Caro,
for a number of years a resident of
Jacksonville, died at Roseliurg oh the
3d instant after a sliort illness, aged
bbout 35 years. His remains were
taken to Portland for interment.
Little Folk's Party. Madame
Holt and Celita DeTloloam will give
fe party to the lir.tie folks of Jackson
ville at Holt's Hall next Wednesday,
Aug. 10th. All the boys and girls
between the ages of nine and fifteen
$rcas are invited to come around in
the morning and in the evening the
fostivities will close with a grand ball.
Off for Ceater Lake. The fol-
towiiTSeBursioiRsts left iiereon fhurs-
itlay boun for Crater Lake: TodCain
(tjron, Mrs. C. C. Beekman, the Misses
Carrie Beekman, Mamie and Maggie
Linn, Mrs. Florence Shipley and two
children, William L Bilger and
Prof. J. C. Scott. In going they will
take the Ashland Linkvillf, and ro
turning the Fprt Klamath-Roguc river
J iiey expect to uo gone some
three weeks.
Cousty Coukt. Tho only business
of importance, besides the auditing of
larije number of bills, was the fol
lowing at the August term of Com
missioner's Court:
Thoi. E. Nichols, Count' Assessor,
w.ir jjr.mtod further time until Oct.
I,t in which to complete the assess--.fit
of tin' county.
GeorgH Murton was allowed $50
wiih which to procure an artiacial lc,
wlinn he will be able to mako his own
Grand Council Officers. The
Grand Council of the C. of H., which
met in Jacksonville on the 20th of last
month, elected the following oliicer.s
'to herve one year : R. Leadleater, of
"Wagner creek, G. W. C; Misi Mollte
Russell, of Ashland, Lt. C; A. C.
Jonc, of Jacksonville, G. Sec; 0. R.
Mver, of Ashland, G. F S.; H. C.
Freeman, of Phreiiix, G. Treas.; War--den,
J. Watt; Herald, Greeves.
Aid-, to Lt. Coin , Win. L. Bilger and
.Frank Vininr.
Grand Lodge Officers. The fol
lowing are tho Grand Lodge officers of
the I. O. R. M. in this State as elected
.at their session just closed at Portland:
vroneiiiillcr, J j.ck.om i;!c, Great
Pfi; Ben. L. Nnrilen, Great Senior
liore: Geo. T. Baldwin, Linkville,
rt. Junior Sagamore; Ward S. Ste-
Great Chief Recorder; Il.Yai wis,
cat Keeper of Wampum; George C.
i-ars, Gieat Piophet; Ben. L. Noidcn,
representative to tho Gteat Council of
the Uniteil States for iwo years.
Will Leave for Conferexce.
"With to morrow's service at Grant's
Pass will close Rev. D. A. Crowell's
three years' labors as pastor of Jackson
ville circuit. During tho year just
closing he has traveled with his own
conveyance 2200 mile? to reach his ap
pointments in different portions of the
county. Next Thursday the 11th
inst. he, in company of Prof. L. L.
Rogers and wife, will leave fcr Port
laud, the seat of the conference, which
jnects at East Portland August lSth.
Serious Accident. A serious ac-
cident befell Mrs. Dr. W. L. Colvig
1st Sunday. She and her husband
hre driving in a wagon to Canyon
pie, and when near Grave creek the
ck yoke of the. wagon broke, precip-
ting the wagon upon the horse-",
ising them tc start on the run. In
emptuig to jump oui Mrs. CoUis
1 on ihe front wheel, sustaining the
cture of a leg and arm, besides some
nful bruises about the head. Mrs.
Ivig is CD years of age, and her con-
Ion is considered quite serious. A
Isician from Canyonville is in at-
dance on her.
sies's Doisos. Tuesdav, August
e residence of Henrv Pane, Sr
s city wa the scene of an inter-
rpjajcerpmonj ,-at S'htch
Eckelson, of New Tacoma,
and Miss Sophia "Nickell of this
re principals, and Rev. M. A.
nis conducted the nuptial cere
The wedding took place at i J
harp, and at 8t o'clock the ha)!-
plo left here on the stago for
rg where thev intend to take
in for Portland and New Ta-
W. T. After a bounteous col-
,nd amid tho congratulations of
of friends and the pelting of an
)f old shoes, the bridal paity drove
Afflicted Family. We re-
learn that severe sickness is
; the family of Rev. A. C.
ft, who lesides on the divide
hi tne liittle and Liir imtte
All of his children, eight
kber, were taken down with
resembling sore throat which
hi developed into diphtheria.
Iday a boy of fourteen, and on
pother child, also a boy, died
rnble disease, and a third was
ked to live when the messen-
Among the Gve surviving
Inly three seem to bo show.
ravorable symptoms. Dr.
I who is attending on the
onn of the children is
Lh maligant scarlatina. Mrs.
Iio was prostrated by over-
Ivas quito sick, is getting
Pioneer's Reunion Sept 15th at
Dr. W. Jackson has returned from
Samud H. Eggcr is making another
kiln of 300,000 brick.
Yainax post office, Lake county, Or.,
has been discontinued.
Banner Lodge No. 2, A. O. U. W..
installed officers last week.
Geo. Howard and Ladd Savage are
at work at Harney valley.
Dr. Beach lately from Nebraska, is
practicing medicine at Linkville.
Rev. M. A. Williams will preach at
Rock Point to-morrow at 11 a. si.
John Hockenjos is building barns
for Haskel Amy and P. N. Ficke.
H. Gasquet reports everything fa
vorable in regard to the C. C. W. R.
Mrs. J. Nunan and Mrs. B. F. Dow
ell are rusticating at the Soda Springs.
The new barns of Nick Ficke and
Wni. Justice are assuming proportions.
W. H. Benner fe Co. have purchased
Parker fc Armstrong's Bis Butte saw
John t"VViiitjenwill start for tho-
"Fatherland" and -the EasternJStates'
in a few days.
John DeRoboam Vill accept our
thanks for a basket-full of nice red
astrican apples.
If any one has lost a one pound
package of tea they can find it by call
iug at this office.
Henry Judge and J. B. Coates re
turned from Boaer creek this week
after a short stay.
David Peninger's son who has been
quite low of infliuimation of the bowels
is slowly improving.
Mr. Sage, father of Mrs. Wctterer,
arrived from Albany this week and
v. ill remain awhile.
Mrs. John Sizemore, of Sam's Val
ley has gone to'llie Bartlett Springs,
Gil., for her health.
Rev. M. C. Miller will preach at the
M. E. Church next Suuday night at
eaily candlelighting.
Read the advertisement of sale of
properly belonging to the estato of
John Neuber deceased.
From tho activity of the physicians it
would seen that there is a good deal
of sickness in the county.
Chas. Prim has resigned his position
as teacher in our public school to ac
cept that of Deputy Sheriff.
Reames Bros., J. Nunan, N. Fisher,
G. Karewski and Little K Chase re
ceived new goods this week.
Curly Webb officiates as chief clci k
at the Linkville hotel and, of course,
gives the best of satisfaction.
Rev. F. X. Blancbet started for
I'ortlaud on Thursday to attend a con
vocation of Catholic clergymen.
Assessor Thos. E. Nichols-is working
on the county assessments. Ho will
soon reach Jacksonvile precinct.
W. II. Shook icturned to Lake
county on Thursday, having been here
toattend the Eckelson wedding.
A 21 year old daughter of Thomas
IJarr, who resides near PJioenix,.died
July 30th of croup after a very brief
Tom Kcnuev, the saddler, is con
fined to his loom by an attack of some
kind of fever. We hope it is nothing
The daily eyening Republican of
Portland has suspended. It will be
iccusitatcd on the 15th inst. asa morn
ing paper.
Samuel Sawyer and N. Delamattnr
came over fiom Kerbyville last week.
The former leturned to San Francisco
last Thursday.
Albany, in this State has a daily
newspaper, called "Register." Col.
Tan Cleve is the publisher. So says
the Statesman.
Carl Brown says he will tako anv
kind of produce in exchange for work.
Give him a call when you have carpen
ter work to do.
Joseph II. Hvzer is now employed
painting the inside of the new Presby
terian church. Ihe dedication vvill
take place, soon.
L. S. P. Marsh, of Ashland, will
ioon commence work on the nw,qnnrV
ters to be ouilt at i'ort Klamath, lie
is now at the post.,
Mrs. G. W. Fiey and son of Chim
ney Rock precinct was in town all of
last week vi-iting friends. They re
turned on Tuesday.
Like county Circuit Court convenes
at Lakeview on the first Monday in
September. A number of our attor
neys will be present.
The new bridge crossing Rogue river
near Deskin's saw mill in Flounce
Rock precinct was received last week.
It is a good structure.
The O. &. C. R. R. are getting their
track in splendid condition. Repair
ers are at work on the entire line from
Roseburg to Portland.
The improved Wheeler &, Wilson
sewing machines make the lock-stitch
without using a shuttle and never
breaks your under thread
Mr. A. Marks has been confined to
his room for over a week past with a
severe cold and fever, but is now able
to be up and around again.
The parties who purchased John
Tupper's farm have gone back to Ten
nessee to close out their business there
when they will return and take charge.
J. P. McDaniel, Henry Kubli and
Philip Miller left here on Monday for
the Cinnabar country to drink soda
water and have a good time generally.
It said that manager R. Koeler.of
the O. fc C. Railroad, accompanied by
H. "Villard and other n-ilroad men,
will shortly visit this portion of the
Happy Camp is happy; it has a news
paper sailing under the -name of "Re
view." Wo have not had the pleasure
of meeting this new candidate for pub
lic favor.
David Cronemiller of Oregonian
Pocahontas Tribe of this place has been
chosen Great Sachem of the Improved
Order of Red Men of Oregon. A good
On account of a war between some
of our merchants the prico of flour has
been reduced to $16 per thousand.
Reames Bros, and M. Mensor sell it at
that price.
Robt Smith, son of Mrs. Elwin
Smith, returned from Portland yester
day, where he has been employed for
some time past in the Surveyor Gen
eral's office.
August 14, 1848, Congress passed
an act granting Oregon a territorial
government. February 14, 1859, Ore
gon was admitted as one of the States
of the Union.
A telegraph line now building north
from Reno, Nevada, inspires our Goose
lakeb'rethren with tho hope that the
wires will soon conucct them with the
outside world. Good I
Next week another party will leave
hero for Crater lake, consisting of
Messrs. Henry Pape, Jr., W. J. Clark,
and the Misies Saliio Clark, Fannie
Dowel' and Emma Pape.
The German Red Men of this place
disbanded at their meeting held lust
Thursday evening dividing the pioper
ty on hand. Ono more meeting will
be held to settle matters up.
Joseph Rapp, our accommodating
vegetable man, was taken sick last
week with vv hat appeared to tie. a con
jestive chill. He. has since itcovered
and makes his rounds as usual.
Fifteen hundred dollars belonging to
the estate of J. P. Baker, deceased,
wus shipped to the Slate Treasurer this
week by the administrator, John Ash
pole, no heirs having been found.
The Portland Mayoralty which hing
es on "ballot 200," is decided. The
action of the city council leaves
Mayor Thompson in posse.ssion of the
office until his successor is elected.
"Johnrtie, the ten year old son of
John Miller is down with an attack of
fore thio.it. Diphtheria is said to be
in the air, and it behoves parents to be
watchful of the health of their children.
Jacksonville is at present afflicted
with a number of worthless but vicious
dogs that ought to be kept tied or kill
ed. Unless the former is done at onoe
the latter will bo done by those inter
Mr. Sitting Bull has surrendered,
and is now willing to be an obedient son
of Uncle Sam. He is very -ranch dis
gusted with the bill of fare ho was
compelled to put up with in British
C. W. Savage has closed his hotel
and vvill shortly enter some, other bus
iness, either here or elsewhere. Two
of his tons, Eugene and Frank, will
voon arrive here on theii return from
Boise Citv. .
A party of 13 oxcurionistsleft Ash
land this week for the Dead Indian
country. We did not learn all their
inmes but among them we mention
Mes,rs. II. ChiUood, F.
ner and others.
J. S. Howard received telegraphic
instructions from Portland yesterday
to go ahead with the railioad survey
thtou"h l!o;:ue River valley from the
point on Wagner creek, where ho quit
last Wednesday.
John Mullen, an experienced drift
miner, has sunk a hole in the rear of
Cn-dwell's stable Tor the purpose of
prospecting tho bedrock in that locali
ty. There is no doubt that Jackson
ville is all underlaid with gold.
Says the Crescent City Record, U.
S. Deputy Surveyor L. F. Cooper is
now ensiged to survey Township 19,
N. W. which comprises a strip about
tin eo fourths of a mile wide, imme
diately soutl of the Oregon line.
The finest roasting oars we have seen
ibis season were from Mrs Chambers.
It is filled the "eilit low early," a
sreat favorite of Illinois. It has a
very small cob and the giain is quite
large. It is a seven weeks corn.
An elopement occurred in Jackson
ville last Wednesday night, the youirg
lady leaving the paternal roof at a tiro
whf ii eyerj body should be asleep, -and
the vvcddni!; was announced for last
evening, all parties having agreed.
Congressman M. C. Grorge announc
es that a competitive examination of all
candidates for the West Point cadet
ship will take plcc at Portland on the
29th of August next. Pai tieulars may
be had upon application to Mr. George.
Jerry Nunan, besides running an ex
tensive mercantile establishment and
attending to the business of City Re
corder, is agent for seven different in
surance companies. Although kept
quite busy he finds time to attend to
"C." B. Rostel has rented the Neu
ber property next door to Kahler's
drug store, and will soon occupy it as
a barber and shampooing establish
ment. He proposes adding two bath
rooms also which will be quite an ac
commodation to our citizens.
A large naturaj cave has been dis
covered at ihe head of Williams creek,
in Josephine county, Or. It consists
of a series of subterranean caverns or
chambers, through which a person can
walk for some 400 or 500 yards
fiom the entrance, and there are
still other chambers beyond, tho en
trances to which are too small toedmit
a person, but could lie enlarged suffi
ciently, it is thought, by a little labor
with pick and hammer.
The two fine new d wel linghou? es
now being built on 6th, strcet-for G.
Karewski, are assuming proportions.
The" one on the conler h completed for
occupancy and the other will soon be
enclosed. John Herberger is the bo3s
carpencer. j J
The Ashland District , school is
maimed as follows: Principal, L. F.
Willits; first assistant, Miss Kate
Thornton; second assistantJIrs. L. F.
Willits. The principal's salary is 75
a month, the assistants $50 and $40
Mrs. Powell of Linn counter arrived
here on Thursday's stage. "She is a
sister of Col. John E. Ross, Mrs. Ga
nung and Mrs. Helms. She had not
seen her younger sister, Mrs. Helms,
wit - ir
for 36 years. Mrs. Powell will re
main some weeks.
town several days this week. Ho says
mining is now nearly entirely suspend
ed n that part of the county, owing to
the scarcity of water. But considera
ble prospecting was going on along var
ious parts of the creek.
Last Monda an eight year old
son of J. M. Kendrix on Farmer's
Flat, whilst riding a horse with an
other boy fell off and broke an arm.
He wa8jirojighherejuEfl5jtajyind
Dr. Robinson fixed upy the) limb, and
the patient is doing well. i
James Birdsee repairs Well buckets.
Last week ho undertook to repair old
Mrs. Fisher's old'well bucket, .which
had been infuse 25 years. By the
time it was repaired, only the irOu
bottom of the o'd bucket was left.
Tho hoops, wood work aud revits were
all new.
Gen. McDowell, Commander in
Chief of the Paciiic Department of the
U. S. Army is visiting Fort Klamath
post this week. He is on a pleasure
trip, and traveled from San Francisco
in his own carriage. An escoit was
sent from Fort Klamath by Col. Whip
ple to most bin at Yreka.
JL Bellinger vvill soon make an
effort to have Thomas H. Xlancorn par
doned out of the penitentiary: Hancorn
was sentenced for four years for steal
ing a couple of Mr. Bellinger's horses,
but the latter considers him sufficiently
punished after two years' confinement
and thercfoie makes this effort.
Banner Lodge, A. O. U. V, pro
poses celebrating the fact of their hav
ing been set apart as a separate juris
d id ion with a grand ball atllolt's hall
sometime next month. The date has
not been set vet, but it will piobably
be tho last Wednesday in September,
and everybody is invited to attend.
President Garfield is still improving
but it is thought in order to expedite
his complete restoration it vvill be
necessary to rcmovo nun irom the
White House. The White "House is
situated in the malarial district of the
Potomac flats. Eight n mf b i iili
the President aro now prtHted
malarial fever.
Two Catholic priests of the Benedic
tine order arrived on the northern
stago yesteiday and are now at the
Catholic parsonage. They are lately
from Switzerland and will remain hero
during the absence of Rev. Father
Blanchet. Regular services will be
held at the Catholic Church at the
usual hour to morrow. i
J. C. Birkhead, formerly of the
Jacksonville Hotel, left herein his own
conveyance on Wednesday, bound
north, being accompanied by his family.
He takes along a lot of patent churns,
j a patent for hich he lmsapplied. The
churn is a very practical arrangement.
and to our view is a great improvement
on the old stvle churn.
Andy. Davison's steam thresher mot
with quite ar. accident on Tuesday af
ternoon while engaged in John Tice's
wheatlield. A boy, inadvertently let
a bundle of sacks fall into the machin
ery, which getting entangled, caused a
smash up. The broken .parts were
brought to town and repaired by Pat
Donegan, and the steam tlfrosher is all
right aain.
J. E. Beggs and son arrivcdjiere on
Thwdiy fi out Rflding with six wag
onloads of freight fur our meichauts.
Among the freight we noticed two
beautiful upright pianos from Sher
man, Clay & Co , San Francisco, and
an organ from the same firm. Tho or
gan is for John Miller, and the -pianos
are one etch for the Misses Karewski
and Allio Klipjiel..- 'fjL&t ,-
Considerable sickness seems to pre
vail in different portionsjfof th'e coun
ty Besides the parties elsevvhere men
tioned we find on the sick list Peter
Boschcy, A. C. Jones' child, a member
of T. Bish's family, Bertie Crowell,
Dave Peninger's child, etc; Mrs. Dav
enport, one of whose left ribs was frac
tured by the stage upsetting on the
Anderson grade, is nearly well, so Dr.
Jack informs us.
L. Samuel, Esq , publisher of tho
West Shore, an illustrated magazine,
is in our midst, ne is working up a
special' number of tho West Shore,
wheiein all the at tides and illustra
tions will be devoted to show up the
resources of Southern Oregon. As this
publication circulates in nearly every
State and territory in the Union, the
proposed number will be of im
mense benefit to our locality.
Tho Wheeler & Wilson new sewing
machines are adapted to every
grade of manufacture o 6t itched
goods and every kind of do
mestic sewing. They are superior to
all others in point of speed, durability,
precision and ease of operation, reg
ularity, strength, beauty ' of stitch,
range of work, faculty of management,
perfection of construction and elegance
of finish. They aro declared by the
highest authorities the best sewing ap
paratus in the world. '
Another now comet is visible to as
tronomers. It was first discovered
July 21st, and by August 19th it will
be visible to the naked eye. It is still
150 million miles from the earth, but
is rapidly approaching our planetary
system. As the boys of Lakeview propose or
ganizing a base ball club, the public
may soon expect to hcjr of broken legs
and noses, fractured skulls and other
pleasant results of that vigorous aaiuse
ment. Go it, boy, newspapers are in
need of items:'
Messrs. Ratrie, Farlow and families,
and Rev. Swaffbrd have gone to the
Dead Indian country on a pleasure
trip. The finest soda spring in South
ern Oregon is said to bo located near
the summer ranch of Mr. Neil. The
medicinal properties of the spring have
been analyzed by an eminent chemist
who has visited the spot, and he pro
nounces them superior to any similai
spring on tho coast.
Last week quito a number of tour
ists and health seekers went up to the
North Fork of Little Butte to McCal
lister's soda springs. Among the num
ber we noticed Jacob Houston and
familv, Mrs. Morrison and son, Wilson
Potter and M. C. Miller. Mr. Potter
found a fir bee tree, eight feet in diatn
eter; which it took the part' from 7 a.
si. to 4 P. "it. to cut down and then
there was not much honey iu it after
it was down.
A little four year old boy who lives
up the valley was much astonished
when he awoke one morning a few
weeks ago to find a little sister in his
mother's arms. "Where did it come
from?" he asked, with his eves wide
open. "From God," was the reply.
"Who brought ill" was the next verv
natural inquiry. "An Angel." He
thought for n moment, and then ex
claimed: "Oh! niamnii, why did'nt
you catch the angel tool"
George Nutley, formerly of Ashland,
but now of Fort Klamath, was in town
on Wednesday and gave us a call at
our sanctum. He is working at his
trade at the Fort, whiUfc his sons are
attending to the ranch, six miles west
of tho military post. Mr. N. employs
his Sundays in teaching and preaching,
and as there is no church bell at the
Fort, the good peoplo aro called to
meeting at the sound of the bugla in
the hands of au experienced military
An interesting religious meeting took
place last Sunday at Eaglo Point in
this county, which partook largely of
the nature of a union meeting, aud was
participated in by ministers and people
of different churches. Brother Crowell
preached the first sermon, brother Mill
er the second, after which Elders Pe
terson, Gilbert and Flemming spoke.
In the afternoon the Lord's supper was
administered by brother Peterson and
all partook of the sacred emblems.
This is as it should be.
A IIeavt Transaction. Several of
the heaviest instruments of writing
ever recoided in Jackson county were
this week spread upon tho records by
County Clerk Henry Klippel. The
documents contain 63 folio pages of
mortgage deeds and releases. In the
latter, the German bondholders release
a mortgage of $10,900,000 held against
tho Oregon and California R. R. and
existing since 1870. The new mort
gage dated May 20, 1SS1, conveying
all the railroad property of the line,
binds Henry Villard and other gentle
man constituting the present Oregon
and California Railroad Company in
the sum of $10,950,000, payable to
Ileinrich Hoheuemser and fifteen other
capitalists of Frankfort-on the Maine,
Germany, named i the instrument of
writing. Mr. Richard Koehler, of
Portland, is acting for the German
The Old Waoon Road Heard
From. H W. Bloom, representative
of the S. F. Call, came up horseback
from Crescent City on Monday. He
and another man came over tho old
abandoned wagon road, which he says
is the worst piece of a road it has ever
been his misfortune to travel. They
overtook an emigrant tein coming this
way. The family had been out
fiom Crescent City a long time, and
still a very bad part of the road was
yet before them. At a number of
places they h id to take the wagon
apart and carry it in pieces over steep
precipices. It to.ok them tour days to
make as many miles. At another point
the family worked a vvholu day to res
Jtpie ajijold dilapidated bridge over a
stream with perpendicular banks. Mr.
Bloom proposes to write up his exper
ience from Crescent City to Waldo and
at Waldo for his paper, the Call.
Cement Pipe. Ell wood Smith &
Co., are now in Jacksonville making
cement pipe for conducting the water
to any part of your premises. Tho
mixed liquid sand and cement is shov
elled in a funnel like machine, which is
sues forth at tho bottom of the ma
chine like a huge hollow sausage. Any
length of pipe can thus be made, de
pending upon the amount of cement
mortar that may bo wished to be work
ed up. The pipe will harden in one
day, after which it will be impervious
to water. The wheels of a loaded
wagon havo been known to pass over
this pipe without crushing it. A num
ber of our citizens are introducing this
pipe on their premises for irrigating
and drainage purposes.
Kicked bv a Colt. Beware of the
kicks of a young colt! Last week
friend D. R." White of Griffin crcek
was kicked in the face by a sportive
young colt, the force of the kick center
ing on the nose, almost ruining that
indispensable member of tho body. Mr.
White has been quite an invalid ever
Mrs. Pape will accept our thanks for
a bountiful supply of wedding cake.
M hat we Would Like to Kuovr ?
What flies are good for, anyway?
What will be done with Guiteau?
What good smoking cigarettes do?
What benefit drinking whiskey does?
What kind of shoes do the angels
Why so few of our farmers beautify
their residences?
What has become of all the politic
ians .of last year?
Why some of the "boys" get mad
when it i3 only a joke?
Why tho mercury fell to 44 deg. be
fore sunrise August 1st?
If it don't make all the difference in
the world whose ox is gored?
If evervone reads the Sentinel? If
not how do they get the news?
Where you can find a pleasanter cli
mate than Rogue River Valley?
How the girls make the paint stick
on their cheeks this hot weather?
Why the uglier a young man is, the
more handsome does he think himself?
Whether it does a fly any good to
walk around a fellow's nose these morn
ings? Whether the comet feels any better
for haviug made such au exhibition of
Where you can find a handsomer set
of records than those Kept ky Allie
W.hy the road overseers do not cut
down the dagger cockle burs as requir
ed bv law?
Why the citizens of Jacksonville do
not move in the matter of a water
works to supply the town with water?
OF II., JCLT 31, 18,81.
Whereas, It has pleased tho Su
preme Ruler of the Universe, in His
divine wisdom, to remove from our
midst, to that land of eternal bliss, our
beloved Brother, Marion Kitterman,
by the hand of death, and
Wuereas, We greatly feel the loss
of our beloved Brother and shall miss
his cheerful presence and willing help
in the cause that was so dear to him;
Therefore it is
Resolved: That in the death of
Brother Kitterman this order lni3 lost
a member who was ever the advocate
of right, the enemy of eyerything that
was wrong; a Champion thoroughy
imbued with the principles of our bo-
loved order, Temperance,Fidelity, Uni
ty, Justice and Mercy; and his example
should not be lost on us. Although
he has passed from our sight, the recol
lections of his devotion to dutv, love
for Championship, and steadfast pur
pose in our noble cause, should linger
long with us.
Resolved: That we extend to the
sorrow afflicted family our profound
sympathies in this hour of sad bereave
ment; and, while trusting that the Su
preme Ruler who has seen fit to re
move our Brother vvill soothe and cher
ish them; let us not forget that we
owe them the sacred duties of care and
Resolved: That these resolutions
be spread in full upon the records of
this Council; and a copy of the same
bo furnished by tho Scribe to the fam
ily of the deceased Brother, also a cop)
to each of the county papers published
in Jacksonville for publication in the
Isaac Skeeters,
J. C. Trumdle, Committee.
Ika Dunham, )
In Critical Condition. Rev. O.
E. Haven, one of the Bishops of the
M. E. Church, who some seven weeks
ago arrived in this state, is lying dan
gerously ill at the residence of Rev. J.
N. Dennison, Salem. Shortly after
his arrival here ho was prostrated by a
severe attack of bilious remittent
fever, which afterwards changca into
typhoid malarial fever. On the first of
tho month a change for the worse set
in and the Bishop has since been quite
low. At a consultation of physicians
on Sunday last, it was given out that
the case, although not necessarily hope
less, was a very critical one. Tho
Bishop's wife and son came up from
San Francisco, nnd are now ministering
to his wants. The Bishop will not bo
able to carry out his plan of visiting
and presiding at the two Methodist
conferences in Oregon and Washing
ton, the two in California, aud the con
ferences in Nevada and Colorado.
P. S. Since the above was in type
we learn that Bishop Haven died Aug.
2d at 2 P. SI. of urainic poisoning, aged
CO years. He was elected Bishop last
year. He was born in Boston Nov. 1,
1820, and since 1842 had been in the
educational and ministerial fields.
Aumtriest Near Jacksonville, August
1, 18Sl,of cholera infantum, Sarah, intant
daughter of James and Louisa Arm
priest, aged 4 months and 5 days.
Office of Sciiultz & Von Bvimien,
Vi'J (Jaluornia streeUcor. r ront.
San Francisco,
Jonx L. Bunxs. Agent.
To tiie Trade: Practical experience
has demonstrated to us that the trade re
quires a choice old Bourbon for inimedi
ate use. For it is well known that straight
whisky that is absolutely pure requires
age, great care and attention, and our old
Davenport whisky possesses all the above
qualities. The grain used in the distilla
tion of our J. II. Davenport whisky is
carefully selected from the finest, richest
and very Iwst grown in the state ot Ken
tucky. The water is drawn from one of
the finest limestone springs in the state,
the peculiar properties of .which have
gained lorKcntucKy whiskiessuch world
wide celebrity. This process makes our
J. H. Davenport a pure, hand made, sour
mash -vhisky, and wc claim that for deli
cacy of flavor, purity and medicinal qtlal
ities, it stands unexcelled.
Yours truly ScnuLrz &Von Bakqex.
From and after this date J. P. McDaniel
& Co. Jacksonville, will keen the justly
celebrated Davenport, pure straight whis
ky exclusively.
DrrswoRTH U Eagle Point, July 13,
18S1, to the wife of Frank Ditswortb, a
Wells On Bear creek, July 25, 1881, to
the wife of James Wells, a son.
a aaaiwMMUi
Eckelson Nickell At the residence of
the bride's parents. August 2, 1881, by
Rev. M. A. Williams, A. O. Eckolsoa
and Miss Sophie Q. Nickell.
Taylor Noland August 5, 1881, at the
residence of John Lanterman. by Judge
E.'B. Watson Mr. John Taylor and
Miss Mamie Noland, all of Jackson
altraya Ouroi end novcr dlaAp
polnta. Tho world's exssat Paln
Iloliovcr for Kan nnd Bcajt.
Choap, quick and reliable.
Is not Narcotic. Children
grow fat upon, Mothers like,
and Physicians recommend
CASTORIA. It regulates tho
Bowels, cures "Wind Colic,
allays 3?evcrishnoss, nnd de
stroys TVorms.
TARRH Caro, a ConatitntlonsJ
Antidoto for this torriblo mala
dy, by Absorption. Tho most
Important Discovery slnoo Vac
cination. Other remodios suit
rollovo Catarrh, this cores at
any stago boforo Consumption
sets in.
California Street, Adjoining
Jacksonville, Oregon
Latest Pattern and made from
All California Make
A full Assortment of
Ladles' Dress & Fancy Goods,
Also a large lino of
Men's and Boys' Hats.
Gentlemen's Underware, Suspenders &o..
I also keep a full Hue ot
Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Spices, Canned
goods of every description, a lull assort
ment of
A large quantity of
Crockery and Glassware,
All of which I will sell
Extraordinary Low Prices.
My motto will ba
Country Produce taken In exchange for
I am also agent for the following SUn.
dard Insurance Companies:
Foreign Imperial, London, Northen and
Kortign London and Lancashire.
Home Fireman's Fund.
Home State Investment Ins. Co.
Home Commercial Ins. Co.
Home "Western Ins. Co.
Traveler's Life and Accident of Hartford
Risks taken at lower rates than any
Agent iu Oregon, and will guarantee in
case of los3, prompt payment.
The Hopkins Saw-mill
Toriy and Liudley
Has been fitted up in firsUclass ordev
and the lessees are prepared to furnish all
kinds of lumber on the shortest notice.
All kinds of lumber sold as cheap as the
cheapest and all orders tilled promptly.
All kinds of country produce taken la
exchange for lumber.