Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 16, 1881, Image 3

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Saturday, July 1G, 1881.
land Office nt Itoschars. Ozn.l
Jane SO, 1880. j
T All TThom It mny Concern:
Notice Is hereby si en Hint I hare ileitis
toted the ORXCON ii:VTIEL as the paper
In which I shall hereafter pnblUh nil pre
enptloa, komcHleail and applications
far mining patents Tor lands Ijlus near
fartunt lUe, Jackson county, Oregon.
XT. F. UFAJllliv, Urslslcr.
Ice Cream Sociable. The ladies
of the Presbyterian Church will hold
an Ice Cream Sociable, in the basement
f the Church on Tuesday evening
next. All are invited to attend.
Grand Lodge Officers. The fol
lowing are the officers elected by the
Grand Lodge, A. 0. U. V., now in
feeuion at Salem: Grand Master, W.
D. Hfire of Astoria; G. F., C. N. Brad
haw ,of Port Townsend; G. 0., J. P.
Goodlhue of Victoria; G. Recorder,
Jlobt Newcomb of Roseburg; G. Re
ceiver, I. R. Moores of Salem; G.
Guidle, H. Chapman of Walla Walla.
s court on the Sth inst
g entry was made: "Dowell
gate Demurrer of defendants
j. c
in and Charles Drain, and to
bill, sustained: demurrer of J.
.Lllensbur? overruled with leave to
complainant to make application for
leave to amend bill within two weeks."
Mr. Dowell is now working on his
Geodetic. Major Jas. S. Lawson,
XX S. Coast &. Geodetic Surveyor, ar
rived hero with his instruments yes
terday. He has pitched his tent on
the school house hill, from which point
lie will make his observations. The
Measurement of the depressions of this
part of our globe will have to be made
at night, when the heavenly bodies can
better bo seen through telescope, and
their relative distance from the earth's
surface determined.
School Children. TIi?re are Cl,
641 school children in the State, being
an increase over last year of 2,02(5.
Of the 51,778.44 common school fund,
Jackson county, with her 3,130 school
children, has had apportioned to her
52,629.20. The distribution has been
made on the. basis of 84 cents to the
jidiolar. Last year it was only 77
cents to each scholar. Josephine with
her 742 school children will receive
608.16; Lake with hor 738 scholars,
receives 619.92.
The Festive Musquito in Lake.
Philip Miller and Ed. Hanley returned
Saturday from Lake Harney, where
they have been driving cattle. They
report the country infested with
millions of musquitoes, who are so
troublesome as to keep men and bpast
" nusy "day and" night li-'htins them.
Indeed so bloodthirsty are these pests
that two pair of blankets at night are
but a poor, protection against them.
Their bills go throujli aud through, so
y our returned boys.
New Fruit Dryer. D. F. Miller
of Sardine creek will shortly commence
reeling a fruit, dryer 10 by 12, with
.a capacity of dninj ine hundred bush
els per day. He has so much fruit
coming on this season, that he thinks
he will le able to dry upward of one
thousand bushels, mostly peaches and
plums. Besides his extensive nursery
he has ono of the best orchards in the
county; owing to the peculiar location
liis fruit ripens always earlier than at
other placeti in the valley.
About Cripples. The other day
We took the trouble of counting up the
number of cripples in this county, and
how they came to be such. We found
eight that had only one leg, four with
only one arm and live who had lost one
or more of their Angers. There are
quite a number that have only one eye
but we could not ascertain how many
.there are of this class. What is most
remarkable in the above cases is, that
three-fourths of tliem became cripples
for life by the careless handling of fire
Arm 8.
The Fourth at Bio Butte. Big
Butte had its celebration, too, which
consisted of divers amusements, an
impromptu oration by W. H. Parker,
the peaegogue, and a magnificent din
ner spread in common by alUhe ladies.
Then base ball, and race by gentle
men in sacks which, for ludicrousness
had not seen its-like on Big,Rutt,e, Tt,
-r,M ttomimuous jiue 01 lau ana get
up again, uur. an egg race by the
ladies "capped the climax." Each
carried an' efg in a spoon. It nwed
-carcely be said that ull the eggs
"drapped" but one, which was carried
by a young miss, who being the victor
carried off the prize. Our correspon
dent winds up by saying, the glorious
Fourth "wound up" with a dance at
The Railroad Surveying. J. S.
Howard's surveying party reached the
Klamath river, near the mouth of
Willow creek, the first of the week,
And then returned to the summit to .rfi
gin work again. They are camped
near the Toll House now, and started
yesterday morning upon the line down
this side the mountain pass. Mr.
Hurlburt has also sent a surveyor, a
Mr. Austin, from Portland, to Jose
phine county, to seek ou( a route irom
this valley to the coast. Mr. Austin
will employ his assistants in Josephine
county. This move looks as though
"Villard means to take possession of tho
, coast route we mentioned last week.
It would undoubtedly suit the North
ern Pacific to have a lino between
Portland and San Francisco entirely
indifferent of the Central Pacific. A
line from this valley direct to the coast
would Bait the people of Jackson
county very well, too. Tidings.
Fishing tackle at Kahler's.
Orth's brick residence is looming up.
Dr. J. M". Taylor has returned to
John S. Drum has returned from
Dr. Brown left on vesterday's stage
bound for Missouri.
Banner Lodge, A. O. U. W. install
ed officers last evening.
Morris Mensor and Jos. Solomon
have gone to Linkville.
Ex Governor Chadwick is spending
a few days at Roseburg.
Dr. J. W. Robinson proposes com
ing back here soon to locate.
Entertainment by the Legion of
Honor to-night at Holt's Hall.
Rev. M. A. Williams will preach at
Eagle Point to-morrow, at eleven a. m.
Four weddings are to take place in
Jacksonville within the next two
Breckenfnld has commenced selling
out his stock of goods at cost, and no
,Theiparinorliip,luf -Fountain. ife?Far?
low nas peen aissoivea, .&. j.-rariow
Wm. Kreutzer is again teaching
German school with a good attendance
of scholars.
Richard Blackwood of Tombstone,
Arizona, is expected to arrive here in
a few days.
The rattlesnake, the owl and the
prairie dog live neighbors to each other
without grumbling.
Mr. Payne of Sam's valley moved
into the Gunnison property near Henry
Klippel's last week.
Survpyor General Tolman arrived
from Portland on yesterday's stage to
remain a short time.
Col. W. S. Stone and Wm. Carll
passed through town this week looking
after stage interests.
Five hundred dollars to loan on good
real estate security. For particulars
enquire at, this office.
J. P. McDaniel it Co. will aceppt
the thanks of the Sentinel corps for a
bottle of excellent claret.
Some of our farmers have promised
to bring new wheat to the Jackson
ville mill next Monday night.
Miss Sarah Neathaniuier is reported
to be quite low with fever at her fath
er's residence near Rock Point.
On Sunday night the 10th inst., the
old Opera house house at Albany was
burned down by an incendiary.
Prof. J. W. Merritt and James
Elliott are this week rusticating on the
classic banks of the Squaw Lakes.
A. Hoard iu:Uvmj'.'iuisa!iMi!a
of cavalry horses has been orderpd to
convene at Fort Klttmalh, Oregon.
The ice cream supper given by Ruth
Rebekah Degree Lodge last Monday
evening proved an enjoyable affair.
Messrs. Red it Folk are engaged at
tlie race track painting a lot of buggies
for Jas. A. Cardwell's livery stable.
Where is our Apnlegato correspon
dent? We will be compelled o appoint
a new one if you don't come to time
Henry Pape, who three weeks ago
wjent to Portland for the benefit of his
health, returned to his home 911 Thurs
day. The Catholics of East Portland will
soon have in course of erection a line
church that will be an ornament to the
B. F. Dowell, accompanied by his
dau-'hter. Miss Fannie, started for
Yreka yesterday in a private convey
ance. The Nevada t Oregon Railroad is
reaching this way. So say several of
our Lake county friends. Let her
Judge Nunan disposed of a d. d.
yesterday by fining him 55 and costs.
Failing to pay the fine he languishes
in jail.
Geo. W. Lance has purchased Nelson
Hosier's interest in some mining prop
erty on Foot's creek, paying 1,500
The magnolias in Peter Britt's bo
tanical gardens are in full bloom, They
are beauties and scent the whole neigh
borhood. "3TrslBarbara Bohuert, wife of Carl
Bohnert of the Franco-American House,
Yreka, died July 11, 1881, aged about
30 years.
A. D. Helman, Esq., of Ashland,
spent last Sabbath in Jacksonville.
He attended diyine service at the AL
E. Church.
Thos. J. Kenney has got his shop
open and is ready for work. The bal
ance of his goods &ra expected early
next week.
Mrs. Judge Duncan in going from
church last Sunday morning lost her
spectacles. The finder will know what
ta do with them.
The tail of the new comet is four
million miles in length. The comet is
travelling from the earth at the rate of
200,000 miles a day.
Willie Robinson, son of Samuel Rob
inson of Wagner creek, died at the
family residence last Monday of inflam
mation of the bow-els.
The improved Wheeler it Wilson
sewing machines make the lock-stitch
without using a shuttle and never
breaks your under thread
Charles Strang formerly of this place
is now permanently located at Lake
Pen d'Oreille, IdahoTerritory, working
for the Railroad company.
Sol. Wise the popular dry goods
clerk at Newman Fishers, was in Salem
on the 13th inst. attending the Grand
Lodge of the A. O. IT. W.
B. F. Reeser of Ashland will give a
public exhibition of the workings of
the Osborne self-binder in Jacksonville
to-day. Farmers are invited.
J. L. Brobst, agent for the Osborne
self-binders passed through town last
Saturday on his way to Linkville to
set up several machines sold there.
W. H. Atkinson has sold his inter
est in the Ashland flouring mill to E.
K. Anderson, and the new firm will
hereafter be known as Anderson it.
This weather suits the tramp first
rate. Fruit is ripe and fence corners
are in full bloom; only the nights in
this latitude are a little cool without
a blanket.
Michael Gpaney was taken in charge
by the authorities yesterday on a charge
of insanity, but after an examination
by Doctors Aiken and Vrooman was
Henry Judge can still be found at
thn old stand with a large stock of
'everything, to be-had in ;a first-class
wEdlersh'op. Examine 'MsvstoclanaH
-tJoh'n Beeson, the lecturer on the
"Laws of Heredity," we learn, will
shortly visit the National Capital to
confer with the authorities on the In
dian question.
A Missouri farmer has the following
posted up in his field: "If any man's
or woman's cows or oxen gets in these
hero oats, his or hpr tail may be cut off
as the case may be."
Messrs. Mitchell and Farwell two
travelling printers stopped over here
M-vcial days this week. They claim to
have been from Colorado, and were
bound for some point north.
The wpather in the eastern States is
intensely hot. Numerous sunstrokes,
many of them resulting fatally are re
ported. Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and
Iowa have had terriffic heats.
II. II. Thomas,
wagon belonging
the man who took a
to another man at
Yreka last week, was arrested at Rose
burg but got out of the clutches of the
law by a writ of habeas corpus.
Jackson county's portion of the State
apportionment of the school money has
bpen received by Treasurer Pape and
will soon bo distributed to the districts,
at 84 cents to each child of school age.
Wm. Foley, notary public, convey
ancer, and collector, office with Col. J.
K. Krlly, corner First and Stark St.,
Portland, Oregon. Collections from
all parts of Oregon promptly attended
T. G. Reames and son and John
Miller, wife and son left hero for the
mountains for a season of hunting and
fihing. Thev propose visiting CraUr
ci- ood jxnv(,Xj'l'.."niaBeiar.,.U
It is suggested where chicken thievps
abound, to have your shot gun well
loaded and turn them loose. It was
never intended that a chickpn purloin
er or any other thief should Hvo to a
ripe old age.
Word has been received from the
Turner surveying party. On the night
of the Fourth the foliage of a pitchy
lir-tree was sent up in a blaze like a
fi ip cracker. It was a beautiful pyro
technic display.
A. Davison's steam thresher arrived
from Redding this week and will be
ready for work in a few days. Mr.
Davison will give it a trial in his own
field first and asks neighboring farmers
to conio and see it woik.
Prof. Black's show exhibited here
last Thursday evening to a good house
and gave the best of satisfaction. X)n
account of other engagements they only
remained ono night but propose re
turning in a couple of months.
Harvest hands are unusually scarce
and our farmers hive much difficulty
in securing help. Many able bodied
men wll not work for either love or
money. Of such St. Paul says, "He
who does not work, shall not eat."
The last we heard of Col. Hurl'jurt
was that he was directing a party of
surveyors near Thornton's in Josephine
county, endeavoring to find a prac
tical pass through the Coast Range of
mountains. Thorntons is this side of
Tim study of literature nourishes
youth, entertains old age, adorns pros
perity, solaces adversity, is delightful
rat home, unobtrusive abroad, deserts us
not by day or night, in journeying nor
in refinement, subscribe for the Ore
gon Sentinel.
Fears are entertained that the stage
may be stopped some night soon, a
there arj four or fivo desnerato charac
ters on Siskiyou mountain. Two of
them arc deserters from Fort Klamath
and the other two are notorious peni
tiary birds. Journal.
Postmaster Max Muller informs us
that 1442 money orders were issued
at the Jacksonville post office dur
ing the six months ending June 30,
1881. The amount of money covered
by these orders Mr. M. had not figured
u), but it is very considerable.
Please stop it. We notice that some
persons who attend church chew to
bacco during service. A very bad
habit, and one that needs only to be
spoken of to be avoided in the future,
as we are confident that parties who
act thus do so through thoughtlesness
The new comet will afford abundant
excuse for lovers to sit up these even
ings and expatiate upon the wonders
of the new phenomenon. But wo know
of a young man that couldn't corae-t
over his girl on the strength of this ter
restrial substance.
Reader, if you owe the ektinel,
please bo so kind and coar.forward.
We have bills coming duejejry week,
and it takes money to give ou 'a good
newspaper. u
Enoch Walker got in jSrSaturday
from tho swamp land countt,bver the
Cascade mountains. Hearsays the
musquitoes are just fearful,' leaving a
fellow no rest neither dayor night.
Mosquito bars are no paction as
these pestiferous insects hav&uch long
"bills." U
Says the Yreka JournalfjrThe rail
road surveyors in making suveys from
the summit of the Siskiyou, .searched
for the lowest pa? s, from hich they
will run lines to see hovthe grade
will come out. The first liehas been
extended so as to strike dora Cotton
wood reek. t-
It is a noted fact that be families
who are lucky enough to hvo a good
looking hired girl, are sureto get the
largest piece of beef, and a half pint
more milk to the quart. It pays to
keep a good looking hired grl, even if
it does cause the female had of the
house some uneasiness. ExL
The horrid custom "'oftiaugj.tiir ket
tles on davs' tai!sJ!ju.n?s-3iht' iJifiai-
d'nlib'wling through lb'a"stiee.ts,ijouId ha
stopped. -Last WedneyJaTjafternoon
Jacksonville vss treated Worie of these
cruel pastimes, and the slrjeks of the
poor canine filled the atmoSheiu until
they died away in the distance.
Charles Howard was enraged sur
veying inside the city limits his week.
The object was to establish tae corners
of E. Jacobs' lots, in orcTw to enable
that gentleman to erect a I -eakwater
against the inroads of Jack on creek.
Now is the time to erect br akwaters
igainst that treacherous str am.
At 11, a. m., to morrow, RVv. D. A.
Crowell will preach his last sermon
at the M. E. church, Jacksonville, to
which eerybody is respectfully in
vited. The two remaining Sundays in
this month will be devotedfat other
portions of his circuit, after which he
will go to conference which meets at
East Portland. t '
Jerry Nunan, H. Gasquet and Chas.
Hughes, were at Ashland on Thursday
in the interest c f the wagon rf a I to the
coast. They report the citizens of that
place very much in favor of the imme
diate prosecution of the road, and as
an earnest a number of the subscribers
doubled their subscriptions, 120 of
which was paid in. 1
Twenty wagons loaded with Indians
and their effects passed through La
Grande, Union county, on the6th en
route from the Malheur reservation,
Baker county, Oregon, to the "Kakima
agency, lakima county, W. T. TB5f
train was in charge of Rev. Father
Wilbur, the Indian agt at Siraco.
Rev. J. R, N. Bell preacheiA on
Wednesday aud Thursday niJais at
es. . He say.K tiiav wce JRtpwolli
talks, as he expected -to be .statined at'
some other field of labor. Theionfer
ence to which Bro. Bell "beloijs will
alembic at Conallis someUie in
Travellers lately arrived in tts val
ley fi om. Modoc, Cal., and Lakccounty
in this Stale, speak of crickets p quite
a pest. Some parts passed nrough
people were seen engaged with broom
and brush sweeping off the rickets
from Iheirgarden plants. The.rickets
were very destructive of vegiUbles,
and in fact everything green.
Mr. F. R. Girard. manager for the
well known music house of Slerman,
Clay &. Co., San Francisco, hasiust re
turned fiotn a visit to .Oregiti and
Washington Territory. He sas that
wo havo the best valley he has et seen
up lure, and the climato is finir than
cither further north or south. 'AH we
need is an outlet for our sJlus pro
duce. Roseburg commission merchants
complain of the condition i which'
wool is shipped by some paities in
Rogue River valley. In sotiP cases
wool has been dampened, besifes con
taining dirt and rocks, and in ine ship
ment last week a large worn-out bed,
quilt was found in one of tin sacks.
This kind of business won't pa for any
great length of time.
Nort Editings, who soma
ago had his left leg
upsetting coming down
and who has been
ever since at the
left here on Mon
Rock Point.
soon to be.
line again
The public trial of one
Deering's elf-twine Binde
took place in Nick "'Ficke's grain field
last Saturday afternoon was eminently
successful. The trial was witnessed
by a large number of our citizens, and
the way the grain was mowetl, bound
and thrown off was a caution. G.
Karewski is agent for this machine.
The heavier the grain, the more com
plete the binding. '
The Wheeler & WilsWnewsewing
machines are adapted""" .- every
grade of manufacture of V stitched
goods and every kind f do
mestic sewing. They are superior,, to
all others in point of speed, dimMnlitv.
precision and ease of operati
ularity, strength, beauty ofKh
range of work, faculty of manHut,
perfection of construction and Bice
of finish. They aro declared Bhe
highest authorities the best sew'
paratus in the world.
An Eye-Soke to be Remoyeb
Southern Methodist church eel
Phoenix, which cost some
build, and which on account 1
sided and leaning condition
been occupied, was on Wednl
sold to Mr. Park for 125.
taken to pieces at once and tq
used for other purposes.
brokejBhe stage
conHiis room
jH Hotel,
ctHioroe in
IIBmber is
groH expects
of John
rs. which
What we Would like lo See.
Henry Kubli's girl.
Less beer sold to minors.
Wm. Bilger draw coal oil.
The Hanley hill gravelled.
The harbor of refuge built.
A better tailor than Feathers.
The assassin Guitteau punished.
Jacksonville a fourth-class city.
The man who hates the laugh of a
A more contented man than John
Our mines developed to their fullest
A better business man than Jerry
A cleverer salesman than Evan
A better deputy clerk than Allio
More public spirit among our lead
ing citizens.
Charles Nickell name the day he
means business.
The new fence around the M. E.
Church painted.
, -.The remaining chuck, holes on the
valley road tilled.
A hot discussion that would not
make a cool friendship.
Jim Birdsey loso his temper when hd
shoes a refractory horse.
Anybody turn out better flour than
McKenzio and Foudray.
More attention paid to the observ
ance of our town ordinances.
Any one make a better display on
horseback than Capt. Caton.
The man who grumble at Louis
Hubert, the street sprinkler.
The immense fruit crop of this val
ley secured by drying for export.
Marshal Helms dUcuss the constitu
tionality of the Kansas prohibition
Less dependence put on the mines
and more on the agricultural resources
of the country.
The dead lock at Albany come to a
close by the election of two good Re
publicans in placo of Conklfiig and
Thirsty men who frequent Califor
nia street set a better example to the
young, by drinking less whisky, and
more good water out of the public well
in front of Savage's.
Another Beautiful Quilt. Mit.
Catharine Magruder of this city has
just finished one of themest equisite-ly
executed diamond quilts we have seen
for a long time. Ihe ground of tho
quilt is white, and the surface is cov
ered with six squat e wreaths, in alter
nation, tapering off as the center is
reached, where is worked a beautiful
large red diamond. The outer wreath,
of exquisite featht-r pattern, is work d
in .white; inside of it, is th wrealh in
red of 36 half diamonds, with a star at
eAehcornej-; after the next white comes
ared, wreath of 24 diamonds and 4
starsrafterwhich the white i3 followed
hbyj'the'ewrenth of 12 diamonds with
tour stars; witn me center a iuii rea
diamond. There is not a bit of ma
chine work on 1ib entire quilt, which
it took Mrs. Magruder eight months to
complete. The needle work is done
with such precision that Mrs. M.
prideb herself on the fact that among
tho tens of thousand stitches in this
quilt, there is not a single one mis
placed. Mrs. Magruder is in hor 71st
year, and this quilt she has intended
for her friend, Mrs. Major Glenn, of
Sun Francisco.
Legion of Honor. The following
programme is in course of preparation
for the entertainment to hn gien by
the Legion of Honor at Madame
Holt's Hall this evening: 1. Song
by the choir; 2. Declamation, Benj.
B. Beekman; 3. German song, Daisy
Bilger and Teresa t'olomon; 4. Recita
tion, Miss Addie Plymale; 5. Song,
Susw Turner, Minnie Booth and Carrie
Cronemiller; C. Duet, Misses Maggie
I.inn and Anna Little; 7. Essay, Miss
Issio McCully; 8. Song, Emma Ply
male; 9. Recess; 10. Double quartette,
Misses Maggie nnd Cora Linn, Minnie
Pape, Anna Little, Messrs. J. H.
Hvzer, J. A. Boyer nnd It. H. Klippel;
1 f. Select reading, W. W. Cardwell;
12. Solo, Mrs. D. II. Feathers; 13.
Cornet Solo, Adam Schmidt aud son;
14. Comic reading, R. II. Klippel; 15.
Duet, Misses Cora Linn and Tillie
Miller; 1G. Song by the boys; 17. Song
by the chcir.
-Maggie Cuosnv,
Ehma Pape, (
WM. 10UNG, I
J. R. Little. )
Wagon RoATr-MEirriSGA-
nuraber of the citizens of Jacksonville
and vicinity met yesterday nfternoqn
at Holt's Hall, to listen to a statement
by Messrs. Gasquet it Hughes concern
ing the proposed change in the wagon
road from Gasquct's ranch to Smith
River harbor, instead from Gasquet's
to Crescent City. Col. Ross was called
to the chair and Chas. Nickell acted as
secretary. A full discussion was had,
when a committee of five was appoint
ed consisting of Messrs. Hughes, Han
ley, Muller,Foudray and Nunan, whose
duty it shall be to draft articles of
agreement for Mr. Gasquet to sign.
The committee to report at an adjourn
ed meeting at eight, r. m.
Prolific Nature S. Booth bro't
to our office three clusters of wheat
stalks each grown up apparently from
a single grain. The first cluster con
tained 52, 'the second 79 and tho third
117 stalks, with each a full developed
car on it. Think of it: 248 stalks and
ears from three grains of wheat I We
counted the grains in one of the ears,
and found 67 full grains and several
shrivelled ones. If all the cars aver
aged as this one does, we have a grand
total of 16,516 grains as the result of
this season's yield the outcome of 3
single grains I What other country
beside Roguo river valley can make
such a showing
Arrivals at the V. S. Hotel.
The following is a list of the arrivals at
the U. S. Hotel, during the past week:
Ed Barron Ashland
D. L. Hopkins Forest creek
Chas. J.Moore ..Linkville
J. L. Brobst Portland
A. O.Nash Chicago
II. Lindley Forest creek
A. J. Price Rock Point
Miss Lizzie Hargadiuc Ashland
Chas. Wilshirc
J.J. Mitchell Alliance Ohio
Levi Farwell Grant city. Mo
Dr. 0. A. Larison Ashland
Miss Minnie Anderson "
B.F.Miller Kock Point
G. W. "Woodham Ceatcrvillo, W, T.
J. B. Williams Jackson creek
Rev. J. R. N. Bell Roseburg
Horace Gusquet Happy Camp
Chas. Hughes Kerbyville
L. Barada San Francisco
J. B. Smith Portland
F. B. Girard San Francisco
Jas. Lawson. ..U. S Coast Geodetic Stir.
Irene Chitwood Ashland
J. ttTolniam Portland
Oitice op Scntnvrz fc Von Barge?,
-l:2ir California sirect, cor. Front,
San Francisco.
Jonx L. Burns. Agent,
To the Trade: Prtctical experience
has demonstrated to us that the trade re
quires a choice old Bourbon for immedi.
ate use. For it is well known that straight
whiaky that is absolutely pure requires
age, great care and attention, and oiy old
Davenport whisky possesses all the above
qualities. The grain used in tho distilla
tion of our J. II. Davenport whisky is
carefully selected from the finest, richest
and very best crown in the state ot Ken-
lucky. The water is drawn from one of
the tinest limestone springs in the state,
the peculiar properties of which have
gained lor KcntucKy whiskies such world,
wide celebrity. This process make our
J H. D.'.vcnport a pure, hand made, sour
mash I'liisky, and we claim that for deli
cacy of flavor, purity and medicinal qual
itics, it stands unexcelled.
Yours truly Sciitn.rz & Von Barren.
From and after this date J. P. McDaniel
& Co. Jacksonvillle, will keep the justly
celebrated Davenport, pure straight whis
ky exclusively.
mrrrr 'r ip "ij n .m" "jbuva
Jones Rouw At the U. S. Hotel, in
Jacksonville, July 11, 1881, by J. II.
Huffor, J. P., I. P. Jones aud Miss Emma
Parker Howard At the Ashland
House, July 1. 1831, by E. Di'Peatt, J.
P., Sumner A. Parkcrmd Miss Alice A.
ITMttC lliW .JIM
Farlow In Ashland, July 11, 1831,
Altia Farlow; aged 19 years, 3 months.
Nnwcojm On Applegate, July 12, 1881,
of typhoid fever, Maggie Newcomb;
aged about nine years.
Si;oletary On Gall's creek, July 9,
1881, Lula May, daughter of Mr and
Mrs Singletary; aged 2 years and 2
Land Office at Rosercro, Oon., )
July 8, 1831. 1
Notice is herc'iy given that the following-named
settler baa filed notice of Ids in
tention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and secure final entry thereof on
Saturelay, Aug. 20, 18bl, before the County
Judge or Clerk of Jackson county, Ore
gon, viz,: James Looinis, Homestead Ap
plication, No. 2,752 for the S JofN W
tf , and Lots No. 0 and 7, Sec. 2 f, T 3G S It
4 W, and names the following as his wit
nisscs, viz: C. E. Miller, H F. iliiler, Ben
Raymond of Rock Point, and Thomas
Haymond of Woodville, all of Jackson
county, Oregon.
Wm. F. Benjamin, Register.
Land Officii at Roseboro, Oon., )
July 11, 1881. 1
Notice is hereby given that the follow,
ing-named settler has tiled notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and secure final entry thereof
on Saturday Aug. 20, 1881, before the
County Judge or Clerk of Jackson county,
Oregon, viz: Edmond IJrooks, Home
stead Application, No. 3,179 for the S V"
If of Sec. 19, T :I8. S R 1 W, and names the
loiiowing as his witnesses, viz: w. J.
Gregory, II. C. Fleming, J. J. March of
tX'ntra Point, and II. C. Turpin of Eagle
Point, all of Jackson county, Oregon.
Wm. F. Benjamin, Register.
Jacksonville, Ogn.
Thomas J. Ksnney, Prop.
saddler shop in LangelPs building,
opposite Masonic Hall, I am fully pre
pared to do any work in my line with
promptness and dispatch. Will keep on
hand a good assortment of saddles, bridles,
harness, bits, spun, etc. None but the
bestCalifornia leather used. Job worl. a
specially and prices to suit the times.
EU'Givc me a trial.
Jacksonville, July 10, 1831.
JSrto, C70M4-., .
The undersigned is now selling off, at
cost, to cloe out business, his complete
and flrst-clas assortment of Gent's Purn.
ishing Goods, such a Hals, Shirts, Under
wear, etc.; best brands of Cigars and To
bacco, Pipes, Notions, Fancy Gocels, Gla
ware, Crockery, Musical Instruments, Bird
Cage, Stationery, Pocket and Table Cut.
lery, Albums, Tovs, Candies, JNiits etc.
Give me a call and see for yourselves.
Gilmore On Althousc, June 27, 1831, to
the wife of J). 31. Gilmore, a son.
Smith On Sterling, mly 14, 1881, to tho
wife oft has Smith, a daughter.
Si-exce Near Kerbyville, July 0, 1881, to
the wife ot Dr. Jas. Spence, a sod.
Strong On Applegate, July tl, 1831, to
the wife of Jasper Strong, a son.
Bausehuro JearPhoenix, July 11,1881,
to the wife ol" Fred. liarneburg, a son.
GniTFix On Rogue river, June 27, 1881,
to the wife of William Griffin, a daugh
ter. Berrymak On Applegate, July 12, 1881,
to the wife of Thos. Berryman a daugh
ter. t .
ilotliora liio and Pfcycld-i
rooommond it.
tho "World's great Paln-ltc-Iicvin;?
remedies. They heal,
(.ootho aud euro Burns,
Wouiuls, "Weak Back ami
Rheumatism upon Man, and
Sprains, Galls and Lameness
.r.poa Beasts. Cheap, quick
and reliable.
EPUHT3 ct disgusting Caucus,
naQes,Craclilin3 Pniiia in ti.o
Head, Fetid Ercaili, DoIhos,
and any Catarrhal Coinplaint,
can ho exterminated tyWclEo
Meyer's Catarrh Caro, a Consti
tutional Antidote, "by Absorp
tion. The most Important Dis
covery sinco Vaccination.
California Street, Adjoining
Jacksonville, Oregon,
. AJtffc.V ., . - f. -W.
v3r?.T,?iv'T.- --j'fw
- . . '
,;'-- - ,
All California IVIakc
A full Assortment of-
Ladies' Dress & Fancy Goods,
Also a large lino of
Men's and Boys' Hats.
Gentle-men's Underware, Suspenders &c,
I also keep a full linoot
Coffee. Tea, Sugar, Spices, Canned
goods of every description, a full assort
ment of
A large quantity of
Crockery and Glassware,
All of which I will sell
Extraordlnnry Low Prices.
My motto will be
Country Produce taken in exchange for
I am also agent for the following Stan
elard Insurance Companies:
Foreign Imperial, L-iudon, Northen ami
Fortign London and Lancashire.
Home Firem-in's Fund.
Home State Investment Ins. Co.
Home Commercial Ins. Co.
Home Western Ins. Co.
Traveler's Lifeand Accident of Hartford
Risks taken at lower rates than any
Agent in Oregon, and will guarantee in
rae of loss, prompt payment.
The Hopkins Saw-mill
Torry aid Lindley
Has been fitted up in first-class order
and the lessees arc prepared to furnish all
kinds of lumber on the shortest notice.
All kinds of lumber sold as cheap as the
cheapest and all orders filled promptly.
All kinds of country produce taken In
exchange for lumber.