n. Uf' ' t A C r - Oregon Sentinel Oregon Sentinel. PUBLISHED SATURDAY6 AT- JACRSOXVILLK. JICESOX CODSTY OREGON BT KRAUSE & TURNER. TERMS: One copy, PerYeur, In mlronee, S3 50 VOL. XXVI-NOi 27. PROFESSIONAL OAUDS. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Jacksonville, Ogn., Will Police in $JteA$ fjgogr of pSltoffa and FiftWts, DR. GEO. KAHLER; pHYSICIAKi AND SURGEON, K, OnEQOX. rU(rpjprp, rjsiilpnr.n.ln T IKKN, M. D., DHYSICI AND SURGEON, .TACKSONVILLB, OUEQON. 3-0X.c opposite T. J. Hjn'i (tore. MARTIN VR07MAN, M. D. DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OltEGON. Office up-stairs in OrtU's brick. Resi dence on California street. P.JACK.M. D., pilYb'ICIAN AND SURGEON, (Formerly of Glasgow, Scotland.) APPLEGATE, OREGON. Office and Drug Store at the Brake farm on Apple-rate eight miles West ofJack-sonv-Iie. Lettcrscan be addressed either to Jacksonville or Applegatc E. H. AUTENR1ETU, . a TTORNEY-AT-LAW- JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. drill pructlM in nil the CnnrH nf the Stutf. Prompt attention plien lo all 1us1im left In tnjr can-. WOlflco in Orth'i brick building. b. f: i-owell, TT 0 R.N.K-Y.- AT-LAW. .TrfCKSflXVII.!.!!, ORKQOS. .. ' . Al H-Innvp-rH if linwlll rfCfWepro-np' iit'oiilfo-i. a-.iii.jcl.il attention e'"" Culler thm. WILL. JACKSON, r E N'flST, JACKSONVILLE, OUUGON. rpEEIII EXll ACTED AT A 1.1. EfeSfgSSS. JL hmira. LaiiRblng Kas ml- mTTi5uiriiiliiitrrrl If .lnlrr.lfir blcb extra "-l ' 1.1 ' 'char; "-ill b made. Offlco and rtIJanca ou corner of California and Fifth street!. a., o. gibbs. GIBBS & STEARNS, A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS. Rooms 2 and A Strowbriilge's Building, Will practice In all Ccorti ef Uncord In the State nf Ortgnn and WatublngtaiiTemtorY; and pay par tlcular attention to bmlne.B iu Federal Courts. r.amijuji-jjaariJiLili.Li Mri. P. P. Prim. Mill Kiln. Prim Clearance Sale. AT PRIM'S MILLINERY STORE A large stock or Mill ana wimcr goons is offered for sale at our store at cost. Give us a call before purchasing else where. Tnitcd States Hotel Announcement. Madame HolU nronrietress of the U. ?. Hotel. Jacksonville, respectfully invites public attention in general to tne ;act tuai Kim l-wm n. "No. I liuuse in everv particu- larfirsuclass tables and bedrooms and all accommodations to make the Hotel tne most suncrior one in Southern Oregon. Madame Holt lias adopted the lowest scale of prices, so as to enable her num erous friends on the Pacific Coast to share her comforts and pleasure. Tucfollowins nricc-lisllias been adopt cd: First-class bedroom, with first-class table for simrlc Derson) &i 00 per day; Single bed room, with excellent table, (for single person) 1 00 per day: one cood meal, superior lo auy that can be had in town. 50c: finest lunch, at any time, (day or night) 2."5c; a cup of coffee, with ex cellent bread and butter, al any time, (day or night) 2c MADAME HOLT. Jacksonville, May 14, 1831. SETTLE UP. , All persons knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned in any manner arc hereby notified to call and settle at once. This is positively the last call, for I mean business. An immediate reponse will gave costs. JOS. SOLOMON. Jacksonville, June 30, 1881. JACKSOKVILX fimrn in cityH gVK p THE U. S. HOIKL, Cor. 3d and California Sts., Jacksonville - - Ogn, JANE HOLT, Proprietress. TTT-RT-nLASS ACCOMMODATIONS MEALS AT ALL HOCRS. ROOMS TO LET BY THE DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. '- --a---- mmi& ?i Prices Very Moderate OUR NEW HOTEL BUILDING BE ing completed lor occupancy, the un dersigned takes pleasure in announcing Uiat we are prepared to entertain the trav eling public. No pains will be spared to provide for the comfort of our guests and to make them feel at home with us. The most modern improvements have been in troduced, and the accommodations of the United Stales will not lag behind the best appointed inland hotel on this coast. Our tables will always bo supplied with the best the market iitlbnls and served in the best style by a corps ot obliging waiters. The beds and bedding are all new and fitted up in the most comfortable style, suited to the accommodation of single oc cupants or families. JANE HOLT. Jacksonville, Jiarcu o, isi. ASHLAND Livery, Sa!e'& Feed Stable Main St., Ashlantl. piIE UNDERSIGNF.D TAKE.? pluas 1 ure in announcing that lie has pur chased these stables and will keep con stantly on hand the very best ' hADDLK HOUSE-'. BUGGIES AND CAllIUlGICS, And can furnish my customers with a tip lop turnout at any time. uokses no w:ni:n On reasonable terms, and given the besi attention. Horses bought and sold and satisfaction guaranteed iu all my trans actions. HENRY NORTON. XKCS3 ASAND Woolen Manufacturing Co. Take pie time o rein announcing that t..ey mm and, a full anil Felcct Etock 01 !3!L,&KiKE'ir-!, FlUASSMEtS, Made of the Tcry best NATIVE WOOL Vnd of which thev will dispose at very rea sonable rates. ' Orders from a dietaries will receive prompt itlention. oend tbem iu aud give our goods i trial. Ashland Wooi.fn M'f'o f!o. LUMBER, LUMBER TIIQMAS' SAW MILL AT THE MEADOWS TS NOW FULLY PREPARED TOFuR X nish the m.irke.t with every description ot lumber of a superiorqualitv. Thismill is new throughout and lurnished willi the latest and mostimproved machinery, there by ensuring the speedy fulfillment of all orders ut most reasonable prices. Bills sawed to order with dispatch. dPGivc me a trial and I will prove what I say, for satisfaction' is guaranteed in every case. JESSE B. THOMAS. Table Rock, September Sd, 1879. ASHLAND AND LillNLLE IT. K. Phillips : : : : Pi-opriclor. r AM NOW RUNNING A DAILY UN 1 lie wevn tin above uiit . leaviiitf Ai-hlaiul Willi cnach tm MiiiiiUV". We' tiewlajH ami Vridi' reltiiti'iig nex. day On Tn--ilay. Tlmniy hi1 rfniuritay iifracli werk uli'iris bnnrd will f-tDrt frmn vlshlaud teturjing on the followiiiKday. r'AllIC, (rath way) 5S.OO. Connection mde at Linkville wilh hack" for I.akeview. Criterion Billiard Saloon! CALIFORNIA ST., James F. EZcDaniel, Trop. 'PniS popular resort, under new man- I ngement, is furnishing the best brands of liquors, wines and cigars. The reading table is sunnlied with Eastern periodicals and leading papers of. the Coast. Give me n call. CITY BREWERY, VEIT SCHUTZ. - Prom-ietor. T WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY IN rortn the cltlnof Jckon:ile anil the wrld at large, that they can find, at .nv tlma. at rit Ttrewerv. the beat laeer beer. In any qnantlty the purchaser miy de.lr My bouie la conTenlentlyaltnated and my rooma ara alrayi in order. A rlalt will pleatt yrn. T. G ItEASlES E. B, HEAMES. REAMESBROS., California st., Jacksonville, - - - Oregon, AHEAD AS USUAL ! ! BT ADOPTING HA THE GREATEST REDUCTION IN PRICES -AND THE LARG-SST STOCK OF GENERAL MERCI1AXD1SE ! THE GREATEST VARIETY TO SELECT TROM IS Any On Store in Southern Oregon or SJox'ihern California. ALL FOR CASH !! OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF . . . . - iL.-' : v-L ' . , . ' ALbfiL W K 'W J f i-li IS". FANCY GOODS, T.ADIEr:' ni.'KSS GOODS. C P11MERI3-J. AND I)IG()NLS. ?1I.KS. AND SATINS. HOOTS i tsHOES, CLOTHING. LTC LADIES' CAL., WADE CLOAKS WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE ladies' to 111'; fact that we have now n hand IIip l.irj;'t and best wlrcted nort iiHtit f LDIES' DRESS GOODS and FAN CY GOODS ol every defctiption in Soulli rn Oregon, and wo will licncifurlb make this line of goods our speciality aud tell iem at Cheaper than the Cheapest. To the Rfiitli'mcn we will ray, if von want No. 1 SUIT OF CLOTHES you must go lo Rcuroo Bros. In buy them a") we claim to have the beM &TOCK OF CLOTHING in lackson county and will allow uone lo uti ilcrsrll us. These go.s were all purchaed by a me m Ih.t ol onr firm from FJUaT CLASS llouv ir San Francl'co and New York and wi will Aairanl every article and sell tin m as cheap for cash a aiiy houeu iu the county. We also keep on hand a lull slock of GROCERIES, Hardware, Cutlery, Glassware, CROCKERY. A FULL LINE OF ASHLAND GOODS FA1JI ANDFR1CIGHT WAGONS FiOt73, Guilg'-Z'iuMo Cul2rr TlJ.x, It) fact everything from llie finest nentlr lo n HireliinL'-niiic1iine Give- ns a CjiII nd jndiie fur Tuuft-elvC'1 as lo.Pur capacity i! fiirtiifliin2 unml' hsiiIiovh. The wnv to make ininiey i to save it. To ave II hnv cheap To buy cheap pay CA-jII lor jour gomi imd huv of RKAMKS I5ROS. DAV.D LINN, ASD DEALER IX COFFINS FURNISHED ON THE shortest notice and cheaper than at any other establishment iu Southern Oregon. Furniture of all kinds kept on hand or made lo order. M-LA.I I miMzmtn&2??iiirr, ?resTSfTr& KA vaaHrK .m mysir"o o i o; i-j 35&?o5. LiiJfeSW idDE JACKSONVILLE 0N, JUi.Y 9. ISSt. ISIUIDEfLECE AND JjL -: ACJTTXi'lSfc REV. L L. ROGERS, A?gK.d Piofessor of Ancient and? ,,,, Mental aLdVoraW???rn.1n- REV. LaDRU BOYArafcjj Pricipnt and Jiiojiai:l-v,...ICC . JiSiritZttifhca uniXitw, Hio-her MRSJij-fA-RogersfPi SbflKl-eeiklifeB.'rriS V)e&GSmr' ' 1MIS3 A. WEBER Tesoh menial music MI S K iTE THORNTO Tucher. tnrv.3poxi.a4. -UITN $0 a monlttlS a quarter $40 a ycav One scholar )ee. years, or three, in sair family, one jr $100. In. strument:il njsic or voiculture, 3 a month. Vocal music in ds7 3 a quar ter. uiKini, -?w a wcck. ;ooms or cot- u lages lor sen-ooaraog, $z IV a month. 1 union in all cases p;yabIo. advance in cash or acptauic notci Coursos of Sixcay. ( ourse in Enzlisli Lantrv. nnri Tito. v ., - .... u.....- urfL Rhetoric, Ancient History.'diaeval His. lory 3Iodern History. j 1 Uusiness College, -riletic, Book keeping. Ranking, Civil Gtjriment.C'om. uiercial L iw, Intern itio.i.tLv'PoliUc i Economy, Algebn, Geoy, English Grammar and Rhetoric. ('ourse of Latin. Latin timar, Latin Reading, nesar's Comment;, Vir-il, Cicero's Orations, Livy, TacilUccnAk' Ulllcns. . Course in Greek. Grec'Grammar, Greek Reader, Anabasis, Grfrest.-inii.-ni, Memorabilia. Homer, Herjy, l)emo theiie Onlions. ourse in Mathematics. thmclic, Al gebia, Geomctray, Trionttry, Survey ing, Mechanics, Acoustics i optics, As tronomy. f !oure in M'odsrn Lang's. Prenr.h Grammar, French Readerjrnie Ra cine, German Grammar, Gsriiatciider Goethe. Schiller. W Course in Natural acicnce.-ifcranhv lUMIill VTCUgiajlHJ, feULUIlJHO'yy aiunu x iiuubujjiiy, xVMruuoiKixs- try, Jlineiolngy, Gcoiosy. lllnl course in lcntai and jloral aBnliv Ethics, Psychology, LogiC'tuetics, Moral Pliilosophy, Theisui, Bi Anal- ogy. hnstian JiviUences, Normal Course English Arithmetic, (JroLTJUliv, JillSr4i7iWajriK. htry.Rhetdiic, Natur.il Phi ot any, Ancitni iiiiorj-, i ou jtory. Chemistry. Astronomy. Mental M'ilosophy, ivil Government, Uook-kicrftaV' English Literature, Eviden :es of CkiistVmtYt Pcd acogics. Usual Cullesf. Degrees O 4 .fFEIlltED, Golloso OalouH ptitf. 1 he Fall Term begins ThnJ sday, Sep. Umber 1. 18S1 Winter Tenn commences Novimber 24, 1831. - Thursday, Spring Term begins Thursdlf. March 2, lbK'J KEADY FOR EUSIN THE JACKSONVILLE iSTAM FLOURING rVllUL Commcnced Manufacturingjfhe best of flour on j 310MAY, SEPT, 20, IS. -I Wc are prepared to do all kii'ds of Cuj- j torn ork, in the way of exchaiRe " c""" for wheat, chopping feed antl'giinding corn. AVc have superior jnad'incry 'for manufacturing Hour ahdrwftH3afe in sayingthat wo can d;j.bc-Ue&rk than any mill in Rogue Rivefjvallei - . In exchange, we wllljgivejBin good," clean wheat, 3G lbs. or UourJanR Olbs. of mixed feed for each bushel.JP ,' McKENZIE & FOUEy.lY, Proirietors. IW STATE HOTJL Jacksonville, Or2 Mrs C. "W. SavaeJProp TTAYING re-opened this hi fed se- XI cured more rooms, I anl iw better prepared than ever to offer to lie public the In ft ot accommodations, and well ventilated rooms, reasonable. Lood beds ird most The (.. and O. S. Co.'s Starrl house daily for Redding and II leave '.he cburg. Bar and P. S. There is a first-clal Billiard room in connectlol house. The best cigars and liq kith the irs dwayg on Hand. LiMVIIiLB DOb), LAKE COUNTY, odfl- W. C Grcenman, Prl5i IF Vlr '"PHE undersignetl takes pie1 . 1 nourteing that he has tien ciar "J of this house and that theJ f will be first-class in every partyjlf -!" table will always be supplioR,. ,. best the market affords. f?7un tUe Terms reasonable and saHtjon anteed. No pains spared ;Jimecj .V ' wants of the travelin:: public, W.C.GRaIAN, Ten yards niusliu for 9Jq at tj)e New York Store. " Ladies dross goods at the B'W York Store for-12 J cts. a yard. ' rjmamstia tmmmz it nMMPSKTMKlicr BLaar" wti ft (jtfAnstru- lBaatctnTft Dastardly Attempt Ifl ISSISSI 9ATE President Garfield! The Assassin, a Disap pointed Office-Seeker. FromjhercgojiSeitincra xtraoMat .'ti. j,u'y Jiii-'jiiiis-.Td uiv-at;;is:r7xawi t :..iJ':T 'flfr;5S5B2Rsf3;2! - ijiniK uciuii; i) a. 3i.,im.s iair.ranv; , , , iiionuiig uie wires conieveil tlio ex citin iiitelligeuci' that President Gar field had been assassinate'! at the rail road depot in Washington at 8. A. jr. just as he was on tho point of taking the train fcr Baltimore. The follow. in;: te.esrain.s received at diflprpiif hours of the day, contain all the news so far as received of the dastard ly outrage. At the timo of going to press the Pi csident's condition is very critical: First DIspatcIiri. New York, July 2d. President Garfield was sliot twice tliis nioriiiii at the. Baltimore it Oliio railroatl depot in Washington. No further particu lars. Washington, July 2. Gen. Gar field is living. A later dNpatch : Dr. Bliss says th Piesidi-nt's wound i- not necessaiilv u mortal one. The Inst telegram is -probably the most auihcutic Washington, D. C, July 2, 10 a. m. Dr. Bliss, Surgeon General BarneN and Dr. Purvis me now in attendance on Pie.sident Gut field, who is lyiii" in a private room of officers quarti rs of the Btltimorennd Potomac Dipot. Tlie man arrested for the attempted iFSassination of the president is a hlcndcr man, five feet KeVen inches in o" JHj refused - to sivo his name, but persoiiR who pro fess to know Iiini say tliat his name is Dooley. His arrest took place imme diately after tho shootins by officers who were in the depot at the time The shooting occurred iu the ladies room of the depot in the presence of fifty or sixty ladies, immediately after thp entance of die President. Secre tary, Blaine and the President were walking into the depot, arm in arm when the shooting occurred, on their way to the Limited Express Train, which was about ready to leave. Two'shots were fired both shots tak ing effect the first in the President's rigjit arm and the other in the side, just alove the right hip and near the kidney. Physicians are prilling for tho balls but so far unsuccessfully. It is rumored now that the nsasin is lix Consul Uoolev, whose removal as consul 0f Mnr!-if.S- Franco, is sup posed to be, the cau-e of his rash net. The prisont:r was first taken to 'prriict Vi?9.dquarors and aftprwnrds re manded to the District j lil, where he is now confined. 11: 30 A. M. The Pretfdpnt is now being conveyed to the Executive Man sion under a strong escort of Police and troops. President Garfipld'.s condition. The doctors disagree as to his condition at present. Second n'alcli or Dispatche. "WaSHISGTON, JuTy' 2d. At 9:30 o'clock this morning, whpn President Garfield was at the Baltimore and Po. tnmnc dppot with his party waiting to take the train, he was shot twice 1 a man within two feet of htm. Thp President's fiiends rushed to him as he fell and Rbiine called for Rnckwrll. Station ngpnt C-irnev nn-psted the as sassin, who sniil, "I did ir. T am a stalwart and Arthur is now Prpsi-lent Takp a lettpr I have here to General Shprman, and he will tell vou all about it." Chicago. July 2d. Clin. Guittpnu, the man who attemptpd to assassinate the President, has lppn more or less known in Chicnco for the past ten pars. He is a foreigner by birth, and bppn a very persistent applic.nt for a consular position. He lias hauned thfl Executive mansion several weeks and his disappointment in not getting what he wanted has caused a tempo rary aberration of mind. Guittrau was a disreputable lawyer here, and was generally considered half insane. He went to New York seven or eight years ao, and upon his return in 1876 professed to have been converted, and delivered several lectures under the auspices of the Y. SI. C. A. He next appeared at tlio head of a scheme to buy the Chicago Inttr-Ocean, and run it on the plan of the New York Her ald, but as ho had neither capital nor backing the matter was boon dropped by him. He left for Washington bev eial mouths ago. STATEMENT OF AN EYE WITNESS. jj, A geiitlfinan who wasan eye-witness. .ofltlieatHiiitfa'assiiiati'oRlfgi vj ... -.. ' iBO - follortiietHeiiie'nt of"!!! - " -- rence: I was coming down Pt Vnnsyl- vaiiia avenue when I saw a carriage coming up the avenue. The horses were running so fast that I thought they were running away. As the car riage arrived in front of me, a man iut his head out of the window anil said: "Faster, faster, faster, it." After hearing this remark, I thought there was something -wrong, and ran after the carriace. Whpn it reached the.depot a man jumped out and en tered the ladies' room. He had not been there more than three minutes when the Piesident arrived, stepped out of his carri-ige and entered the ladies' room. The President, cfter pissing through the door, was just turning the corner of a seat when the a-t-ussin, who was standing on the left of the door, fired. The ball struck the President iu the back unit ho fell for ward. I tan into the depot, and just (hen the man filed again, while the President was falling. The moment tho Prisident fell a policeman, who hud been standing at tho depot tlot.r keeping the way char foi tho Presi dent anil his party grabbed the assassin by tin- neck, and as ho pulled him out of the depot another policeman catno to his assistance. Juat after firing the shot the assassin exelai.uied: "I have killed Garfield; Arthur is President; 1 ,aui a stalwart." PLACE WnERE TDK SHOOTING OCCURRED. The -dei-oLat. wbih the uJ. took place is given by some of the dis patches as the Baltimore and Ohio, and by others us the Baltimore and Potomac. The former is located a short distanco north of the Capitol building, and the latter on Sixth street, standing between Sixth and Seventh and only part of a block south of Pennsylvania avenue, midway between tho capitol and the White House. The fact that he was about to leave for Long Branch by the Limited Express fixes the place as the Baltimore depot, as that train is run between Washing ton and Baltimore by the. Baltiinote mid Potomac The Limited Express is n train made up exclusively of Pull man pallor coaches, run at extieme raw of speed, nutl makes but two c.r hiet- stops between Washington and New York. The Baltimore and Po tomac depot where the attempted as sassination took place is in the central part of the Iiumiipm portion of thcity. How the news uUevted Yice-Presi-ilent Arthur: Nlw York, July 2d. Yice-Presi-tlent Arthur and Oonkling arrived ftom Albany by boat this mornim. The boat was late, not arriving until about 10 o'clock. As soon as she touched the wharf a telegram was handed Arthur. Upon reading it he utopped back . in his chair greatly shocked Lvis presumed that the tel gr&m announced 'the, shooting ofPresk ueiit Garneid. - Subaltutr fur ("old. One of the recently introduced sul stituies for gold, which has become vety popular in some of the jeweliy and other manufactories of line wairs in Fruni-e, is eonipo.-ed as follow.-.: One hundred parts by weight, of copn--r of the purest quality, fourteen of zinc or tin, six of magnesia, three and six tenths of sal ammoniac, limestone and cieum of tarter. The cupper is lir.-t melted, then the magnesia, sal ammon iac, limestone and cream of tarter in powder are addetl separately and grad ually. The whole mass is kept stirred for half an hour, the zinc or tin being dropped in piece by piece, the stirring being kept up till they melt. Finally, the crucible is covered and the mass kept in fusion for thirty-five minutes, and the scum being removed, the met al is poured into moulds and is soon ready for use. The alloy thus made is represented as being fine-grained, mal leable, takes a high polish and does not easily oxidize ADVERTISING RATES. Oa-iiai loilnea orlen flnt tniartloc f 3 " " a-tiubequnlIniertIon IM " " 3 months 7 M " " " 10 00 Ona-fcurtliColannSaionthi IS 0 ................. .v V One-half " s " JO 0 ;... 45 o On C!ann S Bontht 60 0 " " 6 oo 0 A niicoiim to yearly Aitvtrtliere. $3 PER YEAR The urczon Kranch of the I'uton TudCa The Oregon branch of the TJ. P. K. B. is being pushed on the Granger di vision as rapidly as it is possible to do ' it, the graders keeping close up to tho engineers. Crismon ifc Weiler, tlio sub contractors on the first section of fifty miles, have a very heavy force of traders at work between Granger and Twin creek canyon, while another sec tion of twenty-five miles west ot -that canyon, is also beinf? gradedt makigr- SKven eing delivered 'aHT-alonfirr! first hundred miles, and thee is now fifty miles of iron at Granger ready for the tr.uk layers. The Pocntello division has had a set back on acconnt of delay in getting ths right o way across the Indian rescrv.atio:. But this obstacle is likely to be removed soon when the work will begin at onco on a hundred mile section towr.rd Wood river. It was tho intention cf the railroatl company, to huvo pushed the construction of the Focutello di vision, but the Interior Department ordered all work to cease until a treaty could be made with tho Indians; henco nothing has been done except make tho final survey and location across the entiro reservation, both east and west from Pocatelio. Col. Wuicott. with a force of engineers, is pnsh?nj eastward toward Soda spring-,, and will keep on until ho meets the en-.-ineering party coiiiin-r from Granper. Oxfonl (Idaho) Enterprise. 'lite tw Vnr Hauil. The French-Tunis affair is assuming threatening proportions. The progress of the French arms in North Africa is viewed with alarm by Italians, and is considered a matinee ugainst tho sov ereignty of King Humbert of Roma. The consequence is, a feeling of reat bitterness between the two Laiia nationalities. Tho immediate etfect of tho squabble-is, the expulsion of J uiou.--.inus - oi AluTTan iF'iiiviiiei- irom - it . .-.x U ' - French soil, and French subjects ure similarly treated in Italy. The callo news is disquieting, ami properly in terpreted, the two countries are on tho very verge of a bloody con'.eat. 0 ya foolish Latinsl to go to war about tho ownership of tho deserts of North Africa. X SoItHrr'4 riilloso-i'ij. A soldier placed on sentry over a C4 pounder. When, two hours later, the guard comes to lelievo him, he was not at his post, and is only found after some trouble, in a wine house. "You infernal scoundrell" said the otiieor of the guard, "Is that the way vou keep watch over tho canncn cpai uiitted to your caiel" "Well, cap," sait! the soldier, "don't you see, I figured tho matter up, and I found it would tako at least twenty men to niovo that gun. Supposo one or two came along, they could 'c do any harm, but if thro was enough of them to cany it away, do you think I could prevent them whip twenty of them invselfl" A Washington special says the Pcit-master-General has made a lnrga r duction in the cost of the moat notori ous of the star ring routes.from Vinut-, Indian Territory, to Las Vegas, New tT h'"n milr''thif-'Tn ii Tir frvlTliihiifi-niii I Irm ',i7SiNw""I, .5BJI? 'a!?U,''7IHr.B. .BH5VMK2. ik&sxziisT'ir ' -?"iftiassj2atr: -' ifrtr " - ,"' - i v"--"iii( UK n,sm jtr rfm tWt c tho- r Ult-xico. jniiaroutp.tNvli'iclitoSValfiTZ-tSr liiiles loncrJasToTigiriaTly deWmlor?! A 5? MmpetitionjtoTfoTErFk'er coTtnTEiiifttionT"." ior 5io,oou peryear, toraHerm otuircu7j" years and nine months. Within nine months the annual pay was raised by expedition and increase in number cf dips, to 150,691. .This was tho pay or ten months and it then hecaae .-129,178. Three months .later, or .bout a year ago, it was reduced to $64,539, and the contractors drow pay at this rate until July 1st. Henry McDonald was convicted at Silver City, I. T., a few days since of the murder of George Myers, whom ha killed iu colt! blood in order to secure Myers' freighting outfit. During tho trial, when the boves containing tho. bones, hair and clothing of the mur dered Myers wore taken into tho court room and emptied on a ta'ile. Mc Donald never changed color nor moved a muscle; but the veins of his neck swelled and stood out like small ropio, showing thac however well he succeed ed in preserving a calm and unmo-.wl exterior, a fearful storm surged ar.J raged within. .. f