Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 25, 1881, Image 3

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Saturday, June 25, 1881.
Laud Ofllccat Itottlinrs. Osn.l
June SO, I8S0. j
To All Whom It mar Concern:
Kotlre It Iirrcbf given Unit I lime desls
Bftted t!ieORi:U() mKNTINHL n Hie pnper
In which I thnll hercnfler pnbliili nil pre
emption, Iiouicstr.iil anil applications
tr mining pnlrnln fiir lamia ijlns near
Jackisnvllle, Jncksou comity, Oregon.
YT. r. KKNJlttlV, Itrsisler.
Champions Election'. .Tlie follow
ing officers for Victory Council, No. 4
were elected at the last regular meet
ing: W. C, A. C. Jones; Lt. C, Miss
Fannie Dowell; H., Jas. Cronetniller;
S., Miss Anna Bilger; F. S. Wm. Men
sor; T., Mrs. S. J. McKnight; W. Miss
Hattie Gilbert; P. W. C, Wm. L.
' Bilger. Installation will take place on
July 1st.
Deduction or Kates. Superin
tendent Brandt of the O. C. R. R. re
quests us to state tliat fare from Rose
burg to Salem and return will be $G 25
during the coming State Pair, tickets
to be good from June 28th to July 7th,
both davs included. - This is a great
reduction' from the regular rates and
will no doubt be taken advantage of
by many.
Eat Ri?k Beuiues. Strawberries
are still quite plenty in this market,
having continued four weeks, and our
citizens are now beginning to be sup
plied with raspberries by Col. Maury
and othors. There is nothing more
palatable and healthy than a good
plate of berries, with cream and a
little sugar. Let parents raising chil
dren table up morn ripe fruit and less
nick nacks, and the youths' teeth will
be better preserved.
The Farmers are Happy. The
farmers are too busy to come to town.
They are getting in their best licks in
their corn, sorghum and hayGelds.
The season is most advantageous to
agricultural pursuits. We have had a
Bufiiciency of rain and p'enty of sun
ehine, and the growing crops are as
thrifty as can be. Ve are not afflicted
like a great many localities on this
coast, with crickets and grasshoppers,
and the farmers are happy.
TiieSchumpfTunxel. Only about
twenty feet of Geo. Schumpf's tunnel
near Willow Springs have yet to be
dug, when the main shaft of the quartz
ledge will have been reached. The
workmen have now got into a strata
of rock that is mixed with quartz and
is much softer than that heretofoie
gone through. Tho other day a very
heavy stream of water broke in on the
workmen and a temporary suspension
of operations ensued. About 220 feet
fii the tunnel have been completed.
Obituary. Died, near Kerbyville,
-!,'" "S3 i oi .mrrfoiK,-
George E. Briges, a;;ed about C6
years. Deceased has been an invalid
for nearly two yediR, during wh'ich
time the burden of tho disease weighed
heavily upon him. He had beenaies
ident of Josephine county for more
.1 rrr i - " ...
man zo veirs, Having moved tneir
with his family fiom the State of New
"York. Governor Biiggs raised a fain
ily of six children, two sons and four
daughters, Mrs. Chas. Howard of this
city being among the latter. His aged
widow and four childien sunive to
mourn his loss.
TnE R. R. Survey. Charles How
aru reiurneu on luesciay ironi tlie
Stage road pass, summit of the Siski-
yous to which point he had hauled Col.
Hurlburt's surveying part and their
camping outfit. When he left, tho
surveyors had started to work in the
direction of the Klamath river, trying
to hint a starting point. The starting
point onco established, Mr. Howard
will have charge of the survey, and
Col. Hurlburt will leave for.somo point
north of Rogue river alley. ,Tt
seems to be the opinion of many that a
practical grade for a railroad will bo
found on that line.
Death of the Oldest Pioneer.
The Oregonian records the death of
Audra Lashapelle which took place
June 11th at St. Vincent's Hospital,
Portland, at the ad"anced nge of 99
years, 9 months and 27 days. De
ceased was a Canadian by birth having
been born in Montival, Aug. 14, 1781.
In 1817 he hiied to the Hudson Bay
company and arrived the same year ijt
Oregon at, the point where Astoria now
stanas, winch was then called "Fort
George." Jle remained in the service
of the company 24 years either as
oiacKsmitn, messenger, trapper, guide,
or interpreter, and when in 1841 he
was discharged, he married and settled
in th Willamette valley, in what is
now known as French Prairie, in
Marion county. He has been a resi
dent of Oregon for 64 years, 40 of
which he liv ed in French Prairie.
The Celebration. The indications
are that the glorious Fourth will be
celebrated in tip top style in Jackson
ville The committees" havo all taken
hold in good earnest to make the cele
bration a success. The finance com
mitteo have raised a considerable
amount of money, but still more is
needed. Our Court House park, one
of the most shady places in the county,
will be handsomely fixed up and beau
tified for the occasion. Let all the
people, of whatever political party or
religious belief, join in and celebrate,
remembering tho advice of John
Adams one of the sigpers of the Dec
laration,! to his wife: "The day ought
to be commemorated, as the day of de
liverance by solemn acts of devotion
to Almifrlifir ClnA Tf rtitrlf r l.o -!
emnized (with pomps, shows, games,
sports, gurs, bells, bonfires, and illumi
nations, flora one end of the Continent
to the otlfer, from this time forward
Races on the Fourth.
Spring chickens are large enough to
Have you oscertained Jerry Nunan's
Little & Chase received lots of new
goods this week.
Alex. Martin has gone to Lake
county on business.
Ireland is still very unhappy. The
troubles seem interminable.
Wo would like to know why Wm.
Bilger goes to Ashland so often?
Noland k McDaniel have dissolved
partnership, the former retiring.
J. P. Croy left here Tuesday for the
Wood river country to try his luck.
2200 hand-made fruit cans, at Bilger
& Maegly's. Patronize home industry.
Rev. M. A. Williams will preach at
the M. E. Church to-morrow at 1 1 A. ii.
Miss Alice Simons will spend vaca
tion with her parents at Eagle Point
We would like to know why wil
lows should weep in Jackson county?
Jerry Nunan is agent for the Fire
man's Fund Insurance Co. of Califor
nia. The-O. & C. Stage Co. are now pay
ing off their employes for the last quar
ter. The members of Banner Lodge No.
23, A. 0. U. W., propose giving a ball
The Senatorial dead-lock at Albany,
New York, is dragging its weary
Sargent Askins says Jacksonville
may soon look for the Klamath min
strels. Frank Kashaffer is now the accom
plished stabularius at Cardwell's livery
Egger t Fehely's brick kiln is in
readiness to be fired. 200.000 is their
Dr. Parsons of Dakota territory ar
rived at Ashlund this week and thinks
of locating there.
Dan. Silva came in from the Grand
Applegate mine on Monday to see
Julge Willis olT.
Sol. Wise has taken the agency for
the Commercial Union Assurance Co.
for Jacksonville.
Jos. Rapp has again placed our
office under obligation for a bountiful
supply of cherries.
Altamont, Jay Beach's fine stal
lion, has been entered for the Wash
ington county races.
The ladies of the Eastern Star will
accept our acknowledgments for a sup
ply of very fine cake.
Dr. W. B.Bojal of Ashland will
next week go into the Lake country
on ptnfessional business.
Miss Malie Feathers has of late been
quite unwell sO much so that she has
been confined to her room.
No mistake! the improved No. 8
Wheeler fc Wilson sewing machines
are the best in the market.
Rev. J. R. N. Bell will attend the
quarterly meeting at Phoenix the firht
Saturday and Sunday in July.
The bridge crossing Daisy creek on
Third street is being repaired this
week. A helpful improvement.
One track over the new bridge at
Ashland was completed on Wednesday
and is now being-used by tho public.
Capt. E. C. Flye, chief engineer of
liybees rerry, gave us a call this week
He leports excellent crops in his local
ity. J. J). Fountain, Esq., school super
intendent, ho ds an examination of ap
plicants for teachers certificates this
A three months term of the Foot
creek public school, Miss Ida Klippel
teacher, will close on Friday of next
Fred. Otlen is still on deck with the
finest assortment of guns, pistols, shelf
hardware, etc., ever brought to Jack
sonville. A first class sewing machine, new
and in good order, can be had. at this
office for about half the usual price.
Call and examine it.
G. Karew ski's self-binders will ar
rivo here early next week. Farmers
will do well to reserve their orders
until after their arrival.
Lake count is going to have a 950
Court House, the contract of construct
ing the same having been awarded to
N. A. Cook of Lukeview.
Tho Fourth of July will 'appear in
all its gloriousness just one week front
next Monday early in the day and
continue until its all over.
The foundation of Peter Britt's ad
dition to his residence, built of dressed
stone, is progressing and will soon be
ready for the superstructure. fc
George Brown, for a long time em
ployed at Cardwell's livery stable, has
gone to Oak Grove, Douglas county,
to take care of stage stock.
The Jacksonville Town Hall which
since its completion has been exceed
ingly scarce of furniture is soon to be
supplied with chairs. Good.
Mr. A. Koester of Foot's creek, we
regret to learn, is suffering from an
affection of the lungs which is disabling
him from attending to his w ork.
Prof. LaDru Royal of Ashland Col
lege passed through here on the stage
going north. He is bound for Port-
land, where reside his aged parents.
O. N. Hall, agent for the New Zea
land Fire Insurance Co., has been in
town several days this week. Max
Muller is local agent for this company.
Sara. W. Sawyer, a. retired mer
chant, returned from a trip to the
Yosemito valley on Wednesday. His
present residence is in Josephine coun
ty. After a stay of a couplo of months
in the Williamette valley, Chas.
Hughes passed through town last Sun
day on his way to his home at Kerby
ville. Owing to the nearness of the cele
bration of the 4th, the entertainment
by the Legion of Honor has been post
poned from the 2d to the 16th of
Will tho boys orcanize a base ball
club this season? Good exercise, you
know, boys, if you can stand the sprain
ed ankles, cracked noses and broken
Joseph Purdom,- tho gentlemanly
Railroad agent at Roseburg, is vUiting
the valley on a brief furlough. We
acknowledge a call from him at our
Prof. A. L. Johnson, the lecturer on
the decay of the Chinese empire, has
received and accepted an invitaticn to
deliver the Fourth of .July oration at
Eagle Point.
Robert Kahlerand W. W.- Card
well want to Rogue river on Wednes
day fishing. They caught 32 fish,
averaging 16 each, though Billy didn't
catch "nary one."
Miss Ella Simmons, who for the
past seven months has been in attend
ance at our public school, left
here 'Ihursday morning bound for her
home near Waldo.
The ball at Holt's hall on the
night of the Fourth of Julv
promises to be a brilliant affiir. The
Mad ime is doing her utmost to make
it a grand success.
Rev. M. C. Miller's heilth, we re
gret to say, is so poorly that he had til
desist from preaching, for a time at
least He is now stopping at Althouse,
in Josepine county.
Work on Haskel Amy's new birn
has suffered a delay on account of the
fcarciiy of workmen. Its dimensions
will bo 45 feet one wav and 50 the
other way, and 20 feet high.
Wm. G. Fargo, president of the
American express company, last week
lay very, ill at his residenco in Buflalo,
N. Y., and but little hope was enter
tained that he would survive.
The present time should be improved
bv all farmers who havo anv summer
plowing to do. The ground is in ex
cellent condition for summer-fallow
plowing or plowing for fall wheat.
There is considerable tilk of bribery
and corruption at the citv plcction in
Poitland last Mondav but tho only ar
rest mads so far is that of Sim Wolf,
a prominent Democrat of that city.
John Bolt, merchant and P. M. at
tho Applegate post office favored us
with a brief call last Saturday. He
says the lower xlpplegate country has
been Lited recently by several line
i an is.
Last Monday our public Town Hall
was the scene of an iuteie-sting vvi'd
ding ceremony, at which Joseph Durk
hart and Mrs. Elizabeth O'Brien were
principals, and Justice Huller did the
Ladies, consult your own interests
before purchasing a sewing machine
and try the improved No. 8 Wheeler
&, Wilson. Competition defied, either
in machines or prices, when quality is
Another wedding in high life is be
ing hinted at by the knowing ones.
Both of the contracting parties are well
known here in social circles, and the
date set for tho nuptials is said to bi
not far distant.
Wheat is ripening rapidly in the
Applegate valley. Harvest will com
mence noxt week, so says Mr. Ray.
The reapers all over the county are
ready for the harvest, which promises
to be a good one.
F. M. Nickerson, County Clerk of
Josephine county, was in Portland last
week to testify in the cise of the
United States -s. Win. Mackey, charg
ed with sending unlawful matter
though the mails.
L. F. Willits, who fnr the past year
has taught department No. 2ofourpub-
Iic school, will next week move with his
family to Ashland, where he has been
engaged to take charge of the public
school as principal.
The wooden sidewalk in front of
Pat Dotiegan's blacksmith shop has
been taken up and a-sul:d .slab stpne
walk put in its place. The imptove
mnt is a substantial one, and prom
ises to last a lifetime.
Chas. Schultz, Lannes Klippel, Gee.
and Frank Hufier are with Col. Hutl
hurt and Mr. Howard assisting in the
railroad survey. They are operating
somewhere this side of Pilot Rock in
the Siskiyou mountains.
There will be a match race on Card
well's track between Simpson's ' Capt
Jinks of the horse marine" and Flit
ner's "Sallie Blair" on the afternoon of
the-Fourth of July. There will be
other races the same afternoon.
The sound of the w histle of the Jack
sonville steam flouring mill, announc
ing the hours of noon and supper is a
welcome messenger to those who de
sire to be punctual at their meals and
are not blessed with a time piece.
Charles Griffith of Butte creek late
ly returned from a trip to Lake county
was in town on Tuesday. He says the
settlers on Big and Little Buttowere
pursuing the even tenor of their way
with the waters flowing oceanward.
H. F. Phillips of Ashland came
down on Tuesday, being accompanied
by Col. S. G. Whipple, post command
er, and Sargent Askins and wife of
Fort Klamath; also Sikes Worden of
Linkville and H. 0. Hill of Ashland.
W. L. Record,, agM4"r. the"Call
fornia Marble Worisf Has' gone to Jo
sephine county to fiuUb up some work
iur uruers iaKt-u suine
ne since. He
is doing a large busi
here on ac-
count of the supe
rk furnished.
On the after;
he 21st inst.
about thirty 1
gathered at
Mrs. Bilger's spaci
iidence to cel-
ebrate little Daisy'
birthday. It
on and uiadti
was an enjoyable oe
the old regret tha
ley were not
Geo. Frev, Justice of the Peace of
Chimney Rock precinct' whs in town
this week and gave us'a call at our
sanctum. Hh says since the recent
rains the wheat is filling finely, and a
bountiful crop of nearly everything is
assured. ii
H. C. Paige, accused'of robbing W.
F. tfc Co's tr-asure box iir Eastern Ore
son. -as tried on oire indictment
and acquitted, when 6n 'motion of the
District Attorney, tneeoiner charges
were dismissed and the,defendant dis
charged. '
Lee Dawson of Traty- creek settle
ment was in town several days last
week. He reports the health good and
the people generally contented. Their
new scliooliultliuSai.ncQuiplet
ed, was being uVcTfor seljboiaud other
gatherings. J
The latest from the p. C. Wngon
Rod project is to thi effect: IL Guas
quet with'a force of men (will this week
get through brushing ont the enine
i.isiauce of the road on) the Howard
burwy. A large force of graders will
be immediately pu, to work.
Last week a very satisfactory clean
up was niudi) at the nifhe of Messr.-.
DulhVld, Lance & llosijmjjon lh riht
handful I; of Foot's cieejt. They uie
w-utking in tome of tile best ground m
the State, though the sijason proved
somewhat shorter than laia year's.
J. P. Cochian of Paisley, Wasco
county, is bringing a suit in the (Ji icon
Co in t ugamst P. Awry of Chewaucan,
claiming damages to tepulation in
520,000, Avery lux ing said that Co.h
run had "stolen enough from the Steel
estate to build the Chewaucan bridge."
Rev. E. O. Haven, one of the Bish
ops of the M. E Church, landed at
Portland on tho 18th. This is hi.s first
visit to the Noithwest Pacific coast,
mid lm will improve his .sojourn here
to xisit tho chuiches and conferences
both in Oregon, Washington and Idaho
Messrs. B. B. BeeWn, W. W.
Cardwell and Frank Hulfer returned
on the 18tb lust., utter an absence of
ten mouths at ihe State University,
l'liey w'lll spend their vacatiou in Jack
on county, al the end of which thev
will lelurn to Eugeno City to resume
their studies'.
Wm. MiGregor employed at Kean
creek saw mill was at rested at Ashland
charged with forging L.-$. P. MSuIi'h
name to ai orderyjiv-i&-iiiJH-injfc;!ejf
for a bottle of whisky.- Hwas heltl
to answer in-the sum of 300 by Jus
tick DePtat, in default oJ which he
was sent to j ill, , .
Judge W. R. Willis arid'faraily who
for the past week have been isitmg
the Grand Applegate mine left heie on
the 21st for then- home in Roseburg.
During their sysurn limy witnessed the
'cleaning up" process which proved
very satisfactory to the Juile, who is
one of the proprietors.
Prof. Hilgart of the California Col
lege of Agriculture. is now'omewheie
in the wilds of Southern Oregon rusti
cating. If any of our iijountaineer
should chance to come across the Pro
lessor we hope they will treat him
kindly as ho is a clever fellow, lie
may vvoik his way to Crater Lake.
Our friends in Flounce Rock pre
cinct intend to celebrate the Fourtli of
July in a suitable manner. White
pine forest near the falls of Rogue
river, within a hhort distance of I Ms
kins' saw mill, has been selected to
hold the celebration. Deskins' siw
mill is 55 miles north of Jacksonville,
and about 30 miles from Crater Lake.
A convocation of the Oiegon Chaii
ter No. 4. of the High Royal An.li, A.
F. & A. M., held a protracted meeting
in this city, which extended over
1'hur.sday and Friday, day and night
Woik in a very high degree of Mason
ry was gone through with, and eveial
menibeis from abroad were promoted
Miss E.la Scott of S. F. wid visit
Jnckson villi next ve-k, and all per
ous wishingiustiuctioiiin vocal culture
should call on her at the UsS. Hotel.
Miss Scott is u thorough instructress,
nfthtrFcreiise iiftinusi'iJrrotfrrtTCHtTilid
instrumental, and" this kl'5(n(' op
portunity shou'o not l8 missed by
those wishing instruction.
Geo. Holt who has finished laving
pa nice stone pavement in front of Don
egan s, is this week engaged laying
a sidewalk of the same material in
ftout of Solomon's store. It is well
that the uneaven brick pavement in
front of the post office has been re
moved and a nice broid stone slub
pavement (tut in its stead.
The public school examinations which
commenced last Thursday and ended
with the closing of the scholastic vear
(Tuesday 21st) were highly creditable
to both teachers and pupils.- Vacation
will continue until sometime in Sep
tember when school will re-open with
Prof. Merritt as principal and Messrs.
Chas. Prim, I. R. Webster and Miss
Belle Carr as assistants.
At the recent session ofjjkthe Com
missioner's C nirt of Lake'countv the
following order was made: - "Ordered
that the clerk of Like couoty procure
from the clerk of Jackson county a full
and complete transcript of 'M.he record
of all the county roads nowcembraced
in tho territory of Lake county, for
merly jacKson countv, tne cost ot saul
transcript to be paid by Lak county."
class order.
The Entertainment. On Satur
day night last the members of the Le
gion of Honor treated the citizens of
Jacksonville and vicinity to another of
those instructive and amusing enter
tainments that only that society knows
how to get up. An audience variously
estimated an 350 to 450, assembled in
Holt's grand hall "to enjoy the con
cert" The committee, who foe some
ten days had been at considerable labor
to get up the entertainment, announced
an unusuilly elaborate programme
which it took fully two hours to go
through with. Tliirty-six persons, all
home talent, w ere assigned to duty at
dttfeienr. stages of the programme; anil
the speaking, the declamations, the
singing in solo, quartet and choir as
also the music furnished by the per
formers on the organ and piano and
the Jacksonville string band were all
highly appreciated by the audience.
The entertainment was a success in
every particular. All did well, and
the evening was one of the happiest of
the season, and many join in tho hope
that the entertainments by the Legion
may be repeated from time to time.
Adam Klippel, having been chosen
temporary chairman had charge of the
programme throughout the evening,
and at the closo announced the follow
ing committee to get up a programme
for the next entertainment: Emma
Pape, Maggie, Croaby, J. R. Liitlo and
Win. Young.
Wno 13 He? Thursday night the
few- midnight star gaz-rs of Jackson
ville were electrified bv the sight of a
brilliant meteor or comet pissing hori l
zoiitally through the heavens, headed
toward the South. It was at 2 o'clock
in the morning when this heavenly
visitor was first seen by Dick Klippel
and Henry Pape, as they uer walking
home from their nocturnal hibois. The
stranger seemed to have a round large
head, apparently of the size iff 8 by 10
inches, with a spieading tail not less
than 40 feet long. Head nud tail
seemed to be all uhWo with light,
illuminating the skv in every direction.
What is most remarkable about this
firy messenger was' that it could be
seen for half an hour or more. So
impressed were our repot ters with its
magnitude, that they arousnd a num
ber of sieepers to come and behold the
wondrous newcomer. Was he a comet
or a meteor?
Arrivals at Tim IT. S. Hotel.
On Saturday: Paul Schoen, Oakland;
U A Allen, e.gner creek; J II Saw
tell, Yreka; O N Hall, S. F. Sundav:
J A Biicker, Williams creek; Chailes
Hughes, Kerbyv ille; G W Weik. Link
ville. Monday: Julius Mayer, Port
land; G W Keznrtee, lloseburg. Tup
day: J. W. Reed, Yieka; R. E. Bald
win, Yreka. Wednesday: Dr. J. C
Leonard, S. F.; S. Askins tfc wife, Foit
Klamath; H. F. Phillips, Ariil-sml; II.
C. Hill, Ashland; Sikes Worden, Fort
Klamatn; Col. S. G. Whipple, Fort
Klamath. Thur-dav: John Cow-en,
Central Point; J. W. McMahon, Wag
ner Creek; Miss M. PI McMahon.
Wagner Cieek; Miss S. A. Talent,
Wngner Creek; F. K. McDonell, Phil
adelphia. Another A::gum::.nt eor the Rail
road Mr. S. IIa::garty of Cleai field
county, Pa., arrived here on tho 21st
fiom tliH north, on his return to the
Fist. He is one of 100 excursionists
wholelt Phihdelphia earlv in May to
see the sights of the West and the
Pacific Coast, who ventured to take in
the Stite of Oiegon and the Puget
Sound country. Notonoofhis travel
ing companions could be induced to
take the steamer at San Francisco for
Portland, not daring to risk the incon
venience of the sea voyage nor the
racket of the oveiland stage trip from
Redding to Roseburg. On Wednes
day Mr. II. drove out to Sterling to
take a look at tho hvdraulic works at
the Ankeny mine.
Wm. Mackay, of Althouse, clurgod
with having sent obicne matter
through the mails, .vas on the 20th
inst. found guilty nt Judge Death's
court, Portland, nud was lined ?250,
in default of which, tho Oregonian
says, he was committed to j til. Pend
ing tho trial Frank M. Nickerson,
and Martin Mackay, (father of
the accused) were r-itnesses who tes
'ifietl in tin case. During Mr. Miick
nv'sabsinie from home his dwelling,
nt Althouse, fiom some cause or an
other, took fire ami burned to the
ground with all its contents. "Misfor
tunes seldom come singly," and Mr.
Mackav doubtless lealue the foice of
the adnge.
Officers of Gimnd Lodce. The
following ate the appointed officers ot
the Grand" LoTlge' of "Masons of the
State of Oregon: Rev. J. R. N. Bll,
Grand Chsplaiu; R. New comb, Senior
Grand Deaajn;T. G. Richmond, Junior
Grand Deacon; J. K. Weatherford,
Grand Orator; N. Langell, Grand
Marshall; W. D. McGee. and D. Mc
Kercher, Grand Stewards; Brntlev,
Grand Standard Beare?r; J. T. Cooper,
Grand Sword bearer; A. J. Wood
worth, Grand Tyler.
Huckleberries. There are some
fine .huckleberry patches on some of
the upper benches of the Cascade
mountains, the beiries of which, Air.
Vogele. says, will this year riuen two
weeks eirlier than last vear. Parties
who contt mplate going up there this
summer had better take their Winches
ter repeaters along with them as the
festive grizzly is nKo very fond of
huckleberries, and will be likely to be
on hand to havo his share of them.
Ho. N. Langell and Mrs. Langell
came in on Sa urda's stage, after an ab
sence in Portland of ten days. Mr. L.
reports a big railroad "boom" as hav
ing struck Portland which is bound to
effect beneficially Southern Oregon.
He thinks them is no mistake this
time that, the railroad company mean
to extend the line south of Roseburg.
He further says the finished portions of
the line are also being placed in first
LUC of Utter
Unclaimed in tho Post Officp in
Jacksonville, Oregon June 25, 1881:
Adams, RM Latham, A D 5
All ford, Thomas Lewis, Charley
Berg, John Lister, Edward
Ball, ErastusP2 L'-Ie, Willie
Burch, John Manning, E B 2
Chase & Marshall McKay, Thomas
Cook, Jiimei McKec, Joseph
Coons, W G Miller, James
Coos, Rosy Miss Marine, P Mrs
Ciilbertson, D Miss Murphv, John
Daley, A J Nelson." Wm D
Daley, Wm Orr, James
Davis, George Perkins, L E
Devor, Edgar M 2 Perry. B A Mrs
Caton, Jas F Potter, George 2
Elliott, J W Price, A J 2
Elmore, Benton Ragsdale, A E
Fairfax, C II Real, A H
Finley, J P Sitter Joseph Rev
Forster, M Mrs Sharp, Wm Dr
Furman, EJI2 Sherman, L L Mrs
Franklin, J W Short, J W
Freel, Wilder Simpson, F G
Gardemever Chas 2 Snider, Lolly Mrs
Green, H.T 3 Soarcs, M P
Grifleth, Edwin Stacv, T P Mrs
llarocy, J II St. John II O
Hoover, A Miss Swingle, Joseph
Horn, J S Thompson, Jacob L
Hubbard, A. W Thornton. H C
Jones, Melvin D Toney, William
Johnon, Ada Mrs Walker, J
Johnson, PA Mrs Welch, F A Mrs
Kinsey, David D Wilson, Archibald
Kooknors, John Wilson, E A Mrs 3
Lachanaut,Etieno Wright, L Miss 2
Max Mlller, P. M. .
BtnsKiivnr O'Brien In the own Hall.
J icicsonvillc. Juna 20. 1831. by J. II.
HiiflL-r, J. P., Mr. Joseph Rurktmrl
and Mrs. Blizibjth M. O'Brien, till of
Jackson county. Oregon.
Rovu. MonmTTE At tlicM E. Church,
As!ilinil,.Iunc 2t). 18SI. by U-. I, L.
Rogers Dr. W B Royal rind Mrs N.
L Modisctte, all of Jackson county.
Orsie At Foot' creek, June 18, ltJJl, to
the wife of Lewis Orme, a daughter.
Ul l'UtJy
Lewis At Granville Naylor's resilience
near Jacksonville, June 17, 1831. of
conjcslive chilis, Willie Lewis aged 11
years. The elccc.iswl was a son of Geo.
Lewis of Josephine county.
Criterion Iliiiiir-d Snloi'ii!
Janans P. Z&cDaniol, Trap.
f ''HIS popul-ir resort, under new min-
I ageni nt, is furnishing the li -st brands
ot liquors, wines and cig.iw. Tho reading
tabic is supplied with Eastern purio lical.
and leading papers of the Coast Givej-ino
a ran.
The copartnership heretofore existing
betwten John Noland and Jas. P. Mc
D.miel. under the firm name of Noland &
MclXmicl, is hereby dissolved by mutual
consent, the former retiring. '1 ho busi
will be continued by McDtnicl & Co, to
whom all accounts with the old firm must
be p lid at once, and who will also settle
all indebttduess against the s.-imc.
Jacksonville, June 22, lS8t
Independence Day
Jacksonville, Oregon.
The Committee of Arrangements cordi
ally e-xlcnd an invitation to their fellow
citizens throughout the county to join in
Ihe celebration of the lOoth anniversary of
vmerienn Independence at the ourt
House Park in Jacksonville, Oregon.
The following iiroriimmc has been pre
pared for the occasion:
Firing of salute and raising the National
flar at sunrise.
Procession will form at the Court House
at 0 o'clock a. m., in the following order,
andniirrh through the prmcipil streets
and return to the onrt House? Mnn.1i.il
of the Day, Henry Klippel ; assistants, vt
(Tlfnn T T VlcKWiir. I not-. ,ill
Brass Bind; cnrri.ise with President,
Orator. CImnlain and Reader, to lie follow.
el by cannon, carriages, wagons, tootmtn
auu iiuisiiueu.
Or dor Of Exercises:
1. Music by Band. 2. Prayer bv Chap
hin. Rev. M. A. w illiam. 3. "Sons by
Glee Clllll. 4. I?pmlirn Diplnrntinn nf In.
dependence by B. B. Beekuiaa. 5 Music
oy uanu. iranon ny non. J tuigc vv nison.
7. Sonliv Ol.n f.'lnh S "Wiiiie l,v n .n.l
9. Solo by Mrs Feathers. 10. Music by
Ponrl n n,.ci-.t n;nn.. '
Everybody is requested to bring a well
filled basket
After dinner there will be footraces, sack
races wheelbarrow races and other amuse
u .".x a j "or i
Come One! Come AH!
California Street, Adjolnlns
Jacksonville, Oregon,
Latest Pattern and made from
All California jftlaks.
A full Assortment of
Ladies' Dress & Fancy u00ilsr
Also a large line or
Men's and Boys' Kate.
Gentlem n'sUndenviuc, Suspenders See.,
I also keep a full line ot
Collee. Tea, Susar. Sp'ee;, O.nnod
frootk of every description, a lull assort
ment ot"
A huge quantity of
Crockery anil Ulassvarc,
zF'oFs. cassis:
Extraordinary Low Prises.
My motto will be
Country Produce taken in cxchiBge for'
I am also agent for tho following Stan-d-ird
Insurance Compmies:
Foreign Imperial, London, Ivorthen and
Qitet n.
I'oixign London and Lancashire.
Home Fircm m's Fund.
Home State Investment Ins. Co.
Home Commercial Ins. Co.
Home Western In?. Co.
Traveler's Life and Acciilent of Ilartford'
Risk taken at lower rates than.- any -Agent
,1n 0,regon..and wllLTgnaranletIn
caso of Cpw, protoptjpiiyintmf. JL
nlraya Cnroa ivsl uo-ror illiap
points. Iha xrarZZ'a nrcui Pain
Ilcliovor for STan and Seast.
Cheap, qaio!z and roHaulc.
Is not Karcotlc. Children
grow fat upon, Jloilicrs like,
n:ul Physicians recommend
C ASTORIA. It regulate tho
Eov.-cl3, cures "Wind Colic,
allays Fcvcrliiiucss, aa.l de
stroys AVornis.
TARtlH Cure, n Constitutional
Antidota for thin terr'V.j ii.rls
Cy. hy Absorption. Ifco i.soi
Important riscovcrj-si'uo-'7oc-'
dnaCon. OiJior romsdlss .ciy
rdUvo Catarrh, tliii euro at
any stago fcoforo Cocin:piica
cots In.
Independence Day
Monday, July 4t&.
Tlie patriotic people of Jackson county
will have an opportunity of celebrating
the nation's Natal Day, by
Madame Holt's New Hall
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Prof. Scott's full Orchestral Rand has'
been cng-iycd to furnish Uie muiic for ihe
occasion, and the most complete arrange
ments are being perfected to make this
The Boss Entertainment
Of The Year.
Tickets for each couple will be $2.50,
which will entitle the holders to a first
class supper at the Unil.d States Hotel.
Come one come all.
May 28, 1881