OREGON SEIfflNEL. JAl'lL!()iCVII.LKt Saturday, May 14, 1881. Land Ofilrcnt IJoM-Iinrs. Ozn.l June 3D, ISM), J To AU YVhem II ninj- i'ourrrni Notlre In hereby sit en llml 1 lime lcsl; mated thcOUXUON MATIM'X ni Ihe paper In which I uliull hrre.-itlt-r publish nil pre rmplloui, liomrilmit mid nppllralloii far mining .iti-nts Tor lmiili ljlng near Jacluemlllr, .lackton count), Oregon. HT. BCNJUIIV, KcgMcr. Remoiouh. Rev. M. A. Williams Vrili preach hero to morrow at 11 a. m. .... Sen ices here in the M. E. church to-morrow evening by Rev. Wi T. Chapman, Presiding Elder. New School Books. A portion of the school hooks adopted in this State has been received by Wm. Hodman, agent, and are reaily for exchange or introduction until October 1, 1881. For terms apply to the agent at the Express office in Jacksonville. A Lkctuke. Prof. L. J. Powell, Superintendent of Public Instruction "for Orcgtn, now on a lecturing tour ifrfiSpgh this part of the State, will, de liver 'a free "lecture in Jacksonville, Monday evening May 23d. Place vhere the lecturo will be held and'sub .ject, to be announced-noxt week. Hairless Foal. Win. Harper of Rock Point precinct has a foal, only about a week old, as innocent of hair as if it had been scalded and bcraped, with the exception of a few hairs on lio upper partof the neck. This freak, the toothed baby at Crescent City and the three legged colt would make quite a menagerie. Strawberry Festival and Bran Pudding. The ladies of the Presby terian Church, will give a Strawberry Festival, etc., on Thursday evening, hext, May 10l.li, in the basement of the church. Proceeds for the benefit -ViiUhe new church. A most delightful time may be expected as koine of the festivities will be uoxel. A Fixe Organ. The P. C. Advo rate ).: The giand pipe organ weighing six ton', to be used by Taylor Street M. E. Church, Poitlahd, ar rived per steamer a few days ago, and Is now being placed in position. In quality, tone and workmanship it is pronounced by leading orgmists of San Francisco to be superior to any thing on this coaht. Obituary Notice. Died on upper Eogu river, 3Iay 7ih, 1SS1, of cancer in the breast, and after a very painful and lingering illness, Mrs. Addessa Newman, aged 50 eirs. Drwaed Vas a n:iti e of Feims lvani.i and came to Otegon many years ago. Sheleaes a husband and largp family of children, four by a fonnei husband, to mourn lier lovs. Her remains weie brought o' the" Jacksonville ctmc tary for inter luent. For the Old Home. T. L Bnck of Willow Springs left on the south bound Mage to day for the old home in Mis ouii. lie goes to iwel an aged moth er and loving kindled fiom whom he lias been separated for twenty-six 'ears and the meeting t. ill boa mutually joyful one. Mr. Bock leave.! here a host of warm friends, many of whom assembled, a few evenings ago, at the reiidence of Mr. John Swindon to bid jhitn good-bye and all wish him a speedy return. Rest for an old Pioneer. The remains of II. Akhouse, tins discoverer of Althouse creek, one of the richest streams in Josephine county, weieaent by express this week to his sister in Albany for re-interment. His bones liavo Iain for many years beside the fctream named after him, but last win ter the heavy Hoods washed away the f-oil exposing the coffin, and, on learn ing the facts, his sister Mis. J. E Young, took steps to hae them re moved to a quieter resting place. Errata. Speaking of the product iveness of the Ashland Woolen Mills our type last week made us say, that the factory manufactured in twehe months 3,000 dozen blankets and 7, 500 dozen socks. It should have read, 3,000 dozen socks, and 7,500 blankets. The tiguies1 as to the amount (in yards) of cassimeres, doeskins, llannels, over wear and underware, turned out in the same period of time, wo failed to get when we isited the establishment. We have no doubt tho showing in that respect would have been equally as .satisfactory. - Model Tramp. The Yrcfca Journal tells a good story of a tramp who pur chased the store, ranch and other prop erty of Bob Pitts, on the Sacramento road for 20,000, paying down with the nonchalence of a Gould, an 18,000 check. The wanderer then took pos session, presented the late proprietor with a new suit out of the stock, sold many goods for cash and accompanied by Mr. Pitts went to Shasta to pay the other 82,000 but slid out from there with a good "stake." Is there any country in the world that can match the California tramp? O: New Grain Binder. G. Karewski is agent lor the Deering twine binder and is in daily expectation of the first shipment. It is said to be the most complete self-binder in use, simple and easily understood, making tightly bound sheafs of uniform size, or of any desired size, and working admirably in down or tangled grain. From Mr. Karewski's long experience here he knows just what is wanted for harvest ing and has selected the Deering from many others as tho most desirable of all. He will have a large number ready for harvest and will show all oints of excellence to farmers calling on nun. LOCAL ITl'.HS. Fifteen yards print for 1.00 at the New York Store. Green peas and new potatoes io. market in Jackson county. Tho Boston excursion party will sail from Portland on the 18th. The potato crop in Del Norte county Cab, is entirely ruined by blight. Hon. E. B. Watson, of the Supreme bench, will arrive at his home hero to day. Lewis G. Ross is at present leaching school in Chewaucan valley with good success. L. S. P. Marsh, of tho Ashland Sash it Blinds Factory, was in town on Thursday. Mrs. Geo. H. Williams and daugh ter have arrived in Portland and will reside there. The steamer "Hume" has made an easy and successful landing at the mouth of Smith river. Sam. Culver of Phoenix is now in Lake county, looking after his stock interests in that section. CajiL H. Kelly is in Polk county taking evidence in the case of Harri son Kelly vs. Ruble, et al. H. St John, an old miner of this county, left on Tuesday bound for points north, on a pleasure trip. SI 12,551,830 of G per cent bonds have been received at the U. S. Treas ury for continuance at 3J per cent. Dr. W. L. Colvig of Rock Point was in town on Saturday and reports overy thing flourishing in his neighborhood. The racs on the 26th 27th and 28th promise to be a success and several Yreka noros are entered as com petitors. David Linn has just finished adding an upper story to his residence. The improvement sets olF the structure handsomely. The Lakeview Herald says that a man named Simon shot and killed Carter, his brother-m law, at Ccdarriile on the 5th inst. Work on tho Nevada and Oregon rail toad is to commence at onie, and 500 to GOO men will be employed so says tho Examiner. Henry Villard, President of the Oiegon Railway &, Navigation com pany, was once n newspaper corres pondent at Washington. A vast amount of sheep shearing has been going on in this county with in the past three weeks. Mr. Townsend is shearing his this week. The Lakeview Herald says the gos sips are after Elitor of the Reno Ga zette. This is all wrong the editor should be after the gossips. The Mercury says that the farmers of Linn and Lane counties have sub scribed G0,000 bushels of wheat for the improvement of Yaquina buy. At the Red Men's ball last Thursday night 58 nuiebcrs were sold, lealizing $174. Money is not scarce when pioplo want to enjoy a lirst-class dance. Don't forgit the social party at the Benedict House, Sam Taylor's, next FrL'ay evening. It is for the beneiit of the distiict school and will be en joyed. The time of holding tlie Union Sun day Schor.l, Jacksonville, has been changed from 2:30 in the afternoon to 0:30 in the morning. All are invited to attend. For the latest railroad news, in which people of Southern Oiegon are generally inteiested, the reader is referred to an article on the outside of this issue. The refreshing showers of Friday and Saturday of last week did the growing crops an immense amount of good. Sev eral more of the same kind vvould'nt hurt. Tho "City of Tokio" landed 1040 Chinese in San Fianci'-co on the 8th. Pity she had not taken them to Bos ton or to Brooklyn where their admir er, Beechcr, resides. Jamrs Herd of Poorman's creek Steam Saw Mills, we understand, has the contiact of furnishing the lumber for the new fence aiound the Metho dist church propei ty. A. B. Meacham, Berry and Cline hae been indicted by the U. S. Grand Jury at Denver, as accessories and five Ute Indians as principals, for the mur der of A. D. Jackson. Col. Hurlburt's railroad surreying party are about 5 miles from Canyon villc and four hundred feet above that point. It now looks certain that they will find a suitable line. A writer in the West Shore for April points out Jacksonville as an eligible place to start a bank and says it would be a blessing to the people. Would it be to the bankerl The Jackson county Teachers' Insti tute will meet in Ashland on tho 2Gth, 27th and 28th of this month. Every teacher in tho county should attend. Prof. Powell will be present. The work of clearing the roadway for the Portland and Dalles II. R., con tracted for by D. P. Thompson and J. D. David, is going ahead rapidly, 24 miles being already completed. The family of a man named Siddon who died in the work house in Lan cashire, England, have fallen heir to a fortune of 20,000,000; the property having been in chancery since 1857. Mayor Thompson, of Portland, posi tively declines re election and tho Mer cury gives him cieditforan able watch fullness of the city's interests and says the tax payers would be glad to re clrct him. Hon, S. J. Day left here on Wed-' nesday for Portland, and John A. Boycr will leave to day for tho same destination; both will attend the Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F., which meets on the 18th instant. Farmer Penderson, on tho 30th ult , while splitting timber near Sandv, Clackamas county, w as hit oa the leg by a ring flying off a maul and cutting an artery. He bled to death before as sistance reached him. Geo. King of Big Butte, who was in town on Wednesday, reports the grain and grass of that section looking better than it has done at this time tor years. Last Saturday's rain pro ed very bene ficial to growing crops. Frank Krause, one of the proprie tors of the Sentinel and manager of tho W. U. Telegraph oflico at this place, left here on Tuesday, bound for Portland, to attend the Grand Lodge of the State, I. O. O. F. Last Saturday Sheriff Bybee sold a lot of furniture, dental fixtures, etc., the property of Dr. C. II. Cox, to sat isfy creditors. Nearly enough was realized to pay out. The mui.li mar ried man was "non est." The brewery property belonging to the estate of Joseph Wetterer, deceas ed, sold at Sheriti's sale last Saturday was knocked down at $1,180, Joseph Sage, of Albany, father of widow Wet terer, being the purchaser. Wo regret to say tint the family of I aac Dobell will leave for Kansas in a couple of weeks, w hero he is now Io cated. Mr. D. Ims purchased a quan tity of laud in that State and will make it his home for some time. The Del Norte Record is responsi ble for the statement that a new boy baby made its appearance in Crescent City, last weok, having live teeth. This is an age of cuiiosities and we can stand him oil with a three legged colt. The Smith river folks are moving in the matter of a wagon roid io Wa'do, a number of persons having been look ing out a route which will bo an im provement on the old road. Theio will be twenty two miles of now road to build. The held insciiption, "United States Hotel," on Dolt's large corner biick building fronting California Street, vv as painted by J. IT. Hyzer. Stran gers coming to town need not now ex perience any trouble finding tho Mad .un's hotel. The Lakeview Examiner insinuates that the Bonanza vigilantes have among their ranks some of the worst thieves in Like county, and the vigi lantes pass lesolutions not to support the Examiner. The insinuation evi deptly huit. The grain prospect in Jackson coun ty is not moie than fair at present some of it aheaoy beginning to head out vvhilo only about six inches high On the heavy adobe land wheat and oats look well but on gravelly soil tl.o crop will bj. light. G. K-irewski returned from his eist ern trip on Sunday after an absence of ver two months. He returned to an Frai.cisi.o by wayof the Southern P.tcihV rail toad and says it is by far the most plcis-aut and dcsiiablc toutc of trav el ov erland. Henry York, one of the old settlers on lower Applegate, was in town on Saturday and e.vpiessed his intention to take a trip east during the summer. .Mr. York is in poor health and hopes chat a change of scene and climate mav be beneficial to him. The Oregonian, having charged G. A. Steel, former Postal Agent, with knowing all about the Star route fiiuuls, that gentleman quietly "sits down" on its editor, who retracts with an ill grace and permits a little more of the Mitchell rabies to ooze out. Some sneaks visited tho cellar of Dr. Aiken last week and stole a quantity of eggs, butter and seveial bottles of very choiue old port wine, kept for medicinal purposes. If the thieves want a first class blow out they will go auain as tho rest of the wine is croton oiled. Wheat is from $2.20 to 2.30 at Liverpool per cental. That is, it costs from 50 cents to GO cents to carry it from any part of the United States to England, whereas 30 cents would be enough. Grain producers of the West pray for a reduction of freight on bread stuffs. Wm. Knox, who was arrested last week for assault with a deadly weapon having presented a shotgun at H. B. Blaek, was examined before Justice Ilufl'er and discharged, it appearing that he was only defending piopcrty that he was in possession of. The ex pense to tho county in witness fees was 82. Our trans-Atlantic cousins are great ly exercised ut the discovery of trichina in pork imported from this country. It seems no ordinary amount of cooking kills trichina. Tests show that in boiled hams the heat does not penn trate into tho flesh far enough to kill the parasites. So beware of "biled ham" and never eat it raw. A letter from the late editor of the Star referring to the course of District Attorney Hamlin in the canyon road case appears in the Mercury. If Mr. Baker is entitled to credence an ex planation is due frojn Mr. Hamilton, and to say, when Raker was editor, that he could possibly lie would have been rank blasphemy does he lie now The saloon, wo mentioned last week as in the building where the count' poor are kept, is partitioned oil' and is only to dispense wine, beer and other non-intoxicants. It will not interfere with the county poor at all, nfc least so the contractor informs us. The editor of the Times can now take a deso of soothing syrup or a little vermifuge. JI33CK3GSa23533SS8: : joiuvAsaau Mr. Matt Dillon aftd family will leave on Monday's sfage for Philadel phia, -vv here they intend to reside hereafter. Matt takes .w ith him the kind wishes of many friends, made by his genial qualities and warm heart, who will always be glad to hear of his prosperity. He is accompanied by James Hart who will remain for a while in California. The three robbers who plundered a store at Turner's station in Marion county, and fought tho Deputy Shcr iffs posse so desperately, were pur sued by ten of the Capitol guards la-t week but making better time than the pursuer reached South Salem first drank a quart of lager and then took the brush again. It is unknown when the guards will open the campaigu again. The Tidings contains a grand des cription of the marriage of our friend Sites Worden, of Linkville, and Miss Kate Allred. Over sixty guests wcie present including Col. S. G. Whipple and the other officers of the Post, the ceremony taking place at the residence of Capt. Ferree. Sikes is a brick of no common clay and wc hope his voy age on the unknown sea vv ill be pros perous. Miss Charlotte O'Brien, daughter of Smith O'Brien writes to the Pall Mall Gazette, a sicketiugjkUer,describin; the horrors of an emigrant steamer. She says she has seen 1,750 living souls packed like sardines in a box and tho dVcription equals that of the ' niddle passage ' in the p-iluiy dn s of the Afiican slave trade. is it any wonder that there is i popular outcry against corporations! The programme, for the closing exer cisps of Ashland College will be as fol ows: Examination of classes, Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 23d, 24th and 23th; Annual Sermon, Sunday, May 22d; Annual Lecture and Literary exercises, Monday even ing, May 23d; Musical Entertainment, l'ueiday evening, May 24th; Anniver sar' and Giaduatiug exercues, Wednesday evening, May 25th, Gen. R. Y. Ankeny( government swampland adjuster passed through tow h on Sunday on his way to the south eastern part of the Jtatc. He was accompanied) Charles Whittaker, who represents thei State of Oregon and both will proceed to Warner, Har ney and Malheur lakes where they will exaiiiino all swamp land claims and return here during the summer by way of Summer lake and Sicun va'lev. The Tidings snys that tho bridge under const! uoiion at that place is to be widened to 21 feet giving t vo tracks of aniplo width, a contract having been let by tho Board of Trustees to complete, the found-it ions at G50. The Tidings endors s the move which is a most sensible one. It i reported hit our townsman C. C. Beekui.in, himself a comptent mechanic, lent the weight of his judgment in favor of the additional width. Miss M-iry E. T31, a teacher in Harrison Stieot scho)l, Portland, re cives the handsome amount of$2.,030 by the will o: the lute Cipt. L L. Wil liams of Rcs"burpj. Hor father and mother, and two sisters hive also been willed 1,000 each. The parents of .Miss Tist, and sho heisclf, were very kind to Cape. Williams during a long and severe illness caused by wounds re ceived from Indians, and he-remembers their friendship accordingly. The music of brass instruments, plaed by such experts as those of the Ashland band, (with Kentnor as lead er), is suiely the moit delightful ever discoursed to mortal ears. Stealing softly upon our half roused senses, v hen the sereuaders come, it charms liko strains from pirads If that scrneado was intended for the Senti nel's ad-interim, during his recent so journ at Ashland, lie desires to make his bow: if not, some one ehe will. The following, from the Albany Herald needs no comment, and that paper speaks tiuly when it calls thii sight a temperance lecturo: "One of the saddest sights we have ever wit nessed occuired on tho stieets of this ' city ono day last week. A young boy 14 or 15 years of age was taken to the city jail in a state of beastly intoxica tion. The Marshal was compelled to literally drag him along. Such tem perance lectures as this ought to be impressive enough to do some good, and it seems as if some move should be taken to prevent such thing." Tho Albany Drmocrat says: "Wc received this week fiom a coi respon dent at Salem one , of tho new postal notes, believed to bo the firrt one re ceived through-thii office. It is neatly gotten up, is about the size of an or dinary sheet of note' paper, and is ar ian,ed so as to form an envelope. -The edges are perforated and coated w ith mucilage, and when the message is written it is folded and stuck together and when received easily opened. It is quite convenient audsaves tho ex pense of an envelope for short lotters. We have not learned the price at which tho government proposes to furnish them. The Rocburg Plaindealer siys: As Joe Clough was coming down Rol o'ts' hill Saturday, one of his wheel horses stepped into a hole that should have been filled up long ago, got his foot fast, w hich threw him, and before the team could be stopped the wagon ran upon the horses back crippling him so that he has not been used since. Is it not about time there was being some w ork done on the roads It is not a matter of necessity, but of choice, that any Southern Oregon freight comes this way, and if our roads aro not properly attended to these people out south will find some other way of getting their goods, which would make a great deal of difference to our merchants and our county. aaaiuia&gjgaEajij.:. jiim; items. A handsome piece of gold worth 24 was taken from the claim of Carr Bros, on Foot's creek recently. Wintjen & Helms have on exhibi tion the handsome piece of quartz taken from tho Roten ledge. T. L. Beck has two hands bottoming up on his rich chim in tho Willow Springs district. Cleaning Up will oc cupy several weeki. Richard Cock is engaged on the Davenport lcdj,e up Jackson creek and is taking out somo very fine look ing quartz but no assay has yet been made. The English and IE up Gravel com panies are now engaged in cleaning bed rock, having discontinued piping. The cleaning up process will take fully a month. We were shown a piece of solid gold weighing 56 that was taken out of a claim on Galice creek last week. It was a beautiful nugget entirely free from quartz. IT. F. Seybert is still at work on his ditch on up; er Littlo Applegate. Ho finds a icry flattering prospect on the divide between Little Applegate and agner creek. Messrs. Lince, Dufiield it Co. took out of their rich claim a nugirot weigh ing 51. It was nearly the shape of an erg and might have been laid by -iE-top'a famous goose. Three nuggets of gold weighing 24, S1G and 12 were lately taken from the claim of Keatnn it Klippel on Poorman's creek. The aggregite j ield was most satisfactory. The Grren Bros, of Galice creek have at hist completed thpir tunnel, striking their ledge (Sugir Pine) at a depth of 140 feet and finding their quartz richer than ever. Willis Ilaj1: has piped off about one half acre of dirt sixty feet in depth in the Rogue river district but a heavy slide coniint: in just as the water was failing prevents n full clean up. A pump is Io be put in at the Bui: dall &. Cunningham vein in the BlacU wcll district during the summer, the water interfering very much with the work of sinking. Several hundred dollars have been taken out lately with a baud mortar. Wm. Bybee has gone to Josephine county to contract with s gmg of Chinese to dig the extension of his ditch, four miles in length during tho summer. It will tap tho main Illinois river and will furnish continual water for his rich ground. The elder Orme, of Foot's creek, has just returned fiom Tombstone, A. T. He lepons rock taken from tliu ledge, owned by his son on Foot's creek, as assaying 31 It in silver ami $2G in old to the ton. Alex Orme will be back fiom Arizona in July and com mence .work on tl.e ledge. Dnvelipments are still going on in the Roten ledge Ltely dicovered on Kane cieek, in the Willow Springs district. About 000 was taken out 'list week with a small arastra and a piece of quartz, weighing twenty five pounds, taken from next to the casing of the ledge is almost jcllow with fine free "old. TvvELrrn or May Celebration. The anniversary of St. .Tammany was duly celebrated by the Pocahontas Ti il.o of Improved Order of Red Men and their families, and a few invited pale faces. The intellectual exercises commenced at 2:30 p. M. and were con ducted according to programme at their Grand Wigwam in the Oith block. The Worthy Saclum intioduced 1st SimiRp Autenrieth as the first speaker, who extolled the virtues of Tammany, the lllustiiotis patron saint of their no ble order; Wanior Cimborsky made tho short talk, in the course of which he drew forth a magnificent and costly regalia, which he presented to past Sachem, II. If. Ilanna, who was taken completed by surpriso at this uniooked for token of friendship on the part of his brethren. Next, was a short talk by Brother Bildvvin, a visiting Red Man of Klamath tribe No. S of Linkville. The intellectual portion of t'le'-ntertainment was heigh tened by tho superb solo singing of Mrs. Feathers- Her cultivated voice and unembarrassed appearance, demon strated that she is entirely familiar with duties of this kind. Prof. Scott's string band, assisted by Adam Schmidt ind Frank Folk, enlivened tho enter tainment by several soul sterling pieces. The quartet, consisting of the Misses Linn and Miller, R. II. Klip, pel nnd Sol Wise, furnished a number of excellent pieces. The afternoon ex exerci'ses wound up by a bountiful col lation of tho good things of this world for the "inner man." And all preent did ample justice to them, including "ye local" of the Sentinel. On Wednesday morning at 1 o'clock L. F. Allen, of Josephine county, died after a lingering illness of several months. Mr. Allen was long a resi dent of that county and known as a worthy citizen, lie was a veteran of the Mexican war, and for many years suffered from a wound leceived in the service of his country. His remains were taken to Williamsburg on Thurs day for interment. Tun Champion. Mrs. Ben. Hay mond of Rock Point is the champion fisher for this season. On Thursday evening she hooked a tine salmon trout weighing six poun Is while fishing in Rogue river and landed it safely after a hard struggle of nearly an hour. It is said that the lady wis considerably excited for fear of losing it and maybe considerably proud of her skill. CI Men's white shirts open back or front at the New York Stoie for 1.00 each. t'ucciu mm: or toe Tiutiir-KS- i.vsti ii i :. TO BE IIELD AT ASHLAND THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, itAY 26th, 27th and 28th, 188L rirs! Day, JIaj SRHi. Music. Method of Teaching Primafj Reading John E. Potter. Best School Agp Prof. L. L. Rogers. Spelling, Best Methods W. E', Dean. Recess and the Play Ground. aiternoon session. Music. Grammar; Classifications of L&tfcrs and Words C. B. Fitzserald. Arithmetic; Common Fractions Wm. Willits. Geography for Beginners Miss Maggie Bersent. Map Drawing Mrs. L. L Rogers. Phonetic Spelling. EVENING. Music. Essay Mis Ireno Wrishy. Four Short Sch'ool Rules. LcHire Prof. Ladru-Royal. Music. Strond Cnj, May sSIIi. Music. Drawing in the Public Schools Prof. L. Royal. Reading: Qualities of the Yoice-r-Mrs. L. L. Rogers. Arithmetic; Decimal Fractions G. A. nubbell Grammar; Gender; Nimher and Case Miss Maria Merriman. llovr to prevent Wliispnring. AFTERNOON. Music. History L. R. Webster. Common School Branches W. A. Wilsbire. Geography; Ten Comprehensive Ques tions Prof. L. L. Rogers. Truthfulness and Obedience in School Room. EVENING". Music. Essay Miss Lou Willitc. Geography; Causes of Day and Night and the Seasons Pi of. L. Royal. Lecture linn, L, J. Powell, Tlilrd In, Xn) 33th. Music. Penmanship W. II. Parker. Teachers' Wa!es Chti'. Prim. Tho School Laws of Oregon J. Fountain. Mental Arithmetic J. N. Hall. Readinj; Variety of Style Sirs, D. L. L. Rogers. AITERNOON. Music. Drill in Consonant Sounds Hon. L. J. Powell. Rhetorical Exercises W. H. Leeds. Physiology and Hyirieno in Public Schools Prof. L. Royal. Arithmetic; Percentage and its Appli cation Levi Willits. Discipline; Best Methods of preserving Order. EVENING. Mii'ie. Mnic in our Common Schooh J. Q. Willits. Essay .Mrs. L. R. Webster. Lecture; Use and Misuse Prof. L. Rogers. Music. L. Champion's Pionici Tho Cham pions of Honor of Wagner creek lodge will hold their anniversary picnic next Wednesday, May 18th. Tho follow ing programme has been agreed upon: Members of the order will assemble at their hall at 9 o'clock, A. M., when the Marshall will place them in the following order: Marshal and aids; band; 3d degree members; 2d degree members; 1st degree members;, upon arrivin;; on the ground the following exercises will take place: Singing by tho choir; prayer by Jesse Adams; poem by John Adams; Music by the band; oration by I. Richardson; Short adderesses by G. n. Lvnch, E K. Anderson and G. A. Hubbell. Dinner. Athletic sport; running jump ing sack, v-heolborrow races, etc; Music by the band; Singing by the choir. Sudden Death. Wo are sorry to net's the death of Mrs. M. J. Helman, wife of A. D. Helman, P. M. at Ash land, which occurred on Thursday night. Mr. Helman had started on Wednesday for Portland to attend the Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F., but was over taken by a messenger, his wife hiving been taken with a conjestivo chill soon after his .departure. All efforts were unavailing and on Thursday night sho passed away. Tho family have the public .sympathy in their sudden be reavement. Auction Sale. J. A. Canlwell will sell several of his second hand liver rigs, in good order, at auction during the Spring races. Reasonable time will be given on notes with ap proved security. Anybody olse having stock, wagons, etc., they A-ish to dis pose of at public sale, will also be ac commodated. For Sale Cheap. A good spin of horses and harnesi", aud a good plat form spring wagon can bo bought cheap for cash by calling upon Rev. D. A. Crowell at the M. E. parsonage in Jacksonville. TWE-fluXlIiaEia HANNA BRENTANO At the residence of Mr. John Tupper on May 11th, 1881, by Elder Martin Peterson, Hon. 11. K. Ilanna to Mrs. Helena Brentano; all of this county. imawnw :so:Fs.:Kr. LAMB In Ashland, May 5, 1881, to tho wife of Archibald Lamb, a son. DIED. WHETSTONE On May 9th, 1881, Annie, infant daughter of David Whetstone, aged six months. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H. L. MURTCHSf Forwarding nnd Commis--sion Merchant, Etosoburs Oroson. All business entrusted to my care will receive prompt attention. The shipment of wool, hides, tloiir etc., made spscialty, nd satisfaction guaranteed. Announcement. Jtadame Holt, proprietress of tho U. S. Hotel. Jacksonville, respectfully invites public attention in gent-mf to the fact that she keeps a Xff. I house in every particu lar tirst-e lass tables and led rooms and all accommodations to mnk the hotel the most suptrior ono in Southern Oregon. Madame Holt lias adopted the lowest scsle of prices,, so as to enable her num erous fiit mis mi the Paciilc Coist to share her comforts and pleasure. Tho followiDsr mice list his been adoou r.d: First-cl&sj bedroom, with first-chfs table (or single person) $'J CO ptr day;. Single bod room, with excellent table, (for sinsle person) St CO per div: one cWVl mini, superior to any that can be had In town, MJc.; llncst lunch, at any time, (nay orniht) 25c, cip of coffee, with ex cellent bread and butter, at any time, (day or ni;lit) I2 x MADA3IK HOLT, Jacksonville, May It, 1881. rsrgr'Jf:-aw.v., .-'" vy.jatfi sslrayz Curoa ani never dtsAjj" point. Tho word's groat Pala Ksllovcr for ?.Tni aad Beast. Ci?.-, qiiioli and reliable lis to -vs-A.I..feriJt'iij;jVvM PITCHER'S CASTORIA. Lj not Narcotic. Children grow iht upon., Mothers like, nad Physicians recommend CASTORIA. Itrcsulatcstho Bowels, cures AVind Colic, allays Fcrcrishncse, aad de-' siroys AVonus. i At.v. g'.vr" .'"-n. -jt, - n f i Ml T7SI 33C HETnr.'S CA TARRH Cure, a Constitutional Actldoto Tor thin terriblo mala dy, ty Absorption. Tlio most Important Discovery sinco Vac cination. Other romedlos m&7 roliovo Catarrh, tii cores nt any stogo Tjcioro Consumption ocrUia. ESE2S23S2S3 Farmers Take Notice! Having Received the Agency FOR D. M. Osbcrae &. Co.s FARMING MACHINERY, I AM prcpireil to furnish the same at tho following prices for cash at Jackson ville: No. 3 Rear cut Slower tl5 " 2 Front cut Mower 11 5 " G Combind Reaper and ilowcr.. 2'J3 " 9 Self Binder, much foot cut, binds with twine or wire ... IVSO All orders left with Stephen Booth, of Jacksonville, or 12. Emery, of Eagle Point will receive prompt attention. 15. V. RKESER, Aslilund Oregon, April 30, 1881. SELLING OUT! FISHER & COHN OFFER THEIR LARGE' STOCK General Merchandise FOR SALE A.T COST. AH of our goods mut be sold at onro and we mean just what wc say. Call and examine our price. The Hopkins Saw-miil SITUATED Otf Jackass Creek, i Pruiirictorsi Has been fitted up in tfrtl-cl.iss ordw and tha lessees are prepared to furnish all kinds of lumber on the shortest notice. All kind of lumber sold as cheap as the cheapest and all orders tilled promptly. No Foolishness. THOSE knowing themselves indebted to the tirm of Fisher & Colin, eilhor by note or book account, are hereby re quested to settle by Slay 13, 1881, as tho Dnii is about tn dissolve and the books must be squared. A prompt response will save ccts, as this will postticcly bo the last call. No foolishness now. FISHER COHN. Jacksonville. May 7, 188. Fine white lace 3 cts. a yard at the New York Store. fs, SfcctiviSSW: jGk ':