X V I .3 OREGON SEHTIHEL. JACK.bOjSV ILLR i Satuhdat, March -23, 1881. Land OSceat Itoscbarz. 0;n 1 Jane .".8, ISS. J To All mum It mar Concern: KaUrc U hrrcbj cfrtn that I hare dcul: aalwl the ORF.GO Sl'-.NriMX tn the paper la. which 1 shall hereafter pnbllch all pre aaaplUat, homettead and application far tnlDla-; patent for landi lylns near "aelunrlllr. Jackoa cnntj, Orrson. vr. f. nr.j vniv, Resisier. VTakted. Four cords of sound, "Voll-seasoned wood. For further par ticulars call at the Sentinel office soon. School Officers Electkd. At Eagle Point, Arthur Pool director, A. J. Daly,' clerk; District No 51, V. G. Bishop and Sam. Furry directors, and J. N. Woody, clerk; Big Sticky dis trict, C. W. Cooper and' L. B. "Faith directors, and W. P. Barry, clerk. . New Rule. Obituary notices and 'lodge resolutions will be inserted in the 'Sestikel at half-rates. Notices of cn 'tertriinments, meetings, etc, other than those of a charitable, benevolent or Kjbhc-siiinted nature, published at -reasonable prices. Theie will be no "deviation from this rule in the future. New Enterprise. Articles of in "corporation have been filed with the Secretary of State, organizing the "Ore Sgon Boot, Shoe, and Leather Com pany," in Portland. The capital stock is $50,000, divided into 500 shares of 5100 each. One or more tanneries are to be operated in connection with the .jobbing business. Messrs. J. V. Bra zee, Geo. L. Hibbard and John Swit zer of Portland are the incorporators o No More Whiskey at the Mili tary Forts. Capt D. J. Ferree of Xake county was in town on Holiday and favored us with a call. We learn through him that tn Prciident through the War Department issued an order on the 22dday of February, prohibiting the sale of ardent spirits atall Military Post Traderships in the United State1;, and that order went into effect at Fort Klamath on the first of March last. -No more whiskv for our soldiers. Bridge Coxtract Let. Last Tues day the commissioners of Jackson -county awarded the contract for build ing the bridg acres Ashland creek in the town of Ashland, to B. S. Freeman -of Phoenix at $740. The contiactor agrees to have the structure completed in two months and ten days from th 21st day of March. It is understood thdt the town authorities of Ashland 'will appropriate an additional sum of about $4G0, which will insure a bridge possessing all the elements of strength -and durability. .a. Nothing to Do. With the opening Tof spring quite a number of ,our able li?Jieil"7uuna men will leave for points ion this coat, mostly north, where there-is a better prospect of employ ment. Want of regular employment for our surplus labor talent, is one of the main drawbacks to the prosperity of th8 jart of Oregon; and unless wo aro speedily connected with the outside world by t Wagon road to the enact and bonds of steel with the outside world; 1 his state of things is liable to continue Tor an indefinite period of time. Farmers, Read. Mr. Z. T.Wright, "representing the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., is with us again for a few days. And owing to limited time will not be able to call on all. Any one wishing anything in their lino will do well to call on Mr. Wright at Mad -'ante Holt's Hotel, or by dropping a letter through the Post Office. He will be pleased to call on all that may wish anything in their lino, i. e., Threshers, Headers, Engines, Saw Mills or their celebrated Center-draft Walking and Sulky Plows. Mr. Wright will only be in Jackson county about ten days. The Wool Market The transac tions in the Boston wool market for the week ending March ISth amount to 21,000,000 pounds. Ohio and Penn sylvania fleeces commanded 40 and 45 tents for qualities ranging from X to XXXj.Michigan, Wisconsin, and Mis souri 45 and 48; a lot of 15,000 pounds Kentucky (combed) sold at 32 cents; a large amount of wool, unwash ed fleeces, from the above. States sold at 30 cents; 275 pounds of fall Califor nia sold at 19 and 20 cents. Pacific cost wools ranged atlovy'pricesj 375,000 pounds having been taken at 30 and .415 cents. "Was it ax Epidemic? Early last Sunday morning the quiet village of Phoenix was -sudJenly thrown into commotion by the announcement that fifteen dogs had just been found dead in the streets and alleys of that burg, and others were in the last agon ies of death. The disease which had so suddenly decimated the canine race of Phoenix is unbeknown to the own ers of the dogs, and strong suspicions were entertained that it was not the. hos cholera but something else that did it. Our reporter sa-s that among the. quadrupeds killed were some highly prized ay their owners. Good Sentiment. -Whitelaw Reed of the N.Y- Tribune, in his address be fore the school teachers of Xenia, Ohio, gave expression to the following senti ments, which our educators all over the country will do well to heed: "Strength en the basis of the school system be fore you increase the. superstructure. Teach fewer things but teach them so they will be absolutely known. Make the course of study mora compact and manageable; postpone the accomplish ments, banish even science and draw ing, and first give the child what will be essential to the practical business of life and a basis of self-improvement." LOCAL ITEMS. Spring. Roads improving. Peach frees in bloom. - A blush can't be counterfeited. Pay 'tvhat you owe, pay'as you go. Next Friday will be All Fools Day. John Miller wants you to call anil settle. Sheriff By bee has -gone to Jdsephine county. Dress goods 12 J cents at the New York Store. Hunt Magruder of Rock Point gave us a call yesterday. E. Jacobs has recovered sufficiently to attend to business A young lady of this place swallowed a half dollar this week. Isaac Dobsll is at the Squaw Lakes hunting and fishing. Capt. Ferree offers Lake view co'ttago in Lakexounty for sale. Dr. P. Jack of Applegate was in town several days this week. Wm. Willits has been engaged to teach the TJuioutown school. E. TL Autenrieth moved into "his new residence on Third Street. A. W. Presley has moyed his family to his ranch near Grant's Pass. The directors of Rogue River school district No. 37 want a teacher. Plyraale says he can furnish livery turnouts as reasonable as any one. Mrs. IL G. Sprague is expected hack from San Francisco in a few days. Horace Seybert of Eden precinct was in town several days this week. Deputy Sheriff Caton and P. J. Ryan are leaders in spring fashions. Rev. C. H. Hoxie and wife of Eden precinct were in town on Wednesda-. Wm. Carll has sold his jack to Major Barron of the Mountain House. J. E. Bpggs left for Roseburg on Wednesday with a load of deer hides. J. J. Lathrop has taken a wood con tract for the Jacksonville steam mill. The last quarter of the public school at Jacksonville will commence March 30th. The Champion Aurelian Literarv' so ciety meet at their hall evety Monday night. Notice change in the sheriff's sale advertisement of the Cayute mining property. The telegraph office at Rock Point has been re opened ith Mrs. Cawley as ojierator. Miss HattieTolman of Ashland, is in town, the guest of Misses Fannie and Annie Dan ell. C. C. Brogan who is in Southern California for the benefit of his health, is still quite feeble. Birkhead continues to furnish as good meals as can be had iu town for twenty live 'cents. W. I. Nichols was in Ashland last Saturday. lie contemplates remoing his family to Yrtka. A drop letter, dropped on the streets, has caused quite a commotion iu cer tain quarters in town. The next term of school at Central Point commences next Monday hi charge of Mrs. Thorpe. Frank Vining of Ashland paid Jacksonville a flying visit on Monday and returned Thursday. Billy Thompson of Etna, Cal., pass ed through Jacksonville the other day on his way to Crescent City. AI. Beard, formerly marshal of Rose burg, is dead, having died at tho In sane Asylum at East Poitlaud. Rev. F. X Blanchet left here Mon day on the southern-bound stage for Yrcka, to be gone a few days. The President has nominated Hon. George A. Steele as Postmaster of Portland. Good appointment. Rev. M. C. Miller is canvassing for subscriptions for a book entitled, "Mother, Home, and Heaven." The office of the C. & O. Stage Co. at Roseburg has been removed to the Cosmopolitan Hotel, of that place. Several picks and shovels were stolen from A. T. Johnson's mining claim on Jackson creek last Tuesday night. Gardening is bcinj vigorously prosecuted all over the county, now that the weather is favorable. The Jackscii Circuit Court is still in session. Yes firday it passed upon the pleadings in the Kelly-Ruble case. Sargent Duniap was this week en gaged planting a lot of lecust trees in the eucloaure of the school house park. The saloon formerly connected with the New State Hotel, C. W. Savage, proprietor, has quit selling liquor. Right. The conundrum, sent us by an an anymous correspondent. We have foi the present concluded to preserve in honey. A third barbsr shop has been started in Jacksonville at Btrkhead's hotel. Tiios. Mee, Sr., is the gentlemanly irizeur. E. D. Foudray, Esq., who for the past two weeks has been sojourning at Lakeview, is expected to return to his home tliis week. Morris Baum has forwarded a fine assortment of jewelry from New York to Newman Fisher which is now offer ed for sa'e cheap. Mrs. John Miller has not yet fully recovered from her late illness but her condition, we are pleased to state is somewhat improved.- Miss Ada "Horton of Ashland will teach the school at Willow Springs next term. Bilger fc Maegly's tin shop turned out this week an extra large China camp kettle for Bob Garrett. E. M. Miller and J. S.Eubanks, Jr., have formed a partnership in the black smithing business in Ashland. The editor in-chief of the Sentinel left here Sunday morning 6a a flying trip to the North. He will return on Monday. Capt. I. D. Applegale and H. F. Phillips did riot go to the Sandwich Is lands on account of the smallpox preva lent there. The blacksmithing firm of Morgan fc Powers of Ashland has been dis solved, Mr. Morgan contiuuing the bus iness alone. Major Roacb, Paymaster U. S. A. arrived at Fort Klamath this week and made Uncle Sam's boys happy with four months pay. Rev. M. C. Miller will preach at the Neil school house next Sunday riiorn ing at 1 1, a. ii.; and at Ashland at 7:30 P. M., of the same day. Evan Reames, of the firm of Reames Bros., started for San Francisco last Wednesday to purchase Spring and Summer goods for his firm. Robert A Miller, formerly of this place but now of Portland has been ap pointed by the Governor a notary pub lic for Multnomah county. H. E. Hughes, of Big Butte creek, gave us a call at our-sanctum on Mon day. He says stock of all kinds is lookin-j remarkably well this winter. 'Savs tho Independent: The O. & C. Stage company have a number of hands at wark corduroying that horrible mud hole in the load just south of Grave creek. The remains of General Emory Up ton, who committ-d suicide last Satur day n-ar San Francisco, have been taken to New York State for inter ment. 'Count' School Superintendent Foun tain will bu in town to day to examine applicants for teacher's certificates. All interested should improve the oppor tunity. The readers of the Sentinel will miss our "Lung Pad" advertisement in this issue. Our cotemporaries seem to have taken a sudden notion to discon tinue it also. The mining season on Foot's creek has been yery favorable the past win ter, and now that 'Aw water in growing less considerable farming is being done iu that section. Read the new advertisement of Bil ger & Maegly in another column. Everything in the btove, tin and hard- are line can be had at the "old htand." Give them a call. A Baltimore clergyman recently preached on the. .subject, "Why was Lazat us a beggarl" We suppoiu be cause he didn't advertise, says the Bur lington Ilawkeye. The Eintracht society will hold a meeting at the Red Men's, hall on Sun day, April 3d. A full attendance is requested as business of importance will In; transacted. Ben. Haymond of the firm of Ray mond ii Magruder, Rock Point, was in town a few hours last Monday. He speaks encouragingly of the outlook of his pait of the county. The entertainment 1J b givgn for the benefit of Prof. Scott will tako place at Holt's hall on Saturday next. "Down by the Sea" is selected, and all of our local talent will participate. According to tho almanac man, the 22d day of March was the beginning of Spring. Peach, cherry and alniond trees are in bloom, and meadows are assulning a lovely mantle of green. Frank Ennis and Theo. Cameron have pi esented Adarel Chapter, O. E. S., with a fine organ. As soon as an organist is found both gentlemen prd pose purchasing instruments for their homes. Pryor Ealon, with his fine stallion, Bob Inger,oll, will return from Califor nia in a few davs and remain during the coming summer. This horse's colts are all that are required for a recom mendation. Speaking of tho salaries of the Dep uty County Clerk and Deputy Sheriff' of Jackson county, in our last, we stat ed that the salary of tho Deputy Sher iff was $780, when in should have been $1,200 per annum. Wm. Mensor has concluded to quit business here and his goods are now being moved into Morris Mensor's store. Billy expects to go north and commence business in some of the new towns just springing up. The northern portion of town was tolerably well ierfumed the other night, by the unwelcome presence of a brace of polecats. They were evidently after some tender spring chickens lately hatched iu that neighborhood. Eyes have increased in value since the tenth centuryj when in England, the fino for putting out a person's eye was fixed by the statute at 10 shillings. A Ciuciniiatian has sued a man who p.ut out his eye for $10,000 damages. At the session of the Tonn Board last Tuesday night several needed im provements, in the shape of additional street lamps, were discussed, without, however arriving at any conclusion. The election of street commissioner was lostponed. A very successful term of school, in charge of Wm. IL Parker, closed at Hrowiisboro yesterday. After one. week's vacation Mr. Parker will take charge of the school at Big Butte for one term after which he will again re turn to Brownsbofo. I The case involvfy the constitution J ality of the salarvXw was argued be fore the buprerse Court last week. After hearing be argument of coun sel the CourtcniJktbe case under ad visement and ij,dcisidn will probably be rendered in ?fiW days. Prof. Roya,lb3Wbeen troubled with a partial paralysof the left arm with in the past feww'eeks, which causes him much inconvenience and soma un easiness. We trtsfc it will prove to be of but short duration. Tidings. Col. 'Geo. B.?Ctrry for a long time a resident ofCanyon City, Grant countv, writes .o;the Salem Statesman that he is now. permanently located at The Dalles, Ifascocounty, and desires his friends t address him at that place J. W. anmng's well known stall ion Ophir willMbo in Ashland on Wednesday lndjJTnarsday; at Jack sonville on Saturday; and at Mr. Manning's raricKnear town during the remainderffijf the week during the coming season. A. T. fTawleirfi'Ti'tlipo in wiprocf tho item in lastjweek's Western Star. to the euect .tnatt'iie was coming to Jacfcson coun'tji3jvrite up this sec tion for the S.jJ.TkBulIetin. He pro poses coming heJ&is fall but not in the interest menwoned. Says thftPajiflBrirtian Advocate: Rev. D. A" Crqjvellof Jacksonville, has been spending Sfew days in this city and in Yamhill county, preaching Sabbath at the quarterly meeting at Charlton and in the evening at Mc Minnville, with profit to the people. The Missouri Senate, without the fear of depopulating St. Louis and sev eral other cities in the State, has pass ed a bill making the penalty for keep ing a gambling houso six months in jail. The bill as first presented mado the penalty two ears in the peniten tiary. Samuel Judkin, a young man living near Eugene City, went out hunting in the mountainn March 12th, since which he has not been seen. Several parties are searching for him as yet without success. It is thought he has met with a fatal accident or perished from ex porure. In answer to inquiries we would say, that we are unable to state when the next entertainment of the Legion of Honor will take place. Owing to the necessary absence from town of a majority of the" committee nothing has so far been done to get up the programme. The audacity of. the Russian Nihi lists is truly astonishing. No sooner had they succeeded in murdering the Emperor and some of his attendants, than a plot. was discovered to kill his successor, Emperor Alexander III, by undermining his palace. Many arrests nere mad?. The Presbytery of Oregon met at Albany, Thursday, March loth. contin uing for Several davs. This body in composed of tho former Oregon and South Oregon Pi esby teries, and met for the purprKe if general oversight and examination-Oiitfrcii work with in its jurisdiction.'' The Odd Fellows of Kerbyville will give a grand ball at the Unioti Hotel nt that place on the daj' of anniversary of the order, April 26'h. It will be jiiven for the benefit of the Orphan's Home and Educationtal Fund of the order in this State arid should be lib erally patronized. The beautiful s'uiishiny weather how prevailing in this valley has a very beneficial ellect upon the health of the people. The matiy cases of bad cold, with which this community has been afflicted for a long time, are gradually diminishing under the influence of the balmy spring weather. We were favored witli a ball last Saturday, from Henry Voegle, of Trail creek; where he is building lip a homo for himself ntld family. He says that during the late freshet Trail creek was higher than ever known to be by the oldest inhabitant; taking out foot logs and doing considerable damage. The Roseburg Star has ceased to light the pathway of the Democracy. Yesterday it changed its owners and name, Fred. Floed retiring and Messrs. Baker &, Marstens succeedins to the management of the1 concern. Hereaf ter it will discard its patent outside and assume the name of Avalanche. The planing mill of L. S. P. Marsh of Ashland is turning out a very ex cellent lot of furniture, which he dis pones at wholesale, and Messrs. Baum & Hill of Ashhind sell at retail. For your sash, doors; mouldings, blinds, srcoll work ,and suclijgo to tho factory. See advertisement in another column. Among the Hotel arrivals ttithin the past few davs wej-notice-tlre following: Z. T. Wright,-JI'Brobst and J. Loewengart, Portland;iB. Stern, Hor ace Simmons, A.i&jHfjMallony and T. W. Thompson, San. Francisco; C. S. Smith and G. C. ScTiotter, Shasta, Cal.; Milton Lindley and Capt. Flye, Jack son county. The Kallocll murder trial which for the past two months has occupied so much attention of the press and people of San Francisco has come to a close. The telegraph informs us that the jury after being out twenty-four hours on tile morning of the 25th brought in a verdict of "not guilty." Comment is unnecessary. The body of a young man named L. B. Kelly, who formerly resided in Port laud, was found in the mountains near Yakima City, W. T., a few days ago. Kelly was lost about the middle of January, while out hunting stock, and notwithstanding " diligent search, his 'remains were not discovered until very recentl". Eagle Point in this county has been favored with a precious revival. The meeting began on this' 3d and cTosed on the 15th of March." Quite a number professed religion and were " added to the Merholist Church. The meetings were in chargH of Rey. M. C. Miller, assisted by Rev. Mr.-Swafford of Ap plegate circuit. Colorado papers recfird a marriage by telerapli. The contracting parties and witnesses were in the office of the Santa Fe company at La Junta. The clergyman, the Rev. S. A. Windsor, was in the office at West Las Animas, Colorado. Tho questions and answers and declarations were sent over the wiiei, and everybody seemed satisfied. The mania of walking on stilts, so much indulged in of late by the youth of Jacksonville, is threatened to be su perseded by that of base ball. Already we hear of Sprained thumbs, bruised shins and sore heads, the result of this vigorous pastime. A few broken legs arms and skulls, with a knocked ouc eye or two thrown in, will perhaps satisfy our youthful athlcths. F. H. Darling, of Yreka, whilst here tho other day inquired what prospect there was for canvassing Jackson county for material for a history of Southern 'Oregon. He is in the em ploy of D. J. Stewart who is now en gaged getting up the history of Siski you county. Messrs. Stewart and Darling passed through Jacksonville on Sunday on their way .North. An order has been issued by the Postmaster-General which throws out of 3d class and puts back into 1st class or letter rates, prices current with prices filled putn writing, such as papers of legal proceedure, deeds of all kinds, way bills, TiiTIs o lading, invoic es, insurance policies, and the various documents of insurance companies. Orders issued Feb. 21st, went into effect March, 1st, 1881. Mr. Heinman, wife and daughter, who last fall came to this valley from the Powder river country for the ben efit of the health of Mrs. Heinman, who is suffering from asthma, are pre preparing to leave hero for their home in Northeastern Oregon, aud are only waiting for the weather to get settled. They intend to travel in company with Dr. Dauforth's train, at least part of tho nay. The Del Norte Record says : "We are informed by those who are posted that as soon as the weather clears up, immediate steps will be taken in re gard to the building of the jragon road from this place to Waldo, and those who. have subscribed to the enterprise will be called upon to come down with the coin.''' It.M. Garrett informs us that Messrs. Johnson, Malone and Gasquet intended to come over the route this week to take a look at the survey, pre liminary to commencing operations. Native Sugar and Molasses. We understand that a number Of our farm ers have prepared portions of their fields for the cultivation of the early amber and sorghum sugar canes, for which the soil and climate of Rogue River valley is so well adapted. It is to be hoped that the cultivation of these usetul canes in our midst and the manufacture of their juices into sugar and molasses wiil be carried ou to such an extent as to supply not only the home demand but have a good surplus left for export to other markets. Wc have no doubt that as soon as this in dustry can receive the attention that its importance demands, and the man ufacture of the staple articles can bean as.iured fdet, ouleis for our sugars anil svrups will le coming in from abroad. Mcssr-s: J. B. Wrisley and E. P. Wall: er, who in the past have been engaged manufacturing syrup from sorghum cane, will this year have largely in creased facilities for making molasses and sugar. Tho Department "of Agri culture has just furnished them, through Senator Grover, with valuable information about the manufacture of sugar from the different kinds of sorghum cane, upon which information they ihtend to experiment the Coming season. Another Straw. If straws tell which way the wind blow?, we may infer that other people besides those of Rogue river valley, feel an interest in the extension of tho Oregon it Cal ifornia railroad. Tha daily Oregonian of the 22d of this month quotes the following from the Loudon Standard of a late date: "The buying of the Ore gon and California railroad stock has been actively resumed, in consequent of an agreement between the Anglo American syndicate and the Frankfort committee for constructing a proposed link line to Unite the completed por tions of the railway." Wide Awake foi; 1881. Send for our new price list for Spring and Sum mer. Note the reduction in all lines, dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, etc., ready for distribution March 1st, mail ed free. Address, Red Houso Trade Union, Sacramento, Cal., the great one price house of the coast 2VXA.X5.S.I33X3 LACKLAND DORWIN At the residence of Judge H. K. Hanim, Jacksonville, March 23, 1881, by Rev. M. A. Williams Mr. Samuel Lackland and Miss Kate Dorwin, both of Jackson county. PARKER McELROY On Gall's creek, March 20th, 'jy J. Neatham er, J. P., Frank M. Parker and Mrs. M. A. McElroy. AKERS CONLEY Tn Sam's val ley, March 23d, 1881, by C. C. Gall, J. P., W. C. Akers and Miss Ma- linda C. Conlev. BOItKT. FOUNTAIN In Ashland, March 13, 1881, to the wife of J. D. Fountain; a daughter. WESTROP-In Table Rock precinct, March' 1 3, 1881, to the wife of Robt Westrop, a son. SUTTON At Ellensburg, March 8, 1881, to the wife of Walter Sutton, a daughter. ArroBTioxHEvr or tiik tcblic &CUUUL SIOXCY. The apportionment of the State public school fund for this year gives the s veral districts of our county sums as follows, being two dollars lor each child of school age: No. I Nuncs of Districts No. of mt. of moncv children Jacksonville Heber Grove Log Town Phoenix Ashland Manzauita Fraternal Myer Little Butte South Prairie No report Antelope Chimney Hock Willow Springs Independence Mound Dardanelles Antioch Upper Butte f-am's t-reck Missouri Flat "Wagner Creek Grant's Pass North Phoenix Rock Point F.vans Creek Union town 442 S4 GO 120 83 1GG 103 206 400 800 74 143 141 282 52 104 90 192 41 82 85 170 24 49 55 110 43 90 38 70 S9 118 9-1 183 85 70 C6 132 41 82 109 218 22 44 24 43 20 40 07 13-1 64 123 25 50 43 80 14 .28 G5 130 37. --74 49 93 22 44 44 83 37 7t 43 9(5 53 106 45 CO 51 102 40 80 30 GO 24 43 32 01 41 82 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 101 11 12 13 14 15 to 1 ia 10 20 21 on 23 24 2o 2G 27 2tf 29 30 Lower Applegatc i'raine Unity Orecn Mountain Fools. Creek Swrlinviric Thompsons Creek Echieilclin Meadows Rogue River Josephine Brownbo rough Bridge Point N. Sam's Valley S. Iiuttc Creek Forest Table Rock Trail Creek 31 32 22 34 C5 3G 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 43 Hyman's Doings. On the morning of March 23d, a large number of friends and relatives assembled at the resi deuce of Judge II. K. Hanna, Jackson ville, to witness the marriage ceremony of Mr. Samuel W. Lackland to Miss Kate Dorwin, performed by Rev. M. A. Williams. The bride was elegantly attired in a gray pongeed travelling suit. The groom wore the convention al black. Tho wedding breakfast be ing served immediately after the cere mony, the bride was nmiio tho lecipient of a number of beautiful and useful presents. The groom is one of the pro prietors of the Star Gulch Hydraulic Mining enterprise and a surveyor by profession. He is an industrious and intelligent young man of good moral habits. The bride is a step daughter of the Hon. II. K. Hanna, Judge of this judicial circuit, and is an accom plished and lovely lady, noted for her many good qualities of both heart and head. After the congratulations aud breakfast were over, Mr. and Mrs. Lackland got aboard the north bound stage on their way to Portland, their objective point being Canyon City iu Grant colinty, Or., where they expect to reside temporarily, and in which county Mr. Lackland will be engaged all spring and summer surveying Gov eiiment land. May God's choicest bless ing accompany them on their journey of life, is the devout wish of thtt writ er of this. Newspaper Changed. The State Line Herald clnnged hands on the 16th of this mouth, Hon. 'J. II. Evans, Reg ister of the Lakeview Laud Office, having purchased the same from the Watson Brothers, who retire from the printing business on account of finan cial embarrassment superinduced iu part hv the destruction of their office by fire last July. It is reported that C. B. Watson, who has been in Wash ington since last December, is on his way home, the happy possessor ot a commission from President Garfield as U. S. Collector of one of the ports of entry on Puget Sound. Good luck to you, Chandler! DIEE). RHODES In Jacksonville, March 25, 1881, of inflammation of the bowels; Richard Rhodes, about 48 vears of age. GRAND BALL ! ! TO BE OtTEN BT Orcgqnian-Pocaliontas Tribe Xo.l, inip. 0. R.M., At Holt's New Hall ox tiie evening or ST. TAMMANY'S DAY MAY IS. 1881. Committee of Aiiuanoements. J. G. Blrdscy. H.Pape.Sr., U.K. Hanna, T.T. McKcnzie, s. Wise. F1.0011 Manaoeks. E.D. Foudray, T.J. Ktnncy. B.W. Dean, C: V. Savage, 1). II. Feathers. Reception Committee. E. II. Autenrieth, Miss Sophie Nickcll, C. U. Hostel, Jli.vj Issie McCully, D. Croutmiller, Miss Anna Miller. Tickets, including supper, 3.00. The best of music and supper will be provided. Tickets can bu procured of S. ".isc. A general invitation is extended to all. NOTICE; LAXDOrricEATRosEntTio,OGNn f March' 14, 18S1. f Notice is hereby given that the follow, ing-nnmed settler lias tiled notice of his Intention to make tlnul proof in support of his claim, and secure tinal entry thereof on &auiruay, April -M, ibsi, oclore Hie Judgeor Clerk of Jackson county, Oregon viz: C. D. Rml, Homestead Application No. 3.4S0. for the N E M ofN Y if. Sec. 31 S R, 2 AY, and names the following as I his witnesses, viz: Hiram Allison, Jc-.se Huggins, L.P. Hamack and John Cim-l borsky all of Jacksonville, Oregon. I Wu. F. Bejuaiux, TlcgUier I Children 8mjv Y FOR Pitcher's GPastbria. Metier: lilio acd Piytlolos rcccmtimnd It. IT 13 NOT KARCOTK. CENTAUR LINIMENTS; tho "World's Rrcat I'alu-Iio-llcviiijj remedies. Tlieyhcal, soothe and euro Burns, Wounds, Weak Back and Rheumatism upon 3Ian, and Snrafns, Galls and Lameness .r.pon Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. SPTJK.T3 cJeicntiaclluon, ' Snndes, Cracfclhzs Paiaa In tio Head, Fetia -0at&, EcaCnon, and any Catarrhal -Complaint, can bo exterminated Jiy WoiEo fiTeyor's Catarrh Cnro, n. Ccnstl; tutlonal Antidote, ly Absorp tion. Tho most Important Eii oarery sinoo Vaccination TTiiTafiliiTVrir. ' FIRST CRA&D ISgiliE BILL GIVEN BT THE EINTRACHT -AT- V.EIT SCHUTZ HALL, Jacksonville, Holiday Eve, April 18, 1881. Programme: OPENING of the ball by a polsnsisc at 0 o'clock r. si. sharp, by lllo Prino of Carnival. REGULATIONS. 1. Whoever is ticketed, stamped, masked, and has money in his pocket, is admitted. It they have no spondulix ihey may bor row Irom sonic ot thuir neighbors. 2. No suspicion character will be ad. mittid; and for hoodlums and their Kind a detective force will be provided. Good order will be maintained at any cost. 3. No smoking in the ball room, so It won't go up in smoke. 4. Masked persons will have the prefer ence in all tin dunces before supper. 5. Everybody imiat obey article 0th. 0. The judges will award the prlzti for the best lady and gentleman character tt half-pact 11 o'clock. 7. Supper at 12 o'clock. 8. '1 hoao 'vho desire to go home before 4 o'clock in the morning may do so, witli or without music, ou foot or in u carriage. Flour JIau;nt FllANK KASSliATEK, C Xickull, F. Lut Kcctptlon Couimltirci Dn. Veit chutz. Citrus Wtawiin', Quo. II. Youso. Supper fouiuillUcil L. Petzold, V. OFFK.sniEciiEH, FnA.tr IvASSAVEll, AND I.ADIU3 01' UK BOCIBTT. The brst music the county afTunls will be provided. Supper will be arranged by the ladies ol the society. Tickets', for Gtctt $l.SO, far lJjf $1 To be obtained of F. Luy or Fred. Grab, and at the door on the evening of -ball. ESTThe committee have spared no paius to make this the grandest affair of the season, aud hereby extend a general invitation to the public. F. LUY, A. SUIIMIDT, DR, SCHUTZ, . V. KAS3IIAFER, J. CIMBOUSKY, Committee of Arranged cut. 37"Masks may be obtained at Fred. Luy's store. NOTICE. U.S.LASD'OiricERosEBURB.Os:, March 'J, ljSSt. f . Notice is hereby given iliat Georga Yam'es whose post ofllcc address is Sterl ingvllle, Jackson Comity, Oregon, has this day filed his application lor a patent for N y, of N W if of N E if and S W if of N V' if of the N E '.,. S -c. 4, in T 39, 6 of R 2 tt, containing ;!t 50-100 acres situated in .-terlinville mining district ounty of Jackson mid Statcof Oregon Tin: location and deeds of purchase from prior, owners of the above tract ot mining land is re corded in book 9, records of deeds of Jackson ounty, Oregon: Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of the above described placer mining claim are hereby required to file their udven-e claim with the Register of the United States Laud Otllcc at Roseburg Oregon, during the oixty days period of publication hcreol, or they will be barred by virtuuof the provisions of the salutes. It is hereby ordered that tho foregoing notice of application for patent be pub lished for the period nf sixty days, (ten consecutive weeks), in the Oueoox Sex. tinel a weekly newspapei pnbl'uhed at Jacksonville. Jtickson County. Oregon. Wu. F. liO'JAsiijf, Reenter. NOTICB. All those who kimw themselves In debtcd to the firm of Hughes & Adams saloon keepers, Kerbyville, Josephint county, Oregon. The accounts and books of the above firm have been placed in my hands for collection and settlement, and you are hereby ren,uotcd to call at my bfnee at Kerbyville, and see the figures. W. I FORBKS, Receiver.