Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 12, 1881, Image 3

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Satckdat, March 12, 1SSL
Tan a oareat Botbarc On
Jnae S, ISM. i
T All IVfcsnfc It mxy Cr
S ! l hrrbj slvcn Hut 1 have drsls
nalnl fhcecr.CON rMIMX at the paprr
ta which I kball tarrultrr publlth all prr
naiptlens, tmmrstead and anpliratleni
Tmr tnlnlns palest far lands ljinc nrar
4atlcavillr, JacVa cnly, Orcsan.
XT. r. REWtniY. Reslktcr.
Sprixg Races. Messrs. -Jos. A.
Cardwell and E. Flitner commenced
'canvassing the town yesterday for
funds to hang up as purses for the
Spring races to be held at Card well's
new half mile tract sometime during
the latter part of May or first of June.
"Yelcarn that they are meeting with
"good success and we hope all will con
tribute liberallv.
Fixe Bridle. Messrs. Noland &
McDanicl received a fine bridle by
mail last week from John M. Motley,
nov in the Utah penitentiary with in
structions to have it raffled off. It is
Bade of horse hair and is the prettiest
Ve have ever seen. Mr-. Motley was
formerly resident of this valley, hav
ing worked several years for Mr. Beall,
iwd is well known to the old residents
Ciiamjed Hasps. The Hunter's
Emporium has changed Lands John
Miller having sold out to Fred Otten,
the latter taking Kssession lastThurs
tiay. Mr. Oiten will continue to keep
a full line of guns, cutlery, tools of all
kinds, lamps and a general assortment
ot khelf hardware, and says he will
not bo undersold by any other house
in lowri. We besjieak for him a lib
cral patronage.
ScnooL Election. The electien in
this district was sliinly attended on
Monday, only twenty-eight voters be
ing present. Dr. Win. Jackson re
reaving twenty one votes for director
ad takes the place of S. J. Day for
the next three years. J. H. Huffer
was re-elected clerk for the ensuing
year, having no opposition. The finan
ce of llio district -were leported in u
Ycry satisfactory condition.
The Ashland Biudge. The county
court invite proposals for the construc
tion of the Ash'and 1 rHge lat lr di s
troyod by tlie freshet. The (.fieri fica
tious call for the erection of a very
substantial structure and the plan will
no doubt be acceptable to the Axhland
folks. Although it might not look so
well it certainly should be covetd as
experience shows that a covered bridge
xviH last twice as long xs one exposed
lo the weather.
Plenty of Cattle. Roht, Taylor
rlio has been buying cattle in Jose
pbine county for Jesse D. Carrrejj'
..turned hre on Tuetday having por
ofiased'ovcr .500 he.vl, rangiiiz" from
oneto three years old. They will be
driven to the Luke country as soon as
the roads are in fair condition, proua
bly early in April. Mr. Taylor re
kh-U plenty of cattle in Josephine
county but bays holders are afraid not
to ask enourh for them.
Goon Cutlery. Ifanv one wants
a No. 1 bread, kitchen, hunting or
butcher knife that will not litnd or
break they should try tlfo-.e made by
Jasper Chapman of Williams creek.
Our butchers have tried them and say
they are sujierior to any imported ar
ticle and they are much cheajier. He
makes knives for every puqose, from
thinning- elephants to peeling a potato,
and home industry ought to b encour
aged. The bread knife is just th
thing needed bv even housen ife.
No Railroad News. Nothing new
can le ollered to the readers of the
Sentinel on railroad matters this
week. A gentleman from Portland
who has lieen carefully watching rail
road movements is of opinion that all
depends on the action of the narrow
guoge company and if it is absorlied
by the combination no road will be
built through this valley. Otherwise,
if the Scotch comiany refuse to sell
the connection will lc made between
Roseburg and Redding. The same
gentleman thinks ihat ninety days will
iettle our railroad probabilities defi
nite! v.
An Oregon Counterfeiter Par
noNEn. President Hayes on the 3d
inst. issued a pardon for young Hicks,
of Tehama county, California, who is
now in k .Cssgon jenitentiary for
passing counterfeit money. The appli
xation for pardon was presented by
Representative Berry. Hicks will be
remembered as having been one of the
gang of counterfeiters sentenced from
this county several years ago, another
having been killed by the Sheriffs
posse. They attempted to pass their
Iwgus coin in Jacksonville but it was
w clumsy that no Chinaman would
take it. If Hicks can do no better in
the counterfeiting business he will not
be dangerous at large.
Artesian Wells. We hear that
Hon. M. C George has been asked to
secure, if possible, part of the appro
priation for the sinkiug of artesian
wells west of the 100th meridian, for
the puqose of sinking a well on the
great desert between Lake Albert and
Camp Harney. This desert is an im
inense tract nearly eighty miles wide
and would be most valuable for graz
ing if it were not entirely without
water. Mr. George will do his liest
but success is doubtful as the appropri
ation is small If he does notsucceecd
he should have such a. statement of
the necessities of that region from
those interested as will strengthen his
efforts next winter and there is little
doubt of success then.
Notice what Mrs. Bilger hki to say.
St Patrick's Day next Thursday.
Look out for Fred Otten'a new ad
next week.
Dr. Aiken has two desirable rooms
to rent, ch"e&Y-
Fred Furry is again employed at the
Hunter's Emporium.
G. Karewski expects lo start for the
Eastern States tomorrow.
Fred Luy can supply yon with
masks for the Einlracht ball
C C Kuhey, a;ent for Frank Bros.,
left for the North tbis week.
A printer travelling on horse-back
paid Jacksonville a visit last week.
Little ii Chase received a new brand
of cigars this week. Sample them.
"Ham" Y oilers, of Ashland, paid
Jacksonville friends visit last Sun
day. Drummers can not do better than
by calling on W. J. Plymale for their
Wm. Worlow attends to the wants
of tho thirsty at the Eagle Sample
Roonisl -
S. P. Hanna has been laid up for a
week past with a severe attack of rheu
matism. Joe Solomon has something to say
to those indebted to him in. another
A. D. Helman and son were in town
last Sunday to attend the funeral of
Jacob Ish.
J. 11. Weler has located at Wyan
dotte, Kansas, and reports times flour
ishing there.
Jay Beach's fine stallion Altamont
will be kept at Linkville during the
coming season.
Elder M. Peterson will preach at the
M. E Church, at 11 a. m., to-morrow
the 13th inst.
Frank Kasshafer has purchased Mat
Dillon's saloon and now asks his friend
to drop in and sec him.
J. E. Beggs, the boss freighter of
Rogue river valley, is on his way to
Roseburg with his teams.
E. D. Foudray has gone to -Lake
county on a business trip uud will be
absent a couple of weeks.
The latest victim of the measles is
Mat Olieiicbaiu, but we are pleased to
state that he is improving.
The latest railroad news can be
found at Hirkhead's where tquare
meals can be had for 25ds.
Col. Stone and Wm. Carll were in
town this week looking after the inter
ests of the O. ii C. Stage Co.
XL Hanlev end sons are purchasing
a large band of cattle which they pro
pose driving to Lake county soon.
i Jsckson countv is tha 9th countv in
the slate as to imputation, ha' iiig 81 GO
inhabitants. Josephine is the 19th.
IL F. Phillips and Capt. I. D. Ap
plegute lrft Ashland this week for u
-hort business trip to the Sandwich
The Yreka Tribune savs some young
boys liavr again been caught smoking
opium in Yreka and advises the Mar
shal to stop it
Both James A. Wilson and his son
Jimmy have been quite ill for some
time past but are now both reported
us convalescent.
Rev. M. A. Williams will preach in
Ashland to-morrow a. 11 A. m., and at
Eagle Point, at the same hour, on Sun
day March 20th.
Win. Miller has resigned his osition
as warden of the State penitentiary
Tt-ll it not again in Galh that Demo
crats never resign.
Prof. L. L. Rodgers and LaDru
Royal of Ashland College, were in
town on Saturday attending the fun
eral of Katie Jones.
Hon. B, F. Dowell will start fur
Salem in a few days to attend the Su
preme Court in the case of Thomas
Smith vs. Caro fc Baum
Ham Wolters and the Misses Millie
Yining, Mollie Russel and Katie Chit
wood, of Ashland, spent several days
in Jacksonville last week.
Rev. D. A. Crowell has gone to
Portland to attend a convention of
ministers and laymen, which met on
the 9th and lOthof this month.
The peach and almond trees in Jack
onville3ire in full bloom, and pre-riii
a beautiful appearance. So much for
a mild climate and an early spring.
The entertainment for the benefit of
Prof. Scott is postponed until Saturday
evening, 2Gth inst., on account of do
lay in procuring a play in time for re
hearsal. Our amateur dramatic troupe visited
Ashland last evening for the puoM
of repeating the play, '-Fruits of the
Wine Cup" for the benc5t of our Ash
:and neighbors.
Pocahontas Tribe, Imp. O. of R. M.,
will give a splendid ball and super in
Jacksonville on Miy 12th and tho lwll
goers will hold themselves ia readiness.
Programme next week.
The rejiort that John Miller was go
ing to leave Jacksonville is premature,'
to say the least. He says' Jacksonville
suits him well enough and he- proKses
remaini ng a w hile longer.
A little boy only ten years of ase
was shot in the head by a stray rifiV
ball, at Oroville, a few davs since. The
bullet lodged in the child's brain and
he is not likely to recover.
Bishop E. 0. Haven of the Metho
dist Episcopal Churcri, nnrw a resident
of Jan rrancisco, wi'l visit Oregon this
spring. He will spend sometime iu this
vallev, principally in Ashland,
H. 6. Hill, Mayor of Ashland, and
P. Lyttleton, Road Supervisor for that
'district were in attendance on the
Coqnty Court this week in the interest
of the new bridge to be built across
Ashland creek.
Two picks, an axe and buck saw
were stolen from the raining claim of
Frank and Bernard Lorrane last Thurs
day night The guilty party is kn6wn
and unless the property is returned at
once trouble will Commence.
All of the newly electeA town offi
cials but E D. Fouilray, who is absent
in Lake county, were sworn in last
Monday liight The election of a
Street Corrttriissi6ner has been iostpon
ed until tifter Mr. Foudray's return.
Mr. Chapman of Linkville has pur
chase! the steam engine, boiler and
shafting, formerly used in Smith's car
penter shop, and will shortly remove
them to Linkville, to furnish motive
power for his furniture establishment
at that place.
We are informed of the death of
David Covert, a near relative of Dr.
D. A. Covert And & native of Ohio,
which took placf recently in Sonora,
Mexico. The deceased ww about 40
years of age aiid was engaged in min
ing speculations.
Read ths resolution of respect adopt
ed by Victory Council, C. of H., dn the
death -of Mivs Katie Jones on the out
side of this issue, and also those adopt
ed by Jacksonville Ixdge No. 10, I.
O. O. R, on the death of Jacob Ish,
on the same page.
The Lakeview Herald takes a very
hopeful view of railroad matters, not
withstanding the failure of the first
contractor and predicts that the road
from Reno will speedily bn built, and
advises those who can see no benefit in
railroads to "move Bn."
The many friends of J. C. Overbed
will lie glad td learn that he has re
ceived the appointment of assistant
operator in Walla Walla W. U. Tele
graph office. Joe is a good boj ai. , a
first class ojerator and will duly np
predate his good luck by rendering
good service.
The duration of the icy winter in
the States four mouths without any
KTceptible letup will induce thous
ands of people to seek a more hospita
ble climate. This coast may look for
a big immigration next season. Let
them come; plenty of room in the
great Northwest
Wide AwAkk for 1 881. Send for
our new price list for Spring and Sum
mer. Note the reduction in all lines,
dry uoods, clothing, lioots, shoes, etc.,
ready for distrib-ition March 1st mail
ed free. Address, Rwl House Tradr
Union, Sacramento, Cal., the great one
price house of the coast
The crop outlook is yet by no means
flattering. The continued broken
wrather is keeping the ground so moist
that fanners find it difficult to get in
their seed and it hardly seems possible
thst the usual acreage will be put in.
It is anticipated that the fruit crop
ill be unusually laq,e.
George Brown will start next week
for Albany with Stephenson's fine stal
lion "Sir Walter" where he will re
main several months. This is one of
the best horses in Oregon and he will
bo missed among the raisers of fine
stock in this valley. Sir Walter has
already made a season in Albany.
At the Executof's sale of property
belonging to the estate of Ui S. Hay
den, deceased, Chas. Nickell purchased
the Drum property on California street
for $900, C. J. Howard Iwught the 40
acres of land near Eagle Point for $50,
ami C. C. Bcekinan bought the mining
projerty near Grant's Pass for $15.
It is said that in Switzerland, if a
jierson apjtear for the third time in
public in a state of intoxication they
are disfranchised. If this could be
done in Amrrica it might deter a few
from alcoholic excesses but the general
ity of the old "stifis" would swill to
drunkenness if the devil himself he!d
the bottle.
The New Orleans Christian Advo
cate says: "Forty thousand murders
liave been committed in the Southern
States since the war," and culls upon
"the pulpit and the press to denounce
ihe barluirous custom of carrying dead
ly vveajionK." The practice should be
stopped, especially iti cities and towns,
for it is only carried on by would be
murderers or cowards.
While we read daily the accounts of
heavy snow storms and excessive cold
in the east it is pleasant to look around
and see the fields and hills carjieted
with green, fruit trres bursting into
bloom and wild flowers and shrubs till
ing the air with frrgrance. This is
not noted as extraordinary in Southern
On-gon, but simply in contrast to the
severity of the season in other locali
ties. The career of Hon. L. F. Lane as
editor of the Jlosehurg Star was bril
liant but brief For" a fortnight the
Star illuminated the journalistic hori
son like a meteor, but on the retire
ment of the new editor it has a"ain
fnllen to the position of a "nasty roid."
It is susected that Lafayette discover
ed that the days of a newspaper man
were short and foil of trouble and
newspaper glory only a thing on paper.
The various postmasters on the mail
route liet ween Jacksonville and Cres
cent City have joined in a request to
the 2d Assistant Postmaster General,
that R. M. Garrett, the contractor, be
allowed full pay on account of his
praisworthy efforts to carry the mails;
and that there be no stoppages, on ac
count of failures during January and
February. This is onlv justice as any
delays were on account of impassable
streams and Garrett carried the mails
at times when he could not be reason
ably xpected to do so. We trust the
request wil be granted,.
Cat SiUanSJof Sterling creek
picked up a pJJw gold last week,
while groVnd s?6JBfag, that weighed
about $20. m
A. slij&t depositee! snow on the high
ranges during tbejweek will increase
the water supply materially in the late
spring months. '
The Schumpftonnel it Willow
Springs is now inj225 feet "and in very
hard rock, with 75jfeet to go Vet be
fore the ledge will'be reached.
A land slide destroying a portion of
the dit:h carryinjfjwater to the Brbee
& Newman mine iaj Josephine county
occurred last weekit damages have
been repaired and piping resumed.
It is said that gold has been discov
ered In the SteinMonntain region on
the extreme eastern border of Oregon,
but tha statement docs not seeni to be
well authenticated. Stein's mountain
is rather in the silver than in the gold
belt ;,;
Mines have beea( discovered about
three niilesnorth ofjhe mouth of Chetco,
river, in Curry county that will pay
from $5 to $8 ertiy to the hand. The
diggings are supposed to be in an old
sea beacu and tbe.UKCOveren are mucl:
i snr
CiCllCU. V2.
Capt Alex:i.'Anteny, the fortun
ate owner of nearly' the whole of the
Sterling hydralic mine, is now in
charge during SuptEnnis' temporary
absence. He informs us that already
tndre cubic yaids of gravel have been
moved than were washed away last
The Mobe of .tat Ion.
Next Thursday will be the natal an
niversary of Ireland's patron saint and
it will come to a people full of sorrow
and sadue&s to a country that sits in
tears like tha Niobe of Nations. How
long will it be sol How long will a
race that has been prodigal of its own
blood in all causes save its own, that
has.ititused its genius and valor into
every civilization, be only an object of
the world's sympathy or the world's
charity t There is no fairer spot on all
God's fair earth than Ireland, jet no
ieopIe so unhappy as the Irish. Win
this is so, is a strange problem, com
iosed wholly of unknown quantities
that the wisest are uua jle to solve. It
cannot be the fault of the iieople nur
of their religion for, transplanted from
their native land they at once take
rank in the highest pursuits of man
kind by the free exjatisioii of iuteilci. 8
that have graced the world's highest
places wherever the Irish race hate
oeeu free to compete and by the force of
Irish valor wherever freedam needed
swords, than which there have been
none keener or brighter. It is a burn
ing shame that this gallant people
should forever stand in ihe attitude oi
the mendicants of Christendom. It
their cause is hopeless against superior
force, the money sent to assist in use
less agitation wqultMieJ better-spent in
enabling'- them" .to; reach our sliuren,
l. ringing with'them, if they will, the
tradition of what they havo b-eu and
tae burp that, too long, has only chord
ed with songs, the saddest the wuild
has ever heard. 'Ihey will leave be
hind them gaunt famine, and in a land
where they are more than welcome
they need weep uu more.
Good Effect. The enforcement of
the city ordinance requiring boys to be
home at 7 o'clock every evening, has
met with good results already, as the
streets are clear of them, when the
must mischief is done. Besides bene
lilting the community, such regulation
is still better for the boys, which they
caunot fail to appreciate in future
years. It keeps theui from strolling
into opium dens, gambling hells, and
other places of v ice, into which they
are lured, unless closely watched by
parents, and once started on the down
grade, they acquire habits they cannot
lecover from, sucn as gambling, drink
ing to excess and smoking opium.
The bell was tapped at the hour des
ignated, Thursday evening, for the
first time, the boys scattering home
ward except a few who accepted the
invitation of the Marshal to go also,
under ienalty of being arrested.
Yreka Journal.
Couxtv Commissioner's Court.
The regular March term of this court
was held at the ClerkV office last Wed
nesday and Thursday a full board pres
ent with the exception of Judge Day,
who is still on the sick list The fol
lowing are the proceedings:
Conrad Mingus was. appointed Road
Supervisor; vice Jacob'lsh, deceased.
Samuel Furry recrretl tho npjioint
nient of Sheep Inspector for Jackson
Petition of Frank D. Bowers and
others to vacate road in Ashland pre
cinct beginning on North side of Bejr
creek, adjoining the farm of R. B. Har
gadine and running thence N. E.
through Bowers' farm toward lino be
tween lands of Lindsey Applegate and
said Bowers. Petition grained.
Within the next month about 2,000
head of cattle will be driven to the
rich pasturage in the Klamath basin,
from Jackson and Josephine counties.
The mortality among cattle in the
Klamath region, last season, is not yet
made up by the increase and herders,
unwilling to see the fine bunch grass
waste are replenishing their herds from
here.- Prices range from $6 to $13 for
yearlings, two and three year olds.
After an absence of over four months
the genial face of Capt Alex P. Ank
eny was seen "in Jacksonville during
the week having come from Portland
to visit his Sterling property. Ho
was accompanied by his beautiful
sporting dog, his inseparable traveling
companion, and will sojourn at the mine
for a eek or two, resting while grow
ing rioh and happy.
The committee appointed by 'dre
goniatl Pocahontas Tribe No. 1, Imp.
O. R. M., to draft resolutions of re
spect to the memory of our deceased
Brother Jacob Ish, resieclfully submit
the following:
Whereas; It has pleased the "Great
Spirit" of the universe to remoye from
our midst, by death, our very worthy
and highly esteemed Brother, Jacob
Ish, calling him from our rugged
"Hunting Grounds" .here below, to
fairer ones above.
Therefore, as an expression of the
sentiment of the members of our order,
be it,
Resolved; That in the death of Bro.
Jacob lull, Oregoiiian Pocahontas Tribe
No. 1, Imp. O. U. M. has. lost a faith
ful and earnest supporter, society ah
honorable and useful member, and
our county one of its most respected
and enterprising citizens.
Resolved; That we deeply sympa
thise with the afflicted family 'of our
deceased Brother, called so suddenly
to mourn the departure of one ever
kind and affectionate, and may He, in
whose eye is pity, and whose heart is
love, assuage the sorrow and heal the
wound made by his untimely death.
And while we fully appreciate the in
effcieticy of our poor condolence ..to
sooth their extreme -anguish, 'et .we
tender them our fraternal commisera
tion and heartfelt sorrow in their sad
and melancholy bereavement
Resolved; That these resolutions be
entered upon the records of Oregonian
Pocahontas Tribe, that a copy be pre
sented to the family of our deceased
Brother, and also bo published in our
City newspapers.
Reso'ved; Thai the charter be draped
in mourning and that the members
wear the usual badge for thirty davs.
Sol Wise,
J. G. BiRbSEY, J- Com.
C. W. Savage, j
tx 3iuioi:iui.
Hall of Ruth Rebekah Degree
Lodge No. 4, I. O. 0. F., Jackson
ville, March 7, 1881.
Whereas, It Ins pleased the Su
prcme Ruler of the Universe ton-move
from our midst by death our worthy
.ind esteemed brother, Jacob Ish, there
fore, as an expression of the sentiment
of the members of our lodge, be it
Resolved; That in tho death of Bro.
Jacob Ish, Ruth Rebekah Degree Lodge
No. 4 has lost an earnest supporter, so
ciety a useful me.nlcr and valuable
Resolved; That wc drrply sympathize
with the afflictid filtnily of our de
ceased brother, called so suddenly to
mourn the death of one who iu his ie
bilious with them as liubaud and fath
er, has been faithful, kind and affec
donate, and whose life has been a con
stant assurance of support and prbtec
tion. And while vve acknowledge the
inefficiency of our poor condolence to
sootho their anguish, we tender them
our fraternal commiseration in their
melancholy bereavement
Chas. W. Savage,
Joseph II. Hvzek,
Mks. 1v. Kuuli, -Com.
Mrs. W. J. Plymale,
Chris. Ulrich,
rtlncral nf.larob lib.
On Sdndav last the many friends
of the late Jacob sh followed the
remains to their last resting place in
our beautiful cemetery and paid the
Ust sad tribute that can be paid by
the living to tho dead. The funeral
sermon was deliverd by Rev. M. A.
Williams, the remains having been re
ceived at the Church bv the memberr.
of the I. O. O. F. and "imp. 0. cf R.
M, the deceased having been an hon
ored member of both societies. After
the services in the church the procession
moved to the cemetery, the following
members of Jacksonville Lodge I. O.
O. F., F. M. Plymale, Jos. Hyzer and
M. Mickleson together with E. D.
foudray, C. W. Savage and D. C.
Cronemiller appointed by the Imp. O.
of R. M. as pall bearers. Notwith
standing the change in the time, two
hours earlier thin announced, tho
hearse was followed by over six hund
red people, it being the largest funeral
ever seen here. At the grave, the
simple and impressive services of the
two societies were performed and many
a silent ami sad farwell was taken of
one who has for twenty years filled
o large a place in this community.
Jacob Ish has left a void that will be
hard to fill. Full of public spirit and
tho broadest charity he worked for
others rather than for himself and
many a recipient of his generosity will
feel his loss. So, one by one, the old
and .substantial citizens are passing
away and if we are all judged as lightly,
as we feel the friend who has just gone,
will be, we will bo fortunate indeed.
Tnn Last Farewell. On Satur
urday last, which was one of tho most
beautiful dnys of the season, the re
mains of little Katie Jones were laid
away where agn and youth alike await
the coining. The Champions of Honor
ui tended in their regalia and the school
children of the ' district marching iu
procession paid the last tribute of affec
tion to their little companion. Ser
vices were held at tho residence by
Rev. L. L. Rogers and at the grave the
simple burial service of the Champions
of Honor was impressively performed
and tho weary child that had waited so
ling for the Invisible, was at rest
The shock is most severe to thp afflict
ed parents who have the sympathy of
tlipcommunity but theirs is a burden
all humanity have borne and must bear
without understanding why.
The ronlractors on the N. & O. R.
R. have filed a lien on the works of
that corioration, to secure the pay
mrnf. of some $5,320. It takp.s money
t6 build railroads, and it is to be hoped
that the N. & O. will not bo a "flash
in the pan." Lrkeview Examiner.
Tho following statement of the af
fairs of Jacksonville schooljlistrict for,
the year ending March 1st, 1381, was
presented by the Clerk ou Monday
llalance on hand March 1, 1SS0. $1,12.") 83
Received from County Treasurer- Si8 00
Delinquent school tax from Sh'lT 24 50
Kate-bill and tuition 9G9 90
District tux ,. 1,192 11
Total receipts $4,130 33
J.W.Merritt,servicesasteachcr.fl,200 00
H. U. Fleming, do .. 4SG 0-1
Levi illits, do . . 293 00
Chas. Prim, do .. 540 00
Miss Belle Carr, do .. 375 00
Janitor's frcs (a rjO
Wood, hauling and sawing 205 50
S.J. Day, sundries....- 5 00
Ed-mitii, labor and material.. 20 30
ILS. Dunlap, do .. 13 00
Keames Bros, sundries 9 13
Kd. Watson, making transcript.. 1 50
G. Karewski, brooms 1 00
Insurance on school housc,3yrs.. G3 5(
Transferred back to organtund.. 23 00
Globes, etc '. 34 83
Kahler fc Bro., sundries G 23
T). Linn, labor and material 19 10
Mrs. A. ililger, stove, etc 32 00
II. Judse, erasers 4 50
Cuas. Nickell, printing 8750
E. (M!rool9,ch;dk 2 50
llcnrv Klippcl, transcript 123
J. IL'llufTcr, services asClvik.. 185 04
Whole amount disbursed.. .$3,5S0 7G
Receipts 54,120 33
Disbursements 3.5S0 "G
Balance on hand $ 549 57
J. II. HUFFER, Clerk.
Jacksonville. March 1, 1881.
It, m
The following cases from this Dis
trict nrc first on the Supremo Court
decket for tlm March term:
Thai. Smith, respondent, vs. Simon
Caro anil Morris Ilium, appellants
Appeal from Jackson county; contin
ued from last term.
J. W. Manning, respondent, vs.
Henry Klippel, appellant Appeal
from Jackson countv.
KNIGHT Tn Slate creek precinct,
March i, 1881, to the wife of J. I.
Knight, a daughter.
MAYER In Ashland, Febuary 24,
1SS1, to tho wife of M.Mayer, a
TALLENT On Wasner creek. Feb-
ruary 25, 18S1, to tho wife of A. P.
Tallent, a daughter.
RADFORD In Ashland. March 1st,
1881, to the wife of J. W. Radford
twins, both girls. ,
HAYS At Rock Point.March 7,1881,
to tho wife of J. W. Hays, a daugh
ter. T1CE In Willow Springs district.
March 3.1, 1881, to the wife of Fied
Tice, a daughter.
COOK On Gall's crek, Feb. 4th.
18S1, to the wife of T. B Cook, a
SQUIRES KILG011E-At the res
idence of the officiating clergyman,
Rev. M. A. Williams, March G,
1881, Alexander FoibeS Squires to
Miss Josie Kilore all of this
- residence of the bridegroom's moth
er, by E B. McKee, J. P., Alex.
Enyart and Ellen I. Morrison.
Those knowing themselves
indebted to Airs. J. Bilger, on
book account, will come for
ward and settle immediately.
The" firm has changed hands
and nli old accounts must be
settled. MRS. J. BILGKK.
Those knowing themselves indebted to
the undcrsij'ucd hy look account or note
sic requested to come forward and settle
y the 15th of April, 1SSI, as my busincM
must be squared up by Ihat time. Those
interested will save costs by sodding, as an
attorney will then become the collector.
Woodville, March 8, 1S31.
Dissolution of Partnership
and rinal Call.
NOTirE is hereby jrivcn that the firm
of Barneburg Sc Kincaid is this day
dissolved ly mutual consent, A. Barne
burg conliuiiing the business. All those
Knowing themselves indebted to said
linn will pletse conic forward and settle
forthwith, with cither cash or note, as we
ruuit have a linal settlement.
Jacksonville, March 10, 1831.
U. S. Lasd OrncE, Boskbcro, On., )
March l, 1S3I. f
Notice is hereby given that George
Yandes whose post oflice address is Sterl
ingville, Jackson County, Oregon, has this
day filed his application lor a patent for
N 'i ofN n' i4 ofN E if and S W 14 of
N W if of the N E if. Sec. 4, in T SO, a of
R 2 U , containing 31 50-100 acres situated
in .-terliugville mining district uunty of
Jacksou and State of Oregon The location
and deeds of purchase from prior owners
of the above tract ot mining land is re
corded in book 1), records of deeds of
Jackson ounty, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
any itortiou oi'ilie nlnive described placer
mining claim nrc hereby required to tile
their adverse claim with the Register of
the United States Land Oflice at ltoseliurg
Oregon, during the oixty days period of
puhlicalion hircol, or they will be Barred
by virtue of the provisions of the Salutes.
It is hereby ordered thai the foregoing
notice of application for patent be pub
lished for the period of sixty days, (ten
consecutive weeks), in the Okeoox Sen
tinel a weekly newsiipcr published at
Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon.
Wm. F. BmwAitlN.Resuter.
Pitcher's -
Moticra LUro and Piyilolaa.
rocommvuil It.
the "World's great Pain-Ro-licvinjj
remedies. They heal,
soothe mid euro Burns,
Wounds, "Weak Back arid
Rheumatism upon Sinn, mid
Sprains, Galls and Lameness
xpoa Beasts. Cheap, quick
and reliable.
CPTTCIT3 ofdl-cntTlricTl.
SnuiUes, Crackling Pciics In-t ao
Koad, XoUd Ercatli, Eoagicci,
and any CatorrLal Cosn-32int,
can bo exterminated ly 'TVcl'Eo
Meyer's Catarrh Cuxo, a Const!
tatlona! Antidote, by Absorp
tion Tho most ImnnrtAnt Cls
boTery sinoo Vaccination.
argaw.1 - --?'
aires by-
Monday Eve, April 18, (881.
OPENING of the ball hy polanaUa at
'J o'clock r. si. sharp, by Ihe Prince
or Carnival.
1. hoevcr is ticketed, stamped, mnaVod
and has money in his pocket, is admitted.
It they h.ive no spomlnlix they may bor
row 1mm some or their neighbors.
2. No siifpicious characters will be ad.
milled; and lor hoodlums and their kind
a dtteclive force will bo provided. Good
order will Ik maintained at any cost.
3. No smokin-r in tho ball room, so It
won't coup In smoke.
4. Masked persons will have the prefer
ence In all the dances before supper.
'5. Everybody must obey arliclcGth.
0. The judges will award the prizts for
the bes't liuly and gentleman character at
half past 11 o'clock.
7. Supper at 12 o'clock.
8. 'i ii.tjc "vho duire to go home'lefnre 4
o'clock iu the morning may do so, with or
without music, oa foot or in a carriage.
floor Vlanazprfti
Fhank Kassiiavhk, C. Nickkll, F. Lur
i:cett!un tomn'illlrc;
Dr. Veit -ciurrz, Chris Wistje,
Glo. II. Yocno.
Snppcr ConirtJlilcf ;
The best music the county aflbrds will
be provided. Supper will be arranged by
the ladies ol the .society.
Tlrkrli, fur Cent $1 JO, for Ijly ST
To be obtained of F. Luy or Fred. Groh,
and at the door on the evening of ball.
J5rThe committee have spared no
pains to make this the grandest affair of
the season, and hereby extend a gtnersj,,
invitation to the public.
i! LUY,
Committee of Akkangemkxt.
CSTMasks may bs obtained at Frtd.
Luy's store.
Cor. 3J and California Sts.,
-Jacksonville - - Ogn,
JANE HOLT, Proprietress.-
Trices Very' Moderate.-
ing completed lor occupancy, the un
dersigned lakes pleasure in announcing
Hint wc are prepircd to entertain the trav
eling public No pains- will be spared to
provide for the comfort of our guests and
to make thfin feel at home with us. The.
most modern improvements have been in
troduces!, and the accommodations of the
United States will not lag behind the best
appointed inhmd hotel on this coast. Our
bibles will always, ba supplied with tho
best the market ifffimW and served in the
best style by a corps ot obliging waiters.
The beds and bedding are all new and
lilted up iu the most comfortable stylt,
sttilcd to the accommodation of single oc
cup.ints or families. JANE HOLT.
Jacksonville, 3Iarr.li 5, 1881.
Dress goods 12 J cents at tha New
York Store.