Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 12, 1881, Image 3

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laa3 CSrc at K-tbwrz. 05-l
Jilt 30, IKS, J
Ye AH TTlina It mjij- Ccnrrrai
IM)k It torrrtj- flree. that I liavr tlests-
Uic CEUO rvnFL u thr paprr
la. which I hall krrraRrr paltllih all pr
aaaiav haaarslrad and application
fr aalalax palrat far landt Ijlas ttrar
laakaaarlllr, JarVsaa caantj", Orrjam.
rr. F. BE 4 IHI, Brslttrr.
PKEAcnivo. Rev. D. A. Crow ell Trill
preach at the M. 2. Church, Jaclcson
rille, at 11, a. ., Feb. 20th, 1SS1.
Subject: "TLe Institution and Support
of Sunday Schools." Special invitation
extended to parents ana guardians.
Examining Sukgkox. Dr. G. H.
Aiken, of this place, has receired his
commi.sioa as examining, surgeon of
the Pension Bureau for this district.
Parties must procure an order from the
Commissioner of Pensions, for examina
toon before presenting themselves to the
Mectiso Postpoxed. On account
' tittd condition of the roads and
toe importance of full delegations to
transact business of die next session,
aotd of certain important, business that
can better be regulated at a later dale;
the next session of Southern Grand
Council, C of IL, is iostponed until
In.lav, April 22d, 1SSI.
J. .. CARD WELL, G. W. C.
A. Q Jokes, G. S.
NEVADA, AM) Obegox Road. II. L.
"W. Knox has twenty-eight men at
work on the first section of the Nevada
and Oregon railroad, grading according
to contract. The nien are now em
ployed on a heavy filling beyond Evans"
slaughter house, near Reno, ou the
line of Uie Central Pacific, and good
progress is being made. The trestle
wort Is under way, and the timber are
fitting up Ih the yard at the Jejot.
The tirst trestle will 1" pot In place
xboct a mile and a half from Ren a
TnE Storm. This time it is in Cal
ifornia, that wonderful country whov
Italian climate arc the theme of tune
f ul poets, that has caught a Wrenching.
Jn some places the water has been high
r than ever before known and the
lowest estimate put on the proliablc
damage is a million dollars. Travel,
xcept by water, has Ix-en seriously in
terrupted by the loss of bridges and
-washing away of railroad tracks. Thr
immense rainfall will, however, Insure
a heavy crop next year and couijien
eate in a measure for the losses.
Caxixe Sagacity. Our next door
lieirhlMr Xick Ficke has a most sagac
ioua dog in his bultshershop; a faithful
uanliRn of his master's interests.
Thr. other day he picked. up a jmodle,
earned him two blocks, dejiosited him
in the ruud and returned to the sliop
-with a twinkle iu his eye, as mucli as
to say IvV done it." Kick wss a
little anyrj, L rouse the poodle be
longed to a customer, but his dog took
him back to the sausage machine and
convinced him that a fear that the
'-ood" might fall into it prompt el him
in remove him. Kick's dog Is e ident
ly jealous of die good name of hi
siaktera sausages.
Real Estate Transactions. The
following are the tranractlons in real
estate since our last rejort:
Three U. S. patents -were recorlel
for Lucerne Bradley and one for Y.
A. Chlldersi.
Jay Bradley to S. A. Carleton 159
acres land. Consideration, $$00.
T. T. McKenae to Louis&na J. Sav
age, proerty in Jacksonville. Con
sideration, $200.
Lewis Jk Larkin HcDanlel to Joseph
JIarsh 174 acres land on Botte creek.
Consideration, $1,3S0-
A. M. Spickrlmler to S. T. Robert
son, lot in AJdand. Consideration
$41 50.
Mail Tuornix. There Is a strong
probability that mail service on the
wrote from Ashland to Lakeview
will be intcrropted for some time It
appears that 11 untlcy, the original con
tractor, has failed, conveniently, finding
that the contract at his bid is a losing
business. 2ow it remains to le seen
whether sufficient security for the jer
f ortnance of the contract was given by
Huntley. If it was not, the Postal
authorities are to blame; and if it was
-girea-tlie Department vhoald force the
suieties to come right up to the scratch
acd carry the mails to the last minute.
This is a matter that might well attract
the attention of or representatives in
"Washington, and we venture to say
that If the law was enforced rigorously
in a few instances, diere would be
more stability in die mail service.
Comiissioxnu's Com-. The regular
February term of Commissioner's court
was held at the Clerk's office on
Wednesday and Thursday of this week
and transacted the following business:
Road Supervisors "W. C Miller of
District Ko. 35, Geo. W. Stephenson
of No. 4, and John E. Ross of No. 5,
xnade their annual reports which were
examined and accepted.
In regard to die building of a new
bridge accross Rogue river on the
Bytce ferry and Fort Klamath road,
B. C Goddard was apoInted superin
tendent of construction with authority
to receive bids until March Sth at one
o'clock r. sl
Action on the petition of 6 citizens
of Ashland asking for the building of
& new bridge in place of the one washed
out was postponed for the present nn
til an estimate of its cost is made and
also to find out how much the town or
citizens of that place are willing to
subscribe for its construction.
A large amount of bills were audi
ted and warrants ordered drawn.
Candidates for Marshal are numer
ous. Dr. "Will Jackson has gone to Ash
land on professional business.
Thousands of articles for sale at the
New York Store at cost rates. t
Circuit Court and St, Valentine's
Day commence next Monday.
Mark Van. Winkle has resumed his
position as horseshoer for the O. iC.
Stage Co.
The Excelsior livery stable is always
supplied with excellent teams and sad
dle horses.
Ce j. King of Big Butte says there
are plenty of fat cattle on the range in
his locality.
We are glad to note that Sherifi
Bybee is again on the streets in greatly
improved hcaltc.
A diree year old son of Mr. and
Mr. Lewis Orme, of Foot's creefc, died
on the 30th ult
Birkhead continues to furnish the
best the market affords and only charg
es 25 cents per meal.
"Wm. Deniff returned from San Fran
cisco via Portland last Monday night
after an eventful trip.
Out of $1,200 school tax to be col
lected School Clerk Iluffer only turned
overcTl as 'lelinqucnt to the Sheriff.
The wire cable at Reeds ferry across
the Sacramento near Redding was
broken and carried away by the flood.
No wonder it storms in Yreka
die Journal will persisit in flavoring
the air with a lim'ourger cheese adver
tisement. The United States salmon hatching
establishment on the McCloud river, ai
the crossing of the stage road, has been
tntirely destroyed by the flood.
An undertaker in Missouri offers to
burj printers at half price. We vv ill
be more generous and publish his obit
uary for nothing send it along.
A social party will be given by Prof.
Scott's string band at the Club Room
on the evening of St. Valentine's day.
Even body is imited; tickets, SI.
Mr. Wm. Ruble, of Cayote creek,
has been in town attending a suit aliout
his mining property and will probably
remain until the adjournment of court.
Morris Marks, brother-in-law of E
Jacobs, will arrive here from Portland
to-day. He has some intention of 10
catiug here and opening a tailor shop.
Col. Wheat has been apKinled land
agent of the Oregon IL R. Co. (limited)
at Portland. It maj' be inferred thai
die company have wheat lauds for
The work of removing the reef at
the entrance of Yaquina Bay is to be
proceeded with at once, a goveriimmit
engineer being there now for that pur
Circus at the link to-night admit
tance free and no collection. Our
friend Jim Birdtye padded with a bug
gy cushion w ill apicar as die fairy on
H. C and Warren Howard were ar
rested lbi week on a charge of assault
and battery on Jos. H. DaIs. The
trifcl wili lake place before Justice Iluf
fer to-day.
The North Pacific R. R. Co. expect
to employ 4,000 Chinee laborers next
summer. They will have to draw
heavily on the Chinese population of
San Francisco.
The Yreka Journal of Wednesday
says there Is little prosjtect of getting
any mails from tielow for a week to
come, owing to the damaged condition
of the railroad.
Fred Otten returned, from his trip
to Germany on Mondas stage after an
alisence of about six months. S
KoRster, who acoonianied him, re
inained in die old country.
Rev. Mr. Williams will preach at
Phoenix today and to morrow at 11 ..
Jt., and in JacfcsoviUe in the evening.
He wil hold services at Eagle Point on
Sunday, the 20th, at 1 A. M.
Elder M. Peterson's appointments
for 1SS1: 1st Sunday in each month at
Mound district school house: 2d Sun
day at Lone Oat; 3d Sunday at Wil
low Springs; 4 th Sunday at Eagle
John Bolt of Ai'idepiTe lost a val-
malil wt- M Terl,- ,?.! fvii Inn
-...,.. v.v .. ..,n-.. ...,..-... ..b
fever. John Lathrop was sent for to
treat the animal bat it was too late.
; The disease must be taken in time to
be cured.
Five more gentlemen, Jeff Crov,
Geo. Elliott, Ad. HeWP. D. Hulland
J. A. Lousi-jnont ofier themselves for
Marshal. This with Steve Hubliard
makes six and it is hard to tell w ho
jrill get diere first
Thieves have been replenishing their
wardrobes from differeut clothes lines
around town of late and have succeed
ed in getting considerable clean linen.
No clue has et been found as to who
the parties are.
The following additional Road Su
pervisors were appointed at the Febru
ary term of Commissioner s Court:
District No. 35, L. Herling; No. 4,
Jaco"b Walz; No. 5, Jacob Ish; No. 16,
PeterSiiucn; No, 19, John Bolt
It is amusing to observe die use of
:he word "practical" in tailors' and
drcssmakersadeitisements. "ThcoreU
cal" artists of that class would leave
the world clothed as scantily as it was
before fig leaves came into fashion.
Now, that die Sacramento roads are
flooded, it would look a little like busi
ness, if the Postmaster of San Francis
00 would oblige the people ot isoutliern determination on tne part ot the mer
Oregon and Northern California by mantile comtnunitv to help the people
sending their letter mall by steamer to ' of the county who are unwilling to
Portland. From there it would reach
iBt by stage readily
No Southern mail received in Yreka
up to last night, and the time when
through connection will be made,
is amon: the things unknown.
The dam of Messrs. Klippel & Kea
ton, mining on Poorman's creek, was
washed out last week and will delay
ojierations in the mine for a short time.
The fine little garden ranch of Mr
Collins, at the mouth of Squaw creek,
was, we hear, comp'etely destroyed in
the breaking of the bulkheads in the
lakes above.
Those "oingto the inauguration ball
at Washington are out of luck in not
being able to get their transportation
from Plymale. Animals that board
at the Excelsior can never he .erauaded
to go elsewhere.
One of the children of J. PMcPan
iel gave his parents quite a scare this
week by suddenly disappearing. It
was thought the little fellow had fallen
in the well and a roe was procured,
but Le turned up all right
The demands for money! money!
money! to keep the Columbia clear are
so loud and incessant that it would,
perhsps, lie better to bring the Treas
ury West, turn the Columbia into it,
sluice it out and have done with it
The District School has again been
closed for an indefinite length of time
on account of the serious illness of the
Principal, Prof. Merritt We are
plwavd to 1 car of hii improvement,
however, under tli3 care of l)r. Aiken.
Little Billy Williams has lost his
shepherd dog and who ever has him
ought to return him. The dog is black
with 3el!owi.li white on breast and
answers to the name of "Rowdy."'
The child will be very grateful tor his
Tne genial Sikes Worden, sutler at
Ft, Klamath, w as in town in the earl)
part of the week and, it is said, was
"put through" by the Masonic chapter.
At least Sikes looked ery subdued
and Miys he will ncer select a gridiron
for his escutcheon.
Accounts from Eastern Oregon and
the Yakima country agi-ee in placing
the loss of cattle and sheep nearly as
high as last winter. Some of the stock
men in Waco count are reported to
have Io-t eighty per cent, but the losses
are probably exaggerated.
Cass McPlier-on, oldest son of W.
A. McPherson, living near Brigg's in
Josejihis' county cut his foot most
severely with an ax last woei vhile
chopping. The bit of the ax struck
the inst-p, almost hurrying itself and
making a lid wound.
We learn that none of the present
Iioard of trustees will lie candidates
for reelection. They say that they
prefer to be on the outside and take a
hand iu the "custing" themselves; not
iu a profanr sense though, as thev
want grumblers to know hoxv it is.
The Klamnth river rose S2 feet
nlwe low water inHrk during the last
storm at Slartin's ferrv. This iwint in
nhoot two niilrs lielow the mouth of
Trinity and in 18C2 the river rose 130
feet, there, carrying away a tine wire
Itridse that had just been completed.
State Superintendent Po'well has ap
pointed AJav, 20 and 21 for the holding
f a teachers institute for Jo'-ejdiiiK
county Wildervillfj Wing designated
as the jmiiit where it will convene.
The institute for this county will be
hekl in Ashland, Jluy 25, 26 and 27.
Among the badly damaged farms on
ApjJegate are thoe of Mr. Clemens
below Murphy creek, and Sain Cook
1m1ow Benedict's. The former is- ren
dered neaily valueless so that its on nei
intends abandoning it These parties
are worthy, industrious people and the
loss falls hrtav iiy on them.
Another effott is Wing msde in Con
gress for the establishment of a system
of government telegraphy. It should
1m- etnlt)ished or the Postal de'iartment
handed over to a corporation. Gov
ernment can manage telegraphy as
cheaply as it is done by the Erglish
Government which has made it a suc
cess. List week the indefatigable Garret
made another effort to reach Waldo
with the mails but found it impossible
to jwoceed- farther than Kerbyville on
account of high water. Bob has had a
hard time this vv inter and a law that
would impose a fine on him for not ac
complishing impossible things is most
The news from the different mining
camps contains nothing special. Min
ers aro generally working with full
hei-ds of water and salisCotl that the
storm Is over. Last week the Apple
gate company cleaned up having a sat
isfactary v ie'd hut the last freshet dam
aged their ditch considerably, but they
expect to be piping again soon.
The San Francisco Bulletin figures
the next Senate to stand 37 straight
Republicans and 37 straight Demo
crats, with Mahone of Virginia and
Davis of Illinois go as you plea-e joli
ticians. When the two latter vote one
way with either party, they mako a
majority, but should they divide Vice
President Arthur will be the majority.
The old road from Waldo to Ores
cent City is so badly damaged bv
washing, slides and loss of bridges that
it will lie imjtossible to haul over it
without an expenditure of money, suffi
cient to build half of the proposed new
road. The enquiries of our merchants
as to terms of landing freight etc. will
amount to nothing if we have to get
our goods to Waldo by pack mules.
The merchants here headed by Reanies
Bros, have asked Johnson fc Malone
what the lowest freight will be on
goods landed in Crescent City, but have
received no answer vet There seems a
help themsulv es. We will publish the
prospects when an answer is received.
Work is airain nroeressin? steadilr
at the Sterling hydraulicTnine, having
only been delayed a few days on ac
count of slides into xthejditch.
Bybee t Co. aro piping night and
day in Allen gulch, near Waldo, nnd
the prospcts indicate a very rich mine
and a Dig clean up.
TTih Simmons claim near Waldo is
again running as alsi the cliim of
Desells &. Co. ith presliects ot a hand
some yield in both claims.
J. W. Hays & Co. am washing off
large quantities of dirt.in their claim
across Rogue river having suffered but
little interruption from the storm.
The Coyote creek claim has been
very much benefited by the freshet,
the tailings that had accumulated for
years having been completely swept
The English fc Blue Gravel claims
on Galice creek are now tuning stead
ily again.
Nelson Ilcsmer, of Foot's creek, re
ports water plenty in that locality and
miners jubilant over their prospects of
an extended run.
All the miners on Ellio't creek have
been driven out of theijrclaims by the
freshet Sluices and 5chLate a'' C!ir'
tied away andclaims filled "up so that
no further work can be doiie at present
The Legion. Ihe attendance at the
meeting of the Legion of Honor last
Saturday ev ening w as v ery large, owing
to the announcement that Mr. Dillon
was to lie among the singers. The
whole programme was well carried out
and the double quartett "Sunrise" was
uotablv good. A solo hy Mr. Dillon
"Fneiids of my Youth,"' was sung wiih
artitistic taste and feeling and nothing
would satisfy the house but a reappear
ance. Mr. Dillon then sing '"Lurrv
O'Brien, accompanied by 31 r. Donegan
on the piano, and convuhed the audi
ence with laughter. The recitations by
Miss Annie Bilger, Miss Trim aud Miss
I'lvmale were excellent and, im'ce I the
efforts of all concerned were most cred
itable. Jame.s A. Canlvvell was again
elected President and apKinted Miss
Mspgie Linn, Mrs. Shipley and Miss
Annie Bilger as the committee to ar
range a programme for Siturday, Feb.
19th, when the next entertainment
will be given. The la to committee are
under special obligations to Mr. E. C
Rrof fcs, one of our most accomplished
v ocalits, for his assistance and to Mr.
Adam Klippol, for the strategetic man
ner in which he took up the collection,
commencing at tlie rear of the hall,
thus showing considerable experience
and a good knowledge of human nature.
Bi'LKHEAP Destroyed. The propri
etors of the Squaw Like mining prop
erty received information from W 111.
Brodb-ck, this week, that tlte bulk
heads at the outlet of the Squaw Lakes,
umsI as a reservoir by die company.
had given avvay under the immeuFC
pressure of accuniulnteiTTwater. Mr.
B. and Lannes Klippel were mining on
Dividtnd bir, about two miles below
the lower lake, and were aroused ibout
3 A M. by the pwring of the immense
volume of water and the crashing and
grinding of tlees and boulders swep'
dovvn by the resUtless toirrn. Tiees
two hundred feet in length were swept
down the bed of the creak like matches,
earning with them huge bould"rs that
were turned over like marble and
leaving behind a scene of Urrible des
tiuctiun. The area of the lakes was
ov er a square mile in extent, and the
effect of a body of water, sixtcn feet
iu depth and covering a mile squaie,
suddenly breaking loose can be beltei
imagined thandecribed. This accounts
for the sudden rise in Applegate last
week and the extraordiniuy turbid ap
jvarance of that stream without anv
spimrcnt cause. The damage to the
'iiining company will be quite heavy,
hut they are plucky and will, no doubt,
replace the bulkheads in the spring.
Judge Valentine of tho Kansas Su
prenii: Couit, in Smith vs. Rogers,
soys: It is well settled that, in the
absenco of statutes, a person is not en
tiUed to the cu'toJy and earnings of
stepchildien nor bound by ltvv to
maintain them. Yet if a step fathei
voluntarily assumes the care und sup
port of a step child le stands "in loco
parentis;" and the presnmp'ion is that
they deal with each othrr as parent
and child, aud not as master and ser
vant; in which case the ordinary rule
of parent and child will be held to ap
pur s.;ia neither compensation for board
is presumed oh tho one1 hand, nor for
sen ices on the. otherhan. 1
J. Huddleston broughtra wagon load
of venison to town diis week w Inch he
had killed on the Mohawk. He killed
thirty -six deer at thirtv-six shots and
missed one. Jo. says that when he
missed it made him desperato nnd he
killed two at once the next shot. Who
caii beat ill State Journal.
Under the preent game law, no
liody can not even the District At
torney. Mr. A. O. Eckleson, formerly of
Jacksonville, is we learn from a priv
ate letter, engaged in engineering for
the N. P. R. R. Co. in the mountains
south of New laconn, W. T. Eck.
thinks the "Sound" country the greatest
that "lavs out of doors," )at says the
brush is fearfully thick. He fore
shadows great activity in railroad
matters there during the coming Sum
mer. R. M. Garrett, mail contracror on
the Crescent City route, arrived here
last evening bringing a through mail
from the coast. It being impossih'e
to cross Illinois river on the regular
route, Mr. Garreit crossed the river in
a skiff opposite Kerbyville, carrying
the mail on his back to Waldo, fifteen
miles, and back to Kerbv. Garrett
deserves praise for his pluck and atten-
i tion to duty as he is no', expected to
deviate from the travelled road.
Circuit Court Ilorkrt. Letter Uif. I T" 1 rEf Wa
The following is the Circuit Court
for the February term to convene next
State of Oregon vs. John Ambrose
and Wm. Jeffries: held in Justice's
Court for larcs-ny.
State vs. Jclm J. Lathrop; held for
assault with a dangerous weaon.
State vs. Lim Wang; held for lar
G. Karewnki vs. Havvkett, Robinson
ct ah; to recov er money.
E. Jacobs vs. Joshua Bale-; to re
cover money.
E. K. Anderson vs. W. W. Jesse
and T. J. Neff; to recover money.
Hopkins estate vs. R. F. L. Hallock
et ul.
Augusta Sisson vs. A. D. Helman
ct nl.
Ella J. Morrison vs. J. L. Morrison;
Martha J. Matthews vs. J. Mathews;
Samh A. Henry vs. Charles Henry;
Mary A. McElroy vs. Jos. McElroy;
Fux Alive. The latest sensation
that has struck Jacksonville is a skat
ing mania. Don't imagine it is the
good, old fashioned pastime on ice for
there is no ice here, but be informed
that a speculator has come to town
with a dozen pair of roller skates and
rented thcllolt hall and turned it into
a "rink." Our young folks are struck
after the exercise and aie working
hard to convince themselves that it is
funny and healthful so many of our
joung people being invalids and
searchers after any exercise they have
to pay for. They all try it but the
largest amount of fun is among the
outsiders. Jim Birdsey, one of our
most graceful young men, weighing
about two hundred, tried it a little.
Buckling on tho rollers he gave a lunge
ami asked the audience if they heard
any thing drop. Rising, and lioising
himself, life a Roman gadiator, for
the final struggle he lunged again but
his feet went a little the fastest and
Jim sat down where thero was no
cushion. This time he asked the by
standers if somebody couldn't oblige
him by laughing a little and then he
went heme for repairs. This is the
experience of moat of the skaters; ex
cept tint they generally sit down or
rest on their noses wlibout any re
gaid whatever to grace or convenience;
generally being in a hurry. The ncisr
is delightful beifig a fair cross be
tween a boiler maker's yard nnd pan
demonium the latter "i-tnim" predom
inating. The link is a good thing, it
keeps the boys out of mischief and
will run its cour.e just like the measles
let it run.
DirnccLT Travel. Some idea of
the difficulty of travel during our
late storms may bu had by in
terviewing Wm. Patterson and J. O.
V. Wimer, lately returned from Waldo.
These gentlemen vveie about tivn days
making sixty mi'es and their descrip
tion of their passage of Althome and
Sucker cieeks reminds one of the r.d
ventures of the erly pioneers. These
twostruams join before reaching tht
Illinois liroe and they were advised
to cress them both cbove the forks.
Reaching Althouse they fcund a footlog
upon which they dossed, swimming
their homes and then dragging thei
wa.:on in o tin wo"oi cutrent
with 1 long rope. Afer turning their
wagon over twice in the sli earn thy
lauded it and leached Sucker creek
only to find .that the only way thev
could get the wagon across was 10 take
it to pieces and cairy it over a rickety
fcot-log. After a half day' severe
labor they succeeded in doing so nnd
reached home wheie they registered 11
solemn vow never to be caught out in
an Oiegon storm again.
The following is from the Yreka
Journal of tho 9th. Mr. Roseveare,
will be remembered as a druggist iu
the employment of Robb k Kalilerand
a very quiet ami worthy young gentle
man: "Robt Roseveare, ' the well
known druggist at Red Uluff, died on
the 30:h ult. He was the accomplished
correshoudent of the Red lilulVPenpleV
Cause during his trips to Strawberry
Valley and McCloud river in quest of
his health. Ho also resided some years
ago at Jacksonville, Ogn., and his wife
was formerly Miss Lutitia K. Eckel
son, of Jacksonville. Ho v-as but 3C
years of ago, a member of tlm I. O. O.
F. and A. O. U. , and was sick in
bed but a week before his death. His
funt ral was largely attended by mem
bers of both orders and the citizens
Religious I items. Rev. M. C.
Miller will hold services in February
as follows:
The 6th, Hcber Grove 3 P. 31. and
in Jacksonv illo 7 P. M,
The 13th, Antioch at 11 A. M. nnd
in Sam's Valley 3:30 P. M.
The 20th, Brovvnsboro at 1 1 A. M.
and Eagle Point 3:30 P. M.
The 23d, Swindell's school house at
G P. st.
Tho 24th will commence a protracted
meeting on Evans creek.
The 27th, .Voodville at 11 A. M. and
Evans creek 3:30 P. 11.
Dress goods 12 J eent at dio New
York Store.
Suits, worth 15 for $9, at the New
York store. 1 i
The undersigned will pay the highest
cah price for lUcf Hides "and will pay
from 13 to 20 cents for Deer Skin. To lie
delivered at Xick Fickc's Butcher Shop in
Letters remaining in the Post Office
at Jacksonville January 31 18S1.
Max Mullrr, P. M.
Baron D A L
Ilrady Preton C
Renson jUrv F
Jjiml) A
Jlorinc Geo tv
.Montgomery J R
Metcalf Alinliii It
Merritt JohCphino
More A J
Mrriek .1 A
Matucy Ilrooks
Mathews John
Xealson Wm D
Norton John J).
Purcel Clnrl s
Ifcimey C, W
Reynold I- uie X
bm'ilh Cliurles It
St. Clnir Rii-lianl
Sanders L
Thomas JIrs C K
Tarbox J L
Turner Era L
Viekroy E I'
Watn.uk G
Wagner John L
Worn ick L P
Willanl i'.rs Annie
Wever O
Zink Hen
Burton E
Cmnxlia- I,F3
Clarno .Inyo
Clarno Hatty
Carter Alfr-d
Calhoun John II
Calhoun John C
Clinpmm Maggie II
Cameron Elle
Durand Charles
Dunlup Peimilia
Dtv is A
Kilwarv Win
FewelfMartlm A.
Fields Mvron H
Ford YV '
Uriffsliv Lulu
Oregory I,cvi X
uricvc vnmcnus
Hindsmmi M J
Johnson Jcnniu
Jackson Jo-i pli
.'citric Janus
Iot"7 Lester
Lacy Jnlin
Liudsav i)
BEAVENNUE In Jacksonville, Feb.
7, 18S1, to tno wifo of Jean Beav on
line, .a son.
KAHLER In Jacksonville, Febru
ary 9, 18S1, to the wifo of Robt.
Kahler, a son a 10 pounder.
STANLEY In Ashland, January
25, 1881, to the wife of John A.
Stanley, a son.
DUNLAP On Bishop creek, Febru
ary 5, 1881, to tho wifo of M. W.
Dunlap, a daughter.
PURVIS On Wagner creek, Febru
ary 7, 1881, to tho wife of Jos
Purvis, a daughter.
PATTERSON At Ashland, Febru
ary. 7, 1881, to the wifo of Jo.-.
lV.tteuon, a son.
i-'oit criY m nun vi..
The undersigned announces hink-cll as
a candidate for the nllU-u of city Miir-duil.
subject to the decision of the voters of
JacUMUiv illc at the ensuing eleetion.
Jacksonville, February 12, 1881.
KOIt CirV .11 VilallAI..
The lindprdjfnpd announce him-elf a
a candidate for the otllce of ( ily Maralml.
subject to the decbion of the voters of
Jacksonville at the enduing election.
Jnckronvill , IYiimsry 12. lbol.
101: ii"i (ies:iil.
Tlie undersign-sl reiectliilly -lihmits
himself to the )eoile ol Jacksonville as a
cmitlirfHtc for the ofllee of City Mnrs!nl3it
the election on the 1st Tu"sdiy in the next
month. J. A. I.OUSIG NOXT.
Jacksonville, February IS, 1881.
rui: city n'.KMiii..
The undersigned announces himself as
:i c-imliille for tlu ll(Hj-ilf I itv Vllr.linl
sllbir-et tn iIim ilt!.iim if tin viiIln ul
Juckinv illc :.t the iiisilin t lei tion.
Juektonville, February 12, IHSI.
IOU till UVKMlll..
The undrndgned respect fully submits
liiinelf to llic people of JH-ksnvillt as 11
CMiididHte for ilie olllee of Town Marshal
ut the election on the Nt Tuesday in March
Jack-onville, February 12, lHrfl.
rciic tiTi ;:ir.si:;i.
The undersigned announces himself as
:i Cfliulidnic for the olllee of City Marshal,
s'.ibjert to the decision of the" voters ol
Jacksonville at the ensuing election.
Jacksonville, Ecbru.m- 1, IbSl.'
rPHO.E INDEBTED to the Estate of
1 Dsniel Hopkins, deeeax-d, are noli
lied flint all ci counts are now in the hands
of J. II. HillTer. J P. for forced collection
and no farther grace will ie given.
Jacksonville. .Tun. 2.'), IsSI.
Ordinance No. 70.
The "ople of I lie Town ol Jacksonville
do ordain as follows:
MJ-noN. 1. That every person or per
sons who shall, as a hiisiiinM, keep within
the limit-mi the Town of Jacksonv ille an)
wash house or laundry, sh.illpiya (piar
tcrly licejise of not lest, than five dollars.
She. 2. That the license lor wash houses
and laundriis shall Ik- taken nut in Ihe
m.imiir tirij:i ilK.d,..o f.i.'.u .. s : That imypcr
soii or iersons wishing to engage hi the
business of earring on a vh houe or
laundry- shall Mrsl ilcxil with the Town
Treasurer the auiount.of not less than one
(pinrH r s liccii-e (i 00), and umhi preen
Iniion of the Tren-urcrs receipt to the lie
corder the Kiconler shall issue to said ap
plicant a iiiuise granting sid jierson or
persons pcniiission to engage in the biiii
nes of keeping a wash houe or laundry
within the limits of said Ttwn of Jack
sonville. Skc. 8. And in default of payment of li
cense, as livrt'inliefoa stated, in the I own
Treasurer, it shall lie the duly of the Town
Marshal to collect from said person or per
sons cngagtd in the business of kttpinga
wash-house or lHiindry the amount charged
for such license ami Ihe fees for such
collections he shall lie entitled on
nil moneys so collected live per cent., and
no more. The Recorder slmll lie entitkd
to the sum ol 50 cent for his services in
issuing said license, as his fees, and no
M-.C. 4. That if any person or persons
carry on, keep or miintain any wash
house or laundry without first having
taken out a license as provided for in this
ordinance, upon conviction thereof before
the Recorder he orjhey shall be lined in a
sum of not less thin ten d.illarsonuorc than
fitly dollars, or lie imprisoned in the town
jail not less than ten days.
ec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect
and lie in force from and alter fifteen days
alter its passage.
Passed January 31, 1881. Approved Fel
ruary 3. 1881
T O REAAIES, Pres't Board of Trustees
Mtest J Ninas Recorder
R fw TiTVToi3 tfflP
Ki 153 fei u'B
nlira73 C -."3 rn-l Hover dlsap
joints. ' no v70-"r great Pala
l.oliovcr for Bl.an aad Boaat.
Clioaji. quid: nnil rollalila.
Is not Narcotic. Children
grov.' fat upon, Mothers like,
and Physicians recommend
CASTORIA. It regulates tho
Bowels, cures Wind Colic,
allays fevcrislincss, uud de-s-troys
TARRH Cure, n. Couatltntlonnl
Aatldoto for thin terrible mala-&-,
by Absorption. Tho most
Important dscoTerysincoVac
claatian. Other remeclloa may
rollovo Catarrh, tM cures nt
any ktaso boforo Conraxaptltm
sots In.
liZadamo Slolt's TJew Hall,
n Tim
Champions of Honor, of
FEBRUARY 22, 1881.
Cokviittee ox Supper.
-Mrs. A. Uilgcr, Sir McKnljhl
JllssS Hie Canlvvell.
George Elliott, Jim. I'. Frri,
.Mrs. T T. MelCciiaie
Floor ir.v.VA-!Rs,
Aaron Earnebiint, V,iu. Mentor.
Win. L Itils-r.
The ven Itest of miiiiin ill bo furnished
by Prof Siott's MtritiK bcd
TicketH including fiupicr, $2 50.
IU- order of the General Committee, J.
A. Cuntwrll, A. Ilamebnrje, Mrs. A. IJIlirr,
Mrs. McKui t Hnd Hm Sftllie Cardwell.
Clearance Sale
E-ry Qoo-ls, Taney Good--.
For the
Next Sixty Days
Xotirc of Final Sctllcim-nJ.
In the County Court -f Josephine county,
tjiaie of Oregon.
In the matter of th." "state of I'etcr Thorn p.
son, ricccnMfd.
IN the adniitiNlralor of said estate hai
tiled in the County Contt for Jocphlnti
county, Oregon, his tlnal account as nucli
adiiiiniMmtor, and bv order of slid Court,
Tuesday the 5th day of April, A. IX, 1881.
at Iheliourof II o'cloek, v Ji., is t for
hearing objections t-o said final account;
and alf person interest! d in said estate are
hereby notified to appear and tile his or
lierobjcuion to suul tcouni on or beforer
said day.
I'ubllslied in th Okiion Sti.s;ei. hy
onlerofllon. Thos. r. Floyd, Jude of
said Court.
UhOHK Ghotz. Administrator.
Ditnl.JMiiuary'-Mth, Iis.81.
Ari'l.ROATK, Ouwox.
Having leased this Popular Stand for a
term of year, informs the Public it will
lie kept "up to its former hili standard.
First-clmw Table and clean Iieils for tho
travelling public, liny. Grain and U!
ling as usual.
I am settling my business nnd all
parties owing me must come forward
and settle their accounts immediatnly,
as interest at tho rate of one per cent,
will Ikj chargal from thin dat. I
mean business, and must have mon.
ey to meet my demands.
Phoenix, Aug. 20, 1880.
Threo undershirts for 1, at tha
New York store.
Frencl nnd Russian calf lioots worth
st t 101 ".", at the New York Stor,
mm nwMSW