:i 7 OBEGOH SEfiTINEL. JACKSONVILLE Wednesday; December 22, 1880. Laud OBlce at Rosrburi. Ocn. 1 , Jane 30, issu. j T All Whom It tany Concern: s ftctlee l hercbr given (Uat I have dels jutted theORIXON kttTIVELui the paper ta wbleh I hnll Iiereancr publish all lire MpUoM, homcutead and applications rrMlalnx palenln for lamU If Ins Ucar JacXoaTlUe, Jackson ronntr. Oregon. W. F. BIAJAMIV, Beslstcr. vr- Vacation. When the public school in this district closes Friday it w ill not be re-opened until Monday January 3d, a vacation being git en during the hoi Idavs. , Tdkkey SnooTisaiWillie Bilger lias arranged for several dozen turkeys 'which will be put up for a turkey shooting 'match on Christmas day at twepty-livo cents a shot. Good shots eed not purchase holiday turkevs iow as they can get them a great deal I m Chbistmas BalL A social dance will be given at Phoenix on Christmas 'eve by Mrs. Dan Lavenburg to which everybody is" invited. Good music Las been secured and every one knows that the supper furnished by Mrs. La Tenburg cannot be excelled anywhere. Tickets 52.50. Odd Fellow's Installation. The newly elected officers of Jacksonville "Lodge No. 10 will be installed by D. p. G. M. Helman an Saturday, Jan. "8, 1880, when the new work of the order will also be exemplified and de grees conferred. All the brothers are requested to be present at that time. Escajipmest Election. Table "Rock Encampment, I. O. O. F., elected the following olncuis at the last regu lar meeting: K. Kubli, Chiaf Patriarch; Silas J. Day, High Priest; Herman Helms, Senior Warden; F. Luy, Junior War flea; J. A. Boyer, Sciibe; John Miller, Treasntvr; Silas J. Day, K. Kubli. Herman Helms, Trustees. Court. Wee-lip the following Court Items from tho Itoseburg Plaindealer: State of Oregon vs Ex Rel W. R Benjamin, vs the Douglas county Road Co., action tb annul the charter of .1 corporation. Motion to dismiss dver ruled: on trial. B. F. Dowell vs Jssse Appleeate, Wt in equity to aid execution. Con linued. J. M. Courtney vs K. Kubli, et al, injunction. Continued. One by One. On Monday night, Geo. L. Thompson crossed the tin es hold of eternity and another of the familiar faces of Jackonv ille is gone. Mr" Thompson was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1818, and at one time was In the shipping business ill Belfast, Ireland. He was in the employment bf Morris Meusor of this City as a c erk for nearly tweilty years, and re Carded as a faithful employe and a quirt.unobstruiive. citizen. The funer al .wij' take plate from the residence of Mr! Meiibdr td-Jiy Peaco to his ashes. . Useless Bridge. The bridge built across Cow ereek lost suinliKr by the authority of Doug!a county is said to be a very safe and substantial structure and no doubt intended to supply a want long felt by the travelling public. At present the bridge is quite useless as it is impossible to approach it, anil it is a matter of conjecture vvhethei the County Court of that County de feirethe public, to derive benefit from it or not. If they are afraid the bridge will be worn out by travel the Court is. pTfrsuirig an excellpnt course to save it. Where is Strickland) , From Silver Creek. Mr. Thomas P. Rogers of Silver creek, in Josephine county, called on us last "week and showed us some veiy handsome gold recently taken out of his mining claim bri that creek. The specimens are heavy smooth gold, such as is called 5'leitd" gold by miners as if is thought to indicate a lead or continued pav streak, and weighing from one to four dollars. A nugget si taken out a few weeks since weighing ?5f and Mr. Rogers says half ounce pieces are quite common. He estimates the qverage wages of the miners at $5 per day and says that only about eight will lemaiu hi the camp during the winter, the krxoir being already two and d half feet tleep. Memorial Notice. The old" and young leave us. This time it is Mrs Emeliue Cameron who departed this life at the family residence in TJniou lowri, Jackson county, Or., Dec. 16, 1880, aged 71 years, 5 months and 15 flays. She was a native of Madison county, New York, where in early life she was reared aim educated under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church, and the moral and religious' influences thus received did much in-shaping her course in life. About eleven years ago ahe with her husabnd and youngest son immigrated to this state, and settled in this county, where' resided three of her sons and one daughter, and here she resided ever since. Nearly three years ago she was called upon to mourn the loss of her husband, James Cameron, whom she now follows to the spirit land. Feeble in body, the result of the weight of years, she was" sick but it few moments,, and her dissolution took place, apparently, without a strug gle. Thus has passed fronr among us 6ne of the oldest and most respected of our matrons. The remains were fol lowed by her sorrowing children antfa large number of friends, and laid beside those of her husband in the beautiful Moronic cemetery, on Saturday to await the mystery that turns death in to' life. LOCAL ITEUs" Merry Christmas to all. Then a Happy New Year. All tho latest styles in hoops at Howard's. Rufus and Byron Cole were in town last week. Henry Mensdr has returned from the North". Suits, worth $15 for 9, at the New York store. i 1880 will die a natural death in nine more days. E. H. Autcnrieth has gone to Yreka oil legal business. A. D. Helman returned froui Port laud lasl Monday. S. Booth his our thanks for a fine Christmas turkey. Tuikeys gobble now, on Saturday they will be gobbled. Look out for duns and when asked to pay see that it is done. Win. Bybee, Jr.; returned from Lake county last Monday. Circuit Court hfl adjourned' until Monday, January, 3d 1881. Don't forcet the printer when mak ing ) our annual settlements. Col. Stone and ladv were among the visitors to town on Saturday. Mrs. Harvey DVskins is quite ill at her residence on Rogue river. Read the notice of D. L. Hopkins, administrator, aud take warning. Dolmans", cloaks and zephyr work in endless variety at Reaines Bros. Veit Schutz denies that Hall was robbed in llis saloon as stated last week. Ish k, Catori can furnisn you with excellent teams at the very lowest prices. The Covert trial is a thing cf the past, aud tax pa) ere draw, a sigh of relief. Your wife would appreciate one of those stov es at Kubli's for a Christmas prpseut. Read SheiifT Bybee's notice to delin quent tax payeis. Taxes, like death, must come. Elder Peterson will preach at Eagle Point next Sunday, Dec. 26th, morn ing service. Boots it Slides, best stock in town at the New York Store Call and see for j ourself. John Miller has one of tho neatest hardware stores in Oregon and sells at bedrock prices: F. Richard received another lc t of jewelry this week v Inch he is se ling cheap for cak. Geo. W. Kimball is engaged in map ping the donation claims m the Rose burg ladd district. Joseph Robinson of Eden precinct reports a large amount Of grain sown in his neighborhood. Tht're is no need of starving as long as Birkhead furnishes first class mealb for twenty-five cents. Call at the millinery store of Mrs. and Miss Piim for holiday presents for lady friends aud telatives. Rev. M. A. Williams will hold re ligious hervices at Rock Point next Sduday at 11 o'clock, a. M. Newman Fisher,' fine stock of goodR should should not be overlooked while hunting fo'r holiday presents. Yesterday was the shortest day in the year. Time will now begin1 to stretch out like an ague patient, Jake Marcuse has an immense stock of holiday goods which must be sold at some figure before New Yars. E. C. Brooks has an immense stock of jewelry, perfumery, etc., from which to select your Chri slhias presents. Wintjen & Helms will be glad to see their friends on Christmas or any other day Egg nog, just think of it! We regiet to learn that Mrs. James McDonough of Willow Springs is still teriously ill hav ing suffered a relapse. The English papers' now admit that the financial policy of our government cummands the admiration of the world. Rev; D: A. Crowell will hold ser vices in the Presbyterian church in Phoenix on Sunrfav, Dec. 26, at 11 a. 1L Cohn is going to have turkey for Idinner on Christmas a'nd is so" htfpnv that ho is giving goods away. See if he don't. After the meeting of the California Legislature" next month the C. C. W. R. will probably take some definite shape. Hon. E. B. Watson: Supreme Judge, will leave next Monday for Salem to attend the January term of the Su preme Courts. John Ktockenjos is putting' up an ele gant residence on his ranch on Bear creek. It will be the finest in that neighborhood. We learn that Gen. B. V. Ankeny and sop arejitill sojourning at the Blue Henry Ankeny. We ate under obligations to Hon. R. P. Earhart, Secretary of State; for tabulated statements of the vote of Ore gon in November. Noland & McDaniel will not closp on Christmas, and will greet friends with the best in the house vvho don't like Tom & Jerry ? On christmos day, High Mass at' 1 1 o'clock, A. M., at the Catholic Church. The singing and niusw by the young ladies' ainaleur choir? Sank Owe'ni, a well known sporting man, died at Baker City a few days since. He was regarded as a very hon orable man of his class. W. J. Plymale has taken the agency for tho California Insurance Co., but still continues furnishing spirited turn outs at his livery stable. The recommendation that gambling be prohibited in the army, by an addi tional article of war, is renewed try the Judge Advocate General. J. H. Huffer is the agent in this county for. Sam Simpson's beautiful poem, which arc being published by bis sister Nord. Price $3. Ducks are said by sportsmen ( to be unusually scarce in this valley owing, probably, to the mildness of the winter at their breeding grounds'. There is a great demand for hogs on KlaraatK and M Scoti's valley tut they are scarce in this market and but few can be gathered for export. The gentleman who borrowed Viet Schutz' saddle is invited to return it as it is wanted. That person will do so without mention of his name. ,Itis now authentically stated that Mr. Davenport has traced the forgery of the "Morey" letter right to chairman Barnum and the end is to come. Governor George E. Briggs is lying dangerously ill at his residence, five miles south of Kerbyville, and his recovery is considered doubtful. Mr. Joseph Rapp has qiir tfianks for a supply of choice apples. May he never have to rip but once at the pearly gate before being adm t -ed. Sargent Dunlap laid away a China man in the Chinese portion of the cemetery on Sunday. He was )Ut away wilh tHe Usual barbaric cere monies. The'new Town Hall is nearly ready for occupancy. The "Calaboose" is to be finished first and judging from tlie saturnalia of Sunday night, it is much ueeded. Tue Metropolitan hotel in Roseburg caught fire Thursday morning, but through the prompt action of Mr. Canan and others it was soon extin guished. Hav e vou an invitation to the "Lean Year?'' is wh'at wives ask their hus handi. The answer is tirtiv er&tl)y "no mam," bat how some men will twist tile truth. After being out 69 hoQrs the jury in the ca.se agonist Scliroeder for the mur der of Dr. Lefevre of Oakland, Cal, a bort time since returued vehiict of not guilt. Clerk Huffer of the Jacksonville school district announces that unless school taxes are paid within sixty days the roll will be handed over to the Sheriff for collection. No matter if E. Jacotia ttia loose his turkeys, his customers will be treated as usual if they call round and make their wants known, aud they can have all their wants supplied there. The ladies having charge of tho Leap Year ball request us to ask those who intend furnishing eaiables for the sup per to bring them to Holt's hall earl in the afternoon of Friday next. Karewski invites his customers to look at his stock. Would there be anything nicer than a first class stove for a Christmas present? And sto'ves are only a small part of his stock: Geo. Frey of Little Butte reports the range in that section better than it has been drfriif the Winter for many years. Grass is springing up finejy on the suriny sto'pes a'nd cattle are doing well. Some handy person stole eight fine turkeys from E. Jacobs on Sun day night. To steal turkeys just on tho eve of the holidays just when the owner most needs them is downright mean. A. H. Carson of Josephine county called on us last evening and reports times flourishing in that section. He has some intention of moving here to give his" cliililren tho advantage o'f o'ur school. ' A very boom in th'e matter of im provements in Jackson county is noted. In respect to manj points of advantage, (climate not the least). Jackson is the best county in Oregon. Port OrfordPost. m A sham duel between two Jackson ville bloods at Veit's-briiwery last Sat urday night demonstrated the fast that nine able-bodied men (Sit get out of harm's way at the same time by squatting behind the sto've." Quit talking about .game law as it is useless. Soon there wi)l bo no Lame' to protect and then the lazy set wno are subsisting on its slaughter will have to go to work and earn enongh to beep their worthless carcasses alive. , Sheriff Bybee returned from Happy Camp last Friday, but we are sorry to' note hat Tiis health is not much im proved. We learn that he contemplates m'akin" a sea voyage soon with the hipe 6f benefitting his health. Mrs. Berry offrs very handspme hats and millinery goods for the" holi days at very low prjees. Just imroag ine how your hollyhock would look in a new hat, Step into' Mrs. B.'s estab lishment and do the proper thing. E. Dimiclr, the affable Postraaiter, telegraph operator and merchr.nt of Orant's Pass paid Jacksonville' a visit last Monday purchasing holiday goodR. He was accompanied by his family and returned home on ihe following day. Breckenfeld keeps all kinds of wear ing apparrel, candies, nuts, cigars and tohacoo,toys and all sorts of holiday goods, which, he is Relling at the very lowest prices. You can not fail finding a suitable holiday present at his' store. The Tidings tickles the courtwitli the straw ITof inconsistency which is absolutely worse than its declination to accord ' veneration for anv'tlifng earthly. To say that a court is incon sistent is the-most contemptuous treas on, v- . R. B. Loos has sold his interest in the Yreka Tribune' to his partner Ru dolph Rem me. It will no" longer be a loos publication and, Bro. Remmc, here's luck, and a hope, that the Trib une ceasing t!6vbe 4-ioos" will never get tight. The presk of the country has b'een busy since the election of Preident Garfield in forming his cabinet but we learn tliat J. A. Card well could not accept a position at this time on ac count of rti.h of business at the Union stable. The Champions of Honors' next reg ular election, of Victory Council No. 4, will be held at their Hall this even ing at which time other important ' . ..... -U Ii business will be mentioned. All mem bers in good standing are requested to attend. .X Capt, S. Saltmarsh lost four pieces of County actio- somewhere in. J.ick- "sonville last Thursday, amounting to 9 a. jrayment nas oeen s,ioppea ac tlie Treasurer's office and tfie finder will confer a favor by leaving them at Mr. Beekman's bank. New Sewing Bfracnines at E. C. Brooks' ,New Di ug Store. Four differ ent kinds of the latest and best im proved machines made in the world. The Crown, the Eldridge, the New Home, and New Airier Price from1 $40 to 50. American Machines. Kahler Bros.' store is just overflow ing with beautiful holiday presents and the urbane junior of tho firm will be deliglite'd to wait on you, no matter whether you want pills, perfume, pre scriptions or pretty things for your weakness or vour little ones. Judging ffom the number of deer skins being brought to town .Mitce the advance in prices it is more than likely that the law making it a punishable of fense for slaughtering deer for their hides only is not being enforce 1. Some one wiil get caught yet, however. Orogon's population. The popula tion of the State of Oregon, according to the schedules returned to the Census Office bv the enumerators, is as fol lows; Miles, 103,383; females, 71, 379; total, 174,762; native, 144,322; foreign born, 30,440; wb'ite, 163.0S2; colored; i 1,630: A man named , Babe r got into a row in a saloon1 at Harrisburg )st week, drew a.pistol and shot himself in the , C 1 I li 1 -f II leg. oervna aim ngm, anu u an rui fiaits who make a practice of drawing weapons w ithout occasion were to shoot themselves it would be a blessing to every community: Win. G. Kenney commenced hand ling the ribbons toHayfbr tho O. it C. Stage Go. He hasMhe stock from Grant's Pass to Levens', an ugly win ter drive, but '"'Billy" will be a good careful driver aud no doubt will acquit himself with credit Tobe .MLartiii drives the swing betweeli Rock Point and Grants Pass. LiturgicSl writers assign to th'e' three inossrb on ciiriitiiuas uov ue luiioniuj: mystic meaning: First, the eternal birth of the Sou of God in the bosom of his father; second, his birth in time iri the womb of his Immaculate mother; third, his spiritual birth in die Learu of the faithful by a worthy reception of the Holy Commuiiion. Speaking ot the signtil Service Secre tary of War Ramsey says: Cautionary signals have been made svstematcally on occasions of supposed danger at one hundred and two different sea and lake ports and cities. O'f the total number of caiftionary signals this dis I J if iu -.! - I i . .1 iiiyeu, myui.wiiii-e uuu lour minus per cent have been justified. After the verdict in the Covert case, the Sentinel office' was besieged by the jury, curious to see the article they had been forbidden to read. The unan imous opinion was that any one who thought a juror would be swerved from his duty by it was guilty of contempt and ought to be pun-ished, and "that's what's the matter with Hannah." The Itfciirfiis o'f the Yakiiua reserva tion last year raised 34,000 b'tfshels of wheat, lesides varibtfs outer products including 100CT tons of hay. They have built a handsome church and many other comfortable farm houses, and less than ten er cent, of their wants are supp'ied by the government. Ex. And still be are toldthat the reservali&n! system Is ft lamentable fail ure. We are informed that the County Judge savs that 3000 must be sub scribed and paid into the county treas ury by those interested in the proposed bridge across Rogue river before the County Court will appropriate a liko sura. The cost of the bridge is esti mated at SGOCto and) if the people 6f Sam's valley want a bridge they know just what to do. Hon. Jno. H. Moores? one of the oldest a'nd most influential citizens of Salem' djeil in that city on Thursday, Dec. Ifith.' Mr. Moores was several times a lnenioer of th'e Legislative. As sembly and a brother of I. K." Moores, once Speaker of the Hoilse." He) was universally respected for his purity of character and leaves behind hitnUhat which ii better than all a goocf name. . Tlie verdict in the Schroetler case in California has aroused- .universal com ment and th'e p'ress a're'han'dliife Judge and jury without kids. It is openly charged that Judge Green showed shameless partiality foif the murderer, and that his ruling were universally against the prosecutaou. So it seems that in California the courts are not hedged about with? (hat special divinity with' which the little''rfckspittle"or ganettwTof Oregon, saving no opinion of their own, would ii vest them. XKKKY CHRISTMAS. Patrons and friends and fellow toilers through this vale of sorrow, again we give you Christmas greeting. Old time has marked another cycle in his tireless round. Gentle Sprif;g with her warm and fragrant breath and flowery footsteps slumbrous Summer laden with the full fruition of Spring's promises Autumn with thrift and plenty and well filled garners have come and a-tsed away and in a few days Merry Christmas, too will have been reckoned with the past. There are ffcw spots on earth where the natal day of our Savior possesses so deep an interest as where the moaning tide of the great Pacific says to the swell ing surges of civilization: No farther' for among us there nre still thousands who remember the happy Christmax days of yore that brought with them the pleasant reunions, the loving, kindly greetings of kindred and that aro recalled with hallowed and sacred reverence. How many more Christmas greetings may pass between us none may say. Since the last many fa mil iar faces have gone beyond tlie "hither shore," ere the anniversary of Uie great Nazarine comes again many more will follow. For the Sake of Him, in whose honor the "day ii t'ept, let it le one of cordial fellowship, of real and heart fe.t Christiam..ch"arity for otlr mutual weaknesses, of forgiveness for our mutual wrongs, of relief from tlie petty spites aud gri'dges of humanity, of re conciliation for our mutual enmities and there will be few who will not liless the single day in , the year that softens the thorns that beset the feet of humanity. May the Christmas holly always be green and may the day come as of old; with its hallowed springs of reul unalloyed happiness is our cordial wish to all mankind. A tollil Jury. We are indebted to Win. Savage for the following curious facts with regard to the late jury, collected during their term of imorisonment: James Tufts weighs 191 lbs., age 55 vears 11 mouths; Wm. Haiper 15S lbs , age 64 vears 3 m on tin.: Jno. Ashmead 172 lis age 56 years 4 months; Miles. Wake niau 125 lbs., age 51 years 2 months; Thos. Mee 174 lbs., age 50 years 7 months; Clias. Williams 157 lbs., age 48 vears 9 months; J. C. Campbell 168 lbs , age 44 years 1 month; J. H. Whip pie 170 lbs , age 45 years 8 months; Robt Morris 184 lbs, age 26 vearo 10 iths; Savage 150 lbs., age 26 fyeafs 5 months; Lyman "Chappie 172 lbs., age b4 years J mouths; Richard Collins 147 , ilia.,- age 47 years 3 months. Aveiage weight 163 lbs., average age 45 jearsj average neig'it O teet UJ incites. no says this was uat a solid jury and one hat had reached the years 01 di?crelionT . 7JJ MiloxiG Elections. At a meeting of Oregon Chapter No. 4, R. A. M.', held on the evening of the 14tb, the following offlcerswere elected for the ensuing term: Thos. G. Reames, H. P.; A. M. Berrv; K.J J. N. T. Miller, Scribe; David "iinp, C. of H.; Will. Jackson, P. J.; C. C. Bekman, R, A. C; N. Fisher, Master of .Third Veil; H. C. Hill.M. q'f 2d V.;W f. Atkin son, M. of 1st "v'.J jtax Muller, Secre tary C. Mingus, Ireasurer. tary; u. xuingus, .treasurer. Warren' Lodge No. 10," A. F. 31., elected th'e following ofiici & A onicers on AVednesday evening: C. C. Beekman, W. M.; David Linn, S. W., Will. Jackson J. W.; John Miller, Treas urer, Max Mullefj Secretary; R. S" Dunlap, Tyler. , Adarel Chapter No. 5, O. E. S., held an election for officers last Friday evening with the follow iug result: W. Matron, Mrs. B. A. Miller; W. Patron, David Linn; A. M., Mrs. Hattie Jack son: Secv' Mrs. R. F'sh'er;Treas.; Ms." J. E. Reames; Conductress, Miss An nie Miller; Associate Conductress, Miss Alie Berry. A public installation of all the above officers,' for Masons and their families, will take place on St. John's Day,' Mon day, Dec. 27th, at the Masonic hall. After the ceremonies refreshments wilT be served in tho Club Room sdjoining, under the supervision of the lady rela t ves of the members of the fraternity. Sold Out. A. J. Adams haVing sold out his interest in. the saloon ousi ness at Kerbyville to his old partner, James Hughes, they find it necessary, in offfer to cloe up the business of the firm 6'f Hughes & Adams, to call on" all persons who know themselves indebte'd to them to see W. T. Forbes, Esq , who is authorized to make settlements aud receipt for all moneys duo the firm. 'Huoiies Adaub: T, A. J. Adam, would here thank my friends and the traveling commu-f nity for all past favors, and would res pcctfullv recommend all to call anu smile upon mr old colleague, the pres ent proprietor 01 the Kerbyville oa loon". A. J. ADAM3. Four Through Lines of Railroad Are now pointing toward Oregon the Northern Pacific, the Utah North ern, the Winnemucca, and one from Reno. When all these are1 completed, the rush of population to' this northern section will be wonderful, and in an ticipation of it, Messrs," Hodge, Davis & Co. have enlarged their facilities for the manufacture of the Oregon Kid ney Tea, which has .never been -known to fail in curing- the worst cases of backache or arty cfist-ase of the kidneys or urinary organ's of either sex. Sold all over. Garfield is Our Next rrcsldcut. The Jacksonville New York Store re ceived last Saturday-some 300 worth of goods which were damaged .on the road between Roseburg and Jackson ville. He offers these goods for sale at half their cost for cash. Call and be convinced. M. Mexsor. Heavy Canton flannel undershirts and drawers,' for G3tts al the New York Store. Sunday School Christmas Tree. The Christmaajfestivities of the Union Sunday School of Jacksonville wil takr place at the M. E.. Church next Friday evening, Dec 24th. The hx ereises wil commence at six o'clock slur,, according to the- following pro gramme: 1. Instrumental voluntary. 2. Song, "Glory in the highest," by the school. y , v t 3. Prayer, by Row M. A'. Williams. 4. Song, "Hosanna to tho son of David,'' by the school. 5. Address, by Charles Bilger. 6. Christmas anthem, "Hark, what mean those, holy voices," by the Choir 7. Scripture reading, by David Pres ley. 8. Recit-vtion, "Hear tha angels sinsr." Iv MiR Rena Danforth. 9. Song, "Sound the tattle cry," by the school. 10. Distribution of presents and re freshments. 11. Closing hymn, "Sweet by and by," by the audience. A sufficient number of ushers have been appointed to assist in seating tlie audience. DIED. CAMERON At the family residence in Uniontown,, December 16, 1880, Mrs. Emeliue Cameron, relict of the late James Cameron, aged 71 years, 5 mouths and 15 days'. THOMPSON In Jacksonville, Dec. 31, 1880, of congestive chill, Geo. L. Thompson, aged 62 years. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Last Warning. Those indebted to the estate of Daniel llopkisn, deceased, arc notified that un less settlement is made by.Ianuiry 1, 1831, suit will be commencol and no favors given. I have do oilier alternitivc. David I.. HorKiNs, Administrator. Jacksonville. Dec. 23, 18S0. NOTICE. AH those who know iuemclvei in debted to the firm of Hughes & Adims, saloon keepers, Kerbyville, Josephine county, Oregon. The accounts and books of the above firm have been placid In my h-inda for collection and settlement, and you arc hereby requested to call aniy office at Kerbyville, and see the figures. W. L. Foiides, Receiver. Tas Notisj Tax niyers are hereby notified that the thirty nays pracc, allowed by 1-vw, having expired, I will comaiunce.ri'din;; for tuxes immediately after Januiry 1st, and in or der to s ive expense to the lax payers, e irn eslly ask them to corn's forward and settle, without Being called on and churned mileage. , Wjf.-J'vyo?, . - , T , -Sheriff of-JacfesotrTaairtv. Jacksonville, Dec. 22, 1830 ' NOTIOS. Laxd Office at Rosrcnciui. Oon. ,1 Dec. 1J, lb'bu. i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the following named settler Ins filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure fiml cs'try thereof on Saturday, January 20, 1S3I, before the Judge or Clerk of the Court of Jackson, cmjnty, Oregon, viz: Isaac P. Siim?on, Homcstcm Applica tion", No. 2.m, for the S H of N "VV if. Sec. 3..S E ii of N E and N E if of 3 E if. Sec 4, T 37, S of R 1 W, and nanus the following as his witnesses, viz: James Beck, Uobt JIavily, John McVey and John W. Smith, all o'f Mauzanila, Jucknm County Urejrnn. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. SARDINE NURSERY. SITUATED ON SARDINE CREEK lJa miles Northeast of ROOK FOUSTT; B. F. MILLKH, PROPRIETOR, A general assortment of fruit trees kept constantly on hand, consisting of Apple, Peach,Neclarines, Pears, Plums, Cherries, Prunes, Apricots, Quinces, etc; also berries of all varieties and shrubbery &c. "Everything sold at the moit reasonable prires and all the fruit is guaranteed to be as represented. LMERR.Y CHfllSTMAS TO ALL! SOCIAL P'iifiTY at xnc POOR-MAN'S OEEDK HOUSE, -ON J t Christmas Eve, Dec. 24th. rpHE UNDERSIGNED WILL GIVE 1 a grind party at the .Fposnun's creek lyuse," three miles south of Jacksonville, on Christmas Eve. The best of music and supper Tvill be provided. .Tickets (including supper) ?2 50. Come one? Come all! and enjoy yo'irselves. L HERLING. El YEAR'S BALL AT MADAME HOLT'S HALL ON Mew Year's Eve, Dec. 31si. MADA3IE HOLT HEREBY AN nounces to the public that she lsj's npw making great preparations for a grand ball at her new hall on New Year Eve, Dee. 31st. Prof. Scout's String Band has been en gazed" for the occasion. Tickets (including supper) $2 50. a. general inynauon is exicnucit 10 all. Children rem Pitcher9 astosia. Eotlior3 liZio end Physician rocominenil it. IT 13 HOT NARCOTIZ. CENTAUIt LINIMENTS; tho "World's great Paln-Ito licvinjr remedies. Tlicylienl, sootlio nud euro Burn!, Wounds, "Weak Back hjiil Rheumatism upon Man, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness. poa Beasts. Cheap", and reliable! quick CPUTIT3 cJdls-uiiticICccos, SnnCes, Craclilina; PoIz3 la tlo Hoad, Fetid I"rcatli, Eeaiioaa, and any Catarrhal Cosxplciai, ' can to exterminated ty "WcilTo Meyer's Catarrh Cure, a Const. tuttoau! Antidoto, "by Absorp tion Tho most Important Cis 0070x7 since Vaccination. ASHLAND HARASS SHO? fefc C K. KLUMj JIANUFACTUKBtt OF, AND DEAIAR IV Saddlery and Harness; ASilLAND, OREGOK KEEP? A GEN'Ktl VL ASSORTMENT OF good lu his Hue of trade. Ladles', Mem and Coy' Saddles' Specialty. , . TEAM; BUGGY AjYD PLOW HAEjYESS, whips, ROBES, DUSTERS J-ANii- 1IORSE BLANKETS. ALSO- WlKCIIESTER REUTI30 RlFLKS (commonly called Henry Rifles) of model of 18C6 1873, and isff6. I Pistols, Cartridges, 33tc. Wheal taken at the Highest Market Rates in Exchange for goods. Mn.P.P. PjIih. Ml Ullllm ALL.TliE Latest FALL & WMTBtt Stack -xr- PRIM'S MILLINERY STORE t WE HAVE J UST RECEIVED A NEW stock of jroods at our store, of Fall and Winter style, as follows: HATS OF ALL STYLES, PLUSHES, FEATHERS, FLO WERS JET TKIMMraOS, Children's lioods & Waists, CARD IlOAhD, Velvets, Zephyrs, Needles. We also Keep tin celebrated Cntraw I Kid Gloves, Handkerchiefs, etc. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhcro. Jacksonville. Nov. 2Jth, 187i? ., ;T- COMM1T IT TO MEMORY"' THAT Sosenstoefc & Ocfe MONARCH KUBBEK BOOTS',4 ARFT THE Best Made AND EVERY PAIR IS GUAR ANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. sk for Koscnstock & Co.'s Eureka Calf Boot. Beware of Imilation. vv e U so keep the largest stock of leather goods in thu San Erancia market, 1 S. W. ROSENSTOCK & CO. San Francisco, Cal. NOTICE. Those who are indebted to the undersigned by note or book account are hereby noti fied that an" immediate settle ment must be made, as I intend to go Y ast to buy goods, ad T musthave money- G KAEEWSKR . 8