JWpWWW33iE?ffK8SEra3iLT5X "WW- - is;,?- 'i . i-fr. !- I '4 ewpperi : Irt'xtltiin-VT oo no (It ipruJ ooHte to he e-atrarr, ara eoaataared M vithlnc U continue IfMTnbeerltri order the dleoonUauanee ol ah ea.aairs, tha pabllahe ayeontlaaai ( a3fcatH all umiipiOTpJJ. a. Ifsabaorfbers UctorrehM.to Uk. their innmnkn the oftoea to which they are dl .ataSttteV.haMctkwi reef-nettle notll ittey MTtf tfcrMRa,aad ordered them dleeontia.ed. i. JfwerWeree9Teto other paee wttneut lnriact)iabMktr,ndtlieBwpepn areeeat the fjraWrretehT are held reep-nelble. t. IkeOrUUTaeciaea uei reionsKio iui . vepepert HtMUi oiJ lag- thetewBoallta'for.b prii reamTlae and lear- mi belt' eTldeoceof io- teatleoal-frsM,' '- ' . The ixUeUf who negleete to giro legal ne rtkraetlectera person-to take fro the once je aewapaper eddrJthfm, liable to fhepnb eker forth aabeerlptlon price. TOty tatw at ,Crot AltiUrfe es mat " Melt. .M Mr. James Croll, the author of "Cl: mate and Time," gives in "Nature" his Tiewa Mtb .the influence of aqueous vapor on; the melting point 'of snow. He says: nS reason whv anow at a graat elevation does notJmelt but remains permanent, ii owing, to the fact that taa ,heat received from the sun is thloyn off into stellar space ao rapidly by evaporation and reflection that the sun faili'te'raise the temperature of the snow to themelting point; the snow evaporates, but it does not .melt The summits of the Himalayas, for exam ple, must receive more than ten times the amount of heat necessary to melt all the snow that falls on them, not withstanding which the snow is not elfed. And in spite of the strength of the sen and the dryness of the air at those -altitudes, .evaporation is in sufficient to remove the snow. At low elevations, where the snow-fall is prop ably greater and tie amount of heat even less than at' the summits, the anow aelts and disappears. - This, I believe, we must attribute to the in fluence of aqueous vapor. At high ele vations the air, is dry andallows thfi heat radiatedfromij the snow to pass into space, but at low elevations a very considerable, amount' of. itheJieat thusl , absorbed by the vajtor is radiated back on the snow, trot the Tieat thus radiated beingiof thesame quality as that which thVanow' itself radiates, is on this - ceunt.1 absorbed by the snow. Little. or Bose of Hist reflected like that re calved from the sun. The consequence is that the h'eat, thus absorbed accumu lates Jh the snow till, welting takes plaeej Were he am6mtofaqueou8 vapor possessed .by, 'the atesesphere sufficiently diminish,edr perpetual snow would cover our globe down to the sea shore! ". It m true thjit the air is warm ' er at the lower level'than at the higber level, and by contact with the snow mutt tend to melt it more at the for met than at the Tatter positioh. TJ we must rememer that the air is warmer fisainly in consequence- of the iniaeaee.ef aqneons vapor, smd that wwtaie.MUtT of the 'vapor, reduced tth.jmotrat in question the differ eawe af Umperature at the two posi tions would notbe reat r -'JfZ'- ThelUpubliean party believes it to be the duty of the general government teprotect every1 American citizen, whether- at -home or abroad. The Democratic, party recognizes this doc trine in part. It would invoke the wfiaifpbwer of Ihe armytana navy to prevent any 'American citizen from being 'injured bjr-any foreign power, b?it would do nothing to protect him in ha righti at home. The Kepubli can party ibelieves that the rights of an American citizen are just-as sacred in Misftigpiras.p.in,Spain, tand-that his righlst in alCth'eir length and breadth, IhcmloTbe equally: vindicated; in.j)6tk ifet lEtemocracj don't Bay so.. TifleW"tirt general government to be powerless" as' against bulldozers in. Yasee,'bat omnipotent as against ah- term'eddlers.on the. "Eich seas. Such" partial jesUceliaVnd plactf' in"the creed 1 the KepbUcan-party. It favors ejeloteeUoB,to all every where. j , - r f EKT0RSKix--Jotinny Keynblds and John Hendricks returned to town; yes terdayEiorning from as UBaucceasfal hunt after the-rebber-er-rebbers'-who topped the Oreeo eiayeb the Siski you mountain, hut' Thursdaynight, Jt is a hard plaee, W account of the.dense chapparftl, to track highwaymen.. This irthe third or" fourtntime the "stage hu been ttoppedTat that place' without" finding any clue to the Jjuilty .rascals. The mail aaeks found were badly nu- tikiedl'ahdijiag'jthat the robber, must haieJbeealgjeaUy .excited. Yraka JoBaL-'t3t'- I "i-i '"! ?- . .li is said'tiaVGeneral Hancock lias. jt.r i;T.Tt;.- -r'AT-T Maitlreiy rahttad t( hiake a public tkeeaiafioB 'afalaat the; payment. of Soatbern-war-rlaraia. f.Tha,Cincinnarti aeH'dfr:lr.tbat BeJdlre not do oi;mim:gmti aWiabington compoaed inthamain.of Jadge Barkley Poole- af "KBhCaroiinaj''Towler of ler of Miifacnasettk rTa9claims now in the Hands of agents amount' to S2, 6(Hi1000;000. x r ' ' ' ' . Tki"Tpaauy DepartmentJiaa brder adlw' ooiBSgc 'at the'- Philadelphia 5ffot'-ei H.OOO.OOO-Intb' iifife and ialfaagles. J - " TJfftStlki i - - 1 w Zing of the Blood CorallScnrfBknuaaotloBaddiorfmreiilt fag (rasa ImptuMy of the Mood. It ia needleea to rptatj all('aa the enffertjean sraallr pereeire their eanNi'bttt. SttttShann, PimpUt, ulctrt, Twmtn, Ooitrc, ' SwiUimy, c are 'the moet eomnon, aa veU aa many ateetiooa of the Hmrt, Siad, In SCROFULA. WstierM Cure of SUidieH. Tt, SmoKr Son Co.: For the benefit of al troubled with Serofnla or Ipnie Blood in their ?tem, I hereby recommend King of the Blood, hare been troubled with Serof ata for the put ten reari , whiea ao alkcted my eyee that I vaa com pletely blind for aix month, 1 1raa reeoaaended to try King of the Blood, fch Ut prorod a great bleating to me, aa it baa oompletalj enrad me, and I abeerfBlly zeoenuaead it to all troubled aa I bare been." " Toura truly, Uaf . 8. VTXinnmrrw, SardMia, K. T. x will be paid to any Publia HoejrfUl to bo Batn aMy agreed poa, for erery eertiieate of tile medi afae pubtlahed by na which ia not genuine. Ita Xncredientc. To ihoir our faith in the aafetr and exeallaaea of Ska K. B upon proper personal appUoation.'.wben aatUflrd that no impoaition ia intended, we will fjra tKe Baaaaaaf all It tngrediante.by affidarit. Tbe abora oSera were nerar Bade before W the vre- prietor of any other Family Medicine in the world. Mnajr tUmtaJtfgrtherinformation,and full direction! for uiinj will be found in the pam phlet "Treatlee en XHaeaaee of the Blood," in whleh each bottji la emdoeed. Price $ 1 per bottle eon tarniar 11 ouneet. or 4DtoMdoeea.- fioldbrdru- D.EioM,Box4Co.,Prop'ri,Bul!alo,N.Y. f OLIAWREUilU; JDb. BixroBo's Iovxa IsrneoBaxoi $u a Standard JTamly Remedy lor Kuseaaespi.uiexitver, utomaon.ajn Sand Bowels. It is Purely &sb1 I Vegetable. It nerer , .Debilitates It is : . - . ei SCathartio Tonic. been aay. praoti d by the publiei lax more than 85 with unprecedented reaalis.; END FOR CIRCULAR w eiacati h a sboabwat, t me enewi ! aetvii nwiDBXeWl un iidiwi maj.Tmj.nv m aarcrcaiH(, Aiai1 SIXTEENTH YE'AR. ST.MAiri AOADXXT. " ' CONDUCTED BY. ' TIEjoISmS IF JII HOLY HE. .. . ;" - a '- -.i THE 8HOLAST1C YE'AR OP 'THIS school will commence about the end of August, and is divided, in four sessions, of-eleven weeks each" Board and tuition, .pexterm, $40.00 BedaadJB&3dinf-'"' J- - -AAfl Dfawtegad;patetkig ! T, r 6M. x lmio - 1 OaUv Entrance fee only onta, 5.00 SELECT-DAY SCHOOL! ( -Primary,;pe.r term, .......$ 6.00 junior, ; . .j... aoo Senior. "" WM Pupils received at.any time, and special attention is paid to particular ..studies jn behalf of children'' who have bunimited time For further particulars apply at theAcademr.' ' BENEDICT HOUSE. ArrxBOATE, Oreoon.- j.w ..:-;.. us',! JtJta jk.- w.. 2t7aek Ma ! i - tatlo, non: r ot iK r) i.' A- "v- tiavine leased urn ronuiar stand for a r .3. . .. ' f . . - " term of years, informs the Public it will be kept np to its former highratandard. Firstdaas Table aad clean ibeds'for the travelling public, Ung.asusuaL i Hay, Grain aad stab. e. ZaUmsmmI SkiBfles b-rtk MZXXZOlf T"HE "UNDERSIGNED WILL SUP. X pl the market with sawedJathes .and ouujgica iruui nis miuf uve miles rasi oi Ashland, on Clayton creek, at the following .'prices-; Shingles8ugar pine,delivered,f8.75 per ftoasaad. TLataeil--delIvered.fM per thonsand. -jr All orders promptly filled. Address, ' x Jftsw f!rrAmr.m t- Aihlaa; Ojea. .A'.v, GINIRAi. BLACKSMITHING IIORSE SHEIIVG, CojU, or SicxHiDjUfRiCiuroEsix St. ALT?, KINDS1 OF1 MARkETABLE predaee ttkeb in excbaBfre for work. - r; DONEGAN. - -Fifteen,- yard; print,. Jot fY at .te new j.ori store. J BrM m Sbw andaS n Jy.f ! M H ar l.i rBTi IIU vTe : p !am5BliJXA OtO iftrV ' ! Ifl ?.P 0P d Jiyriftroos : V6 Ov Yi' t??Tr pm, aJ "9 fti5nllllffl':'iT ! Ui0,4l Ifl 1 1 WngotaeerS ' '"SllllBaaLlPaibAa ! UniU7in lsan rr- S a.7 Ifotic. Lasd Oftick at Rosebubo, Oex. ) September 16, 1880, f NoUcc is hereby given that the follow, log named settler has filed notiee of his in tention to make, final proof in support of his claim, aad secure final entry thereof oa Saturday, October, 80, 1880,, before .the Judre or Clerk of the Court of Josephiae County, Oregon viz: Jacob Lucineer, Homestead entry So. 2399 for the' E H of SW M, sec 80 ana ii J5 oi xh yy m, oec a, T 40 S, B8W, and names the following aa his witness, viz: Geo. Simmons, Dan Sann, Paul. Lahtcrback and Chas. Decker, all of Waldo, Josephine county, Oregon. WM. F. Besjamiw. Itesister. NOTICE. Laxd OmcE AT Hosebubq, Ook., ) Sept 20, 1880. ) Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support, of his claim, and secure final entry thereof on Saturday the 80th day of October, 1880, before the Judge orClerk bf Josephine Co., Ogn,viz: Delia Noland, Homestead Ap plication No. 2449 for the E i of SB M. 8E Jot NE U , Sec 7 and SW of 8W Sec8,T37S,Re "Wn and names the following as his witnesses, viz: J. S. Wilder, W. M. Ferrin, Joiiis McAllister and John Cheatham, all of Wildervllle, Josephine County, Oregon. Wm. F. Bbnjamik, Register. NOTICE. Land Office at Rosebdso, 0ot ) Sept 20, 1880. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler haf filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry there of on Saturday. October 30, 1880. before the Judge or Clerk of Jackson County, Oregon, viz: Horace Rice, Homestead Ap plication No. 2561, for the TV X of NW.Jf arid WMofSW M, 8ec. 8, T 83 S, R 2 E., and names the loiiowing asms witnesses, viz: D. A. Hudson, ,C. Nye, of Eagle Point and umar iiurtand u. in d C. Magrudcr of Cen. tral Point, J action County, Oregon. "Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. Notic. Land Office at' Rosebtxbo Oon Sept 9, 1880. S Notice is hereby 'given that the follow, ing-named settler has filed notice of his intension to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and secure fintl entry thereof on the 23d day of Oct 1880 before the Judge or Clerk of Josephine County, Oregon, viz: Clark Nickerson, Hometcad entrvNo. 2282 for the E U of SE 1-4. Sec 14, NE 14 of NE 14. Sec 23, NW 14 of NW1-4, Sec 24, T 37 S, K 6 W, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Wm. Frakes, ,Jolm Taylor Wm. Chapman and T. Harman, all of Kerbyville, Josephine County, Oregon. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. Notice'. Land Office at RosEnoRo,.Oax., ) Aug. 18th, 1880. f Notice is hcrebr mven that 'the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of her in tention to make final proof in support of her claim, and secure final entry thereof on Saturday, Oct- 2dV18S0, before the.Clerk of Jackson county Oregon, viz.; Margaret J. Edsoll, .Pre-emption Declaratory State ment No. 8478 for the K X of SW U and SJorNWk;,Scc4tT36 8,R4W, and names the folio win cr as her witnesses, viz.: Jas. Whipple, M.Beekback, James Folder ana o. j. cucaie ail or jtvans creex, jaca son county, Oregon. Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. Notice. Land Oftice at Bossbcks, Oon, ) Aug. 23d, 1880. i Notice Is hereby given that the follow, ing named settler has filed notice of his' in tention to make final proof in support of ins claim, ana secure nnai entry inercoi on Saturday, Sept. 25th,. 1880, before- the wuuw w wav, iv wi wnvno"U vvuu.j, vi viz.: Samuel B. McFcrrin, Homestead Application No. 2838 Tortbe KV 1-4, Pec. 21,'T 36 S, R I "W, and names the "follow-inp- as his witnesses, viz.: H. 0- Fleming. Martin Peterson and Jack Guplon of Jack- soBTille, and Levi Tiakham of Eagle Point j season county, ugn. wm. a: benjamin, register. Notice; Land Office at Roseburo; Oon, ) Aug. 23d, 1880, f Notice is hereby eiven that the follow lag named settler has filed notice of his in ten to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof on Saturday. SeDtL 25th.'1880.bcforc the Judtrc or.LiierKouacKsonuo.ur.iVir.: j, a. An aerson, Homestead Application No 2400, lor the NB 1-4 of Sec. 17T38S.R1 W. Kftd names the following aa his witnesses. vir.. -oonn muis, jonn joicman,ai u. Coleman and Bcniamin Stephens all of Eden precinct, Jackson county, Ogn. wm. -. juenjamin, itegister, Notice, IiAND'OnTCEATBoSEBCIMJ, OONi ) Aug. 23, 1880 f Notice is.hereby given that the follow ing named 3ettler has filed notice of his in tention . to mako final proof In support of Satttdav, Sept astia, 18e. before the Clerk of Jackson coanir,'. Oregon, vix.t, W. T- Burnett,. Pre-emm iii ion. Declaratory,. State; meat No. 3637. for the N 1-3 of NW 14 SE 1-4 of NW 1-4. and' SW 14 of NE IA Sec 34, T 38 8, R 2 W, and names the fol lowing; as his witnesses, viz.r. JiW. Mills, John AndeiBoa; John .Coleman and John Gridley all of Ed.n, precinct, Jack; 9 AA wuutji au Wit F. Benjamin, Register. Notlot. " Lard Ohice at Roseburo, OoHnJ . Septeraber.7,sX88b. 'fl Vrotlce is hereby given that the follow Xl ing-napaedseUler.hafl filed notice of his intention: to make final proof in sup port of his claim, "and secure. final..entry thereof k6a Saturday. Oct 9, 1880, before theljudge or Clerk of the Court of Jackson County, Pregonj viz: S.-Wi Forbes, Hosted stead Application No. 85 for the NW 14 OT8W14. 8Wl-46fNW"u:R. nn T! 8R 5"W BE" 14 of NE 14 and NE 14 of 8B14,Sec,aovIT35 8, Rlr7aad SSiies the following t as his-r witnesses, -Tkt Aoram tjoie, a-.uoic. uuver Jotinsoa-and Jaaiea Neiley, all 'of. Grant's Tass, ' Jose- pniDeuounryruregon. T ' WitT.F. BEyjAitra, Begfster. JEevy Canton flannel undershirts aad.. drawers, . for S3cts at tbe New York Stem ' The best artmeat ojjbiblts; screws, tire antf comec rivets, rasps, files. pinchers, nippers, tones and aaaaraers; at John Miller's. ' '" 3r3amJLac5 JUDGE & IimriCTDRERS AID -KVKKT DESCBIFTIOX OF- SADDLERY, 1ARHESS AND 1 i HAVING THE FACILITIES AND SUPERIOR KNOWLEDGE OF THE : BtAaufacturiag of everything in our line, we are prepared to furnish on short notice, the very best of custom made work, which we make a specialty, and at the VERY LOWEST LIVING PRICES.' CSfRepairing executed promptly and with satisfaction. We invite the people of Southern Oregon to examine our stock before sending their money away. drHehry Judge will take wheat in payment for all bills due him, for .which he will pay the highest market price. JUDGE &NUNAN. Jacksonville, Oregon, May 3d, 1880. NOTICE. Land Office at Roseburo, Oon.. ) . June 18th, 1880. f. NOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN THAT 'the Stirling Mining Company whose postofflce address is Portland, Multnoma county, Oregon, has this day filed applica. Uon for patent for W Kot S E M of N E &8E-orSWMrEJ!X.NJ ofN W 14 oTSB 14, SW 14 of NW 14 of SE 14. SE 14of NE 14 of SW 14. N Hot SE 1 14 of BW 1-i 8W 14 of SE 14 of SW 14 uidbKol bw 1-4 ot qvy 1-4 oi oec io andtheN Uot NW1-4 ofNNV14and the SW 14 of N W 14 of NW 14 of Sec 19 T 89 8 of Range 2 W, containing one hun dred and fiftv acres.' situated in Buncomb Minino District in Jackson county, Ore gon,, The location and deeds of purchase from nrior owners of the above described tract of mining lands are 'recorded in Book 8 of the Records of Deeds of Jackson county Oregon.' Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion or said 8teblinq Mininq Com pant's mine or surface" ground are required to file their adverse claim with the Regis ter of 'the United States Land Ofllce at Roseb'u'rg in the State of Oregon during theslxty days period of publication hereof, or they will be barred by virtue ol the pro visions of the statute W.F.BENJAMiNBegister. UNION LIVERY SALE ANdM EXCHANGE Corner 4th and California Sts JACEBONVILLE, OEKQON. J. A. OARDW.ELL PROPRIETOR. rn PROPRIETOR HU JL.fl rallrTeballt and refitted this well known eitabllihnient. and haa made eztenelTe aad comfortable addi tion! thereto. I hare the Terr beet bori. bnrciee aadllrerjtiirneataofallklnda. My itoekof roada ters aannet be excelled in the State. Horses Bearded On'reaaonabie erau, aad the beet of care aad atten tion beetowed npon, thea while ander bj char(o Alee - Horses Bought and Sold. I am satisfied that I can give satisfaction and gnaxentee the same. With this im presston I have no hesitation in soliciting patrsaage. ROSEBURG HOTEL! 1C A, CAN AN, - Propr This hotel; on the corner of Oak and Rese streets,, opposite Wright & Carton's stable, has recently had a good and com fortable addition, which makes it second to no hotel in the city, and furnished with double or single roqm& .Families will find it lb their comfort to' give us a call. A OOOD TIBE-r-KOOr SATE FOR VALUABLE Board and Lodging per week $5 Roseburg; Ogn. May 81, 1880, F.E ITS CHARD, PR'AOTIOAL-i ' - ' " i WATCHMXKIR XXD' JrWKLSK, Catirorala Srect, MAKES A SPECIALTY OF CLEAN iegafld repairing watches and clocks. Ubargea reatOBabJe, uivebiraa call. Netice to Stock Men. Bi. LWEBB'has been appointed agent of-FRANKBROS, of Portland for Lake coaaty. It lis conceded that FRANK BROS, have the best stock of agricultural machinem than, any house in Oregon. Walter A. WoodVMOWERS and Harvest ing machines, Chicago. Pitt's Thresher, Blackt Hawk plows and the- La Belle wag on are some ofthe specialties. Send for circular aad price list. ;May4,tf:i H. L. WEBB, UMQN HOTEL, Karbrr'iiie.. .OrecoB, M ItjrdsrFropr. FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION CAA alwayi be had at this hoais at the moat reasonable rates. ..sT At excellent stable lh hotel. connected with WALDO EXPRESS. OeaunrydLsitS TO"- S. TVTnl.laB 'teavea Jacksonville ' Mondays and ThkiwUys, ifor . Waldo. Leaves Waldo Tuesdays aad Fridays., . , .First-class accomtBodatioss for passec- Express easiness 'promptly attended to by -t'-31 w" -EVlttGARRETT.- IMPORTANT TO AUENTSvr-LIFE OF GEN. JAMES A. GARFIELD, By hk personal frlendMAJOR BUNDYJ Editorof'N.X Mali; is the only edition to which Gen. Garfield has eiven oersonal atteBttea of acts. Eeautifallyilluetrated pmeu.aB,DOueu. -jue ueec.'-ix. I. Commercial Advertiser. "The neatest" N.v YHeraia., "The most useful, sensible aa4'8atiafcetory.''N. Y. Tribune. Full Ieeg sisel portrait by Hall, from apict. we takea cpnasly foe' this work .Ac-Uw.AasptejfWaated.-' Liberal terms. Seas IM at cace for complete outfit. . A. 8. BARNES' Co., lll-113WmiamSt,N.Y. D"-t NUNAN. J X. GENERAL DEALERS 1H SADDLERY HARDWARE, C1TYBAKEBY AND SALOON, In Masonic Building. Oregon St. a JACKSONVILL, OON. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBT DE sires to annonoce to the public that L they are now prepared to fill all orders for cakes or every description, each as wedding cattef, cakes for parties, wine cakes; also brow a and rye bread, ginger snaps Bt-d crackers. A lonch house will alio be kept at this place, where oysters in all styles, Limbnrger and Schweitzr cheese, can be bad at all hours of the day or night. JW-Fff h bread every day. Prices reasonable and satisfaction gnar antced. GROB & ULRI0H. California St. N, Picke, - Proprietor, PUIS WELL KNOWN MARKET, OPPO L site Kahler'& Bro.'s drnestore Is bet ter prepared than ever to furnish the pab- Ilc with tbe choicest quality of FRESH BEEF, PORK, ,VEAL, MUTTOIT, HAM, . ; SALT MEATS, BACON, Superior, SAUSAGE, LARD, ETC., The mot farorable Indaeemcnts offered to patiom.an'd no rflbrt'wlll bcapared to ward giving general gatlifactlnn. N. FICKE. RE-OPENED 1 JA-bOBMEYE5a. riONEKR WAGON.MAKKR, H S RESUMED BUSINESS AT the stand of the lute ,L L. Budgrr and is prepared to execute ail work in his lino with promptness' and dispatch and at very reasonable, rates.- All kinds of vehi cles conitrncted. Repairing a specialty. Good woik, and low prices gnarantced. Give me a call. J.MEYER- S, P. KANNA, WAGON-MAKER, ' Jacksonville. Oregon, TN CRONEUILLHR'S BUILDING IS IN 1 receipt of a fall aarortmeui of material Und prepared to do all work in hb line on anon notice and la a workmanlike manner. Vehicles o! erery description made to or drr. Terms reasonable and latiafaction guaran teed. -Repairing a ipecialtyi S. P. HANNA. July 14, 1880. EUREKA MILLS, SITBATED ON BEAR CREEK SEVEN miles nortb-ewt ,f JacktonTille, are prepared to a geneial Merchant and Exchange HusiBess. The undersigned will gire 3S ponndr of flour, 2 pounds shorts and 8 pound bran 'for exrrj Duaoei ci .vaeat, Hill also bock jour coitomera farnlahlDjraackr. BV-Satlafactloa Gaaraateedtta T.T. MeEiliZIK. BLACKSMITHING--AND HORSE - SHOEING. Barneburg Kincaid. HAVING LEASED THE SHOP FOR merry occupied by Mat Shannon we ask a share of the public patronage. Staple produce or Cash taken for work. SOT T ATI, to am r oar Price IJit for ilSSOv rn to aay addreea apon ap SlleaUoa. Coatatas eeerlpUem of errrr JII ri .aaaar mini rwjmrea ior Mnaellfirrimllrnu -n-. ... i ,uunnKioai. '- aeil au irpodaatolaaala prlaeain quantxlee to ami leSinaifrMtona.-Wa aeft ail wi?JSSSf ,b,,,helr,Pl''1lt,"'"a. Adtfrtaa. MOSrrOOMKKYrVABD CO.. aar aaa wakaai ATwcticaca. iu. Cut nails, wrought nails, clout nails, lath nails, finishing na? Is, fencing nails, homo nailtt, and iron md steel horse shoes at John, Miller . The beat Japanese tea 75c 50c and 35c :per-pound at tho'.New York Store.' Three undershirts for .$1, atlhe New York store. EXCELSIOR LIVER .HHND FEED TA.13Ii Career ef OSCOON AND CltlrORNIA 8T3., JlCUONTILLB. W. 7. TLTMAIJ3, Prop'r. WOULD BESPECirnLLT INFORM THE PUB lie that be haa a Sue itock of Horses, Buggies and Car iages And he li prepared to raralih hit patrou aad the pnb lie f (Derail with Fine Turnouts Aa ean be had on the Pftclfle coait. Saddle horeea hired teio to dj part ol the counttj. Animals Bought and Sold. Honea brake to work aiBjcle er double. Iloriee boarded and the kut of care beitowed npon them while In nr charge. A liberal ihara of the public patronage i lollcited on reatesahle tanas. DR. SPINNEY If o. 11 KEARNEY ST., Trcate alt Chronic und Special Dlteaeee S-OXJIffGr- 3VTH3XT WnO MAY BE SUFFERING FROM the effect" ofyt ntbful folliea or indis cretion, will do well to avnll themi-ehes of this, the greatest boon err laid at the altar of antlering humanity. DR. SF1NNKY will guarantee to forfeit $500 for every cace of Seminal weakness or private disease of any kind or character which be undertakes and fails to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. u There aie man v at tbe age of thirty to tixty who are troubled with too freqnent ev acuation of the bladder, often accompanied by a "light smarting or burning seneation, and a weakening of the aystem in a mnnner thcpatlent cannot account for. On examin ing the urinary deposits a, ropy sediment will olten be found and sometimes rmall particle of albumen will appear, or tbe color will he of a tbln mllkirh hue, again changing to a dark aud torpid appearance There are many men who die of thin diffi culty ignorant of tbe cause which is the sec ond stage of seminal weakness Dr. S. will guarantee a perfect enre in all r-nch cases, and a healthy restoration of tbe genito-nri-nary organs. Offick Hocks 10 to 4 and C to 8. Sun day from 10 to 12 a. h Consultation free Thorough examinations and advice, $5. Call or addrrsr, DR. SPINNEY k CO. No II Kearner St.. San Francisco. FRANCO-AMERICAN liOTEL & JU RESTADRANT A&'D GEXERAL STAGE U0USE, Oppo.lt. Odd T.llowt' Uatl, JACKSONVILI.K .URKCUN. . MADAME HOLT, Propria trail. TRAVELERS AND RKSIDKN'T HOARDERS lll Sad the ainst comf.rt.U. lodcloa at W'lt aoni la b mat with aujuhtra In tbla part of lh StaU. The Bods mid Bedding Will alwaji a Tonnd of flrst-clH aaaractar aad k.rtla a aeat aad clean coalitIoa,whlIa The Koomi aranawlj fnralihed and II1 alwajila kt lnn.il and bnmv Ilka condition. A pl.nllral luppljof tha bait of et.rjthlD. the market afford! will be Spread on S Her Table. ITer home will be kept open all night, and ''SQUARE MBALS" eanb obtained at any hoar ef the day or aljat. OYSTERS PREPARED IV EVERY STYLE, And Innehei tobehad at any lime. Staee puaen- jere andbthera who may bo oat late at night. can aU ware find a good fire, hot meals and good bade at thli home. No trouble will be spared todreerre the patronage of thetrarelllnnae veil aa the permanent comma aite. (lire mt a call. TABLE ROCK SALOON, OREGON STREET, WLNTJEN and HELMS, PROPRIETORS. TriE PROPRIETORS OF - THIS well known and popular resort would inform their friends and ihe pnblic'eenerallj that a complete and Srsl clars Mock 'of' the best brands ol liqanra, wines, cijranj'.ale-.'and porter, etc., are constantly krpt on hand Tbev nil! be pleased to have their friends "call and milc." CABINET. A'Cablnetbf' Cariosities- may also be found here. We wonld b pleiwd to have persons poasfssinp enriositirs and specimens brine tnrtn '" an we w'" p'se them in tbe Cabinet for inspection. WIXTJKN& DrJLMS. (omctjatvSct, pORJIeAND , 05(10 And Jacksonville, Oregon. GIBBS k. STEARNS will attend to all business in, Portland. EAGLE BREWERY. JOSEPH WHTTERER, Proprietor Oregon St., Jacksearille. TH! BEST Or LJtOER BSKR ALWAYS KEPT on aaa4 aad rtadjr for aala b the keg or (laaa eaffBKBaffawA7vf anKlalata flm RED HOUSE TRJ.DE UNION ! Country Order Department. To Old Friends and new we are Determined to please all. i . . -. t We spare NcWier. time? nor effort to deserve the successive claim. EXPERIENCE IS BETTER THAN DOUBT, AND FAITH ' IS- STRENGTHENED BY TRIAL. WE HAVE BUT 0X1 PRICE ASD SEIX FOR CASH ONLY ! AND Hark all Cooda In Plain Flzurti, ASD Flt.I. ORDERS AT THE SAME LOW PRICES FOR WI1I0H We sell at Our Counters. OUR STOCK EMBRACES DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. BOOTS, SHOES. FURNISHING GOODS, II ATS, CAPS, ETC., KTC. OUR BOOTS AND SHOES HAVE NO equal tor price anil durability. Tho Red House Kip Boot, men'a and boy's. Itr lias no parallel; warranted two genuine soles- Oilman's Standard screw boot is made of heavy calf, with tap soles. Wo also have on hand every variety of CalC it lexis Ties, Brorans, and Plow shoes, and Ladies' aud Children's shoes. ST-Prlee Ut Scat Frrc-C Address: RED HOUSE, Sacramento, Cal. THE STATE ipum1 & mnm COMPANY, OF SAN FRANCISCO. FIRE AND MARINE. INCORPORATED. 1871. Established in Oregon, 1S74. CASH ASSETS - - $500,008 OFFICERS I A. J. BRYANT PRESIDEN'; R. D. IVERS. ..VICE PRESIDENT C. H. CUSHING SECRETARY a..p: Totaling & co. 45 Front Street, Portland. Gen'! Agents for Oregon and Washington. J. NUN AN. Local Ajent. Criterion Billiard Salon ! CALIFORNIA ST., Noland & McDanlel Props. THIS POPULAR RESORT, .UNDER new management. Is furnishing tb best brands of liquor, wines and cigars. Tbe readinp table is suppllrd with Eastern perl, odlcals and leading papers of the CoaiL Give us a call XHE BACft; COUGHS. 'RHEUMATISM. BEKS01T3 CAPCIKE TOEOO PIAKTXH. rxithea, Kltercs almoat at ones and enrea ehera other phaters lilt ercn to relieve. It contalna Creatar & mora powerful pain relieving, atrengtb- cniDgannvarauTepropeniaeunanins eommon poroni plaster, and is far r-nperlor to UnlmeoU and the so-called elertrlral appllaneea. It la nhjw an. Pain. Whan mfferituj. yon , will do wtlllo take even a little pains to procaro this article. Do not allow any ottx-r piaster to ho tabaUtnteil for .V5?,d "' J'niirslatn. Skucst & Jobs eon, Piatt Street, New York, Proprietors. WALDO ROUSE? I A3! NQ-W PREPARED TO FUR-. nish meals at' the Waldo ITouse at 25ctseach. Horses to hay over bight, 29. cts. Waterjnthbarn. House lower end of town. Postofflce in the house.. 20tf rej.'TTIMEB. 'Wholesale .ItHer lleueev The undersigned offers Whtykey Snr.sale in quantities to suit customers at f S per gallon or 1 per. quart, at the Eaete Brewl ery; Lager Seer for sale aad denvered" at the usual price. IIks. J, Witthrek. c