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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1880)
'i V. X 7 OTEflftrSEMrtEK - -. w - Mjtacii.KVf - Wednesday, September 22, 1880. UhhI et-Koclrc. d ' Jane M, 1880. j To All Whom It matt5oiiccrnt Jtotlce li hereby give a that I have dels ted the OKKCM NTINEL ttc paper la which I sU.hereafter pabUia allure eaiptloBt, kaaneMead jaaA application rr Bilainc patent for laadi lyUs aear JaekMBTlUet'JackMB connty, regon. W. F. Bi:JAMiy, KesUter. Divine Services. Rev. F. 2L Blanclict wi!l hold services -atSt. Francis Church, "Eagle Point, next, Sunday, Sept. 26lh Rev. D. A. Crowelltwill preachaV'Phdehi:c"at 11 o'clock A. M., next Sunday, the '26th, instant . Bridge Completed. The large county bridge crossing Butte creek at Eagle Point, Messrs. Griffon fc Savings builders, was completed -on the 16th instant, and thrown open to the use of the public. It is a substantial structure, and one that will stand the freshet however voluminous. Fekce Burnt. Last Sunday the fiie got into Tom Hauler's fie'd on Rogue "river, near old Fort Lane, and destroyed about 159 yeards of fence. The fire approached from the side near est the river j here There was ajgfeat deal of dry stubble and drift, and had .got too much headway before it was discovered. Pcblic Speaking. Gen. E.-L. Ap plegate, Republican condidate for Presidential Elector, will address the people of Jackson county, on the po litical issues of the day at the Court House, in Jacksonville, Saturday, Sept 25th at H o'clock, p. M. A cor dial inritation is extended to men of all parties: Dramatic. The Vernel Dramatic sComany, C. B, Greeley manager, will perform at Holt's Hall Jackson--ville, on Fridar and Saturday night, Oct 1st and 2d. They will introduce a grand bill, opening with the two act comedy: "Naval engagement." Every thing will be new and attractive in the .highest degree. See posters. The Wagon Boad Fond. The C. C. W. R. Committee, under Jerry Nunan's energetic superintendence, is doing good work in securing Jackson county's proportion to the Wagon Boad fund. Let us come up to the help of this great enterprise. "Let us remem ber the adage: "Those who help them selves, God will help." m t President Hayes and Party The Presidential party were at the Sacramento Fair on Tuesday the 21st instant Thev will tirobablv ba in Jacksonville bn Sunday or Monday, mext on their way to Peruana. - r understand the party will occupy rooms xt Holt's new Hotel. It is not yet certain whether the patty will hae time to remain over night in Jackson ville or not ANXIOUS .EX SOLUIKKS. Til lieWB reaches thecouniiv that the ex-soldiers arc peppering H.iueock, Biruum tind Wallace with cont'hpondeu' e us to tlie status of ex-soldiers iu the ejent that HancockMs -elected. B&rnum alone answers them by haying the? hare 'been referred Jo Hancock. The latter Vcpeaktot a word, and the inference is that they will all lose their heads if they occupy positions mow. Hon. J. H. Mitchbul.' We under stand, says The Dalies F"Mountaineer," that Hon. J." H. "Mitchell while in Oie- gon will address our citizens at differ-J rntr points, upen tne ujortant ques tions of the hour. 'Uie people of Eastern Oregon have uot forgotten .Mr. .Mitchell's efforts to give them affen pathway by the Columbia river to the ocean; nor have they forgotten Jits success while a representative at Wash ington In causing ample appropriations .at each session of Congress to ensure jthe active pursuance of the work at the 'Cascades. It is uch lepresentation that Eastern Oregon wants. ITianwAY Bobbery. The 0. lz C. Stage, which left Jacksonville on Thursday afternoon, Sept 19lh, in ,-harge of Nort Eddings, was stopped ,by highwaymen near the top of Siski you mountain, at 11 o'clock at nidit The exress box was broken open with out unfastening from the stage. The mail sacks were taken and rifled. There was only one passenger a lady .who saw only one robber, but heard .others talking. In the express box he jjot 81000 sent by George Grotz of Kerbyville, but it is thought that it was the mail w Inch he wanted, for a ,good deal of treasure is now sent that way, but it so happened there were on i three registered packages in the mail on this trip, two of which he1 ,qvenooKea. xne niguwaymsji wno .robbed this stage the last time got .82,000 in the mail. Senator Slater. Senator John H. .Slate made a very modeiate speech to 'a Very moderate-sized audience at Holt's-Hall last Saturday afternoon. ,Owing perhaps to the depressing news ifrom Maine, detailing a Bep. victory, .neither the speaker nor his Democratic listeners felt very jubilant, and as a 'consequence the cheering .was quite Jreble aha" confined to afewindividnals. -The Senator is not a very brilliant or ator, and it was a question to a num ,ber in the audience whether he did imt .do Garfield as much good as Hancock. The comparison of Hancock with Geo. Washington was tuoie vigorously .cheered than anything else he .wiid. Jn"186l we heard VDemocratij fyeak 4r, compare McClellan to Washington and we think theeffect the upon pco aile.'will lf about as great in ,1880 as n 1664. aawB5iBjarLCALiTKM.-wriwt!rgr Ply male is still furnishing turnouts. Uewman Fisher is improving his A tm mm i SDont v forgets Breckenfield jfj t you want bargains. Fruit'cansl Fruit cans Tat Bilger's Hardware store. J. L. Wilder, of Wilderville, gave us a call yesterday. "Mens boots worth 85, for $3.50, at the New York.Store.' 3f ." ." A new stock of stoves, hardware, cutlery, etc., at Bilger's. f Wintjen ifc Helms received a large stock of Jiqdors''tbis'weeki ' Al. Ferree, Jr. of Lake county, is paying Jacksonville a visit Fred Otten and S. Kocster left New York last week for Germany. The best carpenter's, wsgon maker's and blacksm; ill's tools at J. Miller's. Lewis Boss'has so far recovered that he was able o come to town on Friday. 3Iorris Baum of Ashland was in town on Thursday and favored us with a call. FihewhiJe "linen shirts, "oncii.back orfront for $1.50 at.the NewYork Uev."3IrStahl of Albany has been adjudged insane and taken to the Asylum. ' Postal agent Ben. Simpson was here on the 20th iust, looking up .postal depredations. The oest assortment of Bodgerg and Westholtn's cutlery in the market, at John Miller's. Representative Thos.. Smith will ac cept our thanks for a copy of Governor Thayer's Message. i i '. The atmosphere is again very smoky caused by the many fires now raging in the mountains. The religious debate between Elders Sherrill and Peterson commences to day at Eagle Point The new bell for tho Presbyterian Church arrived this week and will be noon placed in position. Hon. B, P. Earhart, Secretary of' State, will accept our thanks for the reports of the State officers. Newman Fisher has received he contract for furnishing Fort Klamath with flour for the coming year. Prof. Scott will give a farewell dance at Ashland next Friday night He expects to move to California soon. Go to the Court House next Satur day afternoon and hear General Apple gate on the political issues of the day. Travel is on, the increase. The stage which left here" for the South on Mon day afternoon had on 14 passengers. Juke 'Marcuse, having refitted and enlarged his place of business, is now laying in a utock of gents' furnishing goods. John Lanterman of Bilger's Tinware and Hani ware establishment, is put ting a tin roof on Kahler Bros, new building. By trivato letter we learn of the death of J. H..Stiiifon at Eureka, Cal. He was Police Judge at the time of his death. Joseph Bapp and D. W. Anderson have placed us under obligations for a supply of watermelons. They were very nice. There will be a tremendous "change" iu November, but it will be found in the increased size of the Republican majorities. Mr. C. B. Stanley has taken an Agency for CoolidgeV nunory at Ash land aud will canvass Del Nort county for orders. The best assortment of bolts, screws, tire and, copper rivets, rasps, files, pinchers, nippers, tongs and hammers, at John Miller's. Miss Minnie McCain, daughter of Bov, J. S. McCain, passed through here Tuesday on her way to the itlam ath Indian Agency. D. H. Feathers started to Dke county last week with a load of cele brated Singer sewing machines He has since come back. Miss .Mary Langell who has been going through a 6iege of typhoid fever is rapidly convalescing. She is well enough to be about Jas. S. Hovvard'ti store building, one door East of Post Office, is being made ready for occupancy. It Is quite an improvement in the old. structure. Drs. J. M. Hinkle and A. H. Tru mau of Indianapolis Ktopjiod here on the 18th, 19th aud 20th instant. They took in hand several complicated cases. Mrs. P. P. and Miss Ella Prim have just received an elegant new stock of Md glov es. Giv e them a call if you want the pick from the largest stock iu town. Ben. Haymond, of Bock Point, re turned ftom San Francisco last Mon day. He purchased a large stock of goods for his store- at tho" Point while absent Fa? Jacobs -wishes it distinctly un derstood that he will not'be undersold by any one. His goods are "all first class and his stock one of the largest in town. Saturday afternoon, the 18th of September Pi esidenb Hayes reviewed 20,000 school children in San Francis co. It was a scene of great brilliancy and excitinginterest 5 L S. P, Marsh paid" Jacksonville a flying visit last Monday. He reports several new buildings -n course of con strue. jnthatjiilace and the town improving generally. - II f9rPivewagonloadst,etgrat-passed .through. Jacksonville 'on Tuesday, on tlieirwSNor'thr3' -ii"e G. A Hubbell will commence teac ing tho Wagner creek .School the'first' Monday in October. ;f Tompiurphy, dn of Deunfe-5Iur-.'pay fihlstowji, we regret Jtafeam; Is dangerously sick of some allection ot the lungs. The case of A. Fisher li Co. vs. J. feojrlandTiS'beenBConiproniised' and' the property., advertised willnot be sow ac anerm s aie. W. C. Meyer, .of Ashland precinct attended the pioneer re-um"onT on crutcheF. ,He. is slowly recovering from the injuries he sustained by be ing thrown from a horse. - The rate bills at the Jacksonville public school, 1.60 per scholar are due quarterly in advance. Last Monday a number of the scholars were sent home for their rate money. Senator Boss will accept our thanks for Renorts of the Secretary of State, Superintendent of tho Penitentiary, state Adoranan, oupu oi ruunu an structfon, andState Universily. The CountylClerk advertises that sealed proposals will be received by him upto 12 o'clock, Sept'24, fpr build a new roof and 'skyliglit in the old building where the Clerk's andishlrifTs offices are in. Capt O. C. Applegate of Lake coun ty attended the Pioneer re-union on the ICth. The Captain was warmly greeted by many of his old 'friends .in Jackson, who had not seen him for several years. Thomas H. Brents of Walla Walla and Thomas Burke of Seattle are the opposing candidates for the Delegate i ship from Washington Territory. Brents is the Bepublican and the pres ent incumbent. ' The -vingdam of Keaton k Co., ou Boguo river has been completed and the water pumped out of the enclosure. The work on river bed rock is being vigorously pushed, and a good yield of gold is expected. The Board of Equalization was in session .Monday and Tuesday of this "week. So far as we could learn very few, if any, changes were made in the assessment of the property as made by Assessor Goddard. i Joseph Tj. Hocket, of Phoenix, has en larged his business and now keeps all kinds of liquors, wines and cigars. He also has oysters, sardines, crackers, etc , for sale, all of which he sells at reason able rates for cash. One of the stages taking the Jack sonville Hancock glee club to Ashland on Saturday upset when near Etgle Mills. The singers were badly scared but fortunately no one was hurt. Bad omen for Hancock. Beanies Bros, will receive a good, -portion of their new goods to morrow. 1'he first installment will consist mostly of dress goods, lauie' fancy goods, clothing, etc. Call early so that you cantake your choice. Wm. Brodbeck and Launes Klippcl returned from the Cinnabar mountain on Thursday after an absence of ten days. They report deer plenty but bear scarce, bruin having gone to low places after hazelnuts and berries. Our law-makers at Sa'lom have got into working order. On the 14th both Houses met in joint session to hear Gov. Thayer's 'message, which is a very lengthy document Already a large number of bills havebeea in troduced and, referred. New Sowing Machines at E,. C Brooks' .New Drugstore." Four differ ent kinds of the latet and best im proved machines made -in the world The Crown, the Eldridge, the New Home, and New American Machine Price from 40 ti 550. " There is a demand for a reissue t f the fractional currency formerally in use, and sev eral members of Congress are moving in the direction of legisla tion to authorize it The complaint against silver is that it cannot be mail ed with convenience. The Southern Pacific and tle Atch inson, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroads are rapidly building their lines in op posite directions, and by the first of January next the gap which igrlSO miles, will be closed. Both lines are iu Southeastern Arizona. Ella and Emmet Conger daughter and son of Mark Conger, of Eden pre cinct, have been quite sick of' late, Ella of typhoid and Emmet of bilious intermittent fever. After a six weeks s!ege Ellat is slowly recovering and Emmet is also convalescent The Portland Bulletin Sept 15th, says: The, atmosphere yesterday was awful smoky and heavy and to bo com pared to a London fog. Many forest tires are raging and they fill the air wjth smoked It has cleared, up. sorao to-day but clouds hang low over adja cent hills and forests. Tho Crescent City ''Courier" says the surv eyors who have been searching for a favorable route for a wagon road from Smith river to the Illinois valley have at last abandoned the survey, be ing satisfied that the route is imprac ticable or, at least, no better than that of the existing old road. J. Van Horn, who lives on -the Linkville roadabout a day's drive from Ashland, wishes Jo inform the travel ing public that he keeps constantly ou hand hav and train, and that he charges but 25 cents for feeding liayj Meals can be had also for 25 cent. Horace Bice who resides on the Rouge, river wagon road, "half wiy 'be tween Jacksonville and Fort Klamath, was in town on Monday bn business connected with proving jun his land' ciaim. , xie reports ine roaa in toicr a6le 'passahle condition with consider ablcteiming going ovr it all the tjme. Auntie.Ganungand.Mrsr.Dr.. -Kah-. ler, we regret .to learn, aie on the sick list-Therfs nowconsiderable-sick-uess both in town and country "but so fayiQihing very alarming baa. been re ported. Our oldfriendA..,J. Adams, School Superintendent of iJosej)binertcpunty, we'ntndcomraiVted'niatrimonj-'oirthe 6th of last month, the otber'contracU ing party being Miss Annie Vhite of the same county. It's rather late, when 'fe found It out;Al.,bu; he'roluck all the'same " The oldest horse in Jackson county is the one owned by Mrs. IX. N. Bird ,ssye,ton'Rogue 'River below Bock Point He is' upward ofs thirty years of ace, has seen a jjreai deal of hard Uejcvicejboth in the, , harness and otherwise,-and'althougb.Wis not yet "hors du combat, he has been plated on the superanuated lest by his'owner. Last Monday night the Aurelian Literary society debated this question: "Resolved, that even in case the Mexi can people were willing, it would be bad policy to annex Mexico to the United States." It was ably discussed on both sides,vand much'was said both for and against the pluntary annexa tion of ouc Southwestern neighbor., The government telegraph line has reached the summit of'theCoeur JJ Aline Mountains, coming Westward. Within a month there will be telegraph communication between Oregon and the Atlantic coast Via Idaho, Montana and Dakota to the "Western, terminus of the Noi thern Pacific railroad, thence along that road to St. Paul Minnesota. General Hancock on the morning of the 14 tli sent a flying dispatch to PlaisteJ, thd Greenback candidate, con gratulating him on his election as Gov ernor of Maine. Tho Major General should not go off half cocked, as it is dangerous for a Presidential candidate to congratulate a man upon his elec tion who is not elected. Thos. Nast, the great caricaturist, will bo apt to go for the iuipulsive Major General and the would-be Governor. It is never best to crow until one gets "out of the woods." Whilst the venerable Bishop Simp jon was preaching in Powell street M. E. Church, San Francisco on the 12th Just, to a very large audience among which were President Hayes and famil y, he was suddenly taken ill in the midst of his sermon. The attack proved to be a . conjestive chill, and being removed to the lecture room, he soon recovered sufficiently to admit of his being taken to the parsohage; The last account); w have of him was that he wa3 recovering. A. C. Jones Esq., of Jacksonville, Grand Scribe of the order of Cham pions of Honor, has been organizing councils in the Willamette valley. The quondam brother, Dr. Coon, who demeaned himself so unbecomingly to tho ordor in this county, was ahead of 1iim, and as soon as he passed over the mountains into the Umpqua valley be gan to orgauize councils and give them his auspicious benediction. His foibles will no doubt be pretty .thoroughly advertised by Mr. Jones. Tidings. Is the nipllenium dawning upon the country! We should think so from the manner in which our Democratic hrethern .were rejoicing over the Re publican victory in Maine. The kind ling of bon-fires iu Portland, the tiring of a salute of 100 guns in San Fran cisco, on tho evening of the 14th, to say nothing of the brilliant ditplay lines in some of our exchange. All seem to point to the fact that the "kingdom is coming, thayearofjubilo." What a tremendous shout there will bo when the news of Cat field and Ar thur's election shall be heralded across the wires! AsniAND Garfield" Cmjb. On Monday, night last the Ashland Gar field and Arthur Club was organized James Kilgore president; Jac Wagner, Dr. J.H. Chitwood and J. M. McCall vice-presidents; A. Y. Gillette 1st sec retary; W. If. Atkinson 2d secretary; C K. Klum treasurer. The club now has 116 names enrolled, and the list ia steadily increasing. The example thus set by tho Bepublicans of Ashland pre cinct should be imitated in all parts of the county. If every Republican wi)l but do hus duty, Oregon can be carried for Garfield by 2000 majority. Brought Hiji to.Terms. One day last week two drummers,' whose initials are Chatley Kohn and Yjpi. Wright, while stopping over nighVat Smith's on Wolf creek, concluded 'next morning after getting up to go a short distance up the mpuntain aud brings in some wild game for breakfast; Tln-y had gone only a short, distance when they met a black bear (Kohn ' says it was the largest he had ever seen), and the aforesaid drummers, considering dis Icretion the better part of valor, con cluded ,o return to the house. The bear was also travelling in the same direction, and noticing this the first mentioned parties hurried along quite J iiveiy leanng mat tuey woum be too late for breakfast. Wright, being the fleetest, succeeded in getting ahead and jumped the creek, where he was on the opposite side from the bear, while Charley only got half way across, when he noticed Wright holding a double barrel shot gun on him with orders to halt unless he would agree to forever re nounce Democracy and a harty sup port to Garfield and Arthur. Kohn looked at the bear wishfully, but re ceiving no encouragement he struck out for tho bank on which iVright was standing at the same time promising all that was asked him. Since then Cherley has been tryiiig to orgaiiue a Returning Bo..r1 withthe liopoof count ing the othsr fellow out, but we still have lioppihathe'willkeep his promise . French and Russian calf boots worth S6.5Q for ?5, at the New York Store. ,, PjosEEaBE-UwjTharsday,, oept 16th, was a galajriay for the old Pioneers of Southern.Oregon. At an early hour in the day the Pioneers and their families were seea wendingLtheir w ay toward 1he Court House enclosure, which had been tastefully decorated and comfortably seated for the occa sion. At' about 11 o'clock Capt J. M. McCall "mounted "the speakers.'' stand and called the "multitude to orde.r, and announced- music by the String Band, consisting of Prof. Scott, P. Folk, George Brown and Pat. Donogan play ing the accompaniment on the piano; next, an anthem. "Traiss tho Lord by the choir, consisting of the Mis: Ella Prim, KatB-DofSin. Maggie a ;ses and Cora Linn, Kat Hoffman, Tillie Mil ler, Tillio Klippel, Dr. and C. W. Kahler and Jolm Boyer, Miss Carrie Beekman presiding at the organ; after which prayer by the Rev. M. A. Williams; next, song, "Memory of Galilee," by the choir, with instrumen tal accdmpaniment' by Miss Ida Klip pel; next, music by String Band; next was a scng, T,Only an 'Emigrant" by the choir, with Miss Carrie Beekman at the instrument. At this stage of the proceedings Win. Hoffman, Esq., read resolutions on the death of members who departed this life within the pastg'car. First, Mrs: Bithel M. Mench, born 1838 in WiTmebago county, 111., died March 30, 1880; nextMrsMary J. Benedict, emigrated from Illinois in 1853, died May G, 1880, aged 53 years; next Mrs. Louisa C. Neil, died April 30, 1880, aged 57 years;, next, Mrs. ElizaWth Hill, came to Oregon in 1853, died Dec. 14, 1879, aged 73 years; last Sam. D. "Van Dyke emigrated from Pennsyl vania to this coast in 1849, and died Aug. 13, 1880, aged. 71 jears. The tribute of respect paid to each nf'these deceased members was pathethic, but we have not thn spaceto reproduce the full report. The funeral dirge in hon. or of tho deceased" was rendered by the choir in a touching manner; next, music by String Bind. Judge P. P. Prim then delivered an oration which ras replete with a vari ety of historical lr'uiiniscences of the early settlement of Southern Oregon. After the oration, a charmfog piece, "Come w here tho Lilies Bloom," was rendered by a quartcte, consisting1 of the Misses "Kate Dorwin, TilhV Ilip pel, Dr. and C. W. Kahler, with. Miss fda Klippel at the instrument, which closed tho forenoon exercises. Dinner being in readfuess President McCall announced the order in which the guests should sftat.he table. The earliest emigrants first, Gen. E. L. Applegate having come hero in. 1813 lead the column accompanied by Mrs. TTault, who arrived here in 1845, then Judgq Magruder who came hero about the samo time, and soon up to 1855. The tables literally groaned under the weight of tho good things- uif this world and there was enoueh and to spam fdr all the Pioneers and all the new comers on the ground. It was a glorious re union of both old and young, and cverv thing pissed off as "merry as a marriage Cell."' In the afternoon tho multitude met around the speakers' stand to listen to short address a and -singjng and music in alternation. An original poem, "The Pioneers Song," by Mrs. Jane McCully, was sung by the old Pioneers, with Mrs. Shipley at the instrument. It was sung to tho tuno of "Old Lang Syne," and every old hero joined in "with a will." Addresses and speeche followed by Judge E. K. Anderson. Capt. 'Goodall, Gen. Applegate and others vvhp related theifarly experi ences atuljmany valuable'femfniscences of thoir fVonteur life. Bjjt "Poor Lo," the red man, was handted -without gloves throughout. i -The Real Evtatk Transaction?. following are the transactions in real estate, recorded since tho last issue of the Sextixel: J. H, MayfieUl to J. II. Cusick, par cell of land in Ashland precinct. Con sideration, 1. J. II. Cusick to H. C. Messinger, same properry as above. Consideration, $350. ' J. R. Boos to Silas J. Draper,- min ing property on Foots creek. Consid eration, 1,700. A. D. Heald to A. Dennis, mining property on Foots creek. Considera tion, 1,200. John Conway to L. A. Nuil, 1.28 acres land in Ashland precinct Con sideration, 8500. ' Abram Dennis to Samuol Duffield, mining property on Foots creek. Con sideration, $1,200. John Donegan to C. C. Beekman and David Linn, 160 acres land on Jackson creek. Consideration, 1,000. C. S. Sergent to John Hcckenjos, 40 acres land in Eden precinct. Con sideration, 125. L. S. P. Marsh to E. L. Watson, parcel of land and certain water rights in Ashland precinct. Consideration, 8650. o Dexies tue Allegation. Captain Doig, who has been charged with the responsibility of the loss of the "Great Republic" at the mouth; of the Colum bia, denies the allegation that he left Oregon to avoid arrest. He says that upon the contrary he remained in Oregon some seven months after the wreck, and then he went to Casta Rica upon private business. He had been in San Francisco tlfreo months when ho was arrested. First Flour. The firs flour ground at the Jacksonville Steam .Flour ing Mills was made there last' Tues day, and proved to be of exfcra quait Messrs! McKenzie & Foudray have all the latest. -inqJroved'macliinery for mtkiug flo'Ur, and they are both good millers flo'their flour promises to" be the staple article in this market Read their advertisement in another column. Jotcnhlnr County ltcmi. ifcwij" 4r - A corrcsjjondent from Kerbyville sends us the following items: Times are improving in Kerbyville somewhat.. Miners are-coming in oc casionally from Silver creek and nearly all have done very well this Summer. Talk about your Westons and OTiearyp, we have a pedestrian here in Kerbv that can "knock the socks" off :of-either,of the.ii,;and tha.beautyof it is that 'itsva woman Mrsi-Krnse walked from Silver creek to Kerby Fday' before yesterday j-the IJth. a feat winch the sterner sos tbtnar'worth coasting pf. , Atex. Watts is at present engageulin ditchingand preparing.his claim on Cannon creeSfor.ttie; WinterS-cam-panign. Our old townsman, George Grotz thas recently- "purchased the mining property iornjeriy owned by vm. Borgmail pn that stream and jnte'rtds' suun iu non-1 iib canvass, ana it is- tne wishes of his friends (anil he 'Earf lots of them) that he may be well reward ed for his oiL Brown Bros, are, still bottoming up, and arc tloing veryjw'cll,intjcedfXhey wiTThave nlentv of water to clean uli I'vvith the balance of the" season, J,They are working eight men at a pronCn from six to ten dollars per. elay to the hand. "" ' ! Taking everything into consufera- oion, we predictf'a bright future .for Josephine county. ur r; i.J Oun CkmeterV. That the 'Jackson ville cemetery is one of the mo'st charming-snots on the Pacific. Cbasfjis acknowledged by every stranger who" visits it. Tho ground's, comprising about, J3Q acres. of woodland, are dotted .withbeantiful, evergreens 6f laurtl, cedar, fir, spruce, sugar pine, manzanita, 'mountain mahogany, and live oak; also-.numerous black and white 'oak's. the grounds are situated on a senile Vlmmirr frrnf 't,!ll ' .'i from the Valley below, and are survey ed t,ff into eight subdivision for 'the accommodation of the ditferent orders and religious beliefs. Wt4 have hefe the Odd Fellows.atho Masonic,, 'the J,evish, the Catholic, the ProtesFant, Jthe American and Geruian'Bed'Metij and the Pottersficld or Chinagra e yard, - " Tlie Jacksonrilfe Cemetery had been established for nearly twenty years, and during all that time Sargent Dun jlap'has been Sexton. .. Mr.'Dunlap has; taken e'reat nam's in keenfn"- 'tho grounds Jn'good order and otherwise- improving tnem. no has ulso kept a list of all the huriajs for the past 21 years, cause of death, etc , which list if published would constitute an inter esting page in the history of Jackson ville and Boguo river valley. Ever .since the establishment of the cemetery. Persons have been brought-here for sepulture from a ditanee, hence the large riumber of graves. Mrs1. Mirgret Love's, Aug. 1859"was thetirst, and Mrs. Margaret Hart's, Sep. 10j 1880, was the last grave. Considering the isolation of Jackson ville and the difficulty of reaching- the railroad, it is a noteworthy fact, that the giaves of the dead are'adorued with a number of nice pieces of marble work. Wo learn that a' number of new, monuments are shortly to be placed on tho graves of deceased friends, that will go far in beautifying -this citv of the- dead. W. L. Becord, of the California Marble Work-, 1112 Mis sion St , San Francisco,, who is now in pur midst, hai already secared over $2,000 worth of fine marble work, to be erected here early In tho Spring. Tjie Independent Parties. Among the members of the legislature on tho train yesterday from the South was Col. John E. Boss. The Colonel is usually good humored, but this tinio he was short in his auswers. All al lowed for the fact that the Colonel had not slept since the night before, and rodo on the stage ninety miles during a part of the time, but feeling there must be something else in tho way they asked him what was his trouble. The answer was: "Dem John Burrnett He resigned tho position of Senator t run for Judge, when if he had re mained, the Senate would have been a tie, and I would hav e had the casting ote," slapping his hand upon his stomach, with & twinkle in his eye, tho Colouel continued, "then you'd have seen what we. us and the Independent party, would have done. Wo would hated ruled the State." This isall true, since Col. Ross would have held the deciding vote. Salem Statesman. The nish Water or 1SS0 Did not reach a point equal to that, of 187C, but it was high enough to do a deal of damage. Time, however, will repair this, but time only makes worse every case of disease of the kidneys" and urinary organs which a single box of Oregon Kidney Tea would cure. Sold by all Druggists, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. UEADY FOK BU&INco .. THE JACKSjNVILLE STEAM FLOURING MILL. ""1omm"nced 3Ianufacturing the best of v uour on MOD IT. SEPT. JO, 1S80 We are prepared to do all kinds of Ctu lom vo.k, in the. way of exchange offlour for wheat choppings feed and grinding corn. Wo have superior machinery for manufacturing flour and wo feci safe iu saying that We can da better work' than ijUT mill in Rogue River Valley.' , j i i, m i-AuituiKv, w-o win give ior good clem wheat, SU lbs. of flour and 0 lbs. of mixed feed for each bushel. McKKNZIE & F.OUDBAY, Proprietor. V OESOXUNT. DAY In Jacksonville, Sept 15,-1880, ta the wife of Silas Jt Day, u daughter. ""NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice'.. Lasd.Offick at Boseburq", Oox.Jf' Scptcmbw 10, 18b0, j Notice is hereby gWen that the follow, ing named settler has filed notice of bis in tenlion to make final proof in support of his clalmvnnd cecure final entry thereofba Saturday; October. 30. 1880.- before the Judge or Clerk of the Court of Josephine T 40 tf, R 8 W, and lutnes the following as bis witness. Tiz:Geo. Simmons. Din Hiinn ! Paul". Lantcrback and Cbas. Decker.'all of Waldo, Joscpaiue county, Oregon. - f Wii.F. HEXjAupO'eglst. o NOTICE. ' ' ' LASD OmCE AT RoSEBbKO, OflJIVf Sept. 20, 1880. J Notice is hereby giyen that the follow. lug1 named settler has filed nbtice or his in tention to nuke final proof in support ot his claim, and secure final entry thereof on Saturday the 80tn day of October, 1880, before the Judge orClerk of Josephine. Co., Oji., viz: Delia Poland, Homestead An plication No. 2449 for lhe H of SET Y. iK X ot XK if, Sec. 7 ami SW Jtf of.SVV . if. .-ec 8, T 37 6, R 0 W and names the fiitl6wii;r as bli witnesses, viz : X. S. Wilder, W. JI. Ferrin, Louis McAllister and John Cheatham, J of Wilderville, Josephine County, Oregon. ' Um.F. Benjamin-, Register. " NOTICE. ,i ' Lad Office at Rosebotm, Oov sept. 20, 1880.1- fi' Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler haf filed notice of hla intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry there of on Saturday. October 0, 1880, before the Judge Or Clerk? ofjacksnn County, Oregon, viz: Horace Rice, Homestead .Ap plication No. SMI, for the W of NW Xl and W M orsw if. Sec. 8, T 33 S, K '3'E;, and names tho follow ing ashi witnesses, viz . D A. Hudson, C. Kv c, of Eagle Point and omar Burtfand C. Jfagrudlr of Cen tral Point Jackson County, uregon. ., Wm. F. Benjamiv, Register. Notice. ' f Land Offioe at Rosebuk& Oo. f Sept. 0188O.. , , jVJot ice is hereby given that the follow. -I i iug named- settler litis filed notice of hisiiitenion to nuke final-proof iu sup port of his claim, and secure fitn.1 entry tumuiH uu luu zm uay oi uct., issu oeforo the Judge pr Clerk of Josephine County, Oregon, viz; Clark Nickerson, Hpinctead entry No. 22S3for"theEi.ofSEU,M-c. 14,-NE 14 of XE, 1-4. Sec. 23, NW U of tNW 14. Sec: 21, T 3TS, R C W, and names the following as his witnesses, viar: Wm. Frakfs, John Taylor Wm. C'hipman and T. Harnian. all of Kerbyville, Josephine County, Oregon. Wm. F. JBhnjamix, Register. URGENT CALL. A LH PESOS WHO HATE NOT Cv. settled their last year's account for hlocksmithing. are requested to come for ward immediately and settle", as I mint have, money. I Can't wait any longer. ' DAVinCRONEMILLER, , T , Blacksmith. Jacksonville, July 27th. ' SETTLE UP. ; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT alljtiebfs-dhe the estate of Daniel Hop kins (deceased) must be settled immediate,, ly. This is tho final call and coats will be saved by attending wit at once Davro'L. Uorxtts. Jacks:nviixe, Juno 8, 1880. NOTICE.. F.iIR WARNING IS, HEREBY Given, thit my books are In 'Squire Hufll-r's hands. Those indebted- to'me the first day after next election-, will have to bring a written excuse from 'Squire Uuf. ter. Excuses published: . . jrAitrcr VaooMAx. Jacksonville, Aug. 31, 18S0. For Sale. Thf Mining Ditch, known as the Goose quill ditch, running from Walker Creek to aiiiow Spring. Parties wishing to buy said ditch will apply to THOS. UHAVNER, , At Chavner's RancV. Dated July 8, 1880. SESrLS I SBTME ! ! OWING TO A CHANGE IN Bus iness the undersigned must have a settlement. Those knowing themselves in debted to them, either by, note or book ac count wilt settle before August lOthorsuit will be instituted. Jnly 21, I860. A. Fisher & Co. FOR SALE. 1200 FEET IIYDRAtfLIU PIPE, TAP 1 ring from 20 to 8 Inches, and owrNo. 1 1 Giant. Also COO feet of hydraulic pipe 13 inches square vt head ana tapering to 'i indies. I or terms apply to the under signed in Jacksonville. . t Aug.5,tf G.KAREAVSKI. , I am settling-my business and alii parties owing me must come forward and settle their accounts" immediately,' as interest at the rate 6f one per eerif. will bo charged from this. date.4 I mean business, anil must avo mon ey to meet my demands. D. A. COVERT.' ' 1 Phoenix, Aug. 20, 1S80. ,cj Medical Wotico. ' ' HAVING SUSPENDED 3IY MOUN. tain explorations, I offer my profes sional servi6cs td the people oi Jackson county. James M. Bccb, 31 D. ' Eagle Point, Sept. 6, 1SS0. , ) MISTER'S EHPOMUM Hardware. Cutlery, rithln: Tickle, U Powder, Lead, Bo, .Ic. J . Jno Milier, Propr. JACKSONVILLE. OG-jY.I Boots t Shoes, bn,t'stock im town' at the New York Store Call and see for'yoursejf. nomtstcaduitryTfb'2300 for llio E'wot' SW if. Sec. !iO-and.E 14 of N.W U. Sec. 3. SCV' Sa-V '