a a sWBttMBIHIEjp n .. - JAVKHIMVIX.LR1 'W'xDNESDA'?r8fMEMliKIl22f 1880 -- n -fi . .. ... ' i 1 :. JAS.AvFE.LD.o; s s .1?d. vice-president, Chester;!, akthue 51 AL S&9Jk Dl C1T XOIX. I..f3ES!?ENTI.AL, ELECTORS, ' -T 'RJEOlBffcuRRY, of Grant. ' v-J II JE-L: APPLEGATE, of-Lina." - V .Q:-B.7WA,T?ONi of Lake.. rrry i.c i- .. 1 EDITORIAL .MISCEI.IjA.N Y, aJl J :jl- 0" mJXpl-x' totalure'puiiation- in '8XWAgTKTrrfemrfLaTMcmrtt6fTa.-i w .v'MMyas3faife'g,ira&BBWffs seven! 'feollth'crn""StSc8 amounts' to ?1'2 6,'OOoJ- 000. . , .. '; n fi -. -, fit" ' , '"To begin with, tlierp'a the South Bohjl," say theDeraocratic calculators. After the .election it will be:, "To end with, there's the South solid." . , 1 . .. V1(;jyadji (Hampton ,$ays "the Republic .caq party, is aartj- of Jjate.?"1 Jf this Lad been true. Wade Ilamptpn would xiot.be,alrve;or,in thg Senate -to. .teH'it.. - Tho.. (Republican party is tho only party really in favor of equal rigUta, .and exact justicej.the party that never1 rpbs the ballot! box and is opposed tV sthe. "principles ,for which .Lce.and Jack son flight for four yeaTs.", ( -'FhoMobilc (Ala!); "Reporter iscbri-i fiflcnt that' "the "first gun" sounds a. hww'r boom-for Hancock." The gun was' loaded Hoo -heavy i Ninety-one tiWaridDemocratic majority', gained ''counting' -out the Republican vote, La oaused'a dahgerous jrecoil. It has been admitted by- Democratic fo'nfxias that if" the extract frpiu Ilanip- Ion's speech1 is' accu'rate'it will cost, 'Hancock' thousands' of Votes. As its accuracy1 has been 'established beyond .Question,1 thr loss may 'be ' cohsnlereit; as' recorded.' ' ' Tho Democracy are to be congratulat ed upon .the accession of Gen. Butler td their ranks. He can give tho same reason for returning to jbe Democratic party hich the juobriate individual Hid 'wb'o' appeared athls own door and wasnsked by his wife why he came Lome at'that hour: "Cause, all other places are shut up. Tho D.cmqcratic party goes back fifty years to the days of: Jackson, to find something to. boast ,pf, and, , goes . back eight years to find mud. to -fling at the Republican- party; but when, the Re publicans parade, .the records of the Democraticparty during .tbe.past four years, it moans and snivels, "Oh, don't rako up tire, past.". .Two days after, tho Maine election the Portland. "Standard had, an editor ial in .which it stated that as Maine had gone at this election .so goes the .Union in November." We agree with you this time,Bro. "Standard." Maine Lavtugjgono , .Republican on local issues,,-in which . the public: interest could .not possibly be rery great, wilf go largely Republican in "November ftliere the; issues are. rrationar, .and' in' which the public interest is greatest Garfield will be our next President V-The death' of Dudley Pield on the 7tb.inst.in New York brings before! the' public the remarkable family to which he belonged. In a few" days there-was to have been a joyful re union at Stockbridge, Mass. At his funeral ihero was a re-uriion, -but 'how sad I y- What family in 'the "United States can ihowraore intellect in a sin glei generation 'than that which- con tains Cyrus W. Field, -David Dudley Field, Rev. Henry M.; Field, of the' "Evangelist'' and "Judge Stephen J. Field of tho Supreme Court of the' United States? 114 I I ' ,Thc , Jacksonville "Suu and. Press" says that Northern .Republican. papers dqjFJoriga great injustice in classing Jiur-.v,Jt-lvHio-ipnd, South. II, claims that-JTlprida hasfthe same bright to be classed a&p Republican State as Now Yprk, New Jprsey, Connecticut or In diana,;and that with reasonable assist ance from the.Northili maybe counted upon as -for Garfield. Ther,o. is only one. thing, says the "Sun; and Press," which; tbctRepublicans.of Flprida.have reasons,to,fear,.and:thatJB that ''frauds will.prevaili against' an honest, Repub lican.mojority," , . 4 Our cotemporary has an astonishing' faculty far drawing comfort 'from-'the result ofi'the Maine election. In his issue of the 1711?. he says? ilhe Dem ocratic tidal wave-' tliatrifill; sweop". the country this Falfijot it startin Maine and' is bounding 'onward with fearful velocity. It will be overwhelming in November." Exactly so. The "tidal wave" which elects 3 Republican Con gressmen, a Republican Governor, a majority in both houses of the legisla-turthus-wuringrtkerreternrtrRo" publican as .United States Senator, meets.'- with oPUr entite. approbation, And obrrcotcm. is welcome to-all the .comfort, tliat-.hei can :draw out .of this result- jWiienit is remembered that tbese.'auccesses were gained in the face pf sa unholy .Alliance between Demo prats and Greenbackers, whosej battle cry was "anything to, .beatthe Republi cans," .and when tho. llepublicansvsuc peed in- wiping out Jhe opposition mat jority x)f 12,000 ivotes of two years ago we -think tho Republicans of Maine have dono remarkably, well, .andlihe .J'fearfHl)'velocity".of which our- ncigh-i speakSjV-w.iU . "overwhelm" lusT own. party, &nd,jpla'ce .James Av;Garfield, in VhejPresidpntial chair, r Yesneighbor,. jf.tlieJLordi letsf.us, all. life until "the evejiing of. the. second day of- Novenii -.ber'next, the; hundreds -f-JJemocradc; stump;pratorsinow-;trav'ersing,ithoJand frpm sea to sea, will.-seo-slip from their grasp -.thei-many-expected consulships, cbllectorahips, post .offices, .land offices, and other, cf at govemment.- i)point- tnents. oUncle Samuhas.had too isad' expenencefor the. past eighteen years; with the crowd Hanging to- the coat tail .F Hancock ,to 'entrust theur with the -affairs of his government Thebbhaviorrof tuislcrowd,.upto this very -day: . in the' States beyond Masonian'd Dixon'a .line) .where, th'ej have 4iiadetheJ5outh solid wby,. tram pling in.'. the. dust the righls.of Jree- men, lias, so aigusted: uncle bamuel that' he .will not favor them for yet' awhile; The Democracy is. beginning to look, blue since they ieard from' ilaino-y' . . . i.-'gTILL THKY toMLt"'' The State election in Maine which Idok place on the 13thinstaritiPasV close race between the combined-Green back and Democratic ""parties andthc, ' uaiiea xvepuuucau party. J.ne'resuit. is; now before us and demonstratese. great vitality of the RepublicaSvparty.- In order ' to understand the situation in Maine, a few things jnust be taken into account At the Cbngrcsssional election of 1878 tfie Greenback-party of 'Maine CBBt.-TCSvotevceBatingrthevoteofj the candidate1 in the fourth district on whom the Democratic and Green backers, consolidated. The'Democr&tic vote was 20,977. The Republican total vote was 56,326. The combined Democratic and Greenback vote, was 68:385. These figures gave the cbm bmed Democrats and Greenbackers a majority of 12,069 over the Republi cans. This jear therg, were but twu tickets in the new: tne democrats. ana Greenbackers voting one and' the Re publicans the Dtber! Thetfckot voted for by tho Greenback and Democratic parties .this, year went into the Cam p'a'ign. with a clean 12,000 majority, which vas"(no slight vote to overcome, but overcome it was by tbp sturdy Re publicans of the Tine Tree State- , ,The full, returns.of the. election show up as foljpws: Ij'pr Governor 'Davis l?$ received 73,416':. Plaisted '(Fu sion.) .73,000: Scattering 33t: plurali tv for Davis 416. The Legislature, is. overwhelmingly Republican, both jui '7i o ','"'"m . ' ,,' ' -n publican- TT. S. Senator. But for the .true test of the stjength pf ( parties' in Jilaine on national issues, one must look to. the vote on Congrefsmen. Of the five Congressmen, the Republicans elect three. The Republican vote has in- creasea in every Congressional aistnct in, the State, aggregating a total in crease since 1878 of 8,837 votes. Wo think our Democratic friends were a little premature .in-celebrating a Dem pcratio yictory in Maine. ?i tr KED HOUSE - -hue nmt rr I . 1 " Ceuntry-Order Bepartmcnt. To Old Friends anH nVtr tre au-e Itainftd td xn .. plMM !.. ' ' IS t tl w' . : Wc - spduWyWoitften time nor effort fto deserve -r.rrv tTie SUCCCSSZVe . -Jf. -'. v i, ;4. '.'' " ?"Mr .JV iTie successive, claim. WBT A MAIMS GREKXBACKKR tKAVES THIIH. ' Son; - J. B. "Barker, Democratic; member of the last Indiana Legislature from Pike county, who has recently re renounced Democracy has' 'taken--the stumpfor 'Garfield, . ' ? Anthony1 Kt6nW,:: of Elkhart, Indlj lias lb son's,-all of1 whom will vote for Garfield. He says they' were intended for Republicans before they wpre born. Hon. T. J. Williams, wlio was a Democratic, member of the Illinois Legislature from Jefferson county.' in 1877j hasjust declared himself .a Re publican. - S- -R- Mason, of Mercer, Pa., the Greenback candidate for Governor in that State in 1878, .receiving nearly 100,000 votes, has recently come, out for th'e Republican ticket ' ' '- The-members-oFthr "Silk' Ribbon Weavers' Union,'1 of Patterson, New Jersey, -numbering 1,300 operativesr have resolved every man of-them to voto for rarfieTd. and Arthur. At New Albany,- Ind., the past week a Garfield :anQ Arthur -club of 15 members- was formed every member of 'which: has always been aDc'mocrati So' many prominent Denlocritts there have come over to the Republicans ias to cause a panic among the Democracy. Geo. W. Keightly, who has been EXPERIENCE IS BETTER THAN OtfOUBT,- 2AND ' 'FAITH IS STRENGTHENED BY - . "TRIAL. ' WB IIA?&:BUT OXE PRICEf ., (- ASD 8EL1, . FOR CASH ONLY ! i ' AXD ' ' Mirk'all Goodi In rialn FIzarei, ASDriLL ORDERS AT THE SAME LOW PRICES , FOR WHICH Wc sell at Our Counters. -u-"TOrvTirrvE' r" HARDWARE STORE. srv l 7 f- ' '" l - MRS. JBILGER, (at tits old stand or johx bilqee,) CalilfrtHla Slretl, JatkHQTillr, ""wirmT . N A- iJrtR.wr- r W " f i "5C!f)'P'L.-lPUU-j-'-0 a ..,; .t .PEALER.INi.. ., ,T. . "V it 1 - f-.i I 'l Tia, Sheet-Irea, Copper-Ware, STOVES PHBlBSiaBd Piptr m?JAiifi?iA ':'k Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes y- L-vrn; ??: Wosmsmtt " ATTHJC I9H3 ' 13U1S Yii3 -tPFTimw in SJi'AUSHItH INRRJtQiO AT' Oregon Street, Jacksouvnle WHEKE A JCOMPJ.ETR AND magnellcient tjdortnjieiit or now jtoo.I &u Jft bwijej; co; jrtuj- la jjrtof CLOTHING, .v lOY UVA i.. New" York '"StSre, m-aM tjLl: -u"-" JsT. prominent in the Democratic party of Ottawa county,' Ohio, since the Greeky movement, and has just retired .from the - office of Democratic Prosecuting Attorney, has come out for Garfield. He says hir experience in the war against rebellion, and the tendency 'of the Democratic party, can not allow I him to act with it any longer. John R.' "Wallace, a' banker.of North "Manchester, Ind., and for a long time a leading' Democrat of his township, and who was, at the time of his with drawal, a memberof the Hancock Ex ecutive Committe; ' states that as an honest man, "he cannot conscientiously act with the Democracy longer, "and has joined his' fortunes with the Re publicans. Col. Roland G. Usher, of Lynn, Mass., a prominent deader in the "In dependent" Butler' movement of last' year, most heartily supports Gen. Gar field, and says, ''the interests of the country: are peculiarly and closely iden- .;A-short tnM'-ago-it'-wu announced" imm WJU1 vae ?uccess 01 T '-- tbatFraticis'E.pinrter, former tfeas-i can par-y mar.., wouia ue-.iKe suiciae- tu nuijuiv iij' uiiict. A Los Angeles dispatch of Sept, '16, .says: u. u-. Barclay; a prominent and influential Democrat and member of urer-'of 'the. United States; whose auto grapn -was' so familiar to all 'who han dled greenbacks, had declared for 'Han roclc. -"On'theCth of Sept Mr. Spin ner was in VasKington on his n;ay uTheHon. K H. Gove, chairman of .the" Elaine Greenback State Committee, Greenback1 candidate for Congress in the First district in 1878, and Secre tary of State under" Governor Garcelon, -has written the following letter:. BrDDErpnp, Me;, Aug. 26, '80. Gentlemen of the Greenback State Committee: I hereby surrender my membership "of your Organization and withdraw. Hereafter I shall act with the Repub lican party. No one. can more sincere ly regret the necessity that compels this step. The original end sought through a new' party was currency ro form; its present aim is "to beat the Republican party." The first issue called thousands out; the .second issue sends tlieru back. Against -the. will jirid calmer judgment of true meii , tlio tireless ueniocr&cy have dragged, the Greenback party to this false position. I 'find it no -ilonger an independent organization Its forces,.- as- now di rected, are. one-.wit& the; '-'Solid South' o factor in, the. struggle for the Demo cratic supremacy. Uf.thrs party Ssolon Chase says: "They now stand upon lithe' hardest kind of. hard money plat- iform, and tho Bourbon rule in the South, where, they have their own way, is a disgrace to the civilization of any country." A "Solid South"1 ia the boast ptthe Northern Democrat; it shoud be their- shame and confusion. Itis not a community 6t ideas;- begot ten., of. free discussion; it. is the har mony of fear, the unity of terrorism, cemented in blood. Now we are unit ed by- fusion "with this criminal and dangerous Solid South. Thd young pure blood 'Of the Greenback party, is to be transferred into the frame.of.this dying desperado, t can see nothing "to advancement of Greenback principles in this alliance, so fraught with nation al peril. I believe that the interest and the good of the country are new served by the defeat of the Democratic party. That, I may contribute to .that end in the most immediate manner. I go'to the Republican party! I am Yours, ' . E. H. Gove, Chairman. OTO STOCK EMBRACES DRT GOODS, . CLOTHING. BOOTS. SQOES. FURNISHING GOODS, HATS. CAPS. ETC., hTC, OUR BOOTS AND SHOES II A.VE NO equal tor prjce.and durability.. The ltcd House Kip Bookmen's and boy's. It has no parallels warranted two genuine soles. Gllrnan's Standard screw toot is made of heavy calf, with tap soles, We also have on -hand every variety of Calf. Alexis Tics, Broj-ans, and Plow shoes, and Ladies' and Children's shoes. HOPE, TWINE. ;? cr.ATs iao a : BEST WOSTENHOLM CUTLERY V - 'powder and fuse, -' " General assortment of SHELF HARDWARE ETC.. ETC. A" FIRST-OLASS MEOHANIO "VILL attend to Job-Work with neatness; and dispatch. ; I will also keep constantly on hand a large stock of LIQUORS AND TOBACOO. i. Particular attention paid to Farmers' -"ants and the supply of extras for Farm. Machinery, and all information as to such' articles turnished cheerfully, on applica tion. No pains will be spared to furnish ourt customers with the best goods in the mar ket, in our line, and at lowest prices. -' Aj-cncy of the PACIFIC RUBBER PAINT the best in the wrld. , Our motto shall bo prompt and fair deal lug with all. Call and examine our stock before coins elsewhere. Satisfaction guar anteed. MRS. J. BILGER. Jacksonville, Aug. 11. 1880. '. . . " r-r w "-.j fcl ..jrmCTIIffi STOCK OF'' 5 IT J - LX2.' .m?-mpi'is GROCERIES,. FACY GOQDS. . j(al BOOTS A SHOES, . .SCHOOL BOOKS; t" HATS AND CAPS, TOBACCOS ACIGA"RSnr hardware and oarpets, tinware -., .allk:inds. paints. '-ALSO:-' -' . " V f O-TjASflf- v.o: w jUxrxow" A PI N E GK0CXRIS8. ASSORTMENT 'S. 1 . A- tuu ' ! , , .,ATCOST ON ACCOUNT OFJDPA'RTU:RE. "w'MfsF1 'iSJ (!y.' .-r-h"' . t. VI u -s -Prlcc Uitf Seat Tre- Address: RED.HOUSE, Sacramento; Cal. the Democratic County Committe, has fioae to'New Yort from Florida, to abJured Democracy, and announce anftf the camV.ai'gn fbr ftaffield and: himself squarely for "Garfield and Ar ..ji - . h.j: ..,. .i -, . , -, - i ; , thur.. Fromilhe high ".standing pf Mr. Arthur. And now it is telegraphed ' , .... ." .. - J . ., . V' h "'- V ' - vi r v 'a i ! Brc'aj'io. the party it is certain .that - l. i itV11 ""u .ryu'cuulv "" many Northern, Democrats wiJI follow jn w.as arraict tney naa gof uarnoia jus example. Cil.VaiV Horn of Missc?uriiays,Thavo ? talked' with Gen. 'Logan within teii days; land- bo wasn't, afraid at that .iijiobut confidentthat 'Garfield had gt theni." ' , ' The Albanf 'Jpurnal .estimates- that the :five northrerf counties ofN"ew Yprk State, will, give atJcaht 17,000' majority for Garpeld and Arthur, An interesting statement has' been compiled at Washin'gtion which ex hibits in a striking light the promi nence of ex-rebels in Congress. The eleven States-hich went into rebellion have" ninety-five Senators and Repre sentatives, and of these no less than seventy-two were prominent in either the Confederate army or Congress. There are forty-two Democrats in the Senate, and nineteen of them were Identified with the Confederacy, a "ma jority of them as officers in the rebel army. There are 146 Democrats in the House, and fifty-six of them "point with "pride" to similar records. The Republicans are awaking in New Jersey and are putting forth their; liveliest enorts to insure the State tor 'Garfield and Arthur. The dissension in the Democratic ranks created by' the poor nomination made by the, party forStatq offiicors fan tho flames of Re tt blican hpp. ., The United "States1 Government is jthe strongpst as well as tho freest, in the world to-day. What was -it at the close of the, last Democratic, adraipis- J tration? K (i ASHLAND HARNESS SHOP C. K, kLUMi MANUFACTURER OT, AND DEALER IN Saddlery and Harness, ASHLAND, OREGON. - KEKP3 A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF goods 'in his line of trade. Ladles', Mens' and ' Boys' Haddlci, a Specialty. TEAM, BUGGY AJVJD PLOW HARNESS, WHIPS, ROBES; DUSTERS .- " .. ;.--' . . i-ANU-r HORSE BLANKETS. . '-' .- .' , ALSO Winchester- -Repeat-no Rifles fcommonlv called Henry Rifles) of model of 1866, 1873. and 1876. Pistols, Cartridges, Etc. Wheat taken at the Highest Market Rates in Exchange for goods. K.KUBLI, Odd 'Fellow's' Building. JacksonTillrJ1 .- : f 1 UKALKR AKD WORKER IN . 'IN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LKAD - - , i Pumps, i AGRICULTURAL 1 pLEMENTS, NAILS, .v. ' A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES' HARDWARE, TINWARE. POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Fuse and Caps, WOODEN & WILLOW WABE. ROrE. NAILS, Paints. Oils, Varnish, GI- CUTLERY, WIRE. Shot, Brushes, Chsias, Hose 4 etc:. Fro. I have secured tbe ervlcen of a flrrl-clbi Mechanic, and am prepared todo all repair , t .- ' Ing promptly and In -uprrior ityle. M. Mensor. irp J A CKSOJi'VILLEMOY. 5. LADIES? HATS'' AND' FLO WERSr. a;rtffi-B (l In fact eTerylbirifr to be round In a Iri cUfs stoyk o General Merchandise, whlel will be Fold at prices That Defy Competition.. The blgbit price allowed ror countrj pro due. i"Glre tns ft call at 'my rftablihment in thu Masoulc bulMInjt snd be ennvincrd. that there Is bo Unnibug' abciul Mlr.V H f J K. J. OBS1 Mn.P. P. Pilm. MU. Ella Prim ALL THE . Latest FALL &WIXTER Stock -AT i y NEW STYLES This Season's Choicest Goods Salts rrom ? 00- Pnots frora.. i oo DrrssHtilti "com, 30 00 Bearer Salts from 30.00 Sprlne Urercoats ft-oni..,,. l"r.O(h . r. The Public Invited to In - speot our new styles." Civility to All. E LEOTRIO LIGHT used Samples wlthinstruetions for self-measurement , sent Free. -SSr ALL GOODS SHRUNK. Visit Our Store Before Purchasing. PRIM'S MILLINERY STORE! WETJAyE JUST RECEIVEDAiNEW stock of poods st onr store, of Kail and Winter style, as follows: , HATS OF ALL STYLES. PLUSHES, FEATHERS.FLOWERS JBT TRIMMIKOS, Childron'slioods 6c Waists, CABD BOAKD, Velvets, Zephyrs, Needles. "7c al.-o keep the celebrated Cchtemcri Kid Gloved, Handkerchiefs, etc. ""' " ' Call and examine belore purchasing elsewhere. t ,JacksoavllIe,Nor. 2clth, 1879. LATEST ARRIVAL? OF ikkj-vvet AT BRECKENFE!JLV$.!' r-j-nEDNDER3IGNED T.IKR Pt.KA L. ure In annonncidg lo the public that he hapja-t-rem-lradl a complete and firt cIm Morim(tn of Gint' Knrni'hinc Good.-.-ncb'ii- nst'n, Soirt-. lTnd,r-rar. le bet brand of Cigars and' ToWeoo. Ittpe-;. Notiniif.Fancjr Good. Gla-swarai Orock'er', Musical uMrumentx. I5irdiCKi-,Stktlonnrry, I'ocket and Table L'ullcrj,. Xlbann; Toys. Caiidir. Nnt-.rtc which wllUb! sold at tin- elu-ap't rates. GWe ran' a call.iul. se fr.r ouraelve. F. BRECltENFELir. THE HIGHEST PAID FOR BY JOHN 0ETH, JACKSONVILLE. E-GLVB JIIM A CALL.-SB Fluting machines, polishing irons clothes --ringers, wiro clothes lines and scrub ing brushes at John Mil. er's. t FAHJiERS JTovr is tho time to or der vour extras for farm machinery, Go td Bilger's store and you will get what you" want. Suits, worthI 5 for 9, at the New Yorktore. 1 fN CONNECTION WITH .THE AJIOVJ. 1 I am receivliiRand 'baffZeoti'tantiy band a fall and flrst:clafp stock nf ' - GROCERIES, DRT-GOODS, OTJU BOOTS, TOBACCO READY BIADK CLOTIIIXO. GLASSWARE. CROCKERY; &c. -ETerlhIr.B sold at rean-nabU rates. . ... . K. KUBI.I alsBBBBBBBBBBBUn3EaSBBBV,3saSBBBBBBBBBBBBBl WOOL! WOOL! 4. v ji JaekonTill. Marcb. C, 1878. ".V CITY-BREWERY VEIT SGI1UTZ, Proorictor. TW0ULD MOST KESPECTrtJLI.Y I". t-f' form lh eillienaof Jnckion'HIa sad th .rlJ it Iiree. tbtt Uer can find. t anvtlrn... &t mr arewerv. the Stlacr btrr. In any quintltjr the r""er- sT desire Mytinaie ! coi-"nl'Otlj1lnl4,nd my renins ere slwajra la order. A'Tblt-wlllpleaie-jra. Dress goods" 12 J. cents at itbe New York .Store. " tZpsiC&xkSZ JVICOLL, THE TAILOR. 727 Market street. s. f. ; LUMBER, LUMPPR TJJOMA" SAW MILL AT THE MEADOWS; HIGHEST CASH PRICES. CARO BROS.ofRoseburg,Oregonwil pay tho Highest Cash prices for TtVool de livcrcd in Koseburg. All correspondenoe -vill be promptly answered; .-. S', HENRY T'tettTDSOiSr DEALEIt IN RIFJ!S)S!IOTilJ.:)lPiSTI!LS.. Etc.,Zstc.f .JOTT NO. 33, FIRST STREET, EVERY! JUNO IN 3IY LINE WILL hereafter be sold at greatly reduced rates and parties ordering by mail will re, ccItc none but first class goods. 8cnd for catalogue and price list TS NOTC FULLY PREPARED TO.EuR X nisli the market with every dpscriptlon ot lumber of a sUperiorquality. Tlilamill is new throughout and furnished with the latest and most improved machinery, there. Jjy ensuring the speedy fulfillment of all orders at most reasonable prices. Bills sawed to order with dispatch. JSpGivc me a trial and I will prove what I sav, for satisfaction is etwranteed in every case.. JESSE B. THOMAS, Table Hock, Reptrmbcr 3d, 1670. LUMBER FDR EVERYBODY :S:TEllL,INbG3.a 6 Milts South j)f Jackmyillf j - TS $QW .UNDER FUlL HEADYrAY X and is prcparetl to furntsh'thb fmarket with cverrjlescripUop.of Jutjcr of a supe rior quality at the lo-resi. rates. Bills, sawed to order nnd satisfaction guaranteed. All-orders addressed to- tsa: atacljsoa yillc "will receive prompt nttcntioB. joj:. WISDOM ,1