sH?SS3j7iPiSB'lipi igimigMu.''gg:jiO- " I K. i.. Ill I - A"$ Maf.tfgy tioByoVsss fi -iljLi,zy,2td'itni sttlsi-w) $IZ oJ fcsi) Irtti iuu r 4,-a' ft ,3320533 SwGSAH SL '"Ttvta io offr3ikr Ji r:" PUSLISHED'7WEDNESDAY6 XlERVliiNQ'Wria1 01t 'rM Wl ' JjqS-yggTjjrta.-" --iin ihji Vwiyn k JlCIIMTtt.llCUMOWl(T 8KIMN MhJU OKaqmitieilnttorltM flntlaMrtlea.Tf a 04 "iMdrtfulnwnMiKlitMrtioa.i ICO " " S month TOO " " " ............7.77. w to On-litlf " 3. - 30 0 " M .B ai a On Claaa t month 60 0 A1 nikoonrfo Verly 'ArtTtrtlxr. KRAUSE & TURNER. rv sar . V t , ('p0 TWUC. c 3 9TiT gfi-xaw Ifi-i ,ti C00,5$, rtau'f tKsWJS Xt&Ji Tfo Ct lUr SKI fts) awa&CCi'HUXaisMnr ,Cu jaytfa f 'Ov: ri i tf'H? Ci.ft uO 5 - - E'ilj m. . ft.A.i rMlO stftiffifi'iV. Tssu VOL.xxv5-Wft.13y.; ' ilJJillJrKSO h ;hts ii)-iHSB4 rji . -x T-r iy -y. liwi iiiM-aw! .laxA. nfnSii -t--.- I, i t r B yfffm jifSSS fc.: -, k j im .j r t XST im m i AAf ntft -j'aW (IHS2Lryv yi r ir ill B an ( OW '' W 1 fXil5-io iri1 I3 1-"1 t9Cm.'-HfcBPB ' JMJ M.-ita M..y " M1- M?"- Bpy ? u-A V w ir.y ' : vai .- .y.L-ra-. fv n v I l wa -4 w w 7' n. . r. -.. r' . , V N 0. H f PROFESSIONAL -CARDS. IdaXleSK J. A. .;d., a DHTsSiAA NIbRGEON X,Ht r.T i 'iiacr .' .. i r om.'.j T)HTMCIAMoW0EH, e2jfc.i2:-iz wrocsTKcxTwyj JACXStW?. o- kjr rotd (text door to Beggs. G. II. AIKN, M. D.t piYiicim jjD.iinuinf . I . JACUOHTtLlX, ORESOK. rMnnK r. J.BJM tcv . , -7 ' MARTIN VROMAN, M. D. ft-DHTSICIAW'AirB iUQl, ' OBce p-taifln Orth' brick. Rcsl tuice oa California street pHT8ICIANAJf SURGEON, Odce tfid Draff Store' (he -Drake .-farm oa Applegale eight mile West of Jack sonville. Letters can be addressed either to JacktwwUCjQf Apgiggfte. Af, ' JACKIONTIU.E, OEKOOK. 4 Will rrutic 1 ll lh CHi of th tt. Premiit ttWttU .rfT.nt nHkmilMM URIn ij j. 0S),l. Opt' trick kmMhf.'y';& I ' B. F DOWKLT- at TTOEIET-iTJllW, i " r- aitiMi ! Uwt , will reif prompt tttin. 4VSetftt atUatim ti" .Um tlni. DR. J.C. TAYLOR, jMHutiropoiutaex. MtTlmr rnUy Ioti at thii 1e lam new , f!lTrprtdol U-lifdUtwark. rrliUr tt.otlo glt.yto !1 manner of inrtinl prtlM 1 conMctlon-wlth my bvtlnni, lcld- ISC atn -win. . t .-.- ; WILL. JACKSON, " -w 'it, ? iiv vw;" ! 1 m) a.v IKI1II, v J4CKK0XTIM.E, OEEQOX. kr hri:TLat.e r - PeIHaWilBlaUn4,irdeair4,rw which utra .38? if U7r.iU.a')e.rMrf CalKsrate-wd fort II -t! WtHTHOLD ROSTEL, .AjsU 8DRGE0S ol tb German Arm; AND PROFESSIONAL HAIR-CUTTER, tr. tj iv J w IN ORTH'S ILHLDINQ, I jutaoiTllte, OregM. rTk Treatflseat or Citrate Cans Made 5.SUJ!I - JU fJB WVSa I. srriaw. . Mj&mjBffl: ATN NSILLO&S.tJ " Kcmm 5 W? StVowbrldgeBailfllsg, OrCfj:trotat rOKTLAND, OEBSOir. 1 aut4er a9QSamiiimlSMnlrO3,. r- V& fw-'-rff Wlum v GBttffiSTEAMSAftlfilllr! ikittiJ( TIL hitiij WH - lUwi ,L J ft TANTLY OK HAlfD BsmadMLMeBaraeMsBi lnen -Ht; ZDDfc?i6LTOm TJ8TIC.' us -j tJiaiiHii.iaJ,ii ,u- ! lh j " V tUT 1ft TLtfJ' W-U rfi-m ; j - ' T 1 "'rr -1 1rffr-PinJri5rrf5 tee .Wr4TWWP ' w- y " . J ar msjtuhnttlr L P0MB irMri yHafl - vflHKBKVli1 x Mr t (Be Mil tm 1 11 11 1 1 CUT BARBER SHOP AND Ei OTsaa .aieri CiLiroKNiA St., JackssRTille, - - - rpfTE tlKDERSWNED 13 FULI X rrP''fed ,tfvdo'allrOf4tio his line ij the'' beet maBser shd'at rysoBable prices. HOT OR COLD BATHS j Can be bad at this place at all hours of the '' GEOnOKSOnUMPF. lanrffia AsHUMTfip; t ji tr -m r -. m, - M . 4 1 . r. j ),: Wool Manufacturing Co, Take pie bare o re in announcing that Uey now and, a fall and select ttock of A0CK(EK18p , Made of the rery best i NATIVE WOOL r? t-s Ai iiid of whieh Iher will dispose (ft Terj rta- Eonable rates. Orders from a dlf tares will receive prompt attention, oend them in and give our goods h trial. Asblakd Wooi.rk M'r'o Oo. NEW LIVERY STABLE BACK OK COURT HOUSE. ISH & CATON. .5. i HATINO CATKLT rrTTKB UP THE CO Kriiou bstro iB the School Ilooifl Flat uid lath rear of ih Ooart Iloase Wear- now full? prepared to attend t allbuklneM In our line witp pmraptaeu anddltptitch aad at the m -tt reaeonablV rate. rise Taraonts ThiUbllt fornl-bed with th bent nlml unit niott vbtUnUu Uncniei; uo a Orit U back and ftaddl hortei. Horit boarded, and th btit car bs!owd a than. atlfrtlnn fnantnlnd-tn ertry lniUaf . ; Oli-ni asalUad JuJf. (ai jonriWoiT ly R. ISH, . CATON. July 14, 1880. "' BT WAT OF'THE'-VS tto t mil t 9 . fit ROfiKinRa & COOS B ATS JAQELIN5. riTE UNDERSIGNED ARE frOf? I .'running 'a'.'flaily. line -of four-horse .juuujug k, uauj" uuc.ui 'luur-liorec taees between Roseburg and Coos City asking the through- Inn in twenty-four lours. Stages leare RoseburC erery" eta. mi hours. Stages leare Roseburf every raominKjjBnqajs wcqnifat, ana make close connection with San Francisco steamer twice a-week. The time from FrarjQUUttaT8 dayaraadlhreagb4fare.ltas.beenaixed' at $140. Fare from Rose mrg to Coos Bar $8. CLOUGH & CARLL. MiiiMiSivlLLE 1 be wern the abore point-, leaving Athland wiihcoarfi on -MoBdaja.fV'ednfday-and "'ridajs. retaining 'hext'Oay 'On Tuesday, inursiay ana bamroay 01 cacti week abnck boardwjJLstart from Ashland returaloe on l - syrer -TV" T w iBr,day. "TTf :rr F4ni.(iehwar) .?......'. W.80. CoMM4ikk. afLiokvfUe with hackii rorDifcgiWsw.. IS" AM-JiQMSEAaiQJQ DO ALL woWwlnbrnNteer tBn ver. and In fact will do it cheaper than any other " ' 'AND SALOeS, lwifrfeis&SlTS J . L. HO CKETT, Prop. IIOJTJNDamsIGJCKD HAS taken I full charginf thtft-biisiness and is pre- pred-tofraibh the puhlic-with a first-class qnalilyof Brandy, Wine and Cider. The JJtDdlS? and sardiae always-keptoa hand. I a-nc ta rtfff-H-- lkfCHSTN -'ff3 cldthlnir i-Mieeialt-'l "RAfhrimw feaflpa'oiiiweojtntrT. CircrftrsSv. tog'll'ihYoKon-'rsi,'W rceclpf at i!.AMrU-Xr.fof Mr jTi. WfchwL' . aq . -,FTV' ,- -r- - z,rt JohB'MilJer'di . vi ' OrecoH; r . "" BLiiOl SMITHING! WVCXtdfiCMLUER. I H ewe s3Mi-ce' .Msiipr,Biyjiotrqf.,wr atsMitK'ilol Msiiae mbhmm rUcI. at 4 t. a. RVAisJ&i. SISTXIT&Gx. e. keamesI SLAmJU ? AHEAD "AS TOIfXL ! ! nizlmt& -,ml ,tiifrmm . HI Auuriiau A CASH BASIS !!. -JJTUOHJWMS' T-v THE GREATEST REDUCTION' in PRICES Vx&vrGSmS 5&& a A1TD THE LARGEST STOCK M Hc Jftr itTfVtr-.t 4: .." , A Jl M tls'Tw?' ""-'l' GEERALrMEICnADISE ! : te tc THK-- GREATEST VARIETY '. 14 ids "I --py !.' " -' 'TOlHELBOT'jrBfJiriXXrti t 3fch ij.uri "Lr.-'. i Any Oa0-Store(iHSomtIigrn Oregba'or KTorthorm AL!rf,pnQA,SHi! a.MSOaV fJIA 1.1 - ODR STOCK CONSISTS OF FALL L hni ERDRY-GOODS, PANfJY "GOODS, , LADIE-J' fnE?S GOODS. CASHMERES,, AND DHGONLS, SILKS. AND 8 mNjSBQOTSaBHOES, i'LOTUING, KTO ; . 3 . ., LADIES' CAL, MADE CLOAKS jrAVVyr 73HH , : t .WrPALLTUE AXTKNTlQli Or:.rTnE 'U" Tadfe't6 the" fact that we have now in hand the largert and best selected aiort ment t LADIES' DRESS GOODS and FAN CY aglOJJg&l eM--fdesrjpn in Sooth ern Oregon, anawe wiir henceforth make this line of goods our speciality and sell Cheaper tbaatbe Cheapett. To the (jentlemen we will aay. if jou want A No. 1 SUIT.jqF CLOTHES you rauft g. to ReHme J5ro.'to bay 'then ax we cNIm to hare tb best STOCK OF CLOTHING in Jackson county and will allow none to on- Thepe good were all rJurcbared by a mem ber of our Arm from FIRST CLASS Houses ir San Francirco and Newjfork.and we will wairant,eVeT7f'artid1eah4iellHhem as cheap for cash at aiy house in. the county. We also keep on hand a full stock of &53rjcf3 nrr:tSt. $ Hjlrdwark, Cctlert, Glaeswabe.1 13 ? Jft f" , ll T 01 'CROCKERY; -t ' . A FULL LINE OF ABOLAND GOODS FA TIM AND FREIGHT WAGONS Flow's. Gang Plows & Sulky Flows. f tn racVevVrytbJng 'to$&1fft6A edh- and jodgV'fdr yodfeelves tig- to'our'capacitv .rr.:.L! J 1 ' t ui iuiuteuiu uuus osuuuvr. 1 The .wayojngke money Is to aave it. To sajwjtibny.efetap.'t'lBibfly cheap pay GASH for your goods and bov of REAMES BROS DAVID LINN, SifuXri vjx'jyv t t.nA ASD DEALER IN corrzzt txxmmzngs. 1 iTjr 5 r .drLr2?: i iT" . .jt.-'W.a Si ,i 1- wiu i nd1 COFFINS FURNISHED ON TE shortest notice and cheaper than at anv otfcwttUblishmeht'ttBouih&rtI Aregoni ,(, Furniture otaU-kinds kem on hand'or l"l -w " I. H . ' 1 JIM. I " V 3iiii8jrri9Ba prd2firi FURNITURE, wectJiUw rfJ. oaoas Ma 1'tir f ",r,v 1 L - - V . k m. Moulding Factory; ASHLAND, OREGON, ALL KINDS OE.ELANING.NOULD, ing, Turning, Circular tnd Scroll Sawing, TO ORDER. f Furniture, Sash, -jJBllnds, Doore and Moulding constantly on hand and made to order. YJfclQBOAOr J7QS E3TI will contract to design and ereci all kinds o building. When desirable to those employing me, I will furnish all the material required for .the construction or anybu!ldrbg,c,r8Ury for1 occupancy.-' NOTICE. 830lSLWfeS 3KJAS, Lakd Office at Roseecbo, J Oregon, Sept. 3, 18bO, J NOTlCEJIS'HEREBV-GIVEN THAT tiie following named settler has filed notic,pfrhi&irteation umakfefiflal proof in-support6f hislrjMiln;'and, subure final entry thereof on Saturday, October 9, 1880, before the Judge or Clerk of the court ol JucksontcoliDryPOrcgonf'vlz: Geo TT. Apger, Homestead Application No., 2241 for the "W H of SW M f Sec,?ld, and N H orNW 14 bee 15,T 80.&: R'l Ea'rid'namw the following ashis'iWitnajs, viVi Arthur Pool Sdrge 4BQJh! -WilsbnPottcr and JoJlnJP.ottel:aHtta:agIQl:PoIn Jackson countr, Oreain. )7 rr ah gaSesyy'bjg'iv IK jZV a? ,' v it I'jfn tun h-!k . aJ 1 - r r ir ix..4 1 Till., r 9iw BYt VIRTUE of a Tax, W'nranu placed, in jnyi Jiands or.Uie.collcctioa of do- linminnt 'I nJ... tTli T 1. . . . . . l : 1i tjfOrtgon, for tlitiyew lb7U,andilo mtr tlirtcted, I w ill on SafanlAjr, UqbU day or October, 1S80, at 2 o'clock, pvm., of slid day, at the ourt Houie door, in the Town or Jacksonville' in said -tate, and County, proceed to sell to the Irigheat bidder, for, cash in hand, the fcllowirrg'tleYcribl'd "tracts or parcels or land beioaelBfrito Varlha . Crickelt. fur the payment ot'thcTaxc3 thereon, together witu uie costs 01 ievyaanu sale, ttfwlt: Lots No 3. and 4, Block, No. 3, n Hie Town of Phoenixr.s!iid. 10U and improve ments weresaawfged. to J. M Crickett, tto gher wltk om9Tropcrly5.Bakncc due on Taxes from J. 31. Crickett $6 CO. -."V l Bthkvl JhprifT g&BATax Collit. for Jackwin f o Ogn. -tti!viiinr,iyocpu I, IOW. RYtVIRTOE gFAxWARRT t - placed in my hands, for the purpose in coiiecimfcariinqucnt Taxes, due Jack-, 1879, and to me directed, 1'will on r- JyJMwC Jwl.aay rf Oct. JRM, at th6 Courrnoustrdoof "ihthe- Town of Jacksonville, in said State and County,- nrfOI2Jr)Xln .mils I.!t.r... urjjaT'' lwMxn..w .iiu uiv.iiiifiMftti uiuuer,ior cash in hand'tbe foltewini'described tract of land, belonging to J. J. Cook for the pay' mejrt ofAthe Taxes tiMreou.-tocetheriwith, etheriwith, tie NAY" 14 co5isui ievynni.sajejH.wit: 'le Si Vi M Ot CC. 3.J.'fjynslilD3oil V - .-ale to com. rieoce at 10 o'clock aVm. of said day)am mountjof Taxes 15.) ,,-- 1" ,- a i tfifcx. Bt'bee, Shenff; and Tax collector of Jackson CociOgn. Jacksonville, pgn.ept. T,l880."" SherilfaSale. ' BY VIRTUE OF TAX WARRANT,' duly? issued qut oftho Cgunty Court,'1 of the" Couniy'of Jackson, State'cf Oregon, commandingme to collect the Taxes by demanding payiaftoC the person named in such Tax-lisU, and to make the same, by. levy and salcofihc goods-and chatties of'the respective 'persori'natBed'in such1 have demanded payment of Wm. B. Daley Mig-ufggieeg in f phjpredBct in saidJrWnTu?it?, 0gbn7 naming the day and place, that I would meet tho Tax ayersjto jp;eive,jlbe- samepand by a notice.' In 'thc,'0REG0.vJ5ENTi2fEtl of March 24-0?Ja'blftce t8ftM5rtnt.. I have levied upon the following real prop- er,fii2iSQWaafdrjfthtrsums twenyfuWlSliwa year 1870, . uviyie; 1 np f: ix ni rsv i-4. nnn itiMhiv Kthe KlfKaS thrtSlI ot Sec. 11. and the SE 14 of the SE.14 of Sec. 3. and-tfieWikortheNE 14 of Sec 10, all In Township 36 outh, Rangel 1 Ant.X-wilfeaCvw3cribcd real property for "sale or sufllcient thereof !to, satisfy tho above demand and w of levy' ftksate apuMc iBJfc'n. '&'& hikhe oiaacr lor casu in nina, at cie uour Howe- dooria JaeksoBville,- Jackson 'j T-w.,UM w., MjJ L! uv ,v 4t -v "BT 'y 'UUiUUIttCK, X. Jl. . l A i 'f''She'rTiTorJraS6if' 1 TIi.T ,-. ro- f imcio!iTiire;lH4 oeja. u,- mb IS td 9S nmM ftr.DMr Skiaa. delivered at Nick FickeH Butcher StSp la Jadmwvftle.--"-; -' r - ;- -Tr ,PAT. XcXABON. iiltiT.fclU o'r MMCWvew-Mieirr BUHDfitP DTBEE, V SEP:, iATnwerunTiin;tvffa4 of wt-upjw, t . i- -nr.,: " : ' 52? JF.Me:?.ef: " A number of TrTRepuWcan con. t s -n td J ff-islSUII 'i p O-' -. . . :-ii,rfr -"" v-srv"" ventions and meetines hava btrV h.lrl' i, ww ", . . uuiuicin ui lun uiunmi.iT maunnai t . wr . i nt".T '-n " , mi t K.n'.nieiaiwWgaMUJ" 'of late, andf w6J filrei : WWim 5feHWai.dcwiir -par phia .Sunday aW., .3,r ., K,t .w- LiTJ ,1. ''t? Jti i ,t robs 15 w m eeata rorjtfeerouM.. tod - - - -:: . ..,j.j-u. ..j.vo, .u uva uoenw t bvvtt i&nH&aa'ki) umtty 'sattd" m i.;t.z-rsi7 i i 00391(1'' .vi lhB MBs.WH.'Meo5iixyj tjj nCi . .tv lzr,i -ii I ols rnf,n-i ' .i)Twie;i,AaIdajaagjSjH."'iu ,r- Twaaherfl we met asTionee-s. Jcr .-ni r, vnsat.1 jnx&i .i.l va'i cj H wear mirty yeara ago, . , . I. Yeupiicheif otw,-kVed off oSr claims. Prepared to plow and sow. x TjoUfBndngera'lre,waaaaTefJ "' BesetSlr savage foes, , . , hTogethersc this, far-off. raadV s , W&sbaredjQurjoys and'.woes.,.), c lir '- To-day we" meet with, glowing hearts. I . To clasp the hard worn hands. 'rrtf -v -r 'i it -L'. - . 1 j.nut u)iieu anu iuu"ut la oy-gone vejrs, - Ana conquereaavage uanas. iy 1. i! . . ' J OuW valley.' teemsiwith heauty.naj jQreatjplenty crowns otlr. cheer, ?. Give holtior tQ;wliom -honor's due, TheJbirava-oIdtPioBeer. . . r -i 1 '1 fl'i4V" 1 ' Where'er we go 'in if ter life, , , , We never can forget The tried old friends of early days, , aj.i lUJicwra wo met. , f . f iu it rt .' if I . .Wo'rej gtjttiug 61d and feeble now, Our lives are nearly pasV . -. xub To.somlvof us old Pioneers; r.,m - This dur last. f ivr& We hope to meet old Pioneers, Yes, ever) one of our loved band, . Tvjiveiforeyjjr qtorp X i. "wai Haaek 8aeU by an OrezonJaa. - -rrrr ysn-sLSSii Au,r ''At the' lattf&Aof Ihe WilJerhe Col. John Lanfjstm of-GenJoe'. limp, ww fit crniraaiid of 'a? large Confeder kte battery"'wh'idiI was 'concealed- and i(R presence 'iri1fo manner known lc tlift Union1 forces- Gen. 'Hancpckfand stnflTrode but to view ihe) surfbund iaga, .and '"unknown to them CoL Lane turnrd his'vhole'ba'ttery on 'the party. Hancock 4itr thotime was riding-a Lhaudsome grey char0'pr":anili 'his -staff wcra 111 i;roup arjuua jura, vvmie the.Oeneral "was'VtakrngfMn' the situa tion" hrouglnhis glass," Col. Lane or dered th& gunfcloadedf and intendiag dealingiia deadly. missilesTonHhe par- tybut. taking a scond look, and ad-, miring the handsomouappeararice and Commanding presencet of wHancock, aaiditoihis-menp "ileiis too brave aid handsome lo be killed-in tins manner,!', and,revoked, the order. Tho' gallant Colonel eiadl nevenoseen the .General excejit aporillhe fieldiaad being true .soldier, would not.miirdeDvhiai and! his sUff.invcoldfeold.Jf Gen.. Hancock, is theujpresenttinie aaware of his narrow 1 escape and the. matter has, rieverbeen' mentionedjby iCol.. Lane except to his intimate friends,iona of whom gave us the particulars as re lated above. Col;Lane now resides nearbRosebarg, Oregon and as' to the truth of the foragBing-istatementJtlierd'l canibe no doabt. k m f Our Democratic friends Colonel, J., iH. J. ' AmV. W. Fornejiand General B. F. ButlorJ sft t. J J ) l fi . ; ora General Sgs.Hanpock?8 wagat ine-oattiot ueujspurg. lho precious relic way found awavdown in.'Arkan- as, wBmo we aupgow jt has. beon pFe-' Texas or some- other. Southern Slate, to ,ruy.xuJ&wi .-WMftniqiffliHr,1 coat ' :. 'ii '"',-' - evedson of the South will say Mat he could easily .have shot HaaeMic idH nnn TEfrmlil hovai rLtuAM w- Vai) mmI iA?l tr L vi "W-i la' UMUiwUI 5t"v"" .Tfw Rai-wrwaiaWU thine -possiolv' tMffwtfdian Z- y' : O ,W'J". ! -ta . E -8 , , , . ,J TJr ,iJixie-wnisperea.o'jaja,tn Uaauar- V. '" . V Vff-ia,s'v-V- "a iA w tr-v W ef Jt j' (IV,UIMt AXAI4 , J. BUftCO 2:2? LZ "t" become the Southern Moser ib'ISM. A nice fat consulship will he ptkhad, ous lorjtnaj inweraraaiooMr.. ;s rieayyCaalon flannel nndershirU and 'arawers,- fcr 63cta "at ifcen'N'eir I York Stora. at a big. brass button that was shot. seeon riweversince the, cioseoL the war rHf re is on opportunity for IK1 WiMMtlCAtf1 KHTL'BUCA.NS, 3llj t$?3 vdi j u T a "Putf Pidrtlanib -iOathonctSntinel" J ays: iOlia fonofttag article, -nHieJuwe cliprfrpnj theTHew-Yorkn3C.blet," contains a gopdldeal of truth .tfat may ht apBreet4td,tbjr- many- of .our read- lers.' ThQ;fear!eaB and h.oretsxeroise of the-4llotj ;like the .fcarles,- and hct ejwswe; ptqur. fftjtb.TiUjeony. WfteaBttiBMatj oss jofhe "Aaieriw people wosej respect is Worth having. We kpow this idea is not popular with party hacks, but the principle is calculated to elevate the Lrish nu in, America, Our Derao craticNewYork contemporary says:, ' It is strange, -but nevertheless true, that the Irish Vote "is yearly bedorhing mqre and mojRepublicanLparticSarly inthJsCitv aut( State. A, few years ago an IrishtSan, was as .orthodox in hjs Detfotratic faith as in his religious crefd. , Iiieed, with him, to vote ,the Reputlican ticket was a crime .of such a heinous nature, a-s almost to ostracize him.from fellowship with his country men. This state of tilings was'partly produced by the Copperhead teachibg pf prominent Democratic leaden, who were insyrapalhy wi(h jthe South Jn thorebellion.i They cajoled thi un- 1 thinking masses of the Irish into the belief tha the war. was goftep up,by the Republicans, in order to enrich fheinselvea individually; -and1 td'een l falize powtr in thelr'party,, and that th'y iti'tencfed torwag war at the sac ritice of the German and Irish iiumi- 'grahls'wholanded' on our shores, and, consequently, the Republicans were the avowed enemies of the' poor man, and of his rights and liberties. ''They further impressed"upon tEVm VKe'ideathat the'ReCttbirdsaw wVrn're- s6led to elevate" tlie colored tiiari'above h'e 'poor' class Jof white "peopla'nd that the emanciriatibri'irV)f ''one race 'would be the certain 'en&luveDienLafid 6gradatiori'bf the other. ' Such pernicious -doctrines found ready favor with mern nbtMritelli&Hit enough' to comprehend, tho 'situati6n themselves, and only for fhe'patriotic 1 effortiW ArchbTshbp'rlugheSand other ijravevirien whoVefe 'heart fa'nd soul with the Union, a'trtigma of disloyalty .would have rested on the'Irih name, which even, the galjant services of the jjrish , Brigade, ,tho .Corcoran Legion, and the Irish soldiers in the war could not have nined out. I These, good and'great men saw that the disruption of the states would throw us into a similar state of anarchy I, l l ' 4 .'i- T and confusioif as Mexico presents to day, and woulci be ,tlin death-knell of free Republican government, . of the ' 1 1 ' 1 ' r '' people, oy inepeopie, aswqpjoy w, present t, f Tho corrunt political combination which Tammany organized after the war was another of those causes which tended to control the Irish 'vote in the I H I Democratic interest. Almost every rumseller in the City was a sinecurist, and was abe to procure emptoytnent pn the streets or parks for laborers and mechanics. The latter, ot course, in return voted the Democratic tickt,vin order to keep their friends and them selves' Jn office, andtSpent'Hheir'wages in drunken carousalsJin their pairon s gin-null, t 1 ' 1 A11 thiswas as repugnant 0 intelli gent Irishmen as toany ether 'clasof citizens, but they were unable to check i and in 'fact'werrkeptf ih'juch-'terror by political bulldozers! that tney'f 'wore everrafraidsto 'vote accrjndiiig't6 their, principles aridconvic(ions,t ,t tlrpi 'MtltHI .P1, jIlMt'Illfc5! ' J.111S Ktava ui luiiitzs na.s ucen cnans tr 1 ' J , ;1, a 1 -j. . " ed; every man, is free to day to .vote, as he" pleases, and to express his prefer ence for whom he pleases. .Intelli gence has taken the place of ignorance, reason of blind obedience," and self-re- spect pf political subserviency T'd-'ftT;: ' 1 J c fi. 'kill- ? .ur Irish Citizens are every year, becomintr' more; inipujdjrjth ihe idea that nb loitial party should ovnorhve a" wbiiaEret";in their votes; and are"' onhaeyiontly: ready and willing to Tote . ?.. ',. .. .... r!wsn piy war-arein j .1 .v.i.t- anri .rj..-, ., airopfBirn,.tferaost likely- toqiro pta the "general interests of the iHtry,,and to keep Ulive and foster true KepWiean,(loekise6.ahd priaci- iles.. attended by edueatosliand' iBtelligent Irish citizens. l "Wa hava a vigorous Irish Repmblieaa Chifbirr rhui JC!xtyJ4 jtBaathiBatf n at Ul Nassau strept, ami its members have already' issued a stirring appeal ancl a call Tor a Suto coilvention. Though notRepublioansiOHrselye ye heartily 'enddrse- suehi-Hio'veiaents, for our experience teaches us that while thVlshotelisw6htrblrC,sorf in the interest of ohfe rarty''wVH rfever exerctse an -lrupor&ff t?4tifKMeen State or national polities. TliH&toa painfully evident tata! thinking? riind, fort-while we find the Germ indole courted and.conciliated about electiml times, there is no, consideratioa giv'en to the Irish vote outside ,of the.Citf of New York. JEfven in muhicipial matters we would be ignored, only ,. . - f - 'ra. irir that we are too numerous, and must be pactned with small pickings and pfacei' - ' I It? must occur to the npprehensio"n of'the mosfotolid felloU1 citiien "that while tmVSish poller nrth'inff the votes of the city, an Irish citizen, aye, orjan, Jrhh-America'ti, ' hasrtfet er yet.been olected to the,mayoralty,-(aiid all th,ia js the effect of, deep-rooted" prejudice iti tho minds- ofDeraocrats against persons of ourcrtxHlaasd country. t We would, on this account, impress this fact upon the minds of our Irish fellow citizens namely, that it inUependenpe we will romtnautl respect, at)d that a fearless an4 htinest exercise of1 the franchise, not in behalf' of'the party, but for the general welfare, of the nation, will soon secure for us and our righCs respect and 'consideration uIikeffrora Democrats and Repub licans. ' ' wl Ji Ji nvtttH 'UoUerlflaT UaBla Help. ,M Theywere Kblding aK-out?doo? wan! mVelrnjplie other night, "and a'Jpeaker nad'jusredraraericed to warmu'plto'lhts Vofk7J wnen a stranr wltbP'a'rtHrtr- MW.'rt." : .... -ta .u i. , . . uuuj in uii-um anerp HKin on nis OACJC, boots gone, hat going, and a dvr d fa ti.e wool tramp air about him, halted on tho outskirts of the crowd. .xtTJe speech soon caught him and hs began to ajjplaud. At the endjofi evervn'seh- itenqe he; clapped his baafa arfdr.roared like a fog' horn. No .matter whether tho speaker "hit 'em",or.not,,thejstran ger, never failexl tolcomo.-dowrixwith the applauer and he carried aVaoo'd s.hare qf.the crowd with, him41 After the speaker had finished, andivthileiihe was wiping his heated .brow.ita tramp approached him and said: ,, . ti, o- 'L4:u 'LliA w7 .. Lest I'ever heaAl'i'ft my fiig8 T ' "Ah IT am glad it ?t3X&3 ' Phiaied mel 'Wn-iriTfOT .. o.n iiunsu was one.oilne tleverheai'rimy(,'fe7;t'lw tkM-S7,NR U me !i.-ri . , , .j. 'H iKut ou n my ieeti itejl you. voura WOXO-Wf borrf-otatir, and t jml wfthnrgltHd stay in' this town and-hear you make a speech evfe'r night," ' wu,w "?e, I wih'-you could." (''f "" ' in... x f .. ti J '.' ,-jiVfi xut, 4 cant. 4 am on my way .. cov, j. ouau, uowever, ininK ot your speech a --huKdrcif tftiies 'il Mday?"I caVfeel t& electricity yet,'raSf-ay, can't yod lend me naif a dollar to"he!p meonT ' T """Why, I don't 'know 'you. "Why should I lend you half a dollar Vr" '' ' "Oh, come now-don't fry to'ride any.high horser over me, Yotf'fciirJw how low loud I hollered, and'ybtt'know as well asrTdathatif I hadn't'ipliiftfn my best- licks you'd have fallen asflat a& s-shbgle 1 You are a great orator, sir, and that was- a great "speech1, butlif youitlon't' know 'that.'hbllringiJdoes the"business,i you'abotterT hang right up.'V'7 J, ir ' -! 'te. '- H- The orator pohdered over the'niatter fora few seconds, artd tbetf probably concluded that tle reasoning w'as sound, as he passed over the; money." (Detroit Freey Press. , -The Chicago J'TribuneBays: "There is no more reason why an-Jritfiman should ,be universally regarded -as a Democrat than there is why nAmi. I can should be regarded' aH'aJRuWiean. in iacc, tne great .bnlt of, the-Jrixh. jiojiuiauon, in tms country Jive in States eBoMjBfcgjj.. insh in large numbers aoUL wak away from the mere habit oLyotinir ,1.- T .- , . .. " -V-a". irmuocraiic HCKpt tney .woold dis coVer closer ties of svmpalhy'itBlh s- e air,uuiiiiT party luantneyflavo'ert er had wittf the JJemocratietpany. &pl ?-:.'..' ' l.j-a. Mt -- ieitrrr' "vr " Twm,&n costliest broadcloth, and endow, ft wka all possible graces and .fascinations. . id I is only a bad habit nevertheless. Tho Jrencn nave a proverb "Wash a dog, comb a dog, sUH" a "dog is fcat; a dog." .