' : .1 ' MMsCLaS9aS9M Oregon Sentinel. SJOiftl 4 OT?.'. A if aawaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaMnaanat 9 .paf (UW-ISHEDj JYEDNESDAY XT t ADJRXIWIiJQXEr.- MUHTMthtM'ft; tjm""frit lu(MlMf9l S o -coaMiBaT tmmnn. ........ i w fcpfA'ijsVifc TURNfft. ST . BiCIan3moab................. ISO t l'i .,i.-,iii.;.. SOG BOO On Ctteaa 3 m4i..";)..". . if 0 MO i M,WMr, PerTMHT, lnmrimce,...M& Se d -' '- iT". " - ' " ' "- ;ArtHeoit o yearly AOYyU r. A, I- F :"' - ?K aMrawKSk J - EsgJM 1 OJ-'fflx,M ' lr I - ..imm .Am? vwl.79 rmm ww r-zxamtmMfttraQ'.- r .nr .m. is .f'- n ik mj. ! f v t3f-r-Ivl-.1...SitRSc I - JfT -" " - J- , v "-" : " J- , 4 t j afcj - .t . 'v - - j . ,0- "4. ujx,... ... .J'T kafl"-' . -U f art- .. , .:.... , , " - -' " "! ' "If ' 'F " -',', '- "' ' , . - VOL. XXVtfOJ3. 3PEK1EAK . s ti. l-fr' V '?. r- 1 , " . rtrt.. ., PBOFJSIoM.LbARDS. J. A. 4U&XPA.8,-tMl D., u-'j. "DHTSICIAX AND 80RQE0X, pHYSICIAN, AKBSU&QSiS, 'fi'U. - JAOKSBKTILtK, OREOOK. ?yAi4ti.i.,-5ni" -. ....iiv3rf! S?S!K-!- oT 'i.'I'i:-1; 'MCt IB raiv iratr Dion.-, nwiueucc ra vtu- G. 11. AIKKK, M. D., rj't5KSIciAi AMD SURQEOSf- V .& ? P.V1 cj,--. , JACKSOXVUtE, OREOOK. "'taa-oc.oppMite pJiijwi' : . .,..,, .- .? .. V ' s.--1 '-v--J-- r - J1ART1X Vni.'MA,aiMt D. fci DIISICIAS AND jaRQEON,' ; Office up-stalrs In .Ortli'a brick. "Besi 'dcnce on California street . - - . piIYBICIAN ANDSUJIGEON. Formerlj of Glasgow, Scotland.) P P L'EG 1 T'E, 0 RE Q'N.T " oSice and Dmg iitrirc'at tiTctJrakJ" fana 1 on Atiplcgate. tight inilcs "West pt Jack son villc' Filters cn Iw addressed cither in Jacksonville or Applcgate. aqs3-' ?z H.-AUi;KNltlKTH.8 -.V ' ' ' - A' T-T OKJEY AT- L A W ,trftejACKsosvit.i.rosSKiIv : IVHl rtcli-- TmII 111 Ooortu of tli SIIb. Pmmrt llntl..n -elTm t. llliiiiii Irft In j- t. . JF-OSr In Ortk'a brick bulldiuj;,. , .. ' l. r V "!' -!.'Hir;.';;-"j- - e iinii'vri a: TTORHEY-'AT-L'AW, . JACKR'SVIU.K.onEG"S. ft 1 -t 5 f TlWi1'iM TtlM3 IttSivTmiSiwIll rlr protnpi lii-vtlon. Sr3piV otttntlxu gWon to wll.c- li. " J)R. J. M. TAYLOR, . : - .v - -. , r e'ntist, " , ASULXSD, OREOOK. . .-JtPiirtleiifrttMitln eKeo to all inmiif rororglnil ' .iprrl..u la ronnn-tlon wllli mj t:?'l", .Iwclu.l lac ckR lalrlle. CUarurii rwuonlle. ? WILL. JACKSON,.. r'ErN.T'IS-Ti ..": JACKSOXVII.LK, OHRnOX. W mr.CTn.,ExnACTr.D at au; l i!l M' ' Linslllnj c " ailnbtrrrl.liJnilrailllir which axira .him -!!! 1m niaila. ,-, ,i OXea and rmllaara m earnr.uf.Ca)lfunla and amn iirvcii. - - BERTH OLD ROSTEL, Wlnt: 8DR0K0.V l the German Army;- ,$ bySP AND PROFESSIONAL HAIR-CUTTER, MfORTH'S lUiLDINO," JackaOBVille, Oregon. .rTlin Treatment of Cbrrntc Cac Wade 2WKWS T y-.s A- fl. OIBBJ. . 1,. . STKAX.Nf. TOIBBS JHSTEAItSSj.tl A TTORME YS ASjpOUNSELLORS, Roam 2ml'4 Strow bridge's BBlMinij, ,if rOCTLAXD, OREGON. , .IM prartlfti laallCcnrti.or JlwordlJb BUteof Mil Ortroa -and Wahihlnet ta Tarrltnrr; i ati4 nay par- 'f - .'tteuTar attactlou to luluai In Ffdvral Coorti. ' BIGBDTTESTEftMSAWMil.T; - j. r. pa Jtn,. IIUIUTTE, jr i mi OGNr . 1 . i. TT-JJRPS CO.XSTA VTLY OX II AND i. -XVopfiiied and'tiMtilaiied BaHpir-'pjie lam-'KrWiBe,Kestqn1','f-Vr :! ElGlG?'MbTiLDiNG,f RUSTIC; , 8 1 D I N G, EL O QAJ.BSL .,: .. T SHINGLES.tETa 1 , ? :t LMafe'r'.diwed'to oroVrooabortBotiW " 'M reonaB4 teriM, for those convenient. tb,.tlitr,MilL' ' .'" aSCJoiaty Ordrrajin GrfcnbcckataV- 'VO"t'liar. BARBER T AND BATH ROOMS. tftie&a cj&& srwa. Jac(fteHTilIe, . -' - Oregek- flllB n.VDRRSIUNKD IS FrjLKY .M.-iMiBarrt ti do-H worit.m lua Hnaiin. m$EMe HUT lK UlhU JBA 1 li ('an be bud at this place at all boar of the -y. J GEOROKSCHCMRF; .,U '. v ui Wt.SK.r Wool MjutufactHriiig Co, Take plo hare o 1 rp in announcinfr luat l..cv now and. a full anil select etock'of 1 !LAKKtl9- FtAMKSt 'Oi38GGSIEIrSBp rsRkfT?R7nor. .acfira wiPinrara' lfno r IK- .... K..1 -.--.-...,-.. JX NATIVE WOOL i' -And of rfilcl?llrv wilfdi'piSeat'vwr'Tca v (Oualile rate. . s t . Ord'-ra'from a diftanc will rrccive prompt. nucniiuii. uriiu iiil'iii in huu give our goihjs a trial. ? ", . Ani.AKD 'A'o-i.vn M'r'o CVj NEW LIVERY STABLfE BACK OK COURT HOUSE. ISH & CATON, Eroprietowr TTTATIKG tATKLT FICTEB UP THH bv,U .1 X. wxlirtn birn on tba Schoul llousr Flat aiid luttiarear r tha Cmrt Iloti. Weara now 1 nil? prrraia.1 to atlem tn allhminei luourllnc vitii pnimptncasautidlrpatcli anil at the Li at roaAunavtlel raiaa. . Pi He. 3taa-amts i rTli iltliln lfnrti.hd with tbaliett antreala and tun.t .titxtaiitlal ltugi;lei; alub a flrtt "ia hak and aiMlt boracp. lturaa twMrdvd, and tlia test care lectoved on tlieai. '' atlafjictl'ii cnatttnlred In ererr tnatan(e. llre at atalland JoJjefor jranraolrw. . - E.-CATON. ?Julyi4,,1830. iftS WROT!TTO TREMA 3 W BTTWAYOrTHK ij s- ' .it j-.-.( , S0SEBT7&G & COOS SAY STAGE LIN'S. pIE UNDERSIGNED AREflO.W I running 'a dally line of four-horse stages between 'Roscb'.rg ahd'Ows City making the through trip in twenty-four hours. Stages leaVfe Koseburj; every, morning. Sundays raccepicd, at G a": m., and mnkextose conhcCtiaiirwilH'San Francisco t-teamer twice a week. The time from Roscbunr tn 8an Francisco will .be three diiysandthrough farehfts btt.- fixed 1 at Vi'i-vu. -faro iruinivusu nil g loioos nav CL0U01I CARL!,. ; MLlEi'-CilfiLLE ii i.' rt.:n:. . ... ... :i'' a. - . a aaaiaf9 ....a vfi icivi 'tVaVnow; rdnnTngJoaiLy mn I lie wc-n tlit nbtiru puiiit. Icarlttj: ApIiUihI witli ciiarli on Mntiday. Weriiefdajj (ttid 'Irid'tTii. tmI,i'lt ucxt'day 'On jTuSdav. Thurn-lHy and fjamiday of each week a back- rxinrn win nan irom IDmuu iciuraing ou (he.fiiliowiue day .y- V- C " PARK. racli wy) .,... ,..... w. $8. W. Otwintlnri.ande at.LIakvilie with backr for;,l,afYiW , 7v BLACISH'THIHG! .QA rnia.rvjPkAi I PR S"--i?-,a?- " -'dt'yr AM NW-JiEPARED.TO DO ALL Wdrk in a'.int cKsMert6an vcr. ami in facT$rilVJlb","it chtaiier than any other (hop ip Sou.hem Orrnn. TGiveTase A'callndl.WuVeMhTjice ybn. m V'i VUAyiDCKaNEMLLEtt. sfU- -&- - Jfc. Jr. i-xt 'm?pw&LEiY " -AKITTAl.tOII.- -" L HOCKETT.Trop. r 'PJIEUNDJERSIGNED RiVS TAKEN 1 full cMarWof thfsbusincss and is Dre- .pared4p furnish the public with a flrst-cluss quainj u oronuy, iwuuuuu tiucr. iuc salooB.wUl always be .supplied wilh;tie b-.ofItfeirand'rcigflir6Oy(dr3 and sardines always-kepton hand. . J. L. HOCKETT. P rW-C:HA-SIN W Of every description made with T ' 'nfomnlifudfT andT tate: Infe'nta'- clothini-a.. ssecialtr. Eferences la all iwtiot the cotwtrv. Gtwstftn eiv- insr' full' iaforrriatka.' pen tea"recct ot: sttnpv tA4drMtMr.MMr8.7;-A.RicfliKl . bah:. BLA...a ,-w s ,-:.. a-'r- I7H7BVBtUi;ZTBCiew;,Vata . . The lateet-imprevel-rp,l&dJikrti, Remington and Wjnc.Be.tter'n!H, war-H jjjpinji ' to be -the genuij ,artieJeyat. Jftftv'tMiiler's.. ' ' wiipiirANM C- mil"aMflHfc,ll ' -. 1 " I t:kj t.,J--",,Tf " .s. 1 , J. u ., TI BBBgWPWPIgBS -P - m ! IBMHrPT" J , ,t,l... 1 RtAilBS.... ....... K. X. BEAlciB. REAMBS RK OS.. tiiW -nnrriitJ ftftsF-.iJaaaat iiaif i CaXIF&lHA, ST., " i Tacksesville, - Ortf $ gXil&S Ltr 5JKSlJR AEiD.iS.U81L ! ! At-.: A"eSHBrA5lS! the Neatest REDtiCTiOM t'-V. '. r.itivf.j; v IN PRICES :1 -:i 7'Vt AWaKnlLipH'S : "Kt if f LARGEST1 STOOKf aT;- fclf frt .GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! THE ;. .GREATEST VARIETY .m lU i TO BELECTFR03t-IX.-".'. jAny'Qn Store iB?Sotkors .OrbgoB oir '.NotUxbtm s .California. ? ALL .':i FOR CASH!! jn3BRSf0fKx.QON!HaX'iFir i t . -- V 1 fAUL:& WINTER DRr-GOGDSi FA NtJ- GOODS, 'LrA DIES' 'DK Ei-'S GOODS, f JaSIIXIERB. . . AND DIAG0NLS SILKS. AND s aiNsnf ot.s a &iioe3, . ulotIi'igTetc,, LADIES' CAL:, HADE' CI.WAXS XTE CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE j .-- jladiifa'.lothn fact tht wuJiare ,now n naiin tin iarg"t mm ijfsifon-cwa Bininri .iint f LADIES' DltSSS GOODii and F N- JY flOODS ol nvrry d'ciiption iu Koal'i ni l)rejran;.aiNJwewilj1.heictfurtli tnk t'lif liiir" of goiida o;ir upeciality and aell i-m at TTlieajpdr thaa theChMfBest. . T lb i!.-iit.-m-n we will my. if -vou wjtit V S. I SUIT OF CLOTHES you "miiH g.. ii Itintiii-c, Uriiu. tn bar them a? we claim )' itavnlhe bW'hTOCK. OF CLOTHING in lackaon enmity and will allow tiono to uti- .Irracll u. t;Ttejgido-were all.-purchae rTy aTnim lierbfonr flfrafrora FIRST CL'A8.S"IIuiim r fc'an Fritiici'Cii and New York and w wiR vairanteverj article and fell tbi m ai cheap Tor cash'"a H'iy"hois''W tri codiity. Vu also .keep ou hand a lull stock of M" CROCERIctSfi - i-S Hardware, Cutlery, Glassware) A FDLLLlNEOF;ASeLAND.G00DS FAUM AND FREICUTTVACOSS Plo -s,NGans 'Plows i Sulky Plows-- . -Jn facLewry.ihing.from Ihe.finejitneedli t;Ji Jhrwlitne-machme,. Givens a call nd jbdge for, TooreJvV as, to our .capacity '. furnishing goodt ail above. ' c The way to mnkel'nioney is to save It. I'o t-arf HJy, eeiiprt-ToJay cheap pay UA1U tor vonr goodp and hnv of - RKA.MKS BROS ' DAVID LINN, GEHER'AL UNDERTAKERS COraiY TXIMMZSf GS C'dFPiNs tiMnIshed1 bir the shortest notice and chenner than atanv. Other cfctoblishmeht in Southern Qregon.'iv made-to order- . t .., .1...... " - iaiWwWaaa' " B Q, A ... .'--, r9m tWaakaaaaflar for,.- -i4IMr llw' Tm MaCWHge of .StiaUftj, Sioote 'k )bat MenVea vtanil, iejile liavin Je JjHjptMjpPUanpi ''i1 IHKl"Pa1i,'l,Ja''UL 1 rfcfwatT Iterjc ne. Ha faijaries are 'wrnsidiriidfatalL T V . , .', ' AsodrtIeal1,of wIieVi8 being Jiaiif ed to ,-tfaa -K1'!' 1; ' a Sue aiul plump kind, the yield being excellent, about SO cents is the price. 5?kxLCawmetttell you. any.specialnewa aboic tbe O.f C. AY.' R., but the people, with. a. few exceptions; are. still' very .:. tliusiastic over tbe. lookout Laat Friday and Saturday were two of ftlw - hottest days of the 'year, but Dow itjat is ri.ther' u'npleasoutly cool which h not good f,or .our corn crop, but.-should-the'wwuhcr remain fino jie. will have one corn; OnerApplef alotwo onipantea are wingdatning the river, preparatory 'to mining its 1L The main flume is Z feet wide and three feet deep, this is to. carry the water of the river and will be. 'three'liundred yards long. They are( juite sanguine. ofjnaking.it y The company below are, just putting in- a, wingdatti. Times. arc pretty- dull jus now, for mSkt t'eylnryoiie ;s'' complaining 'esc-J ially these who have not paid their taxes, ifor.the; collector, -is just goipg it and making- them , pungle, the tax plus mileage. It is;prelttyrough on a fellow tlml is rich and' lids' to have liis propertVrimld to pay Such a heavy taxi as three 'or four dollars, Imt the rich as yjllas-jhe poorhave'troubles1. '? Ts thereno way in which-the; wanton 'dpstruction (df srauiB can 1e htoi.Tiedf FRcnitlf6r1p&r-lfafe'Ji ia'turf hundred' and fifty dew. skins and au- other sixty, the .hauls "were only used and, many of jthe carcasses, .were not touched. This information I got from reliable sources. Cannot' the incoming Legi.slaturt iriake, -a- stringent law "'to punish such personally something more than a fine, or at least put a stop to this indiscriminate destruction; for if at,tiiis.ratb deer are' killed, they will on all ke fibne: " ' - " 5 "- , The big camp meeting-is now a thing ftthe past.It. was vell patrenjzed I ttnd 1 thinkthe largest crowd 1 ever saw here, The sermon by Ruv. Bell, on Sunday,. was a masterly effort. Four candy stands dispensed swecls; while the photographers, Purdin A Ellison.ihad the biggest custom I. ever saw ar aiiy gallery. Take it all in all, it was; a very' enjoyable meeting to lioth saint and sinner. No incidents worVliy of note transpired exce'ptihat the Sabbath ilay wai not kept' very saeredi'Tlie next big meeting -will be held at Mr. 'Hbxie's on the 4th of Sep-, te'niber. Work Axon. ,. .A'ugi'26,il880.. !?' "' ." Grant at Caleaai-' : " - ; Xt'a 'Garfield mass meeting at Ga lena, Ills., Aug. 27tb, Hon. Pliilo A. Orton gave" his teasons for leaving the. DemperaticpartyT withswhich he had. acted for twenty years. He then ,isv troduced Gen. Grant, who said: 'II did not intend to speak when I came Iiere-tolniehL I am very' rauch like- Juilge Ortoiu I have never made a Re publican" Riwech in my life or any kind. ot-a.tiolitical speech. I.-am sure it. would require some time and mucU preparation to .make one of any Jengtlu I can, of conrso, go a.little further tnnn Judge Orton, and say that I never wited a Republican Presidntial ticket in mv Jife and but one Democratrr ocralfcticketandTtliat-' many .years ago, when I was nuito, a young manr but I will pledge yoirmy word here to- nishthat-iLIamjpared although I shall- he some distarico -frosi you ou the" 2d dav of November I shall return to Galena? to cast -.onenReputlicaniuvote: for President ofr the "United States, and X hope the city of "Galena will cast a, round Republican vote such as it has never cast before. IGroat ap-M It 0T ' ' Fifty young men .of Xenia, 0.,-havo prganizeil a'Eirst VoterVGarfield and A'rtliiir CarapaigBvClub. -Xs'itR. name indiSLlJsk its' members will vote for the a'i .'.. tv ...tiz i:x' ti,. T.- m .. . T x?l'..f - .; t - i idea ot tne oixaunwewos ve anexcei eni, oneaKd"oTioulfb8" ceplciliiH "over the I niuuiri;. - , VjK.i v f v - r sb CeaffreeMaaa..S; prtr rulaanli. ot Jasaes a.- urseM."i " Xii - i. I fseKtheTlIH.y.tfwtte.i,. - f KJE,arth4bem'fit ql-QiQeQotsmnki&y ershOjliayaBtseen tk. speeck-wide bytMr. SjrJBg0at Sjj.'UvanjlBd.re, prKlcVWjcJa; o 4tbelpw,-jMjiw, !jJ.;PejBjo9ratic -.aade pubSeava papers. t.He-said: . r-. aifMyiJHeailii.;tB)8 KaiiwlMwuft irv ;lUaH0nna4d.;trf.Ttti K4te'rbr BresTdjT?!; A.GrfiW,H)flOhiq derisive ajhter'l-Va'm&rwl-h has. iong'fceea,in puWiel.ser.viasJtjng been the leader, of bilpvty, afid wlatanil.i to-day.. the :Riighh'(t, watrwc.of tiiem all, the greatest Republican member.of, the Lower House of 4 Cpngowi. Sea sstion.! I'know. Jamee-A. Garfield by. -being with, him in the Lower. House; of Congress for years, and Lknow there is noRepubHcauitithatpartyabler Utah he. Iiseo, the newspapers. areimakmg. charges against his character, but, my friends, I cannot say: that they ,are !in any wise true. T have- not .read the reply- to thes charge3,by the:Rej)ulIi. canjpress; if thev are 'true, I do not know it, and you,, my .friends, know as. much, about them, as Ido. . ,L- must say to you, my friends, that.l had, hoped that, the good old Democratic party .wpuhl select n, civilian foj its standard, bean-r.in.his campaign, as-I think; it woujd havo .been nioro preferable to,ua, certainly mot;e preferable to mc, than lo have, a man who is solely a military man; Tlie . President "of the United Slktes'should be aTthan wlio knows alj about the" affairs; who knotvs tno reg ulations of the various departments: thBjinanagmcHV.of thn Judiciary,; Log. islative, -"andsxecutive Departments; the Departmeutbf Sda'te, which deals, with foreign countries the Treasury Department, with, the millions of treas ure; with.civil service-, and- with thin gi eat and rapid growiHg' commerce of r though tho bust intereRta uf our peo- p! demanded a tosr exprf ieiiced in civil affairs, and'whetj ear Convention ut Cfiicinnati nouiinsted a'purely mili tary man, I must coiifess to you, my friends, I thought it would -have been better to have; nominated, a man with some civil experience: .Butyus'noneof the'great'civilians of pur party vtaa selectetl, we 'looked .around for an, available maiij and foundxlifm in.the person of Gen.. Hancock, who I know,, if elected, will take nis seat. Apt plause. It does not matter particular ly which party succeeds ini having, con trol of the- Governnient, lcause I lie Hevn that if eitkjM- of the candidates are electnl. we wiIT hae a qod Governr ment, iieace, plentv. anil prosperity. I don't-caro so much for party as I do to havo a good man, and I think either Jof the nntiiinees wquld give us' a good Administration, Sweeney it Allen have constructed a new, device to gather in the ducats of the gamblers here. It consists of a wheel divided JofF into spaces and marked Grant, Garfield, Arthur, Han cock, -English ami .Hendricks. .The player bets on his .favorite candidate- and. $ho wheel is started. When it stops spinning those who have bet on the candidate whose name stops at &' peg, on. the wheel, gettheirmoney back and.a4good deal more. It does not re quire a. very smart man. to Jearn this' simple game, Carson Appeal. The latest swindle for use in rural districts is the "hutter-contract'' game. A couple of nicely-dressed, gentleman ly-appearing young fellows drive up to a fanner's house with a fine turnout and engage all his hutterifor the seasou at a big price. The farmer signs a contract to let tho merchants have all his outter for a and in due ttrna the "contract" . year, comes back in tlie snaps ota. note, by a third party,, which the fanner has to, pay; Santa Rosa Republican. Northers Pacifo' Extksios A dispatch from Chicago tinder date of Aug; 30th, announces that the-'contracting force engaged on the extension of trreNbrthern "Pacific Railroad welit of the Mtssoriri'will complete' the grad-- i tj- 1 ing"lo the'Tellowstono early in Octoli ar. Tfiff" President of the road, has' directed'the Chief Engineer to trans fer the workingJforQfdifeetly across to the located line of the 'YeUawjtone dfviion; with intent to'rniUt and 'pass Miles' Ci" aid 'Fort Kegh bj next Julyf " -.-' -PJ'ilare' 'J Vt tJ Petite 3S?J2l haiiiiitiens tn nn- ini,liJ ' T tku-if.u. i and Orevon. .1 .... . -..-' i . :;: i--i-r .- .-- I -. "-: -w , iKw, roar Law OaWteiaU Sepajaiej'.i ,Tn the law office of Jolin S;lSpehcer i-.- ta;t jTSSif" Ybrk. ini83i-32. Vananusay, e werv four vouug- ta '.a.A'L'j :-:r --f1. rt- fur-y I V ,-' ' ' i V- si I" w. tuitenis io Kir- Wne and iam'e BHlsown. TJuder tfe" . careful, guidance K,Ir. Spencer they Were duly admitted tajlhe bar ia lof 3, and one of fthem at once struck out for V" it- f. ' S r- -r si. tWesJwtwg-atCIevelaqd. Zee hestaaklatvrtd hile.waline theex--a' -rYf''t J'S Wi.tff ," r.', ": btSerSaiktc can be admitted to practice IS'fietcpnr.?. $ was.swTmsed bv a ..v ! VJ j, V.. . . . 9su. irora am mree xeiiow scuoenw. Tliey weretooking. for places to hang. out wieir seiBjtes. -- v wi, one oi you can s&y'he'refwkh me, another'of you capgofurthetftthM. little" French, vil lage they eall Detroit, and the other can push on to V new place' they call Chicago, on the oa -site of ?6rt .Dear born." After a" littk .consultation thb plan was agreed on. The one who went to the "littl French village" was Geo. C. Bates; h "who went further ou'was Stephen A. Douglas, who went io Springfield instead of Chicago, making a mistake, while he who re mai'ned irl' C eveland was Henry B. Paine. This was n 1834. The young man'who "planned out theHcarcera of his three companions was E. H. Thom son, now of Flint, Michigan, and who told us the circumstances. Adrain Times. Nevada aad Oregon . RaUreaA., The Carson "Ti s", has the annexed in regard to the above 'r- road : . ,John:T. Davis, the president of , the proposed, narrow-gauge line, states that within one year Athe road will.io far beyond Susanville,- stretching its iron fingers.among the valleys of, Southern Oregon to. bear their "produce to. mar ket. The road is to ran .from, a point at or near Aurora,. JSey.,,, to a jioint at lskry liaeef. Nevada there .mid dividing lines iittersect tle western aliore, of .Goose Lake. Its route will be through Emewlda,, Douglas, Ormsby, Washoe and Roop counties in Nevada, and thence through Sierra, Lassen and Modoc counties, California, to the afore.aid intersection. John. T. Davis is president and S. AI. Holmes treos. urer. Its term of existence is to be fifty years; length, ,300 miles; capital stock, SG.000,000, made up of 60,000 shares of, the par value of 100 each. Itit present board of directors is com posed of John T. Davis, S. Msr Holmes, Geo. L. Voods?l Jan. McMeehan, Treu mor Coffin, J, C. McTarnahan and A. C. Ellis. The road, if built, will be of especially great benefit to thn rich farming country iu Lassen and Modoc counties lyine north of Rend, and in- rcideutally to the entire Stattv The Great Wheat Belt. A Chica go paper of Aug. 30th, says: A care ful examination of the condition of the wheat crop in the great wheat Imlt on the lineof the Northern Pacific Rail ruad has been made for the Associated Press, and it can be stated that the reports of its being in danger in con sequence of the wet weather are un warranted. Th'u late spring delayed seeding and the harvest fully two weeks, and the lato week of'cloudy weather along the line has interfered with threshing; hut the crop is safe and favorable. Tlie harvesi will'com mence moving largelythis'weeV, fully three weeks, later, however, than last yean The Dalrymple farm alone will require thirty-five cars, a day to; take care of the grain as threshed. ai The capitalists aro being put to severe straits to find a place for their money." United States' four per cents are" up in London to 113. It costs thrco'years" interest to get a bond at par. This is a kind of national credit worth" talking about, and it must lie at tributed to the management of the1 Re publican party. " How long after the election of Hancock would the finance of our government remain in tbisllr ishing condition! During tbe last Democratic administration the United States government couhl not borrow money for less than ten per cent inter est, and often "fiad to ,pay more than that. Who wants a change' of our present sound-and healthy financial1 condition PsBBiDiarr. xxm paidin, TJtts burg the qtltftr:'day: -"I.don't.intend to say a word about politics ia my Pacific trip; or engagenn the canpaign iin any way." - 3' Tkroataat Maaehea Pa. f v a. -lr T '5 r 1 After aeanfuL instrs8tal servey otthwpair94yilkes9Br'the practi cability of oonstuetiny a- railroad oa tStt HAO VrftS pMbOfitv BftyOfra!15c(C,Tfj,7llOfc be the best route, for a railroad ever fosad aatywbere .evef moaataiag of a wwilar.aWtud", .there bajfr.a.tire J absence of chaBM.or abrupt efevaW'ons at any, point; settfeer , there any eriw&ce of snow sndes ever aavinjf 'occurred on any pe-rtion "ol 'the ground lieuaUy covered wfth .snow. For the above' reaabaa and bihera iatimately connected witb tke-trafiScRd derelop taent of Eastern, Wasbingtetr,. the rtute hasbeenelwaen. Jlhetaak of locating..theread will beoaean, carried forward by Coir-Isaac Smith and his assiatants-Messrs. Sheets, White, 'Whit field and Bogue each one of wfiom will probably be iuchargq of a party of men with the greatest possible .dis patch that accuracy will permit. Mr, White, .upon, his return the Yakima county, will be put iu charge of .an other section, and Mr. Bugue siiilau other, after completing: his exploration, of Suoqpaluiie gap. As it will requite fully two mouths to perform the work of location not a day is to be lost ia attacking it in full force. The Iwnefit that will accrue to both sections of Washington by building tho rood to to'Puget Sound is of grat lusgtiilude, and it is quite safe to predict that when the location shall Lave been' completed the order will come to commence4 its construction at once. Tacoma Ledger. A Bvdle Kaabe Story. , George Finney, driver. of the Y"- ginia and Bodie. stage, ' says that snakes of several species, including hoops and rattlers, are getting" to be so plentiful ong the road athis Seail .f the route ibat tt k dangerous; tfieate In. ...siu.1. S.nJ iv.L'dn r .....t.. L hasiiflt bis teaB before thiivTla cOminginTtho other day he drove $) a lot of snakes that literally covmIhe road for about 500 yards. He coWa-'t. turn out, so he-sent the silk iuto the horses and dashed through ou a uV-ud run. How the team escaped injury puzzles him. One big hoopsuake, about ten feet long, that was. lying in the center of the road, as soon .as it heird tho coach coming uncoiled itself just as the team was, pawing over it and. made a vicious .strike with its spiked, bony tail at the belly of,the nigh wheeler but missed him and struck the pole. The force of the blow was so great that the tail was driven into tho hard wood some three inches. The g take, being unable .to ith draw it, was dragged along for about 100 yards, until it was killed hy one of the wheelers stepping on it and break ing off the spike. The venomous -reptile gave a frightful yell, denoting pain mingled with rage, as it expired, and before reaching the next, station the wagon-pole was swelled up as big aa an ordinary suwlog, while poison was dripping out from under the irons at each end like green sap from a. freshly cut sapling. Bodie Standard-News. The BeaocraUe "Free. Ballot." One plank in the Democratic plat form makes a foud -profession in 'favor of the freedom of the ballot, and the candidates of that party both reiterate the sentiment. 'In' tho city of New York; in 18GS, they made the ballot so free that, 20,000 fraudulent- votes were counted for Seymour, giving him that State by 10,000 majority. They now want to -repeal the national election laws,, to enact those irauds in 1880. In 1871 the Republican. Vote iu Arkan sas was 41,373. By means of the ''free ballot,." as it is, interpreted by the Dem ocratic paity in the Southern State., this vote was reduced to 115, in 1878. In. 1872, the. Republican vote ot Alabama was 90,272., In. 187.8. the Hancock bulldozers had reduced, it to nothing. In 1872 the Republican vote of . Mississippi was 82,17k. In 1878 it was but 1168. In all the; cot ton States there has been a simjliar falling off in Republican votes,, and no corresponding increase in .the Demo cratic vote: The cause of it has been this.Democratic ".free, ballot," supple mented by pktok, tiotguaa.jr.whiiia and fraud. .This is tbt kind .;f free ballot Haaeock agU&rejftejR to secure; the ''SolWjSouth"-, Jr. .Chronicle.