4 W J 3 c 1 $ J ---- MMU V! V fJ V. X HEORKGON SENTiNKL .Wednesday, August 4, 180. Land eace at Roacbnrg. Oca 1 4ne so, istw. To AU moH it may 'concerns Notice I Hflir slvca (Lai I hare deals .anted IhceitfCHN hVYIIM.t, u the paper In lrklek f afcall here&ner puMUta n pre caption, fcomextead and applMMIoBs for attains patent Iter land lying near Jacksonville, Jatkiwn eopntr, ffrrson. W. P. BUJMI, Keglster. vNaruow Escape. Lost Sunday, while at Rogue river on a fishing ex cursion, Mm, Evan B Ream en fell in to that stream and had aliafriTw es 'cape from drowning. JACKSONVILLE Steam Mill. A iarge'graitipry lias jut been completed 'adjoining the Jacksonville steam grist jind flouring milts, and Messrs. Mo Kenzie & Foudiav itifoimsusthattlie "will be ready to receive nil the grain bruui(t to them. 'Ihv will be reidv to grind as soon as the new cruji of 'grain can be mov ed. . "Bad Pkactice. Deer hides are plenty in this market. One maa on Btt'o crvjk wit j hiji tei ows by the 'stress of tlm weather last winter, gaM he tiuula-fhti -intrr" Jn-rftTT skltlM Ten thousand deer were slaughtered in 'Jackwm countv the past nine months; at thin rate, how long will it be before the nn-e will oepxtliittf Tile law iJliouhl be enforced a "! slnujihteriu;: deer fo'r their hides miociM be btteil at once. Ocu 'Niuruds Capr. Vork and Jim Mi Call v started out hori&bitek mi a hunting expedition on the 27th alii "mo, equipped to the teih with 'all he Tfiecessnrv xhootiug implements and' cau.p tixture. They pt to the h'ijjh 'Siskiyous where pitiithVitc, hear and deer are Slid to m very plenty, to las gnni for mi iiidcffiiiiip period, but ex lict to rrtuni in lime 10 oto fur Pres iJent. PcUJlAT10!t OF JoSr.PIttVE C6u,- TY. Wvuiv under ohligiti'in to Pi M. Nickerwtycounty cletk, for the fol lowing list, Vtl, inn ibitmitB of Jo sephine country as bled at t.ie. county clerks, ollice: whites, -J1C3: Ifrlia't'is &. Half Bloods, 34;bLi,,Hse, 279: Males, 1C0O; Females, 876;TXmir one vea of age, G4; Between one and tw-ntv-pne, 1112; Over twenty one, 4300; Total P. pulution, 2476. Grand Rai.lt. At Kerbvllle, Or.. Wednesday, Aug llih, just for the purpose of de ising wm s and me ins to "Vuild that portion of 'theTjreKcent Ciiy wagon road King and leing between station "0" and the 6 mile post. We must build siiid six miles tif rond nr "tf.'e bnliiVuG of the road will not be built. Farmer, miners , ntd hnttius and merchants, look out for 3 our interests 3 The time has come for your united action in an ehtei prise upi.'n ulucli ilie 'count r will risp 'or frill, according us you decide, Turn ttut nil, COMMITTLE FOR JOSEPHINE. Skverf. Accident. X)n Saturday the 31st of July a serious accidrn be fed Samuel D. Van Dike of Eden pre cinct. He had started to yo lo Ash land in a couipiniite drawn bv two "horses, and in -joing itoun fiill 'n'rtir Bear creek the bieeching of the har ness broke throwing tlm vehicle mid Mr. Van Dyke acaitis th. horses. Thoroughly friglmned the liorses com 'nienced to kick 'and run. In the ellbrt to extricate himself from the entariale nieiit Mr. V. sns'tnTed piy serious in juries. The cfy 'of 6ne of the hip wjs broken, and other ptrts of hisW son badly bruised. JIav Shot. Gip'r, FJ.e who has charge of Ui bee's fenv on R gup liv er, was awakenisl froin Ids sleep la-t Friil iv rtig'it h? the .iptfAnj- ne 1 inn 11 in his bed room, ntid afier askinsj him his ti'iismess mid falTTiTtt to nHt a reply Flie pjc'visl up a .shnf.uiii itand lng at the side of ilie b(.l anil Hil iz-d 'away." The man then si arte I to iui'i and as Iih was yoing through the d or 'Cap shot at him the second time. The 'next morning blood w is found in the room and also cm an ailjoinini; fence where the ma.il had crossed over. It Is supposed, of course, that tlt,e man was ben' 6n roiibery. but who the par ty was still remains u mvstery. Pnic'E of WlifclT. Tlip iiidn-ationi are that the wheit crop in this Valley will bo "colisiderablv shorter this year than last. Two causes conspir to orins: hbout this nstlltjTllif feerimlK of jhe grain urn licit as ilunifr uh-j full as forinerly,'ahd it peeiiis there h'as not been as great 'A breulth of wheat s'dwh ns last year. It is clpar that, fanheis w ho hav a wheit can demand a iretter Jince for it than h'-re ofore. If the Crescent City wtigoii r.wl was com (ileteTt so that flour could be liauled to ihn coast, wheat should cnuimand one 'dollar a bushel, and an advance in the price of this staple instead of lieiHg an injury would be an absolute benefit to Iho whole community. What Was ItI TIip prominaders on tho streets of Jacksonville; jtt s Quarter of ten o'clock on Fn lav night July 30th, weip startled b a brilliant light, winch in he twinkling of an eve illuminated their pathway and sliad owed trees, fences, houses, and persons as if by a bright tulbium liht. Upon a closer examination the strange ob ject was lound trf be a meteor, court ing rapidlv from South to 2fonh, and in size and aplearance it resembled a red hot 14 duild cannon ball. It took about four second" to run its course and exploded without rejmrt at an an gle sf 45 degrees. The thousands of iU fragments as they seetni d to fall to the Vartb had very much the ajipear an.ee of a shovel full of fiery coals thrown overboard from a vessel at night 'eCAL ITEMS. Conimissiohera' Court in session to day. Wm. KreuCzer left for Roseburg last week. Dress goo3s 12 cents at tfie ITew Y"ork Store. John Orth pays the higbest cash price for wool. Fishingjiarties to Rogue River are all the rage now. Cotton baiting, 27Jcts per pound, at the ftew York store. , .If you want a lirst class sewing ma chine call at this office. Treasurer Pape has fitted up an office in the back end of his saloon Elder Peterson will preach at Ce'ii-' tral Point next Lordsday, August 8th. Beu Haymond came ap from Rock Point on Thursday tarrying only a few hours. 1 Adam Schmiift left 6n Afondav for Wilderville, where he go?.s to establish a brewery. The Western Union Telegraph Co. is now enpaaed erecting a lot of new telegraph poles. Rev. M. A. Williams will hold ser ices at the H.""E. Church nexlSu.n day at 11 Axr' 'O. Karew.ski' has a lot of hydraulic pipe and also a .No. 1 giant which h.s will sell at a bargain. Davih' kiw mill 011 Wigner creek, seVn iuiles south of Phm-nix has a large lo't Jf lumber on hand. TIip young mnn of the Aurelian win ;1 e a focial 'ti.it ty atul dance at thefr Hall, Friday night, Au 13th. W. J. Plynmle's new buf,sries are ex pected here every day. Give him a call wen ypu want a turn out. Haskell Amy near Ce'ntral Point, is liuildmg a new rainerv, from liimlier snwetl at the Hoikins saw mill. Thos. F. Bvtll sent a wagon lo Red ding this week aftt-V some relatives who are oh ihefr wnj here fro'iil Illinois. lheXJounty Cuiiiiiiissiuiicrs Court is TC session 10 do. Business of import ante will come up for the action of the Board. The Y. M. L t R. R. Association will meet in regular session next Fri day night for the trail, at ion of impor- lant business. A emus of the men employed on K.ihler Bros.' new briuk w.n taken last week w hiili ih iwej ele eu boueb anl two working men. Charlie Hannah, accompanied his uiif-'le, Jude Hanr.nli, to the Htruaw Like mines last, Thursday. Charlie will et be a miner. The ex.itt pnpulnVion of Oregon ac enrding to the late cetistls is 1 70.535. jj'liicli is an increase since 1670 of b'-t,- Gl US' )ev cent. D. R. White, who was thrown finia a horse one day ast Week, h.ts fully recovered lrom the injuries received and is ilwut as usual. His Grace, Archbishop Seghers, is -xpetted to ireath in the Uathol c Church, at Jacksonville-, neit SumUy, uioiiiii.g and evening. Messrs, Fred Drake, Corlies fllerritt, J0I111 and Cal Eub inks and Mr. Myers, of Ahl.ind, fuvorel Jacksonville with u short hh on Sundav. John' Wolters will npxt week re move to Ashlmd where he. propups ojvnini; u bakerv in the new buihling owned by Oilando Mer. Wm. Meiisoriam be found at Elliot's ! stand after next week where he" will keep 11 general nssnrtiii'iit of diy goods, clothing, groceries, etc. lliev have an Adam Schmidt at Lakeview, JVit we iec'on h" is no con nection of our Ad mi Schmidt, leader of the Jacksonville Brass Baud. Geo. W- Mice three miles Nor h- east cif Cential Point, will Sell 300 bea I of hK Angora go its at public auc tion, on Saturday August 14th. Tim frui crop in Del NorVe county, California, is said lo itu total failuie. Heie is a chance fot our orchirdistR to supply that market wi h ajiples, plums, eic. Mr. Hanson was in town this week from the Gahce creek mines. He re. ports the miners about through clean mg up and sas they had a splendid IUII. Cait Alex,,P. Ankeny of Portland mil V. R. Willis of RoseburK paid 'JavksouvillB.a vixil this week looking after the interests of tlieir respective mines. George Rchwnpf informs us that viork on iltM Earle Ledge is going on under very iavorable auspices. The new erastA will soon be ready for woik ing quartz. Wm. M. Turne"- started for th" Lake countrv yesterday morning to commence work 011 his surveying con tract. He expects to be aUient about three months. The highest jioint on the new Cres cent fity wago'ii road is 3100 fit ,1'oove t lie level of the sea, itlniut 800 feet lower than the highest jKmt oil the ktuge road betweeii Bairon's and Codes' Mrs. D. P. Thomson of Portland got in from LinKville last Sundav, where she lias lie-n visiting at her sister's, Mrs. Moore. She remained in Jacksonville a few days and was to' leave for Port land to day. J. B. White, an old-timo resident of Rogue River valley, fmt how a citi zen of Oakland, Cal., passed through here last Thursday on his way to Rock Point to visit relatives. He is accom panied by his family and goes by pri vate convey hmo and expects to mak'eT a good visit We are -gratified to announce that j the little daughter of Adam Schmidt, who for the past five weeks has been suffering great painfrom a sore foot, is improving rapidly, making a surgical operation entirely unnecessary. A. P. Armstrong who the other day closed a successful term of the- public school at Linkville, returned to his home in this county last week. He staid but a few days, When he left for the Commercial College at Portland. J. M. Smith, merchant ot Kerbv- ville, spentseveral days in Jacksonville, where he has rented a house and pro noses shortly to move his family, in or der to give his children better educa tional opportuiutie3 thau they Have at home. Alex Watts came up from Jospphine one day last week. He reports the farmers in the inidai of harvest, witu little time as yet to enthuse jiolitiudly. But Jbsephine will be heard from in the right direction when the time comes. John Miller, whi p 1ft San Francisco, purchased one of the largest stocks of 'jmrdwaie and guns ever brought to this town. Up m their arrival he will enlarge his store and use all ihe space now u-cil by hL own and Mr. How ard's store. Prof. Ifc L. Rogera has returned "from California where he has been in .he interest of the Ashland College. It is expictid that a number of stu dents will attend College from those portions of California visited by the Professor. Rev. V. H. Klyce of the M. E. Church, South, pr ached his farewell sermon in Jacksonville last Sundav. Mr. K. is closing tip Iris labura on this circuit preparatory to g"ing to the an '11U d ciiulerence, which meets 111 Wen toif, Umatilla county, Oct 6th. Gen. T. G. Reftmes left here on Thursday Oli hla a) to CblOngo, where he goe- 10 meet the Graliu C-.nc uv e of 1 he 1'emplarH of the Knihta of Py th'los. He will lur 'gone some lour weeks. At Ashland he was joiue-l 'y Morns Bcum, who accompanies him to San FiancisLo. The stae which arrived from the south on Sa u day brought over John Millri', iOhri McDonnell. Henry Men" sor, and Mrs. Louis llei ling of Jack sonville, and Miss Minnie Anderson ot Asliluud, the tour former tram 'ban FraiiUH- , and the latter from Oakland, Cal., wheiti she had U-eu suite April. Tne Squaw take fishing paitv, evil slstiug 01 Messrs. Wm. Lutle, li. u. Bivsiuau, F. M. Overbeck, Will. Meu- so'r, the Misses Sally Cardwelf, Cola and Maggie Lhili, Km ma Pape, .Mrs. Floiciicn .-5liipev ii diiidien, returned 1 1st Friday night alter an absence ot about ten dus. A good lime was had. The Wes'em Oregon Hailruad Com pany comjileled ihe trestle from the main tracK at ludepenileuce to the gravel bur in the Wiltamettu river last Jti!ej,-an 1 iLUov eng iging """the work ot six y men, u steam shovel, three en gine arid a large number of dump ears in ballasting the road with gravel. Al bany 'Regimer." There is greit demand for dwelling houses in Jucksouviil" ami in order lo supply this want some of tne men ot means propose short I) to cuuiuiejn.e electing airjmierof them. El. Smith is now engaged .-otistruciiug two small dwelling houses for Pal AlcMahon. Ti.e e sti ucturen ure 26 by 8 each, with tout rooms apiece. Teamster 1 lately in from Roseburg 1 eport a number of forest tires logmg 111 the din von. Ihe atmosphere fiom some cause or ntiothtr lias been verv Iiazy ot late moie so, 111 tait llian it ha- been known to be at this tilne tor years. The exceeding haziness has be dliiimed the "orb ot c!ay" as with a double lace curtain. e The oat ci op in Ro.up river frfllW, us far as we have letii able to leinii. will be very light this vear, owing lo some Ubai countable thtiiikue in the kernels of that cereal. 'Ihis fact will make ii ditlictilt for some of our citi zens, vXho hdve agieed to furnish ihe goiei'iniimit milituy pists with oats to comply with iheir contracts. Senator Ben Hill has broken loose again, and is swinging his club right and left among his pariv trieiids 111 GisirgitC In his own word-: "l'liP Dr-mocratic situation in Geoigia is b d very bad, a d the tendency is wo.se Serious Vlissensious exist, are daily in ciea ing, and if not arrested, will in evitably 'disrupt the pai ty." Judge J. C Tolmaii, Surveyor Gen .ral ot I he State of Oregon, arrived here on ihe 1st di id left again on the 2nd for Ashland. He proposes to htav but a few days in this iort of lite State, during which time he will I e engaged examining the mstiumehis uud ihiins to be used by the dillereut surveying parties abotit to start out from this county. Gen. B. Dorris, E q , attorney at l.i ill Pugene City, who with his fain ily has been siijouiniiij. in Jacksonville for tin- past ten days the guest of hi fa her-in law , Squire Holiuian, return ed in his bClne JWterday. Mr. I), is an old time resident of Jaiksou countv where he end and practiced law. with H F Dowell Up 6 Munh 1865, wh.tr he left for ihe Wi'lamette. His fami Iv will remain heie for a short time. It is estimated that ihcre are brought into Jackson ommy 2500 tons c f freight every year. This freight laid dbwb at Roseburg costs us sixty-odd thousand dollars. This money goes out of the countvj amT ho pdrtitfnof ll e'Ver cothec back Jo, its. n The money for hauling thp goods from Roseburg is extra; IJSt lieing itl to our ow'ri citizens remains with hs. Build the Crescent City wagon raid and yoa will save at least S21 dn every 1&nof freight. Rf'ad notice to contractors-for build ing Town Hall, &o. ( SavK a Sj-sciMESs. Paul Schujtze of the ktw "department of the On-gouvfcifSrWaRailroad Co , Port laud, "requests faraera in all parts of the State to save good sjecimens of growing grain and grassps in tlte sheaf, anil samples of grain after it is har vestpd, and to fsrward them to his office with each specimen plainly "mark ed so a ro tell jte variety, arid the name and address of thp producer. All sjietiniens left with any railroad or ex press agent will be forwariled to this office fiee of exjietts. The exhiwtsof Orejron products. 'which the public ppTrit of the farmers of Oregon has enanied air. Schultze to make several Utiles at various places in tho United States and Europe, has demonstrated more- tlearlv than any thing else the various rcsourres of our State, tho feTtility uf its soil, and the excellence f its climate, and our State has been greatly "benefited by them. Address Paul Schultz, Land" Agent, 0.iC.ER Co., Poitland, Or. ." a - . And Stiu. Asothu Roote. A Smith River correspondent of the Cres cent City "Courier" says: "The valley residents firmly believe that a shorter, better and iui" lews exjieusive route from Cn"ceilt Ciiv'f63ack.sonville mav lie secured by p.siug directly through his valley, jiavci had a preliminary "viewing" of theint"ertnediate ground, and are so eucouraevd by the re suit that a surlpwrfg 'party has been sent over the mountains to se tie the question beyond a doubt, and the re sult of their labors will, doubtless, transpire in a few days." Our 'Smith River f ripndw are a trifle too late. Af ter all the e Torts that have been made ami the money expended to survey ntid open the new roid via Gasquet's to C'res.-ehl City, tne people of Jackson and Jo-ejhine are not 111 a humor to w iste time by seirching for a new route in anotherjlirectioli, especially where the character of the country is so well known. let tho rond as stir veyed by Mr. Howard go oil without any more delay, Thf Williams Case. Charles H. Williams, who some, weeks ago lelt here wtih a span of mules, was brought, lack by Deputy sheritl' Coats from Sis kiyou countv on a charge of larceny of a pair of "mules, the prop erty if JaYlies A. Caldwell. Att ei animation was held on Wednesday which resulted In" the discharge, of the prisoner, as the Tacts in the case did not wairant the coiirt toliiud him over on the charge preferred. From the evidence 111 thfl Cae 7t appearn to havv leeu a case of breach of "trust, anil our statute does not consider a breach of trust'a criminal offense, ft appears Williams disposed cif Vhe mu.es in Cal ifuruia but tailed to make any return fwr them to Cardell. On the same day 11T tins examination Williams was bound over in :he kuiu of 3150 top pear as witness for lh" State hi the case against John Calhoun now in jail indicted for assaulting Williams with a kuife.- A BadWomay. Portland psperx of the 29tn, .sayt hat Annie Lynch, wife of ihe prop! fetor of the Keystone House, to-night stubta-d a lougslinre man named Alexander Mathieson wth it bowie knife during a quarrel "it the house. The weapon penetrated the ab ihrinen, and Matlnesou is now at the city j-iil in ff dying audition. The wo man is of a very oid character. A short time ago her husband shot and killed Thomas Watts in self defense over some trouble caused by the wife. The woman bought Wa'ta a knife with which to kill her husband.it having been found wheti ihe body was picked up.atid she stabbed Mathiesnu with the same knife. MathWin in his dving Jed i ration, accus'p tfie woman of stab biiighitii. Mrs. Lynch was anested by Chief Lappeus", abd held without bail. Death 6s the Skaoit. On the night of Saturday, the 17ih inst., at the Skagit mines, a arg pine tree fell on a cubiu.occupied by Andrew Eick in and son on Slate creek. The father ami son" were as'le-p alt the time. The son hearing a crash sprang frnnr his blink, and while endeavoring to vvaen his father, the tiee struck the cabin roof, crushing it in. A la'ge cros-cut siw hanging from one of the rafters fell on the old man, striking him in the vicinity of the aldo'iien, cutting him almost in two. just as he was ?m erging from thf Jbuiik., killing him in stantly. Mr. Erckin was from Rock Island, Illinois, wheie he leaves a wife and fa'inlv. He was formprlv n iinim inent null owner of Dubuque, Iowa. Bee." Ascent of Mouk Hood. J. R Stoihlard, Dr. Jnnes7 A. "V. Averv unit Ami Prof sser Henderson hav h just re turned from a ten clavs jaunt at Mount Hood, 'lhay repor ili ntj of snow on the mountain, and thev were five hours in reaching the summit. The star: was nui lp in their shtrt sleeves, but coats were in demand senn afterlhe as cent was coinmeiteed Tnv paitv re inaiil'il on the summit tin t" qnar ers of an hour. Messrs. Stoddanl and Avery wcured a fragment of he flag planted there two vears ago assouvi-. ulrsof the trip. The tourists secuied the services of n guide to e-id them to the toj5 nf llie niotiutain. The descent was iinlde til ail EuurailU a half. 'Stan dard." Tillamook Lighthouse. The erec tiou of the light houso at T-llamook rock, says an exch uiijp, goes steadilv on, notwithstanding the Ivnisterous weather, a short time ago. The "Shu brick" having landed seventy tons of huilding material on thetTock recently. When landing is itnpraclicinl.a trained sea lion; belonging to Mr.Bdllantvne, in Rent off from thu rock to the vessel witH a .linejn iU mouth, wlu'cfe-, ike a traineti 'dog; i JJelivem, "anil Ihen re turns to1 bis nfas&r: , Fifteen yards print; for' $1 at lie Sew York &tdrd. JjtB ORVET. Tho following facts about the. , new Crescent City wagon road are from Mr. Howard's field notes, and will be of particular interest to dufreadprs: The Waldo and Crescent City wagon road commences "J miles West from Waldo, at which point it leaves the old wagon road; thence Westward 1 miles, whpre it crosses the left-hand branch, of, tV Illinois river, from which place it rafes on a grade of 1 in 16 J to the.iiia.t'n, divide. Crosses the divide nlxiut 5 miles from the initial iioint; irpm .thence, it de scends along the left-hand side of Shel ly creek, a branch of Patrick creek, by an easy grade mostly about one foot in 30, through a decomposed sfate formation to the mouth of Shelly creek, about 15J miles from the initial poin'; crossing the same with a bridge of 50 feet span, thence along the left side of Patrick creek about two miles, crossing tin? same alxut i mile below the old trail with a bridge of 70 feet spin, and intersecting ihe Winter trail at the 18 mile post; thence on a grade of I in 1C to the middle fork of Smith river, reaching the sa"me at 20Jinile post; thence down the right, nr North bank of Smith river to the 24J mile station; thence en ssing the same bv a bridge of 110 feet spin; thence down the South side of the river tcrihe 25 mile jiost at OasquetV; thence following in tjiotvi cinitv of the pack trail to the South fork of Sniltn river,, near the 34 mile iost; length of main spin of bridge 105 feet: 'hence along the left bank of Smith river to near the 36-mile .post, near the mouth of Mill crpek; thence to the present bridge near thp 373-mile station", crossing the ireek at the site of said bridge with sn 86-foot spin; t'ten'c'e by the old trnij to the foot of the hill, near the 3&5-miIe station; hence on a grade if ,1 in 16 to the 40 mile station, in the summit, of the ridge between Mill cieek and Elk. val lev; ihnce down on anie ende to about 41 J mile station, to the foot of the hill on the Mosier phu-e; thence 4J miles anil 16cluins to tho old wagon road, thence 44J miles to Ciecont City, making the distance from Waldo to Crescent Citv 52 fuile.with no grade to exceed 1 in 16 J. Tiik. Lake Coo.stt CLERksHir. The Lakeview "Herald" of the 17th ultimo has this to say of the Lske countv clerk ship': At the June1 election in this coun tv. F. M. Cheesman Eq, Democratic candidate for county clerk, was elected to that office. Utifortijimtebj for Mr. C. he was called awdV by aubpexna to attend the trial of Capt. Wallace at Ihe D dies, as a witness, and was there fore prevented fiom filing his oath of office and official liond at the re quired time. The statute provides that the incumbent shall hold until, his successor is duh efected and qualified. It also provides that the county court shall havepiwcr to fill vacancies by ap pointment R. B. Halton, Esq., has for th'vlast two teims occupied the po sition of county clerk with credit to himself and ssiH faction to the "people. He Seems to have become-very much attached to the office and has strength eiicdsaid attachment liv filing oath mid bonds for a continuation therein, to the embarrassment of Mr. Chesnian, to whom a certificate of election had been Issued by Mr. Hattrm himself, in the discharge of his official duty. Mr. H. doesn't iy-ejii inclined to go back 011 hiniHslf, if the people do go back on him. He was not a candidate and of course dots not claim to have In en elected. He doesn't seem disposed to create a vacmcyby resignation, and Mr. 0. is 8ej'king out some pmc.ss by which he can carry into effect the 'vx pressed witl.iif the people." We think we have heard Mr. Hatton denounce Pie-ident HaVes as a usurper. "Wise niPii often change," however. The other diy Col. Rnss, in a con versation with his neighbor Michael Ilunlev, asked the question, How it happened that he(Hanley)was favored ihove. so many of th fanners of the vallevl His farm was in splendid condition, his crops were never better; the stoipl that hid swept over the neighboihooit Jind hail jirostnted tho iain ami hav fields for so maov of the farmers,, had jrvssed his (Hiuley's) firm unharmed; his waving com ami Kfirghuni fields were the delight of every one that passed thst way, etc. Mr. Hanley ery in destly replied thtt he could assign no other reason for his continued prosperity 'han th it he had alwavs voted the Republican ticket, slid that he intendisl to vote for Gar field unci Arthur in November. Right. Assessor Ooadard isnow bmilv en gaged tinihing the assessnipnts of Jack son county. He xjectR to be through with his work iu about thro" wpeks, which will also he the eid of his term o' office. He has been a faithful pub lic servant, and if his successor will come up to his standard of efficiency there will be little cause of grumbling. Read 'he follow ieg testimonials, not from persons 3,000 milea awar, whom notiodv knows, lmt from well known and trustworthy citizen", of Otegon. L whose lames, written with ilwir own hands, ctn be seen at our office: Silve ton, Oregon. March- I'ldO I take pleasure ill testifying ,to th remedial proj-erties of the OHEGON KIDNEY TEA. Fr the ast two or three year I have been troubled with derangement of the kidnpvs, during which time I have tried various reme dies v ithot't obtaining relipf. I bought a package of the OREGON KIDN DY TEA from J. C. Hayes, and from tlm first dose began to feel better and am happy to say that after using the package, "i anl almost entirely cured SAMUEL bOX. Rtc!rfflWflj the xrvr avaL'o.v kbab. ProceediBS of the Meeting ot the Com mlllce beld nt Waldo July Jain. At a called meeting of the represen iatives of Jackson and Josephine coun ties, Orpgon, and Di 1 Norte county, Cal , for the purpose of inaugurating the building of a wagon road from Waldo, Ogn., to Crescent Citv, Cal., held at Waldo July 28th, 1880, pursuant to the call of the.presiden tof the original committee, therri were present, on lie half of Jackson couhty, J, Nuuati and E. H. Autenrieth;. Josephine countv, W. J. Wimer, C. Hughes and N. Del'a matter; Del Norte countVj J.as. K. Johnson, Edgar Mason, J. E. Eldrige, Horace Gasquet, Joseph Clark and E Yates. The meeting was called to order at 2 p M. by J. Nunan President, and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. J. S.Howanl, surveyor of the road, presented his certified resrt of his survey and field notcrswith imp of same, which "being suhjnitted to the committee, after discussion was adopt ed and approvpd. Iht bill of Mr Howard for services, amounting to $1244.73, was audited and paid in the manner fo lowing: Jackson county, $414.91; Josephino 5J414.91 ; Del Norte, S414 91 Total, S1244.73. A proposition was made by H. Gas quet to tlio'ejTeot, that he and h's a.-sou-utesw ill buildaiidcoustrt!ctthe pros)sed road according to the plan and specifi cations as contained in Mr Howard's report and accompanying field notes, provided, First, that the county of Joseptiine, by its citizens or dulv au thorized officers shall construct that portion of snii'i road, after and in ac cot-dance with the aforesaid survey, from its initial xint in Illinois val lev to the summit of the divide, or the six mile stake of the survey ot their own cost unil expens-; Second, And pro vided further, that the countv of Del Nnrte by its citizens or dulv authoriz ed officers, shall construct that poition of said ro id, after and in Accordance with saitl survey, fiom Crecent Citv to the South Fork of Smith river at their own cost and expense; then the said H. Gasquet and his associitea. nt their own cost and expensp, shall con struct and maintain tho balance of said road in accordance juith said sur vey between the two aforesaid points to-vvit: From theSou'h Fork of Smith rjve'r to the Oregon line, and the said H. Gasquet and his associates shall have sole ownership of sah ro id as n toll road in accordance wit Ii 'law; And it is further provided, that Jackson countv, Oregon, or the citi7e.ns thorepf, shall pay to H. Gasquet and his asso ciates, as a lionus, the ;uni of not less than 5,000 andi as much moieas may be subscribed bv safd citizens in in stallments as specified in the subscrip tion list, circulated in said Jackson son co'uilUr, the samp to lie free from all demands and reclamations forever hereafter. Whereupon, oh motion it in ordered that the ptojiasiiion of said H. Ga-quet be and the same is herein' accepted. On motion it is ordered that the said H Gasquet and his associa'es lie and thpy are hereby requested fo form a corporation in iiege'ribinC' with the lavvsof the State of California, Jo .have its principal phce of business in Cres cent Citv, Del N-tte coui t, Cal., and the follow injT named persons are desig nated as iree'ors thereof: II trace Gasquet, W A. llatnilton. P. Darby James K. Johnson, Jerry Nuiuu and Chas. Hughes. On motion, it was ordered that the map, report, estimates and field n its of the survey be put iu possession of the secretary cf this commit'ne, by him to be delivered to the trustees pf the cor poration. No oth'T business being before th' committee, on motion the commute ad jouriipd, sulject to the tall cf the pre ident J. NUNAN, Pres. J. K. Johkson, Sc c. 3vrA.ast1.i3n 33 SPAHK.-P RKER At the residence of the brid?'s parents, August 2d. 1880 by S. J. Div ounty JuJr-, Michiil Spihh and ilia Louisa Parker. THOMAS HIATT At the residence ofthe bride's parents in Linkville, July 21st, by A. P. Armstrong. J. P., Mr. George C. Thomas snd Mijs Arilla Hiatt, both of Lake county. raoRtraoiKnqvi Bonw. REESER. in Asbfiind. July 28th, 880, to the wife ot KTP Rcescr, a daughter. URGENT C ALU LL PEUSOS AYHO HAVE NOT . sctthd their last year's account tor blackmithing. are rcouestt d to cc me foi ward imm-di.'tely ana settle, as I must have money. I can't wait tiny longer. DAVID CROXEMILLER, Blacksmith. Jacksonville, July 27th V IW1I.N ls' U TOIi5S NdTICK In the matter of the estue of James Clark, deceased. VTOTIGE IS HEREBY GIV $" TH VT J ttif nnrKriTTWfl ti i hepn wnnolv Cl by the ounty Court of jo plnnc "J"1? Orgqnv sitting in Pnbaf JuK-ist locO AdminUtrator of the estate or James (laik, deceased, , , Hi nrvr..,a imi IiimI r said estate are requested to settle th immtdiately, and those havintj cla''4 against the estate will preent the mwJlh the proper vouchers to mc at K.rbwllle Josephine county. wsron. witltb months ifter the first public-am of 'his Dotice. VV M. tJOnoAf AS. Administrator of Bald Estate, Dated, July 21st, I860. CITY-BREWERY VKIT8CHDTZ,- Prnorietot. TWOUl D MOST BESPFCTrULLT IV. form lb tltliQof Jt'UT.lle tn'l th w.rlA at iMrm. that th.v Mn flritl. Mi's any lim. at idt Brawern. Ihe bt Iar -KB'! Wr. lo any qaautltj th imicbai-e. icv d.tlr. y bnoM 1 eoQT.ntTitiy.ituMi! and my rooaii ara alwaja ta dr. A Ti.lt -will tle. jru. For Sale, at a TSargaih. The undcrsirncd have a good Light .Spring agon which they offer for sale at a nargain. Tuc wagon cn oe Ken oy calling on Noland & McDasiel. For Sale. e Mining Ditch, known as tho Gooso quill, ditch, running from Walker trcck to flloW Springs. Parties wishing to buy said ditch will apply to THUS. CHAVNER, At Chavncr'a Ranch. Dated July 8", 1880. Hides Wanted; The undersigned will pay the liigficst cash price' tor lecf Hides and will pay from 15 to 20 cents for Deer Skins. To be delivered at Nick Flcke'a Butcher Shop In Jacksonville. NICK PICKE, PAT MpMAHON. Hided Wanted. PHE UNDERSIGNED WILL PAT from 15 to 30 cents per oonnl for Deer Skins and will also give the highest Cash price for Beef nides. To be delivered at my shop In Jacksonville. JOHN OlttTL Warning'. All nprsona btr lirrplvr rrrtTnt nnt is truitmy wife, Jane Orms, on my account, from'this date, she having left my bed aa board without Just cause or provocation; as Iwillnotfcay any debts of" tjer .oa tracting. Alex Orme. - Foots Creek June iCth. 18SO. SETTLE UP. NOTfCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT all debts due the estate of RquTcl Hop; kins (deceased) must be settled immediate ly. This is the fioal.call and costs will bo saved by attending to It st once David L. IIopktxs. Jacks kville, June 0, 18&0. WALDO HOUSE: f All NOlK PREPARED TO FUR 1 ntsh meals nt the Wsldo House, at 2o eta each. Hoisesto hay over nlaht, 23 cts. Water In the barn. House lower end of town. Poatofllco in the hoiiae. ' 2Ctf W.J. WIMER. SE1-TL33! SETTLE!! OWING TO A CIIANG" IN CS incss the undersigned mujt have a settlement. Those knowing themselves In debted to tin m. cither by note or book ac count will settle before August lOlhorsuit will be instituted. July 21, 1680. A.FisnEn&Ccs Mining Claim for Sale. A . ALUABLE M INING CLAIM CIT t itatcd at the forks of Pooruun'3 and Jacksss crctks. Is offend for side. Title rood and supply of wjer excclli;nt. House,. di tTj and. a little stock Included: For terms apply on the prtmesls to July 21, 6L E M.V5VILLE. HUTKn,SEHi,imiK.U IlarUnerr, Othij. Xtblotr VRlt. trowdtr Ltd, Ac , te. Jno. illtLER, Propr. JACKSONVILLE, 0GX1 Hilling; rrupcrty Dr ale. The undersigned offers for silenll his interest in a valnable mining property on. Foots' Creek. The property embraces 200 acres of patented land and, the exclusive right to a good water privilege, ditches &c. Apply for information anl turn to N. Fisher or at my residence in Farmers Flat. Fred Ottcn. Jacksonville June 16th 1830. 4t NEW S YLES ! This Season's Choicest Goods suiu from $to 00 Pant from 3 00 Vrrsi stilt from 30 00 Heaver MilM rrom 30 00 Srfu inerca.itit from ... u 00 Th& Public Invited fn In spect our neio styles'. Civili y to All. LEOTRIC LIG-Hr use3 Siiiitprrs i illilnstrucf Inns' r"f sclf-mi'asurt'iiu'nt , H sent Free ? ALL GOOD? SHRUNK. " iV Visit Cur Store B f,ro Pa'chaslay THE TAILOH. 727 Market street. If you want good gocnls, and chtllper, than you can buy in any other, stqrfgc to the JJew York Store. T HnBHHr I & b-'r-3h"'