ssea wm 'JHFT ORKGON SENTlNrL Wednesday, Jlia 21, 1880. JttT Land OfBrcnl Koacbnrz. Osn.l June .10, IKhO. J To All Mliom It nut' Concern: Notice Ift licrrby glrn Hint I hiur ilcnlS" nntcd tue OKMJO.N Nl-ATINrL iu the paper In vlilcli I Khali lirrraflrr pnlilHli nil pre eruptions homralcail anil application for mining patents for lamia. Ijjns near Jacksonville Jackson ronnty, Oregon. W. F. BENJAMIN, UrglUrr. . Circuit Court. The Jackson Cir cuit Court met at the Court IIoubH on Monday last in an adjourned t-cssiotc, taking up a lot of unfinished chnncerv business. CniNESU Exodus. The enumeration of Jackson county made in June dem onstrates the fact that w now have on ly 329 chinamen rgainst634 in 1870 a falling off in ten years of 305, Hk Holds Ovi:r. R, B. Hatton of Lake county will hold over as Coun'y Clerk, Frank Cheesman, Clerk-elect, not having qualified' in time t". take liis ollice. We understand Mr. Chees 1tian has,. been -detained --at The Dalles as a wiiiipm, in a'tedious mur- der trial, and hence the delay in quali fying. T7IT T-Tl WTo fmm ilin "Tloin. """ " .w... ....... ..... ...... , dealer" that the firm of C.iro Bios, Xtoseliurg, have failed, an attachment having I een levied on their block by jiart of their creditors a few tlaj s ago. An assignee was appointed, to whom the firm assigned their property for the benefit of all ii-ditor 'Orville Baker was appoint, .i i'nw. Mosquito Raid. The myriads of mosquitoes along the swampy portions of the Lake country, ye local is inform ed, do nut confine their operations to the night time. They resject neither man or ami the safest way of traveling in that region is with a mos quito oar wrapped around you. 'J he Rogue river valley is blithely exempt from these pests. L 0. 0. F. Installation. D. D. G. M. Jlclman, of Aohland. installed the officers of Jacksonville Lode No. 10 at the tegular meeting held last Satuiday evening. The following is a list of the new officers: N. G., Fiank Krause; V. G., F. Luv; If. S., Am on 11 Maegley; P. S., S."j Dav; Trcas., John Millet; W. Jos. G. Wisdom;!. G., Peter Boschey. German Red Men. At a mepting of the Jacksonville stamm No. 148 U. 0. It M., the following officers were installed for the term: Newman Fisher, Oher Chief; S. Colin, Unter Chief; John Schumpf, Bei Cliief; E. Jacobs, Priester; Max Muller, Hchriftfuehrer; tHerman Helms, Gelniclfschriftfitehrer; "Veit Schutx, Sihatzverwahrer; E. Ja cols, Verwuhlungsrath. Slvno Shooting. The practice of throwing slung shots ty some of the Jacksonville oys has liecome quite an noying of late. Chat lie Wciderman a lad if 14, was hit in the eye liy one 'of them, the other daj that came near putting -out the eye. It is time that parents nnd others having charge of the. youth of Jacksonville should put a 'stop to this practice, hefoieany more "damage is done. The Auuelian Literary. OnMon lay iRst the Aurelian Litei-ar1 Societj elected the following officers for the en duing term: Win. Mentor, president; Win. L. Bilger, vice-piesident; Miss Sophia Nickell,secretarv: James Crone miller, treasurer; Adam Klippel, censor; James Kincaid, sargeant-at-anns. So cietj meets cv ery Monday nighty al the quarters of the Young Mens' Library Rooms Association. Sprained Ankle. Some weeks ago an eight year old daughter of Adam Schmidt's sprained an ankle by steji jiing out of the door. The sprain was not considered serious at first, anil it was thought the foot would soon be all right, Bytlnstead of getting better the foot continued to get sore, until now when "a painful sureical operation lias liecomc necessary, the nature of which we have not been fqlly apprised of. Installation. The officers of Ref uge Council No. 9, C. of H., of Wib low Springs, vveie installed for the present term on Sunday July 18th, A. A. Baroehurg of the Giaixl Council presiding; the following are the names of the officers installed: 'Ihos. Wright, W. C; A. L B..nicburg, Lt. C; C McDonough, W. li , T P Kahler, W. S.; Win. Wright, W. F. S.; Mrs J5. J. "Wright, W. T.j Miss Clara Dean, W. W.; W. E. Kahler, P. W. C. State Teachers Association The Oregon State Tescheis association will meet in Salem, Aug. 25th, to continue for thiee days. Teachers and educa tors in all parts of the state are urgent ly invited to attend and paiticipate in the deliberations. Prof. Powell, Super intendent of Public Instruction, says that arrangements will be made for half-fare rates on the principal lines of travel for all who may attend the as bociation. Hymen's Doings. The residence of John Cimlorsky was the scene of a quiet wedding on the night of the 18th inst,, at which Mr. Archibald Lamb of Ashland, and Miss Katie Cimborsky were principals. The nuptual ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Blan ches Mr. Lamb being engaged at the Ashland Flouring mills the newlv wed ded couple will reside in Ashland. The hride'R parents have the thanks of the Sentinel office force for a basket full of wedding dainties. Next Thursday another wedding will take place in this city, namely that of Mr, Kashaeffer and Miss Brittain. LOCAL ITT.HS. The WtTkmen install officers next Friday. Read advertisement of cheap mining claim for sale. v Read notice of Net-man Fisher. He means what he says, James Stuart is doing the "agree able" at Matt Dillon's. Eastern Star Lodge will be installed in Ashland next Friday. Miss Nettie Howard is over in Lake visiting at Mrs. W. C. Hale's. Dr. J. H. Chitwood of Ashland was in town a few hours last Monday. Wm. Owens has gone to the Puget Sound country to look for a location. Mrs. Jay Beach of Linkville paid Jacksonville a brief visit the other day. A Rebeckah degree Lodge of I. O. 0. F. will be installed in Ashland next month. John Sliller left here on Thursday for San Francisco to purchase a stock of goods. Read advertisement, of New Styles, of Nicoll, the tailor, 727 market street, San Francisco. ' - Read financial exhibit, of-- Jackson county as published in another column of the Sentinel. A. C. Jones returned from Salem where he has been attending the ses sions of the Supreme Court. Win Girl, division Suerintendent of the O. i C. Stage Company, passed thiough town on Saturda. Wm. Angleand family passed through heie Thurnlay morning bound for their home on upper Applegate. Rev. M. A. WilliainVwill preach at the M. E. Church, Jacksonville, at 11 A. M., next Sunday, the 25th hist. Notwithstanding the warm weather the health of Jackson countv is "od. Poir encouragement this for doc tors. Th Soda Springs on the Ashland Linkville road, Matt Shannon proprie tor, are having a big run of custom this season. S. D. Brnstow, assistant superinten dant for W. F. fc Co., passed through town last Thursday on his way to Portland. Richard Hutchinson of Ashland is prostrated with a severe attack of lung fever. Mrs. Lindsey Applegate is alsc seriously ill. The late wind storm caused a num ber of telegraph poles to b'eak. which are lieing rapidly repaired by the prop er authorities. The Junction "Republican" announ ces that it will suspend publication for two weeds to enablu its printers to go blackberry mg. Mrs J. Topper, having spent, several, weeks atTthe'Soda'fjpritigvreturned.t" her home the other day, much im proved in health. The population of Roseburg with in the coiporate limits is about 850. 'lhe total population of Douglas coun ty is about 9,730. From the Yreka "Journal" we Iarn that Siskiyou county, Cal.. has a total population of 8,401, or about 224 more than Jjckson county. Prof. L L. Rogers of the. Ashland Collge is in Shasta lralley, Cal, look ing up the interests of the institution over which he presides. Abe Mentor, one of the rising voung men of Jacksouvill , has established himself in the mercantile busim-ss in West Berkley, California. The steeple of the new Presbyterian of "Jacksonville, from base to toj), is 87 feet and not 80 feet as er roneously stated in our last. The population of Jackson county is certainly on the increase, witness number of births in another column. The census man got around too soon. Large numbers of cattle and sheep are being driven into Like county, the last baud being that of Stevens of Douj;- las county, numbering about 500 head The. "Coast Mail" savs fmie three weeks since, a dog lielon 'iiig to Jona than Scott, of Floyd's creek, went into the surf at Port Oiford and Elleusburg and caught a fur seal. The Obenchain boys Mat and Wash ington ant on upper Sprague river with their caule and busily engaged in cut ting hay for the winter. Wm Robinson is in lhe same locality. On the 15th instant Messrs. Ladd Savage nnd Robert Wilkinson left here on the northern bound stage" the form er for Portland and the latter expects to engage in business at Roseburg. Transactions of the Roseburg land office for June are as follows: 222 acres sold for cash; 16 homestead en tries, embracing 2,449 acres; 10 pre emptiou filings; 1 "mineial application. We learn thaf, R. D, Hume is having built in San Francisco a new tug and steamer for Rogue river. It will doubt less be his liuriitife to take Port Oxford in his regular trips at least we hope so. ".Tost. Attention is directed to an article on our outside this week, on Gen. James A- Gaiheld. wulten bv Henrv M Field, Editor of the"N. Y. Evangelis and brother of justice Field, of Califor nia. Read it. The Secretary of the California State Agricultural Society will accept our thanks for a copy of its bnir pamphlet. Fair will commence at Sacraihento Sept. and continue until the 25th of the same month. Messrs. F. Otten and Martin Koes ter, well-known minersof this county, are making preparations to take a trip to Germany to he gone all Summer and Fall. They expect to leave here on the 10th of August The "Californian"forAugustisonour table, brimful of the choicest, most in structive and substantial reading mat ter. It is n monthly of 95 quarto pages, is 3,00 a year and is published at No 202 Sansome Street, San Fntn cisco. Morris Mensor celebrated his 67th birthday on the 19th instant. His son William 'celebrated his 21st birthday on the 18th of rhe same month. Quite a jollification was had on the strength of these events. Wm. Kreutzer having rented a part of the lower story of the new Hotel building next to Judge & Nunan's, pro poses to open a now bakery and con fectionery, as soon as the said premises can he fixed up. One of the features of the late State Fair was the inevitable "baby show," there being elev en entries. It appears that the girl, baby owned by Mr. anil Mrs. Neal of Marion county was awarded the first prize. Marshal Crosby is rusticating over on Cinnabar, being one of the excur sion partv that left here on Thursday morning of last week. During his ab sence George Howard officiates as city marshal of Jacksonville. The people of Indiana were defraud-e-1 "of their rights alid cheated out of over one million dollars a-yeai' by the partisan decision of the Democratic Supreme Court overthrowing the con stitutional amendments. July 14th and 15th were scorchers. On the former day the thermometer danced among the nineties, and on the latter it jumped to 104 degrees in the shade. If this weather don't make the corn giov, we don't know what will. Prof. J. H. Skidmnre, formerly of Ashland Academy, but latteily principal of the Umpqua Academy, has been chosen principal of the Academy at Sheridan, and will enter on his duties SeptemWr 1st. Prof. Skidmore is a first class educator. In the neighborhood of old Fort Lane the storm on Sauiday evening last partook of the nature of a whirlwind, uprooting a number of large pine tiees, leveling fences and upsetting a numiit.r of fiail out stiuctuies. Quite a blow that, for Rogus riveV valley. Secretary Earhart will accept our thanks for a copy of the Oregon Swamp Land case, embodying the decisions of Hon. Secretary' of the Interior. It is a valuable document and establishes the title of the State of Oregon to all the swamp and overflowed lands within its limits. The white mantle of snow on Mt. Pitt is fast vanishing out of sight. The continuous hot weatherand the re cent high water in Butte creek is tell ing the tale, t will soon be safe to visit the opening in McLoughlln's snow clad crown. Joseph Hanna of upper Rogue riv eris burning a kiln of earthenware., SoVavs the Big Butte correspondent of the "Tidings." The clay in that part of Jackson county is admirably adapted for pottery purposes and the industry of Mr. Hanna should be encouraged. Isaac Woolen' of Ashland, was in town a few hours last Thursday. He informs us that himself and lady will shortly visit the Bartlett Springs in Like county, California, and from rliere they will go to San Monica, where they expect to spend the Fall and Winter. In the list of excursionists as having gone to the cinnabar last week we failed to mention the name of James C. Mc Cully. So many of our cisizens have j.oue and are going to the different places of resort in the mountains, that Jacksonville will soon present a de serted appearance. The many friends of John McDon nell of the mining firm of Logg & Mc Donnell, will be gratified to learn that he is rapidly recovering the sight cf his left eye which was injured last Spring by a piece of quartz flying into it. He is in San Francisco, under the treat ment of Drs. Wilder it Powell. Messrs. Wm. M. Turner and J. B. Coats, who spent several weeks in the Like country returned, to Jacksonville on Friday evening. Travelling three or four hundred miles on mule bjek in the broiling sun was as "nice as you please," and had quite a tan ning effect on the faces of the two. The following choice paragraph is making the "rounds of the press," after the lapse of some years: "Old mother Gossip's health is failing. Her ner vous system is very much shattered. The exciting sceue of the last few weeks have keiflunimuxt the old Gal. She talks of going to Hog Heaven to pick up." It is a noticable fact that notwitl standing the hot weather flies am very Scarce. At this time last year the house fly was very troublesome. The birds aKoaro not as plenty as formerly. It is suggested that these winged mes sengers have gone to higher a titudes to escape tha dust and heat of the valley. The head of Squaw Lake and Stiver Fork of Eiliott creek have been made the objective points of an excursion pirty of Jacksonvillians, composed of the following gentlemen and ladies, and left here early this morning: Wm. Mensor, Beiij. B. Beekman, Fred M. Overbck, Mrs. Florence Shipley, the Misses Cora Linn, Sallie Card well, Emma Pape, Maggie Linn and Millie Vining. Geo. Devendorf, who was a partner with H. C. Ransom on the reservation ranch, has disposed of his interest in the sam to liis partner,- and started for the East, via Jacksonville. George was a good citizen, and we are sorry to hear of his leaving dr. Crescent City "Courier," July 14th. Mr. D. will remain in Jacksonville a few days be fore going East. Democratic papers are trying to' make it appear that Conklin, Cameron and Logan are lukewarm in the suit port of Garfield. The Republican nominee for President has no more enthusiastic suportera than these gen tlemen. They will be heard; from in duo season: in the pending cam paign. The Del Norte ''Record," in its issue of the 10th severely criticises the men of Crescent City for not celebrating the Fourth of July. The ladies it says wanted to celebrate and had already commenced to prepare for it, hut the citizens not lending a helping hand the celebration fell through. The ladies now charge the men of Crescent City with a want of patriotism. We are soiry to learn that the wheat crop and fine garden of J. E. Harvey was almost totally destroyed by the furious hail storm that swept the coun try east of Bear creek on Friday last. The barn of John Sly, in the same lo cality was blown down and a cow and nearly all his chickens killed. One farmer estimates his loss at $1,000 and all reports say the loss is very serious. It is said that the storm was the result of the meeting of two cloUdrf approach ing from opposite directions. The Boston "Post" says: "Garfield was once a mule whacker, "wliLk Han cock" was always a gentlemanf1" To which sneer the Boston "Johrhal" re torts: "To be a driver on a canal boat at 17; to acquire an education by his own unaided efforts; to be a president of an academy at 26; to be an active member of the State Senate at 28; to to be a Major-General and a member of Congress at 32; to be a United States Senator-elect and the Republi can candidate for the Presidency at 48 is this a disci editable career! General Garfield participated in a Fourth of July celebration at Paines ville, O., and made a notable speech. As Hancock is being run as the recon ciliation candidate, and some of his ut terances of kindly feeling fo'r the South are being made the watchwords of the Democratic campaign, his supporters and the South are commended to the following sentence of General Garfield's speech: "I trust the time is not far dis tant when under crossed swords, and the locked shields of Americans, North and South, our people shall sleep in liberty lote and harmony tynler the union of our flags of stars and stripes." The Snowr-R. Last Friday after noon Jacksonville and vicinity were visited by a refreshing rain Storm ac compauied by heavy thunder and lightning, continuing about one and one-half hours. The two days preced ing the weather bad been oppressively hot and the clouds hovering around the low mountains in the distance gave evidence that the atmosphere was charged with electricity. The quick flash of lightning and the loud report of thunder, resounding all along the heavens, vividly reminded one of a summer storm inheEisteriStates. But notwithstandins; such storms are of rare occurrence in this' "country without lightning roos, yet;everybody seemed to enjoy the "out pouring from on hijjh," albeit it was accompanied by considerable Wind which prostrated some of the crowing corn and the ma turing wheat, etc. The benefits to the general health of man and beast by cooling the atmosphere, completely al laying the dust, and refreshing the parched fields and meadows, far out weigh the damage the storm may have caused. I. O. R. M. Installation. Last Tuesday evening the newly elected of ficers of Oregonian-Pocahontas Tribe of Red Men were installed by D. D. G. S., E. D. Foudray, assis'ted by Past Great Sachem Cimborsky, in the presence of the members of the Tribe and their families and a few invited guests. The following are the1 officers installed: Sachem, H. K. Hanna; Senior Sagamore, Chas. Nickell; Junior Sagamore, T. T. McKenzie; Keeper of Wampum, Louis Solomon; Chief of Records, C. W. Savage; Prophet, H. Pape; Sannaps, E. H. Autenrieth and Robt Garrett; Warriors, T.J. Kenney nnd J. C. McCully; Braves, Sol. Wise and Robt. A. Miller; Guard of Forest, Adam Schmidt; Guard of Wigwam, C. Kritzer. After the close of the in stallation ceremonies. several hours, were pleasantly spent in social inter course. iRefre-.hments were served by the lady relatives of the members and the Jacksonville brass band furnished music for the occasion. Cuange tue Term. For years it has been a ma'.ter of coiiiplaiul among attorneys and ochers that the June terms of court for Jackson and Lake counties come so close together, the former as now' fixed by law convenes the 2nd and the latter the 4th Monday in June, necessitating an adjourn ment of the Jackson circuit court, which is the cause of much delay and needless expense to litigants. In view of these facts an effort is being made to petition the onsuing legislature to change the date of ihe Lake circuit court from the 4th Monday iu June to the first Monday in September. TnAcnERS Employed. The Board of Education of Jacksonville on the 15th instant engaged the following teachers for the ensuiugschool year: Principal and teacher department No. 1, J. W. Merritt; dept. No. 2, Levi Willits; dept. No. 3, Charles Prim; dept. No. 4..MLSS Belle Carr. The Fall term of 'lie school will commence the 3d Mon day in Septemlier. A number of new charts, maps, globes, &c have been pur-cha-ed, and will add to the attraction of the school room. Garfield's candidacy is growing stronger fioni day to day. There will be no stay-at-home Republicans this time. The people have no desire to re move Gen. Hancock from his present military position as Commanding Gen eral of the department of the East NEW S'i YLES ! This Season's Choicest Goods Sniu from 910 00 I'nntn from 5 CO DrrMSall from ? 0O Bearer Suits from SO Od Spring Overcoats from.... 1$ 00 The Piibtie Invited to In spect our new styles. Civiliiy to All. ELECTRICLIG-HTused Samples uithinstnictions for scif-mcasurem(;,it $& sent Free. ssr ALL GOODS SHRUNK. Visit Our Store Bsfore Purchasing. m THE TAILOR. 727 Market street, s, F. 330X13NT. Browning. On Grave creek, July Cth, 1880, to the wife of L. JS. Browning, a daughter. Drake. &car Ashland, July 6jh, 18S0,to the wife ot L. .v. Drake, a daughter. Payne. In Eden precinct, July Oth, 1880, to the wife of Wm. Payne, a son. Drake. In Eden precinct, July 8th, 1880, to the wife of Francis Drake, a daughter. PArrERSON.-rln Eden pr ciuct, July 10th, ISSMo the wife of S. Patterson, a daugh ter. Torret. In Jacksonville, July Mth'.lSSO, to the wife of H. P. Torrey, a son. Klum. In AsJand, July 10th, 18S0, to the wife of C. K. Kluni, a son. Ucll. In Ashland, July 13th, 1880, to the wife of P, Hull, a son. PERNTOLL.- June 10, 1880, to the wife ol Wm. Pernoll, a daughter. RAPP. In Eden precinct, July 19, 18S0, to the wile of Joseph Rapp, a son. ivra.iin.xiiiiD LAMB CIMBORSKY In Jacksonville, July 18, 1880,, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rsv. F. X. Blaricket, Mr. Archibald Lamb of Ashland to Miss Kate Cimborsky of Jacksonville. jjfrljkeen political observer suggested that Hancock's chief weakness in the struggle for the presidency lies in the fact that he is a representative of the West Point idea. The enthusiasm over Hancock's name, he thinks, was at flood tide immediately after his nomination. He will never be as strong again. The Democracy in Indiana is not a happy family by any means. M'Don hid is sure that he was knifed by Hen dricks. Hendricks is equally positive that it was M'Donald that had him ig nored by the Convention. They both hate English as one who has dug the ground from Leneath their feet. All three despise Landers, the head of the State ticket, as a bombastic demagogue and he sneers a, them as a set of money grabbing old pelicans, who are as stupid as they are pompous. Let the baud play 1 The County Hospital. The Com missioners of Jackson county advertise for sealed proposals to keep the County Hospital for n period of one year from Sept. 13, 1880, and also for a period of two years from said date, the con tractor obligating himself to feed, clothe, lodge aud provide medical aid for the poor sent to the hospital, eery bid to be accompanied by a suf ficient born), -all bids to be in the hands of the County Clerk at 12 o'clock, Wednesday, August 4th, 1880, and the lowest responsible bidder will get the contract. Damage to Graiu. Reports reach us that the successive ftorms on Fri day and Saturday evenings caused much damage to the maturing wheat, barley and oat crops. In Sam's valley we are informed the heavy rain wan accompanied by a great deal of wind and hail, which badlv injured and flattened the grainfields in that neigh borhood. The efTectf of the storm along lower Bear creek were also quite serious, especially on Saturdar night, many trees wero blown down both in the forestR and orchards, some fences levelled and the grain flattened. The storm has had the effect of putting a temporary check on the harvesting op erations. But a 1'ay or" so of sunshine will remove some if not all the difficul ties in the way of cutting and securing the grain of the valley. llljfifiiilill wSMHw6iJi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FfflAKCIALEXfflBIT. Receipts and Expenditures of Jackson County, State of Oregon, from July 1st, 1879, to July 1st, 1880. STATE FUND. Amount oState tax and for the redenip.'ton f Stae warrants $10,203 17 PEft COS7RA. By Co. Treasurer's receipt from State Treasurer. 10JJC8 17 Warrants on fonuty Trfiwnrti',; Outstanding warrauts July 1, 1879 9,194 40 Jurors' fees circuit and county conrts$l,910 03 Witness fees in crim inal cases C74 40 Expenses ol courts of Justice 373 05 Expenses of Justices' courts 429 2-1 Expenses of county hospital 2,125 1)2 Temporary aid to In digents i.. 3oS 93 Keeping State pa tients 1,007 31 Bailiff lees in circuit court 87 00 Appropriation for Crescent City wag on road survey . t . 433 00 Roads and bridges.. 5,450 10 Coroner's inquests.. 305 45 Fees & salaries paid Co. officers 5,300 77 Jailor's fees & board of prisoners 807 17 Expenses of insane. 197 74 Repslrs on County buildings 114 87 Election expenses.. 479 01 Assessing county .. 740 00 Attorney's fees paid by county 3C4 00 Stationery, lights & fuel 420 18 County printing. ... 220 50 $21,353 27 Interest paid on war- rrants 1,783 13 $33.133 40 per contra: By cash in Treasury Julyl, 1879 209 44 County tax from as- scssmpniiorioju..ii,;i.i v Polls for 1877-8-9. . 3,162 58 China polls 298 50 Rcc'd - from Joseph ine county.... i... 1,750 00 Road surveys. ..... 14 00 Licenses .......... 49 00 Pauper fund 55 00 Trial fees to county 57 00 Fees in Stale cases. 45 50 Amount of indebted ness 0,055 93 $33,133 40 Krcapltntatlon, mount ree'd for county purposes.. 23,082 45 PER contra. Warrants rcdecmcdl7,924 30 Interest paid on warrants 1,783 13 Cash In Treasury, coin S95 85: Co. warrants $2,479 17 3,375 02 $23,082 45 I hereby certify the foregoing exhibit to be correct and true. E. B. Watson, County Clerk, By E. D. Foudray, Dep. Clerk. COUNTY TREASURER'S EXHIBIT. GENERAL (USD. Blanco In Trtiunrj Jnlj 1, 1S79 3 209 luuunts tnelfftl miring Ibo year ending July Slli, IbEO... 37,323.70 Total ..37,e28.H rill costs i. IW State Treanrer'erecelit...SlWS 17 School loml ApjMlioiimoiit... 4.2UST WairKnta cincollrd A ratnrtitJ 17,934.29 Cash In Troanry In culn SM.S Auio'titfu C wirranl 2.47917 lntrrmt p-fd -u Co. warrttuts. 1,763 IS Tctit .437,628,1 seaoo . hjnd. T.i amount reeelT frum State TrtMUrer ,.w Ta amU uf fii ea In St ite cm. fioui J. K. Nell, forfeiture of Bill Bnu! From W. C. Akr on ltray annua! Tuxes recelT.dfioin County.. .. $ 1.915.52 39,00 200.00 3.S7 4.2S4S7 Total .$3,419.90 raacoMra. Eamonit paid School Clerk on Co. Schunl SupVe older.. .. .35,200 U Italancein Truuuiy 1,12052 Total 6,41994 ReiuectfjUy submitted, NtwjiAN nsrrtit, Count r Treasurer. SETTLE! SETTLE!! OWIiVG TO A CUANGE IN Bus iness the undersigned must have a settlement. Those knowing themselves in debted to them, either by note or book ac count will settle before August lOthorsuit will be instituted. July 21, 1880. A.Fi3iiEn&Co. Mining Claim for Sale. AV ALTJABLE 3IIN1NU CLAI3I ?IT uated at the forks of Foorman's and Jackass creeks, is offered for sale. Title pood and supply of water excellent. House, ditch and a little stock included. For tcrm3 apply on the premesis to July 21, 5t E. JIanville. Buy no sewing machine upon the rec commendation of agents, or other inter ested parties. Examine foryourself and let common sense cuidV vou iu your 6e- li'ction, always remembering that the lest is the Many thousands of iM'rsons have purchased iufevior ma chines, u.-.ed them a month ar two, and then trailed them offat qne-fourth their cast, simply because they did not stand the test when in practical use. That old reliable machine, the Singer, has stood the test for thirty -rive year--, and has never been found wanting when called uKn to do any kind of work. Tho people appreciate this machine, having purchu&ed over 3,000,000 of them, and the sales of the Singer com pany exceed those of all other com panies combined. Last year's sales were over 43L,0u0. D. H., Agent, Jacksonville, Or. Bridle bitts, spurs, stirrups, hames toggles, huck'es, rings, awls, needles and thread, hair brushes and curry combs, at John Millers. The latest improved Sharp, Ballard, Remington and Winches-ter rifles, war ranted to bo the genuine .article, at John Miller's. For Sale at a Bargain.' The unclersigtJed have a good- Light Spring tt agon hlch they offer for sale at a bargain. The wagon can be seen by calling on Xolaxd & McDaSiel.' For Sale. The Mining Ditch, known as the Goosc-v quill ditch, running from U ulkcr Lrcck 10 a illow Springs. Parties wishing to buy Baid ditch will apply to THUS. CHAVXER, At Chavncr's Ranch. Dated July 8, 1880. Hides Wanted. The undersigned will pay the highest cash price for Hecf Hides nnd will pay from 15 to 20 cents for L'ccr Skins. To be delivered at Nick Ficke's Butcher Shop in Jacksonville. NICK FICKE. PAT McMAHOtf. Hides Wanted. A THE UNDERSIGNED WILL PAT from 15 to 30 cents per Dound for Deer Skins and will also give the highest Ca3h price for Beef Hides. To be .delivered at my shop in Jacksonville. ' JOHN OUTH. Warning Ail persona nro hereby warned not to ' trust my wife, June Orrae, on my account, from this date, she having left my bed au! board without just cause or provocation ; as I will not p.iy any debts of uer con trading. Alex Okjxe. . Foots Creek June ICtu 1880." 4t " SETTLE UP. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TtlA?' all debts due the estate of Daniel Hop kins (deceased) must be settled immediate ly.. This is the final call and costs will be- saved by attending to it nt once David L. Horiuss. Jacks: ktille, June 0, 1860. WALDO HOUSE. T AM NOW PREPARED TO FUR 1 nish metis at the Waldo House at 23 cts each. Horses to hay over night, 25 cts. Water in the barn. "House lower end of town. Postoillcc in tho house. . 2Gtf W.J. WIMER. HUNTER'S ElD'OfilUU EartlM&rc, Crtl.ij-. Flanlnj: Tackle, - Fmwltr, lead, lc-, tc. Jm Miller, Propr. JACKSOjYtlLLE, OGjY. Minings Property fur Sale. The undersigned offers for sale all his interest in it valnnble mining property on Foots' Creek. The property embraces 200 acres of patented laud and the exclusive right to a good water privilege, ditches &c. Apply for information and terms to N. Fisher or at my residence en Farmers Flat. Fred Otlen. Jacksonville June 16th 1880. 4t - ' i I,- iSTotice to StoclJMen.. n. L. WEHR has been appointed nccct of F.iANK HR03H of Portland lor Lake county. It is conceded that FRANK BROS, have the best stock of agricultural' machinery than any house in Oregon, "alter A. food's JIGGERS and Harvest' ing machines, Chicago. Pitt's Thresher, Black Hawk Plows and the La Belle wag on are some of the specialties. Send for circnla and price list. May4,tf. H. L. WEBB. Notice. Land Office at Roscncno, Oos. I July 1st. 1880. f Notice is hereby given that lhe follow, ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make ilnal proof in support of his claim, nnd secure llnal entry therecf on Saturday, the 7th d-iy of August. 1880. before the Judgo or Clerk or the Court Josephine county. Oregon, viz: P.R. Pratt, homjstead application, No. 2,533, for the NEW of N 14, NW14 of NE1-4 and lots 1, 2 and 3, and names the following as hl9 witnesses, viz: Wm. Newman, Wm. N. Saunders and G. S. Mathewson, ot Alt honsc, and Wm. Sawyer, or Kcrbyville, all cf Josephine county, Oregon. Wm. F. Besjamis, Register. ROSEBURG HOTEL! M A. CAN AN, - Propr This hotel, on the corner of Oak and Rese streets, opposite Wright & Carloa's stable, lias recently hid a good and com fortable addition, which makes it second to no hotel in the city, and furnished with double or single rooms. Families wilt find it to their comfort to give us a call. A COOD FIKE-rltOOF SAFE FOIl VALUABLE!' Meals...., 25c, Board and Lodging per wetk $o Roseburg, Ogn. May 81, 1880, The hest Japanese tea 75c SOc and 35c per pound at the New York Store. Boots ifc Shoes, best stock in town at the New York Store Call and see for vourself. If you want good goods and cheaper than you can buy m any other store got to tlie iNew York Store. FARMERS I The celebrated Wal ter A. Wood mowers for salo at Bil ger's hardware store. Fluting machines, polishing irons, clothes v ringers, wire clothes lines, and scrul iu'j brushes at John ISlil er"H. f FARMERS Now is the time to or der your extras for farm machinery. Go to Bilger's store and you will get what you want. Cut nails, wrought nails, clout nails, lath nni's, finishing na'ls, fencing nails, horsu nail, and iron .nd steel horse shoes at John Miller's The best assortment of Rodgers and Westholm's cutlerv in the market, at John Miller's. If yoi want to save money in your pocket go to the Now York Store."