i -.. . .- ;lHE OREGON SENTINEL Ziaw oJT3Je'wr.i3j6z- . 1. gabaeribart who da not glra exprtj notice In fca contrary, are,coaiitlerad M wUuiugta couilbtir .fcair anbacriptiODi. 3. Ifasy aubarribarionlarthe dlwntlnii.nta ol fatlr samp¶, the pnbllhermy continue lo aaadtbasiOBtll.ail arrearage! are paM. , J rabaeribera "tuclfitur rtfnMtntate their Mwepepera from tb aOcae to" which tbay are dl .acted, the law h'oM them rttjoo.lbla until thi-y jUTaeetttidtbabina, and ordered hem dlontlniiMl -4. If 'auberriben reotore to other placet without , 'ofortnlnj the ptiblUber, and thanempapera arc ernl ' o tbe fsnner direction, tbey are held repnlbte. i.Xi' TbaConrtabaTedecMed that refoiinttii take feawipaprra firm tbla olSie, or renwaf n; and lea?. lag lham uncalled for.il prima facia eriJcuceof In tentional fraud, ". The poatmaater who nrglrcte to irlTe letal in. aa of the peg le-1 of a paraon to taVe from the otSca ja Betrfpaper addreaard to him, U liabTe tu the pub her for the aubecriptlon price. "XCJClrPHARVKST ANUIUU I-.Oi..fta. .jj;3Tiov' hop-picking season in a preat "went inPuyallup x-alley, equal in im iportiince'to the.vintage harvest in tin ijrTin&pralucing' districts in Eurow, And looked forward to with greit in terestby the Indian population all over the Sound country. When, the - cbepa are .ready to bo picked,, the In dians t from far and wide gather in. They cbtuer.-in families, singly and in groups, on horseback, afoot, in wagonx, and ivcanoes from the lower Sound conrttcy.iaud encamp in the vicinity of their fields of labor. Three annual gatherings, are in the nature of reun idtir, fringing together acquaintances and: friends who have, perhaps, not seen or communicated with each other since 'they last met in the hop field the year, previous, and are made the occa rion.of horse-racing, gambling, feasting and other amusements among old and young. Most of the hop growers pre fer .to havo their work done by Iudians when they can be procured; but as the hops requiro to be taken from the vine at a certain time, in order to preserve ihelfull flavor. Chinamen are not infre quently employed to assist in the work. The'preference is given to the Indian ibrihe "very good reason that the money he earns goes back into the coinnimii nUy, while that paid to the Mongolian is in large part shtpied off to China. Lost year about $50,000 was paid to Bop-pickers in Puyallup valley, ami "tbiifyeaf, owing to greateracroagp, the sum-will, it is thought, be fully 510, 000 more. "A Determined Wife. A lady in St.' f Joseph, Mo., whose husbanu had deserted herhtard that he was paying attentions to another woman, and call ed'aVihe house where she was staying. He was Ihcre. Sh'e walked in. and the first words spoken wpre, "John, come, let's go home." Ho replied very em phatically that, ho would not. She in" stated that he should. Ho still said he wouldnpt.fSiJflHieHi him. She 5er hanetili'avl, Jiew forth a bright, TreMKolver, and rais- ing the implemenraf'death to an angle of' about 45 degrees, asked him once more if he'd go homo with Jier. He looked her square in the ye, which was firm and calm, ani"replied. "Oh, yes,"if,that's all you want, I'll gladly accommodate." She stepped aside and told him to go out, which he did. H did not speak a word during the march and when they arrived at home such r lecture as that little woman did give y thai great big roan is rarely heard. ' He promised to do better. Clean Bed. A writer in th "Congregational" writes intelligently on this topic and on clothing & fnl lows: "It must be a false idea of neat sess which demands that beds should bemade Boorraiter being vacated. Let it be remembered that more than three fifths of the solids and liquids taken into the stomach should pnm of through'the pores of the skin 7.000 -000 in number and that this escape i the most rapid during tho nigln while warm in bed. At least one-half of the waste and putrid matter (from twenty to thirty ounces in the night.) mt become more or less tangled in the bedding of course soiling it and a part of this may '"become re absorbed by the skin if it is allowed to coroo in contact with it the next night, as it mnet if the'bedding is not exosed for s few hours in the air and light. We Bjaywll imitate-tb Dutch example of placiug such bedding on two chairs near the window, in the sunlight; or in the window, that the best purifier known the light of the mm may dissipate their impurities, or neutralize them. At least three hour on the average is'as short exposure osis com patible with neatness." aa. To learn to work skillfully with the hands must become a part of common education. Rich and poor aliko Bhould Vie' taught how to work, for it is quite as, likely that the rich will become poor as, that some of the poor will be come rich; and that is, and always must be, & poor education which falls to 'prepare a roan -to take care of him self and"his dejendentB in life. We understand what to do with criminals. We'cohfirie thpm and set them to learn ing a trade, especially the young crim inals. 'The reform schools ne'ver leave ut(tbe elements 'of manual industry. Why l8'it-not just as legitimate to teach the virtuous how to takrt care, of themselves without crime, as it is the TJcjou. Q. Holland. King of tit Blood Cutn a'.l rrofuloi. uff cJonoil i-ir"rt li-ull-l:iir f ium Iuijiurlij: iif tuo I4wl. Ic n ikaiUi o apod r"l'."he-'iifr.tci.m.utit y miitl.r tailM;; 1..1. .ViK lih-m. tmpl.t, Ulcril, Tymuit, Qoilr SvllUgt, ttr.f a e Hie u. r.Mniuto , a rll aaliiartulttirioabt lUo Hart, Uut, i.tl.r aud tlumacli. SCROFULA.. Ytaiirld Csrs ef Elbisess. D. naiiaou, Ro- tt Co.: Fur tba tnnrfit of .U IfUubltnl Willi NClTltlllaa n Tmt.tin- It n...! a . ... 1 ara-nna, I baiabr rHmmrnd Kin? of the IJ.oo.1. croiuin. or . 1 liai urea tronblnl urilh Bcruf uln fur the pot Ini jwi"i wmcii mj aucccii nieyra uai 1 waitm pict. j biiud lor atx inn itn.. I n. recommeailed to try Kingof kt-Jt col, wbirii h piored: a irrtat Uraiini; to me, aait n. uuuiplfiely cuns) on.nni IotuwrfullyiwniiucndiLtoar troutilolajl Lay Owen. Vnur truly, Jim. S. T7EAIIIE3r, baraiuia,:;.T. 3L 0 0 0 will b p.H to any PutT.ie Ila'pitat fo bo jnntn al'y afira I "po". for rrery ortitieale of thta lupdi ciae pull jLcJ ly us uhica u bu; lvkuk. Its luErorlieuts. To allow o ir faith in tl.o aaS- y and rxcellenwef the K. U., np .ntiropcr pcrMiuul applies ion, wl.rn aatfoMM ihar tio.iniio ioon la ittcur.fntiti. ui I piratlie iiamraoralli'Hinyr-Oirn a.Lv ttk)nn1 Thdabureurr vrtra ncrcr m ula btfun Lyil nn. pHao- ot inr ",il,r Farai'y JI.licnirin tbrttinli JI.iiiyteallmonlBUfiirUrriiiloiniatio .iiikI fuli.Iiritio-i. tor n-inc win Lelimnd iml. it nc pitel ITib'I-j on SuaaM, ,.r h, n!,o" in which e-n bottle iacncloaM l'i ir.-$1 j-i to't.i ran. tainlnir U oimo-t or W to SO Ant. tD br druL a.'ts. O. my !oa, ga & Co., I'ro ji'ti, Uu&lo, H.Y I OLD AfiD RELIADLE. ' j P)n. Saxfobd's Lrvra LmoosATOE, m n SffiniTii-t fty-n T!-.-n1. .. K y -- -- .- .-a.ij ,.oju tut a. s f lis;asc8 of t jo L.ver, Sioaiach aftf? ?and Bowe's. It is rorjly o K-i? fCitaortioand r-Tonio. JaTItY-V ?PCV' vur..s S-T,W .. " r.s-.!' LV- ,131 &v isnariiwi)".! . .. r--.tf-' r jam u-i sin Rj-j ni . a i i SfersaRAd.1: o'.uo,6?,6'g . r rvl"1' " a m ! s n WfLr.v v 'r.v. ". ba" wrv)" vlov WJ v r .tB'-nP' nl'AQa. i .,f -V . v uoaAc . ' .ti'.oC'.r,, .te O " fu .BV -e 'l'a.fww: S.ri.s',ii - ! fc vi r- Ice? L II- J Ol -V0' .U' S p 0 -"j-i" -:i- fy.-'i l 111' . Vi. f 61 ll T. eA , m a :. VP' "a Ta. SHfi r) 1 SyinviEoratort rifilelO ' rractices if Ef WWjS"" ali Ly ho public,; Sign P- lor more than 35 ynrrs.j! fflPVwitlt nrprrccilectcd resn'.ts.i r-"SEHD FOR CIRCULAR.; :S. T. W. SANF02D, UJi.,Vswr2SSS T iJTDBrBCisnniLTLi,TooitsnzrmnBx. j WWSMMMWMWiaa'i"-- CAfaCAJDiJ dt4oz!Sar ZHTsmoar en THE SEASON OF 1880. ALTAMONT, Dark bay stallion, foiltd 1875. Bred bj Col. It. W.t, Georgt low n, Kentucky. (Vol. III. p. CO, Walh.ci!'o 'I lotting ltigibter). Sindliy " -THE GREAT SIRE OK TKOITERS," AL3.0NT, Son of Alexand-r's Atxhllah, sircot Gold sinilh JInid. ricoid 2;14, dam by niown Chief, son of 3IuinUrinoGhHf.bin: of L:dy 'Ihoinc, tecoid 2:I81-Ug.d. byimn. Hoo ton, biicol the dam of Lulu, recoid S:1S; g.'g. d. by Bcrtrand, the great four-mile-riice-horse; g. p. g. d. by imp. Bttzzaidoirv of the cb.m of Wticdpet ker, bire of the fa mous Guy Eagle. Altumwt will at tht proper lime be givna jecoiil which nil! ensure a large d mind for his colls. (Al mont isthejnoprly of Gen. AV. T. 'Withub. Lexington. Kcntuckv.) WILBUEF, Bay Mallion, foaled Ia77: bred by Gtn Wm. T. AVlthtrs. Leiinion, by (Vol. a, p. CC0, Wallace's KcgibUr.) Sutd by Ala mo, win ot Ainu nt, bire oj 1 urny ulur-po.m,5-yiHr-old,ncoid2:C. nd 11 with technical rcoitls of 2:i0 nr betui. (No oiher l.on,e" of his ago HAS 3IOUE THAN FOUR. He albo bin d Allie West sire of Jewctt, thai hnaTHE FASTEST S- ear-old lic-oid (2-.iSJ) KVEI1 MADE. . h-.mo's dam by Almand.r's Abtlallah (ste abtiic). Wilbuin'bdain by Milbuuinc. Jr., bite of J mi Irving, lecoid 2:C3; p. d. by Alhoit. (hUtbm lij' imp. Hoolon;, ton of Alexandtr's Abdnllalug. g.d. bv Iltig--noli, (recoid 2:2120. bon of Mimbiino Chit f. bire of Lmly '1 home, record 2 :18 1-4, and Wondfoid Mambrino, recoid 2-21 1-4: g. g. g. d. by Pilot, Jr., bire of John 5Ior. gan, rrconl 2:24, and dam ol Nutwood, recoid 2:181-, P- E- F- d. by Ole Eull, (sire of Chicago 2 :IM). ton or Old Tiloi Wilburn is veiy largcriiighly finlshid and compactly builu Both arc perttrlly sound and free ficro bhmlbli.acd were purchastdtor use in my own brctdiiigMvd; but will bt allowed 'o serve a Hmlti tl ntimbct : maiea dm inpthe season of lgfo, at Ofcape Stock Fakm. Ihree miles rnsi ol Lintaillr, Opn.,t $15 the season, wiih privilege of k turning fucIi mares as do not pime in foul. Kscdknt and safe pasiuie nuu rt mxo f fjfok. tFor patiicularb. und free ptmphlet hiitory nf the unttinr hone i ?cluis JAY I EACH. Iiikille.Ogn. UNION 1IOT-FL, Ki'ibjvillf j.)ie:oii. M, Kyder, Propr. FIBST !,; ARrininpno.v 0A n'wity. I . hal nl tlita jri i. nt tin-. miM rfnantnibl" ratp. I &t-.L ticiikut tuhi cuauictid with Ui hotel. r v ra. ana s MJ K' V- .ni &n !! I- T Ml V a ibb r aw , fi - TJ SUf7,aV5-S BH B&:vfV,.1o A l r7 . (II VV !. w 1 I IfcJ .Se- I. V3" A "KfT '- al . f" .i n . i.:,6 - AIIEtl'llO;!. HOhStJKU i' ho Fast Trotting tallloo, 0,P,HIE! v ILL STAND Tin-: S ' ASOK O K 1880 at Plim-nix on Jlontlavs: Ashland Tuesdays, and the balance of (he wick .at Manning & Webb's stable in Jutkbonvillc Desckution. Oi)bir is a beautiful ilark chi-bluul, without malk or &i)t. 15 hand 3jij inches high and ciglis i,2l)0 pcuntU, ol i bplendid mild dionositioo, and will lie 1 years old the .5th d.iy o July. Ho Has a Record if 2:35. Peoiqree: Onhir wes hired by the ecl- MmitMl initlinirSbiliion. Kentucky Hunter .1 lie uj- liioKen i.ts wunur, 01 jmw lorK; grandsfrc Sorrel iluntcrr great gnindjire - - . 1 --- , ---j --.--, Uld KmtOcky HiiDterj preat-2reat prand bire, Highluu ter. 80111I Huntcrsdam (fiom n Moonshine mire) was ttnil by tliu troltiag stallion Hurdon Hunter, grandoirc, Sorn.1 Hunter: gn-at gi?.ndiirt Old Kcnluj:ky HunUr: grcit-great granilsirc, HighlandLr. This Is a correct ptdigree Of Kentucky Hunter, and makes him hbout s-ven-ei!;iita Hunter; or, perl ajis hotter known us 3Ics denger blood, and which has ban thor oughly pi oven to bo the fastest and best ,ito?k of horaes eer inln)ductd into the UnlUd States. Ophir'sdam was sired Iry- David Hill her dam was sired by Prince Albert, u ilebsenger ownetl by William Reynolds, of Colui county, Csilifnrniti. Ophir's dam is nw owned in SanU Clara county by Dr. C L- French ; her dim is owned by L. 31. i euvis, of Bulle county. They" an oolh tine, large aml.-.phndid roadstcw. Pedigree of Ophir's D .nt a Sire: D'tid Hill wiutsin.fi by BkckLioa; he by DiviU iilll'ii cekbtateil truttlit bUlllun liluck 1I4W k , ha by bht-rm in Morgan ; he by .1 ua m Morgan, an.l lfu by Trua Biiton, who iva imported fiom nglaud and UbCO by Gene nil DeLancy as 11 charger on Ijon'e island in 1777. David Hill's U-iUi-was go( byll mblutoaian; he by Alielillih: h by old M .mbrinn, and he by imported M:&-' e-nger. The dam of Hambktoninn va. Cliarlej Kent's mare imported Bellfoundei. Tehms: Single scrviro $20, with the privilege of the scaso or insurance, pjy .ble in.advancc. For the season, $?0, pay .tblcat the cut! thereof. Insurance, $10, payable when it is ascertained -that tht in ire is in foal. All possible care will Ik laken by an experienced hand, who thor oughly understands) the treatment of mini ind horses, to avoid" accidents; but will not be responsible bhould any occur. Pas turage furnished at reasonable, rates. J. W. MARKING, 1'ioprictor. Joun owan, Grocm Thoroughbred Stallion BODINGEKSOi.L. rmLL MAKE THE ENSUIKG SEA 11 bon commencing April 1st, and end ug July lstr JStO. at Caulwell's livery sta ole, in Jacksonville. DESCniTTIOX. AXD rEDIOnEE. Eou Ingtrsoll is a handsome bay, four years olel, over flfu en hands high, and will weigh 1.003 pound. He is well funned and of beautiful proportions, and will com pare favorably with any thoroughbred cvci imported to Oregon. Bob Ingersoll was bred by William jounson, sq., 01 fclanislaus county, U.1I. Ilia bin- is thecelebrated four-mile running norbe Joe Daniels, he by imported Aus tralian, out ot a thoroughbred mare by im poited Glencoc. Bob's dam was a bister to the well-known Blanche Hull, by Rifle man; 2d d..m Lady Tyler by Belmont; 3d ilam Jenny Branch by Tom Branch, 4th dam Isabella bin R.ih Roy, 5th dm Mclk Mi-He. Lady Tykr and Jenny Hull the dam of Kill Flaherty were sisters. Rob Itoy by Jerry, a, son of Pacolet. Melle Melle by a Virginian, his dam Lady But ton, biro Sir Archy, pranddam Sultana, sire the Barb horse and out of tho Barb maro presented to Thomas Jefferson. Terms: Season, $30 single leap, ?15, in surunce, SoO. Publura&o furnished at rea sonable prices. Due care will be taken to prcvint accidents, but no responsibility as sumed. Ha3" and grain taken at ruling eusu prices. ni 1UK iAl UI . Jacksonville, March '& st, ltteO. TO HOUSEMEN ! The HIGH-BRED Stallion SIR WALTER, I17ILL MAKE THE KKSUIKG S AS V on in Jackson county cemmencing at my r&ncli two miles tust of Jacksonville, on Apiil 1st. On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of each week he will beat my ranch, on Wednesday and TbnrsdiiV at Pb t nis ind Friday and S Uurday at Card weH'a stable la Jnekiornille. Ti.r.iis: Single service, $15; season, $C5; lustintnee. $40. All bills payabloat ike end of the season in cash, notes with appiovul secuiity or grain at maiket rates. Gocel pastniagc fmnishtd mtrcs fiom a distance t $2 per month. The Ibest of care assured but no responsibility assumed for Occidents. , , - Uascrtr.tlon Brd rl(rcr. SirWulter is ten years old this Spring, lGJf hanels high, weighs IfiTiO pounds, is a cot.1 black and vciy fart trotter. He has a Bl CORD OF 2 -85, And hntmtule other peifoimances of equal note binee Lis uriival in this section. ,ir Walter was siie-d by Marion, he by Mtm brino hit f, he by Membrino Paj-m-islcr, he by Membrino, he by Imported Messen tr. Hib dam, a Long Island Blackhawk mile. She was Mrrd by the noted tiotler Andriw Jarkvon, ni.c 01 Htnry (hiy, the progenitor oflhe tlayfi-mily of trotters. His liibt dim, F:dly Miller by Membrino. son of impelled Mc fbengtr: Andrew Jcck c on by Yornp llcehs.w tnd Lc by imported Gr&i d Hat-haw. Colts t-ite d by Sir Walter, which speak for themselves, can Ix; bre-n by callinp on GliO.W. ST III lSOK. p PIIOHASIN 1 Cf rverv deserintinn marli' rcitli promjititude and taste. Infants' clolhimr a snecialtv. Rpfernnce in til paits ot (he country. Circulars piv ing fnll informrtion sent on receipt ot stemp. Address 3Ir.orMre.J.A.Richrd. j ton, Zi Post Street, San Fionclsco, Cala. Cutinil", wrought nailR. clout Tinile, Intli nf i's, finishing nails, fencingnails, linrsu niiilc. nntl iron and steel borse flioes at John AUllex's JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. ,JR1l3j.T O P JS IST.UST Gc - OF SFRIG AKD SUMMER GOODS. I am now offering t-plendid lines of goods', uhich for choice selection, reli able qualities, aud exceedingly low prices, cannot be approached by any houst in the State, consisting of THE LATEST STYLES IS BE? S GOODS, . NOVELTIES IN FANCY GOODS, TBIMMLTSGS. OIKS & SATFTS. - . ' A LARGE ASSORTME.N T OF JZdffte'm, JLAC2S, EMBEOITEEIES, ETC.,. ETC. " A COMPXETE LINE OF MENS' AKI) TOYS' ( 1,0TI1N(, - -op Till - NKWeST DESIGN- AiD 3II1KE A LARGE VARIETY OF Gents Furnishing goods Boots and A ' " Hardware, Drugs, and a full Hue. of General Meichuudise, at N. Fi SEER'S. Horsemen Look to your Interests THE IMPORTED PERCKERON "GEN. FLEUltY," "AIJABIAN 150Y," AND "BOBBY BURNS." Gen. FixtntY nnd Bonnv Crass will be kept at my stables, near Ashland, the com ing seaso . Aiiabian Boy until the 28lh day of April, and return the first week in July. Within the past few j ears there has lrn a tlespcntle effort in this and Marion coun ties, to prt-djudicc the minds of the public against- my Percberein Slock; nnd in eirdci to give this slsuderscme bppcarance of being so, have destroyed two of as tine drat, stallions as ever camfftei Oregon, with several colts and young horses. That the public may rot lie dece-ived by these base shindtrs, I will soon publish a circular, gh ing a few of the many facts in the case, with the high estimation this stock is held in other places, nhich will be stmt free on application. It is well-known in this s ction, of the valuable itnimalo for farm and learn use that were raised from the two French horses brought hen-by Mit.S. Colveu some years ago. They were half-hreeels, but when brce-ders can secure ue bf rvice of a pnre-bfex-d horse for a reasonable pricu they should avail themselves of the prh ilege. Some of the finest draft colts at the last State Fair were sired by Gek. Flkltiy. GCJB CjJCx Geit. Fi.Ecr.Ycnd Araeiam Pov, $.0 (he season; $C0 ly Insurance. For Bobby Bl'Rs $10 Hie season: $10 by insnronce. Good Pasture, 60 cents per wttk; will use duo caic, but not responsible for accidents or escapes. ; V. 0. MYER, Ashland, Oregon, March 29, '8S0. FRANK BROS5 AGENCIES JgRICVLTUHjIL MILL I FAEI WALTER A. "WUOU'S FTrEI' HAKE UEAI ER. THE ONLY five ihke iff pet munulactuitd. B moving it ct uvi mint ItMrllie diivcr can at will i-nd will-out 11 u ing Ids beat, instatnly tonlnil therking. causing fvery second, third fourth and fifth rake to r-ct as a lake, the other n ke-s as beaters. Furnish! d with 01 wl!lio.utJaoiiDg attachment. The lei jier may be putchased seimraa-ly and the mow Ing attachments at any future time. WALTER A. WOOD'S SELK-B1KL1NG HARVESTER. Practical, s'rocp. durable, thoroughly tested, timt-tikd, and ulinlle. Unequalled foi lightrcsi of drat'l. most effective rutting apparatus, mest powerful elevator and best ad iua table reel in use. For u painting the giain, compressing the bundle, tight binding anej savingpf wire, it is without a rival. WALTER A.. WOOD'S CHAIN RAKE REAPER THE ON ly thoroughlv successful tublt--n:ke wilh pr without mowing attachments. Reaper may be purchased scpanitely, and mower at any future lime. WALTER A. WOOD'S NEW ENCLOSED GEAR MOWEK The lightest draft mower in tho world. Wide,' tread, high wheels, direct draft. Th most pn.ctical. simple-, pe.wtrful. str ugly built, ck&ily managed, btillest'iunning grasb cutter ever placed upon the market. WALTER A. WOOD'S IMPROVED SINGLE GEAR HEAD er. High iron wheels trh d tnd letli d in the field, and with the improvements ol lfcO. Is the fine-bt machine in the market. THE CHICAGO ITiTS'TIIRE.-IIER. BY THE IT. A. HITS' Sons' Manufncluring o Chicago. III. The m-sl pcthct grain saver in the world, nd shake tboe on all machines. 1 h largest cleaning capuuly of any In use. THE CELEBRATED LA RELLE WAGONS. ROTH THIMBLE Skein and lion axle. For freight and faim use they have no superior in the market. Saner Kill Machinery, Fl.micg Mill Machinery Portable and Statwnaiy Engines. A fnll Hoe cf Fxtras. for Machiaezy Always on hand. For circulars and price list address the agents, Mrs. J; Eilgcr, Jacksonville; A Slocnm. Rosebnrg aA Bu-A laUow, Ashland Ogn. - IT.GOOll is Shoe?, Hats, Etc., Groceries, Tobacci -FOR- implements, MACHINERY. EXCELSIOR LIVE R VS) AiD FEKU 8.TABI1B. Coroar ol a OKtOON AND CtUroRMA rTS., JlCKSONVIIJK. W. J. rXYKaAIX:, Fiop'r WOULD RESI',-CTFni,I.T IXF0RMTIIEPUB 11c tUt La baa a llLa (tuck vl i ItorM-8, Hiigplet- mill C'nr lag- And La la prrrrd to fnrnl.1. hla atrena and tbr rnl I'c (tuaralijr. villi h"inr Turnouts Aa ran Ivbaitontlia Pfl(lc cnaat. SatMta lioraea blradtugu toauj partuf tkacuautrj. Aiiimnlt. Hnublil ntnl Sold. Ilorrra :ka lo .ik ainila or rimMa. Uora b"antal in! ! taut ntcaia lirf ri np n li.cn. -inrinit. ciiHicr. A lilaial M.alr ol tLa ulll. .alruragr laMilkluJvu icambabla ttinir. DR. SPINNEY Pio. 11 ILEHTLNI.'S: ST.. Trratanlleiiionlcni.it SjMrlal Ill.rnara 7H MV IK .-riFCIMNO Ht Hit-. ft" ci -I uililullMliWiirii.il. .i.-lti.ii uIii1ohi t,. hi U ih.in-li.T I.' lila, tin- gr iii Imii i-v r Inn! m 1I1 hIi ' iitii-iii.irlniiiit'.itv l'i' .-! i.KV a.-1 iiririiil.f 1.. ririi'i' i.'ji.O ..i n.rv r 1. -iiniuut v.-nli. ..r i;.iim-1I1- iw nt iii ii.il iirc.lnr'Ui-r ulicft lii- iinilrilabis hi il all. tfi rur. 3(ibi)M:-(;i i) iiir.N. TlirrHi. niuHv hi iii,. hj f tl, riv 1 xt who hi- Ir. nli'iil Hi l..i. fr qii nl u'inliim..r thf Iiliirlil-r. i.fl-n Hlci.n,mnii-. iiv a al.clii .nuriinir or l.unli i-iimIi nils w. itk.iilnj: i, ih,. .j.iitn in inniiiii-i iiiepHtit-iil cAiiimt Hcc-tim fr On fim 11 it-jl the uriiary i!rpi.ita 1, r,.pv .. diin-n' will nllen l. liu,il 'il h III 'I m. . mimiI kirlicli-a i.f hIIiiiiih-ii will Hii-nr or l.. l..r will Ih-nl n thin milki.li hit-. Mpiii -b.tii(iiiC tu a ilaik ai.rl ti.iill iMiirnii-i-I'Ihtv arc nmny iwn h. ilii-i.f ll;i clilH -illy leiiiiniiit nt ill- caui hich i- th- "( mil rtne' of m-ii iiiHl un.kii.Ti; -k. S. wil iiMIB-it-i apL-iT-Tl curt- hi all mc rii-ia 1 rl a Ii.mIII.j reatnruthm of Ibe geuiluil nry iTiriina (iVnc IN rax 10 td.t hi, c! r; ft. 8 .nu u fiinH In in 12 a ji Ciin-uIimIkii fr.i Tliiiiintli x ami Tiiiinu. ni.il mlvior. ti. Lull ur i-ihlpa . IU1. SI IN..V n. N 1 1 Kt-ariie Si. . Kranci-co. TRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL & ItESTAlRAM A.XDGEAJ-JIAI ST.itt ,Y-t7. OjirnattrOJil relKua II. I. Ml KMI.NVll.l.T .IIIIKIX N. MADAME JIOI-T. bro.rltim. TitAvrLrri? Ap irsirE.NT ROAanKii lil And tlii-nMitoniHriilli-ii.ljili.it. al tt.l tonat to bo mat with li.jrba llitbla pirt vf III' Stat a. The llnlx mill lle-ililiti IVIII.Iaaj. be rotniit of flrm-rl.Fa cbaracter aul k. t In a nratai.ilcli.il ioik III. .u, alula Tht- Kikiiiis rrnavlj fnrnbbrdfli A w ill alaara Laliipt Inttaat nnii bom. Illartn. iltun A plrlilltnl .ii 1 1) uf tbi vitofaTirjtbli.Ktbeniaikttafi'unlaslll ba Spniul on Her Tnblc. IIrrnu9Wi!lb kipl opanall nl;ht.anit"SQt7ARK IKeiA" can ba obtained at ab) boar of tba daj r nljcbl. OVSTKRS PRHi'At'KH IV KVKUVS'lYlh. u lanrhe tnWhdd l uuy time. Frujrp piMn Kramli'ili?rB I'ht lfut laleat t.ialit ran 1 warlSnd guJ flie. bt Dieapand gmt ted at N'n ipmMf ! bv itparrd t'MlrairTr the patrnniE f tli (ia?Flll at well im the inrmaneDi cumiiiu i.fij Girrnua dlL TABLE ROCK SALOON. OREGON STKEET, lrijVTJJEJf and HELMS, PRorniETOits. 'PtlK I'UOPUIKTtirt-! OK 'III 1 atill kini. 11 mill ti'imlir r. -'il mm 1 iiil'nii tl etr liiin H-i tl i 'ijli!i i;i n nl imi u ! Itlpl. ' mil fill.' i-'a; -i. t k i.l II' i.-i' liriimli. il "qn r. iimii ne ir.li uii Mirli-r. c'l.. nn i.tniiilv K pi iii luii.ii l'iie aill io-iil--! in nvi' thlr fmi.il mlliiiiJ mi h-." CALJNET. A 'hIi!iiiI i.T (Jniiifi iis m'iV hL-ii Ii I'Uinl hin. W'r null rl la- tH"ll i lute 1-r.lllll p.M8'lilf curiiai'lNH alf-ll afHTIII. 1 mnif lfu in Iis'hihI wi' Til' I'lut III in 11 In- Ckhine'l Iim iisiriii'ti. WIM.IIN IIKI.MS 5.illornctjiU Sato. f oiuivVNi) . t)rxtr;s. And JKcksr.inille, Oregon. Ginns & s 'r iKs win ftttenii ii liia inf. r, I'nrtlHiiii EAGLEBREWERY. JOSKIMI W.KTrKHKR, rn.priator Oregon St., Jacksonville, fpne BESior lager beer always kept; .JLl, oa-luuxl taixttAi tvfUUJiT- tbktKbiVglu Sheriff Sale. T)Y VIRTUE OP AN EXECUTION D duly issuctl out of the t ircuit ourt ot tlie stuto ot Ure-gun tor Jackson county, on the 5th day of May, I860, upon a judg. uit-nt re-covcre-d In tho Justice ' ourt of tho county of Jackson in the state of Oregon, on the 5th day of July, 1870. nnd duly enrolled und docketed in the clerk's office ot the Circuit Coutl on the ICth day of September, 16TJ, In favor of T. O tfumes t neUI. Sachs, and against Wnyn Oliver for the recovery of the sum of two hundred and one dollars and -11! cents, di.mages and costs, and to mc direct, ed'and delivered, commanding me to sat- Isly the bt.m of.one hundred and forty-four ($144) deillurs and 2'J cents, in U.ygold coin, now due on said judgment, whit in terest at the rate of one percent, per month in iikc coin, irom tnc om uay of July, tSTII finH llio riiTllim faiim i,C itn 0 rt .1 law, costs and accruing costs, flit out efv ' the personal property ot the sal J defendant or il sufficient cannot be found then out of the real property belonging to said dc'Vndant, In my counly, on or after the said llllh day of September, 1879; and o obedience lo said command, I have levied upon and will offer for sale for cash at public auction. le the highest bidder, at the Court House door, in Jacksonville, Oregon, on Solnrtlay, the IStta Day of June. IHfO, at one o'clock, p. it., of said day, all the right, title and interest of ayne Oliver, tho above named defendant, in and to tho following tkscrib d real property, to-wii: he- 3E1-1 or tho SEM of Sec l- the NE14 of the NEW Sec 13. 'ownship S7, South. of Range One est; also the l-3 of the NEl-l. ihoK 1-2 ofthe VflA and XWM of EM eif ec 18, and the M4 of the M IA of .vcc 7, and S t W or tho Et-lor-ccT. ownshipS, oulhnfltangq 1 East, levied upon us Hie real ptoperty of the above n .ined defend mt avno Oliver, to satis y the abn-e nuin.tl cxecu. lion. i v. BYUEE. hcilff. liy II. 15. evheut, D.puiy. ii v i "in in hsr.f?s Sala. OY IRTUE Or Ar EXECUTION 1 duly lssuul out of lh Cir.Un, Court ot thi St.ilu of Ore-gon, for lh ci uuiy nt iicksoj, on Um Kth tliyof M y, oaO, upon a judgment recovered in .iiit Court nt the I'jth tby of March. 1877, which judgment was cnrnlhtl and docketed in lu clerK's iilllcu ot said court on Viid i'M i y of ili.rch, 18"7, in favor of J. Ii. WhiL ami Alexantler M irtln. anu ugaiust V ham Uhi.mbcrs, for the rccuvirv of if sum of six hundred andninetv-nluoiloll.irl and nine-one cents, ($G'J!).U ,) gold coin, wilh interest at the rate of one per cent, nor month in like coin from the l'Jlh el.iv : of March. 877, and the further sum ofl thirteen elollars anu sixtv-eient and fliree. fourth cents (13.Ct-J) cpsts, und the accru. ing costs, anu lom. Uire-cteU unel tlellvvrctlj conim .nding mc to satisfy said judgments interest unel ceists. first out of lle personal property ofthe saiel defendant, or If stifflJ cient cannot be found, then out of the real property belonging to saul tWendsnt in my county, on or alter the llllh day of Mt'e-li, lbi7, and in obedience to saiel com mand, I have levied upon und will offer for sale for cash in U. S. gold cola at pub lic auction, to the highest bidJer. at tho ourt llouso d or. in Jacksomillc, Jack son county, Oregon, on Mlnnlaj-, ilir I9th dnyorJunr, I8SO, it one o'clock, r. M., of said el ty. all iho right, title and interest or William Cham, tiers, defenel.tnt above nauud, in ami to the if or M; W, Sec. 'Z'i. all in T 34. S. 112 W. Levied upon as the real nmiicrty of tho aboonatnid derendmt. William Cham. hers, to satisfy the starve namal execution. WM. IlYBEE, Shi riff. of Jackson county, Orecon. May 19lh, 1880. bANFKANCI CO J S 3L ASla - NEWSPAPER S 7 AN IK I HE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPEN. eel a general variety store next door to Schumpfs barbershop, where ho will kee j a tull assortment of cigars, tobacco, smok intr articles, candies, stationer', cutlery and toys. x lie invites the public to give him a call and assures all that they will call again. Latest papers from the East always on hand. JAKE MARCUSE. Criterion iiiliinnl SuImoii. CALIFORNIA ST., Niilniii! & AIcDanifl Piopn.. Mil n.l.'ULMt IIKS'IRT. fNPKIl I hi V Mail tin lit. la lliriit.lttl'j; l. Ia-t trmnla nl I qui r. hIii mimI ripiii ths riiinii! Iilit-I. ltiih il with t-Hi-iirn li- 'li(lt .1 lit Iciill'l pujara llf lh CuH.t. V. U ll C.l 1 1 O C0UGHS- M .4Sif.HEUMATISM.ar iw'hc, r"w -'-aost tt oif o tnj nrea w Vro c.!i-r p'W ts ti 1 tv to rc.isvc, H enntaju. , CTcslcrJt iaaropiTprf.il pnlnralicT'r trrniV cnln-rft-'IcaratlTn-ononl'ihaal Cfrn-non piroin pla't-r, aiil In t raipcrlT l l!ulm-nti rnrt l"j aicl'"l ' f-'cai a;'"'i"ncca. Jt U rrri rr "i-niKr) tfirf-T tnv- 1'tiL, r'-o IrS In il r.n I I'.I "m-y ,-v-wia:n:, I"cts tj. f:!nt!-a r.nj r'l t--nt AeU-in-il l'aius. V.'hm anfl" rln yrt rr liliv-'llota'cs cvrn a lift pV-VJ tn ri-y;ni Ih'n f't'". Do not iT'rr hit oMi-r p'i'U r I - hi f n'-,Tt for J 8 ".l br a I -iiffij''. &r. iner.T A Jotraaox, a'HBSTAm im.WM Sl lASDHUffl COMPANY, OF SAN FRANCISCO. FIRE AnFmARINE. IN'COI.POHA'n-D, 1871. Ilitlilihlu-il in On gem, IS74. oami a? sets"--" - $5oo,cea- IlKKICEIfl A. A. BRYANT PRESIDENT R. D. ITERS'... VICE PRESIDENT C. H. CUSH1NG SECRETARY A. P. HOTAL1NG & CO. 45 Front Street, Purtlaatl; Ueh'l Agents for On-iion ntid Wa.hlfistoo. J, NUNAN, Loeal jijentj lollowinguscrilicu real prop ry to-wit: '1 he S of IE JU and S U ol NW U i.f Sec. 28, T :H, S. of K 2 W, the E J oj tho NE tfand NW X of NE K Sec '!. SV -r if sL 1A. - . '