A MW I ' I II I II HIM U, 1 I IIMI FP' 1 -- yi, .. Oregon Sektikel, PU3L13HEO WEDNESDAYS KRAUSE & TURNER. TERMS) "tF 1R s.w i. v "M 'CM W, r , 4w,.W T. A DLtMUut a tuth AltWAtbutM. TOI. XXV-NO. 16. IUWFKSUNAL OAUlS. J. UUUtXUX,M.D, pUTMClAX AMD tf3Q20N, U. t. AtKKW M. IU P.3JCU AND STJ5QE0N, MARVIN VROMA M. D. r dhssigian and surgeon, JiCKNYllU!, ORKtfON. QrTlw nyrstslrs In OrtUHs brick, eoce an tVAlttomh street. Real- P.JACK.M.D., fHYSIOIAN ANRSURGKON, (Formerly of Glasgow, Scotland) APFLKGATE, ORKBOS. Gftlee and Diws Store at the Drake farm on Apnlegate right miles West of Jack. ron ille. belters can he addressed t Ither to Jacksonville or Applesste. K H.AUtKNlUHTH, TfORHEY-AT-HW. 4ACKSOSVU.LK, OUKrtOS. win it n r o . r B. F. UOWKU iTT0R88I.AT.LAW. JjiCKSSVH.t.X. ORKOS, &Vi-4iirn jIiSvi-IW wtw ro"!'' OiVM. WriKt ti5t th vt-- 1R. J. M. TAYLOR, "ENIMS'fi, D njlt-ina't uuf.VH.ti-ik, rttewrktwil ttrt UHM.wfr rsc.M trll lr fw ftO tf ., twl4- WILL. JACKSON, r BNTIST, JArKSNVIta.K. I'TlKflOS. r-r-,KJTll RXUtrKTI AT Al. I Vwt Litht; !l..,l.Ul,iv.t if.-it.,,t'ttU n AkL.m- vlU tkji i tA. 01c l rw.lt.i" m hmw f ClifjU Ttnh rl. BERTH DLQ ROSTEL. V: UJW5K.)N "I ' Jertmnx'm AND PROFESSIONAL HAIR-CUTTER, IN OUTH'3 BUiLDINQ, Jacksonville, Oregon s Th 1 1. tmwit t ( l mo V M'l Spcifttij. ..-:. X.. n. rTRARN uiuijs&srEAytNS, TT0SKEY5 &XD COUNSELLORS. Jlom2 nl 4Sir.bri.l.TS ItaiMine, ptiHTI.ANn, HRKG'.N. VIII prvtlc In ll "Vnrt nf iltwM tn h ?!' f tlcaUraiUutloQ ibu.lu-lo .Wrl&.utl. 3vAHl.EU BHOTHER". Deauxs Ik BOOKS AND STATIONERY. 1 o 1 KA.ECX1STI JT Bnxftr plu.HiliTnh. Cotton lttin?, 27icte yer pound, at the New York rIomv. 03a ."m 0tI337T03ir5l eartfullTpnpar'l KA.1IL! It Bl'ii;. Thre undershirt8 New York store. tor $1, at the awm n wwg roil baub: batic t;ooms CxurcKsiA. St., 1 Mth UVlKSl'NKl is FtfUY w- red t A, U ok a r I'1 is. tv tt wi vd isUioV pjC wrmwcroGo HATH5S ,dt tie p)C t l VsWSOt V- tJRut'JKSGUUMl'V. THS AHIAISfD Wool JBatttfcdurlug Co, r5i pV tuwe ut ; In aa k wvwtwg tht t " Md f tVv wry twrt NATIVE WOOL 4 .f Ulc. tV W H.prt.t vrj r rt o ftvm k tlMve'U rcttpnn iltt-ntinn, (4 U'rtn in ai4 Kitv vur pt' tttaU Asiu.axci V ujt Mro V. WEW LIVERY STABLE BACK OF COUUT HOUSE, MANNING AND AVEBB, Propiiatoia. TirA'VtXQ UTtUY HTTKH V? THR M. rl wU-nbm Ittftk(iin)UM.w U t tlbir Kttt U.. WM rs MriA4 tJ UVttf UtH Uh mo, ine Sarnouts t-'lf Vtttvv ttat tHrW. n4 tk Vt tt Vtt.ht.t ws 4 V xtANMSO. jvce ii io cTira'o rif js -s BY WAY OP TR R0SEBURQ&C00SB&.YSTAQKUN. THE UXDKRSIQXED ABE xow runnins a tlailv line of (tur4iorv stisxs betxettn Ruun? and Com City wsklngthe tlmntH trip In twaty4bm Iwhm. Stasr hn-e Iosbttt cwry morntns. Sund ij rawptr!. at 5 a. h and nwke elwe connwtim vlth 8.m Frinpl?o vtivuner twlwi awnxk. Tli time fin Ros.br5 to San Francisco will be three dns nn.l thro?h Pur has brai tlscvl at $ 1 1 0. Fare uv tn Runs nwg to twos ly CL0UGH.tt2.VRLU tsHumD m mxm U.F.I'hUUpx : : : : r;rlfi. 1 M NOW IUKMNR I)IIA UN I l-c vi' t .lnvwtwii I. mitii: A-lttait a h cmuh "si M dv We i-tyK nut! 'rdi' iittnnvg i.s Ij On 'tm-tta lls,irlv win! n i.nt. f vM-bi k uliirk. tvMitl kilt tt-ri trt-m 'jtrkln: tl li.turjit m ! f ! ou.litv tly. PUIK (r-h y) 5? H). (mu rli m mJr t l.ivUttlU mth biik 01 Iuikviiw BLiOksiITEIIffi DAVE CRONEMLLER. BlKlTIDEDLDSni. T M SttA IT.KPW.K1I TO DO AM. I n.Tk Im iiij '"i. cleT tliirn vr, m int.twil ilo ii chttwr tliuii anv ultui tH in Sotuhn ii Oncol. (iiVf ui a clt -l I UI wmrinc -xmi. IiAVH tl:i hKMU I K. P. X)0NriGAK GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ -ASD-t- uosi: ESOEiNG. 2on., of Secokd asd Cauforsia St. f.L KIVIIS OF MARKKTAnl.l. t produce lakni iim zrlmnve lor ik P. DONKtJAW PHOENIX DISTILLERY AND SALOON, SR SHOF Phoenix, - - - - Ogn. J. L. IIOCKETT, Prop. - 'PRE UNDERSIGNED HAS TAKEN I Ml charco of thisbnslncM and Is pre pared to famish thepnblic with irlrst-cl.ss quality of Brandy, wine and Cider. The saloon will always be supplied ilth the best of liquors and cigars. Oysters and sardines always kept on hand. J.L. HOCKETT. SlXTJaKNTH EAli aT.rtiAx'a acasesk, ruEaoiv.snoiYEATi of Tins if rkwa vsrk veh EalT4RftCen)y ae6........ .... 5-Wi SEtE T BAY SCHOOL PtJa'wy. p teftw, ............ ftW banter, . .............. W Sm&w; " .. ......... .. 108 UupU rcJwi at v tlnv, U pal atttatJwls.pak n MteuUr swk tn Uu Fw ttrtU?r paitkulm apply a the AeaAemy. Caurxa St. r tl wn.l, KNOWN VARRKT rp mi. KiK uv.V 0ri'm. t t nwi(. ttumtvr h nfinh tiij ptt(t o wm .. cr ei putit w FHKSU BEKb FOllK. VKAIK Mumw, I1WK SALT MKATS, IUCON, Pujv'pr, SAUSAGE, LAUD, KTG, Thniat ftwtW h&w xm nt vKvrt to twlHw,ail nuttTmt will bpkr4 t. watU kWius g?mrl satisfaction. N. FICKE. MOl $C. Lxsb OPriCK AT UoSKlitRtt, Oos I FeUroary 28,10. f tc U hereto- glwn thai th fUlfcw Iny twuv.1 settkr lias hll natlee of UN l. tmtknto wikcflnl proof In support of hia claim, ml -! ttnal tntty thtrwf at lh rnlratkui nTllilrt? tlttvs tnou tii datt of this Kticc. Ygs Oiwltt i!twrtfn, p1 tUYK"f SR ifatwl ; ii of b VT ?, Siw. 55, t J S, R a V; and iwwcs tli teb kUr s h wltaas It Rht. Wa trop of Snnw Vallw, OKgnn, William t AVww f Sauw Yulkv. 4. T.. Munhoa ut Sams Yallry, aud i. Wrbher of Sstus YkK y. OK5yn,QnTtw5Hui .vot Apui, ik, Wftsv th wunty cJek tU4avksw ettuuty, Oregon. xvii r, iti.Mi,, uciHr. EUREKA MILLS, QlfUATKn OS'HSAR CRKEK SKVKN J m!b HMl!-wt if I'tvjMtful t a (;ttiial JkwuvUI;, ai Merchant anil Exehafleefcusities Th Utdi HtoihI wit! giv 3R pnnl nl l r, i p J hit' a'wl 8 piil l ot ry biM-t vt hai. Will ah wck ,ur wiiiwi tnrui.hlii: wsK. jJtSati.laCtiiwi 0MttnlT T.T. WTIS lathes and ChinftUs by tho BZiYXOS3l PIIE UNDF.11S1GNED WILL SUP ! the market w 1th saxxttl lathes and Singles Vm his mill, live inflcs East ol Ashlsa'J,on Clajtoa creek, at the fbllowin; prices: Shln,i:les,Su,car plmvlcHmvd.S&'W jvar thou&ind. Lathes, dtlivertd. $850 per thonsaud. All onlers promptly filled. Address, Jons CnAN'Dtsr Ashland, Oga. BI.ACKSMlTIIINa -AND- KO SE - SHOEING. Bameburg tj- Rtncatd TTAYIKG LEASED THE SHOP FOlU IX mcrly occupied by Mat. Shannon wel ak a sJtarc of the public patronaw. Staple produce or Cash Ukcn for work. LINKYILLE SALOON. MAIN STREET. tinkvilta - Oregon J. K.T,R li, Pr.ipilclur. HAYING TAKEN CHARGE OFTHIS lviiiular resort I am now prepared to farniMi the beat tf Liquors, Wines, and Cl!r.rs,andaskashareoftho public pat ronage. J.K. LEABO. JOHNSON & HUNTER, nonsEsnoERS ako GEUEML BLACKSMITHS. MASsAmTA - - Oregon. 'PIIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING ES I tablUhcd thcmselve at this point are now prepared to do anything In their line in a "workmanlike manner. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rridle hitts, spurs, stirrups, linmes, toggles, liuok'es, rinspi, awls, needles and thread, hair brushes and curry combs, at John Millers. JACKSONVILLE. OBjfcOft: APRIL at, la I AHEAD AWE ! ! ' . A.CASH BASIS!! THS QRE ATEST REDUOTiSN INKU01S . i-i m, i j .jgc -ASBTtt& LARGEST STOCK GETOAl MERCHASWSK 1 GREATEST VARIETY TO 3IOKCt TRWt IS Any Qft Store In Somthera Oregon er Nertkem Cliforaiau ALL FOR CASH!! our'stock cox?raQF FALL&WmTEHSRY'GQOBS, FANCY GOODS, LAMPS.' PRr!? fJ0OPrsaSHMERES, AND mvttONUS. I.S. AND S1IN. ROOTc 4 SUQSS, CLOTUlQ, k.T0 LVBIES,CAL,SIABECWKKS 17K CALL TUF. ATTRITION OF THK 1 t-l" to th fet thut w hate now ha"d lU larjft ui4 tvt wh'CU'd ivwott wrwt . ri, !HK0 DUK-n Qi)Um and F VN r" OOonoiowrjdweilHtion hi SetV rn Otvison, d v Tkilt hiveftrth umki. thin h of m4- our ?pility ud wll iN-m at Cheaper than th Choitpast, lv ik. s!iil m- v m kiv. if Mm wm V N'. I UirtF t LOTIIG you mwH e to Kwraw Hnw. t buy Umiu a xr eU'rn t hw ib ti.t .-.TOtJK OF ULOriUN'O li IcVv 1 cuuty ud iil lluf uonx to un- ilrr-rll u. Tbe. ss ww nil puTchafd bj a m-m Iwr ot our ttrm frm FlllaT til J Uwh 1 s-au Ftuc:ici a id Kw Yik and w wll ara.t eviTj nrticl and It tto m ehwp tor eah a ',v tinui iu ia cat. V l k(H-n uu hand lull a,ock of GROCERIES, IlARDWAWS, CtntKRY, GUkSSWARB, CROCKERY, FULL LINK OF ASHLAND GOODS - - .. rAMt and raBicirrNvAousa 1 Flovn. Ganu Plow A Sulky Plows In fiict ercryth'njt T"'" 'he Bott nwdU i a iliretlnii..-ni)ichine. Gire u caK ml jutlsi. for TonrM-ive as to eur capacity ! friii.liins uihkI uhaTe. Tli ay in mke niioifj I tn mtp ii. To .av ii bu clifnp To hoy clep pJ CA 'H (ut 11ur hoo1 id bur of RKAMKS BROS. DAVID LINN, AXD SCAUSIt IK co?rn TiurasiiZNas. COFFINS FURNISHED ON THE KJ shortest notice and cheaper than at any omer cqaoiisument m aouuiern urcgon, Furnlutru or all kinds kept on hand or made to order. 2Sk M, MWHTXNV AN sAtt- MSTKKn Kett. . M. ThwHs,Qiv nX taft. sv, ?i(iW tk e? Un-ji- t tfo U feTUtW?ivUo,'At not itty iw Ms iiut Uut tu & kKs & StaA Yv l ei'Mr, S4t l-4i Stft Y-v t he l?tl wsU rwvK i hrtlV $9. to h Wm hvu.huc wtttaiuv 3u pTw utaA I vt? tk K.lh at uty mttr to M t tfedt 1 fe4 tvy vWwf ttw VAi l &Tgt&A Wty ei Uo pwp wtta anwwewt. I A unlptoo. that tn oaUi Uw mWtJi j? the twu Uu few! ihl wUten a wj? a.twl w?e looked uhu tv ttwtvy tho testers ot tli iwv, I should array asnitist w th uutuerovw Wwl et t tutuws tfwy ll M ttotv 0 jtW futtd; .U Vihu bl fcb.w (n.UtjQil5 .U tla.t eU who tuk? iUtk a. pto &". wwi lo (oy tW P.ot jvt loi viith iudiflVtvnw ueu thw uhttflw vf tltosa in offi either be?a i$ actual ahtte w no tQ i8T th?jtvQ. ds v4 like tatiea in tho (tu, hs fr pmwua.1 rwtnittt h nern l, lW wn (Ortr wtJ ChaU wick) had. i ever inlertvml uU tto asptrvitiw that I Vuevv of. On th ewutrary, they had. hon tU'.v.ittot to kvop me whonow ojwrtunitj u( ferk I was then aUutnw in thi wuuty fw the coilccUw of the Khool and other educational futtd If 2 had consulted the prempunss of titty n feelings U would have lieetx far ntorv agrwaWe to te to haw done thent a favor rather titan an ill txtm. My feelings toward them now, with a ain. gle exception, savor of eonuufeeration rather than of resentment, Ofthh 1 am eertain, that nthT awhUion nor malice im)ellel me in the Uihteat, 1 knew something of their wasteful methods and dishonest inraetices before 1 became a member of the legislature, but had little idea of their extent. When I learned of the wumerous lire teneest ujon wliieh ttyy Vad taken mouoy f jom the public nurw, in tue inslMtetjAiMMMBSiKfLsht-iea with !y for estvaaervtees to one person, either if whtch would havo been a. pie cot)tenAUeu for his full time in others ying persons over thirty dol lars ier lay in addition to esinses fo1 time neee-arily employed, hen only thrw dollars was their due, beside numerous ether avts equally flagrant, 1 felt that indignation vxhivli every lover of justko tuvtsit feel at the perpetration, ot a wixuig. When it lieeame my dvtty to appoint comuiitteesi of ittvwtigation, it occurred to tne that wo had hhams and fatxe enough; that the people had been ltt. ed and bliuded lou enough with thant refortns aud farvial iuvwtigatious, t therefore took some jiains to select men who, at least, would not b the tooN of thoe whos acts it might lieeome their duty to expose aud censure, Aftei their aunoiutment I assisted and ii. couragtHi them in the irfortnanc of their duty, snaring tnetr labors and their responsibility. In onlir to raise as mueh prejudice as possible against thn erk of the eommuices anu tne prosecution 01 me Oiarxes niado by them Wfore the couri, ihe artis implicated Oaimed that tlv invest) jvtjot, were the work of tl& "Old Salem Clique " None who had ever associated with that orgnis. tiou knew anything of what was being done until the results became public I eouneello! with no one, but emleav. oi-ed to infuse into tha iHomliera of the.se committees Qmethiui; of my own flins mid purposes. Neither Mr, Bush, Mr. Hurdin;, nor Mr, Nesmivh had the slightest idea that aught exeept a repetition of the old farcer would bo enacted, 1 lrad neither councellors nor firomptors. I mought I know hat ought to lie dono and I endeavor, iil to do it as equally as possible; well knowing the pressure that would l brouiht to bear to stifle investigation aa soon as ft became known that the committees wero in earnest. Whiti waxhiiig had W'n so far universally the rule that the investigated rested easy under tlio impression that this custom would still l followed. Mr. Bush aud his friends of course took idea with the committees; for among the many misdeeds charged to the old Salem clique, that of robbing the State was never included. Two year ago on tho canvass, when charges of corruption and extravagance were made by my Republican oppoti ent asniimvt tho Democratic adiutuis. t ration of our State affairs, I ans wered thatifthe.se charges were true it would bo my jiuriioso to exjiaso and punish them. Did my Democratic friends (!), who think I "have killed myself politically," vote, for mo under tlra impression that I was lying I And aro thev oflended that I kept my wordl Whetlmr or not I "have killed myself politically," is of small consequence, to me, I feel abundantly able to take care of myself. The little that 1 have to do with public buxiness has not ad vanced my pecuniary interests. It seemH that of necessity every reform must have its martyrs, and I shall not think it hard if in this instance politi- der tho color of law. This fact, in con cal martyrdom has fallen to my lot. I noction with the disposition on the fc YU avswvl thai I Iwre e & State mne sn-rvic 1 M tfc landing that btxt few wwhi appwiate vi - 1 . t ajavl that kte wmwr oa ny own pAtix wonhl ensut we tr xt. Mewe t ivA no diMoiutueot at the mult it w nutnate 4vr th pte that hete ts so Uttl to stinAukte the. am. bittoa to a. faUhfuil porformanee of diity.. With thtyoj whoj sek irwal Advancement, and && ,e vwoMv ot teat Was t( wt to to ns, a all in th ei'pite di&cAlotv Xhvs waste aftd eortujiiion, n.otwithstandtn all the o.t.tr.v Wt tom, continue and n.eh all the supttht Hnwaa aid can give. Aud when m pravuw brings ciwuro .ud lrvsviitwi instead ot pvtbhe a''relation vuMttQit will turn its attenui to muuwe ami me thouwnd devious waA th-. thfe on-. pAiufeipled ?an invent to advaneo thofr purposes Nro man en aH attack a set ot leeches fespm.iallv it tlmy lioof his ow n i ty) w no hav e f astemsl them sfKs?a m the pbUc,a they aro uro to attempt to "toilet or toyw every no who shows, a disposition to dohis,dvity If thwf n neither corrupt nor iutimU date him, h,v spavo no uuati?, fair or foul, to eIRsst hi destruction, iu pul lio esteem, If pdUivHl patties aie landed together on Oie same piiiwipal as highwaymen and freolooters pledg e I to suptiort eh other tight or wrong, with no higher purpose than to scrani We tor the privilege ot saving; who shall plunder tho nuMW, I was in the wrong. If it bo tlte'r pUTios to sub serve the general good and airo ton est government, J was in the right. However this may he, tore is one eon. dation, that when a wan goes down under the weight of his own misdeed, he falls like Lueifer, to rise no more; but there i hopo that he who in the perfoimauce of duty falls under the cloud ot popular displeasure, iu time will step forth from its shadow all the brighter fr a temporary obseurity. 1 admit that I have coveted "tho honor of liein,; useful to my country," but I have sought to attTn it only through tho practico Or Iho virtues that deserve it, u OminMlay my Kui,il i. n, niniilh amHMl ,,.,.-, V ' ,l-3.,. the dust, wtien those my parte .tsEaiuua,,wJ diviti the staVBBVHrrvxierctiueti the post of hoior and ontent ntvsU' with suen attention to pnnno atutrs os comes within the ditty of every eiti sen, I h vvo neither regnts nor apol ogie-s to 0 Tee for my course. Nor shall 1 ever hold out my hand for fe or re. ward, I fe I that mv eonduet dservnss the approval ot every right thinking man; certainly tlntte who pfiy the taxes, Thev who consume them, I well know would resent any check upon the fa. cilitiesfor reaching the public purse, Vhere will to little ho,o of thcVtng the tendency to extravgaanco, corrup tiou aud the usehsvs multiplication of offices, when it is utidettwd that loy ality to the common gool must result in political annihilation, Wuile tho de-sire ol popular favor is not the high' est motive that can actuate a man, y it is one of the supiorts to public ir tue, when virtuous detsls bung publie honors. It is a suppOTt that no ftee nHlvle can safely dispense with, sinte a laito pirt of mankind aro only policy honest; that is as good as the law and public sentiment compel them to be Among tho who seek and hold otlh. this class laraely predominates. The hive of auiho'ity, in most ehaiacters, is an overpowering pasisin wheji once itposswistho mind. The posession of power but sharpous and MiteniiHivs it. Hence the temptation to Nib th peoplo with one hand iu order to buy their favor with the other will raiel,v to withstood when justice awl probity are no longor avenues to popular favor or furnish at best an uncertain means of reaching otllcial stailun. If those who etdoy the salaries and shato the perquiesties of ofike, or who encage in the scramble for them, am to mould public sentiment if tho geueial good is to to forgotten in these.il for patty leaders aud iwrtv success, debt and taxation will continue to increaso and ottieial integrity to ebb away, If the (eoplo are so servile as to lick tne nand that smites them, it is perhaps as well as they desetvp. If thev ate ready to tow' themselves in humble plight and make nVliasing signs at tlte fisit of political leaders, they deserve a tnatcr, aud the sooner the hosts who now crack th whip over them aro r ducd to a single individual, thebetier. I have no fears but that the results will vindicate my action, and when they are made apparent in tho reduc tion ot taxation and expenditures if anv considerab e tvirt of tlm Democrat- ic vrty continue to adhere to and do fond the late administration I shall be sorrv for their sake. In the multiplicity of tho contradic tory statements I am not surprised that the jeop!e am in dcubt. But wton titwi t&all -clear away the mists of deception aud falsehood with which the delinquents and their hangers on have Roujiht to envelope their Meeds I am satisfied mo man will venture to stand Wfmti the public and excuse or defend them. But littlo will to recovensl back, since the greater psrt of their waste nnd eorrunt extravnennce was done on- BHm)i IflMMMMMMMMMK , .aw..i 1 $3 PER YEAR V - xUvf wsst vd wttipt etr . was oae w W ot w ' &-.' , rwm v.ai nn..t .i u ta r inn f na. IUH fact, in soAl1n4a,, with the d Vtstttx w t att ot the psopte t6 wndQn et&'fcea of tUt l&Ms tv.Adr a trcoxry' e.uvctly dovthtM, B4 whether anything rtjored. w oA th lwj imU bust, a. sAlotary in th tutuife to. thoe who ny l teftiA 4 to A SAntla.e eo.u.Ts the tvtdvi i hi wuttty Vtt? t)va. tn vm thing I haw been. enisAtt; thu K w l$ &xte to oiu.r wvoao in puVJie atvaw. Ii wtil V vrtHB. Wwl thHJgJien I ook Aars hndthtHtr trtv theu!iid 4v. SpA'WUiKHW lffO$,hA ty fciVSttAy w rants at fonx to IQ cents on tto dollar, Afvre ftiy fitst year ttoy wr inid by the tmsurer on prtsentatioa. While tto rate of tavwion w k sM'esl, road's wer tmprovwl and bridges built in extent beyond all that hading vieusly Wu done, ftom tho first organs testtoi of ihe county, Officts were reqwiireAl to do their duty aud to con tent themselves with thvir lawful tees. CWtlcs and sheriff stooil dm no lits footing iu this wpt than road super vhrs and vomtty coustables, I neiths er pilfered the publie funds nor allowed otheis to do so. When I Isn'anw a memtorof the legislaturo I endeavweil to puisne the same eoure. X put asiwo private obligations aud tho elaluis. ot friendship and endavred to servo th State uniuttutnvtd by fear or illes?a atid wasteful ispettditur ot the puhlUs monoy than to expose and if possible, (unish Mch acts on the part of those who weie just vacating the. wnnupal State offices, Tho Supreme vjurt t. cently devided that all allowances tor mileau to slieriHs for eonve.viig eon victs to the penitentiary and patient to the asylum since lT-l, wero illegal, indeed there was never a question, atout it. Yet Mr. ChadwickV aHew ancea under that head amount to near :3Q,Q03, In many instance, sherifl received over 30 per dav and exjenses, when they were lawfully entitled to but three. The cost ot keeping prison, era in tho penitentiary under Urover and Chad wick was from six to elelA dollars per week for o- c onvict. The iroseiitcust is ti-m j,fij to 54 iwt 'or eae1 uv.ct Tlu wt ct lesis jlv. t j yevsjjMta aout$aU0j t j,nowaMou. $13,000, W hw from twelve to twenty tnou. and dollars weo paid eut for ilerteal aid in the land depaitment business, only 52103 is now pid, white beter lecoisU are kept and a gieater amonut of labor pern;med, Thero aro other uutteih wiiere the contract u equally givat. It is true that the present State elS era iuve ahuwn o uni.endah! Jitsl in ecouomijing public estwnditures. but the Won thev have had would restrain them from the wasteful course of their NredecvsQr weisi they other wise inclined I have had too much contempt for my assailants to answer th-ir charges, filing securo iu thecvW. si'iousms of having done sinnijy a duty, and iu the conviction that tiuto would vindicate my action and estate Ush my motives. That whatever mo popular jiulunnmt might he t had dU mted myself of every sellhh purpos sud follow vl duty as my judgment in 0 catet tiw, 1 ley etn mat 1 am playing tho demagogue for 'some end that there is some sort of torgdin with tho so called Hush ling. They would say this whether they believed it or not. It is even protoble that they tin iielieve it. Men who have never acted from unselfish motives or felt a goner mis impuUo would hardly crtdU their existence in others. Usually men Judge otheis from themelvt, Aceus tone-d to accomplish their ends through !ai gaining and corrupt combination inn igi ami the thousand rliifts that cunning resota to, it is iueompieheii sible to them that any one should &rt fiom a sense of duty, or seek success through an epn way, Thev cannot nndorstand that success should coma of merit, or that a man should -do an hon est deed other than for efitot. Mv Democracy, so far as principle. is conct rued, has Wen "without varla bleuess or tlm shadow of turning," I profess idh'gianca to no man or set of men If Democracy consists in follow, ing the tod of olitieal leader, I have mictaken its put port, and hew take oc casion to abjure ami repudiate such Democracy. 1 shall ever take the. privilege of e-cposing the delimjuencies and tho misdeeds ot thoso in public Position when they coma to wy knowl. edw, Moe esiifeiallv whn they are committed by uwnof my own arty for wloio acts I feel a more immodiate ru sponsibiliiy. Many seem to think that it is treason to 'lie party to expose the malfeasant e of Democratic officials. I never professed allegiance to any such dogma, nor do I tolong to a party hold ing any such creed, I do not belong to any tempe.rancfl society. On one occasion I addressed the Blue Riton Club of this place at their invitation. But that, address was charneterixed bv no intemperate leal. My eflortin behalf of temperance have been ennfinrd mainlv to living temixvr ate and soberly. I should to sorry to win the favor of thoe who make that a cause of offense. Trulv voura, J M THOMPSON. Glud tidings tn Ireland: "Ilarltl the Herald angols aingl"