Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 14, 1880, Image 3

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    "i -
Wednesday, Apnit, 14, 1880.
KepnbllcaB Conuly Contention or Jaw
plilne Coaul-,
. A Republican Countv Convention is
hereby called to meet atwildcrvillcon the
8th day of May, 1880, at 1 o'clock P. M. for
the purpose of nominating candidates for
the followinir offices, Tiz: 1 Senator; 1
Representative; 2 County Commissioners;
1 Sheriff; 1 County Clerk; 1 Assessor;
1 Treasurer; 1 Superintendent of Schools;
1 Surveyor and 1 Coroner.
It is recommended that primary conven
tions be held at 1 o'clock r. m., on the first
day of Viy, in the several precincts. The
.several precincts will be entitled toonedel
cgatc and one for even' 15 votes and frac
tion of 8 or over, based upon the vote cast
for Governor, at the June election, 1878,
which gives the following representation:
Kcrbyvillc 4, Althouse 4. Williamsburg 3,
Galice Creek 2, "Waldo 2, Slate Creek 2,
Inland 3, Pcarsol 2.
C. H. Caldwell,
Clim. Republican Central Committee.
Waoox Road Meeting. A meeting
of the public, and especially the sub
scribers to the Crescent City road, is
called for Saturday, April 17th, at the
Court House at 2 P. it. A report of
the conference of the three committees
will be made, by the Jackson county
committee and important business
-will be brought before the meeting.
Jekiiy Nunan, Com.
E. IL AuTExninTit. j
Fine Painting. Miss Estella Levy
lias just completed i painting, executed
liy herself, which can be seen at Ka
rewski s store. Miss Levy is a pupil
of Miss Benner, and this, her flrst ef
fort shows that she will prove an artist.
Nkw Firm. Messrs. V. H. Atkin
non and W. A Wikhire have each
purchased a one third interest in the
mercantile business of J. M. McCall
at Ashland and the firm will hereaft
er be known as McCall, Atkinson &
Narrow Escape. One day last
week while ground-sluicing in his
-claim on Jackass creek, Frank Pickle
was caught under a csve and was cov
ered nearby to his waist. Luckily,
however, he extricated himself and es
caped with a few slight bruises.
Another Insane Patient. J. L.
Tetherow, a resilient of Leland precinct,
agcA about nineteen, was examined
last Saturday by Drs. Vroonian and
Callendar and declared insane. He
was taken to the oslum at East Port
laud on Saturday" night's stage, in
charge of J. H. Veler.
Narrow Escape. On Wednesday
Jnst a boy emp.oved at thp Bvbee
claim on Rogue river, was clearing off
the ground near the edge of the cut
when a portion of the ground gave
vny and ho was carried down with it
a distance of 125 feet, but escaed al
hvst miraculously with only a big
Cited to Arrr..u. Sidnev Dell, on
ieharge icf notation of his duties as an
Jittornev in the Supreme Court of the
Statrt of Oregon, by publishing false
sod scurrilous travesties of two jji-cis-lons
of said Court, lias been ordered to
rfpie-ar m the Supreme Court of Ore
gon, on the second day of the July
term, 18,80, to answer the saoie,
Hymeneal. Eugene F. Rock?ellow
and Miss Rosa Eubauks were married
at the residence of the bride's parents
at Ashland on Sunday, April 4th.
Row L. L. Rogers otliciating. After
a wadding tour to San Francisco they
will return to Ashland where Mr. R.
jr engaged in business. We wish the
newly wedded couple a pleasant jour
uev through life.
Quarterly Meeting. The third
quarterly meeting for Jacksonville
sharge will be held at Manzauita Bap
tist Church on Saturday and Sunday,
tlie 17tUaud ISth. Preaching at 11
A. M. on Saturday, followed by the
Quarterly Conference. The. usual
iquwrerly meeting services to be held
on Sunday. AH are invited to attend.
D. A Crow ell, Pastor.
Reugious. All the members of the
Church of Christ are requested to'meet
at the Mound District school house at
ien o'clock A. M. on the fir.-t Lord's
day in May, as. there is business of iiu
jwrtance to be attended to. We in
vite genpral attendance, and also re
quest saint and sinner to come and
bring some refreshments as we wish to
haw) dinner thpre, and to lie mutually
benefitted iu both soul and body,
M, Peterson,
Wool. A letter to the "Standard"
from San Francisco, bearing date
March 2Gth says that wool was boom
ing; all coming in is taken at once At
prices 100 to 125 er cent above this
time last year. Many fear a repeti
tion of the disastrous year of 1872,
when two million dollars would scarce
ly cover the losses of our nouses. Any
.commodity has morn or less danger in
its folds when selling so far above its
average value.
Real Estate Transactions- Deeds
-record d in tho Clerk's office since the
last issue of the Sentinel:
J. P. Woodson to J. H. Chitwood,
lot in Ashland. Consideration, S500.
T. H. Steel to Geo. Schumpf and
Geo. W. Elliott, mining property near
Willow Springs. Consideration, $103.
Ben Mench to M. W. Wheeler, 40
cres land in Rock Point precinct.
Consideration, S40.
Maggie and Laura Sergent to C. S.
Sergent, 36 acres laud in Eden pre
cinct. Consideration, SI 00.
J. B. Hutchings to David Bucklew,
40 acres land. Consideration, 1,000
U. S. paonts were recorded for C. S.
Sergent, J. J. Nichols and Rachel M
Pleasant weather.
Everybody gardening.
Call and buy one of our new receipts.
Coats worth ?8 for 4.50 at the
New York Store.
Republican State ConventionatPort
laud on April 21st.
No services will be held at the M.
E. Church next Sunday.
Col. Ross' coal black stallion can be
seen at Cardwell's stable.
A few coses of scarlet fever are re
ported in Polk county, Or.
Fred Barneburg has a fine colt sired
by Stephenson's Sir Wafter.
Sheriff Bybee will be home this eve
ning from Josephine county.
Silver Lake post-office in Lake
county has been discontinued.
Samuel Colver of Phoenix paid Jack
sonville a flying visit on Monday.
"Ham" Wolters is now chief engin
eer of Nick Ficke's butcher wagon.
All colors of table oil cloth at the
New York Store for 50c per yard.
Boots it Shoes, best stock in town
at the New York Store Call and see
for yourself.
Pony Hampton and Chas. Schultz
have commenced cleaning up at their
Rich Gulch claim.
The music class of Mrs. Nichols
will give an entertainment at Ashland
next Friday evening.
Dr. L. E. V. Coon paid Jacksonville
a visit this week in the interest of the
Champions of Honor.
Willie Clarke, of the "Willamette
Farmer," is expected here soon in the
interest of that paper.
W. H. S. Hyde lias received the
Democratic nomination for County
Clerk of Coos county.
Posters, horse-bills and all kinds of
job printing cheaply and neatly done
at the Sentinel office.
A. new stock of. boots it shoes just
received -at the New York Store and
sell at. cost, call and see. f
More calico for a dollar at the New
York Store than any other dace in
Jacksonville see if there ain't.
The sentence of John George sent
from Josephine county for larceny, has
been commuted by Gov. Thayer.
Hon. P. P. Prim returned from the
Supreme Court on Monday night after
an absence of over three months.
"Death loves a shining mark," there
fore get your photograph taken at
Britt's before being made an example
The M. E. Quarterly meeting for
Jacksonville circuit will take place
next Saturday and Sunday at .Manzau
ita. -'.-..
The next term of Circuit Court for
Lako coiiiitv w'll Ijk held at Lakeview
commencing on the lirst Monday in
Cr.as, Trefethen's celebrated stallion,
Bob Ridley, will be at his ranch and
t Kerbyviljje during the season of
Iiiteritsd parties will remember
that the Eureka mills close down on
tho first of May, and govern themselves
Capt. Ankeny went out to Bear
creek one day last week on a duck
hunt. He reports tlw feathered tribe
as very scarce.
The "Aurelian" literary society holds
regular meetiugn vry Monday night.
And so does the "Adelphian" every
Saturday night.
Max Muller was appointed adminis
trator of the estate of Chas. Baird, de
ceased, and F. X. Blunehet guardian
of Louis Crouzilleau.
Mai Obenchain sold his Maltese
Jack last week to Casebeer Bros, of
Sprague River, Lake county, where he
will be taken at once.
Wm. A. Newell has been nominated
for the Governorship of Washington
Territory by President Hayes, to suc
ceed Governor Ferry.
A district convention of delegates
from the different lodges of Champion's
of Honor in this convention was held
at Phoenix last Sunday.
Andrew Hart, a "sport" who was in
Jacksonville not Jong since, was rob
bed of 127 at Eort Bid well last week
by a man Lamed" McCann.
N. Langell offers his fine stock "of
ladies' and children's shoes and men's
and buy's boots for sale at cost. Call
and sei that he is in earnest.
Postal Agt. Simpson passed through
on Sunday evening on his way to
Waldo on business connected with the
mail service and returned last evening.
J, W. Manning, the owner of the
celebrated trotting stallion, Ophir, asks
horsemen to look at some of the colts
sired by his horse before patronizing
Dr. J. A. Callendar has rented Chas.
Schultz's house in the Southern portion
of town where ho can be found at all
times when not absent on professional
Last Sunday night Father BJanchet
preached .on the subject or "the .un
broken chain of the Papacy." He will
preach on the same subject next Sun
day night.
A. W. Presley has sold his interest
in the Sterling saw mill to J. G. Wis
dom who is to receipt for all accounts
due tho mill except those especially
mentioned in the terms of sale.
Harry Blake, of Chetco, informs the
"Courier" that he has kept a rain
gauge during the Winter, and since
the first of January thirty-four inches
of rain had fallen at that point.
Mensor can be found at the New
York Store almost buried in new and
desirable goods he sells at cost.
K. Kubli is still confined to his
room but considerable improvement is
noticeable in his condition and he will
be around soon.
John Orth will commence tho con
struction of a two-story brick residence
on the site of his present home as soon
as the weather settles.
We had pleasant calls last Saturday
from Messrs. Chitwood, Eubanks, My
er, Hammond, Kilgore and Phillips of
Ashland, who were here to attend the
Republican convention.
Three days' races, under the auspices
of the Jacksonville Jockey Club will
be held at Bybee's track on Stay 13th,
14th and 15th. Read the programme
among our new advertisements.
Saml. Lackland, at the Palmer
creek mines had a break down lost
week by a cave demolishing his dis
charge pipe. Repairs will soon be
made and piping continue as long as
water lasts.
Investigations seem to demonstrate
that tho severe weather of last winter
has seriously iiitofd-with tils grap"a
crop, especially of the white, varieties.
But few of the vines have so far shown
any inclination to bud.
David Cronemiller hereby gives no
tice that he needs money and must
have it at once. A large number of
his bills have been running over one
year and forbearance ceases to be a
irtue. Call and settle.
Henry Weber started for Kansas
on last Saturday night's stage, where
he proposes going into business with
his father. Some say that induce
ments are sufficient to insure his re
turn here soon, and we hope such is
the fact.
Stephen Booth had his shoulder dis
located b- being thrown from a horse
while on his way home from town
one day last week. Dr. Parker hap
pened al ng shortly after the accident
happened and furnished surgical atten
Wm, Worlow, one of the proprietors
of the Antelope saw mill, gave us a
call this week. He reports grass grow
ing at the saw mill, hut, about four
miles further up the creek there is still
between fourteen and fifteen feet of
We learn from J. E. Beggs that
work on the Roseburg road crossing
Cow creek is progressing favorably.
The lessening of the grade from one
foot in six to ono foot in fourteen will
be good news to the teaming com
munity. A correspondent writing to the
'Times'' from Applegate denies that
Mr. Wilder rented his hall at Wilder
ville to a saloon keeper.- We know
nothing of the matter only as Mstejl by
our correspondent nrid are not respon
sible if uiistatements hare been made.
Our editor is absent i Josephine
county in the interest of the C. C.
Wagon Road. While in that locality
he will not object to receiving new
subscriber for the Sentinel, and he is
also well prepared with receipts for
those in arrears. Treat him kindly.
We learn that an Eastern Star
Lodsre of the Masonic order will soon
be instituted in this place. This Lodge
Admits lady relatives of members be
longing to the order tho same as the
Rebekah Lodge does with members be
longing to a subordinate lodge of Odd
A son of Mr. Wright, of "Phoenix,
in attempting to jump on a wagon
owned by Mr. William Steadman in
front of the public school slipped off
and had Ins foot run over by both
Hieels. The boy's foot was badly in
jured, but at last accounts he was do
ing very well.
The Oregon Democracy will be rep
resented at the National Convention
by the following gentlemen: W. H.
Efiinger, Chas. Nickell. John Myers,
J. W. Wisdom, J. J. Williams and A.
A. Fink. A motion to instruct the
delegates to support Fields was tabled
as was also one instructing for Tilden.
Last Friday morning whilst ground
sluicing on Poorman's creek Jteaton &
Klippel picked up a nugget weighing
87. It is a beautiful seciraen of
washed gold and is entirely free from
quartz. The water is quite abundant,
and all hands are vigorously at -work
moving dirt, and jvjll clean up when
the water fails.
One of the young men who left
Jacksonville two weeks ago for Read
ing writes that they passed on the
road many, dead cattle and sheep, ond
he thought that if these dead carcasses
were allowed to remain unburied dur
ing the approaching warm weather it
would make travel along that road
anything nut pleasant.
Thero are fourteen miners Wintering
onSilver creek but unable to work at
the present time on account of snow.
Mr. Kruse, who owns one of the best,
claims in that locality, informs us that
all thejnines there paid well last sea
son, but would not advise parties to go
in there, as all the gocd jtayjng mines
are taken up.
A fearful tornado passed over por
tions of Kausas near Fort Scott on the
4th of April, taking an Eastern course
and doing much damage. At the town
of Girard sovpr.teen houses were des
troyed and three persons lost their
Jives, and many were injured, most of
whom it is feared fatally. At Ottawa
seven residences were completely de
molished and five others badly shattered
including the railroad depot building.
Grass, hedges, grain nd trees were
pulled out of the ground, feathers
plucked from chickens, water blown
from ponds and houses torn to splint
ers. The track of the storm varied in
width from three to fifty feet.
The action of the committee meet
ing, held at Woldq,on the 10th, is, in
our opinion, the Tirst practical siej)
towards the construction of this much
needed thoroughfare- A verv great
interest was taken in the proceedings,
and there was a general concurrence in
the wisdom of the course adopted. In
fact no other-course 'could be pursued.
The practicability of the route is ac
knowledged but no company can be in
corporated until the line of the road is
marked on the ground $nd a map filed
with the Board of Supervisors of Del
Norte county. When this is done we
can talk advisedly to our people, show
them the length and its cost; and what
assistance they render will be given
understandingly. It is not necessary
to give any more reasons for opening
this route, our people know its neces
sity well enough, and when the survey
is made they may prepare themselves
for a call for means to build the road.
It is possible that in addition to pri-
rrte subscriptions, Del 'Norte county
may build to the South ork of Smith
river a distance of eight , miles, which
will reduce the cost ofift&road iriater-
ially; but wo have nouihorjty for say
in, absolutely, that it will, There "is
also nltout three miles of new road in
Josephine county and jt is certain that
the people of that county would vote a
tax to build it At all evbnts tho out
look is most favorable and if our peo
ple choose to, they can soon inaugurate
a vnr3' different state of affairs and, if
they want to save themselves from
bankruptcy, they had better do it.
i '
Ethics of Suicide. In a very in
teresting article on suicide the "Cali
fornian" gives a classified report of 8G
suicides in San Francisco in 1879, 7C
of whom were males and 10 females.
In the table relating to the.predispos
ins causes a large percent of pecuniary
difficulties is given as follows: Business
disappointments 3; destitution ll;gam
bling 5: domestic unhappiness 8; after
crime b; supposed incurable disease 14;
intemperance 20. It will be seen that
intemperance is the greatest predispos
ing cause and if it be properly connect
ed with destitution it adds another po
tent argument for temperance. Singu
larly, suiiide is on the increase espec
ially in large cities, and Prudon taking
note of the fact says: "Society through
every avenue is drifting to suicide."
Dr. Shurtleff of the State Lunatic
Asylum at Stockton says: "From my
own extensive observation, the pre
cepts, of the Christian religion, espec
ially as taught in their long established
forms, exert a strong influence even
in the disordered as well as the ration-J
al mind, in deterring from suicide,
those who put an absolute and sincere
trust in its faith.".
Legion of Honor. The following
is the programme for the npxt Legion
of Honor to be held Ajirillfiib: 1.
-Music ""by Btrihg''BTnr2T()peribig
Song by Society; 3. Recitation by Muss
Rena Dauforth; 4. Trio by Misses Fan
nie Dowell Cora Linn and Annie Lit
tle; 5. Building a platform bv thp. Bovs;
C. Song by Mrs. T. J. Kinney; 7. Dec
lamation bv Mr. F. Floed"; 8. Quar
tette; 9. Ad'dress by R. A. Miller; 10.
Recess; 11. Music by String Band; 12.
Duett by Misses Kate Dorwin and
Isabelle Youn; 13. Remarks; 14. Due t
by Clara Neuber and Charley Bilger;
15. Duett by Maggie Linn and Annie
Litile; 16. Closing Song, Misses Fan
nie Dowell, Ida KIipel, Carrie Beek
man and Maggie Linn will preside at
the organ.
Mrs. B. F. Dowell,
Riioda Kexney, Com.
W. W. Cardwell, j
The trip from Fort Klamath to Des
kins' saw mill on the Upper Rogue
river was recently accomplished on
snow shoes by Amos Miller. When
he reached the "divide" of the Cas
cades, near Crater Lake, Mr. Miller
halted and rested on the limb of a tall
tree, and he judged that the snow in
that locality was still from 26 to 30
feet deep. At noon he reached a de
serted cabin on Whiskey creek where he
nooned. He kindled a fire and took
his lunch, when another man carae
along on snow shoes going toward the
A. O. Eckelson last Friday returned
from a two mouth's trip op the Colum
umbia. He reiorts railroad matters
booming in that section, the Northern
Pacific and O. R. -it N. Co. having
comiiieilced active operations, anil live
ly times locked for in that section this
Summer. Mr. Eckelson has. bills inrjin
pomeof tie worJcand.njayAurn in,
a short time. J?
Messrs. Noland & McDaniel last
week erected a flag polo over the build
ing occupied by the Sentinel." We
have the promise of the use of the flag
only on one occasion during the com
ing campaign and we proKse placing
it at half mast on the evening of the
7th of iiuxt June in resiect to the mem
ory of the bed-rock Democratic party
of this county, lately deceased.
To Whom it may CoNCERN.Our
Postmasters wish us to say to the
public that on and after this date, no
postoffice money orders will be issued
at this office after the hour of 6 p. m.
All persons .desiring to purchase post
office money orders must -do so during
tho business hours of the day preced
ing the above hour.
The "Tidings" says the defendants
in the .Sisson suit .met in F. W, Bash
ford's law office last Saturday afternoon
to hear read the answer to the com
plaint. It was quite 'long, oovering
32 pages of legal cap.
Thos. Flitfkle, of Douglas countv,
will hereafter have charge of mining
operations at the Applegate Gravel
Company's diggings as Superintendent.
You will find the lowest prices and
best assortment at Mensor's New
York Bazaar.
8 1 HMT ' T;,"a,W O. .HILadg
At a meeting of representatives of
Jackson, Josephine and Del Norte
counties, held at Waldo April 10, 1880,
to inaugurate the building of a wagon
road from Waldo to Crescent City.
Present, J. Nutian of Jackson county,
N. Delamater, Chas. Hughes and W.
J. Wimer of Josephine county, and
J. K. Johnson and R. S. McCIellan of
Del Norte county. On motion Mr. J.
Nunan was chosen chairman, and J. K.
Johnson secretary. The meeting was
addressed by the chairman, Messrs.
Dowell, Hughes, Wimer and others
after an interchange of views and ideas.
It was on motion resolved, that three
competent men be employed by the
respective county committee to view
and locate the best and most practica
ble route for a road, and that Mr.
Howard be employed to survey same,
estimate the cost of construction there
of, and submit a report to a called
meeting of this committee and that the
persons so employed shall immediately
enter Uion the discharge of their duties.
Mr. Howard, Mr. Gandon and Dan
Hunt were employed as viewers and
locators. On motion adjourned sub
ject to call.
J, NUNAN, Chairman.
Champions dp Honor. Delegates
from Victory Council No. 4, Jackson
Fille, Advance Council No. 3, of Phoc
nix and Volunteer Council No. 2, of
Ashland, met in convention at Phoe
nix April 11th, and organized Jackson
District Council. A resolution was
passed requesting Dr. Coon to install
the officers and confer the district de
gree. Officers for the present year are
E H. Autenritth, D. D. M., of Vic
toiy council No. 4; Dr. J. M. Taylor
P. D. C, of VoIuutei:r council No. 3;
A. C. Jones Dist W. C, of Victory
couucil No. 4; Mrs, J. Morton, D. L.
C, of Advance council No. 3; W. L.
Bilger, D. W. H.; H. A. Crvder, D.
W. S.; J. A. Cardwell, D. W. Treas.;
H. Weyderman, D. W. F. S.; J. H.
Berry, D. W. W. The appointed of
ficers are H. Pape, Jr., L. W. P.;
MissMollie Russell, D. W. M.; Jas.
Morton, D. W. S. The next session of
the District Council will be held at
Jacksonville, May 29, at 2 oclock P. M.,
and a public entertainment will be
given in the evening.
Buy no sewing machine upon the rec
commendation of agents, or other inter
ested parties. Examine foryourself and
let common sense gujde you jn your se
lection, always remembering that the
best is the cheapest Many thousands of
persons have purchased inferior ma
chines, used them a month or two, and
tjien traded them offat one-fourth their
cost, simply because they did not stand
the test when in practical use. That
old reliable machine, the Singer, has
stood the test for thirty -five years, and
has never been found wanting when
xa,l!jd upon to Atr aiV"kiuU of wor
The people appreciate this machine.
haviug purchased over 3,000,000 of
them, and the sales of the Singer com
pany exceed those of all other com
panies combined. Last year's sales
were over 431,000.
D. H. Feathers, Agent,
Jacksonville, Or.
For Waldo. Messrs. J. Nunan, J.
S. Howard and Win. 31. Turner start
ed for Josephine county on Thursday
last to represent Jackson county in the
wagon road consultation held at Wal
do last Saturday. Messrs. Johnson
and McCIellan are the representative s
from Del Norte county, who, we learn,
are fully prepared to furnish their por
tion of tho money required for a sur
vey of the road. After this is done
a company is to be organized and
work coinenced -at once. We hope to
fee all interested parties which means
every resident of Jackson, Josephine
and Del Norte counties take the
proper interest in this matter, by sub
scribing as liberally as possible when
the stock books are opened. Remem
ber that the success of the road de
pends on the amount of the subscrip
tions, and if the project proves a fail
ure at this time the residents of this
and Josephine counties will continue
their present complaint of hard times
for some time to come.
The Democrats have a host of candi
dates for president, but the last move
ment is the formation of Morrison
clubs in Illinois. Just look at the
list: Tilden, Seymour, Church, Bay
ard, Hancock, Thurman, Hendricks,
Palmef, Jewett, Groeslieck, McDonald,
Da is, Morrison, MoCle.lkn, Field and
how tuany more w cannot telL Why
don't Oregon hava a man of her own,
instead of tramping off after soraf-lKxly
irr another State. There is Grover,
who is as good timber as any named,
but if he is unavailable, there is Lane
whose reputation is not wanting
throughout the length and breadth of
the country. It is a reflection on
Oregon that among her statesman
there is none to enter upon the na
tional stage.
By the terms of the treaty made last
week with the TJtes their broad reser
vation half as large as New England
pusses from their hands and tho tribes
ure to be scattered in New Mexico,
Utah and Colorado. -Ouray, lately the
proud chief of a nation, .becomes ;he
monarch of 320 acres of land on Grand
river. The 16,000 square miles of the
Ute reservation, which the Colorado
people have been regarding with cov
etous eye, will thus V thrown open to
the worjd as soon as the treaty is rati
fied 4w Congress.
Evan Reames and wife returned
from San Francisco last Monday night.
A fine assortment of goods for the
Spring and Summer trade is now on
the way.
Mrs. Newman Fisher -has purchai;pd
.a large stock of goods for this market
Mid boiuo of it will be here in a few
The convention called to elect dele
gates to the Republican State Conven
tion at Portland on April 2 1st met at
the Court House 6n Saturday last
when the following proceedings took
Dr. Chitwood of Ashland was elect
ed temporary chairman of the conven
tion and Max Muller secretary.
The chair then appoi ted Frank
Krause, J. C. McCully and P. Dunn
as a committee on credentials who
reported the following delegates enti
tled to seats: Foots creek Henry
Smith; Uniontown Theo. Cameron
and F. M Smith; Jacksonville B. F.
Dowell, by Ed. Smith, proxy, Mat
Obenchain, by M, Caton, proxy, J. C.
McCully, Max Muller, Geo. Brown,
by A. H. Maegly proxy, Frank Krause,
M. Bellinger, K.. C. Arrmtiong, by M.
Bellinger, proxyj Table Rock Oscar
Ganiard and Joseph Satterficld by O,
Uaniard, proxy; Ashland Dr. Chit
wood, P. Dunn, James Kilgore, J. S.
Eubanks, A. P. 'Hammond, W. C.
Myer and H. F. Phillips Willow
Springs Joiin Ejgan and Win. Kah
ler. Jas Kilgore, Theo. Cameron and
Edwin Smith were appointed a com
mittee on permanent organization who
reported the temporary officers as pcr
manenat ones.
Nominations for delegates to the
State convention were then declared in
order and the following declared elect
ed: Dr. Chitwood. N. Langell, Frank
Krause, J. C. McCully, Max Muller
and P- Dowell.
The Chairman appointed George
Brown, P. Dunn, O. Ganiard, Theo.
Cameron and Silos Draper as a County
Central Committee alter which the
convention adjourned, sine die.
Max Muller, Sec.
Judges of Electon. The follow
ing Judges of election were appointed
for the June election at the last term
of County Court.
Asiihmd A. S. Jacobs, Jacob Wag
net and John P. Walker.
Applegate Rial Benedict, T. B.
Houston and Wm. Sonson.
Little Butte H. R, Brown, Levi
L'nkham and J. M. Nichols.
Big Butte A. U. Howlett, George
King and Wm. H. Parker.
Chimney Rock A. .Miller, Geo.
Frey and H. C. Turpin.
Eden J. C. Birkhead, Horace Root
and Samuel Furry.
Grants Pass S. J. Steckel, J. P.
Tuffs and M. Mansfield.
Jacksonville A. C. Jones, C. C.
Bcekman and A. M. Berry.
Leland L. N Browning, S. Isham
and C. H. Burton.
Manzanita J. E. Ilarvev, It Y
Beall and R. F. Maury.
Pieasant Cretk-fJhas. Williams,
W. P. ""- - -
Sffl8HPrnoan7Uco. W.
nee and C. Schieffiin.
Sterling T. II. Gilaon, John Head
and S. Sultmarsj).
Table Rock W. A. Childers, M. A.
Houston and Jos. Satterficld.
Uniontown Jno. Oantrcll, T. Cam
eron and M. D. Sturgis.
Willow Springs Jns. McDonough,
Wm. Kahler and John W. McKay.
Flouuce Rock C. Nye, S. P. Hull
and U. Gordon.
Foots Creek R. A. Cook, Silas
Draper and A. D. Heald.
Commissioner's Court. Tho follow
ing are the proceedings of the regular
April term:
It was ordered that the petition of
W. H. Gearhart and others foi a
change in the county road leading up
the west side of Evans creek be dismiss
ed for want of compliance with law.
It was ordered that tho Suiervi.s
ors of the road districts through which
the county road leading from Arm
strong's mill to tho dividing ridge be
tween the waters of Trail and Evans
creek open said road.
Road district No. 3G was extended
so as to include all ot township 33 S
R2 West.
The petition for a new election pre
cinct, to be known as Woodville pre
cinct, was denied
A change was made in the election
precinct of Butte creek from Browns
borough to Eagje Point find the place
of voting at T. B. Inlow's store.
The place of voting in Chimney
Rock precinct was also changed to the
residence .of Samuel Randall.
Road district No. 3 was divided in-t-
two-districts, to be known as No. 3
and No. 9. D. W. Crvder was ap
pointed Supervisor of District No. 9.
A county scholarship to the State
University was granted to Mis Mabell
Sheriff Bybee made his return of de
linquent taxes for 1879 which shows
5,261.75 us Mill due.
Schooner Asiiore. W. II. Wood
son writes us that the schooner "Hey
wood" is on the beach near Crescent
City with a cargo of lumber, having
tleen driven ashore while leaving the
hirbor. She will probably prove a
total loss.
Mrs. P. P. Prim has received a por
tion of her Spring stock of millinery
goods and the remainder is expected
to day.
Fine ornamental clocks, at the New
York store, at cast. f
Jacksonville, Oregon.
MENCH. at Grants Pass, Varch 31st,
1880. Vrs. R. m. Mench, ot pulmonary
consumption, aged 41 years and 8
MARKS. On T.lftln Annlmit Anrl t I
1880, Mrs. J. il. Marks, aged about 35 '
T. 0. T. E.
TlttlV AM w.ra,iY,
MAY 11th $ 18th, 1SSO.
T jrj-to 3NTo. a.
Improved Order otlied Mejt,
TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1890.
Reception of , Isiting Tribes.
Dedication of Wigwam brE. D. Fou
dray, D. D. O. S., at a o'clock p. ..
The members of the Order will assembly
at Rtd Men's Hall at 9 o'clock a.m.. sharp,
and under the directions of T. T. McKcn
zic, Grand Mishenawa, and Mllo Caton
Second .Mishcnawa, form" in 'the following
Jacksom illc Crass Band.
Colors of the Order.
Oregonian-Pocahonlas Tribe No 1,
Klamath Tribe No. 8, of I.inkville.
Ieka Tribe No. S3, of Yreka.
Members of the Great Councils of Oregon
and California.
After marching through the principal
streets the procession will proceed to the
District School House, where the following
exerciser will take place:
1. Music by the Hand.
2. Song by the Olec Club,
3. Prayer by the Prophet.
4. Reading Of the Dispensation.
C. Song bvthc Olec Club.
0. Long Talk, E. D. Foudray, P. 3.
7. fconjj bv the Glee lull.
8. Slum Talk. Bro. R. A. Miller,
9. Music by the Band.
At the conclusion of the exercises tha
procession will reform and march to the
The members of the Order and their la
dies will meet at Ilolt'h new hotel and prr
take of a.
immediately after the dismissal of the pru
r.-53t.cl. 3s.ajL
Tickets (admitting gcjitle
man-and lady,) includ'
ing Supper, $3.50.
RrccptloD Committee
John Cimborsky, D. Cronemlllaf,
L. Solomon, C. W. Savago,
ha. NJckeH, H.jl. Seylert,
Wm. Uybee, Jr.. J. C McCully.
Floor Mnn.-iscrni
E. D. Foudrav, T. T. McKcnzie,
R. A. Miller. G.W. Hliott"
T. J. Kennty, B. W. Dean.
Jlmle bjr the JnrktonTlUc Band, Trot- k.'
Muiltli, Director.
General Committed
T. T. McKenzie. P. D. Foudny.
K. II. Autenritth,
II. K. Hann , C. W. Savage.
the Eurek.i flouring mills will-
stop grinding on the ist day ot May. Per
sons having flour or oTill are requested to
take jt .way on or before thai dUe and
all pcrsoDs indebted to the undondgned
arc hereby notified to come and settle eith
er with cash, wheat, or note, as my Hook?
must be squared up at that date.
T. T. McKesjie.
Attention Tax-rayerv
to my sureties. I am comnelled to collect
your taxes. I would willingly glv.e you
more time, if I had it to gjvo. " if.y rime i
up tor sciuemeni, or alter mc ist aay ot
April I mvt collect mileage as arthorrzed
bv law. In ail kiiulucss l"ni:iko this Wt
app-al. Mease corneal once and settle.
"iouwillJo pea great kindness and re-
netoyourscii 01 a ocqt tuuen is novum to
be paid. Wjt. Byuee, Shcrifi.
scribcr, living three miles eart of Jack
sonville, on or about April 15, 1879, two
mares four years old this Spring. Oae 1
abrownmrre, with snip across theno??
and also a white strip running down foto
head, is 15 hand high: the other is. a dark
My, ttar in forehead, with white on feet,
15 hands high. A liberal reward will ba
paid for the return of each of them.
The best assortment of Rodgers anc
Westholm's cutlerv in the marital
;,Tohn Miller's. V
Th best porting, blasting andtfiaa
powder, fnso, caps and wadds at Joob
Miller's f w