Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 07, 1880, Image 3

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Wednesday, Apml 7, 1880.
Kcpnbllcan Conuly romeMlon
plilue (Vmbtjr.
of Jour
A Republican County Convention is
hereby called to meet at Wilder illc on llie
8th day of May, 1880, at 1 o'clock P. M. for
the purpose of nominating candidates for
the following offices, viz: 1 Senator; 1
Representative; 2 County Commissioners;
1 Sheriff; 1 County Clerk; 1 Assessor;
1 Treasurer; 1 Superintendent of Schools;
1 Surveyor and 1 Coroner.
It is recommended that primary conven
tions be held at 1 o'clock r. M-, on the first
day of Yty, in the several precincts. The
several precincts will be entitled to one del
egate and one for every 15 otes and frac
tion of 8 or over, based upon the vote cast
for Governor, at the June election, 1878,
which gives the following representation:
Kcrbyvillc 4, Althouse 4. Williamsburg 3,
Galice Creek 2, Waldo 2, Slate Creek 2,
Lvland 3, Pearsol 2.
C. II. Cai-dweix,
Chm. Republican Central Committee.
Founp. On the night of the list
'Legion" meeting, a watch charm
prove property and pay for this notice
and it will lie forthcoming.
,, Mat Day. Steps are being taken
to give'the little folks a holiday on the
first of May, at Beekman fc Linn's
park. We are truly glad to hear of
this movement, as it alwavs bring so
much pleasure to the children, aud we
think the place selected much more
preferable than Bybee's Grove, on ac
count of its greater facilities as
many will go there that would not go
to the former place.
Republican Primaiiy. On Satur
day the Republican Primary was called
to order by Geo. Brown, and B. F.
Dowell was chosen chairman ami A.
H. Maegly as secretary. The follow
ing persons were elected as delegates
to the convention to be held on the
10th inst, nanielv: Max Muller, J. 0.
McCully, M. Bellinger, Geo. Brown,
Frank Krause, Mat Olienchain, B. F.
Dowell, R. C. Armstrong.
St. Maky's Acadkmy. The last
term of the scholastic year of this in
stitution will begin on the 12th inst
It is steadily flourishing, and the very
large number of music pupils, over
thirty bears witness to the proficiency
of the teachers who, without any
special effort secure so much patronage.
The Academy hns achieved an enviable
. reputation which is shown by the large
attendance of boarding and day pupils.
In Portland. -Dr. L. S Thompson,
one of the pioneers of Scottsburg, and
well and favorably known here as an
old resident, is now sojourning in Poit
latid. He attempted the duties of
Mail Agent on the Railroad but they
were too arduous and he was forced to
discontinue. The Dr. is n gentleman
of extensive practice and good judg-
uent and he will probably look round
r a location.
The California. This magazine
for April is du our table, still improv
ing in flavor. "Sand," a Nevada tale
try Gaily is getting interesting and the
fctory of the settlement of Australia
nd New Zealand is most insliuctive
Rial readable. The description of Ari
zona is worth the price of the maga
zine utitl the whole book is filled up
with gelns of literature, essentially
Western atid a reflex of the peculiari
ties of Western life. By the A Roman
Publishing Co., San Francisco, 3 per
The Great Comet. The famous
comet of 1843 is making the grand
rounds again, and is expected to illum
inate the Presidential canvass this sum
mer. In 1106 it th .ne with a bright
(less which equalled the sun itself; in
1402 it was so brilliant as to be visable
nt noonday; in 1454 it is said to have
eclipsed the moon; in 1749 it inspired
with terror the unlettered throughout
the world, and in 1843 it gave aid and
comfort to the Millerites, assisting to
alarm those who heeded their predic
tions of the speedy destruction of the
world by tire. Should it return this
year with its accustomed style, it may
be expected to so conduct itsjlf as to
create a profound sensation.
Lodges Organized. E. W. Ryan,
Grand Lecturer of the L 0. G. T.'and
D. G. W. C. T., on Thursday evening,
April 1st, 1880, re-organized Eagle
Point Lodge No. 326, I. O. G. T. at
Eagle Point, with the following officers:
F. B. Inlow, W. C. T.; Alice Simons,
W. V. T.; M. Purden. Sec.; F. Inlow,
A. Sea; Ed. Simon, F.S.; Ella Parker,
Treas.; John Daley, M.; J.Lewis, D.M.;
-J-. M. Buck, Chap.; Francis Daley,
Gaurdf W. V. Parker, Sen.; S. Emerv,
B. H. S.; J. G. Grosman, L. H. S.;
Eber Emery, L. D Also on Friday
evening, at Central Point, he organised
Central Point Lodge No. , with
15 Charter members, and installed the
following oflicers; Fred Hunter, W.
C. T.; Mvra Wrislev, V. V. T.; Benj.
Beall, Sea; L. P. Maury, F. S.; Laura
Wrislev, Treas.; J. H. Wrislev, Chap.;
John Beall, M.; M. Maury, D. M.;
Asbury Beall, Guard; Frank Amy,
Sen.; Bell Higginlwtham, R H. S.;
S. Obenchain, L. H. S.; Benj. Beall,
W. F. &i Co. as Letter Carriers.
An attempt is being made by the
Post Office Department to prevent
Wells Fargo fc Co's. Express from car
rying letters. We can not jierceive
what is to be gained, as this company
pays the Government full jiostage on
every letter carried and is really a val
uable auxilliary of the Kstal service.
To us Western tolks the "express" is a
cherished institution that prcvides
transit for letters, that insures greater
safety than the mails usually do, and
and if business men prefer paying a
slight additional rate for their service,
it neod not loncern the department
We hope the letter carrying of this
Company will not be interfered with
as it is of the very greatest conven
ience and benefit to the business public.
Weather clianniug. .
Farmers liusy sowing.
Bees looking for flowers.
15 puzzle at Howard's, 25 cents.
Roads drying up slowly.
Alex Martin expected about the
Sam Simpson, the Oregon poet, is in
No services were held at the M. E.
church last Sunday.
Republican Convention in Josephine
May 8th.
Willow Springs school district wants
a teacher.
Coats worth 8 for ?4.50 at the
New York Store.
Elder M. Peterson will preach at
Eagle Point next Sunday, April Uth.
All colors of table oil cloth at the
New York Store for 50c per yard.
Boots .t Shoes, best stock in town
at the New York Store Call and see
for yourself.
Ym. Byliee is at present at Wilder
ville taking depositions in tlio By bee -Robinson
Posters, horse-bills and all kinds of
job printing cheaply and neatly done
at the Sentinel office.
A new stock of lioots it shoes just
received at the New York Store and
sell at. cost, call and see. t
The 0. & C. R. R, Co. has generous
ly reduced the fare for delegates to the
State Convention to half rates.
Mensor can be found at the New
York Store almost buried in new and
desirable goods he sells at cost.
S. F. Floed has severed his connec
tion with the Roseburg "otar" aud C,
L. Mosher has taken full charge.
Governor Perkins of California, has
signed the new revenue law, a synopsis
of which we published last week.
Mr?. Scott has removed to opposite
Adam Schmidt's where she will attend
to dress making in all its branches.
Notice Mr. Myers' ud. and take the
valuable qualities of the Percheron
stock into consideration before breed
ing. Miss M. Wrislev has gone to Rose
burg to teach scliou'- eeuis il Juck
son county school inarms are in de
mand. A p'.easant social dance was held at
the Ciub Room lat Friday evening as
a tarewell to Joe iv-acn aim iienrv
Dr. T. T. Cabatiiss, formerly of this
place, lias lieen appointed post surgeon
and ordered to Cuuip Howard, Idaho,
for duty.
Mr. L Wh Berry., has received a
fresh installment of millinery goods
uiiu can be found at the 1 evidence of
J as. A. Card well.
Mi's. Newman Fisher left- for San
Francisco last week where she will pur
chxse a stct; of Spring and Summer
goods fur this market.
An Ellensburg correspondent of the
Crescent City "Courier" says Rogue
river is so muddy that salmon will seek
some other stream to run up.
N. Langell oilers his fine stock of
ladies' ami children's shoes aud men's
and Iviy's lioots for sale at cost. Call
am 60) that he is in earnest
Great preparations are being made
for the Red Men's celebration 011 May
12th and a large attendance is looked
for from neighboring, places.
Republican county convention next
Saturday at one p. M. for the purpose
of electing six delegates to the State
Con veil tiuii at Portland, April 21st.
The Pacific Coast Postal Index 1 uh
lished by L. P. McCarthy, San Fran
cisco, monthly, is a complete guide to
all postal matters 011 this coast. Only
$1 per year.
Mr. Bybee has turned over the sole
control of his race track for the year
to Dan Cardwell and the latter places
it-at the ilisosa of the jockey club for
the May races.
Henry Mensor challenges any Ore
gon runner for a race of 100 yards, to
lie run ut Jacksonville 011 May 13th
for $100. ho wants ill He invites
Mrs. and Miss Prim have a large
stock of millinery goods on the wn', to
arrive in a few days, and the- ladies
will do well to give them a call before
purchasing elsewhere.
Dr. J. A. Callendar has located per
manently in Jacksonville and will at
tend to all professional calls. Until
further notice he can be found at the
residence of John Miiler.
The Legion of Honor gave another
plfnsaiit entertainment on Friday night
The committee to arrange the next pro
gramme is Mrs. Dowell, Miss Rhoda
Kenney and Will. Cardwell.
The dance at the Drake farm on Ap
plegai e on March -30th, in honor of the
60th birthday of Dr. P. Jack, was well
attended 52 tickets having lieen sold.
Quite a number were present from this
The Roseburg "Independent" says
the road letweeii Roseburg and Jack
sonville, is in splendid condition. Per
sons who have just come over the road
have a very diflerent opinion.
The Republican countv convention
for Josephine county meets at Wilder
ville May 8th, and primary meetings
are to be held on the 1st See the ap
poitioument in another column.
The attention of farmers is called to
an article on hop culture, to be found
on the outside of this issue. If any
can be found '-itb sufficient patience to
wait till the hops yield, it would be a
valuable crop in this county.
The 'Record" says counterfeit coin
is in circulation in Crescent City.
Won't some one counterfeit a half dollar
so we may see what coin looks like!
We have about forgotten.
The finishing touches are now being
given to Holt's new hall, the plastering
having been about completed. The
hall, dining room and sitting room will
lie ready for the Red Men's ball on
May l'ith.
Klippel means in German, a "Club"
aud some jwrsons are wicked enough
to suggest, that the Democratic dicta
tors in Juckson county have indulged
too much in the "clubbing" proce.ts to
win the affection of voters.
Measles have made their appearance
in Jacksonville but do not appear to
be spreading, lieing confined to Mr.
Brown's family. No one need be
alarmed as the weather is most favor
able and at this season they are usually
From Mr. L. P. White who has just
returned fiom Jerome Prairie, we learn
that the late storm has been very
severe on cattle down liogua river.
Mr. W. heard that many were dying
from the effects of chilling snow and
want of feed.
Notice the advertisement of Frank
Bros, of Portland, and if you want any
thing in their line call at Mis. Bilger's
hardware store, their astablished agency,
and order. This house always gives
full satisfaction and fills orders, or re
pairs promptly.
At the last meeting of the Eintracht
(he following officers were elected:
President, Fied Grob; Vice President,
WitSchuiz; Secretary, John Cimbois
ky; Treasurer, Fred Luy. The society
will not give a May-Day picnic as has
been reported.
Nearly 20,000 in taxes has been
paid 10 the County Treasurer by Sher
iff" Bybee. This amount is exceedingly
small for this time of year and those
delinquent may expect a call from the
Sheriff whose expenses must now be
paid in addition to the tax.
The Yreka "Union" says a citizen
of Jacksonville was seen a few days
ago in Yreka, loaded down with "bo
logna," "metwurst" and other daint'e.x
of that kind, utid was slearing for
home. It looks as if we needed a rail
iud to bring in souie supplies.
We learn that a new ordinance will
be intioduced a', the next meeting of
the Board of Trustees making it a pi-n-
lslialile otleme tor the discharge ot nre-
arins within the city limits. We Imjie
to see this become a law and an exam
ple made of the first one violating it.
Mr. Mat Olemchuin brought us a
sample of very excellent soighum
syrup, last week. It was manufact
ured in the valley and is really a very
nice article. Theie is no reason why
every fatally jvho have an acre of corn
laud should not muke their own syrup.
Same of the parties who were, pres
ent at the dunce on Applegate on the
30ih ult came home minus several
buggy robe.s, they having been stolen
while the ouners were at the dance.
The guilty parties are suspected and an
effbtt will be made to bring them
to justice.
The following money order business
was tratixacted in the Jacksonville P.O.
during l lie past quarter: Number of
orders is.ued, 74S, amounting to 15,
968.10; fees on same sjl 15.30. Credit
ed wiihvdepoMt on money order ac
count, 'IH2,3o6; orders paid amounting
to 3,435.18.
A correspondent of the Examiner"
from Alkali (Lake :ountj) says the
loss of stuck will range from 10 to 40
er cent in different localises iu thut
county. The greatest loss is in Langell
vul.ey. but it is unsafe to compute
losses until the result of the-last severe
storm is heard of.
A. W. Presley has sold his saw mill
on the Sterling road to Joseph G. Wis
dom, who takes charge of the business
at once. Mr. lsdom is a man of
large experience in this business and
will give satisfaction to those patron
izing liim. All kinds of lumber will
be furnished at the lowest rates.
The late election in San Francisco
resulted ill u complete route of Kear
ney and Kalloch. The Republican
candidate for Senator, Byrnes, was
elected by 4,660 and the citizens ticket
by 7,549 majority. Kearney s day of
usefulness is over and when his sen
tence expires he "had better go draying
Mr. McKenz'e informs us that if
sufficient buckwheat is raised, a boll
will be put in the new miH for buck
wheat flour. Robt. Cameron of Union
town has plenty of the silver hulled
variety for seed at the price of the pur
chaser. Besides the value of the crap
for bees and flour it is the best of
chicken feed.
The Yreka Post Office has been made
a money order office for France aud
Algeria, in addition to lieing a British,
German, Canadian and U. S. money
order office. Some changes in the
money order regulations have also been
inai'e towards simplifying the work of
making out orders and
remitting the
same. "Journal."
The peoplo of Ashland are wrestling
with the saloon problem just now.
Ashland has piospered wonderfully
without such an institution but. if it. is
thought necesssry to put the finishing
tcueh to the education of y. uth, nnd
teach them idleness and vagrancy and
make them a burden to society a sa
loon should lie started an once.
The Yreka "Union" has suspended
publication, cause, hick of supiort We
are sorry to lose this exchange as Mr.
Bird has. made it an interesting paper.
It has been conducted in a pleasant
gentlemanly style and it seems strange
that the Democrats of Siskivnu should
allow it to stop. Good bye, Bro. Bird,
we hoim you mav find borne business
J with more money in it
Miners on Foots creek are all busy
yet with every indication of a good
clean up.
Kahler, Mcl)onough-ifc' Co. have re
sumed ground sluicing in the Ft. Lane
T. L. Beck of Willow Springs has
discontinued cleaning up- and is again
ground sluicing.
The Squaw Lake company are mov
ing much dirt that prospects fairly and
have plenty of water.
Sam Lackland of the . Palmer creek
mine is piping night and day, gravel
looking well and water flush.
The Applegate Gravel Co. ara pre
paring to start in on a new and more
favorable locat'on, where they will
have more dump. f
Barkdale & Kline in the Blackwell
district are yet unable to sink on their
rich quartz jiocket but are. doing well
sluicing the ground adjacent to it
Capt Ankeny has returned from
Galice creek and says both the English
and Blue Gravel companies tire enjoy
ing full ditches of water, with a pros
lect of a lonaf woshintn.
The Sterling Co are jdst'aooul ready
to begin washing in thVir rich ground
and are now running their two pies
and a full supply of water. The
heavy snow banks, at the, source
of "upply, will enable this company to
work all summer.
Brad Dean of the Willow Springs
district was in town on Saturday with
a nice lot of gold dust. Jle reports
the most of the miners as having re
sumed ground sluicing, the water sup
ply being flushed by the late heavy
rain. Supt. Benner of the Centennial
-was still piping night and day in good
ground. Ralls has a full head of wat
er on the richest ground in the camp
and is -said to be making an ounce per
day to the hand.
From David L. Hopkins, who has
just returned from Josephine county.
w e learn that the miners of that set tiou
have plenty of water and a g-xnl pros
pect for the supply continuing for some
time. Wimer & Co. are making the
dirt fly at their mines with excellent
prosiots. The Brown brothers have
changed the location of their hydraulic
and are -now piping in a streak of
grael that prospects well, and Mr.
Hopkins thinks ihe mines in that lo
cality will make a better showing this
year than for some time past.
Shooting Affray On Saturday
night about ten o'clock as Wm. Cald
well, who resides on Bear creek, was
about starting for his home from Man
nings stable, he was met bv a man
named John J. Lathrop, said to be an
old stage driver, and who had been
trying to engage Caldwell in a quairel
during the uPeruoon. ' On the wav
down to the stable Ltthrop fired two
or threejbots, probably front, drunken
bravado, ' and aroused ''Mi1! Manning
who came from his house to the stable,
and found -lie two men engaged in a
word row. He l.aJ haidly air.vtdou
the ground when Lathrop drew a pis
tol and fired two shots at Caldwell, one
passing through his coat and the other
making a flesh wound in his left side.
Manning wrenched the weapon from
Lulhrop's hand and found it to be his
own, having been 'keu from the sta
ble office, to which Lathrop had free
access. Caldwell's wound is sliglit,
which considering the fact the men
were only a few feet apart, is almost
miraculous. Lathrop was found on
Sunday morning secreted in his house,
and was arrested and lodged in jail by
Sheriff Byliee. On Monday he was ex
amined by Justice Huffer and discliurg
ed as the Justice thought the evidence
insufficient to procure his conviction.
An old Pioneer Gone. On Satur-u-day
night William Burke, familiarly
known as "Uncle Billy Burke, laid
down his earthly burden and wosgath
ered into the host of the unknown.
Air. Burke was among the earliest set
tlers of this valley, having come here
in 1852. He conducted the Uuion
Hotel in this place for some time aud
aftei wards engaged in the saloon busi
nes and in mining and stock raising.
He had been for some tiuie in feeble
health, but was out on Saturday even
ing for a short time, but during the
night, he was taken suddenly ill ami
paused quietly away. Mr. Burke was
a kind hearted, genial aud inoffensive
citizen, a native of the county Long
ford, Ireland, about liftv -ix, or seveu
y.ars of age, and was laid away to
rest on Monday in the Catholic ceme
tery, the last rites of that church be
ing performed by FSlh'erBlanchet
"Requie.scat in pace."
The "West Shore," for March, pul
lished in Portland by I Samuel, is at
baud and very reudable. We call the
attention of the publisher to the fact
that the Siskiyou mountains are !e
tween Oregon and California not in
Ti'olutnne county; that theie is no Jack
sonville in California; that trie floating
island is in Squaw I.ake, Jackson Co.,
Oregon; and its description should be
ctedited to the Oregon Sentinel.
The Roseburg "Independent" says:
"Chas. Strange, of Juckson couniy, was
conveyed to ihe insane asylum last
Monday." Incorrect, Bro. Kelly,
Chas. Strang had charge of an insaue
man, but he, himself has no symptoms
of insanity, on the contrary he is a
bright, intelligent young gentleman.
Take the e from his name and there
will be. nothing strange about him.
We hear that Uncle Fred Heber
met with a painful accident" while har
rowing last week. While engaged in
clearing clods from the harrow, his
team started to run and one of the
teeth struck him in the Jeg making a
very severe wound from which "he is
slowly recovering.
More bargaius at the New York
Store than ever offered before in Jack
sonville Look for yourself.
Rev. M. A. Williams will preach at
the M. E. Church here next Sunday.
J. D. Hank.i, a well known statje
driver is hotel keeping at Myrtle creek.
Frank M. Nickerson has taken
charge of the district school at Wilder
Capt Connor, of the steamship Ore
gon, died in his state-room on the 23d
Sheriff Bybee and B. F. Dowell left
for Josephine county yesterday on a
business trip.
J. G. vVall, Esq., returned to Cres
cent City from San Francisco after
two months absence.
Dillon is waiting for his customers
to come and settle up be warned in
time, lest trouble begin.
We are glad to say that Mr. K.
Kubli, whose condition has been quite
critical is now improving.
Mr. G. W. Wimer of Waldo was in
town yesterday. He reports every one
busy m Josephine county.
Mrs. Dr. B. A Ford, mother of the
late Mrs. Dr. Robinson of this place,
died in Portland lost week.
Mrs. George McKnight, of Foots
creek, is visiting friends here, and is
the guest of Geo. W. Elliott.
Jas. G. Birdsey has recovered from
his late illness and reopened his black
smith shop at Central Point.
Mrs. I. W. Berry has received a full
line of the freshest styles in millinery
goods and is now prepared to suit her
Jake Marcuse is now in his new
store) next door to Schumpf's barlier
shop, where he bos lots of cigars and
fancy goods.
Clinton Scheiffelin, accompanied by
his two daughters, Misses Lizzie and
Lottie Scheiffelin, paid Jacksonville a
visit this week.
Fred Floed anil Adam Klippel will
conduct the "Times" until Mr. Nick
ell's return from the State Convention
We will treat them kindly.
David Birdsey, of Rock Point, in
forms us that he wintered his sheep
this year without any loss, but his
lambs are not. doing so well.
Charles Vivian, the well-known ac
tor and singer, who visited this place
several years since, died at Lead ville,
Colorado, on the 20th ult. at the age
of 34.
Chas. Nickell represents Jackson
county in the Democratic convention,
at Albany to day. It is surmised thut
Ed. Autenrieth, who accompanied him,
goes in the capacity of legal adviser.
Dick. Klippel, who. is wrestling with
boulders at the Squaw Lake mint made
a living visit on Jiondav. juis hands
arSWrTatiouWu"'Cliiaptte can't ""SiTtlie
difference between a "hair space" and
a crowbar.
Heiu Deniff" who was so severely in
jured by a slight cave in his mining
claim, on Sunday Match 28th, died on
the night of the 31st. The unfortunate
man was completely paralyzed and suf
fered but little pain up to the moment
of hii' death.
W. G. Kenney started for Roseburg
last Sunday night intending to take
charge of Jos. dough's thoroughbied
stallion Scamperdown during the pres
ent season. We hope the Roseburg
folks will treat Billy well as that is the
kind of treatment he deserves.
John A. Boyerand John Miller were
elected Representatives to the Grand
Lodge, I. O. 0. F., at the mi eting of
Jacksonville Lodge No. 10, held last
Saturday evening. Mr. Boyer is also
the Representative for Ta'de Rock
Encampment. The Grand Lodge meets
in Portland on the third Tuesday in
Real Estate Transactions. Deeds
record -d in the Clerk's office since tho
last issue of the Sentinel:
Th os. Bickmore to Zelpha Satter
field, land in Table Rock precinct
Consideration, 1,800.
J. J. Fryer to J. G. Grosman, land
at Eagle Point. Consideration, $25.
C. H. Pickens to Narcissa Farmer
and E. P. Pickens, quit-claim deeds to
certain property in Table Rock pre
cinct. Consideration, $1.
U. S. patents to John Sutton and J.
J. Nichols have been recorded.
Sam. Colver to Isaliell Rose, dona
tion land claim of John Thurber in
Phoenix precinct Consideration, $1.
J. C. Birkhead to Joseph L. Hc
ett, lot in Phoenix. Consideration,
Sam Colver to Joseph L. Hockett,
lot in Phoenix. Consideration, $30.
U. S. patent recorded for Geo. W.
Sam Colver to Mary L. Curry, 4
acres land in EJ-jn precinct Consid
eration, 400.
Buy no sewing machine upon the rec
commendution ot agents, or other inter
ested parties. Exumiue toryoui self and
let common sense guide you iu your se
lection, always remembering that the
best is the cheapest Many thousands of
M-rsous have purchased inferior ma
chines, used them a mouth or tw3, and
then traded them ofFat one-fourth their
cost, simply because thev did not stand
the test when in practical use. That
old reliable machine, the Singer, has
stood the test for thirty-tivo years, and
has never lieen found wanting when
called ujion to do any kind of work.
The jieople appreciato this machine,
having purchased over 3,000,000 of
them, and the sales of the Singer com
pany exceed tliosa of all other com
panies combined, Lakt year's
were over 431,000.
P. H. Feathkks, Agents
Jacksonville, Or.
mrrEOKOLovir.iL uecokd.
1880 a.m. , ir. p.m. In
Jan. 32... ..43 .. ..35 3.18..
Feb. 27 50 35 1. 36..
arch 2G 49...... 30 2.C5..
Total .7. 7.19.7!
The coldest of January was the morning
of the 3.st-'9dcgs above zero.
ThecoldcstofFebruarywas the morning
of the 2 st 19 degs above zero.
The coldcit of March was the morning of
the 13th 10 degs above zero.
Tliis Is in Lattitude42 de?s,2t inin.Xon
gitude 122 degs, 58 min.; Altitude .800 feet,.
11, A. Williams.
After long travail the Supreme Court
have reversed the decision of the Cir
cuit Court for Jackson county, in the
case of the Coyote Gold & Stiver Min
ing Co. vs. Wm. & Walter Ruble,
Prim dissenting. The legal fraternity
here express the opinion that the Court
went out of its way to find reasons to
reverse the derision, and that its judg
inent was rei do,-ed on new points set
up by the Court and entirely outside
of the case. Vhat a pity it is that
demagogueism and stupidity can reach
the bench I Thayer, who appointed
the Judges argued and won the case,
and still the bar grumbles at a Gover
nor pleading before a tribunal of his
own creation. It does look queer even
to a layman.
Birdsey & Vance propose putting a
$5,000 stock of goods into their store
at Slate cieek this Spring, Insurance
for this amount was taken with J.
Nuuan yesterday. A full and com
plete stock will be kept, and resideuts
of that locility will do well to give
.hem a call.
1 ,,
Jay. Beach's advertisement of his
celebrated horses Aitamont and Wil
burn will be seen elsewhere. Read
their pedigree which is fully authenti
cated. More calico for a dollar at the New
York Store than any other place in
Jacksonville sec if there ain't.
Yott will find the lowest prices and
best assortment nt Mensor's New
York Biaar.
A-iriiui-ut .Notice.
Location of principal place of business
Jacksinvllle, Oregon; location of works,
Siskiyou county, California.
Notice is hereby given that at a meeting
of the Board of Directors, held in Jack
sonville, Oregon, on the 1st day of Febru
ary, A. D. 187'J, by and with a two-thirds
vole of the share'holdors of the capital
stock of said company, the said Directors
at said mrcline levied an assessment upon
the capital stock of said company of dc
and a half cents on each share, and thtrc
now remains delinquent on said asse
1 My nt 'ajHmgmmet&iai-iy 01
ary, IDiU.tucsErwR. amounts et oppposit
their respective names, to-wit:
T. ii Houston. No's of certificates, 03, 04,
05, CO and 07, amounting to 8,332 shares
capital stock, at 1 cents per share
amounting to $124.'J3.
Wm. M.Turntr. To balance duo on certifl
catvs No"s. 22, 23,21, 25, 20, 27, 28, 29,
80, 31. 32, 33, making 12,500 shares of
capital stock Balance due On assess
ment, $-23.25.
And the above named stockholders art
hereby notified that unless they pay up
said delinquent assessment immediately
that their shares or sufficient thereof will
be sold to satisfy the same at public auc
tion at Ihe Court House door, in Jackson
ville, Oregon, on the 5th d ly of May, 1SS0,
at one o'clock p. M. of said day, to satisfy
the said delinquent assessments and costs
of this advert iKcment and sale. By order
of the Board of Directors.
T. B. Kent, Secretary.
Office in Orth's building up itain, Jack
sonville, Oregon.
Dark bay stallion, foaled lb73. Bred by
Col. R. Wtst, Georgetown, Kentucky. (Vol.
III. p. 30, Wallace's Trotting Register).
Sired by
Son of Alexander's Abdallak, sire of Gold-'
Miiilh Maid, record 2:14; dam by Brown
Chiet, sou of MainurinoOhief.bireof Lady
Thome, record 2:1b l-4;g.d. byiinp. Hoo
ton, sire of the dam of Lulu, record 2:15;
g. g. d. by Bertram!, the great four-milc-race-horsc;
g. g. g. d. by imp. Buzzard sire
of the dam of oodpecker, sire of the fa.
mous Gny Eagle. Aitamont will at the
proper Unie be given ancord which will
ensure a large demand for his colts. (Al
niout is the propirty ol Gen. W. T. Withers,
Lexington, Kentucky.)
Bay Hallion, foaled 1877; bred by Gen.
Wm. T. Wither, Lexington, Ky. (Vol. 3.
p. 009, Wallace's Register.) Sired by Ala
mo, son ol Almunt, sire of Fanny Wither
spoon, 5-year-old, record 2:22f, sod TEN
with technical records of 2J0 or better.
(No other horse of his age HAS MORE
THAN FOLR. He also sired Allie West
sire of Jewett, that has THE FASTEST 3-vear-old
record (2:23W) EVER 31ADE.
..1U1UU B UAIM l" nitMUUfcl O 4k.Ul.llltwi
(see above). Wilburn'sdam by Melbourne,
Jr sire of Jim Irviug, nconl 2:23; g. d.
by Alhoit. (his dam by imp. liooton), son
of Alexander's Abdallah; g. g. d. by Brig-
!..... .1.... I. A lv.nili..,a A I il.i 11 I,
noli, (record 2:29J(), son ot Mambnuo
Chief, sire of Lady Thornc, record 2:18 1-4,
and Woodford Mambrino, record 2-21 1-4;
g. g. g. d. by PHot, Jr., sire of John Mor
gan, record 2:24, and dam oj Nutwixnl,
record 2:la3r. ; K. g. K- R. d, by Ole Bull.
(sire of Chicago 2 t24l$) son o Old Pilot.
Wilburn is very large, bigluy tunsued and
comnacil- built.
Both arc perfectly, sound and free from
blemish, aad Mtere purchased for use in my
own breeding stud; but will be allowed ib
givc a limited number of mares during the
season of lbfcO, at Cascade Stock Faksi,
three miles cst of Linkville. Ogn., at $75
the season,. with prtoilogeof returning such
mares as do not prove in foal. Excellent
and safe pasture fuee dcsing season.
C-For particulars, and free panjpWet
history of the trotting horse address
JAY BEACH, Linkville, Ogn
T. 0. T. E.
C L B R A T 1 0 Nf
MAY Uth 12 th, 1SSO
Vi-ilcio 3sro. a.
Improved Order of ?.ed Menr
assisted fc
-TUESDAY, MAY il, 1&S0.
Reception of , isitinj-Tribts.
Dedication of Wigwam by E. D. Fou
dray, D. D. G. S-, at 3 o'cloclc p. m.
The members of the Order will assemble
at Red Jtcn's Hall at 9 o'clock a. m.. sharp,
and under the directions of T. T. McKcn
zle. Grand Jtlshenawa, and Mllo Caton
Second MishiuaWa, lbrm In the following
Jacksonville Bnuu Band.
Colors of the Order.
Orcgonian.Pocahonlas Tribe No 1.
Klamath Tribe No. 8, of Llakville.
Ieka Tribe No. 53, of Yreka.
Members of the Great Councils orOregon
and California.
After marching through the principal
streets the procession will proceed to the
District School House, where the following
exercises will take place:
. I. Music by the Band.
2. Song by the Glee Club.
3. Prayer by the Prophet.
4. Itea'ding of the Dispensation,
5. Song by the Glee Club.
0. Long Talk, E. D. Foudray, P. b.
7. &ong bv the Glee lub.
8. Short Talk. Bro. R. A. Miller.
9. Slusic by the Band.
At the conclusion of the exercises thj
proccsiion will reform and march to lli
The members of the Order-", their la
glies will noefittiloU'ijjcw jjjjjgl and "par
immediately after the dismissal of the pro
Tickets (admitting gentle
man and lady,) includ
ing Supper, $3.50.
John Cimborsky,
L. Solomon,
has. Nickell,
Wm. Bybee, Jr..
I). Cronemlllef,
C. W. Savage,
J. C. McCullv.
Floor .Mim-scr-t
E. D. Foudray,
R. A. Miller,
T.J. Kenney,
T.T. McKenzie,
G. W. I lliott
B. W. Dean.
Maile by tbr JArlunm III- It-nit, Prof. A.
Smith, Ulrrttor.
CtntrxX Comtnltfeci
. McKenzie.
P. D. Foudray,
C. W. Savage.
K. H.
II. K. Hann ,
ness, the Kurcka flouring mills will
stop grinding on the it day ot May. Per
sons having flour or offall are requested to
take it away on or before that date and
all person indebted lo the UcdH-fignrJ
are hereby notified to come and settle eith
er witli cash, wheat, or note, as my NmU
must bes'iuareti up at that date.
T.T. McKenzie.
' .
Attention Tax-1'ajcr.
Gentleman, in self-defense, ami tustfes
to my sureties, I am compelled U collect
your taxes. 1 would wl((ng)y give you.
more time, if I had it to give, ity time U
up for settlement, or after the 1st day of
April I must collect milci-o as arlhorizcd
bylaw. In all kindness 2'nmkc this l.tt
aniv.il. Please corneal' oneu nnd settle,
"1 ou will do me a jrrest kindness and re
lieve yourself of a debt which is hound to
be paid. Wjr. Bybee. Sheriff.
?M IKtM.
csiber, living three miles cast of Jack
sonville, on, or about April 15, 1879, two.
mares four years old this Spring. One is
a brown mr re, with snip across the noi
and also a white i-trip- running down row
head, is J5 hands high: the other is a dark
bay, sta in fore head, with white on fei f,
15 hands high, A liberal reward will ba
paid for lh,e return nf each of them.
Tor County Assessor.
I aonnces himself as an Independent
candidate for tb,e office of County Assessor,
subject to the decision of the voters of tbW
rouatv st the, ensuine June election.
m 103.2