THE ORKGON SENTINEL 1. Subscribers nb.0 da oat giT exptv. J notice t he contrary, are considered it wishing te continue h air subscriptions. 2. Ifaay subscribers order the discontinuance ol ttslr newspapers, the publisher may continue to sen them until all arrearage! are paid. 3. Ilubscribcrt reelect or refuse to laVe their fccsrspspers frura the office! to which they are di rected, the law hold! ttiem responsible until they hare settled the hi 111, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers remove to other places without Bfonalnjr the publisher, and thenewspajiers are sml the fanner direction, they are held reap insible. 5. The Courts have decided that refusing to taVe ewspapers from thli office, or removing and leas log them uncalled for, Is prima facie erldeuce of In tentional fraud. 6. The postmaster who neglects to jrire legal tit les of the neglect of a person to tale from the itfficr bs newspaper dressed to him, is liable to the pub aher for the inscription price. HOW A TOP CLIMBED A STUIXC. The Japanese top-spinner walked to the side of the stage and untied a string, which as soon as it was loosed Bwung quickly to the middls of the stage, and then hung perpendicular ly. After untying this string, the Japanese took a top from his assist ant, and twirling it in his hand until it revolved quickly enough, he took ing the stem of the top at right angle to it, left things to take care of them selves. The top spun a short time at the end of the string, but soon it began to move slowly upward, still spinning at right angles with the string. It con tinued in this way to move steadily upward until at length it had travers ed the entire distance, and was lost to view behind the "flies" over tho stage. When the applause that greeted tlii trick had subsided, the Japanese mov ed the doll-house to the center of the stago and placed it beside the table. He then set six tops, exactly alike in size and appearance, spinning upon the table, and taking a seventh in hi-, hand, indicated to the spectators, bv signs, that he would send it on a joui ney through the doll-house. He thei. sat down on the floor, ana curling up his legs, Turk fashion, started the seventh top spinning. It ran along the floor until it reached a sort of in cline drawbridge leading to the en trance of the little house, and then went up blowlv to, and through, tl e open door. The juggler waited a lr o ment, as if expecting some signal from the now invisible top. His suspen- e was relieved an instant later by tin tinkling of a silver bell, which indicat ed that the top had entered one of tin tiny rooms. The Japanese held u) one finger and waited, in a listening attitude, for a second signal. It cam "SsTefoWflWlftinEle of a bell, uno: hearing which the man held up two fingers. Finally, when ten rooms lm '. been visited, and ten bel's rung in tlr way, had been counted on the per formers fingers, he arose and pointed toward the he use, and towards the ta ble, upon which the six tops where yet spinning. After a few moments during which he silently watched the door of the house, the top that had been ringing the bells came quickly out of the entrance, ran clown the drawbridge and dropped motionless at the feet of the Japanese. That same moment the tops on the table stopped, and dropped over on their sides. St. Nicholas for January,. Various Cnnjcs Advancing years, care sickness, disnt pointment and heredittiry predisposi tion all operate to turn the hair gray and either of them inclines it t shed permaturely. Ayer's Hair Vig OR will restore faded or gray, light an red hair to a rich brown or deep black as may be desired. It softens am1 cleanses the scalp, giving it a he J tlr action, and removes and cures dan druff and humors. By its use ftillin0 hair is checked, and a new growth will be produced in all cases where the fol licles are not destroyed or the glands decayed. Its efiects are beautifullv shawn on brushy, week or sickly hair to which a few applications will pro "duce the gloss and freshness of youth. " Harmless and sure in its operation ' is incomparable as a dressing a-id is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts. Tt contains neither oil nor dve and will not soil or color white cambric, yet it lasts long on the h;ir and keeps it fresh and v'v orous. For sale by all dealers. Hodgp Davis & Co.', Portland, wholesale agenU. A little girl passing the Washington statute lately asked a lady who wan with her if Washington was buried there. "No," said the lady. "Where is he. burial," said the Jittle jrirl. I dont know," said the lady. "Then I guess you don't read the Bible much," said little innocence. TVTe heard of a woman of this place sneezing her jaw out of placet All the married men in town, have betn buying snuff ever since. Fivtting machines, polishing irons, clothed wringers, wire clothes lines, and scrubbing brushes at John Mil ler's, t The best sporting, blasting and giant powder, fuse, cans and wadds at John filler's. " '-' 'i t Ti ,f-'l'Ta King of the Blood Cures nil Scrofulous affections and disorders result ing from Impurity of tho blood. It is needless to specify all, us t he suiferrr can usually perceive their cause; but bait Ilhrum, IHmplet, Ulcere, Tumori, Goitre, Swellings, &c, are the most common, as well as many atfections of the Heart, Head, Liver mi Stomach. SCROFULA. Wonderful Cure of Blindness. D. IUssou, Son & Co.: For the benefit of all troubled with Scrofula or Impure Blood in their systems, I hereby recommend King of the Blood. I hate been troubled with 8crofula for the past ten yeurs, which so affected my eyes that I was com pletely blind for six months. I was recommended to try King of the Blood, which has proTed a great blessing to me, aa it has completely cured me, and I cheerfully recommend it to all troubled as I have been. Yours truly. Hue. S. 'WEatukklow, Sardinia, If. 7. . 3L.OO will be piid to any Public Hospital to be mutu ally agreed upon, for every certificate of this medi cine published by us which is not genuine. Its Ingredients. To show onr faith in the safety and excellence of the K. 13., upon proper personal application, when satisflfd that no imposition is intended, we will give the immesof all its ingredients, by affidavit. The above offers were never mnde before by the pro prie'or of miy other Family Medicine in the world. 1)1x117' testimonials. fun her information, and full din-clion for using will be found in the pam phlet " rreatise on of the Blood," in whicheachbottleisenclosed Vrice tlperbottlecon tainingl! oiincn. or 40 to JO down. Fold by drns ists. D. Baksoji, Sou & Co., Prop're, Buflalo,N.Y. OLD AND RELIABLE, CDu. Sanford's IiIveb InyigohatokJ fis a Standard Family Remedy for c, ... -. . , .. uiseusesoi mejjiver, otomacn . and Bowels. It is Purely fiVsgetable. It never ti. Debilitates It is fl.if.linrtinnnfl - rvn --"- - Clonic, ?rnyf4 f ?; A O.ii0Y .eVvl.B. araowv ' v v u.rt wnii m"n" w r-i qi i 1 . l e. : JK $V.o0 o .Aa1..! Ifssl " w 5 vi v - w u vft o r vijgi i BtflAB.t6V Sal SH' A ff r . ,! untv:.Kv.!'s V?wrtK5 5V o.s 6 J .' aSI 1 s;:s. ftor. Zv M ,c"t,a'nv;, iiftU Ol' . .?-- "iV&Ufir: S,'..AW-.V nvi- A ,J KiJ &21 m .X-'a.J-he pj Live ?i Invigorators J has been nsedS !, in my practiced g and by tho pnblic.J ."for more than 35 years.S 9 i with unprecedented results. cr tin rftn trii rw a -ifc i-wrt inwa.rc. tSi TiViSAfiFORD) MiDiifcEWYoaicoiTi-i t HI DIU'CCIST win TELt TOU ITS UEPCTIIIOV. J S. P. HAN.N2A, WAGON-MAKER, Jacksonville, Oregon, TN CRONBUIU.ER'S BUILDING IS IN L receipt of lull fta-ortmciii of material ud prepared tn du all woitj in his line on -lion notice and in a workmanlike manner Vehicles of every description made to or d.r. TiTms reasonable and satisfaction guaran tied. arRepalrine a specialty. S P HANNA. Jacksonville. February. 20, 1H7. WALS0 EXPKESS, Carry ing XT. S. Mallal Leaves Jacksonvlfc 3IONDAYS AND TIIUHSDAYS FOR WALDO. LEAYES "WALDO, First-class uccotnmodalions for passer aiis. Kxpress business promptly attended t i.y R. M. (JARKKTI'. ttNS0Ao ?j (apcine poRousMi rLAb I LK.I PwitMuChtlSifL Thtm'Prt. were ttxmriri the hf-;eittanion1mtfnl pitn rutlrrflas'erit. at Icfi VieCtnimniil an I Pari E" nrCions. Wiirlyanl fafra'tyXTiarenam'rgpJtyiricia'ru ai a great int. 1 mvemntioit'ie ordinary porous jSastTi A i any ryicim 0i-r wifrr-Iflyc'wafi' Thiva'.ca. I. qaa'H's ot fii rOTi:nnn poroiaii'sstrr are In ihi artic!"lnTci"l 1 0 foM liv v to aid f -'-nt!flc nedicat'nn. It r'Ww ein'i-t ot oni rd c-rcs where oUiTp'a',rsfi'l even to rrf!-v. It is wlthoit rtmht t!n bt n-niiHly rcr firr'i t or IjimanitWenkRcfc,Hheiimstifm, Sp'nal and KidnPTComolalntsnnd all lorM arhea and pains. Avo'd lmitations.Sold by allDrn?gist,PriceS;c. Seaeuet & Jousbon 21 Piatt SU, N. Y Proprs. J. XV. 1UGGS, PHU TORRAPII & FERROTYPE GALLERY. ASHLAND -OREGON. f AV SOW I'EItMANENTI.T LOCATED I in litis citv. mid all tlmt invnr me wtih ii-ir pHironiisre I will giiarnnti-e tr give Fat i aclioQ y motti I- to live ond li. live Irici't(i mil thn tim I m also prcpand tn (1 Hindu r work taking landftMpe!, pri- VHtf rwMMlPI1 'tc. Cftll nd tec s-pi citUHiiR of pictnrps taken in all ki- d of wtatlier. J. V. K. Huntor's spocs, spy glasses, manify in claes and jiocket compasses nt John Miller's.. SBXSC 'Arti 'vl as i-A 5(fJ Ft Wm fc7.i- .ii 5 ?& m h hth j h a msm. 4 i. 'm mt w im m in. &a m nun d sLstiS m .X-'a.J-heS lm c n boh &n 91 5v1 5m F tH SXZSESE SUMMONS. In the Crnccrr Cornrr op toe State of Oregon for the countt of jacksox. "Wm. Bybee, Plaintiff."! vs. A. "W. Hawkett, E. C. Robinson, Jesse Rob inson. John L. Robin- Suit in equity to enforce a Ven son, Thomas Robin- dor's lien for an injunction and a Receiver. son, Wm. Smith, Kas par Kuhli. John Bolt, James F. Gazley, A. A. Fink, Benj. Raymond, C. Magruder, Defts. Tothealwve named Defendants: In the name of the State ofOhuqok: YOU ARE REQUIRED TO APPEAR in said court and answer the supple mental complaint of snid plaintiff, filed against you, within ten days from the time of the service ot this summons on you, if served within said county; or if served on you within any other county in this State, then within twenty days from the ime of the service; and it was ordered by said court on the 3d day of December, 1879, that you answer the amended complaint in said cause on or before the 28th day of December, 1870 ; and it was on the 5th day of December, 1879, ordered by H. K. Han na. Judge of said court, that Jesse Robin .son and John L. Robinson appear in said court on or before the 2d Jlonday in Feb ruary, 18S0, and answer the supplement al eoinnlaint fil-d airainst you and that imlriiKuiiui tic made jn tl)C Onzaox Seje TTVrr riPiliie cimimnna git vnilre nrin the next term of this court, to-wit, fj'c ?il 'Jonilny ofFebrnarj-, I8SO. and you are notified that if you fail to ans wer ssul complaints as above required the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief dmandf-d therein, to-wit, for a decree enforcing tiieir liens of the following debts against the defendants A. AV. Hawkett, E. 0. Robinson and Jesse Robinson, for the purchase of the mining claims and water ditches and privileges and improvements thereto belonging, known as the Taylor claims and Josephine mines and lands ly ing on Rogue river, in Josephine county, Oregon, and the following described judg ment liens on the sanie, namely: A note to Kaspar Kubli for $ 382.C8 A debt originally due Dan Green paid by Wm. Bybce for 500.00 A note payable to Wm. Smith for. 000.00 A note to Mrs. Irwin transferred to Gazley & Fink 1,328.33 Difference between $1,432 and $1,- 32853 now due Wm. Bybee.. . 103.00 Debt of A. A. Wiiner paid by Wm. Bybce 32.72 And the amount of an attachment. due Wm. Bybee for . 2,039.88 A promissory note of the defend ants A. W. Hawkett, E. C. Robinson and Jesse Robinson to Wm. Bybee for 1,000 00 A judgment of Kubli & Bolt in said cirruit court for 2.3G2.03 A judgmentof KasparKubli in the county court of said county for 489.13 A mortgage on of said mining claim in favor of Haymond & JIagruder for 2,293.00 An account will be taken of the amount of gold dust taken out of said mining cjaims, and the amount accounted for, and the amount taken out and not accounted fo , amounting to a large sum of money to wit, $3,000. And an account will be taken of the in terest, costs and expenses in each of the foregoing debts, mortgages and judgments, and me court win uetcimine tiie priority of the liens of each and all ofthem,andthe said A. W. Hawkett, E. O. Robinson and Jesse RotJtfneja will bcmrpei!fd to pay the same within ten days from the date of the decree or of the said land, mining claims together with all the rights, privile ges thereto belonging, will be sold to pay the same. And a promissory note of E. C. Robinson to Jesse Robinson and a mort sage to secure the payment of the same for 54,075.00 will be declared fraudulent and void and the collection of the samc.will dp nerpetually enjoined and the said E. C. Robinson, Jesse Robinson, John Robinson and Thomas Robinson will be perpetually f-njoined from selling, assigning said note and mortgatre and from scllin-r, assigning or incumbering said land, mining claims, ditches, rights and appurtenances thereto belonging or appertaining. And the de fendants will be compelled to pay the costs, expenses and disbursements ot this uit and equitable relief generally will be granted. B. F. Doweix & E. H. Atjtenrietii, Solicitors" for the Plaintiff. m LjntJLonuv. David Hopkins, executor") ol the last will ana tes tament of Daniel Hop kins, plaintiff, vs Hub ert F. L. Hallock, liobt. S. Wclnwn, E. C. Brooks, Jesse Gage, Harvey Springsttad, E. K. Anderson and A G. Itockfellow, D e f en d ants. In the Cir cuit Court of th.' Slate of Oregon for the county of Jack, son. Suit in rquity. To the above nam cl defendants: In the of the State of Oregon: YOU ARE REQUIRED TO APrEAIt IN SAID court and answerthe complaint of said plaintiff, filed against you, within ten days from the time of the service of this sunv mons on you, if served within said county: or if served on you within any other coun ty iii mis otaie, uii'u wiiuin twenty uays Irom the time of the service ; or if served on you outside of the State of Oregon, then on the 9th day of February, 1880. Ordered by Ho . 11. It. Hanna, Judge of said court that publication be made for six weeks in the Oregon Sentinel, prior to the 2d Monday in February, to-wit February. 9. 1880, as to the defendants Hobt. F. L. Hal- lock and I. out. b. Uclman. And you are notified that if vou fail f answer said complaint as above required the plaintiff win apply to tne court lor the rellel de manded therein, to-wit: For a decree against you for the sum of five hundred Hollars Willi interest thereon at one per o-nt. per moniu in united mates gold coin from the 14th day of August, 1873, and the costs and disbursements of the action and a mortgage tin 8 stamps and a battery for a quartz mill on Wagner creek in Jackson county, Oregon, will be foreclosed and sold to pay the same and for relief generally. B. F. Dowelu Attorney for Plaintiff. RE-OPENED 1 jacojTmeyek, pioneer wacux.maker, HAS RESUMED BUSINESS AT the stand or the late.l. L. Badgt-r otid is pri-pareil tnt-xrcutp all work in his fine with promptness and dispatch and at very reasonable rates. All kinds of velii cles constructed. Repairing a specialty iJond wotk and low prices enarantred Nivr meH rnll. J. MEYER. P fJRCHASINQ Of every description made with promptitude and taste. Infants' clothing a specialty. References jn all parts of the country. Circulars giv ing full information sent-on receipt of stamp. Address Mr. or Mrs. J. A Rich .trd Mn, 24 Post Street, San Francisco, Cala. The best carpenter's, wsgon maker's and blacksmith's tools at J. Miller's. greXt cleaeance sale , FOR SIXTY DAYS I&P0B.TANT leductio.1 in PEICES ATTEE STORE OF NEWMAN N ORDERTO 3IAKE ROOM FO XY F 1 1 A D WINTER STOCK I WILL sell for the next SIXTY DAYS 31 i ENTIRS LIKE of T- Summm Mry- Goods, :d:fl:ei!SS r AM GOODS, LADIES' ETC. ETC. AT PIUCES TEAT WILL DEFY COMPARUOW. E XTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS chasers during this great sale at EXCELSIOR Lim.&fi.ffl) PdED STABLE Con sr ut Oreoox axd California sts., Jacksonville. W. J. PlYMAXE, Prop'r W OULB UESrECTFULLT IXFORMTIIEPUC- lie that be hat a fln tock ol Horses, Buggies and Carriage And be Ii prepared to fnrnUh Ms patron and tbepnli 1c geDeral'j with Pine Turnouts As cftiTh hTon lh TacIGc coant. Saddle hordes hired tug to any partol tbe country. Animals Bought and Soltl. Horsei roke to vnrk iingle or double. Ilore biHnlel and the lcit of care lMtr wel upon Oiem wliili In nr chirpy. A liberal fl.nre ot tbe public patronage is elicited on ieaouable terms. DR. SPINNEY No. 11 SEAHKEY ST., Treat all Chronic nntl Special Diseases "nroTTisrG- avriujxr WHO MAT BE SUFFERING FRM the eS'-cU of yi uthful fnllie or indis cretion. will do well to hviiM tlipmwlvpo of this, the prllllel boon ev.T laid at thi nlt-ir or paQurinp humanity. Oil SFiNKEV will guarantee to forfeit $500 for every cn of Seminal veaknrss or private diwasi or anj kind or cbiracter which he undertaken and fails to cure. MIDDLK-AGKD MEN. There at e manv at the age of thirty to i-ixty who aie tmutilc-d with too frtqiidil i-v-Hciation of the bladder, nftui ncctmip'mied by a flipht hmartiui; or Lnrninp awn-Hlinii. nd a weakening ol'the hyli-m in a inininri thep.Uient cannot nccoant for On exam n ir.p; the urinary deposits it ropy H-dinvnl will olten I foard and Minvtirn-s small inrticle" of albumen will appear, or tin cnlnr ill beof a thin milkUh hur, again chancing to a dark and torpid Mppearanee There are many men who die of thi" difli cully ignorant of the caue which 1 the sc ond state of senunai weakners Dr. S. will i;ntantee a perfect cure in all ach cav. .ind a healthy restoration of the genito-uri nary organs'. Offic Hours Iflto 4 and 6 to 8 Pan day from 10 to 12 a M Conulttioi. free Tbornnith examinations aud advice, 5. Call or addreft, DR. SPINNEY & CO. No'll Kearney St..!an Francieo. THE STATE LOTiMKlVF & ISSDUKOS COMPANY, OF SAN FRANCISCO. FIRE AND MARINE. INCORPORATED, 1871. Established in Oregon, 1S74. CASH ASSETS - 8500,000 OFFICERS l A. J. BRYANT PRESIDENT R. D. rvTERS...VICE PRESIDENT C. HCUSHING SECRETARY A. P. HOTALING & GO. 45 Front Street, Portland. Gen'l Agent? for Oregon nnd Wahinzton J. NUNAN. Local A rent. EAGLE BREWERY. JOSEPH WKTTKRER. Proprietor Oregon St., Jaclisouville THE BBS on liatM I OF LAOER BEER ALWAYS KEPT Una ready ror sale vy tbe keg or glass Q ' TO UHI.ER BROS AND BUY Y0UB- ssllat ddPss. HER. good: LIB GLOVES, HATS ETC. ETC. WILL BE OFFERED TO CASH TUR- N. FiSIIER'S. FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL & RESTAURANT AA'D GENERAL STAGE HOUSE, Opposite Odd Fellows 1111, JACKSIINVILLF. .(IIIECI'X. MADAME HOLT, Proprietress. TRAVELERS AND UESIEEST H0ARDKRS will find thent(t ccnifrrtrMelotlfEfttrs at t1li hnnse to be met with anywhere Id this part of thi State. Tlie Beds nntl l5-(liling Will always be fonnd of Brst-clsM character bd krrt in a neat abd clean condition, while The Humus arenewly fnmlflied and will always telcrpt inneal and hnifllReronlltloti A plentiful nt Ay of the best of eyrrythlug the niarVet affords will be SpiHTtl Oil !Icr Tnlile. ITer hoti5 will be krpt opn all n'cht, and "SQCAHK MKA1.S" can be oblalued at uny hour of tLo day or night. OYSTKRS IMlKPArEO IV KVKKV tjTYI.K h nil lunches to Wind at anytime. 5tae pnssfre Errsand others who may be out latest nljrht can al ways find a fcoiid fire, tint inea's ami beN nt thi. hnn.e. NnmiiiMe wit be spired tndrserye the pifnmiire if the irarelli' a. well as the permanent comma nity GUeni.a call. Sheriff Sle. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION duly issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Josephine, on the '3th day o December, 1870, upon a judgment in ravor of B. XV. Sawyer nntl n gainst Jas. N, Vannoy, Ellen Vnnnoy and 6. AV. Dimick. for the sum of four hundred and forty-one and 70-100 dol lars with intercitl at ten per cent, per nn uum from the 1st day of November, 1878, a d the further sum of thirty-o m So-'OO dollars, costs and disbursements, and ac cruing costs. I have levitd upon and will oiler tor sale at the Court House uo r, in the town of Kcrliyr He, in the county of ,Joseplune, On t'.ic-tiltb Day. nrJ.inunry, 1880, at 2 o'clock. r. jr., ofsaiddavv:tll.the right, title and interest of Maid defendants J.N. Vitdnoy, Eilen Vnnnoy and. D. XV. Dimick, in and to the following described premises to-wit: Uiat' certain donation claim torm crly known as the donation claim of Tl.os. Ftizzell, being claim No. 37, in Township 3(i S. and Range 7, West; also the S. XV. of Sec. 17, in Township 36 a. Range 0, West, Josephine county, Orego . JOHN TAYLOR, Sheriff, of Josephine county, Oregon. MIOTICS. Lasd Office ATRosEiirruo Oos. ) Dec. 20, 1879. f Uoticc is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice ofhis in tention to make fin 1 proof in support ot his claim, and secure final entry thereof ut the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Orlando 1. Rose, homestead application No. 2,412, for the EoSE . See 21 S W of X Iflf ami loll 5 ami 0 See. 22. T'i" .1 of R 4 W'ul and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Rial Benedict of -Jackson county.and Walker Ilerriott of Jackson county, Ogn. "Wii. F. Bexjamis, Register. UNION LIVERY SALE AND E.C'ANGE Corner 4tli and California St JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. J. A. CARDWELL PROPRIETOR. mnt proprietor ins 1 fbllr rebuilt and refitted well known establishment, and nade extenslTS andcimfortahle tinns thereto. I haw the Terr best horses, hnggie and livery tDrnoQtsnf all kinds. My stock of roads ters cannot be exce.led Id the State. Horses Bonirted On reasonable erms, and the best of care aiut Atten tion bestowed span them while UDler my charge Also Horses Bought and Sold. I am satisfied that I can give satisfaction and guaranteo the sime. With this im prcssion I have no hesitation in soliciting patronage. GREAT - IN - PIANOS ill Smith ? s Organs Are now TAKING THE LEAD OVER ALL THERS foir Brilliancy, Sweetness , of JToiie notice:. Yon can Euy a FIRST OLASSPIANO OR ORGAN CHEAPER Of me than ANY OTHER DEALER in the business, because I sell at WHOLESALE PRICES FOR CASH, and at a slight advance where sold on EASY INSTAIiLMENTS. Agents anil riano iramps who maKe i.Aiiui PROFITS are requested to open their batteries UPON ME or my INSTRU MENTS at once. The public will soon ascertain it is to THEIR AD VANTAGE to give me a call, and find that MY PIANOS AND OR GANS WILL WEAR AS WELL, keep in tune as long, and SAVE MONEY FOR THE PURCHASER. Don't be fooled or humbugged by any thing you hear. "Talk is cheap" (usually.) The man or woman who is talked into paying exorbitant prices, pays very dear. BEST OF REFER ENCES GIVEN AND SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. rJgTSend for special information to JAS. S. SMITn, 201, 203 A- 203 DupontSt., San Francisco. IJF-.WAttE of C-rculuT f,i'm ll.i-riinierts. Hn irely li-.tnte-it ste). Address Residence 1709 Stockton St. S. h MOUSE'S PALA CE. J. P. Hale & Go's. MAO.VIFICENT P I A OS, PIANOS UPRIGHT AND SQUARE, Sold for Less Money than Any Other ISOt.D INSTItUSIKNT IN TIIE MAIEICET. WARRANTED FOR TEN YEARS. Come or Send to Portland . FOR A Hale Ji.SMK.0 AND YOU WILL SVE JIOXEY. All Kinds- of Organs in Stock ALSO, Picture Frames & Mouldings. PIANOS AND ORGANS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH Or on 2Tasy Instalments. BEWARE PEDDLERS & DRUJMERS AD SAVE FB.CIYX $50 to $100 In buying a Piano or Organ. Address: MORS & COMPANY IG3 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OGN. REDUCTION lilll and Pianos Durability anil t General Finish ?'l fZ'tV SMIIl'HiMIIN&ORIM. In order to introduce THESE MAGNIFICENT PIANOS on tins Coast, I have put the prices MUCH LOWER than other FIItST-CLASK - MAKERS, and as I do not propose t? iu.h-.-j uny ugi'ius, vno generally ;x- tort l.irTf liroflta frntil tlio nnncitm.. T ex,)ect to 1)e severeiy handled by such persons m tlie "iano business. The materials used in their oon struction are of the VERY BEST kind, and the wood thoroughly sea soned. They are substantially made. DURABILITY, TONE and the power of MAINTAINING TUNE LONGER than any other piano made, are tlie characteristics of these instru ments. The greatest possible attention is given to their tone and touch, and have no hesitancy in oflering them to the public as FIRST-CLASS PIANOS in every respect, and warrant them to stand in any climate. R tlx who tin jenbinx i.l rnr puree.? nnw fur rtli'v. util tee tlmse mv of ni.'ii mJ who JA3. S. SMITHS 201, 203 Jb 205 Dupont St., S. F. Y- i: IFICiMI- JlthNK TRADE MfchH. the CFi AT ENGLISH CY ut ii 1 1 cure lui Swr in Hi urtdr i, -i iiinm! wiuK- ad: r& w& Before Taking i iiiji AT:or 'iaking; Inn y. . in.! i.t. hut lollow hh a Ke h'Mi ol Mi tmiry Pit'ii in the B-u-k 1'rt nirttiirc il Avt ( I' I. IV ti IJinvi in ) nil lh V Ml iiiin.y nthrr Heui tlm! null to Ion ty or (.' ti uniii .m. utid a l'rematara Grave. "rnll pirtirnlHr in onr pamphlet, whieli .nl.fiir' tn rnd tree hy mnil to tirrvi:. BQi. Tin- SiiPt-ifit Mnlirme i iiM lv ill iri..,.igu hi SI l'r piii-l.tiL-e, nr x iutkiiLr T r S5 o- will br m. nt fire by iimiI ! r-1 iii nf ''!. iii'mii'v hv inlilrii-niiitr TIIK (3IIAV jMKDItl.NF. O., . No 10 .Mrchiinie-' Ill.iek, Delrnii. Mirh. BgUS'i'd in Jnelciiimll.. by all ilrncci.tii nml liv nil wholrsnlr anil retail druggist! rvi r where. fry llontcyntam, Portland , OiECo?t And Jacksonville, Oregon. GIBBS fc STEARNS will attend to all bitnn-Ki- lit I'ortluml. THE CITY BREWERY VEIT SCHUTZ, - Pronristor. TWOOI.D .MOST RESI'KCTFDl.I.T IN. form the eitizeDsDf JinL.niii. .. thewriaat larar. that ther can fin.l ir any tlnie. at my Drewrry, the bent larrr- ujrr. in any n.uanmy the pmchanei may leslr My h.ra.e l cuurenl.nlly.ltn.ini and my room, are, always In order. A visit will please yo DOi NOT FAIL to send, for our NETT PniCfi LIST. Store ciimnletA than eer. Contains descriptions of every thine; requlrnl taPBiltf aw ianilu use. with orer 1000 Illustrations, genii nlna centsforlt. (Mlamps will do. ) We sell all goods at whoieuie prires In niMntltlrs tosultthepur !"',.. T,1' nnly Institution In America who mi;?r.,J,i? tlilr rM-rial busliir.j. Address. MONTr.O.M M'.Y WA1U CO.. a7 && WabusU Avo.,Cbh:iso,la-. SSa $$xZ 45S p! SSt flMsfaT W wjj JiVlJllll Sit m Ml Msssssssssssssll i