ft THE OREGON SENTINEL 1. Subscribers who An not gtreexpn. J notice to he contrary, are considered u wishing te continue h elr subscriptions. 2. Ifaay subscribers order the discontinuance ol their newspapers, the publisher my continue to end them until ail arrearages are paid. 3. Ifeubserlbers Of elector refuso to take their newspapers (rum the ofllces to which they are di rected, thelaw holdi them responsible uutll they hare settled the bills, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers remore to other placee without xifcrmlng the publisher, and the newspapers are sent o the firmer direction, they are held respvnsible. b. The Courts baredeclded that refutlnKto take, newspapers from this office, or remoTlng and leaf ing tbem uncalled for, is prima facie eyideoce of In tentional frand, 6. The postmaster who neglects to glre legal ne Ice of the neglect of a person to take fnm the office lie newspaper a dressed to him, Is liable to the pub sher for the eulurriptlon price. ftirritEftS THE KEI4CT OF KAKBAKIS3I. VJillets' bills relating to polygamy, bigamy, etc, in tbe Territories of the United States, recently introduced in the House of Kepresentatives, will, if enacted into laws, furnish an easy and effectual solution to the Mormon prob lem. The charge of bigamy liall be considered established when a man co habits "with more than one woman, claiming and recognizing them contem poraneously as his wives, however the' marital relations may have been crea ted or consummated, and whether said wives or either or any of them shall Lave been, sealed or- so bound to him ty any so-called spiritual marriage, however disguised by legal or ecclesias tical solemnities, sacraments, ceremon ies, consecrations, or contrivances." It shall "be sufficient cause cf challenge and rejection of any juror, first, that he has more than one wife living, whether married to any of them by the ordinary rites and ceremonies of mar riage or by the rite, ceremony, or pro ceeding known as sealing, or by any other ceremony or proceeding claimed or understood by bigamists or poly ga muts of said Territory to create either an ordinary, a merely temporal, or a spiritual marriage, and by reason of which he may recognize her as either a temporal or spiritual wife; second, that he believes it morally or legally light for a man to have more than one living and undivorced wife at the same time, he knowing them tt be alive, or to cohabit habitually, as with a wife, with more than one woman." Bigamists or polygamists are also denied the right of suffrage under these bills. They oucht to pass without delay. "Elko Post." si HOW IOMJ WE AllE TO LIVE. It is not every one who asks himself it is the'Wffteb'of many persons that their lives will be exceptionally lengthy. However, life assurance companies are aware of the credulous weakness of those whose lives they assure, and have therefore compiled numerous tables of expectancy of life for their owa guid ance, which are carefully referred to before a policy is granted. The fol lowing is one of these well authentica ted tables, in use among London as surance companies, showing the length of life at various ages. In the first column we have the present ages of persons of average health; and in the second column we are enabled to peep, as it were, behind the scenes of an as surance office, and gather from its ta ble the number of years jt will give us to live. This table has been the result of careful calculation, and seldom proves misleading. Of course, sudden and premature deaths, as well as lives unusually extended, occasionally occur; but this is a table of average expectan cy of life of an ordinary man or woman: More years to live. 51 41 34 More years Age. to live. Age. 1.... 10-.. 20... 30... 40..... 50. ...... 4 x. 14 9 4 60. 70. 80. Our readers will easily gather from the above tabulated statement the number of years to which their lives according to the law of averages, may reasonably be expected to extend. "Golden Era." CHINESE IMMIC1MTIOX. The following on the subject of Chi nese immigration, is from the inaugu ral of Governor Perkins of California.' "At the last election, in. accordance with the statute providing therefor,, a "Vote of the people of this State was taken upon the question of Chinese im migration "for" and "against" the policy of permitting it to continue un restricted, as at present Out of a to tal vote of 161,405, only 833 votes were "for" such immigration. The bal fct was secret there was no. extraor dinary excitement on the subject; the Xemlt should be accepted as a fair indi cation of the real opinion, of our people On this important question. It ought to be accepted everywhere as conclu sive evidence that there is practically no difference of opinion among the peo ple of this State relative to the policy of prohibiting the further increase- of the Chinese element of our nonulfttinn The question has ceased to be a politi cal issue wjth us. Men of all parties ,rein perfect accord that emigrants from China are a cursr '. o this country, and that some adequat restriction up on their coming ought" 9 be-imposed ithont delay, King of the Blood Cnrei nil Scrofulous affections and disorders result ing from Impurity of the blood. It is needless to specify all, us the sufferer can usually perceire their cause; but Salt Jtheum, 1'imptet, Ulcers, Tumors, Goitre, Swellings, &cf are the most common, as veil as many affections of the Heart, Head, Liver and Stomach, SCROFULA. Wonderful Curs of Blindness. D. IUssoa, Sox & Co. : For the benefit of all troubled with Scrofula or Impure Blood in their systems, I hereby recommend King of the Blood. I have been troubled with Scrofula for the past ten years, which so affected my eyes that I waa com pletely blind for six months. I was recommended to try King of the Blood, which has proved a great blessing to me, as it has completely cured me, and I cheerfully recommend it to all troubled as I hare been. Yours truly, lies. S. "Weitueblow, Sardinia, NTY. S3..0 will be paid to any Public Hospital to bo mutu ally agreed upon, for every certificate of this medi cine published by us which is not genuine. Its Ingredients. To show onr faith in the safty nnd excellence of the K. B., upon proper personal application, when satisfied that no imposition is intended, we will give the names of all its ingredients, by affidavit. The aboveoffers were never made before by the pro prietor of any other Family Medicine in the world. Many testimonials. further information, and full directions for using will be found in the pam phlet "Treatise on Siseotea of the Blood," in which each bottle is enclosed Trice $ 1 per bottle con tainingl2 ouncei. or 40 to SO doses. Sold by drno cists. JD.IUnBOM,3oK&Co.,Prop'rs,BuirJo(N.Y. i OLD AND RELIABLE, i JDb. Sanfokd's Ltveb IxyigobatobJ! $is a Standard Family Remedy for , (diseases of the Liver, Stomach .V and Bowels. It is Purely , rK ' vs jjVsgetable. It never V a a 'Debilitates It is Cathartic and , 5m . vr,j w-.m0' Kpf " . " .v tti$& KJ. PL ' af a 9 1 r j WrflOVS KKoor 5 .MUKW V. : j ia fir i '.s raiBrr n - o .ei opV, WoVoV,.!)0 tf;tf v - Vj r W ya no .wvro r II. - Vi- 1 -r.xi - , GV; 1 8' v vvret 9 -V aSV? -ia i v-t v;;c 5 o).AO'.V" mr t -f" " i . r i',8". '.6?. '".-.n" US WSlMrf .n Cf a'! N-cfo;--v- v;s ' V4.&, -.m;ab. V. -c $fti iSKBS r.O' .6". 0 i . tJT su atfftv:- O ; 95 InvigoratorS Vff 'QXtf ts i - has been usedj " in my practice! and by the public,; iXV DRl'CGIST WILL TEtl TOU ITS KtrUIiTIOT. ? CCITTJ waatoaaewt,- . S. P. HANNA, WAGON-MAKER, Jacksonville, Oregon, TN CRONEMILLER'S BUILDING IS IN 1 receipt or a lull assortment of material nd prepared to do all work in his line on short nutice and in a workmanlike manner Vehicles of every description made to or dir. Terms reasonable and satisfaction Guaran teed. " fflRepairing a specialty. ... S P HANNA. JackonviIle, February, 20, 1818. WALDO EXPltESS, Leaves JacksonvIJe MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS FOR WALDO. LEAVES WALEO, FirelMjlass accommodations for passer gers. Kxpress business promptly attended to by R. M. HARRKTT. SENSOR i(apcinePorous PLASTER PosttirtJuChiBest. Thtmfrs.Kenavardeda What andonlynvdal firm rulber jitaila-t, at bclh tkeCenlmnialantl'aTitETvocHums. WiMyanJ. famraUy tnoim amrtigphynciani a a great t'nv TrovemntonUiordinaryjnrciusjilasi'T. Atk any fhyneian, in pour oxen lomlily about U. Tho valna Meqtialitlesof tlio common poroasp'astcrarcia this article incrcaoed 10 foM ty nno and frcnt!fie medication. It relieves almost nt onre ted cures where other plasters fail even to relieve. It is wlthont donbt the best remedy ever dcvlwd for Lame atid Weak Back, Rheumatism, Spinal and' Kidney Complaintsand all local aches and pains. Avoid imitatlon9.Sold byallDruggiets.PrlceS5c. Siabbet Jobsboh 21 Halt SUN. Y., Propra. J. AV. R1GGS, PnOTOORAPn & FERROTYPE GALLERY. ASHLAND OREGON. 1" Ai. rfOW PERMANENTLY LOCATED L in this city, and all -that Invor me wilh their patronage I will guarantee to give sat islaction My motto is to live and le live- price to niit the tiwr. I am aUo prepared to do outdoor work taking landieane. nri. vate residences etc.. Call and see specimens of pictures taken in all kinds of wmtber. j. v. r. Hunter's specs, spy glasses, magnify ing glasses and pocket coranasses at John Miller's tor morn thnn H5 i-m ?SsJ "nth unprecedented results.? ?- SEND FOR CIRCULAR. :s. T. vi. sanrnsn. u n ?e bhoadw&y.S -"l ""IKEWYOEI fflk fviSB SUMMONS. Ix the Circuit Court op toe") State op Oregon for the ss, cotoity op jacksos. j "Wm. Bybee, Plaintiff, 1 vs. A. W. Hawkelt, E. C. Robinson, Jesse Rob inson, John L. Robin son, Thomas Robin son, Wm. Smith, Kas nar Kubli. John Bolt, Suit in equity to enforce n ven dor's lien for an injunction, and a Receiver. James P. Gazley, A. A. i ink, lieni. liajnnona, C. Magnifier, Defts. To tbe above named Defendants: In the name of the State ofOreoon: YOU ARE REQUIRED TO APPEAR in said court and answer the supple mental complaint of said plaintiff, filed against you, tvitliiu ten days from the time of the service of this summons on you, if served within said county; or if served on you within any other county in this State, then within twenty days from the time of the service; and it was ordered by said court pn the 3d day of December, 1879, that you answer the amended complaint in said cause on or before the 28th day "of December, 1879; and it was on the 5th day of December, 1879, ordered by II. K. Han na. Judge of said court, that Jesse Robin son and John L. Robinson appear in said court on or before the 2d Monday in Feb ruary, 1880, and answer the supplement al complaint filid against you and that publication be made in the Oregon Sen tinel of this summons six weeks prior to the next term of this court, to-wit, t!te ?1 Hominy or February, 1880. and you are notified that if you fail to ans wer wild complaints as above required the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded therein, to-wit, for a decree enforcing their liens of the following debts against the defendants A. W. Hawkctt,E. O. Robinson and Jesse Robinson, for the purchase of the mining claims and water ditches and privileges and improvements thereto belonging, known as the Taylor claims and Josephine mines and lands ly ing on Rogue river, in Josephine county, Oregon, and the following described judg ment liens on the same, namely: A note to Kaspar Kubli for 382.C8 A debt originally due Dan Green paid by Wm. Bybcc for 500.00 A note payable to Wm. Smith for. 500.00 A note to Mrs. Irwin transferred to Gazley & Fink. 1,323.33 Difference between $1,432 and $1,- 323.33 now due Wm. Bybee.. . 105.00 Debt of A. A. Wimer paid by Wm. Bybee 32.72 And the amount of an attachment. due Wm. Bybee for 2,039.88 A promissory note or the defend ants A. W. Hawkett, E. C. Robinson and Jesse Robinson to Wm. Bybee for 1,00000 A judgment of Kubli & Bolt in said circuit court for 2,362.03 A judgment of Kaspar Kubli in Uie county court of said county for 489.13 A mortgage on of said mining claim in favor of Raymond & Magrudcr for 2,295.00 An account will be taken of the amount of gold dust taken out of said mining cjaims, and the amount accounted for, and the amount taken out and not accounted for, amounting to a large sum of money to wit, 3,000. And an account will be taken of the in terest, costs and expenses in each of the foregoing debts, mortgages and judgments, and the court will detetminc the priority of the liens of each and all ofthem.andthc JessVltBLtJJlKvifi "Be n;mpcft3no-Pild the same witM,;7ien days from the date of the decree orJjjrTflhe said land, mining claims together w.jh all the rights, privile ges thereto belonging, will be sold to pay the same. And a promissory note of E. C. Robinson to Jesse Robinson and a mort gage to secure the payment of the same for 4,975.00 will be declared fraudulent and void and the collection of the same will be perpetually enjoined and the said E. C. Robinson. Jesse Rohinson. John Bohinsnn and Thomas Robinson will be perpetually enjoined from selling, assigning said note and mortgatre and from selling, assigning or incumbering said land, mining claims, ditches, rights and appurtenances thereto belonging or appertaining. And the de- lendants will be compelled to pay the costs, expenses and disbursements of tlila uit and equitable relief generally will be iameu. B. F. DOWELL & E. II. AUTENRIETn, Solicitors for the Plaintiff. mm rn.jm.oxi.is. David Hopkins, executor"! 01 the last will and tes tament of Daniel Hop kins, plaintiff, vs Hub In the Cir cuit Court of th Stale of ert F. L. Hallock, llobt. S. Welman, E. C. Brooks, Jesse Gage, Harvey Springsttad.E. K. Anderson and A. G. lfockfellow, Defend ants. J-Oregon rt)r the county or Jack son. Suit in quity. To the above named defendants: la the ntme of the State of Oregon: You ahe REQCinED to ArrEAn in said court and answer the complaint of said plaintiff, filed against you, within ten days from the time of the service ofthissunir mons on you, if served within said county ; or if served on you within any other coun ty in this Slate, then within twenty days from the time of the service ; or if served on you outside of the State of Oregon, then on the 9th day of February, 1880. Ordered by Ho . II. K. Hanna, Judge of said court that publication bo made for six weeks in the OKEOON SEJ.TINEI.. nrior n tlin 91 Monday in February, to-w.t February, 9, ioou, n iu uie (leicnuants ODt. i. L. llal lock and Kobt. S. AVelman. And you are notified that if vou fail f answer said complaint as above required the plaintiff "juujiuiy 10 me coun lor tne relict de manded therein, to-wit: For a decree against you for the sum of five hundred dollars with interest thereon at one per cent, per month in United States gold coin from the 14lh day of August, 1873, and the costs and disbursements of the action and a mortgage on 8 stamps and a batterv for. a quartz null on Wagner creek in Jackson county Oregon, will Le foreclosed and sold to pay the tame and for relief generally. B. F. Dowell, Attorney for Plaintiff. RE-OPENED ! JACOBllEYERi PIOXKEU WAGoy.JIAKEIt, H AS RESUMED BUSINESS AT the stand of the late J. L. Badirer and ia prepared to execule all work in bis line with prornptnm and dispatch and at very reasonable rates. All kinds of vehi cles constructed. Repairing a specialty. Oood wotk and low prices guaranteed. Uive me a call. J. MEYER. P URCHASINQ Of every descriptiou made with promptitude and taste. Infants' clotuin? a snecialtv. Ptefprpnppa in all parts ot the country. Circulars giv ing full information sent on receipt of stamp. Address Mr.or Mrs. J.A-,Ricliard. Mn, 24 Post Slreet, San Francisco, Cala. The best carpenter's, wsgon maker's and blacksmith's tools at J. Miller's. GKRl!.AT CLEAEANCE SALE FOE SIXTY DAYS IMPORTANT Seduction in PSICES AT THE STORE OF NEWMAN FISHER. TN ORDER T031AKE KOOM FOR 3IY FALI Al D "WINTER STOCK I "WILL 1 sell for the next SIXTY DAYS 31 Y ENTIRE LDr E of Summer IVEISS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, LADIES' EID GLOVES, HATS, ETC. ETC. AT PRICES THAT WILL DEFY COMPARISON. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS WILL BE OFFERED TO CASn PUR chasers during this great sale at EXCELSIOR LIVEIUBUND MU ST A.33LE. Corner of Oreoon asd California sth., Jacksonville. OT J. PLYI8AIE, Prop'r. w OULD RESPECTFULLY INF0KMTIIE PUB- 11c that be has a line stock ol Horses, Buggies and Cnrrittges And be'li prepared to fomlh Ms patrons and tliepnb 1cgeneral'y with . Fine Turnouts . . - - As can be forAt tho- X'sciae coast. Saddle bVrscs hired to go tu any part ol tbe country. Animals Bought nntl Soli!. Horses frotce to work single or double. IIorM boarded and tbe best of care btstrwed npon tbem wblle In my charge. A liberal share ot tbe public patrorage Is solicited en rea&onable terms. DR. SPINNEY Itfo. 11 KEilRBJEY ST., Trcala alt Chronic nnd Special Diseases -JTOTTJSrGr- 3VE32S3XT WHO MAY BE SUFFERING FROM tbe effi-cts of yrntbful follies or indis cretion. will do well to avail themselves of tbia, the greatest boon ewr laid at thp altar of faffering humanity. DM SPlNNEY will guarantee to forfeit $500 for every cate of Seminal weakness or private disease of any kind or character which be undertakes and falls to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. There ate many at tbe age of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frequent ev acuation of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight frnartinc or burning sensation, and a weakening of tbe system in a mnnner thepatientcannot account for. On examin ing the urinary deposits t ropy sediment will olten lie found and sometimes small Darticles of albumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin milkUh hue, again changing to a dark and torpid appearance There are many men who die of this diffi culty Ignorant of tbe caue which is the sec ond stage of seminal weakners Da. Si will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and a healthy restoration oPthe genito-uri-nary organs. Offick Hocus 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sun days from 10 to 12 a. m Consultation free Thorough examinations and advice, $5. Call or addreay, DR. SPINNEY & CO. No 11 Kearney St., San Francieo. THE STATS iiWEsiUfiT & mam COMPANY, OF SAN FRANCISCO. FIRE AND MARINE. INCORPORATED, 1871. Established in Oregon, 1S7-1. CASH ASSETS - 8500,ft00 OFFICERS I A. J. BRYANT PRESroEN7. R. D. IVERS. ..YICE PRESIDENT C. H. CUSHING. . . . .SECRETARY A. P. HOTALING & CO. 45 Front Street, Portland. Gen'I Agents for Oreeon and Wafhinnton. j J. NUN AN, Local Ajjent. EAGLE BREWERY. jqpEPO WETTERBR. Proprietor Oregpn'St., Jacksonville. THE Bust OF LAGER. BEER ALWAYS KEPT ' on hand end redj for B.ilo by thekrgor ghus Q' io kaiiler bros and buy YOUR- iU9oMPen.. i- Goods. ETC. ETC. N. FISHER'S. FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL & RESTAURAIsT AXD GENERAL STAGE HOUSE, Opposite Odd Fellows' Hall, JACK.S01VVlL.Mi: .OREGON. MADAME HOLT. Proprletrem. TKAVKLERS AISD KESIDKNT BOAKDEKS will find the niiat ccn.i"orti'Ue!pfiips at this liouoe tobe met uithanyubere !d this part of the Slate. The Reds and Bedding 1VI1I Mway W fonml of first-rlas character and kirt In a neat and clean comlftiou. wliilt Tlic U4otns a re newly fnrnMied and uill alwar be kept In neat and home like condition. A plentllnl eunljruf the lest of eYerylmiiK the market acoras will do " CTj ! -. pgk ?I- Tlile. ITer fionB will bo kept fpn all night, and "SQUARE MEALS" can be obtained at h.uj hour of the daj or night. oystrrs rRrcrAnrcn r- EVKRY STYLK. And Innche tobehnd at anytime. Stupe p-uson-gfrsand i.thers who may be nut late at nipht.can aj wars find a good Are, hot meals and good beds at this honse. No tnmlde wil1 be spared todeserte the nitron rre of tbe travellip a well as the permanent coniniu- dhj. uivemt.a can. SheiifF Sale. VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION Br, dulv issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of ouscpuinc, on tne lum aay o j;ecemoer, 1879, upon a judgment in ravor of S. AV. Slltl'ViT nml ncroinct .Tno "V "Vnnntw 1?f1 Vannoy and Gf. "WDimick. for the sum of lour hundred and lorty-one and 70-100 dol lars with interest at ten per cent, per n num from the 1st day of NovemU'r, 1878, a.dtlic further sum of thirtv-o ie JM-IOO dollars, costs and disbursements, and ac cruing costs. 1 have levied upon and will offer tor sale at the Court House doer, in the town of Kerbyv.llc, in the county of i osepiune, On the SltU Day of J.-innnrr, 1880. at2 o'clock, p. jim of said day, all the right, title and interest of said defendants .I.N. Vadnoy, Ellen Vannoy and D.AV.Dimick, in anil to the following described premises to-wit: That certain donation claim form erly known as the donation claim of Tl.os. Fnzzell, being claim No. 37, in Township 3(5 S. and Range 7, "West; also the S. W. in isec. u, in Townsnip ;ju & itange u, West, Josephine county, Orego joiin Taylor, sheriff, of Josephine county, Oregon. 2ZOTICE. Laxd Office atRosebitro Oox. ) Dec. 20, 1870. f Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make fin I proof in support ot his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Orlando K. Rose, homestead application No. 2,412, for the EofSE X.Stc 21. S trf of S WU and loll 5 and C Sec. 22. Vi .So" R 4. West and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Rial Benedict of Jackson county, and Vulker Hcrriott of Jackson county, Ogn. tv ji. a: iiESJAMiN, Jtegister. UNION LIVERY SALE AND EXCHANGE rX,JL.MXMLj-W&:m Corner 4th and California Stts JACKSONVILLE, OKE00N. J. A. CARDWELL PROPRIETOR. rpiIIE PROPRIETOR IKS I four rebuilt and refuted lhl veil known establishment, And nan made extensile andcomfartaWeaddl- tlons thereto. I liare the Terr best horses, buzzte sodllrery tarnontsof all kinds. Jlj stock of rcade-f ten cannot De excelled in m stale. Horses Boarded Oa ttwmM erms, and the best of care and Atten tion bestowed npoa them while under ut charge Also Horses Bought and Sold. I am satisfied that I can give satisfaction anu guarantee tne same. With this im pression I have no hesitation in- soliciting patronage. GREAT illlQI 111 ORGANS. Smith's Or Are now TAKING THE LEAD OVEE ALL OTHEE& ibr J Brilliancy, Sweetness of Tone, Durability and General ITinisfr NOTICE, You can Buy a FIRST CLASS PIANO OR ORGAN CHEAPER Of me than ANY OTHER DEALER in the business, because I sell at "WHOLESALE PIIICES FOR CASH, and at a slight advance where sold on EASY INSTALLMENTS. Agents and Piano Tramps who make LARGE PROFITS are requested to open their batteries "UPON ME or my INSTRU MENTS at once. The public will soon ascertain it is to THEIR AD VANTAGE to give me a call, nnd find that MY PIANOS AND OR GANS WILL WEAR AS WELL, keep in tune as long, and SAVE MONEY FOR THE PURCHASER. Don't be fooled or humbugged by any thing yon hear. "Talk is chean" (usually.) The man or woman who is talked into paying exorbitant prices, pays very dear. REST OF REFER ENCES GIVEN AND SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. FSErSend for special information to JAS. S. SMITH, 201, 203&205DUPOXTST., San Francisco. 'FTTT-W-A 17 FT '"'' Q'.r':','nr "m R'rjds who arejpidoiisiil my L1j J T 1VI.. instruments. I310.1 Tor rTpIyTuTTa see wl.ui those are entirely diaiuterexleil. -Address- Residence 1709 Stockton St. S. F. MORSE'S PALA CE. J. P. Hale & Go's. MAGNIFICENT PIANOS, PIANOS UPRIGHT AND SQUARE, Sold for Less Money than Any Other GOOD INSTRUMENT IN THE 3IA11KKT. WARRANTED FOR TEN YEARS. Come or Send to Portland FOR A a.H.ti 'Ja-ja.t AND YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. All Kinds of Organs in Stock. ALSO, ricturc Frames Mouldings. PIANOS AND ORGANS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH Or on Easy Instalments. BEWARE PEDDLERS & DRUMMERS .VXD- SAVE Fnorr $50 to $ioo In buying a Piano or Ormin. Address: MOBSE & COMPANY. 16i FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OGN, REDUCTION IN- elHS and Piano; SMITH'S PIANOS & ORGANS. In order to introduce THESE MAGNIFICENT PIANOS on this Coast, I have put the prices MUCH LOWER than other FIRST-CLASS MAKERS, and as I do not propose to make any agents, (who generally ex tort, large profits from the consumer) I expect to lie severely handled by such. , persons iir the Piano business. The materials used in their oou struction are of the VERY BEST kind, and the wood thoroughly sea soned. They are substantially made. DURABILITY, TONE and" th power of MAINTAINING TUNE LONGER than any other piano made, are the characteristics of these instru ments. The greatest possible attention is given to their tone and touch, and have no hesitancy in offering them to the public as FIRST-CLASS PIANOS in every respect, and warrant them to stand in any climate. Sucre" and! my ol me wr JAS. S. SMITH, 201, 203 &. 205 Dupont St., S. F. GUAY'S SPECIFIC AIE MCINE TRADE MARK. THE T ADE "". GREAT ENGLISH EMEDY. an unfailing cure lor Sper m at orrh ea. seminal weak- Bsforo Taking ''ess, L-npo-After TakW. lency. unil.all diseases thai follow as a ee-q'n-nce'if Self-abuse; a loss of Memory Universal J-Ksilude. Pain in the Back Dimness of Yision, Premature Old Age mid many other Diseases that lead to Insan ity or Cousumpiion and a Prematura Grave. BSyFnll particulars in onr pamphlet, nhich uedrsirr to send free by mail to every one- B, The Specific Medicine is sold by all drnirL'Wts at SI per package, or six packncrsfiT S5. 0' will be sent free by mail on receipt of 'he money by addressing THE GHAY illEOICINE CO., No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Micb. B,Sold in Jacksonville by all drugpiMa and by all wholesale and retail droggiits everywhere. v:t 3&39Vft3&a&t eUUomcyotcSairn pOATlvVND , OjtEK)Ji And Jacksonville, Oregon. GIBBS & S?R ah Vs arm ton an DiKiiie.o." In fortlanil. THE CITY BREWERY. VEITSCHUTZ,- Pronator. T WOULD JI0ST RESPECTFULLY IN. form the citizens nf Jacksonr.lle andS ...o-.,,u.i inrce, mat tpey can find, .tf any time, at my Ilrewery, the bent laieri uj-ri, ... .j quantity me pnrehasei any ilesiro 5 y hou. l.conrenlently.ltnsted and my ... alway. In order. A Tislt will please y,i. NOT FAIL to tend for our NEW PRICE LIST. More complete) than eer. Contains descriptions of eyery thlnir required fur J"f-,.wl" over 1000 Illustrations. Semi nine. StJ,,,rlt; 'Stamps will do) We sell all goods at wholesale prices In quantities tostilt the pur reKiT.'ie ."ly "''.'""on In America who In??.5i?i,1':"'.'',"ul,, """ Address. UUNTnilMKKV WAKD CO.. 27 Si ast Wubuah Ave., Chicago, IDT. mWr& pfi$$&sj&r DO BUT !8SS3