Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 28, 1880, Image 3

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    .- ",-vnraniip.i.-fignyrj
"Wednesday, January 28, 1880.
A Caiid. After January 1st, 1880,
the fee for obstetrical cases in town
(formerly 25) will be 20, with a pro
portionate reduction in the country.
G. H. Aiken,
if. Vkooman.
EnnoNEOUS. The statement that
five acres of ground had been purchas
ed from Major Glenn for the steam
grist mill is incorrect. That gentle
man lias very generously donated the
live acres selected by the mill company
as a contribution towards the enter
prise. Leap Year Pautv. The young la
dies have made arrangements for a
leap year party at the Club llooms on
the evening of Friday, Feb. 6th. The
Jailies are is,utng their own invitations
ana it bids fuir to be a most pleasant
affair as Jacksonville's fairest will be
Stage Accident. On Friday night
the stage coming South went through
--bridge about two" miles "North of
viMow Springs. The driver, Geo.
Cljase was thrown from his seat and
lightly bruised and the pole was brok-
here somewhat delayed.
The Legion. On Friday evening
last at a meeting of the Legion held in
the Court House it was decided by a
very large vote -that after the next
meeting, ihe reunions of the society
are to take place every two weeks.
Miss Maggie Linn was added to the
committee to fill the place of Mrs. J.
"W. Merrit Owing to the Leap Year
party being set for Feb. 6th the next
meeting of the Legion will be held on
Thursday, Feb 5th, at 7:30 P. M.
Lost in the Mountains. Nearly
three weeks ago a miner named C. Y.
Miller, working on upper Elliot cieek,
started from Collins, at the mouth of
Squaw creek, for his camp. The day
was very stormy and a blinding snow
falling, but Miller, who was packing
about forty pounds of supplies, thought
he could reach his cabin without trou
ble. He did not, however, aud as since
that time he has not been heard of;
there is little doubt that lie became ex
hausted or lost the trail ami conse
paently perished in the storm.
The Gkist Mill. On Thursday
last the site on which the new steam
grist mill is to be elected was selected
by Mr. Foudray. It is to be built di
rectly under the point that comes down
just North of "pest-house" gulch. A
road will be graded back of the mill,
so that grain will be conveniently un
loaded and the lay ot the ground on
the lower bide will enable teamsters to
load flour without unnecef-sary hand
ling. To those owning the large body
1 J? .1 .... ..
IVI ,111 ,iliecejner..Oj.llw-VfllIev-,
and to the farmers of AtiiilegHte, this
inill will be of the greatest convenience,
Slaughteking Deku. We are in
formed that bonie parties who have been
herding sheep on Little Applegate,
havp, quite recently been shooting
down deer at the rate of from fiv e to
ten per day, letting the carcasses lie
and taking only the hides. This if
very small and contemptible business,
as a deer skin is only worth about 37
-cents, but as it is expressly forbidden
by statute the matter should be taken
notice of by the Grand Jury, ami the
persons violating the law prosecuted.
The District Attorney can have the
hume means of information that we
have if he desires it.
Juuy List. The tollowing is the list
of jurors tor the February term ot ,he
Circuit Court, which commences on the
second Monday of February: J. B.
Saltmarsh, David Peninger, J. S. How
ard, Larkin McDaniel, S. V. Kilgore,
Peter Simon, G. High, G. Karevvt,ki,
D. N. Birdsey, H. T. Sv.-rauce, G. W.
Stephenson, 11. Hoot, G. Navlor, J. N.
"Woody, T. F. Beall, F. M Plvmule,
W. M. Mathes, T. Havmond, J. W.
McKay, T. E. Nichols, M. H. Drake,
"V. J. Gregory, Anderson Dunlap, W.
It. Jones, J. H. Russell, S. 0. Taylor,
J. Hannah, J. W. Baker, U. R.
Brown, G. Nichols, II. Judge.
Disease Among Poultkv. Mrs.
Armstrong writes that within the last
week "a strange and fatal disuase has
made its appearance among my chick
ens. The first symptom is a disposi
tion to mope about and then dioop
their heads to the ground apparently
dead, but on touching them they flutter
uuoui. ior a nine wuiie anu men drop
. their head as before. 1 have lost as
many as twenty in one day, and will
be thankful for any information con
ceniing the disease." The disease is
probably the chicken choleia for which
the ''Poultry Journal" tecommeuds a
strong decoction of peach leaves as a
certain cure. lose one half teaspoon
ful. Ed.
Our Public School. It is gratify
ing to note the progress that the pupils
of our public school are making. Prof.
Merritt and his assistants are earnestly
at work training and educating the
youth of this district, and it is a mat
ter of remark that never since the or
ganization of the. school have the chil
dren made such headway in their stud
ies. There is but one feature iu some
of the departments of the school that is
not as it should be, as wo regret to ob
serve that the system of corptr
eal punishment, not only for violating
tha rules of school, but for failing to
get the lesson, is kept up. It is a cus
tom that has long since been condemn
ed and abolished in the Vst public
schools in the nation, and has been
supplemented by more civilized and
less degrading modes of punishment
It is evident that if you cannot impart
disciplin and knowledge by the patient
training and teaching, you cannot do
it by whipping.
Did your house plants survive!
If you have anything new, tell us
about it
Three undershirts for SI, at the
New York store.
Genius and common sense do not
always go together.
John Boyer is slowly recovering but
still confined to bed.
Four inches of snow fell in Jackson
ville on Monday night.
See what Drs. Aiken and "Vrooman
say; you can find it now.
The "mills" of the "gods" grind slow
but don't they pulverize?
Dr. J. P. Parker is recovering from
a severe attack of the hiccoughs.
Jules Favre, the French statesman,
died January 20th, aged 71 years.
Coffee, extra Costa Rica, 3J pound
for oue dollar, at the New York store
Call at this office for a first class
sewing machine at the very lowest
"""Tobacco ialljjjifan'dslfirsl quality;
65c per pound'-otthe New York
store. -
Table oil cloths in all colors first
quality, 50c per yard, at the New
York store.
M. A. Brentano, formerly a resident
of Jacksonville, is now in the restaur
ant business at Roseburg.
Paymaster Potttr, of the U. S.
Army, paid Fort Klamath a visit lat
week in an official capacity.
Let us have the wagon road to
coast, and open un a market for
product of Rogue river valley.
Elder Martin Peterson wilt preach
on next lord's day, (Feb. 1st.), at the
school house in Mound district
Charles E. Hanna, ne Iipw of Hon.
H. K. Hanna and S. P. Ilanna, ar
rived by stage from the East this morn
Win. Bybee has purchased a small
ranch near Waldo for a supply depot
tor flour aud hogs for the Happy
Camp market
The assesinent rolls for 1880 for the
various counties throughout the State
have just been sent out from the office
ot the Secretary of State.
Henry Wintzingerode has been com
mitted for trial at the May term, hav
ing fully confessed the muider of Jacob
Swanger, near Hillsboro.
Considerable plowing has already
een done in Josephine county, but
farming operations have been again re
tarded by the last storm.
Buy a machine at the Singer aency
and you will always have music in the
house.- Eitherthe delightful hum of
the -machine orthe. sweet singing of
-Th" masons think the wall of the
new brick in Ashland wi'l be easily
fixed. Vn hear it is the intention to
procuie jack-sciews and by taking out
a column in front it will be all right.
At sunrise on the 26th of January
the thermometer at Jacksonville stood
at 22 degrees, the coldest since the re
cent "cold snap." A number of pass
ing clouds paid their snowy compti
meiits during the day.
Hon. Rufus Mallory is looming up
conspicuously as the Republican candi
date for Congiess, Mr. Mahory is a
man of line ability and experience and
the party in Oregon might do worse
i hail to nominate him.
A man w as poisoned the other day
bv drinking bad whiakrv. Dillon don't
keep any but tha choice article, and
Giant has just sent him a choice lot
of cigars fioui Cuba don't drink pizen
or smoke "stinkadoiasl"
The Crescent City "Courier" says
that theie is considerable anxiety with
regard to the safety of the schooner J.
G. Wall which sailed from S. F. for the
above joi t on Dec 29tli. The "Wall '
had a number of passengers on biaid.
The San Francisco "Chronicle" says:
"Portland claims a population of :J0,
000.'' Yes; and the United States Gov
ernment recognized this claim bv es
tablishing a postal deliveiy system
within its limits. "Resources of Ore
Wm. Bybee has purchased the build
ing next doo to the SENTINEL olfice,
and we learn that Nick Ficke will
soon take it us a butcher shop. I. W.
Br-rry has removed to Cardwe.l'sfann
and will hereafter follow the occupa
tion of granger.
The election for town officers does
not take places till the second of Match,
but candidates for the olfice of Marshal
are quite numerous even at this early
date. The more the merrier; send in
your announcements accompanied by
the cash iu advance.
Not a very large attendance was
present at the sociable at the Club
Room last Friday, but a good time
was had nevvi theless by those present
Excellent music was furnished by
.Messrs Scott and Brown, assisted by
Mrs. Scott as organist.
The Yreka "Journal" is warming
the jackets of the Veiuxtemps Bros,
who are at present in Modoc county.
We hope the "Modoc Independent
which is taking stock in the bilks, will
enable them to earn money enough to
liquidate a bill of about 20 due by
them to th'. Sentinel for printing
done in 1876. pass 'em round.
Twenty five million jute sacks are
used annually in the handling of grain
in California. Governor Perkins sug
gests that convict labor be used for the
production of jute and its manufacture.
Jute fs the material from which gunny
sacks are niaae and, free labor cannot
compete with East India labor in its
Eckleson and Chappel have a full
force on their rich claim working night
and day with an ample hydraulic head
of water.
The Kahler & Lackland claim on
Applegate are now running night and
day. The pipe is tearing up ground
that prospects exceedingly well.
Gin Len's mine on Little Applegate
is being worked constantly, with two
pipes in operation. That "heathen'
has one of the best" mines in Jackson
The Irwin claim on Hog creek sold
at Sheriff's sale by Sheriff Tavlor of
Josephine county, last week, was pur
chased by Win. Bybee, the judgmeut
creditor, "for 1,1 10.25.
The Willow Springs camp lias still
abundant water, every miner being
busy. The arastra of Egan & Co. is still
crushing good rock with the best of
prospects for plenty mora
Thomas Mee on Foots creek is work
ing his small hydraulic very success
fully with a prospect of a rich clean
up. More than wages is tucked up
dailyjih-pieces weighing from 2.50 to
Sahmarslrit Co. on Sterling creek,
have a splendid head of water and are
keeping it busy ground sluicing. This
company use a small pipe with a light
pressure to facilitate moving the dirt
in the ground sluice.
Win. Bybee, just returned from
Rogue liver, tepoits the Bvbee-Haw-kett
mine us being worked constantly.
Immense quantities of dirt are being
moved and from the prospects it is
thought the mine is paying well.
J. B. Coats informs us that the
Applegate Company are moving large
quantities of gravel and that the
Squaw Lake Co. who have all their
force cleaning out slides in their ditch
will be ready to commence piping
again to dav.
We made a visit to the Sterling mine
last week and found everything m full
blast. .Two hydraulic pipes were run
ning with a full head of water; but the
company are yet running through dif
ficult ground and do not expect to
reach their bank of rich pay for a
month. The power derrick was work
ing splendidly and large quantities of
rock are being moved to make way for
the flume.
Last week some 80 pounds of bul
lion was shipped below, being the prod
uct of December at the Black Bear
quartz mine on Salmon River, and it
is believed the product of the present
month will run up to 20,000, with
the ledge constantly improving at
the lower level. Under the superior
management of Supt Harland, the
mine is being thoroughly and systemat
ically .developed, towards showing a
better general average than ever be
fore realize1- Yreka "Journal."
Jackson County Court. At the
January term of the County Commis
sioner's Court the following Road
Overseers were appointed: District
No. 1, John P. Walker; No. 2, G. F.
Billings; No. -3, James Helms; No. 4,
Geo. W. Stephenson; No. 7, Jacob
Worlow;No. 13, J. H. Whipple; No.
16, H. T. Severance; No. 20. John
Cantrell; No. 31, Wm. Taylor; No. 86,
Harvey P. Deskins. It was ordered
that the several Road Supervisors in
this county be notified to erect and
keep uj) guide or finger boards at the
forks of every highway and crossing
of public roads in their respective dis
tricts as required by Section 30, of
Chapter 50, of the Miscellaneous Laws
of Oregon. Also to have all road
work in their districts performed, or
show cause why the same has not been
done. It. was further ordered that
hereafter no claim for services as Su
pervisor will be allowed in excess of
one day for every five day's labor per
formed on public roads iu their dis
trict Our Raintall. Frequent inquiries
are made by our friends iu the East
concerning the annual rainfall on this
coast By" reference to the weather re
port just issued we find that the rain
fall at three different localities in Ore
gon in 1879 was as follows: At Asto
ria 59 inche of rain fell; at Portland
55 inches, and at Jacksonville not
quite 25 inches. On an average 30
inches more rain fell in the Willamette
valley than in the Rogue river valley,
and the fact goes to show that South
em Oregon is thedryest division of the
State. Crossing the Northern bounda
ry line into Washington Territory a
remarkable increase in the rainfall is
observed. At Port Townsend on Pu
get Sound the rainfall in 1879 amount
ed to 130 inches, or more than five
times the mean rainfall at Jack
sonville, seven times that of San Fran
cisco, and twenty times that of Neva
da. Eleven feet and four inches of
rain we don't care about having as
much in ours.
Why cannot something be done to
keep Jackson creek within its channel)
The tailings from the mines above
Jacksonville have filled up the bed of
the stream, causing every rise in the
creek to 'overflow its banks and to
spread over a large surface of contig
uous ground, to the great injury of the
street and mad leading into the valley.
The road in its present condition is a
disgrace to Jackson county.
Wong Fook, who was condemned to
lie hung at Portland on Tuesday, 20th
inst, iorestalled the action of the au
thorities by suspending himself with his
suspenders to the grating of his cell at
3 o'clock in the morning. He applied
those articles to a yery appropriate
purpose and relieved Sheriff" Norden of
a disagreeable duty, and left a state
ment declaring his innocence.
Coats, worth 8 for 4 50, at the
New York store.
There having been a serious misun
derstanding and, we regret to say, some
misrepresentation with regard to the
organ in possession of Mr. Foudrav,
and claimed by the'M. E. Church or
ganization, we are permitted to publish
the following instrument together with
a letter from Miss Mary Gass. Miss
Gass' letter explains the intention of
the ladies who managed the concerts by
which the organ fund was created and
for the control of which the three Trus
tees were appointed:
This instrument in writing witness
ed: Whereas, We the undersized
by our personal efforts and with the
assistance of others, have heretofore
given two concerts of vocal and instru
mental music, the proceeds of said con
certs 10 be appropriated to the nur-
chasing of a cabinet organ, and claim
ing the right to designate the persens
who snail nave tne control and man
agement of said organ when procured.
do by these presents appoint C. C. Beek-
inan, f. G. Reamer and E. D. Foudrav
as Trustees, to ha- a the full and abso
lute control of and to designate the
purposes for which Mid organ shall Ikj
used," with the UiluCSSsnditi'' hut said
organ shall primarily bemused in the
Union Sunday School in Jacksonville,
Oregon, and for other purposes of a
proper char cter, in whatever place
said Union Sunday School may be held,
and also may be used elsewhere as the
said Trustees may deem proper.
The amount realized from said con
certs over and above expenses is 110,
which sum we hereby authorize C. C.
Beekman, o 'e ot said Trustees, to apply
to the purchase of said organ and trans
portition thereof so' far as said sum
will reach.
Witness our hands this 16th dav of
April, A. D., 1879.
Ida Martin,
Mary F. Gass.
Oakland, Dec. 19, 1879.
Messrs Reames, Beekman &. Foudray:
Gentlemen: A few clays ago I re
ceived a letter from three ladies of
Jacksonville, who were appointed a
committee to ask my opinion in this
trouble, with the organ. I .answered
them in sum and sulwtancs just about
what I am now- goinj to write to you.
Ida's and my intentions were from the
first, to procure an instrument that
could be used for the good of the whole
community, and it does not seem right
to me to change our minds now, be
cause of a mistake in having our tickets
printed, "for the benefit of the M. E.
Church." I know that the building
called the Methodist Church was built
in an early day by subscription, and I
supposed the intention of those who
raised money for its construction was
that it should b used by all denomina
tions, as Presbyterians, Episcopalians
and Methodists each held serrices there
while I was in tovnt"I did not ques
tion for a. moment but cohsidered this
Ida and I exeited ourselves to secute
a good organ, I for one had no desire to
give it to one class, to be used and
claimed as their particular property
to the exclusion of all other denomina
tions. Had this been my wish I should
have, as a matter of course, preferred
placing it in the hands of Episcopal
ians. I reminded the three ladies re
ferred to that only one or two Metho
dists were present at ihe concerts and
I thought as those who really paid for
the organ were of different beliefs, they
surely had as much right as the Meth
odists to the use and enjoyment of the
instrument. The ladies informed me
that the Presbyterians "refused to ac
cept the organ upon any conditions
whatever." Be this as it may I as
sure you I have not the most remote
idea of withdrawing my name from
the paper which gives you gentlemen
control of it, to be placed where you
wish; and used for any purpose your
judgment deems proper. I regret our
poor organ has been the cause of so
much trouble and I sincerely hope the
affair will be settled fatisfactorily all
around. I remain, yours respectfully,
Mary F. Gass.
Still Unsettled. At the quarter
ly meeting of the M. E. Church, held
at Phoenix on Saturday last, Rev. D.
A. Crow ell was authorized to act as he
judged best with regard to the cabinet
organ purchased, m part, with the pro
ceeds ot two concerts-given last Spring
by a number of young ladies aud under
the management of Misses Gass and
Martin. The programmes having been
headed, "for the benefit of the M. E.
Churchj' that organization now claims
the net proceeds of the,. concert, 110.
The oigan having cost Eomj. 78 in ex
cess of the sum raised, the church au
thorities, through Mr. . Crowell,
offer to tike ther insfrurViejit, pay the
indebtedness on it and-hold it as abso
lute chuich property under the exclu
sive control of the Trustees. The in
strument of writing published else
where, debars the custodians from ac
ceding to these terms and on Monday,
they, declining to deliver the instru
ment except under the prescribed con
ditions, were informed by Mr. Crowell
that suit for the 110 would be at
once commenced. It seems a slight con
cession on the part of the Church
migut nave quieted tins "tempest in a
tea pot" and secured the-perjietual use
of a very fine instrument; for notwith
standing there has been a tnisapprehen'
sion as to the disposal of the organ, the
real intentions of Miss Gass, express
ed over her own signature, should not
be questioned.
Leap Year in Manzaxita. Some
of the young ladies in Manzanita are
pressing their Leap Year privileges.
One of them collared a young man a
few 'days ago, told him it was Leap
Year and actually mad&him sit up and
"spark" and munch redffpplesall night.
We are glad to see the girls assert
their privileges.
Paints, oils, varnish, $ass and putty
at John Miller's. t "
.,, -,,r.
Since my last there has been a won
drous change in the weather; warm,
bees busily gathering bee bread, flies as
active as of yore, frogs making sweet
melodv, while grass is very insidiously
poking its head up and finding the air
so genial is concluding to "come creek-
lng. I am glad for all this, because
that nip of a Winter, the like of which
has not been known before, had as bad
influence away from home, but now can
we ffain sing of the genial clime of
Oregon. Farmers are just as busy as
they can be in putting iu the crops,
and should there not be too much rain
quite an area will soon be in the ground.
We were sorry to hear of the death
of Mr. Pomeroy of Crescent City, for
he was taking quite an interest in the
proposed wagon road, and it is intimat
ed that his deatii is about the death
of the road; but I would like to know
whether the road hangs on such a poor
foundation as one man, or whether his
death now shall make the living han"
.i u.: ... i 6 "
uuwii men- cam anu cry: "no use, no
use I Sorrow for the dead is humane,
and may he rest in peace in his watery
grave, but let not the living sland idle
because the worker has been removed.
I understand he was on his way to
San Francisco to help the project alon"
now then, let thp living bestir themsel
ves and not let the road go by the
loard. Let it he built the coming sea
son !
I do not think that there is nnythiii"
uncertain about Grant being the" nomi
nee for President on the Republican
ticket, and another thing I am certain
of and that is, the census will be taken
in June and I have about come to the
conclusion, too, that I will take time
and look over the many proposals of
marriage I have on hand, nearly a
quire of Leap Year applications to
choose a wife from them, for if I do
not how will I feel when the census
man asks: "what is vour age?' "Fiftv-
nine." "single or married!" Here
comes the rub, and should I come to
the conclusion to say the latter 1 will
invite you down or send you a piece of
wedding cake. Two of our county of
ficials came near being drowned in
Williams creek last week. Their wag
on broke down, but as the water was
only one foot deep they got out with a
few slight bruises to the wagon.
Crescent City Road. There seems
to be much apathy on the part of the
people of Crescent City, with regard to
the boon we of Jackson and Josephine
counties propose bestowing on ihctn.
Looking round, it is discovered that
some people iu J'nckson county want
anybody but themselves to contribute.
Both counties want Del Norte county
to do its share, but as no action has
been tak'en there since the death of Mr.
Pomeroy who was on his way to San
Francisco to enlist assistance, it is quite
evident that the people of Crescent I
vii.y oesne men irienus in oan rran
........ . jjnv,. .
the Bay city, follo, this principle,
will call on those rt New York and
the road won't li0 lilt. Without any
intention to burlesque it is too apparent
that there are too many people in the
three counties unwilling to help them
selves and waiting for some one else to
pull their mired wagon out of the mud.
They will wait a long while and grow
poorer and poorer, but just as long as
flour is sold as low as 12.50 per
thousand, as it was here last week,
newspaper men can get bread whether
tho farmer grows rich or not. All
may as well know that this enterprise
must bo aided by every one interested
according to his ability, and if the peo
ple on the coast want a road they must
show how much of it they are willing
to build. If the folks in Crescent
City are unwilling to put their should
ers to the wheel perhaps those of Ellens
burg may do better.
Important Suit. We have receiv
ed the brief in the case of J. B. Cros
sen appellant, vs. R. P. Eurhart respon
dent, now before the Supreme Court
Crossen as sherifT of Wasco county,
petitioned the Circuit Court for Mult
nomah county, for a mandamus to
compel Earhart, Secretary of State, to
allow his claim for mileage in addition
to the full compensation allowed for
conveying prisoners to the penitentiary
by st-itufe. Defendant demurred and
Judge Bellinger sustained the demur
rer. In his written opinion the Judge
laid down the principle that a subse
quent law, although not expressly re
pealing an existing law which is repug
nant to the new one, necessarily and
in effect does repeal it. In his decision
Judge Bellinger says that the "travel"
of a sheriff in conveying prisoners to
the penitentiary is a part of his duty
as sheriff, and to be compensated by
the per diem clause in the new act
which cuts ofT mileage. The position
of the Judge of the Circuit Court srems
impregnable and if his decree be affirm
ed by the higher court it will be a vir
tual decision that mileage allowed to
sheriffs by the late Secretary of State,
(Chadwick), since the "Act" of 1874
was illegally paid. The decision of the
Supreme Court will be anxiously look
ed for by tho sheriff of the several
Since stages from the South come
and go by the "Valley" road the long
lane at Justus' farm has become an in
tolerable quagmire of mud and water.
The weary traveler in vain looks for
a sign where a lick of road work has
ever been done, and thanks his stars
that he ever got through measuring the
mud of this miry "slough of despond."
It is the opinion of the teaming pub
lic that this stretch of the road dis
counts the famous Herrin lane "all hol
low." Fluting machines, polishing irons,
clothed wringers, wire clothes lines,
and scrubbing brushes at John Mil
ler's, t
Rev J. A. Klyce will preach at the
M. E. church Sunday next.
It is related that during the recent
snow-storm a weary foot-pad, seeking
rest and home but finding none, called
at the decaying log mansion of one of
our Oregon pioneers, and solicited a
night's lodging with the "lord of the
soil." Many reasons and excuses were
given and made by tho pioneer for his
inability to accommodate the stranger,
for even one night; but the unusual
fatigue of trumping through the snow
and wading streams, and the thoughts
of a night on the road caused the stran
ger to declare that he would go no far
ther, but would be satisfied to sit by
the fire till morning. He was then
permitted to go in but nearly repented
of his rash decision ere the dawn of
the morning light.
The meagre supply of wet and rotten
wood, just dug out of the snow, and
the neglected cracks and crevices in
every side aud roof of the house, ad
mitted a constant supply of the freshest
Oregon atmosphere to the great danger
of fresher colds and frosted feet. Dur
ing the evening's conversation the
stranger discovered that the pioneer
was a "granger'' and therefore early
next morning wishing to contribute
something for the benefit of his worthy
host he related the following dream he
had during the little sleep he got
through the night, viz:
A certain Patron of Husbandry, zeal
ous in the cause, and noted for the
much time ho spent in promulgating
its doctrines, and the great benefits de
rived therefrom, finally sickened and
died. Having given most of his tinib
to the great cause, which he hoped and
believed would warrant him a high
seat in the everlasting Grange above,
he marched boldly up to the outer gate
and rapped for admission. On being
asked who was there, replieil: "A
Husbandman from the Grange below."
"Have you been diligent and thorough
as a cultivator? and have you done all
your duty in trying to secure peace
and harmony among your neighbors?
and in doing to others as you would
have them do to you? or, have you been
recreant to your obligations, a promo
ter of ill-will and discord, and glorying
in human misery?" Ho waited for a
reply, but the Granger with head bow
ed was speechless.
Then said Gabriel, "depart from me
to the nethermost hell, and seek admis
sion there of your father, the Devil."
He went, but was told that no such
Granger could enter his domains.
"But," said the Patron, "where am I
to go; they will not have me in Heaven?"
"That matters little to me," replied his
majesty, "for we have plenty of predju
dice, ill-will and hate already here; but
I can furnish you a quantity of carbolic
acid and sulphur at a low figure, and
you can go ff in some lone corner and
start a httlo hell of your own." "But,"
said the wiley Patron,
I shall not be
to that expense, for I can go to Jerome
under way.
Ilu.irtl of 1rutc-i.
An adjourned meeting of the Board
of Trustees was held at the Town Hall
on last Saturday evening with a full
Board piesent.
The reports of the City Sexton and
Street Commissioner were read and
oidcred filed. A liquor license for one
year was granted Noland & McDaniel.
In regard to the opening of the Val
ley road A. W. Presley, the claimant
of the ground, appeared before the
Board and filed a lemonstrance and
petition for damages. It was decided,
however, that the Board would stand
by the order made at a previous meet
ing. The purchase of the old Mensor
brick for a Town Hall was confirmed
by tho Board and an order for 450
drawn on the Treasurer to pay for
The Town election was ordered for
Tuesday, March 2d, aud the following
appointments made: Inspectors of Elec
tion L. J. U. Duncan, J. II. JNeil and
R. S. Dunlap. Clerks of Election
J. H. Huffer and Jerry Nunan.
Younh Men's L. fc R. R. Associa
tion. This society, gotten up for the
mutual improvement of the young men
of Jacksonville, organized under its
constitution on Monday night, the 26th
instant, at the old Club Room, which
has been rented for this purpose of the
Masonic building authorities. The
society organized with thirty-one char
ter members, and the'officers hold their
position for a term of six months. The
temporary President, Chas. Prim, call
ed the society to order, and caused the
roll of members to be read, after which
balloting commenced for permanent
officers of the society, resulting in the
choice of the following persons: Pres
ident, Chas Nickell; Vice-President and
Librarian, Fred Oveibeck; Secretary
and Corresponding Secretary, Chas.
Prim; Treasurer, James R. Little;
Janitor, Wm. Young ; Board of direc
tors-, Adam Klippel, Henry Weber and
Aaron Maegly. The next regular
meeting of the society will be held
Monday night, Feb. 2d, for the transac
tion of important business pertaining
to the perfection of the organization.
Irish papers received here give a
fearful account of the distress prevail
ing in Ireland. Tho appeals for aid in
behalf of starving humanity are meet
ing with a generous response through
out the United States. Jacksonville
with its proverbial liberality should
not be behind. Will some one take
steps to obtain an immediate contribu
tion ?
Take Notice. Those owing bills at
"The City Drug Store" are notified
that they will be refusetl credit until
they settle, and interest will be charg
ed from this date, January 1, 1880.
Robert Kahler.
Iron-clad note for sale at HiU ofllcc.
Cash Prirrs at Kcanint Brothrn Sipre
JackAoitTllle, Orrguu.
Choicest Costa Rica coffee, perlt.
San Fran, refined (C) sugar, per tt.
Crushed Sugar, per It,
Extia C syrup, per 5 sallon kegs. .
Grant's candles, per lxx 4
I5est candles, N. a, per box 4
Adamantine candles, per box 3
boda and sjlaratus, 1. II. L, per tb...l2e
unun pepper, siiicu.pcr lb :c
Lorn lard's tin tag tobacco, per lb. . . 75c
.1. B. Pace's tin ti.g tobneco, per lb.. 75c
Coal oil, per 5 gallon can J 00
Choicest tea, per lb .50c
Lownsdale bleached muslin, pcryd. Zt
White Rock bleaelud innaltn tmt vil 191 .
Red Bank " " " "..10c
Green Bank " " ."i0c
Cabot A and W unbleached muklin,
f Pr vu.... .................... .luc
tycoon reps for ladies wrappers per
yal " .25c
Diagonal dress goods, per yd 25c
lilaclc cashmere, good, per yd 87
t ancv water nroofs iwrvil 1
Cotton batting.per Ih '.80c
Canton flannel, per yd 12c
Laces, embroideries, a yd 12c an-up.
Ladies' kid gloves, pci pair 75c
Corsets fcioo
Best Corsets '173
Ladies' silk ties 25c
" dress silk, per yd $1 00
CLOTHINO cheaper than thk ciiEru,r.
A goodsiiitfor $to 00
Hats, each 1 and upward
Brown duck overalls, per pair 75c
Bluetlcnim " " " .750
Levi Strauss & Co.'s copper-riveted
duck overalls, pcrpair $1 50
Levi Strauss & Co.'s copper-rlvctcd
blanket-lined duck coats 5 00
Other blanket-lined duck coats 4 00
White shirts, good t 25
Jicrino undershirts & drawers, each..75c
Canton flannel undershirts & draw-
Boots, California made warranted and
stamped on theliottom, per p iir$4 50
Boots, California made warranted and
stamped on the bottom, finest fc
best calf. c Oo
Lastern made boots, per pair,. ..$3 to 4 00
Ladies' shoes, California made, licst
calf, warranted and stamped, per
pair............ .,......,..,., 2
Ladies' shoes 2d quality, per pair.... 2
" 3d " ' 1
Ladies' half cloth shoes, wan-ranted
and stamped on the bottom $2350
Ditto, 2d quality, per pair 2 00
uarpci suppers " "
Moquct or plush slippers per pair'.'.
Nails, per keg, 100 lbs
Steel shovels, long handle
White lead. Atlantic, tier kec. 25 Its
1 00
7 50
1 00
3 00
.vii oiner goon in our stock will be sold
for cash at prices In proportion to tho
Keai. Estate Tr vns vctionh. Follow,
ing arc the real estute transactions since
our last issue:
Isaac T. Bassett to John II. Daley and
D. W.Graves: mining land and ditches in
Hock Point precinct. Consideration, $500.
John Conway to Mary Anne Beals;land
in Ashland precinct. Consideration, $250.
R. V. A. Dunlap and Chas. E. Low to
James Martin and James II Oatman ; land
in Phoenix Consideration, $200.
James Thornton and others torJohn R.
IZ.vr(v!rK. - .4fi.lt..lA. ... V.,
N. S Marshall and wife to Jane S
Marshall ; land in Ashland precinct Con
Jacob Wanner and others to E. F. Wal
ker; one undivided one-eighth of Ashland
Woolen Mill property in Ashland. Con
sideration, $l,b75.
Jacksonville, Oregon.
the citizens of Jacksonville and sur
lounding country, that I have opened a
shop, and should be pleased to serve them
in my line of business. Costom-made
work and repairing promptly aud neatly
executed on the shortest notice.
Barncburg Kincaid.
mcrly occupied by Mat. Shannon we
ask a share of the public patronage.
Staple produce or Cash liken 'for work.
Linkvillo, Oregon.
J. K.1.KAUL), Proprietor.
popular resort I em now prepared to
furnish the best of Litpiors, Wines, and
Cigars, and ask a share of the public pat
ronage. J. K. I1X.AISU.
Lathes and Shingles by tho
ply the market with sawed lathes and
shingles from his mill, five miles East of
Ashland, on Clayton creek, at the following
prices : Shingles,Sugar pine,delivcred,$.i.75
per thousand. Lathes, delivered. $0.50
per thousand.
All orders promptly filled. Address,
John Chandlei-
Ashland, Ogn.
The best assortment of bolts, screws,
tire and copper rivets, rasps, tiles,
pinchers, nippers, tongs and hammers,
at John Miller's.
Bridle bitts, spurs, stirrups, hames,
toggles, buck'es, rings, awls, needles
and thread, hair brushes and curry
combs, at John Millers.
The latest improved Sharp, Ballard,
Remington and Winchester rifles, war
ranted to bo tho genuine article, at
John Miller's.
The best steel spring shovels, picks
and steel sledges, hickory pick and axo
handles at John Miller's.
Cotton bitting, 27jcts er pound, at
the New- "ork store.