Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 14, 1880, Image 3

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"Wednesday, January 14, 1880.
Religious Services. Rev. D. A.
Crowell will preach at the M. E.
Church, Jacksonville, at 11 A. M., next
Sunday, Jan 18th Elder Peter
son will preach at Central Point next
Lordsday, Jan. 18th, and at Eagle
Point on the 25th.
Improvements at Klamath. We
learn from reliable authority that new
quarters are to be built at Fort Klam
ath next Spring for the enlisted men;
one for the cavalry and one for the in
fantry. The officers' quarters are still
in good order and sufficiently comma
Solar Eclipse. The solar eclipse
announced for Sunday afternoon lost
took place with due precision. During
the most of the afternoon heavy clouds
obscured the sun, but at 4 p. si. they
broke away and the partial eclipse was
plainly visible without the aid of smok
ed glass.
Recovering. The McFerrin family
residing near the desert are all nearly
Veil. A report was circulated that
they had "malignant diphtheria" or
t'black tongue," which had the effect of
keeping the neighbors away and great
ly distressing the family without cause
and creating unnecessary alarm.
A. Little Deluge. On Friday the
tail-race at the "Willow Springs mines
choked up and backed the water until
a large volume had accumulated.
When it broke it nearly submerged
Wm. Peninger's farm, flooding liis
barn and out-houses so that he had to
remove his stock ; but not before some
of his hogs were drowned.
Dam Carried Away. During the
heavy rain on Friday last Bear creek
raised so rapidly that the dam of the
Eureka Mill was swept away, and the
changing current seriously damaging
the county road between the mill and
Central Point. Steps have been taken
to protect the road from further
washing, which would be inevitable
should another warm rain ensue.
En Route. We had a call fiom
our genial friend, Lieut E. H. Shel
ton, who was en-route from Ft. Klam
ath to Walla Walla last week to join
his wife who is serioubly ill. He re
ports a very heavy snow-fall in Lake
county, the snow being about six feet
deep at the "ost"and five deep on the
road from Fort Klamath to Linkville.
Stockmen and merchants considered
the prospects very gloomy.
Mired. On Thursday night last
Goo. Chase discovered that the stone
culvert across the "run" in the Herrin
lane had washed out,and in attempting
to cross t the side of the road got liia
leaders inir-yL It was with difficulty
that he save them from drowning un
til help arrived, and ho utilized W. F.
a.nd Co.'s box by propping up the stage
to kwp it from capsizing until things
were righted. Who wouldn't b a
stage driver, out in the chilly night ?
A Slight Flurry. There has
been a little "discord" in our neighbor
ing town of Ashland lately, in College
circles, that threatened to discount our
little "organ" war. From our best
sources .of information it appears that
an effort was made to eject a music
teacher from the faculty, but she still
remains mistress of the situation. A
card in the last "Tidings" numerously
mgned, warmly endorses the teacher,
but it is to le regretted as "cards"
create a suspicion in the public mind
that somebody needs bolstering up.
We are glad to say that all is apparent
ly peaceful again,
Those Opium Dens. The "Times"
has at last discovered that there are
Opium "dens" in Jacksonville, but
thinks we have greatly exaggerated,
and remarks that only a "depraved
few visit the dens." We will say for
tne information of the "Times" that the
Sentinel hod materially checked
the evil by a kindly and earnest warn
ing to the young men who were
thoughtlessly yielding to the habit be
fore the "Times" noticed it. Conse
quently it is only those who are called
by that paper the "depraved few" who
still indulge and they are to be pitied
more thad blamed. We know exact
ly what we are talking about.
Vnnisn n'n Afopitriv it A Tlnvi.
son, lately returned from Yreka, says
the late storm was heavier in Siskiyou
county than here, snow was three feet
deep on the summit of the stage road
pass. He thinks the loss of stock
across the State line will be even heav
ier than here, as there is less feed pro
vided. Since Mr. Davison's return it
has stormed all the time, and our latest
advises are that the snow was seven
feet deep on the highest points of the
road. Sleighs are now run instead of
stages between Barron's and Cole's.
This is the first time in ten years that
the mails had to be carried in sleighs
across the Siskiyou mountains.
Red Men Installation. The
Pocahontas Tribe of the Improved Or
der of Red Men installed the following
officers on the 7th of this month:
Henry Pape, Sachem; Geo. Elliott,
Senior Sagamore ; Chas. Nickell, Jun
ior Sagamore; Louis Solomon, Keeper
of Wampum ; Frank Lorraine, Guard
of the Wigwam ; Adam Schmidt, Guard
of the Forest; E. D. Foudray, 1st San-
nap; James McCully, 2d Sannap ; T. J.
Kenney, 1st BraVe ; Aaron Barnaburg,
2d Brave; John Cimborsky, 1st War
rior; David Cronemiller, 2d Warrior;
3L K. Hanna, Prophet. After .he in
stallation the members and invited
guests adjourned to the Club Room
where a bounteous collation awaited
them, followed by a dance which was
pretty generally participated in by
those present Music by the Jackson
ville btnng iiand.
Settle up.
Potatoes scarce.
Roads execrable.
Hay $15 per ton.
Winter breaking up.
Days are lengthening.
Eggs are not to be had.
Read N. Ficke's new ad.
Everything thawed out
What is a Leap Year gift!
Legion of Honor on Friday.
Telegraph lines demoralized.
Chickens beginning to look wise.
Chinese New Year occurs Feb. 1.
We can't most always sometimes
Snow reported two feet deep at
Suits, worth 15 for 9, at the New
York store.
Odd Fellows installation at Ashland
next Saturday.
Fifteen yards print, for SI at the
New York store.
Three undershirts for 1, at the
New York store.
Fine ornamental clocks, at the New
York store, at cost
Six pounds refined sugar for SI, at
the New York store.
Cotton batting, 27Jcts per pound, at
the New York store.
Bailed hay is selling at $20 a ton,
and loose hay at 515.
The "Tidings" reports several cases
of measles in Ashland.
There will bo a party at Dan Fisher's
on the 30th of January.
For a first-class sewing machine
for sale cheap call at this office.
The eclipse of the sun last Sunday
afternoon lasted only 35 seconds.
Hats in all colors, worth S2 50 for
SI each, at the New York store.
For the very best and cheapest job
work, come to the Sentinel office.
Coffee, extra Costa Rica. 3i oound8
for one dollar, at the New York store.
Follv'p wild reicn must be brief if
you want to have a long life of useful
We learn that Peter Simons is ser
iously ill at his residence near Eagle
Tobacco in all brands first quality,
65c per pound, at the New York
Wes. Manning, L. L. Savage and
L. G. Ross left here last week for
Table oil cloths in all colors first
quality, 50c per yard, at the New
York store.
The hea-iest gale ever experienced
on this coast visited Astoria on the
night of the 8th inst
Dr. Callender returned to Roseburg
last Saturday, after a sojourn in our
midst of over one week.
The other day the sheep shed of W.
B. Kincaid in Manzanita precinct was
blown over by the storm.
The transfer at Bybee's ferry is all
right now, the damages caused by the
late freshets having been repaired.
Bill heads, posters, cards and every
thing in that line,neatly printed at the
Sentinel office. Call and learn our
Morning before Christmas the ther
mometer went down to 24 degrees be
low zero at Alturas, Modoc county, Cal
Christmas and New Year's toys, ic.,
worth S2.50 for SI, worth SI for 50cts.,
worth 50cts for 12 Jets, at the New
York store,
Kaspar Kubli will accept our thanks
for a calendar for 1880, issued by the
Phoenix Fire Insurance company, for
which he is agent
If you want to make your family
happy or friends in the East a desir
able present, subscribe for the Senti
nel; only S2.50 a year.
We heard last week that an assist
ant postmaster had been appointed for
Jacksonville. It was a post "mistress,"
a little small one, and all in the family.
The telegraph waf badly demoralized
again last week by the heavy storm,
there being no communication with
Portland or San Francisco for several
Material improvements have been
made at the postoffice by P. M. Muller.
It is now arranged so that the window
is closed while mails are being distrib
uted. The "Del Norte Record" of Jan. 6th
says, the roads are almost impassible in
all directions from Crescent City, with
very littlo chance of improvement be
fore Spring.
A Philadelphia dispatch says, the
contract was let to construct 750 miles
of the Texas Pacific Railroad, being
the section between Fort Worth
and El Passo.
Joe Beggs, the "boss" freighter, has
bten heard from. He is engaged in
building a scow with which to navi
gate the road between Roseburg and
Robert's hill.
The hay barn of the Beall Brothers,
was blown over by the wind on the 9th
instant, as were also many of their
fences. The fences and out-houses of
Gen Ross shared the same fate.
The great eclipse of Sunday was a
fruitless attemut on the nart of nlrl
"Sol" to divert attention from Matt
Dillons fine whiskey. Nothing can
eclipse it and no smoked glass required.
W. H. Woodbury, postmaster at
Crescent City, informs the "Courier"
that a tri-weekly mail service will be
established between that point and San
Francisco via Eureka in about three
Falkner, Bell fc Ca's wool and live
stock circular, San Francisco, notes a
falling off of nearly 22 per cent- in
1878 of the wool trade of the Pacific
coast Cause, decrease of the number
of sheep.
A great deal of Eastern mail for
Southern Oregon goes per steamer -by
way of San Francisco and Portland.
The steamer "California" which arriyed
at Portland on the 5th brought six
tons of mail.
The "Ceroma" of Ashland College
for December is on our table, somewhat
belated. Prof. Rogers' Thanksgiving
sermon, delivered at the M. E. church
in Ashland is.one of the main features
of this number.
The mail contractor on the Butte
creek route (McMahon) informs us
that the snow at King's on Big Butte
was thirty inches deep on Friday last
The last storm was telling very hard
on stock, especially on sheep.
John Slagle's barn near Willow
Springs fell in with a crash during the
high wind the other day, burying a
mare and a colt. The animals were
extricated after considerable exertion,
but were more frightened than injured.
The "State Line Herald,' published
at Lakeview by the Watson Bros., has
entered on its second year of existence
greatly enlarged and improved. It is
attracting much attention to Lake
county and doing good work for its
Oregon street wants a new bridge
across Jackson creek, one that every
rise in that stream will not wash out
We should think Jacksonville could
afford a more substantial bridge at that
point than any of its short-stringered
Last Saturday Mrs. Amanda Bilger,
accompanied by her sister, Mrs.
Kreutzer, left here for Roseburg where
she expects to remain some weeks in
the family of Dr. Callender for the
benefit of her health, which has been
failing for some months.
Sheep are now dying in large num
brs in the valley. It is probable that
only those bands that were healthy, in
good condition and amply supplied
with food at the beginning of the
storm, will weather it through without
a loss of more than fifty per cent.
A prominent farmer tells us that
many sheep are dying from eating poi
sonous weeds in tho hay. It would be
well for our farmers to investigate and
discover the weed if possible to do so.
When such weeds are known and rec-
ogniaod thVy fan Va crcbJCatcJ tLIlo
We hear that a large band of sheep
belonging to Mr. Webb of Siskiyou
county, Cal, are diminishing at a ter
rible rate. Webb had twenty-two
thousand head at the beginning of the
storm and has already lost five thou
sand. It is feared that he will loose his
entire band.
The case of B. F. Dowell against the
city of Portland, for illegally assessing
B. F. Dowell for a lot he never owned,
appealed by the city from the decision
of Justice Wiley last Fall, has been de
cided by Judge Bellinger in favor of
the plaintiff, and assessed his damage
at 3145.45 and costs of the action.
During Gen. Grant's visit in Jack
sonville, Florida, January 5th, the
thermometer stood 80 degrees in the
shade, with beautiful sunshiny weather,
and the magnolia filling the air with
perfume. On the same day we, in
Jacksonville, Oregon, had freezing
weather with the thermometer at 28.
Owing to the death of M. D. Pome
roy the wagon road interest has receiv
ed a serious backset He was on his
way to San Francisco for the puqwse
of enlisting the assistance of the busi
ness men of that city in the enterprise,
and there is little doubt that he would
have succeeded in his efforts. Cres
cent City "Courier."
The sharp wind which prevailed
here on the 9th instant, blew down
quite a number of frail fences and
rickety out-houses. In the lanes down
the valley, we are informed, miles of
fences and a number of hay sheds
were prostrated. It has been many
years since Jacksonville and Rogue
river valley experienced such a "blow."
We learn from R. M. Garrett, mail
contractor on the Waldo route, that
there has been a heavy snow fall in
Josephine county during the past week.
On the Hays' hill it was three feet in
depth and about two feet deep along
many miles of the road. Sheep were
dying in considerable numbers, and the
people of Josephine county will be
heavy losers in stock.
The small attendance at the Court
House last Friday night was very dis
couraging to our Amateur Minstrel
Troupe. Our boys who have assisted
with their musical talents on many
public occasions gratis, should not have
been slighted in this manner. But the
remarkably blustry weather was per
haps a valid excuse for the light house
on the night alluded to.
We regret to n-te the death of John
J. Nichols, formerly of Douglas county,
which took place at his residence in
Sam's Valley on Sunday morning last.
The health of the deceased had leen
failing-for sometime and last week he
caught a severe cold which proved his
last sickness. Mr. Nichols was a man
of upright character and sterling in
tegrity and a good and useful citizen
whose loss will be felt. He leaves a
wife and family to mourn his depart
ure. He was insured in the Pacific
Mutual Lift Insurance Co. for SI, 000.
Coats, worth 8 for 4 50, at the
new jor. store.
ITeatlier Brpert for 1819.
longitude i23 deo. 55 min ; alt. 1800 ft.
Rain in
Coldest near
44 28 1.49
.53 43 1.07
"52 35 455
63 52 1.68
b3 53 3.00
12 63 .67
75 70 .95
80 90 .51
77 -67 .14
63 50 .43
50 39 353
41 32 6.31
5th, 15 deg.
4th, 16 deg.
12th:32 deg.
8th, 32 deg.
3d, 28 deg.
17th, 37 deg.
5th, 37 deg.
24th, 41 deg.
10th, 33 deg.
31st, 31 deg.
27th, 18 deg.
J 23d, 2-deg.
. SO
Apr. 41
3Iay 43
June 48
.Tnltr ' .19
January Foggy six days.
February Foggy one day.
July 27 warmest from two to four, 98 deg.
August 9th, warmest from two to four,
98 deg; nine dys smoky.
September Eleven days smoky.
October -Tiireedays foggy.
December :TEree days foggy.
Total rainfall ininches 24.03.
Ashland Items. We are happy in
a short respite from public entertain
ments of any sort 'Squire Watters
has sold his house and lot on Granite
Street to Christian Xarlow, who has
been living in Ashland for some
months. Tho price received is S825.
. . . .Ashland post-office in 1879 issued
1264 money orders and. forwarded 519
registered lettters 0. R. Myer and
H. T. Chitwood built au ice house on
Bear creek, near town, one day last
week, and nut up about 35.000 pounds
of ice for next Suminerjs use.... The
brick work on the Odd Fellows' build
ing, Ashland, has been finished, not
withstanding the snowy state of the
season, and will . be topped off with a
n re-proof gravel roof.,..T. O. An
drews vacates the foremanship of the
Ashland Woolen factory, and will
shortly be superseded by a Mr. McMa
hon, formerly of Lacon, 111., but now
of Leavenworth, Kansas. . . . Capt A.
D. Helman, our postmaster, is one of
the oldest incumbents upon the Pa
cific Coast, having been postmaster at
Ashland ever since the office was first
established here, in 1856 J. R.
Burke met with a distressing accident
at the factory of Maish fc Co., Tues
day afternoon. He was at work with
the moulding machine, when his hand
was struck by the revolving bits, and
three fingers, the first, second and the
little finger, were almost severed from
the hand and were shockingly lacera
ted. Dr. Royal dressed the wounded
hand, and thinks that with good care
it r ay heal so as to be a useful mem
ber, but it will never be as flexible and
strong as before the, accident It has
iicrii uui. a inw-uiuiiius since jut.
Burke had his elbow severely cut by
the same machine, or a similar one.
Very Changeable. -The people of
Rogue river valley are treated to all
kinds of weather this Vinter. Nature
seems to be at war with itself, and our
reputation for mildness of climate and
geniality of temperature has received
several very severe and chilling back
sets. The general thaw the forepart
of last week was" followed by some viv
id flashes of lightning and the rumb
ling of thunder on the night of the
5th and the morning of the 6th in
stant. On the 7th Jacksonville and
vicinity were visited by a pouring
tropical rain, which continued all
forenoon and turned into a snowstorm
toward evening. The waters which
came rushing down Jackson and Daisy
creeks soon caused those streams to
assume formidable proportions, run
ning over their banks and spreading
over the low places below town. The
timber of the bridge crossing Jackson
creek on Oregon street were again
moved out of place, and the ground
floor of P. J. Ryan's new barn was
flooded by the waters of Daisy creek.
On the morning of the 8th the mud in
the streets was frozen sufficiently stiff
to bear up the weight of a man, fol
lowed by a snowstorm that lasted all
forenoon of that day. When the storm
let up the fallen snow was found to
measure 4i inches on the level. On
the 9 th it rained all '.forenoon, rapidly
melting the snow of thfl previous days,
and at half past 12 a heavy wind came
down from the South, blowing a per
fect gale and threatening to level all
the rickety BtrucUmS in its course.
The wind lifted the lignt wooden build
ing in the rear of the residence of
Adam Klippel on Fifth avenue, used
as a carptner shop and wood shed,
dumping its roof and sides in the mid
dle of the street The gale continued
uninterruptedly for two hours, alter
nating with rain, snow and sunshine.
Beautieul Portrait. There is on
exhibition, at Mr. Beekman's banking
office, a very finely executed portrait
from the brush of Miss Anna Benner,
who is now located in Jacksonville,
having her studio at Mr. Britt's resi
dence. Miss Benner comes among us
a stranger, but. bringing pleasant let
ters of introduction from friends in
the North. She is prepared to paint
portraits in oil or give instructions to
others, and her merit as an artist is
quite apparent from the beauty of her
Quarterly Meeting. The second
quarterly meeting of the M.E. Church
for Jacksonville circuit will be held at
Phoenix on Saturday and Sunday, Jan.
24th and 25th. Preaching on Saturday
at 11 a. m., after which the quarterly
conference will be held. All the offi
ciary are requested to be present as
important business will come before the
conference. The usual quarterly meet
ing services will be held on Sabbath.
AH are invited to attend.
D. A. CrowelC, Pastor.
Subscribe for the Sentinel.
Miners up Jackson creek are all
busy as beavers.
Gin Len on Little Applegate is
steadily at work day and night with
two pipes.
Every miner on Applegate that we
can hear from is at work utilizing the
fine supply of water.
Sterling Mining Co., which had to
suspend operations on account of some
"slides" in their ditch, resumed piping
again to-day.
From Wes. Ingram, who called on
Saturday, we learn that all the ditches
at Willow Springs were flush. T. L.
Beck will move more of his rich dirt
this season than he has moved for the
past two Winters, and every miner in
the camp was busy. The Egan arastra
was still at work on good rock.
We met W. H. Benner, superinten
dent of the Centennial mine, a few
days ago, who informed us that the
water supply was ample for his six
inch pipe, and the prospect for a long
continued run very good. The Cen
tennial prospects well and no doubt
will pay its owners well this season.
The ground is now so thoroughly
saturated with water and there is
so large an amount of snow in the
mountains that miners will undoubted
ly have the largest water supply ever
known in Southern Oregon. Many of
the wells in Jacksonville are full to
the surface with water, and many cel
lars have to be abandoned.
Supreme Court Proceedings.
Among the proceedings of the Supreme
Court from the "Statesman" we find
the following: W. H. Effinger
presented to the court affidavits and
papers charging Sidney Dell with be
ing guilty of contempt of the court by
reason of having w ritten and caused to
be published false statements as to the
findings and opinions of the court in
tho case of Hewit and Walker vs.
Goldsmith and Teal ; tried and decided
at the January term of the court, 1879.
The Coyote Gold and Silver
Mining Company, respondents, vs.
Wn. Ruble and Walter Ruble, appel
ants, appeal from Jackson county; set
for hearing the 19th day of January.
John Weiss, appellant, vs. the
Board of County Commissioners of
Jackson county et al., respondents,
appeal from Douglas county; motion
to dismiss allowed. The latter case in
volved the right of the County Com
missioners to lay out and open a coun
ty road within the corporate limits
of Jacksonville. It was transferred to
the second district as Judge Hanna
had been counsel in the case, there dis
missed on demurrer and appealed to the
Supreme Court. Its dismissal leaves
the main question still undecided.
found the programme of the enterram'
ment to be given at the Court House
next Friday night : 1. Music by the
Brass Band; 2. Opening song, by so
ciety; 3. Declamation, Wm. Card well;
4. Music by String Band; 5. Song and
chorus by Ella Prim, Anna Little, R.
H. Klipjwl and A. Maegly; 6. Select
reading by Issie McCully ; 7. Music by
the Brass Band ; 8. Address by A. C.
Jones; 9. Music by the String Band;
10. Recess; 11. Music by the Brass
Band; 12. Trio song by Cora Linn,
Maggie Linn and Anna Little; 13.
Essay by G. A. Hubbell; 14. Music by
the String Band; 15. Song by the Boys;
16. Song by the Little Folks; 17. Rec
itation by Rena Danforth; 18. Quar
tet by R, H. Klippel, Wm. Young, R.
Wilkinson and A. Maegly; 19. Chorus
by a quartett of old folks; 20.
Music by the Brass Band.
Building Damaged in Ashland.
We learn that the Odd Fellows' brick
building recently erected in Ashland
has been very seriously damaged by the
storm. The foundation in front has
settled jo that the walls of the second
story in front are bulged forward sever
al inches and there are several long
vertical cracks in the wall, running
from the stone foundation up. The
wall was thought so insecure that on
Thursday last workmen were engaged
in strengthening the foundations, but
many think anything but the rebuild
ing of the whole front wall, a waste of
money. We heard long since that the
brick layers protested against the foun
dation as flimsy and unsafe but their
judgment was disregarded. We are at
a loss to know why this important item
has been omitted by our usually enter
prising cotemporary, the "Tidings."
Mormons Defiant. Advises from
Salt Lake, dated Jan. 5, state that yes
terday afternoon at the Mormon Quar
terly Conference in that city, Apostle
John Taylor, in closing his remarks to
about five thousand assembled Saints,
said that polygamy was ordained of
God, and the United States could not
stop it no nation on earth could stop
it all the nations on the earth could
not wipe it out He defied the United
States, and called upon all his hearers
who supported him to raise their right
hand. Every hand went up in support
of the Mormon leader in his treason,
and even women raised the hands of
infants in their arms. Taylor was fol
lowed by Apostle Smith who spoks in
tli3 same strain and in a defiant man-
Beautiful INSTRUMENT.-The church
organ about which there has been so
much talk lately was unboxed on Sat
urday and placed in Mr. Foudray's
parlor. It is said by musical experts
to be in perfect order nnd it is certain
ly one of the sweetest toned instruments
we ever heard. If it were in the
church where it should be, there is no
telling how many poor sinners might
be led to grace by its heavenly strains.
Take Notice; Those owing bills at
"The City Drug Store" are notified
that they will be refused credit until
they settle, and interest will be charg
ed from this date, January 1, 1880.
Robert Kahler.
East of the Mountains.
Arthur Langell writes us the follow
ing from Langell valley, under date
of Jan. 6th :
Snow has fallen here to the depth of
twelve inches at my house; at "Horse
Fly" four feet with a crust which
makes it bad for stock. Horses have
been found standing under juniper
trees for four days on account of the
crust Old settlers think this Winter
will kill more stock than the hardest
Winter ever known in Lake. Very
little hay here, and feeding commenced
six weeks earlier than usual, and my
impression is that if the storm contin
ues six weeks longer two-thirds of the
cattle in this section will jierish. Sheep
will die by the wholesale. Langell val
ley is covered with ice 'eight inches
thick on which teams can pass easily.
The above being dated prior to the
last heavy storm, the perilous Condition
of stock in Lake county will be realiz
ed. Ed.
Real Estate Transactions. The
following1" deeds have been recorded in
the County Clerk's office since our last
State to Prudence M. Walker, con
firmatory deed for school land, in Man
zanita precinct. Original considera
tion, $71.92.
John Conway to Mary Ann Bealls,
land in Ashland precinct. Considera
tion, S250.
A. D. Helman to James D. Foun
tain, land in Ashland. Consideration,
John R. Helman to James D. Foun
tain, land in Ashland. Consideration,
W. H. Hunter has lately returned
to this valley after an absence of the
Fall months in Reading, California,
where he has been working at his trade
(blacksmithing). He represents Read
ing since the teaming closed, as ex
tremely dull, with times hard and very
little business doing. The fact of
Reading being a railroad terminus did
not seem to give that town any more
life and animation than towns a hun
dred or more miles away from the
Society Election. At a regular
meeting of Jacksonville Stamm No.
148, II. O. R. M., held at their hall
last Thursday evening, the following
officers were elected for the ensuing
term: O. C, Newman Fisher; U. C.
S. Cohn; B. C., Jacob Meyer; Secreta
ry, M. Muller; G. S., H. v. Helms;
Treasurer, Veit Schutz; P., E. Ja
cobs. The installation will take place
next Thursday evening.
Stock Prospects. It is now conced
ed by experienced stockmen that even
Ijcxs losniBfck in Jackson, Josephine
and Lake counties will be immense.
The long continued storm has weaken
ed and impoverished cattle to such an
extent that as soon as tho ground be
comes soft and miry they will be unable
to get food and will consequently per
ish. Installation. The Ruth Rebekah
Degree Lodge No. 4, installed the fol
lowing officers last Monday evening:
N. G., Mrs. W. J. Plymale; V. G.,
Mrs. Newman Fisher; R. S., C. Ul
rich; F. S., K. Kubli; Treas., Mrs.
Fred Luy; Con., John A. Boyer; War
den, R Luy; I. G., W. J. Plvmale;
R. S. N. G., Mrs. K. Kubli; R.' S. V.
G., Mrs. John Miller; L. S. V. G.,
Mrs. C. Ulrich; O. G., Veit Schutz.
McFERRIN. Tothe wife ot S. B. McFer
rin of Manzanita precinct, on January
4tn, 18SU, a son.
MULLER. Born, Jan. 7, 1880, to the wife
of Max Muller, a daughter.
NICHOLS. Died, Jan. 11, 1880, at Sam's
Valley, of consumption, John J. Nichols,
aged 57 years.
California St.
N, Ficke, - Proprietor,
site Kahler & Bro.'s drugstore Is bet
ter prepared than ever to Tarnish the pab
lie with the choicest quality of
The most favorable inducements offered
to patrons . ad no effort will be spared to
ward elving general satisfaction.
school win commence about the end of
August, and is divided in four sessions,
of eleven weeks each.
Board and tuition, per term, $40.00
Bedand Bedding 4.00
Drawing and painting 8.00
Piano.. 15.00
Entrance fee only once, 5.00
Primary, per term, $ 6.00
Junior, " 8.00
Senior, " 10.00
Pupils received at any time, and special
attention is paid to pMt Scalar studies in
behalf of children who have 'but limited
time. For further particulars apply at
the Academy.
Caih rrlre at Reames Brother' Btr
Jacksonville, Ortzoa.
Groceries, etc.
Choicest Costa Rica cofTce, per lb ... .
San Fran, refined (C) sugar, pr &. . .
Crushed Sugar, per n
Extia C syrup, per 5 gallon kegs. . . . $3 3
Grant's candles, per box...., 4 ZJ
Best "candles, N. B, per box 4 30
Adamantine candles, per box 3 50
Soda and salaratus, I.H.I, per B... 13)e
Grain pepper; sifted,, per lb 35c
Lorrilard's tin tart tobacco. ter lb... 75c
J. B. Pace's tin the tobacco, per lb. ,75c
vjai on, per 0 gallon can $3 o
Choicest tea, per lb... .60c
Lownsdale bleached muslin, per yd.. 13
White Rock bleached muslin; per yd13Utt
Red Bank " " "..10c
Green Bank " " " ". 10c
Cabot A and W unbleached muslin,
per yd 10c
Tycoon reps for ladies wrappers per
ySrd ." jj5o
Diagonal dress godds, per yd. 25c
Black cashmere, good, per yd. 87)
Fancy water proofs peryd $1 00
Cotton batting.pcr lb 30c
Canton flannel, per yd 1 2$ a
Laces, embroideries,- a yd 13cau-up.
Ladies' kid gloves; pet pair; .tut.. .75c
Corsets ..; :...., $1 09
Best Corsets .:.....' 170
Ladies' silk ties .-.-. s... 85c
" dress silk, peryd $1 Qd
A good suit for $10 00
Hats, each i and upwards
Brown duck overalls, per pair" 75c
Blue denim " " " .75c
Levi Strauss & Co.'s copper-riveted
duck overalls, per pair $130
Levi Strauss & Co.'s copper-riveted
blanket-lined duck coats 5 00
Other blanket-lined duck coats 4 00
White shirts, good 1 35
Merino undershirts it drawers, each75o
Canton flannel undershirts & draw-
ers 75c
Boots, California made warranted and
stamped on the bottom, porpair4 80
Boots, California made warranted and
stamped on the bottom, finest &
Ix'st rnlf n
Eastern made boots, per pair,... $3 to 4 00
vaults snocs, uainornia maue, best
calf, warranted and stamped, per
pair a 33
Ladies' shbesTSd fiiinlity, per flair.... 3 00
" " W " 1 7j
wssis' 1 chiuiiVs iaou ix raorottiox.
Ladies' half cloth shoes, Varrrahtctl
and stamped on the bottom $250
Ditto, 2d quality, per pair 300
Carpet slippers " " 73
Moquet or plush slippers per pair... 1 00
Nails, per keg, 100 lbs $7 50
Steel fthnvpla Innr finni!) 1 nn
White lead, Atlantic, per keg, 25 Its". 3 00
ah ouier goou in our siock will De sold
for cash at prices in "proportion to tlit
ed a general variety store with Geo. "Vy.
Elliott on Main street, where he will keef
a full assortment of cigars, tobacco, smok.
ing articles, candies, stationery, cutlery and
He invitesthe public (o give hiiti at call
and assures all that they will call again.
Latest papers from the East always ok
Jacksonville, . Orogoa.
the citizens of Jacksonville and sur
rounding country, that I hare opened a
shop, and should be pleased to serve them
in my line of business. Costom-mado
work and repairing promptly and neatly
ezecuieu on tne snonest notice.
linkville, Oregon.
J. KXEABU, Proprietor.
popular resort I am now prepared to
furnish the best of Liquors, Wines, and
Cigars, and ask a share of the public pat
ronage. J. K. LEABO.
the Board of State Land Commission
ers to forward all notc3 upon which inter
est is due for more than one year to the
Clerk of said Board at Salem, I hereby give
notice to all persons knowing themselves
thus indebted to come forward at once and
make payment, us I must make a state
ment of such delinquencies by the last of
the year and also forward said notes. The
forced payment of these notes may bo
avoided by prompt action in this matter.
Treasurer of Jackson County, Oregon.
Jacksonville, Dec. 10, 1879.
selves indebted to Inlow of the Eagle
PoLt Store, either by note or book account,
must settle the samj by January I, 1880.
All ti.ose notes and accounts not settled by
that time will positively be placed in the
hands of an officer of tho law for forced
collection. H. T. INLOW.
Having sold my butcher shop I hereby
notify ail persons Indebted to me for meats
that they must make payments for tho
same by the 10th of January, 1880, or I
will have to force collections. I must have
money. The books and accounts are in
the hands of M. Caton, who is authorized,
to make settlements.
Y'f Btbep
Jacksonville, Ogn. Dec 23, 1879.
Notice or Settlement.
Having sold my butcher shop to N.Fick.
this is to notify all persons indebted to mo
on account for meat furnished, that they
must make immediate payment of the
same to Milo Caton, who is authorized to
collect and receipt for all money.
W."B. HAY.
.JseBonvill, Jan. 5,1880,