A nz u Oregon Sektiivel. PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AT JACKSONVILLE. ACKSON COUNT OBEGON KRAUSE &. TURNER. , T e R m s : One copy. Per YVr. In attviinr S3 30 VOL. XXIV--NO. 50 JACKSONVILLE. OR mtaon PROFESSIONAL CAKDSr J. W. ROBINSON, M. D. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Ofl!ec CIlfmltMPPIt P. J.Rjan'a. B.MnKt B. V. D"w.ll'. G. II. AIKKN.M.D., pfcsiCIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. 9-0e oppoit. r. J. Rjran'a Mora. P.JACK.M.D., pHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Late orGlasgow. Scotland. Office at Geo. Scbumprs barber-shop. MARTIN YltOOMAN. M. D. DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, ORKOON. Office up-stairs in Orth's brick. Resi dence on California street. CHAS. J. HOWARD, pflUNlY AND MINERAL fcUUVEYOR JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Ulnlm .nrrT. anlatloth.r taulneM In my line piwmntiy a'ttuited to. E II. AUTENlUKTH. TTORNEY-AT-LAW JACKSONVILLE, ORKfiON. ffnt -turtle iTVll ll. (V-nrrf irwMf.- '" 43-OOre In Orth'i bncK building. B. F. IiOWKI.T., TTORHEY-AT-LAW, .TaCKKOSVILLK, OREGON. A Jlllhn,lnM. plvr.1 In mr ttnn.wlll lr':T. .tl.utlon. 3-Spcll tiuntlon gln to &. tloD. DB. J. M. TAYLOR, ENTIST, ASHLAND, OREGON. D tt.r'i.Rpfrmn.nllvl..tMt tl.l. plw Tm now Jnllr prr,irl tn d.. .1 kin I. of.1cnt.il rk. r.rtlrn Uritinili-n Bl "'""",' ..nrli Inc eKrtp1le.'lc- Chdttfn remonsll.. WILL. .1 ACKSON, rv ENTIST, JACKSONVILLE, nRKUON. . -, rriBI-T" EXK ("! AT ALL Wfe!l. h'lim. Linclilni: B" "" fm5SSPfcinln1HTr.-Ulf Jrtlrert.for which itr UHnXll,reiMlMtiii1e. ., , . Offlce m! r..U.c. ou Coru.r or CHforaU nd riflh itntti. BERTH OLD ROSTEL, Asii: SORGEOK ot ihe German Army AND PROFESSIONAL HAIR-CUTTER, IN ORTH'S BU1LDI N, JacktiuvUle, Ore&on -The Treatment of Chrrnic Cac Made Specialty. a. o. mass. I.. D. TKAM GIBBS & STEA.'INS, 4 TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, Rooms 2 and 4 Slrowbriilge BoiMine rORTLAND, OREGON. Jflll pr'tlce lnMrknrt.of Rrcnr4 In Ui Ftie r Orecno U'l Vktilnt Trrlt..rr: nd.ypir UcoUr att.nllon tn liu.lneu In Federal Court.. UNION HOTEL, Kerbyville Oresou, M. Ryder, Propr. FIRST CL SS ACCOMMODATION CAN slwayr le had at thin house al the mot Tea'cnabl" rales, -At eicellent tahl connected with tb hotel. OO TO KA.HZ1EXI Brni fir (wlDtt . ml. nJ nrunhM. "TTlOH. lliJE tl Ml drnr. nnd Patent Med ciU'E" to KAULEU B&OS CITY MARKET CALIFORNIA SI., WILLIAM BYBEE, Proprietor. rlll? WELL KNOWN MARKET. OPPO site Kaiilrri Itin.V druui-tore Is hel ler preiar-d thim rvT in fnriiieb the pub lic willi the clm'ci ct quality of FUKSII W'.EF, PORK. VEAL. MUTTON, HAM. SALT MEATS, liACON, fuppr'nr, SAUSAGE, LAUD, ETC., 1 In- mnsl favorable itdiic ments nffereit lo pHluiiirf. n"d im -Riiit will be spared to wind giving general eatl-furlnm. V.I. HYBEE GUY BARBER SHOP AND HATH LOOMS. California St., .Ltcksoitvillr, - - - Ori'gim 'PUB IINDKHSIUNKi) IS FUI.I.Y JL pr. prt-d lo.d.i nil work in M line n. lie beet manner nnd ul riaMuiuhlt prices. HOT OK COM) BATHS din he buil ut thisi plure at al liourp of h GKORiiKSCHUUPF. THE ASHLAND Woolen Manufacturing Co, fake pleasure In ati'i-miiciug that t.iey iu have-on hand, a full mid Delect clock ol ASSOGSIEKE Made of the very best NATIVE WOOL And of wliicli tlmv will di-pnie at very rea honalile rate.'. Ord n from a dif tare" will receive prompt mention, otnd llieoi in mid give our guixis 4 tiial. Amii.akd Wnnt.vN M'r'o 'n. IvAHLEK I31t07'HElt Dealers In BOOKS AND STATIONERY. S. P. HANNA, WAGON-MAKER, Jacksonville, Oregon, TN CltO.Vfi-HI.I.E'lS nUILDIN'G 13 IN 1 receipt of h mil a'-ort'iient oT materiwl -ind prepanil tit ib all woik in hi line ok Minn imtice and in a workmanlike nmunei Vehicles of every detcriptiou tuude to or d r Term reafonable and hatfaction gnaran leeil. allrpnitim a ppecialily. O I ll.l.MIA. jHck-onvitle. Frl.niary. 20. 187". RL-OPHNED! JAOOEiMEyEB. PIONEKB. WAGOV.MAKER, HR RBSUMKH BUSINESS Al ihe himihI nf :tie Ule J. L. Hmluei mil h prepare-l tntxrruie nil wmk ill In line wiili prmptn-R mid ihppulrli and ' very n'unniMtil- tale. All HiikIk ul vein e'en nuiiriirinl. Rpairinir a ppiciilU iToml wmk uiiil low pi ice? trim'miiitil Give meu cull. J. MKYKR. WALDO KXPKUSS, Carry ixxs TJ.S. 3VE.llai leaves acktony I MONDAYS ANO THURSDAY FOR "WAUDO. LEAVES WALDO, Tuesdays and Fridaya. FiMl-class nccommodaliorn for pasrr geip. Kxpre?3 business promptly attended to by R. M. HARRIOTT. ryrru WNT A LAROK STOCK OV PERFO nifr.rnn-1 f.nef 'wrHi to select irrni po tn Kali lrr"and inbej riaii'ttmre wht Jim ant Bob wil make It, or aDrthlog Ue seaerally pnt np r. drug itotta. KAHXER IUOi ;ilW millihery store i OF , I. W. BEPRY. r ITAVB IUST RECEIVED MY FALI JL and Winter etock of il Winery Goo-. confining ol. , LADIES' HATS AND BONNETsT Millions. French Flowers. Ostrich Tip Vilttl. Diufroiillt -itllr. M.lrl!ca C.nMtiru ('iih. Kid Gloves. Laces, IJupk Cimb I'upKti HHi'iiKercliI is. t.ir.'-y w ng. nnd ;' lunus. IVrliitmiy. nod T.i let Soap, and fine fti""irim m nl infant' shoes. I alo liuve on band a supply of OV iNTLF.MEN'S KRIKIIEH &COL1.AI. F"r the holidays 1 will have aa ati-on nent of CHINA AND W X DOLLS. I h-tve ri-Jeind the ap-ticy of tin- cch lirntnl White Srwini; Machines. nhch I nn llinir cheaper llrau ever.and eieral 7.itti Nnd Fliirn c ' innchipe lor rU CITY BAKEJiY AND SAXOOjST, In Masonic Building, Oregon St., JAKMINVII.l.n, OG.V., pIIK UVDKRSIGNKH HKRKKY lK 1 Hins in iniiiimiiiv tu i lie public tlm liiT are ii'iw prepdreil lo fill m'I iuil.T4 Im eaki-s nf everv iliwriplii II. "ildi wrililniL' nkij Ciikr! d" pmliry. wtne c.ikir; uUi iir-wn hiiiI rje liuad, ginger saup a' il laekern. A Imirli linii'e willuNn be kpt at llii ii'hiv. li-r- mmim in nil stl P, LMiihiirsti ml Scliweuz r clnv(.'. can be bud ul nil fur "filie iliy r nislit. S5ayFrtli hnuil e-ery iluy. I'rce.j reusmiuble uud suiiffactinn yuaf iiiiecd. onon i ui.rich. OREGON STREET, iriJTTJEJr and HELMS, PROPRIETORS. T MR PROPIMCTOB-? OF "'11IS known and p-pulir rcort on:il nlnriii their ItieiidH n:l It pilb'ic cineinlu ha' a complete nnd ftrd i-lu 8 -lock or the he3" lirnmN 'i I qil'T", wineK. riiirs, nlr un ' porter, elr., nrr enilulilly kipt (in build I'liey will tie pl-Med to tiave their fiittid callund tnnle." CABINET. A f'ahinet f CuiioM'ir? Biny also he found hire. We wmi'il be plea-ul In luivi i.ei-otiH pnD!M8iii! cuniij'itien Hiul iepitlien- hrins;ilim in, ami we will jila them in lie Cabinet fot infipeetion. WINT.IKK& IIKI.MS. J. XV. KKJGS, PHOTOGRAPH S, FERROTYPE GALLERY. ASHLAND OREGON. AV NOW PERMANENTLY LOOMED li-ir patron iirr I will guarantee tu give mi. i aciion Mv molio i" to live nnd l. iiie pi !" lo mil the Inn-f. I nm hImi piepurid in d oui'lo .r work Inking land-cape?, pri vate relineeR tc. Cull ami see n-cini"iif of picinrts taken in all ki:d of w nlher J. W R. P. DONlGAN GENERAL BLACHttLING -AND BSOKSi: MIOESiVC-. Cor., of Second and California St. I.L KINDS OF MAUKOTAHIh i punluce lakeu in 1 leliatue lor wmk P. DUN KHAN. PHOENIX DISTILLERY AM) SALMON. Phoenis, Ogn. J. L. HOCKETT, Prop. I 'HE UNDERSIGNED HAS TAKEN I full charge of this business and is pre pared tofurnUhthepublicaithafiist'class quality of Brandy, WiBe and Cider. The saloon will always be applied with the best of liquors and cigars. Oysters and sardines always kept on hand. J. L. HOCKETT. SLATE CREEK H0U3E! 3. 1. Knight, Prop., SLATS CHEEK, OS1V. I HE UNDERSIGNED GIVES NO ' tice to Ihe travelling public that fiit- jclass accommodations can always be had at this house, and no pains; spared lo make a visit agreeable. The bar will always be supplied wilh the best ofliquors una cigars. J. I. KNIGHT. T. O. BEAMKS. UEAilll Califob Tacksomville, BY ADOjTI A CASH BASIS !! THE GREATEST REDUCTION IN PRICES AND THE LARGEST STOCK -OF j ' (iEERAi; UFRCIIAMJIS ! ! -THE-i- GREATEST VARIETY TO SELECT FROM IN Any One Store in Southern Oregon or IVorthern California. ALLFOIR, CASH!! OUR STOCl FALL&Wl FACY LADIES' DRESS 1 AND DIODNl SATINS. Itol CL0T11II LADIES' CAL ,1 XTITE CALL THE . V f ladies to the ! 11 hand III" larct i m-ni M.. DIES' DM Y OOODSni everl tii Hreiro", and we lhi line of gooda iiiB at Cheaper thai To ihe i"'iii1.men i No. I SUIT OF t to I! "Mini's Urns. In 1 have, the be-l JT0C Inckson con nly and I oerrll ns. Tkesi-eonds were 1 lier ol nur firm from I 1 Mm Franci 00 and ta rant every urticlel tor rah a a"V hou,- We also keep ou ha CROi HXRDJVARF- CCTi CRO( A FULL LI FK OKI F.t'OL Flotvs, Gang Plo In fct everyiliinjj i-i n iliresiiim!-fnar ml judi;e lor voorsel it fi.riiiKliinc l'oinU J The uv to tiiuke I'o -live 11 but clieul L'A-ll for joor gnJ F.RIT PRAJ WATCHiliKERl Cnlifori Jacksonvi Af KESA6PE 111. 'un and repairl t': urji-j" reBambIeJ Criterion CALIF(I Nolnnd & Ml "this populaJ I new mBimi." me iimiids or I'qi rendlnif tilde I mlicals and E: 104.2 G!v b of eleven weeks ea&i. Board and tuition 'per torra, $40.00 Bedand BeddjngJ. 4.00 Drawing and painting 8.00 xlaDOe ! t ., lO.UU Entrance fee only once 5.00 SELET DAY SCHOOL. Primarv. ner term S BOO Junior, " 8.00 Senior. " 10.00 Pupils received at any time, and special attention is paid to particular studies in behalf nf children who have but limited time. For further particulars apply at the Academy. NEW EOATIDING HOUSE. Board by the Hay or Week, OR single:meals. MRS. HASKINS TAKES PLEASURE in announcing to her fiieuds and the public that she has opened a first class boarding house in the building recently occupied by Mrs. M. II. Vining. My table is always spread with the best the market affords. A shareT)f public patronage is respect fully solicited. Mrs. Haseins. SANFUANCLCO ANIj- - NEWSFAFER SI AND THE UNDERSIGNED HAS PPRV-. I ed a irpneml varietvstnr.-"" .1 -iiiou on .nam street, win a full assortment of cigars. ing articles, candies, statione . -. - --c. 1 and part of Siskiyou county, I think it the duty of every man within reach of said proposed road to put his shoulder to the wheel, by going into his pocket at least a little. This enterprise is worthy of a united effort, for the reas on that it will be an incalculable bene fit to every one. By a little figuring we think we can show conclusively that all will be benefited by it. We will first mention the wool growers of Josephine and Jackson counties; they export over 400,000 pounds of wool annually by the way of Roseburg and Portland to San Francisco. This has to be shipped and reshipped and is carried 900 miles before reaching mar ket at San Francisco. Now this wool can be taken to Crescent City as cheap ly as it can to Roseburg and be shipped to San Francisco direct; that would re duce the distance to be carried to mar ket to about 330 miles and no re shipping. Thus it would seem to us that we ought to export our wool and other products to market at one-half of what it now costs. But it is safo to say, we can save twenty dollars per ton. This on wool alone would bo a saving of 4,000 per annum. But those sheep men are not all the people that would be benefited by a good wagon road to the coast. Every settler in this district of country would ""filed in proportion to his ncees- isiliaiM Every, settler uses frou him a class of inuT Richard G. Rhodes of Chicago, tha inventor, said that ha h n dent for a namber of years, and that he dLi covered the principle of the audiphono by accident. One night, after making many fruitless experiments, with tho view of finding bqiuc way of hearing his watch tick, he listlessly touched tho case of the time piece to his teeth, and he was surprised to find that its ticking was distinctly audible to him. This discovery led to the invention of the audiphone. The instrument has the shapo and me of an ordinary stifffan, and it may be used as such. It is made of a com position said to possess the property o gathering sounds and conveying tho sensation to the auditory nerve through the medium of the teeth, the external ear having nothing to do with hearing in this manner. Tha material resem bles gutta percha. Small cords run. ning from the thin edges and converg ing at the handle, servo to bend tho blade of the instrument to the proper curve forbearing to the best advantage, under different conditions. When in use the edge of the thin curved blado is touched to ong of tho upper teeth. The mutes tested the audiphone. A. young man who had been deaf from in fancy heard words spoken in the toiu of ordinary conversation. A little girl who was horn deaf indicated by sigiw