GREAT 2A.T CLE AJR A.ISTOE SALE BEBUCTIOS FOR SIXTY DAYS -IN RTANT Reduction in PRICES AT THE STORE OF !- Smith's Organ IWUf AN FIRMER. nuw in linn, i GENERAL MEECHANDIS!! THE GREATEST VARIETY TO SELECT FBOjriS Amy One Store in Southern Oregon or Northern California. ALL FOR CAS HI!. ODR STOCK CONSISTS OP' FALL & WINTER DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS;. 5S GOODS, CASHMERES, 1LS. SILKS, AND i 4 SHOES, WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF TOE ladles to the fact that we hare now on band I he largest and best pel cc led assort ment or LADIES DRESS GOODS and FAN CY GOODS or every defcription In South ern Oregon, BDuTwe will henceforth make this line of goods our speciality and sell them at Cheaper thaatho Cheapest. To the gentlemen we will pay, if yon want A No. 1 SUIT OF CLOTHES you must go to Reames Bros, to tray them as we claim to have the best STOCK OF CLOTHING in Jackson county and will allow none to un der ell us. These goods were all purchased by a mem ber or our firm front' PJRST CLASS Houses Ir San FranciFCO and'New York, and we will warrant every article and sell them as cheap " for carb as any borfte ia the county. We also keep on hand a loll stock of GROCERIES, Hardware, Cutlery, Glassware, CROCKERY. AFULLLIFE OP ASHLAND GOODS FARM ARD FREIGHT WAGONS Plowi, Gang Flows Sulky Flows- In fact everything from the finest needle to threshing-machine. Give n a call nd judge for yourselves as to our capacity of furnishing goods as above. The way to make money is to pave it. To pave it buy cheap. To buy cheap pay CASH for yonr goods and buy of REAMES BROS. FIFTEENTH YEAR. ST. HEART'S ACADEMY, CONDUCTED BY. TIE SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES. THE SHOLAST1C YEAR OP THIS school will commence about the end of August, and is divided in four sessions, of eleven weeks each. Board and tuition, per term, $40.00 BedandBcddin 4DO Drawing and paintinc. 8.00 Piano 15.00- Entrance fee only once, -. . . 5.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL- Prlmary, per term, $ 6.00 Junior, " 8.00 8cnior, " 10.00 Pupils received at any time, and special attention is paid to particular studies in I behalf of children who have but limited A time. For further particulars apply at rithe Academy. 2 EUREKA MILLS, I JTOITUATED ON BEAR CREEK SEVEN jL prepared to a general Merchant and Exchange business. The nnderelened will clre 3G pounds of flour, 2 pounds short and 8 pounds bran for jtoar- customers furnishing sacks. ' "EatIifactIon Guarauteed'9rR T.T. JfcKJZlE. las fast IKHt pupils or commenc ing and completing th COURSES OF STUDY: 1. Cusncil, requiring iix yean, including prepar atory studies. Graduate! recelre the Degree! of A. B. and A.M. SL Scttsnrrc, requiring lour jean. Degree confer red, B. 8. 3. NoMUl, CoKxncni. and Mcsictt, oecunjlnr, three years earh. Diploma! giren certifying to at tainment! of graduate. EXPENSES. Tuition Id four Collegiate Branchei. $6 a month. Mimic. $5 m month (ae o( Instrument II additional). Vocal muilc In cla5. $3 quarter. Boanl In Board Ins Hall or in PriTate Families, 3 50 to $1.50 a week. Room i or Cottages far leif-boa riling. $i to f5 per month. PARTIAL LIST CF TEXT BO0X3 . Robinson's Mathematics Steele's Series In Natural Sciences Hnrkne-s Latlu. Fasqueir French. Reed'8 S erica In English Com.weltlon, Richardson's Piano Instruction. PKOM1NKNT FEATURES AND ITEMS 07 INTEREST. 1. The College will le rhaitered: and the Normal or Training School for Traclters will be made, it Is hoped by special enactment, an adjunct of the public School sjptem, and Diplomas made rqulraleut to first grade certificates. 2. Ashland has no saloons. The sale of Intoxicating liquors Is prohibited bj the City authorities, who are sustained by a strong public sentiment. 3. The Stbool will be under the superrlslon cfan ETangellcal Christian Church. The Bible will be reverently read and studied; the worship of God en couraged; bnt the Institution will be sectarian in no objection, sense. 4. Book-keeping. Business Arithmetic, English Com position and other branches speciilly preparatory for Business Life, will receive unusual attention. 5. The Pretvptres will gtre her chief attention to the care and oversight of the young ladies. 6. An Endowment of 120.000 will be, there is reason to hope, pinmptly su'tsirlbed, enabling tlte Trustees to red nee the present rater of tuition, specially to Teachers, after the present year. Address communl ca'ious to Ashland College and Normal School, ASHLAND, OREGON. KING ofthe BLOOD The Host Tuonocan Purifier op the Blood Yet Discovered. Ctare all XTumora, from a Common Eruption to the Wont Scrofula. It purines the Blood. Itlitvtgoratea the I.tver. It regulate the Boireli. It strengthens the Stomach. It gives Tiracitr in place of lassitude; cheerfnlnesi ia place of gloom, and robuit Tigor ia place of debility. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Disordered I.ircr, Con stipation, Nervous Affections, General Debility, in abort all the numerous diseases and discomforts caused br impure blood are speedily conquered by this powerful corrector, the chief nnd aoTcrcicnot nil ancient or modern medical discoTeries Kiso or Tin Blood. ITS NAME IS ITS BEST DESCTtlP TIOJV, as it is a royal dispenser of the blessings of health, and vanquishes the foci that lurk in the Dieoa. It banishes PIMPLES, SAET imEUW. SCAI.V ERUITIOIVS, tiJCCEBS, WCAXD II K AI, FEVER SORES and all SCROFULOUS DISOR DERS. It sheers CONSUMPTION in itl early stages. ii lias irequeniiy curea 11 vnen aitTanced. It disperses TUMORS and CANCERS without the Burgeon's knife. It cures DROPSV.frenenl or partial. It cures FEMAEE WEAKNESS and DISEASE. It reduces in a safe and effectual manner all swell- Inge, external or internal. It eradicate the effects of Mineral Foisons, and establishes a aound constitution. Many certificates, much further information and full directions for U'inp, vrill be found In the pam phlet, "Treatise on Diseases of the Blood," in which each bottle is enclosed. rricel per bottle containing 15 ounce or 40 to 50 doses. Sold by Dealers in medicine. D. BANSOH, SON ft CO., Proprietors, Bnfinlo, IV. T. NOTICE. Land Office at Rosejicho, Ook. ) August 14, 1879. J Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler ling filed notice of his in tcntion to make final proof in support ot his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Jacob Kubli, Pre-emption Declaratory Statement No. 8173' for the S E of N W K, N E hi of a w 4 anct kwmoibb 4, &ec si, l 37 S, of R 4 AY, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Peter Burkhaltcr ofApplegate Jackson county, and John Gentncr of Jackson counfy, Oregon "Wm. F. Benjamin, Register. Sheriff Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION duly issued out of the Circuit Court of the Stctc of Oregon for the County of Jo sephine, upon a decree rendered at the April term, 1879, of said Court, in favor of II. F. Simon and against Israel Dietrich, Adeline Dietrich ana Chas. Hartson for the sum of Four Hundred and Seventy nine and 74-100 dollars, ivith interest thereon at one per cent per month, together with ten per cent Attorney's fees, and costs and ac cruing costs. I have duly levied upon the following described real estate, to-wit: The N. W. U of the N. W. if of Sec. 25, Town ship 40 S, Range 9 West, and will sell the same at public auction at the Court House door in the town of Kcrbyvillo between the hours of 9 AM. and 4 P.M. of tho 10th day of September 1879, for cash. Given under my Jiand this 7th day of August, 1879. JOHN TAYLOR, Sheriff Josephine Co. Ogn. AN ELED ART ASSORTMENT OF POCKET A TW Cutlery for silt Ij J0I1S.JULLE jj Gr O TO :BlV3BC31iX3XlL Bros Irr paints, om nJ bnubfl. WB weights. Seven or more to enUr and four to start. Purse S200. Entrance $5. En. tries to close on the lft day of September. Race No. 4. Trotting race, mlie beat, two in three, free !or all untried horses or horse that bare never trotted for public money. Parse $50. Entrance $5. THIRD DAY, :JEMJcit3.a.-yr Oct. 3d. Nn. 5. Running race, mile heats, three in fire, frf lor all. Parse $125. Entrance $10. fame day exhibition of stock' jVr 0 Trotting race, mile heats, free for all jree year olds owned in the district. Turse $50. Entrance $5. FOURTH DAY, Saturday, Oot. 4t3i. No. 7. Trotting race, mile heats, three in five, free for all horses owned in the district prior to July let, 1879. Parse $150. En trance $15. No. 8. Running race, half mile and re peat, free for all. Purse S75. Entrance $5 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1st The above purees to be given without ilii-count. 2d The second horse to save entrance money except in race Ab. 3. 3d Entries to be placed in the entry box kept for Ibat purpose at the pavilion prior to 9 o'clock P M on day previous to the race, except in race Ab. 3. 4th Eutiies must give name, pedigree and description of tbe horse entered as far ax known. 5th All trotting to be in harness. 6th Actional Trotting Association rules to govern trotting races. 7 th Pacific Coast rules to govern running races. 8ih Free for all means just what it sayr. 9lh In all tbe above pcp.h entrance mon ey added except in race Ab 3. The following Sweepstake race is proposed colt race, free for any colts in the di-trtel that were foaled this Spring, 1879, to run at two years i tbe fall of '81. to be entered as follows: To name and put up ten dollars on the last day of thp fair: and twent dollars jji one year from the time, and twenty dol- i irsm-re me nay nefore tee rac. The first li'jse to get 1 of the money. " second "n " " remainder! " third " V' " PB-tTRICKLAIfD, President. H.A. MoRSt Secretary. WOOL, WOOL ! ! TO T?,IH M WOOL GROWERS OF Northern California and Southern Oregon. A NEW ERA HAS DAWNED UPON yon. An enterprise hr.s been started in yonr midst which insures to you full valne ror your product. You can sell your pro duct at THE WOOL HOUSE OF- CONE & WELION, For more than you can realize by shipping to San Francisco. We have bought Three Hundred Thousand bales thus far thiss.-ason and want Three Hundred Thousand more if we can get them. Don't fail to see as be fore you sell, and we will either bay your wool cr see that you get more for it than it is worth in San Francisco. OUR WOOL PRESSES ' Are turning, on t 00 compressed bales ud il iBW-waJ tu Kjiu ik'-PM? brlntr along jour clips and get a good price for them, and help yourselves, end by so do1 ing help ns to keep the ball rolling and presses going. Enterprise should be nurtur ed and encouraged, especially where it bene GU the conntry. Bring on jour- wool, and eel the highest market rates. We want it all. CONE & WELTON. BedBloB", May 16th, 1879. NEW LIVERY STABLE BACK OF COURT HOUSE. MANNING AND Y7EBB, Proprietor. HAYING LATKLY FITTED HP TlIE COM niodlons barn on tho Scbool Housa Flat and in tbe rear of the Court House. Woare now fully prepared to attend tn allbnilnevs inonrline it 1th promptness anddlvpatch and at themi-st reasonable rates. Fine Turnouts The stable Is furn fobtd with tbe best animals and ruost substantial bngf.les; also a first class hack and saddle horses. Horses 'boarded, and the best care bestowed on them. Satisfaction guaranteed In ererjr instance. OiTe us a call and judge for yourselves. J. W. MANNING. Jacksonville, April lOtb, IS" ESCRIPTION OF CUT- J lery er als ai JIILLER.", "prion Tiiij oaBC3E;.aE- U est drugs and Patent Medicines to to KAHLEBBUM GCO -CJbLO : TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY le next SIXTY DAYS 51 Y ENTIRE LINE of titer Iti'y-fMOoils, X3Xi.TSSSS FANCY GOODS, LADIES' E1D GLOVES, HATS, , ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. AT PRICES THAT WILL DEFY COMPAXISOjY. i EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS WILL BE OFFERED TO CJASIT PUR chasers during this great sale at N. FISHER'S. EXCELSIOR LUIIlSSUM FEED STABIiS. Corner of Oregon and California sts., Jacksonville. W. J. rLYIVJ.AXE, Proper. WOULD nE3IECTFULLT INFORM THE TUC lie that he has a fine stock of Horses, Buggies and Carriages And be Is prepared to furnfrli his patrons nnd thepnl lie geii era.' with Fine Turnouts As c&n bo hH on tfw Fclflc .coat. SvMle horties hired togu-to aojr partof the couutrj Animals Dousht and Sold. Hordes 1'roko to work single or double. Hotf bonnled and the beat of car bw towed upon tbe:n while Innty clnrffc. A liberal rhare of the public patropage is solicited on reasonable teim. DR. SPINNE i lYo. 11 KEARNEY ST., Treat all Chronic Hint Special Dlscnses "5TOXT3JJO Tuunisr WHO MAY BE SOFFEIUNG FROM the ettvets of yculhful follies or indis cretion, will do well to uvnll themselves of this, the greatest boon cv.-r laid at the altnr or suCTeriiig hutnanity. DK. SFiNKEY will guarantee to forfeit $500 for every case of Seminal weakness or private disease of any kind or character which be undertakes and falls to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. There aie many at the age of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frequent ev acuation of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and a weakening of the system in a mnnner thepaticnt cannot account for. On examin ing the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often Le found and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin milkish hue, again changing to a dark and torpid appearance There are many men who die of thin diffi culty ignorant of tbe caue which is the sec ond stage of seminal weakness Dit. S. will guai an tee a perfect cure in all Fuch cases, and a healthy restoration of the genito-uri nary orglfe. Offick Miens 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sun days from 0 to 12 x. M Consultation free Thorough examinations and advice, $5. Call or nddres', DR. SPINNEY & CO. No ,11 Kearney St., San Francisco. STMEKT & fflllUME COMPANY, OF SAN FRANCISCO. FIRE AND MARINE. INCORPORATED, 1871. Established in Oregou, 1S7-1. CASH ASSETS - - S500,000 OFFICERS I A. J. BRYANT PRESIDENT R. D. ITERS. ..VICE PRESIDEN1 C. H. GUSHING SECRETARY A. P. HOTALING- & CO. 45 Front Street, Portlaml. Gen'l Agents for Orecon nnd Wus-hinjttOD. J. NUN AN", Local Aent. EAGLE BREWER Y. JOSEPH WETrERER, Proprietor Oreson'.St., Jacksonville. IE BESTOF LAOEU BEEK ALWAYS KEPT on hand and ready for sale bv the keg or glass G'k TO KAntER BR03 AND BCY YOUK-selfaP.-MFen. Air. THE STATS WM IEm."tolL5.;s FALL ANT WINTER STOCK I WILL GOODS, FRANCO -AMERICAN HOTEL & RESTAURANT AND GENERAL STAGE IIOUSE, Opposite Odd Fellows' Hull, JACKSONVILLE OREGON. MADAME HOLT, Proprietress. TRAVELERS AND RESIDENT R0ARDERS tll find the mo t ccnihtrtfLle lodgings at tltU house to be met nltUaiijwbere in this part of tbe State. The Reds and Bedding Willalvajs be found of flMt-c!asj character and kr t in a neat sad clean condition, while The Uooins are newly fnrnlrhrd and will always lkpt in neat and home HVe rcmHtlcti. A plrntilul Ftijplrof the tcst of everything the market affords will be Spread on Her Table. Her lions; -wll I be ke pt open all night, and "SQUARE MKAI-S" can be obtained at any hour of the day or night. OYSTERS PREPARED IV EVERY STYLE, fflb And lnnchen to he had at nny time. Stns" p-iwn-gprs ami other u lio mny be nut late at nijrlit cah al vaTfintla good fire, hot meaiifam) gttd bctlu at tliWhotie. itfo tumble wilT be upared todecrvo tbe patmnage i.f tbetravelllp' a- well ad tbe permanent comma nlty. Gitenua call. L. S. Y. MARSH, A. F. QUIRES. J. A. IIUUK. MECHANICS PLANIHG MILL AND FURNITURE. SASH, BLINDS DOORS AND MOULD ING MARSn&CO. GRANITE ST, ASHLAND OGN. All kinds of Planing, Moulding Turn- ing, Circular and Scroll Sawing. Furniture and Ornamen tal Carving, Etc. Done to Order. Furniture, Sash, Blinds, Doors and Moulding constantly on hand and made to order. WE WILL CONTRACT TO DK aifrn nnt prprt nil lcinda n( huildinirs Whe.i desirable to those employing us, we will furnish all tbe material required for the constrnction of any building ready for occu pancy. HARSH & CO. UNION LIVERY SALE AND EXCHANGE Corner 4th antl California Sttt JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. J. A. CARDWELL PROPRIETOR. Ti HE' PROPIIIETOP. IIA.3 fnllrrebnllt and refitted llils well known etabtlhment, and has nade extensive and comfortable addi tions thereto. I hare the very bet horses, bnggie' aud Jirery tnrnoutsof allkfnd. Mj stock of roads ters cannot be excelled In tbe State. Horses Boarded On reasonaMe terms, and the best of care and atten tion bestowed upon them while under mj charge Also Horses Bought and Sold. I am satisfied that I can give satisfaction and guarantee the same. Willi this im pression I have no hesitation in soliciting rwlronage. Are now TAKING THE LEAD OVER ALL OTHERS U Brilliancy, Sweetness of Tone, NOTI You can Buy a FIRST CLASS PIANO OR ORGAN CHEAPER Of me than ANY OTHER DEALER in the business, because I sell at WHOLESALE PRICES FOR CASH, and at a slight advance where sold on EASY INSTALLMENTS. Agents and Piano Tramps who make LARGE PROFITS are requested to open their batteries UPON ME or my INSTRU MENTS at once. Tho public will soon ascertain it is to THEIR AD VANTAGE to give me a call, and find that MY PIANOS AND OR GANS "WILL WEAR AS WELL, keep in tune as long, and SAVE MONEY FOR THE PURCHASER. Don't be fooled or humbugged by any thing you hear. "Talk is cheap" (usually.) The man or woman who is talked into paying exorbitant prices, pays very dear. BEST OF REFER ENCES GIVEN AND SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. IJgTSend for special information to JAS. S." SMITn, 201, 203it205DuroN-TST., San Francisco. BEWARE are entirely disiuieieated. Address Residence 1700 Stockton St. S. F. CKBSXBHJMrKEEeOCXIHZISKlCCaBmJBnaaBZE "the "be W WHEIEE,! IS MANUFACTURED BY rarera? mm it is ? OtW. 3h tM M J ! RACINE, WIS. WE MAKE EVERY VARIETY OF FMilllG, FREIGHT M Mil WIS, And by confining ourselves ettlctly to one class of work; by employiug none but the BEST OF WORKMEN, Using nothing but FIRST.CLASS IMPROVED MACTlIJVEJiYavrl the VERY REST And by a TnOltOUGFI KNOWLEDGE of the business, we have justly curned the reputa tion of making "THE BEST WAGON ON WHEELS. Wc "ive tho following warranty with each wapon: We Hereby WarraD ibe FISH BHO.-'. WAGON No to be well made in ever particular and of go J material, and that the Ftreutb of lht t-ume U mlllcient for a work with fair upag Should any breakage occur within one jear from 1I1N date b I reason of dvfectivr natcrial or workraanchip. repairs for the Fame tvill be furuh-hed Dlace ofsale.freec charce, or the price of paid in cash by tb purchaser producing evidence. I --fRncrrrcrTFiS., Janr-lst, 1870. I ' " ' I Knowintr we can rult von. we solicit Stalls Send for Price and Terms, PAPER to GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEiMClNK. TRADE MARK. pur nMuc. ivjak. GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, an unlaliing core lor Sptr m at orrhea. seminal weak- Before Taking nesj, 1 mpo- After Taking, tenry, and all diseases that follow as a se qtence of Self-abuse.- a loss of Mrtnorr Universal r.isfliude. Pain in the IJck Dimness of Vision. Premature Old Ae und many oilier Diseases that lead to Insan ity or Consumption and a Premature Gravo. "Fall pirticnlars in oar pamphlet, which we dfsire to send free by mail to every one- B The Specific Medicine i sold by oil drugsits at SI per package, or six packages for 5. or will be sent free by mail on receipt of the money by addressing THE KAY Jir.DItIM: CO., No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mirh. BL.Sold in Jacksonville by all druggists J ano oy an wnoiesuie aou retail druggists everywhere. H33 S OHIPTIOKTS carefully epareiat KAilLMt BiluS. and Fianos Durability and General Finid I CE. SMirirSMi()S& ORGANS. In order to introduce THESE MAGNIFICENT PIANOS on this Coast, I have put the prices MUCH LOWER than other FIRST-CLASS MAKERS, and as I do not propose to make any agents, (who generally ex tort, large profits from tho consumer) I expect to bo severely handled by such persons in the Piano business. The materials used in their con struction are of tho VERY REST kind, and the wood thoroughly sea soned. Iliey are substantially made. DURABILITY, TONE and tho power of MAINTAINING TUNE LONGER than any other piano made, are the characteristics of these instru ments. The greatest possible attention is given to their tone and touch, and I have no hesitancy in offering them to the public as FIRST-CLASS PIANOS in every respect, and warrant them to stand in any climate. of Circular finm R'vals who nrp jenlom nl mysticcrf? nnd my instrnmpcts. StoJ for reply, and see what those suv of me who JAS. S. SMITH 201, 203 &, 203 Dupont St. S F ST WAGN 'TSESISSai 11: m cil ; tjO -' OF SELECTED TIMBER A siid p:r aii-nt's prl )!. will be a sample of tbe broken or defective parts at TiriM fi. Fish. 1 sV J.wu.KMn, - &E. DROS, I i1.U. IlbUlll C I I... r Ilr..tif..c 1 patronace from every fiction of the United and for a copy tf our AGniCULTURALl $ ffiM, lM fe Is Him t9s. ,Vf.i fcl IKi fl FISH BROS h CO.. RACINE. WIS. fed mm& n pOJTUANI),OilE,0: Anu Jacksonville, Oregon. GIBBS !& STEAKS will attend to- all busiuess in Portland.