Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 24, 1879, Image 3

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"Wednesday, : September 24, 1879
S. M. Pettcnpill & Co New York
Geo. P. Rowell & Co New York
Howell & Chceseraan St. Louis
L. P. Fisher San Francisco
D. H.Stearns Portland
Ilellglottf Directory.
31. E. Ciiuncn. Religious services every
Sunday at the usual hours, hy the Rever
ends M. A. Williams, D. A. Crowell and
A. Hardison.
CATnouc Sekvices. Services will be
held at the Catholic Church in this place
every Sunday at the usual hours in the
mornini; and evening, Rev. Father Blan
chct officiating.
M. E. Soxday Sciioou Regular meet
ing every Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Catholic Scsdat School. Regular
meeting every Sunday afternoon at 2
On a Visit. Walter Sutton, for
merly a typo of this office, but now a
! resident of Ellensburg, and present
County Clerk of Curry county, arrived
fcawnfuvimt on Monday?- laBfTfe
TvriW remain a week or so before return
Temperasce Lecture. To-morrow
evening Mrs. P. Annetta Peckham
will lecture on temperance, st the M.
E. Church. The lady is highly rec
ommended by the press of other States
as an eloquent speaker and an earnest
advocate of the temperance cause. Of
course she will be greeted by a good
Lynch Law. There is a report go-
inrr that three men suspicioned of
Lorsc stealing in Modoc county Cali
fornia were hung by vigilantes and
two others wounded in making their
escape. John Purdy and Al. Howe
are the names given of two of the un
fortunates. The Adin"Hawkeye,"from
which we glean tho report, considers it
For the Fair. The Jacksonville
Minstrels and Brass Band will start for
Treka next Sunday to attend tho Fair
and give a series f entertainments.
The Band will also compete for the
premium offered by the Agricultural
Society. "We commend them to the
watchful care of the Yreka people who
will find them as fond of fun themselves
as they are making it for others.
Taken Below. Capt. Riley started
from Rock Point, for Vancouver, last
Friday, in charge of three persons sen
sentenced by the court-martial, recent
ly held at Fort Klamath, for desertion.
They will be taken to Cape Disappoint
ment where two will serve out five
and one three years. The ambulance
Avhich broucht them from the Foit
passed South on its return on Friday
Thomas' Saw Mill. Mr. G. B.
Franklin, the mechanic who construct
ed J. B. Thomas' new saw mill at the
Meadows, was in town last Thursday.
The mill is now in operation and turn
ing out the best quality of lumber.
Everything connected with the estab
lishment works like a charm. Water
is scarce but as soon as the ditch be
comes stilled and tho waste ceases
the flow will supply the mill during
the whole year.
"brought the celebrated horse Scamper
down to town last Wednesday and
delivered him to JosClough who started
with him next day for Roseburg. The
liorse was in fine condition and, when
Booth parted with him, the scene was
truly affecting. Had not the bargain
been completed prior to that moment
we are under the opinion that "Scam
per'' would not have Jackson county to
return, no more at this time. He is a
noble animal whoever may be
come his possessor.
Home Industry From W. H.
- Atkinson, mtmmiurj? and part owner of
the Ashland Woolen Mills, we learn
that the. company is so rushed with or
ders they can hardly supply the de
mand for goods at this time. Their
principal trade is with Northern Cal
ifornia, but this year they have also
received a number of orders from the
Willammette Valley. Blankets is
Micir speciality, and the article man
lfactured is not to be excelled by any
ther mills on the coast. They have
wool enough on hand to run them till
next January.
Runaway. On last Friday a two
horse team belonging to Mr. Peter 1
Boschey, while attached to a wason
became frightened and started from
Veit Schutz' brewery, where they were
left standing, and dashed down street at
a fearful rate. They turned the corner
between Fisher's store and Linn's fur
niture shop and ran with the wugon as
far as Plymale's livery stable, against
the corner of which they collided
breaking loose from tho vehicle. Be
ing free they ran furiously on until
they were pretty well exhausted when
they were overtaken and brought back
The horses were not injured but the
wagon was considerably wrecked.
Tramps are numerous.
Call at Brooks' and see his new style of
stock marks. "
Pat McMahon has discovered a lime
stone quarry.
Considerable sickness prevails througn
out the county.
Kubli is expecting a full assortment of
stoves in a few days.
Clean your wells now and you may pos
sibly prevent sickness.
The Ashland College has a number of
students from California.
Manning & "Webb arc still making addi
tions to their livery stable.
Q. TV. Holt is now putting up the fire
walls of his elegant new hotel.
Fred Otten and family have removed to
their residence on Jackson creek.
Geo. "W. Stephenson has just completed
his new barn at .his farm near town.
Jesse Houck, the popular host of the
Ashland House, was in town j'estcrday.
Prof. J. Q. "Willils will probably take
chargo of the district school at Phoenix.
A krge invoic&xof new stoves of every
variety are soon to Ba received at Bilgcrls,
J. R. Cameron has iSKVhands at work
shearing his flock osheep near Fort
The "College Ceroma" is out It is neat
in appearance and affords much solid read
ing matter.
It is P. G. Strickland who has been ap
pointed receiver iu the Metropolitan hotel
at Roseburg.
Several runaways of late, and other caus
es, have left the lamp posts of this city in
a sorry plight.
Rav. M. A. "Williams will hold services
at the M. E. Church next Sunday morning
at the usual hour.
John Miller will soon commence build
ing a new and commodious barn at his
farm on Applegate.
Again we call the attention of those ow
ing taxes. Sheriff Byhee gives his friends
notice in this paper.
The dance given by the Brass Band at
Veil's Hall last "Wednesday evening was a
very pleasant affair.
R. L. Ish has gone to Linkville to assist
in managing M inning & "Wcbb'3 livery
stable at that place.
Al. McKcnzic now has charge of the
Giand Applegate Company's work during
the absence of Mr. Fitzpatrick.
Chns. Logan, Mrs. B. F. Rceser, Miss
Hattic Rceser and Mrs. Morris Baum, of
Ashland, were in town last Saturday.
The Board of Equalization is now in
session at the County Clerk's office and
will complete its labors this week.
Col. John E. Ross started for Salem
last Saturday with ten head of horses. He
will remain until after the State Fair.
G. "W. Holt, while at work handling lum
ber on his new building, had tho little fin
ger of his right hand broken last Friday.
Mrs. G. M. Stroud, wife of conductor
Stroud of the Portland and Albany express
traiu, is visiting friends in Jacksonville.
Chas. J. Howard is building a neat little
house on Oregon street, and his family will
arrive from Josephine county next month.
Postmaster Mullcr is taking down the
old lock boxes now in use at the PostofDce
and will replace them with new ones at
E. C. Brooks has just received the largest
stock of clocks ever brought to this place.
He has all kinds large and small and of
all prices.
Ex-Gov. Chadwick and Major Fcchet
started yestcrdaymorningfor the mines on
Lower Applegate. They will be gone sev
cral days.
B. F. Dowcll returned from Portland last
week, ne will remain at home a short
time we presume to give his protege W. C.
Griswold a rest.
John Miller and Horace Seybert arc out
in the mountains hunting. It is expected
that venison will be a drug on the market
when they return.
Joe H. Hyzer is running tho boarding
house for the Squaw- Lake Co. a Mr.
"Woodford succeeding him at the Grand
Applegate diggings.
Win. Eaton is doing good work in the
Herrin lane and that muddy thoroughfare
during the Winter months will be greatly
benefitted thereby.
The "Mercury" says that Jackson Grant,
sent to the penitentiary for life from Mult
nomah county for murder, died in that In
stitution one day last week.
O. C. Gunnison, of Lake county, called
on us this week. He is employed as car
penter " '""' y T'Tirr Vag-pr"".
limes thriving at that place.
J. M. Betts, agent for the San Francis
co Board ot underwriters, has been engag
ed for several diys past in making a sur
vey of this place for the use of the Board.
B. F. Dowell is the happiest man in
Jacksonville. He "got away" with Gris
wold and stands an even chance in getting
the pipes clear that carry water to his resi
dence. Mrs. J. M. Sutton, accompanied by her
brother, Mr. D. Shook, came in from Alka
li valley, Lake county, last week. They
will start on their ircturn the latter part of
this week.
Johnny Young is to succeed Hal. Hoff
man at Mrs. Bilger's hardware store and
will arrive about October 1st. The latter
goes to Lake county to commence business
on his own account.
Beef hides aro taken from this county to
Portland and returned manufactured into
leather. Fred Luy received a number of
siues oi sole leatiier last week with John
Orth's brand plainly visible.
Pat Donegan's residence had a narrow
escape from being burned to the ground
on the eveninc ot the 18th insL It oriuina-
ted by one of the lace curtains getting afire,
but was checked before any serious damage
was aone.
0. Harhaugh will hold an auction sale
at his farm near Phcenix on Oct flth, and
continue the same until every article of
his farm machinery and household goods
is sold. He also offers 1,200 graded Men
no ewes for sale.
By the official returns from Siskiyou
county we see that Carlock, (Rep.) is elect
ed State Senator from that district over
Mathews, (Dcm.) by a majority of 28. An
other Republican vote for U. S. Senator
two years hence.
On account of the sickness prevalent in
the vicinity of Antelope creek J. W. Simp
son has postponed the dance advertised to
take place at his residence on the 19th inst
Due notice will be given when it occurs.
Rev. Father Buchard is expected to ar
rive in town to-day on his return tc, San
Francisco. Should he come, he will re
main over next Sunday the guest of Fath
erBlanchet and preach at the Catholic
church on that day.
Wm. H. Parker has leased the old South,
crland saw-mill on Big Butte and will run
it for the next two years on his own ac
count He proposes to thoroughly repair
it and make all kinds of lumber which he
will sell at reasonable figures.
By the published proceedings of the
Board of Town Trustees it will bOBcen
that the fire truck and other apparatus be
longing to the Corporation are to be turned
over to a regularly organized fire company.
The move is one in the right direction.
Sheriff. Bybee has recovered from
ms recent sicKncss ana is ame uj at
tend to his business.
Robt. Garrett is having a buckboard
constructed for Winter use on his
mail route. W. W. Kentnor of Ash
land is putting up the woodwork.
Mr. M. Formanhas opened a wagon
shop in J tho rear end of Chrystal's black
smith shop, ne proposes in addition
to wagon making, to do all kinds of
fine joiner's work.
C. S. Sercrent will this week move
his store at Phoenix from the old
stand to the building formerly occu
pied by him as a residence. Ho has
made extensive repairs and will have a
neat store when finished.
John Ray, of Butte creek under in
dictment for assault with a dangerous
weapon was placed under bonds to ap
psar at tho approaching term of the
District court. J. W. Manning and
Pat McMahon aro his bondsmen.
The most popular dance of the sea
son was held at Vpit Schutz's hall on
last Wednesday evening. The attend
ance was large, as the dance was free,
the Jacksonville Brass and Strinsj
Bind furnishing music for the occa
sion. To-day Nort Eddings, the getlemanly
driver on the 0. & C. Stage line be
tween Rock Point and the Mountain
house and Miss. Minnie Gall, of this
county, are to be married, at the resi
dence of the bride's father. We ex
tend congratulations in advance.
Second Lieutenant Willis AVittich,
of Fort Klamath, has been promoted to
a FirstLieutenancy, vice Ross, appoint
edadjutant. This will carry him to
Co. B., now stationed xt Port. Town
send, and ho will start for that point
after tho expiration of his leave of ab
sence. Jas. A. Cardwell arrived from San
Francisco on Monday last where he
had been for some time past making
purchases for his livery stable in this
place. Among tho new goods purchas
ed are four new buggies all of the
latest pattern and they aro expected
to arrive in a few days.
Messrs. Jacob Ish, Jno. E. Ros",
J. W. Manning, H. Amy, John Wat
son, J. P. Walker, J. S. and M. Eu-
banks have purchased of II. Burbank
the right to make, vend and use Eli
Sweet's horse power elevator and post
driver in this and Josephine counties.
The consideration was 800.
Fr.oM Ashland. A number of
Ashland people were in town last
Monday. Among the number we met
Capt J. M. McCall, W. H. Atkinson,
L 0. Miller, Dr. Taylor and Rov J.
H. Mayfield. The- were all in excel
lent health and spirits and proud of
the rapid improvement of their thrifty
In order to give spatfjrof.
curtail our usual variety of editorial
matter. The interesting character of
the address will doubtless compensate
readers for t he omission. It will be
found able and instructive and wo
commend its perusal to every friend
of education.
Jas. M. Elliott of Vacaville, Califor
nia, arrived in town last Friday. Ho is
abrotherof Geo. W. Elliott and an old
resident of Oregon, having lived for
many years in Linn county where he
still owns large land interests. Mr.
Elliott is one of California's subsantial
men. He proposes to remain in this
county for a few days only whpn he will
return to Pitt river where he has an
immense herd of cattle.
The Bard of Avon never uttered
truer words than when he said, "He
that hath no music in his soul is only
fit for treason, stratagem and spoils."
Listen to the exquisite notes from Mr.
Theodore Kugler's splendid piano,
touched by his skilled hands, and if
the music does not "sweep o'er the
grandest octaves of your heart" it will
be useless to uttempt to cultivate the
nobler emotions of one so insensible to
that which is beautiful and inspiring.
the coevrr assi
We take the following
ures from the assessme:
county as turned over to
Equalization by County
C. Goddard:
No. of acres agricultur
517 value $755,232.
city lots, 352,882. Val
ments. 8218.013. Valu
dise and implements; 33
ey, etc., 498,593. Val
etc., 63,126. No. of horj
4,436-value, 151,007.
10,266 value, 76,40'
and goats, 42,353
No. of swine, 10,500
Gross value of all prope
Indebtedness within t
610. Exemption, 2
value of taxable prope:
No of polls in the couni
We give below soi
for 1878 from which it,
comparison that Hen
property and in tBjf taxable
property. Gross vahe oBroperty,
2,300,282. Total taxnMHroperty,
1,503,588. Horses, $W)- value,
154,299. Cattle, 10,936 value 92,
998. Indebtedness, 570,699. Exemp
tion, 226,125. The dinerence in the
value of taxable property in favor of
last year is 62,941, which will not be
materially reduced by any assessments
that may be made by the Sheriff while
collecting taxes. The valuation of cat
tle and horses was much higher last
year than this. Taken altogether a
comparison of the two years doe not
give a very encouraging outlook in re
gard to the financial future of the
Wanted to Get "Married. Last
Friday night between 11 and 12o'clock
Madame Holt, of tho Franco Ameri
can hotel, was roused from her slum
ber by a call from the dining room.
She inquired who's there, and the re
sponse came in dulcet tones, "Its me."
Not knowing who "me" might be the
Madamegraciously stepped forth and was
astonished to discovera blushingdamsel
of not more than seventeen summers,
and an innocent looking youth of per
perhaps twenty-four. Well said the
obliging hostess, "what can I do for
you?" We want to get married," said
the- gentle youth, and tho damsel
blushed more scarlet than even "My
God" exclaimed the Madame, "have
you got ycur n""y ""Y"' said the
would be Benedict; "can't we get mar
ried without!" "Get married without
license" echoed tho Madame "haveJ
you no sense'' "Cant weliave a rooml"
inquired the persistent candidate for
matrimony, now evidently driven to
despVi-atloir. "No, you- can't have a
room," fiercely ejaculated the Madame,
"but you can have two rooms. You
can take one at tho far end of the
hall and this girl can have ono adjoin
ing my own where I can watch over
her and be assured of her safety."
"Oh!" stammered the poor fellow, "wo
didn't want to go in the same room."
"No" lisped the maiden, no! no! no
'Well," demanded the Madame, "do
you want roonibl" "Guess we'll go back to
Ashland; our folks are camped there,"
mildly responded the sad and dissap
pointed pair as they locked arms and
disappeared through the door they had
entered into the Plutoni&n darkness
just as the clock struck the dead hour
of midnight. The watch dog barked;
a suddenly awakened cock forgot the
hour and crowed and all was still,
save two palpitating hearts, fondly an
ticipating the time when they would re
spond to "but ono th
Yreka Fair. "TI?e Yreka Union"
life "5
of the 20th states that at that time
only three stables had been quartered
on the Fair ground. - "James Souther
land's, Mr. Hnlleck's rind Ned CNeiTs;
but by the middle of nfxt -week all Be
statue room wurooCCWipRl. jlr.
leek is driving three or four, prominent
among which is tho Glendening mare,
quite well known here. Mr. Souther
land is driving about' the same num
ber, the noted one of his stable being
the black stallion, Sir Walter. Ned
O'Neil has a couple of good looking
ones he is putting in trim, one being
his Abdalah colt, of which he thinks
lots and who we would not be surpris
ed to see make it quite lively, if as Ned
says, he feels all right when the tim
comes. The society intend to have
the track in the best possible condition
and are now fixing up and repairing
the stables and stalls and fences so as to
have everything in good condition.
We confidently expect to see the at
tractions at the Park -this year far
surpass and be more, satisfactory both
in the racing and stock exhibit, than
any previous year."-
J. H. Hoffman completed an elegant
coffee urn ior C. W. Savage at Mrs.
Bilger's in and hardware store last
week that was a perfect beauty. It
holds about seven gallons and is made
of the finest sheet copper.
Minstrels at the Club Room Saturday
those" of the Golden State in according
him a hospitable welcome to their
Colts Poisoned. Mr. James Mc
Donough last Friday discovered sev
en fine colts he had running in his
pasture poisoned. Three were dead
and a fourth died in a few hours after
beingfound ailing. In what manner or
by what means the mischief was done
is not known.. Some attribute it to poi
son in the water they drank caused by
a dead animal decomposing in the
creek which runs through the pasture;
others to some poisonous herb and oth
ers still to the act of some malicious
person. The most probable theory is
that they ate some poisonous herb.
The colts were all thoroughbreds, three
of them being Scamperdowns and all
were valuable. The loss of such an
imals at their ago cannot be estima
ted. Ashland Items. Jesse Houck has
one of tho finest dancing halls in South
ern Oregon The brick work of
the new Masonic building has been
completed and the structure is in the
hands of the carpenters Marsh
fc Co. are the busiest men in Ashland,
having morn work on hand than they
ian get away with Work on the
new Odd Fellow's building will be at
onco commenced, the foundation hav
ing alreadv been laid H. F.
Phillips does a good passenger business
on hts Linkville stage lino and gives
the best satisfaction ; Seven sol
diers who stopped jjwte last Friday
night while on thetf way to the Fort
got into a row mong themselves and
made things lively for a time. They
were all armed at the time, but peace
was restored before anyone was hurt.
Cause, too much tanglefoot.
Board or Trustees. A special
meeting o?ctiiP Board of Trustees was
held last Monday evening all the mem
bers present. J. H. Huffer petitioned
for the purchase of lot No 3 in block
60, and L. Hubert petititioned for the
purchase of a lotin block No. 61, which
were referred to the Committee on
streets. A petition was received from
the citizens of Jacksonville asking
that the Hook and Ladder Truck be
turned over to them after organizing
a fire company. The petition was
granted and the President of the
Board and City Recorder were author
ized to attt-nd to all expenses incurred
in making necessary repairs to the
truck and other apparatus belonging
to the Fire Department.
Probate Court. Proceedings be
fore Judge Day since our last report:
In the matter of the guardianship
of Geo. M. Love, a minor. Resigna
tion of Jas. T. Glenn, guardian, accept
ed, and Mary Ann Chambers appointed
in his stead,
Tn tfir mn'tir ig )lmm nritr nt Wm -A.
Perkins, L. Holmes appointed ad
ministrator. In the matter of tho estate of U. S.
Hayden, deceased, Executors author
ized to pay all legacies as provided in
In the matter of the estate of Doro
tha Otten. deceased, Fredrick Ottenap
pointed Executor.
MANNING In this city, Sept. 20th, to
the wife of J. W. Manning, a son.
MARCH In Manzanita precinct. Sept. 12,
to the wife of Daniel March, a daughter.
CAWLEY At Rock Point, Sept. 15th, to
the wife of E. R. Cawlcy, a son.
LOGAN REESER At tho residence of
the bride's parents, in Ashland, Sept. 21,
by T. G. Watters, J. P., Chas. W. Logan
and Miss nattie M. Rceser.
iMJi:r.NDOT skuics or school cooks.
Parents and teachers are notified, that
I am prepared to furnish the new series of
Readers and Spellers in exchange for old
of the same grade, of the Pacific series
or for introduction. A small sum will be
charged on each book exchanged or sold.
Orders from Teachers are not required.
Wm. Hoffman, Agent
September loth.
Suite Oi .!'. JSl.lJv.uuu.y oi jacKovi
ordered that you appear in said court on or
before the 10th day of November, 1879, and
answer the complaint of Sarah A Henry,
filed against you for a divorce from the
bonds of matrimony, now existing be
tween you and the said Sarah A. Henry,
and for the care and custodv of two minor
children, Addie Henry and Wilson Henry.
The issue of said marriage, or the same
will be taken for cofessed and the prayer
thereof granted by said court
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Sept 10, 1879.
Land Office at Rosebcro, Oon. )
Sept. 0, 187U ("
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and secure fiinal entry thereof at
the expiration of thirty days from the date
of this notice, viz: Francis L. Johnson,
Hemcstead Application, No. 1,991, fortne
Lots 1, 2 and 3, Sec. 21, and X W 14 of
N W 14, Sec. 22, Township 34 South, of
Range 1 West and names the following as
his witnesses, viz: Hesckiah Mathew, of
Jackson county, Ogn., and T. J. Johnson,
of Jackson connty, Oregon.
Wm. F. Benjamin, Register.
Land Office at Rosebcro, Oon. )
Sept. 18, 1879 f
Notice is hereby given that the follow,
ing-named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and secure final entry thereof at
the expiration of thirty days from the date
of this notice, viz: J. G. Lantcrman.
Homestead Application, No. 1,938, for the
S ; ot .N V 1-4, and Y Jot JS Ji 14, ga
2i,T8, u "est, ana name?
lowmc: as his witnesses, viz: J
locK ut JacKson county,
Jicncn ol JacKson count
Land Office at Rosebct.o Oon, )
Sept. 8th, 1879. j"
Notice is hereby given that the follow,
ingnamed settler has filed notice olhis inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and secure final entry thereof atthe
expiration of thirty days from the date of
this notice, viz: Arthur Pool, Homestead
Application No. 1,999, for tho NJ of S E
if, and E of S W.if , Sec. 13, T 36 8, R
1 E, and names the following as his wit
nesses, viz: Joseph Clift of Jackson Coun
ty Ogn, and George Abger of Jackson
County Ogn,
Wm.F. Benjamin.
Land Omen at Roseburo Oon. ?
Sept. 8th, 1879. j
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settlcr'has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and secure final entry thereof
at the expiration of thirty days from the
date of this notice, viz: Annie E. Kincaid,
Homestead Application No. 2,231, for the
S E H of S W if, S W Q of S E if , sec. 32,
T 38 S, R 5 W. and N W if of N E if , and
N E 1-4 of N W if of Sec.5 T 39 S, R 5 W,
and names the following as her witntcsscs
viz: J. R. Nail of Josephine County, Ogn,
and W. L. Nail of Josephine County, Ogn,
Wm. F. Bejamin, Register.
JL nish the market with every description
of lumber of a superiorquality. Thismill
is new throughout and furnished with the
latest and mostimprovcdmachincry.thcre
by ensuring tho speedy fulfillment of all
orders at most reasonable prices. Bills
twed to order with dispatch.
E-s7tiive me uTTrtal and I will prove
what I say, for satisfaction is guaranteed
In every case. JESSE B. THOMAS.
Table Rock, September 3a, 1879.
1 running a daily line of four-horsu
stages between Roseburg and Coos City
making the through trip in twenty-four
hours. Stages leave Roseburr; every
morning. Sundays excepted, at 6 a. it., and
make close connection with San Francisco
steamer twice a week. The time from
Roseburg to San Francisco will bo three
days and through fare has been fixed at
$14.50. Fare from Rose mrg to Coos Bay
CHKAWiST weekly
newjpapiT In the
U.S. SaviXTr-Flv
Ckhtb a Ykar.
postage INCLUDED.
Fifteenth year of
publication. It Is
especially complete
an tbe dls-
lfcvnr us, UVUI lun
Western Associated Press and tba
n auonu Associated rrc sa. besides
an eitenslTesystem orspeclaldls-
F itches from lllmport-int points.
t Is Independent tn Polities, pre
tenting political news free from
? artisan coloring, wltnoatfear or
aTor. Every number contains Six
Computed StorUt. A faTorlta
family paper. It lathe Cheapest
Wy iri ttio 0. a. 73 cents a
year. Address Chicago Weekly
INews, 12 j nrta at, xatcaiwriiL
1 1. W. fflPRT.
and Winter stock of iIUHnT Gooar
consisting of
Rlbboni. French Flowers. 0trleh Tips
Velvet. DiaRonal Silks Necktie. C61Ur.
Cuff, KM Glove. Lcf, Buck Comb.
Pocket Handkcrchikfi. Fuccy Wing, sal
P lumen. Perfumery, and Toilet Sop, and '
fine asjortnw nt of infant's iboe.
I alto have on band a supply of
arc.vrj.EjrKN's necictiks a collar
Far tbe hoHdavi I will hart an anorf
ment of
I havn rejeWed lb agency of tba wlv
brati-d White Setting Maohlnei, which I am
rellinc cheaper than ever, and eeral JKw.
and Florence machines for eale.
" - . ." ..11...J ytrr&. (tuvr- .
toft. KiiKtic. Celling and Moulding . can bo
unu in nay calamity, necan plane lumber
2i inches wide in fact all klndi of lumber
neccpparv to build bmuen nil at th lh n
be got ready for ue at the mill. Partiea
wno intend Dtnluing can rave hauling mors
lumber than they need Billa. plans and u
timates can be had either at the mill on Big
Butte or at their inop at Jacksonville. Ora
aaAU orders will recelvo prompt atten
BIG BUTTE, i i ii i OGN,
T7"F.KPR nnvSTlVTrr rt-Kr n tvr
....... -,.,...,. 4,, . m U.l in, 11
XV plam-d and unplaned Sugar pine lom-
oer oi me oesi quality.
Lnmber drrsjed to order on short nnlico
and reasonable terms tor those convenient
to the Mill.
Coonty Orders and Greenbacks tak
en at par.
ransETETtr es-
nro in announcing to the public that
hehasjuot receivad a oomptetn and first
!afb Bwiriment nt -Siir-Fiinrb'Mnir-Good.snch
at Ruts, Shirts. Uuderwear, ete,
belt brand- of Cigars and Tobicco, Pipe,
Notions, KaneGoixKGlMsware. Crockery,
Musical nstrnments. Bird Cage. 8ttlonnery
Pocket and Table Cutlery, .dlbams, "Joyi,
Candies. Nuts, etc., which will be sold at
the cheapest rates. Give an a call and
for yourselves.
the partnership heretofore existing
between JosErn G. WisDOSf and TV". A.
SsiDEn has been dissolved bymwual cot;,
sent. All accounts due the firm are pay
able to TV. A. Skitjer, A. "W. Preslky,
and K. Fields who will also pay all iflov
standing indebtedness.
"W. A. SNlDER.
I ket price (or wheat to all thorn
owing me, or in exchange for S
Harness or anything in my line.
i. head or Spanish Merino BucJaKbrsalo.
For particulars apply at thasPlMind
i touring .anil.
Aug 27lh-4t.
i!33-Cr G-TXXSna MADBi
i aaa repairing jrojrly toaey
irLt are
aqsis- or
TTiVn vw