"-.-, . i r THE OREGON SENTINEL Jacksonville: i Wednesday, September, 24: 1879 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. CiiadkctNye. FOUR A.l FIIIEU. Inaugural Address Delivered ly President 1,. I Bnsrro nl llie opening or Aslilnnd College hCi:omlKT I5IIi, 189. Near Flounce Rock, a romantic and " secluded cove in the mountains, far up Rogue River, there are a number of settlers located and engaged in farming and stock raising. Among them is Chauncy Nye, a Pioneer of Territorial times. He was born in JIalcorub county Michigan in 1826, but -when quite young removed, with his parents to Pakland county, Indiana, where he resided until the Spring of 1850 when he crossed the plains to California. mined for a short time near Pla- but being attracted by the orts from Yreka he visited in the Spring of 1851 and ng the Summer of that year, in me au tie leittne mines ana went to Salem, Marion county, where lie established the first bakery, ever started in that town. He remained in Salem until the Spring of 1852 at which time he removed to Jackson county and engaged in mining on Jackson creek and rontinued in the business until the following Summer. Ho was dieted a member of the Lower House of the Territorial Legislature and served during the terms of 1853-4. He served during the Indian war of 1855 in Capt John F. Miller's company of volunteers, part of the time as Orderly Seargent. In 1SC5 he was married to Amarantha Burt and the family now consists of himself, wife and three children. In politics Mr. Nye is a Republican but indepen dent when local questions are voted upon. His religious views are liberal. Unobfitrusive in his manner, just in his dealings with his fellow men, he is held in high esteem by his neighbors and all know him as a man of unquestioned integrity and a true type of a genuine pioneer. It is stated thataneffortisbeingmade lire from President Hayes a re- be Government's portion of gd upon W. C. Gris- jinB. F. Dowcll was blithe move der of the judgement against him with costs etc. and go on his way rejoicing. Jim Blaine, the Clay of the Republi can party, has won a grand victory in Maine by his bold, earnest and honest advocacy of the right. Conkling is almost certain to carry New York again. It will remain for the great West to say which shall be President, provided Yazoo, De Kalb and other sections of the bulldosing South don't force the nomination of Grant. in The ex-Confederate soldiers and sail ors of San Francisco, acted nobly participating in the reception given Gen. Grant They vindicated their claim to the title of American citizens and merit honorable mention among those who paid the distinguished ex President the regard due one who staked life and fortune on the preser vation of his country's liberty. It is seldom that a man lives to read his own obituiry but our old friend Calvin B. MacDonald sevms to be such an exception to a general rule. He writes from Oakland, California, to the Salem "Statesman," that he is not dead and he must bo accepted as competent authority on the subject. It was that paper which put the story in circulation and it did so in anything but commendable terms. Mel Cer.ua, Republican candidate for i Thirs? District of Cali fornia, is defeated by a small majority by Berry,. Democrat. McKenna was ahead until nearly all the votes were counted when his competitor took the lead an"! came' out with enough to elect. The Congressional delegation from California therefore stands three . Republicans and one Democrat. As we predicted last week the Dem ocratic State Convention of Massachu setts has assembled and endorsed the nomination of Ben Butler and "Wendell Phillips for Governor and Lieutenant Governor: The old story about Ben hooking the spoons is taken back and Lis Democracy is pronounced genuine. It is asserted by foreign news gatherers- that Russia is again seeking an ex cuse- to interfere in Turkish matters. England's suspicions of her rival are again aroused and an early resort to arms would not be surprising. SoEGiruai. Mr. L Stephenson of Jackass Creek has raised a small cropof Sorghum which attained iino growth. He is now engaged, with the aid of Ur. Wmv Pense, in manufacturing tyrup liom the cane uith a pros pect of excellent success. There is no doubt but that the Sorguin sugar cane can be raised on the Lest and in this county to perfection.. all science, all music, or all any one thing. There is a tendency in some schools to unsymmelrical development. Music alone is, we fear, depraving ; so with art; so with the exclusive study of matter or mind. Americans need art, mental and moral science. They are being neg lected. Let us learn to use the brush and pencil as well as the pen. But in supplying food for the grow ing mind are the moral and religious faculties to be disregarded 1 There are many who are loud and constant in their talk against Christian schools. We believe rather that relig ious schools are right in principle, and may be made not only unobjectionable but the more practical and thorough, for being Ghristian. It is conceded by all thaghysi cal trainins of students showM not be neglected; rather than it sp!ngthens the mind, imparting vigor and symme try to the mental faculties. The schol ar need not and should not have poor health. Calisthenics are right in theory and may be made in every school both pleasant, safe and profitable. These are statements undenied and quite stale among teachers. Why then should it be thought less desirable or necessary that the religious and moral nature should receive at least secondary attention while disciplining the mind ? Is a depraved heart less fatal to in tellectual completeness than bodily dis ease 1 There is not an argument which may bo urged in favor of giving careful at tention to the physical well being of students that may not stand with great er force in favor of religious and moral instruction. Is it said that mental action may be stimulated in connection with physical exercise ! How are the reason, the im agination and the intuitive faculties called into action as we reason of God, of Christ, of eternity, of righteousness, temperance and a judgment to come? If tracing the nice mechanism of the steam engine or of the telegraph, awak en thought, noting how well adapted they are to serve man; will not consid ering lite ana eartn as prooationary, s tending in the practice of righteous- o develope heavenly powers, to prepare for endless glory and fruition, bo still more profitable, quicken the mind, arouse to thought? If the true teacher may give instruc tion and pleasant exercise to the pupils while botanizing in fields or forests; the physical and the mental stimulating each the other, vby may not the mind and heart at the same time be directed lovingly, gratefully, adoringly, to God, the maker of all things, to love whom sincerely is the alpha and omega of true religion J In describing the steam engine, teachers commend the genius of Watts; if explaining the telegraph, the name of Morse is spoken with reverence; and ought not the teacher of Botany, Phy siology, Astronomy and Zoology to awaken most hoty reverence, most ar dent love for God among his pupils, as the perfection, utility, grandeur and beauty of nature are described? In furnishing food for thought, scope for the imagination, and exercise for ,the reason, how can a teacher do better than in Butler's Analogy, Christian Evidences, Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation, and kindred works? Is it said these are too difficult, too abstract. So may Arithmetic, Geog raphy and Grammar be made blind and uninteresting. Understood by the teacher, their importance comprehend ed; taught with tact and enthusiasm, moral and religious Philosophy will prove as attractive to upright mi pupils as mathematics and the langua- ges. As to the difficulties surrounding the subjects: man as a religious being; God eternal, righteous, merciful, omnipre sent, invisible, yet real and loving; life as a probation and Christ our guide and Savior, as to the difficulties attending the description of these questions, there disassociated, surely education and re ligion ought not to be. Christianity is not a set of forms; it is a life, a refor mation and development of the heart Because Cannibals eats human flesh, are we to become vegetarians? Because Roman Catholics train their scholars to worship images, are we to cease teaching our youth to wor ship God! Because Papists craftily disseminate Popeiy in their schools, are we to give. up our children to infidelity and not hingarianism? Satan has through the I oily of Ro manism led many to give up religion altogether. Are wo going to neglect the Christian schooling and training of our children, because Romanists have been crafty enough to use schools for propogating their baneful teachings? If so, the evil effects of that system in the past are small compared with what is yet to come of it , Ashland College will be a christian School, honestly, openly, ardently. It will not be sectarian. There is a wide difference between the terms Christian and pectarian. This will be a religious institution only in that we shall labor fo vitalize, purify, and strengthen the moral while the mental faculties are being developed. Thor oughness will not be sacrficed upon the altar of Theology. As practical scholars, as clear and independent thinkers, as ready accountants and scientists our students shall excell. But be assured, dear friends, on the Pacific coast,'piety is not alarmingly prevalent, schools are not spoiled by spirituality. Worship does not weaken. Right habits, pure thoughts, deep thinking, and devout hearts are allies. Let not education and religion be dissociated, Away with bigotry and priestcraft; but let piety and intelligence abound. By the alchemy of life fuel is trans formedmto fiber; by volitoin, truth is incorporated into character. Great thoughts make great men. Libraries and schools feed our higher natures, are tables which should never lack supplies. May the institution wo found to day nourish all that is noble in the human soul. By its aid may thou3 tnds be made mighty, capable, com plete. Wide, benign, and lasting be its influence. Citizens of Jackson County, cherish ic; defend it; honor it Living, labor for it; dying bequeath to it bountifully. Its success depends not only upon its President; but upon its patrons. Both sexes shall set at its tables. Temperance, Intelli gence and l Christianity preside at its feasts. Food thall here be spread such as the great and good have ever fed upon. Firm and healthy shall be the fiber here formed. Immortal minds in the light of their native im mortality shall here be taught and trained. Thou Great Teacher instrnct us all. On the pupils, patrons and pre ceptors of Ashland College and Nor mal School may the blessing of the Trinne God, Father Son and Holy Spirit, forever rest 2TZRST YJEAJR. Jacksonville Musical Conservatory CONDUCTED BY -o-o- 'PHE MUSICAL COURSE OF THIS INSTITUTE WILL OPEN ON THE FIRST -L of September and is divided in four quarters, each comprising twenty-four lessons. SCALE OF TRICES: Piano, ncr term 815 00 Singing, per term 13 00 Violin, " " 2100 Cithem, " " 24 00 Instructions in Composing and Thorough Bass 30 00 Calling at private residences, per term of 24 lessons 21 00 TTao oflnstrtunnt SSX Additional alVIorLtli. Pupils are received at any period, and special attention is paid to those who have but limited time. For further particulars apply at the Musical Institute. K.KUBLI, Odd Fellow's Building Jacksonville, Orego? DEALER AND WORKER IN TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD Pumps, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Ifll THAN THE CHEAPEST MORRIS MENSOR AT THE New York Store, Jacksonville, Oregon. ASHLAND HARNESS SHOP. C K. KLTIM, MANUFACTURER OF, AND DEALER IN Saddlery and Harness, ASHLAND, OREGON. KEEPS A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF goods in bis lint of trade. NAILS, PI0XEER HARDWARE STORE MRS J. BILGER AT Ml E OLD STAND OF JOHN BILGEB Calitrnia street. Jacksonville, Oregon, SEALER IN AMD EABMESS, Ladles', Hens' nml BojV Saddles, n Specialty. TEAM, BUGGY FLOW WHIPS, ROBES, .DUSTERS -i-AND-i- HORSE BLANKETS. Winchester Repeating Rifles (commonly called Henry Rifles) of model of 1866, 1873, and 1876. Pistols, Cartridges, Etc. "Wheat taken at the Highest Market Rates in Exchange for "oods. A FIRST-CLASS STOCK. OP STOVES HARDWARE, TINWARE, POWDER OF EVERT DESCRIPTION Fuse and Caps, WOODFN & WILLOW WARE, ROPE, NAILS, Paints. Oils, Varnish, Glass CUTLERY, WIRE, Shot, Brushes, Chains, Hose ETC., ETC: I have secured the erviccsofa first-clas Mechanic, and am prcpircd tnJo all repair ing promptly and in superior style. TIN.SUEETIRON, COPPER VARB Stoves, AGRICULTURAL IMl'LEMENj WEEKLY CURRENT PRICE: TN CONNFOTION FITII I I nm receiving nnd THE AnOVF. lave cm.MantIV hand a full and first-class stock of E. C. BROOKS, GROCERIES ETC. KAHLER BROTHERS. Dealers In u-iiTva -ifn .s--,-;v -' Tt 7tf BOOKS AND STATIONERY, P. TONlLCkAJ GENERAL BLACKS -t-AND-t ORSE SHO Cor., of Secoxd and California St. SwrFrancicv refiVd sugar.. 71b SI 00 Extra costa rica coffee 41b 1 00 Uopent all Szc5 per lb Ificls Livrrpool fait 3? Extra choice tea 3()cts & upward Tobacco G2Jcfs ., Candles per "box I. S3 50 DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ETC. Prints 15yds 31 00 Muslin 9cts per yd & upward Mens hats, each S 1 .00 Mens boots per pair 3.50 hoes 75 Slippers. v , 63 ,. Cottcn flinnel shirts and.. drawers, rneh 63 Mens cloth suits S3 00 worth 15.00 Mens cloth pants 53.50. . worth 6.00 And various other articles too numerous to mention. Call and examln; as it costs noth ing to satisfy yourself. DEALER IS Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SCHOOL ROOKS, STATIONERV FANCY 000DS, SIIERT MUSIC, FIELD GLASSES, VIOLINS, CITHERNS, HARPS AND STRINGS FOR THE SAME. ALSO- DRUGS, MEDICIXES, TOILET SOAPS AN) PETUMERY. Needles axd Best Sperm Oil for Sewing aiachincs, GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, GUM TCOTS, TOrACCO READY MADE CT.OTII1.VG, GL A SSWA UE. CROCKERY, kc. G"Everj thing soM at reasrnahle rate. k. Kunr.i Jacksonville March. S &18. PUMPS and P Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnish Powder & ruso A General Assortment of SHELF HARDWARE, FINEWOSTENHOLMCUTLERY ROPE & TWINE. A first-clas mechanic will attend U Job Work with neatneesand dispatch. am, H E HAS SOLD OUT HIS Hkl.lU IH LL KINDS OF MARKETABLE k produce taken in exchange lor work. P. DONEUAN. are safe, easy paths, up to the main summits; there are scenes of sublimity fruits most healthful for tha soul's eat ing to be found in ascending. They be blind, inexperienced guides who know not how to avoid the precipices and avalanches. It is a work much needed, a sub lime d pleasant work to teach His. tory and Philosophy, tho Languages, and the Sciences, in harmony with, and illuminated by Christian faith. It is clear to us that Christians, oui;ht to promptly enter upon, and la bor with enthusiasm and patience in the work of education. If we honest'y believe the teachings of the Bible; if Christ be indeed the Life and Light of the world, how can we be in doubt concerning the duty and propriety of obeying tho instruct ions of Moses, given in DeuL vi:7-9? If business and religion should not be BLAGKSMITHIM! DAVE CRONEMLLER. BACK AT TUB OLD STMD. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL work in my litir cheaper than rver, and in fact will do it cheaper than any other ;hop in Southern Oregon. Give me a call and I will convince you. DAVID CRONEUILLER. LAST CALL. THOSE KNOWING THEMSELVES IN debted to the undersigned will please call and nettle Immediately. No further no tice will be given before forced collection, as I must have money at once. MRS. J. BILGER. Jacksonville, July 9th, 1879; DO NOT FAIL to (and lor our NEW PRICE LIST. More complete than eTer. Contains , descriptions ot every thlnsr recnirrd for etrsonal or famUu vie with over 1000 Illustrations, send nina cents for It. (Stamps will do-) We sell all goods at wholesale prices In quantities to suit the pur chaser. The only Institution In America who make this their snedal business. .MONTGOMERY WAI1D & CO, XZ1UUSO Viabath Ave. Address, Chicago, IUC. TO Tl nm 16JH ! WITH A :W STOCK OF GOODS FRESII FROM AN FRANCISCO. G-EW.FLLIOTT. ave 'ru cTalij 'ink Aribitriox or the cnbllc to the bet that he basjnst return ed frc m San FcnncUco with a fall stuck of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Wolcb be Is lelling at PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION ALSO LADIES' FANCY GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY Gents' and Boys' Clothing OF THE AND AT Prices That Will Astonish the PURCHASER. MENS' AND BOYS' SHIRTS. A'fnll assortment from the finest to tbe most i. common. Spectacles and, Jewelry. Tbe finest lot of Spectacles and eje glesses eTer brought to the uwket and Watches and Jewelry of erery description. MENS' AND BOYS' HATS THE VERY LATEST STYLE. Call and he Convinced. GEO. W. ELLIOTT. ,Key. a number of !imN. hut ha another lot ot lh"m on hand. This i the liglhe't and mot rapid running, as well a durable nnchlup there is made, and to imp!p that little girls Bve or fix years old make their patch nnrk on them. This 1 the place lo buy pood watcher, clocks and jewelry, and he will sell heap jewelrv cheaper than any on(-. rtJWatche?, clocks, jewelry and sewing machines cleaned and repaired at a reduced price. JOHN-MIIiliEIl'S Is tbe placo to go for nnythins; in the hardware line. He has a large and superior stock of Rifles, Shot Gnus and Sporting Material, and fn fact everything from an Anvil to a SKELIiTOlV fcn,1 -J -jil k J a ili JbsHskA WSWXitoMli jr-Kvery Cool hu GL'AIIANTKK STAAII inside, and Mi-rrhint of whom you I uy them is authorznl lo return yom money if you are not tath-fled with the Boots. It is The Best HTJ BBER BOOT In tbe market. Ask for 't and take no other. 33CECEETI3n03.cfcOO, Sax Fraxcisco, Sole EP-uBa.i3L.. T will nlways keep constantly on hand a large stock of liquors and Tobacco. Acer.l for the PxCIFIC KUnDEli TAINT , The host In the World. Particular ntti-niion paid to Farmers' want", and the supplying r.f extras for Farm Machinery, and all information as to such articles, furnished cheerfully, on appticition No piins will be spared lo lurnish our cutoraeis with the Vst goods in market. In our line. and at the lowest prices. Our motto shall be prompt and fIr deal-. Inp; with all. Call and examine mif sloekl before ROing elcsowbere. Satistaction puari anieM IffiPOETAHT NOTICE ! Information for flie People , Ho sells at TVRSS than "Bed- rock prices FOR CASH, and all those purchasing Building Hard ware, Tools of every kind, Paints. Glass, Cordage, Brushes &c, have FOUND That he is determined to under sell any one in tho market, and peoplo who wish Cutlery, Quartz or Spy Glasses, or anything made of iron, IN Fact people from every placo or from ASHLAND "Will find that he means husincss, and will get bargains by calling on him before going elsowhere. ASHLAND ANOiHKVlLLE 3E3JKri:srJ9S9S II. F. Phillips : : : : Proprietor. T AM NOW RUNNING A DAILY LINK X. be1 ween the above point', leaving Athland with coach on Mondays, Wednesdays and Kridiys.retum'rg next day On Tueday Thursday and Saturday of each week ab-ick-board nill start from Ashland returning on the following day. FARE, (each tvay) SS.OO. Connection made at Linkville with hacks for Lukeview. -T-p-ArtLER BROS KEEP TIIE BEST ST03K . ofBootsjcd Statlouerj. We carry the largest slock of Bools and Shoes of all kinds ot any house in America GREAT SLAUGHTER IN PRICES AT E.JACOBS? STOKE Oregon Street, Jacksonville WUEItG A COMPLETE AND magncltclent assortment of new uoo'l has just b-en received, consist mg In part ol CLOTHING, DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, FANCY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, SCHOOL BOOKS, ' - HATS AND CAPS, TOBACCOS & CIGARS, HARDWARE AND CARPETS, TINWARE, ALL KINDS PAINTS. -ALSO:-ctrxoOTDO-cir glass, GnOCEIUES. A FINE ASSOUTillKNT OF LADIES' HATS AND FLOWERS, &c.,&c. In fact everything to be found in a Am class stock ot General Merchandise, which will be sold at prices That Defy Competition. The highst price allowed for country pro duce. r-Give mo a call at my establlshmem In tbe Masonic building and bn convinced that there Is do humbug abnnt thir E .J...JOBS. I IIAYK KKCKIVKI) ANOTfil I large ciiisTgnnvnt of the celehrntnl Kill grr Sewing Miichinrs. which are for safe the usual liberal terms and at the recoil priics established by the company, Thrrl tore wne nn nme. mnnev nml p.Uicncii (1 inferior machines when yon enn purchae" genuine S:nger at the same tisures In huyl ing n Singer you get n mmhine ol ncknowt-J nlgrd merit nnd establish) rrpntaiinn, andl nre certain of hnving value received for ynnrl money, as every machine is warranted by Ihel companv. The Singer Companv now s'll three qnir- lers ol all thp machine sold in the world, the ' eapneity of their works at Klinbelh, Aew Jersey, enabling them to turn nut over a ihonsiind machines a day. and they have 4,500 nfiices for the sale of these justly cele brated sewing machines, which have taken the riHT FBZEE Over nil competitors more than two hund red times. After the Chicajo fire the Relief Com mittee undertook to furnish sewing machines o Ihe needy women of that city, nnd appli ennts were permitff d to choose from six dif ferent kinds of mnchinis. 2 914 applicants I were furnished with midlines, of which nnm . rerZ42i ennae amger macn'nes anil oi distributed Hit ir choice among thf five other kinds of machines. '1 hey were to earn theirJ living nn these machines, and took tbe Sin-1 ger. because I . IT IS THE TEST. The people bonglit Singer machine" I follows' ,1273 ?ijirr Mai lP71aaaaaaaaaaasaa 1S72 219.751 VT.3 552,411 " Wl H1.G79 " 175 I19S52 17J 2P2.31B " 1'77 2J2.S12 1873 356,432 n. ir p.-.ATiiF.n. Agent for Jacktnn ami Jorpb!ne Counties lltadquarter., JncKftonYtllt, 4 3Ir. P. P. Prim. MU IClla Prim J NEWMILL1NERY STORE SPRING OPENINC We have just received "i new and completj stock ol ilillinery goods, consisting of HATS OF ALL STYLES, ' Ribbons, Feathers, Floorers RUCI-IINGS. COLLARS AND CTJFFfl I vjmxX3xrc5-. ORNAMENTS, SIDKS LACES, GEmEHEiXS' AXD LAME! HANDKERCHIEFS,' Call and see then at the builuirJK formetj occupied by Dr. Robirwoo. on Californl street- tf