Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 17, 1879, Image 3

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"Wednesday, : September IT, 1879
8. M. Pettengill & Co New York
Geo. P. Rowell & Co New York
Rjwell & Chceseman St. Louia
IL-P.Fishcr Ban Francisco
D. II. Steams Portland
Ilcllgloui Directory.
M. E. Cnrmcn. Relieious services every
Inndav nt the. usual hours, bv the Rever
ends M. A. "Williams, D. A. Crowell and
, Hardison.
Catholic Seiivices. Services will be
Pheld at the Catholic Church in this place
every Sunday at the usual hours in the
Z-t I T-. T?frl.n TIIah
-chet officiating.
M. E. Sunday School. Regular meet
ing every Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Catholic Sunday ScnooL. Regular
meeting every Sunday afternoon at 2
Religious Appointments. Rev.
D. A. Crowell will bold services at the
M. E. Church next Sunday morning
Pad at Manzamta-
rtho afternoon of the same day.
Will Not Go. We are informed
y Mr. S. Booth that he will not take
his celebrated horse Scamperdowu to
the Fair at Yreka this seaRon. The pre
miums offered will not justify him in
doing so.
From Linkvillk. H. M. Thatcher
of Linkville arrived in town last Sat
urday. Misses Ella Prim and Annie
Miller also came under his o'cort. Mr.
Thatcher started for home on Tuesday
by his own conveyance.
Has Resigned. Postal Agent
Steele has seut up Ins resignation
and has been appointed to a position
in the Portland Custom House vice
J. H. Ward. It is rumored that Ben
Simpson is to take Mr. Steele's place
in the Postal service.
Not CaptObed. Two unknown
men are reported to have attempted
to rob Mr. Watkinds keeper of
Brown's ferry on Rogue River, on the
night of the 5th iust It was thought
last week that the officers were on
their track but we have no report of
-their arrest.
Rosn Hasuanah. To-morrow and
Friday are days for religious observ
ance by the people of the Jewish faith.
E. JacoVjjs place of business will be
closed from the 18th until the 22nd.
jTheatay of Atonement (Yom Kipper)
I occurs oh the 27th . .On that occasion
I business will ha suspended by Jewish
-citizens jjenerallv.
Siskiyou County Faiu. The Dis
trict Fair will commence at Yreka on
I Wednesday, October 1st and will con-
Ftinue until Saturday. Liberal premi
ums are offered in the various depart
ments and lively competition is expect
ed. We hear of many on this side of
the monntains who intend going, and a
larger attendance is anticipated than
ever before.
New Firm. Messrs Wt A. Snider,
A. W. Presley and K. Fields 'have
formed a partnership for the purpose
of carrying on the lumber business at
the old stand of Wisdom St Snider,
near Sterling. This mill was burned
to the ground a couple of weeks ago,
but the work of re-building has been
.commenced and the new proprietors ex
pect to have it in running order in
.about a couple of weeks. Tho engine
and boiler were not damaged by the
fire and will be used in the new mill.
Lost. Three of the boys who are
at work with the Eckleson surveying
party got lost while returning to camp
not long since and spent a night in
themountains without grub or blankets.
"Thny had the surveyor's chain with
them and would probably have lx-en
t "Jef laprcv to the grizzlies had it not been
that the contract could not be comple
ted without that useful article. The
-"boss" talks of putting bells on the
wanderers when they start out again.
f :
The election in Maine last Monday
resulted in a large Republican gain
of tho vote of last year. The Green
backers cast a larger vote than the
Democrats. In that State it requires
& majority of all the votes cast to elect
and neither of the thre parties hav
ing such majority it devolves upon the
legislature to decide the contest The
Republicans have a clear majority in
both houses which will insure the
.choice of a member of that party for
Governor. Tho Democrats really cut
no figure in the contest.
Scahperdown Sold Joseph Clough
has purchased S. Booth's interest in
the horse Scaraperdown, paying 850
therefor, and is now the sole owner of
this celebrated stallion. Mr. Clough
gave $750 for the other half interest
some time ago, making $1,620 that
horse cost him and cheap at that.
Joe proposes taking him below this
Fall, and if any one doubts that he is
tjio fastest horse in Oregon they will
most likely have anj. opportunity of
trying his mettle fqfeimount they
Our wood pile is short.
Advertise in tile Sentinel.
Days and nights are equal.
Livery stables are well patronized..
There are signs of potato rot in this
Call on this office for job work of
every description.
John Griffin and family are going to
Pendleton, Oregon, to locate.
J. N. T. Miller has gone into the
livery stable business at Linkville.
A number of weddings are liable to
occur at any moment in this county.
Dr. J. W. Robinson has located at
Walla Walla to practice his profes
sion. A largo delegation, from Jackson
county will visit the Yreka Fair this
Mr. Jas. Cardwell is expected home
from San Francisco the' first of next
"Betsy Jane is the new Jacksonville
correspondent for the Ashland "Ti
dings." Col. John E. Ross will start to-morrow
for Salem. He will be absent sev
eral weeks.
Henry Judge has just received the
finest assortment of whips ever brought
to this place.
The total vote of California at the
late election will be in the neighbor
hood of 150,000.
A son and daughter of P. H. Feath
ers are expected here- from the East
to-day to remain.
It is announced that Sam L. Simp
son will soon take charge of tho Rose
burg "Plaindealer."
Miss Fannie Abraham, niece of Mr.
and Mrs. E. Jacobs, returned to Sun
Francisco last week.
C. K. Klum of Ashland has the fin
est stocks of saddles, harness and whips
to bo found anywhere.
Jacob Wagner brought down a load
of Ashland goods last Saturday for the
Jacksonville merchants.
H. v. Helms has sent his six pound
nugget to San Francisco to be exhibit
ed at the Mechanic's Fair.
Messrs. Thatcher, Worden fc Ferree I
will take charge of the sutler store at
Fort Klamath on November 1st.
The new Rock Point bridge is now
ready for travel the first freight wagon
having crossed it on Thursday last.
Dick Ish has gone to Linkville to
assist in the management of Manning
St Webb's livery stable at that place.
Dr. "Vrooman can be found either
at his office in Orth's brick or at his
residence at all hours, day or night.
Jay Gould is giving $1,000 per week
to the Howard Association to relieve
the yellow fever sufferers at Memphis.
Sheep owners are now engaged in
securing the fall clip from their flocks.
Shearers are in demand at good wages.
Tlie Minstrels give another enter
tainment here one week from next
Saturday and start for Yreka next
Work is progressing rapidly on the
Sterling ditch. Tho whole work of
relocating will be done within sixty
The Jacksonville Brass and String
Band will give a Free Dance at Veit
Schutz' hall this evening. Everybody
is invited to attend.
Some of Jesse Applegate's land in
Douglas county is now offered for sale
to satisfy an execution infavorofB. F.
Jas. Hart commences service on his
mail route from here to Wright's on
the 30th' i nst., and proposes running it
in style.
Mr. David Linn is rearing the raf
ters over Holt's new hotel and the
building will soon be safe from the
T. B. Atkinson, formerly of this
place, has opened an elegant and well
furnished saloon at Dayton, Washing
ton Territor-.
Marsh t Co. have received the con
tract for constructing the Odd Fellows'
new building at Ashland. The price
agreed upon is $3,400.
Capt Ankeny came up from Wolf
creek last Saturday and proceeded the
same evening to Sterling. On Tuesday
he started for Portland.
A. Fisher, accompanied by Miss.
Emma Gassman, started for San Fran
cisco last Friday. Mr. Fisher will not
return until next Spring.
The Roseburg"Independent"furnish
es its readers with the latest news by
telegraph and is the best newspaper
published in Douglas county.
J. H. Hoffman will start for Lake
view next week for the purpose of es
tablishing himself in the stove and
tinware business at that place.
The temperature at Dillon's saloon is
always the same even during this "hot
'spell." If you don't believe it call
around anil watch his thermometer.
C. J. Howard came up from Jose
phine county last Thursday. He in
tends removing back to this place,
with lis family in. October, to re
main. G. W.. Holt has just burned a
brick kiln containing 100,000 bricks.
This will' be- enough to complete his
new hotel and' he will have some to
Postal Agent Geo. A. Steele came
up from Portland on last Sunday's
stage to look after the mail matters.
He will remain in Southern Oregon
several days.
Wm. Eaton has been awarded the
contract for gravelling four hundred
yards of the Herrin lane and he is now
engaged at the work. Tho price paid
him is $398'.
Thos. G. Reames arrived home from
San Francisco Jast Sunday. Ho pur
chased an immense stock of Fall goods
which will arrive by -freight now
on the road.
Sheriff Bybee is confined to his room
by a severe attack of fever. We are
glad to announce that he is convalesc
ing and trust he may soon be able to
be out again.
Chas. J. Howard, County Surveyor
has purchased a lot in the west end of
town and will build a residence this
Fall. If you have any surveying to do
give him a call.
Prof. Schmidt received, last Tues
day by express from Kohler Sz Chase
of San Fruncisco, an elegant cornet.
It came uninjured and is a first class
leading instrument.
Miss Edith Dauforth, daughter of
Dr. L. Dauforth, started for her home
in Ulincis last Tuesday. She had
been spending a few months in this
place visiting relatives.
The Roseburg "Independent" denies
that Rev. J. H. Skidmore has gone to
Yamhill county to teach school and
says that he is still employed on Sol.
Abrahams new store at Roseburg.
President Hayes and a number of
his cabinet officers are swinging 'round
the circle in Ohio. He is probably
looking for some neglected friend to ap
point post-master at Jenny creek.
Miss Lizzie, daughther of Herman
v. Helms, returned from a six months
sojourn in San Francisco, last Sunday.
She came by stage in company with
Gen. Thos. G; Reames.--- - -
P. G. Strickland has been appointed
Receiver of the Metropolitan hotel
at Roseburg and papers demanding
a dissolution of co-partnership between
Perkins and Headrick have been made
The vote against Chinese emigration
at the reeent election in California was
almost unanimous The sentiment of
the people on that subject can no Ion
gar be misunderstood by Eastern sen
timentalists. We promised "not to tell how Sam
Lackland and Joe Overbecfc got lost
not long since white out surveying and
will keep our promise even if they have
to live on blackberries straight for the
rest of their lives.
Last Monday morning was a busy
time with tho juvenile population of
Jacksonville. Old Pacific Coast rea
ders and spellers were brought in to
Mr. Wm. Hoffman in a perfect deluge,
to exchange for new books. -.
Wm. Carll, Division Agent on the
O. it C Stago line, and Jos. Clough,
his partner on the Roseburg and Coos
Bay Mail route, arrived in town last
Sunday. Mr. Clough returned to
Roseburg by to-day's stage.
Sturgis fc Beckner have four miles
of their mining ditch completed on
Jackass Creek and will finish tho re
mainder in about four weeks. They
own .some of the richest mining "round
in the county which thisditch will sup
ply. Mrs. R. J. Burns, mother-in-law
of Thos. G. Reames, died at the
latter's residence on Friday last She
had been in frail health for beveral
years but was not considered in a dan
gerous condition until a short time pre
vious to her death.
Ex-Governor Chad wick and Major
Eugene Feechet arrived in town from
Portland last Saturday, They started
for the Grand Applegate mines on Mon
day and will visit "all the mines in that
region before they return. They will
spend four or five days in the moun
B. P. Cardwell, Deputy Collector of
this district, accompanied by E. C. Lord
of the firm of Hotaliug & Co. of Port
land and San Francisco, came up from
Roseburg by private conveyance last
Thursday. They came by the way of
Kerbyville and proceeded to Ashland
on Saturday.
Sterling, alias Soule, alias Ely, eta,
eta, the clean shirted bummer and bilk,
is playing his confidence game on the
people of Lake county, Oregon, and
Modoc county, California. The fellow
has about got to the end of his rope.
He is too well known to evado justice
much longer.
The District schoolinder the man
agement of Prof. Merritt, H. C. Flem
ing, Chas Prim and Miss Belle Carr,
opened on Monday last. The attend
ance averaged about forty pupils in
each department on the first day.
The new school books have arrived,
and Squire Hoffman, the local agent,
is prepared to furnisk them in exchange
for those formerlyjin use orsell them
at" introductory- rates. A small amount
additional if charged for exchange.
"They arejust going offlikehotbuck
wheat cakes with syrup on 'em," was
what we heard Dave Feathers remark
as we passed the Singer office the other
day. Stopping to learn, what the ex
citement was, he stated that he was
selling on. an average one sewing ma
chine a day. "
A. O; Eckleson, accompanied by a
party of surveyors have been-employed'
this w ee"k "surveying an extension, for
Khppel Ilanna ",s Oo al
company proposo'bringing tlie
of Silver Fork to their mines
then have an abundant supply
all the year round
"Golly did'nt I get away with Mr.
Hoffman though" was the expression
of one bright six year old to another
last Monday after having exchanged
his old and tattered First reader for a
new one of the Independent series.
From the looks of some of the books
exchanged we think th boy was right
By private letter and also by Mr.
Thos. G. Reames. who returned from
San Francisco last Sunday, we learn
that Mr. Turner is still improving.
The occulists who are attending him
have no doubt of the success of their
operation. We shall expect Mr. Tur
ner home in about four weeks.
W. H. Shook returned from- Lake
county last week where he has been
for some time past Billy is now the
owner of a farm in that county besides
being interested in a band of cattle.
He confessed to us that he now thought
of settling down and well the girls
all know what that means.-
Al. McKenzio accompanied by Chas
A. Alisky, of Portland, arrived in
town last Thursday. Mr. Alisky is
interested in several mining enterpri
ses in. this county and comes to- look
after the same. Mr. McKenzie will
take charge of tho work on the' Grand
Applegate and remain for' several
weeks. " '- ,
At the Klamath Agency last Satur
day, says the "Tidings," the contract
for furnishing 50,000 lbs of flour and
50,000 lbs of beef, net, was awarded to
Thatcher St Worden, of linkville, at
$2 75 per hundred for the flour, and
$3 39 for the beef. Newman Fisher
has the contract for 1,000 lbs corn
meal at $4 40 per cwt
By the official returns from Siskiyou
county as published in tho Yreka
".Union" E Steele, for Superior Judge,
has 202 majority, and Al. Burrows
gets away with his man by a majority
of 6G. Tho official count from the dis
trict will be necessary to decide who is
elected State Senator, the Democrats
claiming Mathews' election by seven
An emigrant, accompanied by twenty-five
members of his family, passed
through town last week on his way to
the Willammette valley. He stated
that the rest of tho family would arrive
early next Spring. They were all
members of the New Constitution party
of California and expect to hold the
balance cf power in this State next
H. F. Johns, of Washington City,
has been spending several days in town.
Mr. Johns is agent for the Government
to look after those who trespass on pub
lic lauds by cutting timber unlawfully.
He is also correspondent foFjaleading
newspaper at the Capital - A present
his health is quite pixr and he proposes
to remain for a few week's in -Southern
Oregon hoping to be benefitted thereby.
We shall next week endeavor to
present figures showing the" aggregate
amount of freight passed over the rail
roads from Roseburg to Portland and
from Reading to San Francisco during
the past year upon which the people of
Jackson and Josephine counties are
required to pay tariff charges: The
people will thereby be informed what
amount of the proceeds of their labors
is consumed in keeping alive lines of
transportation that seem to care noth
ing for iheir interests.
Ashland Normal School. This
institution was formally opened for
the reception of pupils on last Monday.
Tlie exercises were of an, imposing
character and a largo concourse of
people were in attendance.' Prof. L.
L. Rogers delivered his inaugural,
which is highly spoken of, as Is also an
address by Prof. W. I. Nichols. , The
Brass Band from this place was
in attendance Tho school commen
ces under the most encouraging prom
ise of success. In our next issue we
hope to give-a full report of tho open
ing exercises and also tho address de
livered ny.Prou Kogcrsv
lKf Arc
The Minstrels. The Jacksonville
Minstrels made their debut at the Club
Room last Wednesday evening and
were greeted by the largest audience
that has assembled in town during the
season. Every seat was occupied'and
little standing room was left on tho
floor. We only state what is said' by
all who attended the entertainment
when we say it has seldom been excell
ed by any troupe that has visited South
ern Oregon. Some of tho actors ex
celled in their parts but all did well.
The songs, conundrums, jokes and rec
itations were nearly all Dew and the
manner in which they were rendered
was unique and comic. The music was
excellent and the cornet duet, by Prof.
Schmidt and son, was in the highest
degree artistic- and exquisite. The
troupe will visit Yreka during the Dis
trict Fair and give a- number- of enter
tainments there and at intermediate
towns. We commend them to the
public as worthy of liberal patronaga.
The Pioneer Re-union. The meet
ing of the Southern Oregon Pioneer
Association at Ashland last Thursday
was a very pleasant affair. The atten
dance was la.-3 although many were
detained at home to attend tho com
pleting of their harvest work, who
would otherwise have been present
The oration, by Jas. R. Neil, ishighly
spoken of by thoso who had an oppor
tunity" to listen to it, as replete with
facts pertaining to early pioneer life,
besides being delivered in the happiest
manner. The Jacksonville Brass
Band enlivened the occasion with ex
cellent music and the Ashland Glee
Club sang several ftppropiriflie- pieces
in their exquisite style. The dinner
was sumptuous and the appointments
for the meeting were fully and elegant
ly supplied. The ball in the evening
at Houck's Hall was an enjoyable af
fair and a splendid finale to a very hap
py reunion.
. -
Fire. Last Tuesday night about
one o'clock fire was discovered in Mat
Shannon's shop, located on tlie corner of
Fourth and C streets. When first dis
covered the flames were issuing from
the north side of the roof and but for
prompt action on the part of those
who arrived first on the scene the
building would have been destroyed
and the fire would have spread to ad
joining houses. The origin of tho fire
isfsupJused to Lave been a spark from
the forge during the evening which
caught in the roof until tho late houri
when it was discovered. Thejoss sus
tained was about one hundred dol
lars. An Audacious Thief. Says the
Portland "Bee," of September 9th:
On Sunday last while Archbishop
Blanchet was at dinner some villainous
wretch entered his room and stole his
valuable gold watch. Tlie Archbishop
prized the timepiece very highly, not
merely for its intrinsic value, but
on the account of its having
been presented to him by the laity.
A strict search has been made, but
up to the present timo it has not been
recovered. Wo hope the scoundrel
who stole it will be overtaken and
Judgo Bellinger given an opportunity
to haul him over the coals.
Reduction in Fare. From E. P
Rogers, General Freight and Ticket
Agent, re learn that the O. St C. R. R.
will sell excursion tickets during trie
continuance of the State Fair at Salem
for $6.25. This amount pays fare
from Roseburg to the Fair Grounds
and return, and the tickets can be us
ed for ten days. Quite a number of
our citizens will take advantage of this
reduction in railroad fare and pay Sa
lem a visit during the State Fair to
commence at that place on October
Jocky Club. The horsemen of Lake
county have formed an organization
called the Linkville Jocky Club. Fol
lowing is the list of officers: Col. J. N.
T.Miller, President; S. B. Cranston,
"Vice President; J. W. Hamakcr, Sec
retary; Sikes Worden, Treasurer. Geo.
T. Baldwin, J. T. Forbes and S. B.
Cranston were appointetia committee
on constitution and by-laws, and Geo.
Nurse, Sikes Worden and H. L.
Webb a committee on track.
Over the Grade. A week ago last
Tuesday a six mule team, attached to a
heavy load of freight, fell over the
grade on the Pitt river mountains.
Every animal was killed and the driver
narrowly escaped with his life. The
team belonged to A. J. Baughan of
Shasta valley and was loaded with
goods for parties in Yreka. The
freight was damaged but little.
Del Norte Covnty. The official
returns of the votes in Del Norte
county show the following result Per
kins 269, White 184, Glenn, 102.
Secretary of State, Burns 240, Smith
189, Tinniu 117. Chief Justice Rhodes
251, Morrison 302;R, R. Commissioner
Cone 213, Carpenter 239, Larkiu 93.
Congress, Berry 295, McKcnna 255.
Real Estate Transations. The
following are the transactions recorded
since the last issue of the Sentinel:
S. P. Oliver to Fred Barneburg,
1G0 acres land in.Eden. precinct.. Con
sideration$200; Hiram Cady to.C.'TT. Barkell and
Joseph Cline, ditches and mining claims
im Willow. Springs preeinct. Consid
eration, $200.
J". B. Coates to Jas. TV Glenn and
others, his interest in -tract of land on
on Jaclison.cr6ek Consideration, $250.
Two 17. S. Patents were recorded
tor S. C. Taylbr and. one- to J. Bi
A. S. Moon to Francis Ball;. Parcel
of land in Table Rock precinct.. Coir,
sidcration $1,500.
Francis Ball.ty. Abigail Norton, I6Q
acres land in Eden precinct. Consid
eration, $381
John Herbergcr to C. J. Howard,
)hn Herbergci
let icJTncksonvillr. , Consideration,
Probata Court Proceedings. The
following business was transacted before
Judge Day since our last report:
In the matter of the estate of Abi
gail Ball,, now Alagail Norton, Fran
cis Ball, Guardian, discharged from
further liability.
In the matter of the estate of E Se
bring, deceased. Petition of E. Jacobs,
administrator, for order of sale of real
property belonging to estate, granted
as far as the issuing of citation to heirs
is concerned.
In the matter of the estate of Lucy
J. Farra, deceased. Annual report of
D. II. Taylor, guardian, examined and
ANGLE At Applegate. Sept. 7th, to. the
wife of Win. Angle, a daughter.
PICKENS rn Table Rock precinct, Sept.
4th, tothewifeofEJM'ickens, a daugh
ter. AXAjazixx:z
HILL INLOW At the residence ofthe
brides father at Ashland; Sept. 10th,
by Rev. M. A Williams, Geo. Hill and
Jlis Mjirlba Infuw.
OTTEN In Jaeksonvill, Sept. 15th, Mrs.
Dorotha Ottcn, wife of Frederick Otten,
aged 30 years, 0 months and 3 days.
BURNS In Jacksonville, Sept. 13th.
Sirs. Rebecca J. Burns, aged 52 years, 0
months and, 21 days.
Parents and teachers arc notified, that
I am prepared to furnish the new series of
Readers and Spellers in exchange for old
of tlie same grade, of the Pacific series
or for introduction. A small sum will be
charged on each Iwok exchanged or sold.
Oruers fiom Teachers nre not required.
Wm. Hoffman, Agent
September 15th.
the partnership heretofore existing
between Joseph G. Wisdom and W. A.
Snider has been dissolved by mutual con
sent. All accounts due the linn arc pay
able to W. A. Snider, A. W. Presley,
and K. Fields who will also pay all out
standing indebtedness.
Land Office at Rosehuhc. Oon, )
Sept. 8th, 179. f
Notice is hereby given that the follow.
ingnamed settler has fileilnoticeothis inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and securo linal entry thereof at the
expiration of thirty days from the date of
tins notice, viz: Arthur Pool, Homestead
nesscs. viz: Joseph Clift of Jackson Coun
ty Ogn, and George Abger of Jackson
County Ogn,
Wit.F. Bknjajiin.
Land Office at Rosobcro Oon, 1
Sept- 3th, 1871).
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and securo final entry thereof
at the expiration of thirty days from the
date of this notice, viz: Annie E. Kincaid,
N E 14 of N W V of SecJi T 39 S, R 5 W,
and names the following as her witntesses
viz: J. R. Nail of Josephine County, Ogn,
and W. L. Nail of Josephine County, Ogn,
Wm. F. Bejamin, Register.
In the County Court of Jack wn County,
State of Oregon, Mtting in Probate.
In the matter or the Estate of Jivi Sc
bring, deceased.
To the Devisees and Heirs unknown of
said deceased and all other persons inter
ested in said estate. You and each of you
aTC hereby cited to appear in said court on
Tuesday, October 7th, 1879, at 10 o'clock
A. M., to show cause if any exists why a n
order of sale should not lie made of thcfol
lowing described realnropcrtybelonjjingto
said estate as prayed ibr in the petition of
E. Jacobs, administrator thereof filed in
said court September 8lh, 1879, to wit:
EofS Wlf of section 4,inT. !W
South, of Range3 West, eontainlng80 acres.
One mining claim on Jackass creek
commencing at the dwelling house of de
ceased and extending p said creek 1200
yards to a stake and being 100 yards wide.
One third interest in a mining claim situa
ted on said creek just below the Hopkins
sawmill, being 400 yards long and 100
yards wide. Also one thiid interest in a
mining claim 000 yards longand 100 yards
wide situated on said creek above
above Dan Hopkins' saw mill all
situated in JacKton coimty State of Ore
gon. By order of the court, made and entered
Sent. 8th, 1879.
Wilncss my hand and the seal of said
court hereto affixed September 8th. 1870.
4w County Clerk
Bio Appleoate. The mines along
this stream if properly worked
are inexhaustable.- Tho volume of
vater flowing aloug;its.channel.is suffi
cient to-rcmovo and deposit tlie lighter
debris without obstructing the stream
in such' a irianner as to destroy the
dump along the whole line of placer
diggings following its course. But
there is not water force enough to re
move the larger, nor even tho moderate
sized boulders; and to keep the channel
open they must resort tfrthe derrick and
deposit tho heavy stone outside of tho
.bed'ofth'e stream or'but a few yearn
will have elapsed until tho mines will
be rendered; valueless. Tlie opinion,
we here express id that of the most
experienced miners with whom we hava
conversed-on the subject We shall
refer to it again.
ket price for whet to all thope that atu
owing me, or in exchange for Sudulerf1 or
llarntes or anything in mv line.
JL head of Spanish MerinoBucksforsale.
For particulars apply at the Ashland
Flouring lull,
Aug 27lh-4t
jl oeniea 10 me unaerMgnea win pieac
call and wt'.le Immediately. No further no.
nee win ue given wiore mrceu collection, as.
I must have money at once.
Jackonville,Julj9lli, 1879.
nish the mtirkct with every description
of lurmVr of a superior quality. Tliismill
is new throughout and" furnished with tho
latest and1 most improved machinery, there
by ensuring the speedy fulfillment of all
orders at mo4.t reasonable prices. Rills
sawed to order with dispatcli.
QTGive mc a triarnnd'I will prove;
what I say, for satisfaction is guaranteed'
in every case. JESSE 11. THOMAS.
Table Rock, September 3d, 1879.
ninnimr a daily line of four-horsu
stains between Roseburg and Coos City
making the through trip in twenty-four
hours. Stages leave lloseburg everv
morning. Sundays excepted, at G.u jr., anil
make close connection with San FranoKco
steamer twice a week. The time from
ItoiscburL' to San Fninrim-n n-ill w thrit
days and through fare has been fixed at
?14.50. Fare from, Rose mrg to Coos Bar
i. W. BEPRY..
anil Winter utock of Millinery Gooir
consisting of
Ribbons. French Flower. Ostrich Tini
VelrctP, Diaeonai Silk, Neckties. ColUrx,
Cuff, Kid Glovea. Lace?, Bsck Cumlw.
Pocket Handkerchi fs. Fancy Wings, ami
P lnmec. Perfumery, and Toilet Soap, and a
One fortni( ut of intaut'a shoe?.
t also have on hand a supply of
For the holidays I will have au aecort
meut of
I havn rejeived the agency of the t
bruttffl White Selvinir fpMnaa hUk T
willing cheaper than ever, and several owo
and Floreuoe machines tor tale.
ure in announcing to the public that
he ha? jiut receivsd a completa and firit
clara assortment of Gtnt's Fnrninhinz
Gooils.nch a Hats, Shirt?. Undt-rwear. etc,
nee in nun- in Kignr? ana iodscco. i ip,
Notion?. Fancy Goods. Glassware. Crockery.
Mnlcal 7r.trnmintii. Bird Cage, Stalionu.-iv
Pocket and Table Cntlerv. llhams, Tny,
Candle?, Nnts. etc., which' will be fold a.t
the chcane't rates. Give m r a call Bad ten
for yourselves.
Dealer Ik.
nJrtpBlr)ng-pr-vrl "loneby MILLt-Jt.